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political tensions and fear that the Nuer would take over Juba, whether planned or not,<br />

helps explain the extent of the cruelty directed against Nuer men in Juba in the days that<br />

followed the NLC meeting. 11<br />

In his opening speech, Salva Kiir said: “(Indiscipline in the party) will take us back to the<br />

days of the 1991 split … (and) we all know where the spilt took us … this could jeopardize<br />

the unity and independence of our country and we must guard against such things. My<br />

dear comrades, I am not prepared to let this happen again.” 12 Senior SPLM officials<br />

including Riek and Garang’s widow Rebecca Garang challenged Salva Kiir in the, by all<br />

accounts, highly acrimonious meeting that followed. On December 15, even though Riek<br />

and other senior SPLM members boycotted the meeting, the NLC agreed to a voting<br />

mechanism and other documents. 13<br />

That night, only a few hundred meters from the venue of the NLC meeting, at the General<br />

Headquarters (GHQ) of the SPLA, Presidential Guard (PG) soldiers loyal to Riek fought other<br />

soldiers stationed there. The fighting spread that night to other parts of Juba. Pro-Kiir SPLA<br />

forces pushed the bulk of renegade Nuer soldiers out of Juba by around 1 p.m. on<br />

December 16. That afternoon, in full military uniform, Salva Kiir told a televised press<br />

conference that Riek had orchestrated a coup, a charge riek denied. In his five minute<br />

statement Salva Kiir again talked about the 1991 split, calling Riek a “prophet of doom”. 14<br />

On December 16 and the following days Dinka soldiers and other government security<br />

forces brutally cracked down on Nuer men in Juba, including widespread killings and<br />

arbitrary detentions, described below.<br />

11 Human Rights Watch research in the 1990s found that in general forces in neither Riek’s SPLA-Nasir nor Garang’s SPLA-Torit<br />

factions were held to account for burning homes, looting, killing civilians during the bloodshed in the 1990s. Riek has<br />

apologized for the Bor massacre since South Sudan’s independence.<br />

12 President Kiir’s speech can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y3bp6Oehis (accessed June 5, 2013).<br />

See minute 12:00.<br />

13 The most contentious issue was how the chairman would be selected; including whether by secret ballot or open voting by<br />

a show of hands (the latter was seen as being to Kiir’s benefit). A constitution, code of conduct and basic rules and<br />

regulations were also debated and passed.<br />

14 President Kiir’s press conference can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boLU20O5JDI (accessed June 5,<br />

2013). Kiir said: “Let me reiterate my statement during the opening of the NLC meeting a few days ago. My government will<br />

not allow the incidents of 1991 to repeat themselves again. This prophet of doom continues to persistently pursue his action<br />

of the past and I have to tell you that I will not allow or tolerate or such incidents once again in our new nation.”...<br />


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