S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 1, 1913-<br />


A<br />

C o w a r d<br />

S h o e<br />

'^mo. u. &- PAT. ora*<br />

Woman's<br />

Helpful Shoe<br />

The Coward Extension Heel<br />

rests tired feet, relieves arch<br />

strain and supports weak<br />

ankles. A stylish fall model,<br />

built on a Coward Last, and<br />

sold at a moderate price.<br />

Coward Arch Support Slioe<br />

and Coward lExtension Heel,<br />

have been made by James S.<br />

Coward, in his Custom Department<br />

for over 30 years.<br />



264-374 Greenwich St., N. Y.<br />

-^ (UEAB -WAEEElf STREET)<br />

Mall Orden Filled | Send for Catalogae<br />

••'Kintlly make a special canvass<br />

of your congregation and see to it<br />

that every person in it, not now a s. b<br />

writer, sends 2oc., (stamps will do)<br />

for a copy, until January 1, 1911.<br />

S T A R N O T E S .<br />

*'**A memorial of Mrs. Ella Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

Carithers is in course of preparation.<br />

**'M. C. Mitchell has returned to<br />

Chicago to study this winter.<br />

**i-Dr. W. J. Coleman assisted in<br />

communion at Londonderry, Ohio, last<br />

Sabbath.<br />

Olive Street. (Signed) J. W. Dodds,<br />

'*'"*Rev. .E. A. Crcoks will assist in Superintendent; Mrs. T. J. Boyle, Primary<br />

Superintendent; Rev. T. M. Slat­<br />

communion at Winchester, Kansas, ou<br />

the second Sabbath of October.<br />

er, Pastor."<br />

***Rev. A. A. Samson, Second New<br />

York, is assisting in communion services<br />

at White Lake, New York.<br />

''**A11 of last year's students ara<br />

back in the Theological Sem,nary, at<br />

.\. S. Pittburgh, this year, and three<br />

new ones.<br />

' "Remember that the Christian<br />

Nation will be sent to new subscribers<br />

from now until January 1, 1914, for<br />

-oc n stamps or otherwise.<br />

***If you would be willing to act as<br />

agent for "The Covenanter Pastor,"<br />

ly E;r. R. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, kindly write to<br />

the office of the Christian Nation at<br />

once.<br />

***When renewing your subscription<br />

add $1.35 and receive a copy<br />

"The Covenanter Pastor," by Dr. R.<br />

J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e. It will go to you by retur-i<br />

mail.<br />

***Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, parents of<br />

the Rev. D. H. Elliott, of Winchester,<br />

Kan., will celebrate their 55th wedding<br />

anniversary at Superior, Nebraska,<br />

September 24.<br />

*'-*Rev. D. H. Elliott was in Salt<br />

1 ake City, Utah, during the convention<br />

of the National Teachers' Association,<br />

and at our request has fu.--<br />

nished us with an article on Mormonism,<br />

which we will be glad to give<br />

to our readers at no distant day.<br />

*-f*A good friend, and a member of<br />

the Eighth Street Congregation, in renewing<br />

h s subscription to the Christian<br />

Nation for the current year, added<br />

enough money to pay in advancs<br />

until January 1, 191C. May his tribe<br />

"'The Pittsburgh Convention of<br />

increase!<br />

Tuesday, the 2.3rd of September, was<br />

feirly attended in tho morning and<br />

***It is perfectly safe to say that<br />

almost without exception the many<br />

evening and largely attended in the<br />

hundreds of subscribers who aro in<br />

largely attended in the evening, altlioiigh<br />

a general Sabbath School so, by reason of oversight or negli­<br />

arrears to the Christian Nation, are<br />

Convention was also in session that gence. Everyone, so we are told, turns<br />

to the Star Notes first, on opening<br />

their paper. That is why this note<br />

is printed here. Those in arrears are<br />

Loss of Appetite<br />

sure to read it. Kindly read tbe yellow<br />

tab on your paper or on the wrapper<br />

of it. That tab tells the story.<br />

Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is<br />

tM ^ ^'"'^''^""er of prostrating dis- You can scarcely realize with what<br />

Bmi'^ ^srious and especially so to eager expectancy every morning's mail<br />

^wple that must keep up and doing or U opened—and often with what disappointment.<br />

^8' behindhand.<br />

the The sreat best constitutional medicine to tako remedy for it is ***Seattle Congregation issued a<br />

- -- -wAioi.ii.u.i.i.uiicti reiiieuy<br />

card reading thus: "Rally Day at th?<br />

Hood's Sarsaparilla Reformed Presbyterian Church is always<br />

aM ? P'"''^es and enriches the blood<br />

worth while. Of course you wil'<br />

"a buiias up the whole system. be at our Sabbath School that day,<br />

"'^ted tablets called Sarsatabs. promptly on time, wearing a pleasant<br />

smile, with praise in your heart, and<br />

bringing a friend with you. Our attendance<br />

this time should be 250. So<br />

we want all of our children present,<br />

and a special invitation is cordially extended<br />

to their parents and all thefr<br />

friends to spend this day with us in<br />

the House of God. Remember the time:<br />

10:00 a. m., September 21st, 1913. Remember<br />

tbe place; Terry Avenue and<br />

***Missionary Edgar and family had<br />

a rainy day to leave Boston, but a<br />

goodly number of friends gathered to<br />

say "good-bye." They were Rev. J. It.<br />

FOBter, Rev. R. C. Reed, Rev. W. J.<br />

McKnight, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. M. Dickson<br />

(our two new missionaries to<br />

China), Mrs. T. B. Fenwick of Philadelphia,<br />

Mrs. Paul Coleman of Blanchard,<br />

Iowa; Miss Mary -Carson, Miss<br />

Rebecca Carson, M ss Hannah Carson,<br />

Robert Carson, Miss Adelphe Faris,<br />

Miss Eleanor Reed, Master Paul Reed,<br />

Mrs. A. J. Millican, Miss Trenholm,<br />

Miss Callie Morton, Miss Greet?. Morton,<br />

iMiss Carson of Philadelphia, Mrs.<br />

Albert Woodworth, Miss Bessie Mc-<br />

Lam, Mrs. McCalder, John Calderwood,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar and<br />

daughters (Elizabeth and Florence),<br />

Mrs. McDonald (Mr. Edgar's sister),<br />

Fred and Renwick McDonald, Mrs.<br />

Herbert Smith and Miss Isabelle Mc­<br />

Donald.<br />


The Young People's Society ol the<br />

Reformed Presbyterian Church of the<br />

Covenanters, Syracuse, N. Y., desire<br />

to express their appreciation of the<br />

worth and work of one who has in<br />

the Providence of God only recently<br />

been removed from ub by death. Miss<br />

Luella W. McFarland.<br />

As long as health permitted, she<br />

was never absent from any meeting.<br />

Her fidelity was always shown in -her<br />

desire to do anything within her<br />

power for the upbuildng of the<br />

Church of Christ. Devoted to the<br />

cause of truth she could always be<br />

depended upon, and her cheerrul,<br />

hopeful disposition enabled her to do<br />

much that seemed beyond her physical<br />

strength to endure. While it<br />

seemeth strange to lUS, with our finite<br />

vision, that those who seem to be<br />

of great use in the "harvest field"<br />

here should be taken from us, yet<br />

such a life as hers in its devotion,<br />

singleness of purpose, and faithfub<br />

ness to every trust given to her, as<br />

also her 'confidence in the efficacy of<br />

Christ's atonement, should be an inspiration<br />

to us all to be more faithful<br />

to the "trust committed unto us."<br />

We also desire to express our<br />

sympathy with the family of our departed<br />

member in their bereavment<br />

and commend them to the comforting<br />

grace of cur Lord, whose promise is,<br />

"I will not leave you comfortless, f<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

will come unto you."<br />

'n use MI=S lot fifty BLANCHE<br />

TiMn is proof McALLISTER<br />

that It<br />

Is the<br />

Spot or<br />

MISS best. J. A11 B, grocers LYNN Sf II It.<br />

free WM. Smnioles FOSTER, Ma'Ieri<br />

Streak<br />

ADAn Committee. PFRonn &co.<br />

Whotmsalm DrugfgiMts Clothes<br />

233 North Second St.. Philadelphia<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Chnrcli<br />

harins no publuhins house of it« own, iU<br />

membert are advised to send their order* for<br />

Catechisms. Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

WHhirspooD Cbe presbpterian PUbllCatlOII Board orurofHs of<br />

BIdff., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

\A'ihing IN OUR clearly, OWN fairly, WAREHOUSE.<br />

briefly—hereitisat<br />

last Send only 15c IJelfast, to show that Ireland, you niiffh tlike such a paper,<br />

and ABSOLUTELY we will send the Pathflnderon qpc A probation DOUBLE 13 weeks. The<br />

IScdoes PURE notrenay us. but * we CA are g-ladto STRENQTH<br />

investin New Friends.<br />

Or send $ 1 t for lb.. full 60c. year; 1-3 money lb., back SOc. anv time i f not<br />

satisfied. Also Arfdress gppcial Pathfinder. 10c. packages.<br />

HvT, w^asblngton. P-^-<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

bunriinteeil better than amy One Hollar Tea<br />

One Price. One AfiFNT< Quality. A Sample BRAND Free NEW<br />

Belfast Tea Co., Novel 115 watch Franklin shaped Lighter. St., N. Oper- T.<br />

_| ated with one haihd; gives aji jiisraijCan-<br />

~\ eous lij/ht every time. No electricity no<br />

natterv. no wire^, noii-exptosive; does<br />

away with matches. Lights<br />

anythiiiff and everything,<br />

gas jet, etc. Dandy thingfor<br />

the end of yuur chain.<br />

Tremendous seller. Write<br />

Inootnboat Felt. Quick Comfortable wholesale for terms dress of<br />

or business. Flexible and prices, sweat, v/ith outside silk<br />

y.W.Hniiidt band,c;iii Lighter be rolled Co., into 148DiinnpSl.,N.l.<br />

several shapes. '59c<br />

Ban^sMMV&lues<br />

Sizes, 6ki to ?i^ in Black, Brown and I<br />

f*;VALUE ^ •' Gray mixed. Post paid.<br />

Cloth Alpine. Most popular hat worn this<br />

season for all occasions, fashionable, to match<br />

itrsuJt. Gray and Brown striped "^q<br />

band aid bow. Same cloth as hat. /MH<br />

' Sizes. 61^ to /i^ Post paid. • «*•<br />

'Oennhie EnglUh Felt Serviceable and stylish<br />

hat fur dress or business, flexible leather sweat,<br />

A Jewish with 11-^ inrli outside Rabbi<br />

Silk Biinrl. Can roll j* •<br />

into several Found shapes. the Sizes, Messiah 6?^ to yVn in V I<br />

; Bliick, Tan, the Kmnn Lord and Grny. Jesus Posi paid V I •<br />

If these hats Christ, are not as represented and is I will refund<br />

vriiir money now and preaching<br />

you ean keep the hat.<br />

Free CnLslog. Him tothe 300,000 %<br />

GEO. D. BUNQAV, 28 S. Jews William of Brooklyn, St., New York<br />

N. Y. He issues<br />

a monthly paper, entitled,<br />

"The Chosen<br />

People." This paper<br />

tells about theper.seciitions, hard work and<br />

S;lorious victories experienced in two active<br />

missions. Read it. Subscribe now. A sample<br />

copy sent you for 10c. Price 50c. a year.. Address<br />


R h Station e u A, mBrooklyn, a t N. i Y. s m<br />

A Home Cure Given by One Who Had It<br />

In the spring: ot 1893 I was attacked bv<br />

Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism'<br />

I suffered as onl3' those who have it know'<br />

tor over three years. T tried remedv after<br />

remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such<br />

relief as I received was only temporary.<br />

Finally, I found a remedy that cured me<br />

completely, and it has never returned I<br />

have given it to a number v/ho wereterribly<br />

afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism,<br />

and It effected a cure in every case<br />

I want every sufferer from any form 'of<br />

rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous<br />

healing power. Don't .send a cent; simply<br />

mailyoiir name and address and 1 wiUsendit freet'o<br />

try After you have usedit andit bas pro«n itself<br />

to be that long-looked-for means of curin^ vour<br />

Rheumatism, you may send the price of k. one<br />

do lar, but, understand, I do not want your monev<br />

true.—Pub.<br />

unless that relief today. Mark Mr. fair? is Jackson you H. thus Jackson, are Why offered perfectly is Syracuse, suffer responsible. No. you any satisfied 60 free Gurney N, longer ? Y. Above Co Don't Bldg., when send delay statement ''<br />

positive Isn't Write

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