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<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> Educati<strong>on</strong> Program by RMN Company<br />

ANNEX-1<br />

Online Social Media<br />

Social media is a relatively new development in the Web space. Social media sites allow users from all<br />

over the world to interact with each other <strong>on</strong> diverse subjects. Estimates suggest that social media sites<br />

c<strong>on</strong>nect 1.5 billi<strong>on</strong> people all across the world.<br />

As many of them are presumed to be the c<strong>on</strong>sumers of various products and services, marketers target<br />

them through social media messaging to promote their brands. There are further categories of social<br />

media sites including general-purpose sites, professi<strong>on</strong>al networks, and microblogging sites.<br />

Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter are some of the popular social networks. Similarly, YouTube<br />

<strong>for</strong> video sharing and Pinterest <strong>for</strong> picture sharing are the other examples of social networking sites.<br />

You can use social media sites in different ways. For example, you can create your own profile, c<strong>on</strong>nect<br />

with other users, and start sharing your brand in<strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong> with people in your network. You can also<br />

create an exclusive page or secti<strong>on</strong> about your company or brand <strong>on</strong> a social network and invite others to<br />

c<strong>on</strong>nect with that page. All this can be d<strong>on</strong>e free of charge.<br />

Today, the most important aspect of social<br />

communicati<strong>on</strong>s is to build and manage<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sumer communities around your brand.<br />

However, it is not very easy to attract users to your brand messages. Social media messaging is a highly<br />

specialized job. It is easy to create your social media presence through profiles or pages. But you can<br />

attract other eyeballs toward your brand <strong>on</strong>ly with right messaging scheduled at different time periods<br />

while targeting different groups of users.<br />

The number of users c<strong>on</strong>nected with your social media page w<strong>on</strong>’t have any significance in the absence<br />

of their engagement with your brand messages. Level of engagement is the <strong>on</strong>ly measure to evaluate the<br />

success of your social media-based promoti<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

Engagement can be in the <strong>for</strong>m of users’ comments and sharing of your in<strong>for</strong>mati<strong>on</strong>. Although there are<br />

quantitative tools available to estimate social media engagement, they are not quite effective. A true<br />

impact of your social media campaigns can be measured <strong>on</strong>ly with qualitative analysis, which is a very<br />

difficult task.<br />

Although you need not pay <strong>for</strong> using most social media sites, you can also advertise your brands <strong>on</strong> them<br />

<strong>for</strong> which you will have to pay to the social networking service providers. As social media communicati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

is a highly specialized job, you may have to hire these services though the skills availability is scarce.<br />

While most public social media properties have not yet established their utility <strong>for</strong> marketers, big<br />

companies have started creating their own private social networks to interact with their buyers and other<br />

stakeholders like channel partners.<br />

Today, the most important aspect of social communicati<strong>on</strong>s is to build and manage c<strong>on</strong>sumer<br />

communities around your brand. So, big brands are managing such communities <strong>for</strong> all types of brand<br />

communicati<strong>on</strong>s. They are educating their buyers and resellers by delivering multimedia c<strong>on</strong>tent through<br />

such private networks. Companies are also offering after-sales support to buyers using these community<br />

networks.<br />

The <strong>on</strong>line communities can be created <strong>for</strong> customers, resellers, employees, investors, suppliers, etc.<br />

depending <strong>on</strong> your requirement. And <strong>on</strong>ly c<strong>on</strong>tent can drive these communities.<br />

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