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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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September '21, 1913.<br />

A PA.M1LY PAPER,<br />

own work. Moreover a simple, siincere<br />

statement of one's lowdiness of spirit may be<br />

iu accord with their meakness. It was from<br />

Cbrist's own lips that we have the words: "1<br />

am meek and lowly in heart."<br />

2nd. By Jehovahi. Miriam and Aaron together<br />

with Moses were summoned to the<br />

tabernacle and there the Lord met them, and,<br />

callino' the others, apart from Moses, said to<br />

them that while he had spoken to them in<br />

dreams or visions yet \\'it!hi Moses be 'had<br />

spoken in plain terms mouth to mouth. And<br />

besides this, he saiid that Moses had been a<br />

tnistworthy servant i-n the performance of all<br />

his duties and that he was above reproach.<br />

And therefore that it must have been that they<br />

were blinded with presumption when they<br />

.had come before bim with railing accusations.<br />

"'Wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak<br />

against my servant Moses?"<br />



W.\RDS MOSES, (v. 9-16.)<br />

Aaron seems to have escaped punishment<br />

for his part in envying Moses. Possibly he<br />

vvas spared the punishrnent on account of<br />

the duties which devolved upon bim' as priest<br />

in the congregation. But it is more likely that<br />

lliriam received the puniish.ment because she<br />

seems to have been the instigator of this trouble.<br />

She led and Aaron followed. And he was<br />

punished in seeing the suffering which befell<br />

her and realizing his guilt in the matter. Yet<br />

it was on Miriam that the punishment fell<br />

with! the full impact of the blow.<br />

i9t. God's anger was kindled against her.<br />

"In this Aaron also suffered as it says: 'And<br />

the 'anger of the 'Lord was kindled against<br />

them.' The Lord's anger needs be enkindled<br />

but a little to. endanger them- of perishing<br />

from the way."<br />

2nd. God's presence departed from the<br />

congregation. "And the cloud departed from<br />

off the tabernacle." Envyings and jealousy<br />

among thie members of one family may stir<br />

up enough of trouble in a congregation to<br />

(irive away the presence of the God O'f Israel.<br />

So those who are envious may have<br />

fearful reckonings in the day of judgment.<br />

3rd. A fearful malady befell her. "And<br />

beliold Miriam, became leprous, white as<br />

snow.'' Leprousy, whichi was a rotting of<br />

tlie flesh, was in Israel a type of the deadening<br />

and loathsome effects of sin upon the<br />

®ul. And what was typified in Miriam's<br />

punishment with leprousy is the realization<br />

of every one w!ho is envious of another.<br />

4thi. She was shut out of .the fellowship<br />

°f the congregation for a time. "And Miri-<br />

^w was shut out from the camp seven days."<br />

" tWs punishment we may see that envy is<br />

a very heinous sin, and when it breaks 'out<br />

'" railing accusations against the servants of<br />

^^ the chuiich is expected to exercise disci-<br />

P'ine upon the offender.<br />

5th. She became the cause of delaying<br />

Me 'whole congregation of Israel in their<br />

march. "And the peoiple journeyed not until<br />

Miriaan was broug-'ht in again." Thte progress<br />

of the whole kingdom of God may be<br />

greatly retarded or; delayed through the<br />

jealousy of one person.<br />


I. Every sinful lust should be rooted<br />

out of the heart in youth,. If they are not<br />

they will abide in the life and show themselves<br />

sooner or later. Miriam was about<br />

ninety years old when this outburst of envy<br />

occurred.<br />

2. It often occurs thait a man's foes are<br />

those of 'his own household.—Matt. 10:36.<br />

3. Criticisms on the Lord's servants which<br />

come from envy or jealousy, return upon the<br />

head of those who express them.<br />

4. The Lord arises as the defender of the<br />

meek.<br />

5. That punisihment wihliich Miriam suffered<br />

in t'he congregation of Israel for her<br />

assault upon Moses, the servant of God,<br />

shows thie( heinousness of this sin in the<br />

s,ight of God.<br />

6. "Every one that exalteth himself sh'all<br />

be abased; and he that 'humbleth himself shall<br />

be exalted."—Luke 18:14.<br />

7. "The better you are, the more you will<br />

be hated. The ripest fruit is most pecked by<br />

the birds."—Spurgeon.<br />

Eskridge, Kansas.<br />

Lesson II. October 12, 1913.<br />


By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

Jealousy and Envy Punished.<br />

Number 12.<br />

Elmer, why did Cain kill his brother? "He<br />

was jealous of Abel." You see what jealousy<br />

did for Cain—he became the flrstmurderer. If<br />

Cain had really loved Abel, would he have killed<br />

him? No, but Cain allowed jealousy to linger<br />

in his heart, and it made him hate Abel. Today's<br />

lesson is about jealousy again.<br />

On our table pile up the sand for Mt. Sinai,<br />

and hollow out the two arms of the Red Sea,<br />

forming the Sinai Peninsula. The arm on the<br />

left is the Gulf of Suez and the right arm is<br />

the Gulf of Akabah. The Jews have traveled<br />

twenty-five or thirty miles northeast ol Sinai to<br />

Hazeroth, which is near the Gulf of Akabah.<br />

Place all these sticks here. on the table northeast<br />

of Sinai near the Gulf of Akabah, for the<br />

children of Israel, with clothes-pins for Moses,<br />

Aaron and Miriam. These tiny tents are where<br />

they camp, and this long tent is for the Tabernacle.<br />

Who are Miriam and Aaron, Bud? "Moses'<br />

sister and brother." And they are older than<br />

Moses too. Which one of the three has God<br />

chosen to lead the Jews, May? ".Moses." Would<br />

it be easy, Alvin, for you to let Ellsworth take<br />

the lead—even should your father place him in<br />

charge with you to help—when you drive cattle?<br />

No it would not, because Ellsworth is younger<br />

than you. But God shows us that we must be<br />

willing to submit without envy, even in such<br />

a case.<br />

Well, long before this time God chose Moses<br />

to lead the Children of Israel from Egypt to<br />

Canaan, and gave him Aaron and Miriam, his<br />

older brother and sister, to help him—Aaron as<br />

high priest and Miriam to lead the women.<br />

Moses' wife was not with him at the beginning<br />

of the journey. She remained with her lather<br />

among the mountains. But she joined Moses<br />

probably at Sinai, and now naturally takes the<br />

lead among the women. Miriam may not have<br />

met her before this time.<br />

Tommy, do you love your brother Francis?<br />

"Of co'urse I do." Did it make you angry because<br />

Francis received the prize. Instead of<br />

you? "No, I never thought I'd get it. I wanted<br />

Francis to." Helen, were you angry because<br />

Doris (—and not you—) was made captain of<br />

the basket ball team? "No, I like Doris, and<br />

voted for her myself." When we really love<br />

people we are always glad when something good<br />

happens to them. Now Miriam and Aaron should<br />

love Moses and Moses' wife. But do they? At<br />

first they loved Moses. But when Moses and<br />

the people begin to give the leadership of the<br />

women to Moses' wife instead ol to Miriam,<br />

Aaron and iMiriam become jealous, and they do<br />

not drive this jealousy out of their hearts. So<br />

it grows till they become jealous of their brother,<br />

too. "Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by<br />

Moses? hath he not spoken also by us?" Jealousy<br />

casts out their love. Are they only sinning<br />

against Moses, Ge<strong>org</strong>e? No, they are sinning<br />

against God too, for God has chosen Moses<br />

to be their leader.<br />

Is Moses afraid of anything, James? "No.<br />

•He wasn't even afraid of Pharaoh and<br />

all his army." Do you think, then, that he<br />

is alraid of Aaron and Miriam? "No." Would<br />

you not think he would be angry when they<br />

talk like this against him? But he says not one<br />

word. He has learned to control his temper.<br />

This is what God says of him because he does<br />

not resent the jealousy of Miriam and Aaron:<br />

"Moses was very meek, above all the men which<br />

were upon the face of the earth". Yes, Moses<br />

is the meekest man. It is hard to keep our<br />

anger down, but God particularly loves those<br />

who do. Now see how God takes Moses' part.<br />

He hears the complaints of Miriam and Aaron,<br />

and speaks suddenly to them and to Moses.<br />

"Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the<br />

congregation." They come to the Tabernacle.<br />

The Lord comes down in the pillar of<br />

the cloud and stands in the door. He calls to<br />

Aaron and Miriam who stand forth. "If there<br />

be a prophet among you, I the Lord will speak<br />

unto him in a dream. My servant Moses Is not .<br />

so, who is faithful in all mine house. With<br />

him will I speak mouth to mouth, and the similitude<br />

of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore<br />

then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant<br />

Moses?" God is very angry with them.<br />

When the cloud lifts, "Behold, Miriam became<br />

leprous, white as snow"—a disease almost incurable.<br />

She and Aaron are afraid now and sorry<br />

for their sin. They see how much in the wrong<br />

they have been. They cast out their jealousy<br />

and love ent^i-s their hearts again. Aaroa cries<br />

to Moses, "Alas, my lord—lay not the sin upon<br />

us—wherein we have sinned. Let her pot be<br />

as one dead. ' Moses' heart is full of lov« for<br />

this sister and brother. He f<strong>org</strong>ives them and<br />

calls to God: "Heal her now, O God, I beseech<br />

thee." God again answers the .prayer of Moses<br />

and heals Miriam. She must remain shut out<br />

from the camp seven days. When she returns<br />

she is cured. Miriam feels the love and f<strong>org</strong>iveness<br />

of her brother and of God, and with<br />

love in her own heart in the place of jealousy,<br />

she is happy once more. No, jealousy and love<br />

can never live together. Fill your hearts with<br />

love for all and there will be no room for jealousy.<br />

You will always be glad over another's<br />

joy, and in their joy rejoice. That is -the way<br />

to be happy.<br />

Montclair, N. J.

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