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Attacks on Nuer Civilians Including Unlawful Killings<br />

Fighting in Lologo and Khor William Neighborhoods<br />

Civilians were killed and civilian property damaged during fighting in the Lologo and Khor<br />

William neighborhoods on December 16. Maj. Gen. Marial Chanuong, the Presidential<br />

Guard (PG) commander, was in command of the government forces who fought the<br />

renegade Nuer forces around the General Headquarters (GHQ) on December 16, 2013. 42 By<br />

mid-morning the Nuer renegades from the GHQ had been pushed out of the GHQ into<br />

surrounding residential areas especially into Khor William and Lologo. 43 Chanuong’s forces<br />

pursued them into these neighborhoods, assisted by the use of tanks. By around 1 p.m.<br />

the renegade Nuer had been defeated, driven southwards out of the capital.<br />

Government forces in tanks reportedly destroyed civilian property in residential areas. A<br />

Dinka civil society activist described how his house in Khor William was crushed by a tank<br />

as soldiers “were shooting at random in my own compound … they were shooting at<br />

people, into the air, I saw three people shot.” 44 In a case that angered many Nuer, a young<br />

woman, Nyual Both, who had recently given birth was killed when a bullet flew into her<br />

room in Khor William during the night of December 15. 45 Other civilians were also killed<br />

during the fighting at GHQ and in surrounding residential areas. 46<br />

Attacks in the Lologo, Khor William and Jebel Market Areas<br />

After the Nuer renegades were pushed out of the Khor William, Lologo and Jebel market,<br />

Dinka soldiers attacked Nuer houses, killed Nuer civilians especially men, arrested others<br />

and looted homes. The exact identity of these soldiers is not clear; Chanoung told Human<br />

Rights Watch he recalled his soldiers after they chased out the renegade Nuer soldiers.<br />

42 Human Rights Watch interview, Maj. Gen. Marial Chanuong, Juba, March 25, 2014. During the night of December 15,<br />

especially around the ammunition store in the GHQ, some 58 soldiers were killed. The dead included Dinka and Nuer PG, but<br />

as some Nuer PG fought together with the Dinka PG, includingsome who have since remained in Juba as part of the force, it is<br />

unclear how many of those killed were part of the “renegade” Nuer group. At least 700 Nuer soldiers left the PG force during<br />

the Juba crisis.<br />

43 Some fighting also took place in neighborhoods around the GHQ during the night of December 15.<br />

44 Human Rights Watch interview, (name withheld) telephone, December 17, 2013.<br />

45 Human Rights Watch interview with relative (name withheld) December 27, 2013. It is unclear who fired the bullet that<br />

killed Nyal Both.<br />

46 Human Rights Watch received several reports that dead bodies of civilians including a young girl were seen in the Khor<br />

William neighborhood after the fighting, possibly killed in crossfire. A man reported seeing chairman of Jebel Youth Union,<br />

Thok Chuol Kong, killed in Khor William by unknown gunmen during a lull in fighting between Dinka and Nuer PG forces<br />

during the morning of December 16.<br />


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