S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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12<br />

THE CHRISTIAN NATIO'N. •Vol, 59.<br />

fathers, but it yet remains to be ficok of Common AVorship, and adop-<br />

'Pioven, whether the more slack a-.id ced from God's Word, is more or less<br />

conscienceless ways of the present familiar to our readers.<br />

-n-iU bring forth men in the coming<br />

•<br />

generation that will be as well pre- ^'HE FRUIT OP LABOR.<br />

'Pared to give their account at last (Concluded from page 2.)<br />

unto God as are many of the sons "And we'll raise that two hundred,<br />

whose fathers ordered their households<br />

according to greater strictness<br />

too. Us Bend folks ain't much<br />

croppers, and ain't got no money<br />

iu "faith and manners."<br />

"Straight is the gate, and narr laid by. But old man Sawyer says<br />

the way which leadeth unto life." ^'"s'll give his bay colt, 'cause 'fore<br />

Blessed are they that find it and the meetin's started his, boy Bill<br />

follow it unto the end.<br />

was jest a'goin to the bad. Susie<br />

MISS<br />

Holt's his gal, vou know, and<br />


SLATER.<br />

Susie would go to the meetin's.<br />

Miss Margaret Estelle Slater, daughter<br />

So Bill he comes, too, and<br />

of Mrs. Margaret A. Slater, died . ,<br />

Sabbath morning, August 31st, at her '^ S straightemed him out wonderhome<br />

in Beaver Falls, Pa. She was ful Mv IMao-o-ie savs vnn can<br />

the sister of the Rev. John C. Slater, ' , ^, ^''ff^-^'^ ^^>^ y°-^ '^an<br />

who was also her -pastor, and of Mra. have the feathers what she aimed<br />

J. G. McElhinney of Quinter, Kansas, to have when her and Tim started<br />

For years she lived in the same home ,<br />

with her uncle. Dr. R. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, who ^° ^usekeepm . J im am t drunk<br />

was greatly attached to her, as in- now for six months—not since<br />

deed were all her friends. Her uncle, • t,- i „<br />

Dr. W. J. Coleman, conducted the fun- y°" ^ivte him thatl talk on temeral<br />

services and she was buried at peranoe and the sin o' drink. And<br />

Miller's Run with her kindred. u i^j t- i • • ', .<br />

old lid Jinks give a pig, and about<br />

THE MARRIAGE SERVICE. twenty more has promised. The<br />

The Presbyterian Board of Publi- ^'^lomen says the meetjin's, jest<br />

cation has published "The Marriage mustn't stop. That's the most rest<br />

•Service." It is a daintily and sub- they gets all thfe week. Me and<br />

stantially bound little volume, in ToK ..,^ m^ mi n ^i. ..<br />

^.-^ -^v, ..u i-., • ,, , .'^b, we low well sell that younewhite,<br />

with the title m gold on the , .j. , , ^ =><br />

front cover, and contains a Marriage ''^'^^^' ^^^ ^°"

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