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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Vol, 59.<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic,<br />


FOR OCT. I, 1913.<br />

By Rev. J. G. iMcElhinney.<br />

Subject: Invitations. Rev. 22:17.<br />

Psalm,<br />

lOTi version vv. No.<br />

27<br />

1-5<br />

65<br />

35<br />

7<br />

93<br />

34<br />

6<br />

87<br />

41<br />

45<br />

9<br />

10<br />

"3<br />

122<br />

78 I 20s<br />

91 I 249<br />

COMMENT.<br />

The Lord has many wise ways of<br />

prevailing on sinners to accept the<br />

Gospel offer. He invites, be promises,<br />

he warns, he urges,, he<br />

threatens and pleads, in fact he<br />

leaves nothing undone, which<br />

might in any way influence sinners<br />

to come tO' Christ.<br />

I. MANY.<br />

The invitations of the Bible to<br />

sinners to come to Christ are<br />

many in number. They are found<br />

by tbe dozen. Scarcely a book in<br />

the Bible witbout a gospel invitation.<br />

In the Old Testament the<br />

prophecies, particularly, abounc'<br />

with them. The New Testament<br />

is teeming with them from Matt.<br />

to Rev.<br />

It is exceedingly interesting to<br />

note the great variety of ways in<br />

which the Gospel offer is presented<br />

in the Bible. Take for example<br />

tbe one in Gen. 7:1, and<br />

consider Noah as a type of the<br />

sinner. God says to him, "Come<br />

thou into the ark." The considerations<br />

in favor of his entering<br />

the ark illustrate in a remarkable<br />

manner, the circumstances of every<br />

sinner. The invitation is a<br />

command. The ark was ready.<br />

The door was open. Tbe danger<br />

was imminent. There was no other<br />

way Of escape. He alone<br />

would be to blame if lost.<br />

Another interesting Old Testament<br />

invitation of tbe same kind<br />

is the one found in Gen. 45 '.g.<br />

where Joseph sends thi^ message<br />

to his father: "Come down unto<br />

me, tarry not." The reasons why<br />

Tacob might notlbave 'accepted the<br />

invitation, and the reasons for accepting<br />

it, were such as are common<br />

to sinners when the gospel<br />

invitation is presented.<br />

Christ when here on earth presented<br />

His invitation to sinners in<br />

story form, in tbe parables which<br />

he spake, as "tbe great supper"<br />

and the "prodigal son." It is<br />

profitable just to look up the number<br />

of times God says "come".<br />


tine cannot imagine a sinner in<br />

circumstances in which he could<br />

not find some invitation suitable<br />

to his individual case. If the sinner<br />

hungers or thirsts salvation is<br />

the bread and water of Hfe, :a<br />

great supper or a feast. If he is<br />

tired it is rest from the burden of<br />

sin—the rest that remaineth for<br />

t'-e children of God. God invites<br />

the children: "Come ye children.''<br />

He invites the poor, "and<br />

he that hath no money." He invites<br />

the ordinary sinner to the<br />

abundance of His gracious provis'on:<br />

"whosoever will let him<br />

take the water of life freely."<br />


Xo one needs encouragement<br />

more than a sinner. Satan is constantly<br />

on the lookout for some<br />

thing to put in the mind of the<br />

weak sinner to hinder him in any<br />

purpose he might have to seek<br />

tetter or higher things. But when<br />

Satan says to tbe sinner "you are<br />

too deep dyed in sin," Christ says,<br />

"come now let us reason together<br />

: though your sins be as<br />

scarlet they shall be as white<br />

as snow; though they be red<br />

like crimson they shall be as<br />

wool." When S'atan suggests that<br />

lie has lived too long in sin to<br />

hope for pardon, Christ encourages<br />

the sinner by assuring him<br />

that "He is able to save them to<br />

the uttermost that come unto God<br />

by him,'' and by the illustration of<br />

the thief on the cross. When'<br />

Satan would hinder by hinting to<br />

the sinner that he has no-thing to<br />

bring, nothing to offer, Christ assures<br />

him that salvation is "witbout<br />

money and without price."<br />

Let the sinner also read for his<br />

encouragement EzekJ 33:11-16.<br />


(Concluded from pi.ge 2)<br />

16:17: Ps. 112:0; 116:12; Rom.<br />

10:15.<br />


In this day of missions, is saving<br />

right beyond the point of provision<br />

for old age?<br />

Flow can we increase our cheerfulness<br />

in giving?<br />

Is money equally indispensable<br />

in home and foreign work?<br />

Has increase of Christian wealth<br />

equaled increase of missionary opportunity?<br />

Has giving?<br />

Flas any churcb been burt when<br />

it does not yet give the tenth?<br />

Why is giving to missions unmentioned<br />

in the New Testament?<br />

Honestly, it frightens a person<br />

when he hears all the talk about<br />

giving. Synod's appropriations<br />

for this year, wben added to home<br />

expenses, do seem large. But the<br />

fact of the matter is tbat we are<br />

excited mainly on the same<br />

grounds as tbe man who complained<br />

that his wife was always asking<br />

him for half a dollar. He declared<br />

that at this rate s'he would<br />

soon ruin him. "But," he was<br />

asked, "do you ever give her one?"<br />

No, he never did. That is about<br />

the way we are being ruined.<br />

Last year our appropriations increased,<br />

I believe, ten cents a<br />

member. Tbe truth is that our "My feet were greatly swollen,<br />

church is not giving the tenth, and my right arm was shrunken and<br />

we will Iby no means be ruined twisted inward, the fingers of my<br />

till we reach that proportion. If right hand were clenched anc<br />

we would cease looking at the could not be extended except witi<br />

sum total of the appropriations great effort and pain. Nothing<br />

and begin, to consider whether we seemed to give me more than tem<br />

personally have reached the safe porary relief. •<br />

and sane and century-tested proportion<br />

of tbe tenth, our fears for about 30 years previously, i'|<br />

"Now, during all this time anc'<br />

would be allayed. If you do not drank daily an average of 6 cup:,<br />

like to be "coldly calculating" of strong coffee—rarely missing ;i<br />

calculate a tenth] and then give<br />

more as blindly as you think; best.<br />

Paul said that if it comes to a<br />

ninch, God is able to minister<br />

bread for food, yes, and multiply<br />

the seed sown beyond that, and<br />

increase the fruits of our righteousness.<br />

If cheerfulness is lacking,<br />

God can give tbat grade; and<br />

v.'hat we need to do is not to lessen<br />

our giving but to use means<br />

to increase our cheerfulness. Let<br />

us go back to the previous essentials,<br />

and seek missionary information.<br />

Let us look more deep-<br />

Iv also into tbe needs of our own<br />

hearts, and thus gain knowledge<br />

of the fearful need of those -.vho<br />

do not know how to escape from<br />

=in. Our very lack of cheerfulness<br />

in giving ought to terrify us.<br />

What if we are growing covetous!<br />

Perhaps the love of Christ is not<br />

in us.<br />

Paul bere proposes a way to<br />

>\'ork for the realization of tbe copy of the little book, "The Roa^<br />

first part of the Lord's prayer, to Wellville."<br />

"Our Father wbich art in heaven, Postum comes in two forms:<br />

hallowed be thy name." We, by Regular Postum-must be we<br />

onr gifts may cause thanksgiving<br />

to abound toward our God. And<br />

why should we not seek to et-?'<br />

all the help we can in rendering<br />

boiled.<br />

Instant Postum is a soltrbl|<br />

greater thanks to God? We have<br />

-"td enough, for we are offeri'^<br />

thanks for Him who, while we<br />

were yet sinners, died for us.<br />

"Thanks be unto God for His m-<br />

speakable gift." Is our heart in<br />

the thanks? Then there will our<br />

treasure be also. If our heart<br />

wanders, let us read agam the<br />

story of Gethsemane. Only when<br />

our heart is filled with love can<br />

we rightly apportion our money '<br />


^<br />

t<br />

Apparently with' Advancing Age,<br />

"At the age of 50 years I col-;<br />

lapsed from excessive coffee drink-,<br />

ing," writes a man in Mo. "For;<br />

four years I shambled about with,<br />

the aid of crutches or cane, most<br />

of the time unable to dress myself<br />

without help.<br />

meal.<br />

"i\Iy wife at last took my casi<br />

into her own hands and bough<br />

some Postum. Sbe made it ac<br />

cording to directions and I likei<br />

it fully as well as the best high^<br />

grade coffee. ,<br />

"Improvement set in at oncf<br />

•<br />

In about 6 month* I began t(.<br />

work a little, and in less than :,<br />

year I was very much better, im^<br />

proving rapidly from day to da}<br />

I am now in far better bealth tha'<br />

most men of my years and ap<br />

parently growing stronger wit_'<br />

;iclvancing age.<br />

"I am busy every day at som<br />

kind of work and' am able t<br />

keep up with tbe procession with,<br />

out a cane. Tbe arm and hand ths,<br />

were once useless, now keep fa<br />

ahead in rapidity of movement an<br />

beauty of penmanship." ^<br />

Name given by Postum Co<br />

Battle Creek, Mich. Write ^<br />

l)owder. A teaspoonful dissolvf<br />

auickly in a cup of bot water an(<br />

with the addition of cream ani<br />

snear, makes a delicious beveraginstantly.<br />

"There's a reason" for Fostun,.

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