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army uniforms –that they were Nuer they were told to get out of the car and lie on the ground<br />

on their bellies. “(One of the Nuer men) asked ‘what have we done wrong?’ and the soldiers<br />

said: ‘do you not hear the guns? Are you not Nuer?’” the witness said. The witness was then<br />

allowed to proceed with one of the other men. The other two, Tut Banypiny and Koang Toang,<br />

were detained and are believed to have been killed, most probably in the massacre.<br />

More detainees were brought into the building during the day of December 16. One<br />

survivor told Human Rights Watch that he was among 17 Nuer males arrested in a house in<br />

the Manga neighborhood at around midday on December 16 and taken to the building on<br />

foot, at gunpoint. 82 He said the Dinka forces, which arrested them shot one man dead in<br />

the house during the arrest.<br />

Many survivors described how after the single room had been filled with Nuer men in the<br />

afternoon of December 16, the door was locked. Several survivors reported seeing or hearing<br />

men being shot on the veranda outside the room. All the men said several individuals<br />

collapsed because of the intense heat and lack of air in the room that afternoon.<br />

At around 8 p.m. on December 16, witnesses said that at least two men opened fire into<br />

the room through windows on one side of the building, killing almost all of the 200 - 400<br />

people in the room. One survivor recounted:<br />

When it got dark, at around 8 p.m. they fired at everyone (in the room)<br />

through the open windows. The room was very bright with bullets, sounds<br />

of PKM, and the different sounds from an AK 47.<br />

Several of the survivors said they survived only because they were shot early on, fell to the<br />

ground and then were protected by the bodies of others falling on top of them. The survivors<br />

consistently reported that after the shooting, security forces entered the room with torches.<br />

“They came and checked who was still alive. Those still breathing they shot again,” one<br />

survivor remembered. Three of the survivors fled the building during the night but other<br />

survivors stayed in the room. “I spent a whole day with the corpses,” one man described.<br />

82 Human Rights Watch interview, name withheld, Juba, December 29, 2013.<br />


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