S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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(Concluded from page 2.)<br />

vNhat wilt thou have me to do? He<br />

closed by asking all -who meant it to<br />

repeat "Thy will be done."<br />

One of the special blessings ot tlie<br />

Convention was the inspiration afforded<br />

by the presence ol Missionary<br />

A. I. Robb. Messages from such a<br />

li\ing example o£ the power of Christ<br />

viere most helpful and inspiring. On<br />

tHE CHRISTIAN MAl^lON. Vol. 59.<br />

against any one Person of the<br />

failure. A good system goes far towards<br />

secur.ng success; for example, Godhead. Therefore fo.rgiveness stow fo'rgiveness upon his people.<br />

this particular evening we had the<br />

pleasure of listening to an address by a farmer must be systematic in order may be said to be the act of The gift of f<strong>org</strong>iveness, like all<br />

him on "This is the "Victory that to be successful in business. If he "Go'd essentially considered in the other diivine gifts, comes "through<br />

Overcomes 'the World," from which has adopted the tenth system for religious<br />

.purposes he is compelled to<br />

personi of tlhe Father. . . in re­Jesuspect of judiciary power and au­<br />

Quinter, Kansass.<br />

Qh'ris'ti oiur Lord."<br />

the lollowing is an extract; "We are<br />

called to be victors. We are members<br />

ol a glorious army, and it is up penses in order to estimate his net thority." No priest or •vi'rgliin or<br />

keep an account of his gains and ex­<br />

to us to live the life of a victor." income. In this way, "while he is saint can avail to- f<strong>org</strong>ive sin, it HAPPY OLD AGE.<br />

Three things were mentioned as be­seekining necessary to such a life: pur­<br />

he is taking steps that have a nat­<br />

II. TO WHOM.<br />

Eating.<br />

flrst the kingdom of Heaven, can 'be done ,by God only.<br />

Most Likely toi Follow Proper<br />

pose, preparation, participation. (1) ural tendency to add temporal blessings<br />

to the spiritual. In the same<br />

As old age advances we require<br />

Whom does God f<strong>org</strong>ive? This<br />

Every Ife has a motive. Some lives<br />

have not lound it, but it is necessary way this may be applied to any oc­icupation, and, if we follow it out we terested personally. Two answers that will, not overtax tbe digestive<br />

a quieistion in which we are in­less food to replace waste, and food<br />

to every lile that it have a motive.<br />

Some lives have mixed motives. must reach the conclusion that even may be given, wMch however, <strong>org</strong>ans, -ivihile supplying true nourishment.<br />

What is the aim of one who has been from a business standpoint tithing<br />

amount to thfe same thing.<br />

called to be a vi'ctor? The secret of has advantages of a material kind, as<br />

every good lite is to please Christ. well as spiritual."<br />

F<strong>org</strong>i-vaness, as stated above, is Such an ideail food is found in<br />

Ther'3 I offer to you a motive which<br />

an element of justification. Jus­<br />

Grape-Nuts, made O'f whole wheat<br />

will make possible in your life the<br />

tification is one of the benefit's, en­anjoyed in this life by thlos'e who are tion of diastase in thb barltey whSch<br />

barley by long baking and ac-'<br />

highest, the holiest and the best that<br />

is possible,—to please 'Christ. (2) A to Progress," by Ruth Huston of<br />

eft'ectually called. Effectual calling<br />

is one phase of the work of gestib.le sugar.<br />

'<br />

high a.id holy purpose is not sufficient Blanchard: "The Bible teaches that<br />

chan-ges the starch into a most dJ-<br />

to live the life of a victor. The man at least the tenth of our increase<br />

who is best prepared will do the best should be given to the Lord. If the the Holy Spirit So applying The phosphates also,, placed up<br />

work. I want to appeal to you to tithe is Scriptural, then by observing Christ's work of redemption. under the outer-coat of the wheat,<br />

make a wise use ot your developments.<br />

One year wisely spent when means of progress, and by refusing<br />

it we are blessed and it becomes a Chlrist's work of redemption is His ate included in Grape-Nuts, but are<br />

execution of God's covenant of<br />

one is in his teens means as much it becomes a hindrance: First.—Because<br />

it raises a barrier between us<br />

lacking in -white flour because the [<br />

as five years when one is over thirty.<br />

grace in which He promisted to outer coat of the -wiheat darkensthe<br />

flour and is left out by the mil­<br />

All things are possible to one who and our Lord. Second,—Because it bring thte ellect out of thlei estate of<br />

has faith and youth." Here Dr. Robb raises a barrier between us and our sin and misery into an estate of ler. These natural phosphates are<br />

made a strong appeal to the youing; Bibles. Third,—It opens 'the way to salvation. The conclusion!, there­<br />

men and women to seek a college worldliness. Fourth,—It makes us responsible<br />

for crippling the work of<br />

education, a disciplined mind, the<br />

power of application, and a broad the church. It means that fewer mis­<br />

outlook on life. (3) God has honored<br />

His sons and daughters by making<br />

them share the work of bringing<br />

a lost world to Him. "Go ye into<br />

all the world, and preach the Gospel<br />

to every creature." It is a wonderful<br />

thing to have a part in it.<br />

The Devotional Exercises Thursday<br />

morning were conducted by a delegate<br />

from Tabor.<br />

"Paying Our Debts to the Lord" was<br />

taken up under the following subjects:<br />

Bible Argument for Tithing,<br />

Pract cal Advantage ol Tithing, How<br />

to flgure the Titho, Withholding the<br />

Tithe a hindrance to progress. Giving<br />

to the Lord a Safe Investment.<br />

(1) "Bible Argument lor Tithing,"<br />

by Edith Fullerton ol Eskridge: "The<br />

design of the tithe was twofold. First,<br />

the law of the tithe gave man the<br />

opportunity to become a co-laborer<br />

with God. Second, the law of the<br />

tithe provided for the support of religiou's<br />

institutions. Tithing is a larger<br />

matter than a mere scheme to get<br />

It is Christ who makes f<strong>org</strong>ive­<br />

always to our advantage to do what sinner, as innocent in 'his sigh.t. It ness possible. By His death he<br />

is right, but sometimes it requires is the removal of the sinner's liability<br />

to punishmient.<br />

God is tflie source of f<strong>org</strong>iveness<br />

satisfied the justice of God. While<br />

great faith to accept this statement<br />

as a fact. Those who have strong<br />

faith may be convinced by God's I. BY WHOM.<br />

Christ may be aajild to be the disipO'Ser<br />

of thie powen to f<strong>org</strong>ive, In<br />

Word that tithing has practical advantages,<br />

but we must appeal to the against God io His eslsential dhar-<br />

othbn words, God exalted ChHst<br />

Sin, speaking generally, is<br />

reason of those whose faith is weak. acter, as the true God, rathter than to be a Prince and a Savior in order<br />

that through Him he miight<br />

Lack of system generally leads to<br />

be­<br />

"How to Figure the Tithe," was by<br />

Glen Caskey of Kansas City.<br />

"Withholding the Tithe a Hindrance<br />

necessary to tbe well-bahnced':<br />

fore, is that the elect a,lone, are pardoned.<br />

building of muscle, brain and nerve:'<br />

cells. -=<br />

sionaries can be supported; that When foTgivenless, isi viewed "I have used Grape-Nuts,"'"<br />

some souls shall be lost. When we from 'thb standpoint of the conditions<br />

to be fulfilled to obtain it,<br />

writes an Iowa man, "for 8 years'<br />

refuse to tithe it is more likely that<br />

others will refuse, and we will bring<br />

and feel as goo-d and am stronger<br />

we come to the same concision. Aeco<br />

rdjiing to thte Word, faith, re-<br />

on them the curse ol a withholden<br />

thian I was ten years ago. ,^<br />

tithe.<br />

"Among my customers I meet,.<br />

(Concluded next week.) penltancej and confession are all<br />

a man every day wlhb isl well along^<br />

neaessary to f<strong>org</strong>iveness. But the<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />


FOR OCT. 8, 1913.<br />

By the Rev. J. G. McElhinney.<br />

Subject: F<strong>org</strong>iveness. Acts 5:31.<br />

Psalms. vv. No.<br />

30 I 7s 6s y;^<br />

6 I L. M. ID<br />

51 I /s 143<br />

130 I C. M. 362<br />

103 I 8s 7s 273<br />

32 I C. M. 78<br />

COMMENT.<br />

F<strong>org</strong>iveniess is anJ element of<br />

money. In it is involved the spiritual<br />

Ife of the iChristian and the exper)'enice but a divine act. It<br />

justification. It as not a human<br />

work of God in this world. Tithing does not take place in man like<br />

from a spiritual viewpoint is a personal<br />

blessing. It is the key that<br />

regeneration and sanctification, but<br />

outside of man, and, to apply<br />

opens the windows of heavenly blessings<br />

in abundance."<br />

liliman terms to God, in the minvl<br />

"Practical Advantages of Tithing," or heart of God. F<strong>org</strong>iveness is<br />

by Alice Faris of Topeka: "It is God'ii accounting, one who is a<br />

inclination and ability to believe in<br />

Jesus as our Savior, to repent of<br />

and confess our S'ins, are possessed<br />

only by those wh,'o are under<br />

the saving influence of thb Holv<br />

Spirit. The Holy Spirit is present<br />

savingly only with the elect.<br />

Since, however, no sinner is able<br />

to tell absolutely that he is not of<br />

tbie numbier of the elect, atnd since<br />

f<strong>org</strong>iveness is offered to all men<br />

upoini the same terms, that great<br />

blessing is open to all alike. F<strong>org</strong>iveness<br />

is' offered to sinners. To<br />

sinnjers great and Small, rich and<br />

poor, to "moriall" men and the<br />

vile anid criminal in chlaracter, to<br />

all who will accept the conditions<br />

which Christ lays down, is given<br />

the great joy of having their account<br />

ofI'^in blotted out.<br />


in years and attributes hi's. goodi<br />

healthi to Grape-Nuts and Postum,:<br />

wihichi he hiais used for the last S<br />

years. He mixes Grape-Nu'ts with^<br />

Postum and says they goi fine together.<br />

^<br />

"For many years before I began,<br />

to eat Grape-NutJsi I could not<br />

say that I enjoyed life or knewwhat<br />

it ^vas to be a'ble to say T<br />

lam well.' I suffered greatly witiK<br />

coinistipation,, but now my ha,bifs^<br />

are as regular as ever in my life.,<br />

"Whenever I make extra effort<br />

I depend on Grape-Nuts food and;'<br />

it just fills the bill. I can think.<br />

and write a great deal easier." ,'<br />

"There's a Reason." Name giv-^<br />

en by Postum Co., Battle Creek,<br />

Mic'i Read "The Road to Well-;<br />

ville," in pkgs.<br />

i<br />

Ever read the above letter? A new<br />

one appears from time to time. They<br />

are genuine, true, and full of human<br />


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