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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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NATION.<br />

Vol. 59.<br />

E D I T O R I A L<br />

NEW YORK, SEPTE-AIBBR 24, 1913.<br />


The Minutes of the Synod of 1913 at the<br />

present price (loc.) will come into the hands<br />

of a larger number of people than usual. We<br />

ask their attention to the Report on pages<br />

79 and 80. Is it not meet that thanks should<br />

be given to the Head of the Church for hearing<br />

the prayersi of his people, when the item<br />

as to the Seminary opening in the Star Notes<br />

is read?" Then the twO' institutions, the College<br />

and the Seminary, will both be kept in<br />

mind, and prayer shall continue that the Lord<br />

of the harvest will send forth laborers into<br />

his harvest.<br />

Dr. Henry Preserved Smith, professor of<br />

the Language and Literature of the Old<br />

Testament and the History of Religion in<br />

the Meadville Theological School (Unitarian),<br />

hasi been chosen Librarian of Union Theological<br />

Seminary.<br />

The following Sabbathi venture is published<br />

with the names in the daily press:<br />

"Washinig)ton, Sept. 14.—Ele-ven society<br />

Aphrodites in tbe early morning today, clad<br />

in skirtless bathing suits, braved the cold waters<br />

of the Tidal Basin for a three-quartermile<br />

swim across it. There were 11 when<br />

tey plunged in, but only seven reached the<br />

ether side, and those seven were blue and<br />

chilled when kind friends pulled them to the<br />

bank."<br />

What is "Society," after all?<br />


The Republic Advocate is a Chinese paper<br />

published in English at Shanghai. Tbe Missionary<br />

Herold for September contains this<br />

quotation from it:<br />

"The splendid self-sacrifice of thie missionaries<br />

in ouir midst is frequently neutralized<br />

by the selfishness of their governments, and<br />

we bope thiey will let this truth be widely<br />

known."<br />

The writer is supposed to be a Yale graduate.<br />


It is not thie private sentimen't.s or individual<br />

conduct of the inhabitants of a land,<br />

which gives character to a Kingdom of this<br />

world, as such; neithier is the adoption of<br />

Christian principles and practices by the<br />

great bulk of a people sufBcient to constitute<br />

the nation a Kingdom of Christ. The nations<br />

of the world have, in thieir national capacit\',<br />

too plainly acknowledged and served<br />

the god of this world. They have also, in<br />

too many instances, proclaimed themselves<br />

Kingdoms of anti-Christ, gi-\-ing their power<br />

and support directly to the beast in their<br />

public social character. When the happy state<br />

of things announced in this prediction shall<br />

have been introduced, it is impossible to believe<br />

otherwise than that these Kingdoms<br />

shall in the same public social capacity, become<br />

the Kingdoms of Christ. And what<br />

does tbis becoming the Kingdoms of Christ<br />

imp rt? Certainly at the very least, that for<br />

which we are now contending, namely, that<br />

in token of tbeir subjection to Him they shall<br />

recognize His authority, and subordinate<br />

their interests! to the advancement of His<br />

glory.—Messiah the Prince, by William Syming-ton.<br />


"fial monthly magazines were not edited by<br />

college graduates. The man who made the<br />

remark<br />

was- piromptlly confrcnited with the<br />

following record:<br />

The Qentury, edited by Robert Sterling<br />

Yard, Princeton, '83.<br />

Scribner's, edited by Edward L. Burlingame.<br />

Harvard, '69.<br />

Harper's, edited by Henry M. Alden, Williamis,<br />

'57.<br />

Atlantic Monthly, edited by EUery Sedgwick,<br />

Harvard, '94.<br />

Review of Reviews, edited by Albert<br />

Shaw, Grinnell, '79.<br />

World's Work, edited by Arthur W. Page,<br />

Harvard, '05.<br />

commandment teaches us that we should keep<br />

holy the Lord's Day. The Sabbath of 'the<br />

]e-\\-s. which is our Saturday, was gradually<br />

changed by the Christian Church to the day<br />

of re:urrection, which is Sunday.<br />

But the<br />

fourth co-mmandmenit applies absblutely to<br />

the Christian Sabbath even as it applied to<br />

the Jewish Sabbath. It teaches us that one<br />

day in seven is holy, and is to be used for<br />

worsbip and nest. It teaches us also that we<br />

are to work six days. Idleness during the<br />

-si-eek is just as mnch a violation of this law<br />

as is staying away from churcb on Sunday,<br />

In these days when the observance of Sun-<br />

day is getting more and more slack it might<br />

be well for us to urge this, commandment as<br />

strongly as possible. God will not bless the<br />

individual or the; nation which 'refuses to<br />

obey this law."<br />

Plans for a great International congress on<br />

marriage and divorce, tO' be held in San Francisco<br />

May 19-25, 1915, were tentatively decided<br />

upon at a reoenit luncheon attended by<br />

members of the California State Commission<br />

on Marriage and Divorce. The congress will<br />

be held under the auspices of the international<br />

committee on marriage and divorce,<br />

at the head of which is Bisihop Luther B.<br />

During a recent, discnission of the old Wilson, of New York. Cardinal Gibbons and<br />

quesition, college versus no-college, one of W. Bourke Cockran are expected to deliver<br />

addresses.<br />

tbe contestants remarked that the substan-<br />

SOCIALISM NO. 3.<br />

Class Struggle.<br />

By the Rev. J. M. Coleman.<br />

Marx finds two, and only two, classes in<br />

society, capitalists! and laborers.<br />

Henceit<br />

is impossible to reconciile the interests of<br />

these classes; there must be hostility<br />

as long as both endure. The outcome of<br />

the struggle between these classes will be the<br />

disappearance of the capitalists and the abolition<br />

of capitalism.<br />

Since th'is result is to<br />

oome about, not through any process of education,<br />

but through the, working; of social<br />

laws over which man had no control, it will<br />

be interesting tO' see how far the inevitable<br />

President Woodrow Wilson bas appointed<br />

process has gone.<br />

the Rev. Dr. Rufus W. Miller one of the 11<br />

In the evolution of the class struggle there<br />

delelgates to represent the United States<br />

are several inevitable results to be noted.<br />

Government at tbe International Congress on<br />

I. The wages of the laborers will be continually<br />

reduced from period to period and<br />

Alcoholism which will be held in Milan, Italy,<br />

September 22 to 28. Doctor Miller is secreitary<br />

of the Publication and Sunday School<br />

the pauper class will increase until all laborers<br />

belong to it. Marx wrote these views<br />

Board of the Refonned Church. Another of<br />

about fifty yearsi ago, so that sO'me will be<br />

the delegation is /Rev. Carles Scanlon, of the<br />

able to judge how far thfe theory seems to be<br />

Presbyterian Temperance Committee.<br />

supported by t'be facts.<br />

According to the statements, of those who<br />

Rev. Dr. Floyd Tomkins says in his comment<br />

on the Sabbath School Lesson of Sep­<br />

have given careful study to the question, not<br />

only wages, but also the standard of living,<br />

tember 7, in the Public Ledger: "Tbe fonrth has a higher level than when M'arx wrote<br />

"Das Kapital". But if the view of IVTarx<br />

is correct the decline of wages and increase<br />

of pauperism should have been going on for<br />

at least a century and a half, or since the<br />

definite rise of capitahsm'. Wages should be<br />

lower, not only in money, but in what money<br />

will buy than in our grandfather's days.<br />

Those whoi are supported by charity should<br />

be growing in numbers year by year. But<br />

none of these things are turning out accord'<br />

ing to the theory, which would seem to indicate<br />

that th'ere is something radically wrong<br />

with the theory or the facts.<br />

2. The number of capitalists will inevitv<br />

blv decrease.

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