S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Vol. 59.<br />

E D I T O R I A L<br />

NEW YORK, OCTOBER i, 1913.<br />


The second Sabbath of September was quite<br />

widely observed as a day ol prayer for the Bible<br />

in the Public Schools. The National Reform<br />

Winona Conference had this subject before it.<br />

The Christian Statesman for September says:<br />

"Dr, James S. Martin, ot Pittsburgh, introduced<br />

this year a new series of lectures on the subject<br />

of the Eible in the Public Schools. He made<br />

very clear and forcible the argument for Christian<br />

education as a preparation for American cit -<br />

zenship; and that the moral content of Christianity,<br />

as revealed in the Bible, is the one ethical<br />

standard recognized by the American conscience.<br />

He analyzed the forces opposed to Christ an<br />

teaching in the schools, enumerated the evils<br />

which would result from surrender to these<br />

forces, and flnallydeveloped a plan of moral warfare<br />

against these <strong>org</strong>anized influences. He also<br />

explained the attitude of the National Reform Association,<br />

declaring that the Association does not<br />

attack any race, nor any creed, nor any <strong>org</strong>anization;<br />

but that this Association is simply the<br />

defender of the Christian institutions of America,<br />

and that, as a consequence, it is at war with<br />

whatsoever race or creed presumes to attack<br />

these sacred institutions of liberty. The general<br />

line of argument pursued by Dr. Martin found instant<br />

veriflcatlon in the testimony of Dr.<br />

d'Aubigne as to the national results of the purely<br />

secular education in France.<br />

"Dr. Lyman Edwyn Davis introduced a new series<br />

of lectures this year under the general title<br />

of Literary Forces in Social Progress, the sp><br />

ciflc subjects including The Ethical Mission of the<br />

Drama, The .Moral Opportunity of the Daily<br />

Newspaper, The Moral Achievements of the<br />

Great Xovel, The Bible as the Oracle of the Great<br />

Books. He also delvered in the Assembly .Auditorium,<br />

his well-known lectures on The Kingdom<br />

of Common Sense and The 'City and the Man.<br />

"A new speaker was introduced to Winona<br />

this year in the person of Rev. Grant W. Sowe",<br />

who gave an instructive series ot lectures on the<br />

subject of Socal Uplift, delivering also his popular<br />

lectures entitled Abraham Lincoln the Lib<br />

erator, and The March of the Centuries."<br />

The Pittsburgh Board of Education has prescribed<br />

the i;se of Proverbs only in school reading,<br />

under the new Pennsylvania law requiring ten<br />

verses of the Bible to te read every morning—<br />

hardly an observance of the law in its scope.<br />

Tbe Roman Catholic influence let the law go<br />

through at Harrisburg in exchange for a repea^<br />

of the law vesting church property in the cong.-egation<br />

so far as to allow the titles to their<br />

churches to be vested according to Canon law.<br />

Now a small portion of the Bible is given to the<br />

Pittsburgh school children.<br />

The thirty-ninth annual meeting of the National<br />

Christian Association met at 10:30 a. m., July 2S,<br />

1913, in the X. C. A. building, 850 West Madison<br />

street, Chicago. The meeting was called to order<br />

by President Rev. E. B. Stewart, who requested<br />

Rev. T. C. McKnight to lead in prayer.<br />


Tn 1912 the Boird appointed our President, Rev.<br />

L'. B. Stewart, to correspond with the managers priceless principles attained and profes,sed.<br />

of the Christian Citizens' Convention to be held To be more explicit, it may be said tha<br />

in Portland, .lune 29 to July 0, 1913, which was to<br />

according to the basis submitted by the com<br />

consider all subjects touching the welfare of our<br />

government and its citizens. The committee declined<br />

to allow the queston of the relation of asked to abandon its attitude as a definit<br />

mittee, the United Presbyterian Church i<br />

secret societies to civil government to be considered<br />

and avowed witness for the following prin<br />

on its platform, but Rev. J. W. McGaw, the ciples, which are set forth in its "Testi<br />

X'ational Secretary, suggested that the Association<br />

hold a meeting about the time of the Con­<br />

mony":<br />

vention, though not in connection with it. It was<br />

I. That the Book of Psalms is the onh<br />

finally decided to hold a convention in Seattle, manual of praise authorized by (x)d for us(<br />

Tacoma, and Portland, which was done with in solemn worship;<br />

gratifying results.<br />

2. That membership in any secret society<br />

is unwise and unlawful;<br />

"THE SEATTLE CONVENTION. (The writer.<br />

Rev. Thomas M. Slater, is the President of the<br />

Washington Christian Association opposed to secret<br />

3. That slaveholding is unlawful;<br />

so'cieties.—Editor). The holding of the re­<br />

4. That communion in sealing ordin­<br />

cent conventions in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland<br />

ances should be limited to those who are<br />

was of more than passing interest to the subject to the discipline of the Churc'h;<br />

friends ol the work on the Paciflc Coast, and in<br />

5. That in certain circumstances covenanting<br />

may be a duty, and that the obliga­<br />

some sense marked an epoch in the history of<br />

the cause here. * -^ •* vVe feel unable to adequately<br />

express our indebtedness to the Association<br />

for coming with these meetings to the Coast,<br />

tion of certain covenants may descend to<br />

posterity.<br />

and especially to Secretary Phillips for his services<br />

as an <strong>org</strong>anizer and director of the work,<br />

It may be urged that, according to a recent<br />

movement on the part of our Church,<br />

and to Dr. Blanchard for his inspiring and convincing<br />

addresses. May they both be spared for ordinary members of fhe Church are not required<br />

many years of like service and of blessedness<br />

to assent to all the ^positions just<br />

in the cause of their and out Master. To Mr. specified; but are only called upon to main-<br />

R. A. McCoy, of New Brighton, Pa., we are alsoindebted<br />

for collecting and forwarding a gener­<br />

Icain an orderly and teachable attitude in<br />

regard to them. I regret to say that such<br />

ous contribution to aid in this work. He and all<br />

who helped with him will surely be remembered is the illogical condition to wlhich we have<br />

in the Great Day of rewards."—Christian Cynosure,<br />

September, 1913.<br />

sunk by recent legislation. But so far as<br />


Rev. James Harpier, D. D., of Xenia, contributes<br />

to the Christian Instructor of September<br />

i6, the following:<br />

Fully three months have elapsed since our<br />

General<br />

A.ssembly ordeiried that the report<br />

of the jomt committee on union between our<br />

Church and the Presbyterian Church in the<br />

United States be printed and published. This<br />

order I do not regard as an "overture" in<br />

the technical 'sense, directing that a vote of<br />

the presbyteries for, or against, union be taken<br />

on the basis proposed by the committee<br />

aforesaid. I deem it to be simply a direction<br />

to the Church to- examine carefully the proposed<br />

basis so as to- be able to decide with<br />

intelligence wliether or not negotiation for<br />

union in this case should be prosecuted further.<br />

Having read with close attentioii the proposed<br />

basis of union, I feel constrained to<br />

say that, thijugh calm and courteous in style,<br />

it seems to me more like a form of capitulation<br />

dictated to a cowed and anxious garri-<br />

.son by a confident investing foe than a plan<br />

of union between two coequal parties. The<br />

language used in tbe document under notice<br />

is gentle and winning, but the course commended<br />

involves tbe surrender of one of the<br />

negotiating parties to the other and, what<br />

is of more importance, the abandonment of<br />

ministers, ruling elders, and licentiates are<br />

concerned, assent to the Testimony, as well<br />

as to the Westminster Confession and Catechism,<br />

is still required.<br />

Having indicated the surrender on our<br />

part which union on the basis now proposed<br />

would involve, let us consider wbat, if any,<br />

surrender is to be made by our friends of<br />

the Presbyterian Church in the United<br />

States.<br />

So far as I can discover, the only concessions<br />

which, according to the joint committee,<br />

'the Southern Church should be expected<br />

to make are these two, namely:<br />

I. That the United Presbyterian congregations<br />

entering into the union be allowed,<br />

without interference, to continue the use of<br />

the Psalms exclusively in lihe service of<br />

praise. In connection with this it is suggested<br />

that the united body should provide.<br />

or adopt, a proper version of the Psalms and<br />

even recommend the use of it, not, however,<br />

the exclusive use of it, as a manual of praise.<br />

2. That s/hould the union be achieved,<br />

the name of the resulting body shall be "The<br />

United Presbyterian Church of North America,"<br />

which is at present the legal title of<br />

our Churah.<br />

The first of these can hardly be called a<br />

concession, certainly not a great one, in view<br />

of the fact that neither of the two largest<br />

Presbyterian churches in ftihis country has<br />

ever questioned the propriety of using the<br />

Psalms in praising God. Indeed, it would<br />

appear from the "Digest" of Baird and<br />

Moore that in the early Presbyterian body<br />

(Continued on page 6.)

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