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Downloading - Microfinance Information Exchange

Downloading - Microfinance Information Exchange


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Index of Terms and Definitions (Balance Sheet)<br />

Terms<br />

Cash and Due from Banks<br />

Reserves from Central Bank<br />

Short Term Financial Assets<br />

Net Loan Portfolio<br />

Gross Loan Portfolio<br />

(Loan Loss Reserve)<br />

Interest Receivable<br />

Accounts Receivable and Other Assets<br />

Long Term Financial Assets<br />

Net Fixed Assets<br />


Demand Deposits<br />

Voluntary Savings<br />

Compulsory Savings<br />

Time Deposits<br />

Borrowings<br />

Borrowings at concessional interest rates<br />

Borrowings at commercial interest rates<br />

Interest Payable<br />

Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities<br />


Paid-in Captial<br />

Donated Equity<br />

Prior Years<br />

Current Year<br />

Retained Earnings<br />

Prior Years<br />

Current Year<br />

Adjustments<br />

Inflation Adjustment<br />

Subsidized Costs of Funds Adjustment<br />

In-Kind Subsidy Adjustment<br />

Reserves<br />

Other Equity Accounts<br />



Definitions<br />

Cash, petty cash, balances in banks, including non-interest bearing deposits<br />

Cash reserves in a central bank<br />

Treasury bills and other short term investments, including interest-bearing deposits,<br />

convertible to cash within 12 months. Usually used in liquidity management.<br />

Gross Loan Portfolio minus Loan Loss Reserve<br />

All outstanding principal for all outstanding client loans, including current, delinquent<br />

and restructured loans, but not loans that have been written off. It does not include<br />

interest receivable. It does not include employee loans.<br />

The portion of the gross loan portfolio that has been expensed (provisioned for) in<br />

anticipation of losses due to default. This item represents the cumulative value of the<br />

loan loss provision expense, less the cumulative value of loans written off.<br />

Interest receivable on all asset accounts. Recorded by institutions using accrual<br />

accounting.<br />

Accounts receivable, notes receivables and other receivables. This includes all<br />

receivables other than client loan accounts, including employee loans.<br />

Long term investments not convertible to cash within 12 months<br />

The purchase value of property, plant and equipment, less accumulated depreciation.<br />

This includes intangibles, such as MIS development or goodwill, less accumulated<br />

amortization.<br />

Total of all net asset accounts<br />

Total of Voluntary and Compulsory Savings<br />

Demand deposits from the general public and members that are not maintained as a<br />

condition for accessing a current or future loan and are held with the institution<br />

Client savings accounts that are maintained as a condition for a current or future loan<br />

and are held with the institution<br />

Certificates of deposit or other fixed term deposits<br />

Total of Commercial and Concessional Borrowings<br />

Principal balance of all borrowings, including overdraft accounts, for which the<br />

institution pays a nominal rate of interest that is less than the local commercial interest<br />

rate<br />

Principal balance of all borrowings, including overdraft accounts, for which the<br />

institution pays a nominal rate of interest that is greater than to or equal to the local<br />

commercial interest rate<br />

Interest payable on all liability accounts. Recorded by institutions using accrual<br />

accounting.<br />

Other liabilities including tax and salary liabilities, social withholdings, deferred income,<br />

other accounts payable, including liabilities that do not fund the portfolio, such as<br />

mortgages on real estate.<br />

Total of all liability accounts<br />

Capital paid by shareholders or members<br />

Accumulated donations<br />

Accumulated donations from prior periods<br />

Donations from the current year<br />

Accumulated net income after taxes and before donations<br />

Accumulated net income after taxes and before donations from prior periods<br />

Net income after taxes and before donations from the current year<br />

Value of all adjustments, including inflation adjustment<br />

Value of inflation adjustment expense<br />

Value of subsidized cost of funds adjustment expense<br />

Value of in-kind subsidy adjustment<br />

Reserves such as those imposed by law or statute.<br />

Other equity accounts not included elsewhere<br />

Total of all equity accounts<br />

Total of Total Liabilities and Total Equity<br />


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