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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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September 17, 1913.<br />

A t'AMlLY PAPER.<br />

dngdom of God. We are just now enternff<br />

into a second Revolution before the counjy<br />

has half recovered from the shock of the<br />

Srst; still, we believe she will pull through<br />

this also, and have peace and order restored<br />

throug:hout tbe country before long."<br />

The Teacher of Old Testament in "The<br />

gush Theological Seminary of tbe North<br />

China Mission of the Southern Baptist Convention,"<br />

Hwangihien;i writes, July >2o:<br />

"Your booklet, 'A Message to China,' has<br />

reached me, and I have read it with very<br />

neat interest. It has revealed to me, as I<br />

hadi not before realized, the fundamental<br />

weakness of our own Constitution. Personally<br />

I would rejoice to see tbe document<br />

put into good Chinese and presented to tbe<br />

Chinese. President and Assembly. I can<br />

hardly believe tbat it would intensify opposition<br />

on the part of the non-Christian Chinese,<br />

while, if its main purpose should fail<br />

of accomplishment, tbe efifect in general<br />

would be salutary. The recent Call for<br />

Prayer ,by the government is a hopeful sign,<br />

andit may be the opportunity of ages to<br />

press this important matter upon this great<br />

people. Witb sincere desire for the success<br />

of your undertaking," etc.<br />

These are all the replies I have received<br />

up to date, but they seem to me to reveal<br />

something more thahi a passing interest in<br />

the undertaking.<br />

I received tbe bill of lading from Liverpool<br />

the otber day for the shipment that was<br />

tO' be made to the United States, and I hope<br />

to have the booklets ready to send out at a<br />

very early date. As many congregations as<br />

would care to have copies of this booklet to<br />

distribute among tbe families would do me<br />

a great favor by writing me to the address<br />

mentioned in tbis present report.<br />

SOCIALISM. NO. 2.<br />

By tbe Rev. J. M. Coleman.<br />

Surplus Value.<br />

Thisis tbe subject with which Karl Marx<br />

begins his great work "Das Kapital" and<br />

'A"hich some regard as the basis of the whole<br />

Scientific Socialism. For Marx claimed that<br />

no one of the socialistic writers who bad preceded<br />

him were scientific. They had held to<br />

the .belief that men were really lovers of their<br />

fellows and that all one needed to bring in<br />

the Golden Age was to show to men the<br />

narrow way which led to it. St. Simon died<br />

"1 the happy faith that on the publication of<br />

"IS work would come the revolution.<br />

Ma-rx had no such vision. Not an idealist,<br />

'>ut a materialist, he thought that only force<br />

could win for the laborer what was rightfully<br />

bis. Man was ruled by material interests,<br />

"nder physical laws which left no place for<br />

"uman choice, or freedom, and which would<br />

fflevitably work out certain ends.<br />

*^ a socialistic order, and since it was the<br />

O'Jtcotne of unvarying law tbe outcome might<br />

be predicted, as an eclipse of the moon. Since<br />

1' thus depended, not on man's opinions, or<br />

'beliefs, but on law, he claimed he had discovered<br />

Scientific Socialism.<br />

If the structure is to rest on Surplus Value<br />

it will be worth while tO' see what this doctrine<br />

means.<br />

According to Marx, and practically all Socialists<br />

are in agreement on tbis point, all<br />

value is produced by labor. If any one insists<br />

that capital is a partner in the productive<br />

process, tbe Socialist is ready with the<br />

claim that without human labor capital has<br />

no productive power. The train can haul<br />

an immense load from point to point, but it<br />

must have the engineer tO' turn on the steam.<br />

The grain binder distances tbe sickle in competition,<br />

but it requires a human agent to<br />

make it work.<br />

If one enters the claim that the train and<br />

the binder as capital deserve some return as<br />

well as the labor by which they are used,<br />

the Socialist is ready witb the answer that<br />

capital itself is the product of labor.'<br />

This is a question around which the economists<br />

have hammered for a century without<br />

being able to come to an agreement and<br />

therefore I -shall not attempt to settle it in a<br />

paragraph. The stock illustration is of the<br />

fisherman who' starts to catch fish with bis<br />

hands and then finds it to- his interest, in<br />

bis spare moments, to contrive a boat, which<br />

takes him to a better fishing ground. Now<br />

catching so many more fish htei turns the<br />

boat over to anoither for iialf the fish caught<br />

and thus becomes a capitalist and raises the<br />

question of the morality of his dividends.<br />

Should the man who uses the boat turn over<br />

part of tbe fish to the owner, or does the<br />

owner lose claim on the boat when he ceases<br />

to use it?<br />

If tbe readers of the Christian Nation settle<br />

that question to the satisfaction of all<br />

concerned, it may 'be taken out of the list of<br />

unsettled problems.<br />

Marx had no doubt and allows none among<br />

his disciples that capital is dead and deserves<br />

no dividends. But since the capitalist has<br />

come into control of tbe machinery of production,<br />

be does not give the laborer tbe<br />

whole of the product, be does not give him<br />

all the fish, but keeps a part of it for himself.<br />

This part wbich tbe laborer produces, but<br />

does not get, because it is taken over by th?<br />

capitalist, is Surplus Value, according to<br />

.Marx. ITe held that the laborer worked<br />

twelve hours a day, wbich was the rule at<br />

the time in England where his book was<br />

written, but that tbe capitalist kept half of<br />

the product for himself as dividends. That<br />

is, the laborer worked twelve hours and received<br />

pay for six, the remainder of his earnings<br />

being added to capital as Surplus Value,<br />

Now it is quite clear that if labor is not<br />

This end the sole producer, Surplus Value is liable<br />

to vanish and with it tbe argument of Marx.<br />

Therefore there is no little dust raised in<br />

trying to lay the foundation of the system.<br />

Next Marx takes another step -which involves<br />

yet another question. If labor is the<br />

sole producer of value, he holds that it also<br />

determines value. According to this tbe valuation<br />

wbich I put upon a bat or coat sbould<br />

be fixed by the labor which went into it.<br />

Now it is quite clear that unless people want<br />

to pay a certain amount for the goods that<br />

no more of tbe article will be made, but it<br />

is by no means clear that market valuation<br />

is determined by labor cost. In fact, if Marx<br />

is anywhere near right, the reduction sales<br />

which are so generally advertised are all<br />

wrong. If market value is determined by<br />

labor cost, a straw hat should cost as much<br />

in August as in May, for the labor cost is not<br />

cut in half by the firstfrost. Also overcoats<br />

should not be cheaper in March tban in December.<br />

Very few are the buyers, socialists<br />

or otherwise, who base tbeir pricemaking<br />

on the labor cost of the goods, for the bargain<br />

counter seems to gather around it all<br />

classes, Socialists included.<br />

Few will question, wben tbey analyze the<br />

motives prompting them to buy goods, that<br />

the real cause is the want in themselves for<br />

the goods, and not the expenditure of someone<br />

else in making them. Marx is logical<br />

enough in trying to make labor the measure<br />

of value as well as its cause, but no modern<br />

economist holds with him.<br />

I have given Surplus Value this important<br />

place in the system, because it was given that<br />

place by Marx himself, but his system is<br />

not wrecked when Surplus Value is taken<br />

out, though it is sadly damaged. It is Surplus<br />

Value, however, which tbe orator usually<br />

exploits to s.how how all capital is ai toll<br />

taken from wages by tbe capitalist to wbich<br />

he has no rightful claim. To quote Proudhon<br />

"All capital is theft," and so it is if Surplus<br />

Value is economic gospel.<br />

Inthe Sabbath<br />

School<br />

Lesson i. October 5, 1913<br />

By the Rev. W. A. Aikin.<br />

MOSES' CRY FOR HELP.—Num. 11:4-33.<br />

4-33-<br />

Golden Text.—The supplications of a<br />

righteous man availeth much in its working.<br />

—James 5:16.<br />

Psalms.—78:13-16. C. M. 20:1-6. L. M.<br />

78:17-21. C. M.<br />

Time.—B. C. 1490. Shortly after leaving<br />

Mount Sinai, where Israel had tarried about<br />

eleven months.<br />

Place.—Near Mount Sinai.<br />


The Book of Numbers tells of the chief<br />

incidents of the thirty-eight years that<br />

elapsed from tbe time Israel left Sinai until<br />

tney came to the borders of Canaan. The<br />

lesson before us is a study of a series of incidents<br />

that took place shortly after the journey<br />

was resumed.<br />


FOR THEIR LUSTS, (v. 4-9.)<br />

"And the mixed multitude tbat was among

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