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Jesus’ peaceful revolution<br />

MCC Peace Sunday Packet 2009<br />

®<br />

<strong>Mennonite</strong><br />

<strong>Central</strong><br />

<strong>Committee</strong><br />


Jesus’ peaceful revolution<br />

MCC Peace Sunday Packet 2009<br />

Peace Sunday is an annual opportunity <strong>to</strong> preach, teach and reflect upon the gospel<br />

of peace as proclaimed and embodied by Jesus Christ. It is a time <strong>to</strong> act and<br />

witness for peace.<br />

<strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> encourages Canadian Anabaptist congregations <strong>to</strong><br />

observe Peace Sunday in early November (preferably just prior <strong>to</strong> Remembrance<br />

Day). The purpose of this Peace Sunday Packet is <strong>to</strong> help congregations plan a<br />

Peace Sunday worship service and engage in peace action and witness beyond the<br />

sanctuary.<br />

This year’s theme is Jesus’ peaceful revolution. We are grateful <strong>to</strong> Scott and Mitch<br />

Mealey of Monc<strong>to</strong>n, New Brunswick for suggesting the language of “peace<br />

revolution” a number of years ago. Their slogan inspired a website for a public<br />

audience, http://iamrevolting.org.<br />

Peace Sunday is an annual<br />

opportunity <strong>to</strong> preach, teach and<br />

reflect upon the gospel of peace<br />

as proclaimed and embodied by<br />

Jesus Christ. It is a time <strong>to</strong> act<br />

and witness for peace.<br />

This year’s Peace Sunday also commemorates the anniversary of the peace but<strong>to</strong>n<br />

that says, “To remember is <strong>to</strong> work for peace.” The but<strong>to</strong>n was conceived and<br />

created in 1989 by MCC Ontario as an alternative <strong>to</strong> the Remembrance Day<br />

poppy. See the fall issue of MCC’s magazine, A Common Place, for an article<br />

about the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the but<strong>to</strong>n. This packet invites people <strong>to</strong> share their s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

and pho<strong>to</strong>s of the peace but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Please send comments of evaluation regarding this year’s Peace Sunday Packet <strong>to</strong><br />

peace@mennonitecc.ca. Your feedback is essential for planning future packets and<br />

other resources. Please write, even if you use only a small portion of the packet.<br />

And if you choose not <strong>to</strong> use the packet at all, tell us why.<br />

For Jesus’ peaceful revolution,<br />

Esther Epp-Tiessen<br />

Peace Ministries Coordina<strong>to</strong>r<br />

MCC <strong>Canada</strong><br />

For additional peace resources, please visit mcc.org/canada/peace<br />


Introduction <strong>to</strong> theme<br />

The word revolution usually conjures up images of war and brutal violence. We<br />

think of the French revolution, the American revolution, the Russian revolution.<br />

These events all involved tremendous violence and loss of life. Revolutionaries<br />

are often thought of as people who are intent on overthrowing an existing regime<br />

with violent means.<br />

Nowadays, businesses often advertise their products as revolutionary; presumably<br />

consumers will be convinced these products are really radically new and different<br />

and will want <strong>to</strong> buy them. We hear about revolutionary razors, cleansers, cell<br />

phones, software, cars, and all kinds of other stuff.<br />

Jesus’ revolution was and is a<br />

healing, welcoming, res<strong>to</strong>ring,<br />

and reconciling revolution–it is<br />

a peaceful revolution.<br />

The word revolution has many definitions, most of them quite different from the<br />

meanings above. Revolution is the action of a planet going round in an orbit.<br />

It is the movement of any figure around an axis. It is also a sudden, radical or<br />

fundamental change; a profound shift in a way of thinking about or visualizing<br />

something. It is this last understanding of revolution that is the focus of this<br />

packet.<br />

Jesus came preaching, teaching and embodying a revolution. When Jesus announced<br />

that the Kingdom of God had arrived, he was proclaiming that a fundamental<br />

change in the world was happening. The Roman Empire world in which<br />

he lived was one characterized by tremendous social stratification, by disparities<br />

in wealth, by military occupation and by brutal violence. Jesus’ way of speaking,<br />

being, and relating <strong>to</strong> others turned that world upside down. He healed the sick,<br />

raised up the poor and weak, brought down the rich and powerful, welcomed<br />

strangers and outcasts, and reconciled enemies. His death on the cross broke the<br />

cycle of violence with loving, forgiving nonviolent resistance.<br />

Jesus’ revolution was and is a healing, welcoming, res<strong>to</strong>ring, and reconciling<br />

revolution–it is a peaceful revolution.<br />

Jesus invites us <strong>to</strong> join that peaceful revolution. When we commit our lives <strong>to</strong><br />

Christ and join his body, the church, God’s love and grace transforms us and sets<br />

us apart from the society around us. We are called in<strong>to</strong> a new way of being and<br />

living–the kind of revolutionary living that Jesus announced and lived.<br />

On Remembrance Day, our nation asks its citizens <strong>to</strong> remember those who have<br />

died through military service. Since <strong>Canada</strong> is at war in Afghanistan, there is a<br />

special focus on soldiers who are serving and fighting this current war. As followers,<br />

we remember that Jesus invites us <strong>to</strong> embody and proclaim his peaceful<br />

revolution–a new way of living in which war and violence have no part.<br />


Resources for Worship<br />

This section includes suggestions for the various components for Peace Sunday worship. Feel free <strong>to</strong> adapt these materials<br />

and <strong>to</strong> shape the worship service as appropriate for your congregation.<br />

1. Call <strong>to</strong> worship<br />

The following call <strong>to</strong> worship is based on Romans 12:1-2.<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

All:<br />

I appeal <strong>to</strong> you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, <strong>to</strong> present your bodies as a living<br />

sacrifice, holy and acceptable <strong>to</strong> God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed <strong>to</strong> this world,<br />

But be transformed by the renewing of our minds,<br />

So that you may discern what is the will of God—<br />

What is good and acceptable and perfect.<br />

Thanks be <strong>to</strong> God who transforms us and transforms the world.<br />

2. Introduction <strong>to</strong> worship service<br />

The worship leader may use words like these <strong>to</strong> introduce the worship service:<br />

Today we are celebrating Peace Sunday. This is a day <strong>to</strong> worship our God who was and is and will be the first peacemaker in<br />

any and all situations. This is a day <strong>to</strong> share the good news of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace. This is a day <strong>to</strong> give praise for<br />

the Holy Spirit who guides us and inspires us as we seek <strong>to</strong> be people of peace.<br />

Today our worship focuses on Jesus’ peaceful revolution. Jesus came preaching, teaching and embodying a revolution. The<br />

Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed is a peaceful revolution, a revolution where people are healed, where all have enough<br />

and no one <strong>to</strong>o much, where strangers and outcasts are welcomed, where enemies are reconciled, and where war has no<br />

place. As Jesus’ followers, we are called <strong>to</strong> join that peaceful revolution.<br />

In planning this worship service, we have made use of something called the Peace Sunday Packet which is a peace resource<br />

produced every year by <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> (MCC). The Peace Sunday Packet is made available <strong>to</strong> over 700<br />

churches across <strong>Canada</strong> within the MCC constituency, and so <strong>to</strong>day we worship in solidarity with many other Anabaptist<br />

churches across our land.<br />

3. Songs and hymns<br />

Congregations rooted in the Anabaptist tradition in <strong>Canada</strong> use a variety of resources for singing in worship. They also sing<br />

in a variety of musical styles. Use the resources available <strong>to</strong> you for songs that will enhance the worship focus.<br />

4. Scripture readings<br />

The following are suggested as the primary biblical texts: Luke 6:20-36 and/or Romans 12:1-3, 9-21. You may also wish <strong>to</strong><br />

include one or more of the following Old Testament texts:<br />

Psalm 34:1-14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.<br />

Jeremiah 7:1-7 Amend your ways and your doings, and let me dwell with you…<br />

Ezekial 36:26<br />

Micah 4:1-4<br />

A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you…<br />

... they shall beat their swords in<strong>to</strong> plowshares…<br />


For the Romans passage, you may wish <strong>to</strong> have it read antiphonally, especially verses 9-21, as printed below. The passage<br />

could be read by two readers or by the two halves of the congregation.<br />

Reader 1 Reader 2<br />

Let love be genuine;<br />

Hate what is evil, hold <strong>to</strong> what is good;<br />

Love one another with mutual affection;<br />

Do not lag in zeal,<br />

Rejoice in hope,<br />

Contribute <strong>to</strong> the needs of saints;<br />

Bless those who persecute you;<br />

Rejoice with those who rejoice,<br />

Live in harmony with one another;<br />

Do not repay evil for evil,<br />

If it is possible, so far as it depends on you,<br />

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room<br />

for the wrath of God;<br />

No, “if your enemies are hungry, feed them;<br />

For by doing this<br />

Do not be overcome by evil,<br />

Outdo one another in showing honour.<br />

Be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.<br />

Be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.<br />

Extend hospitality <strong>to</strong> strangers.<br />

Bless and do not curse them.<br />

Weep with those who weep.<br />

Do not be haughty but associate with the lowly;<br />

do not claim <strong>to</strong> be wiser than you are.<br />

But take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.<br />

Live peaceably with all.<br />

For it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,<br />

says the Lord.”<br />

If they are thirsty, give them something <strong>to</strong> drink<br />

you will heap burning coals on their heads.”<br />

But overcome evil with good.<br />

5. Prayer of confession<br />

Compassionate Crea<strong>to</strong>r, Loving Parent,<br />

Forgive us for all the devastation we are wreaking on your beautiful and bountiful creation through our wars, our acts of<br />

terrorism and abuse, and our self-centered behaviour as individuals, communities and nations.<br />

Forgive us our cynicism and our blindness as we sit on the sidelines and say or do nothing as acts of violence occur around<br />

us.<br />

Forgive us for pointing the finger of blame at people of other faiths, nationalities or racial groups when things go wrong.<br />

Open our eyes <strong>to</strong> recognize your revolutionary way of love and peace. Open our hearts <strong>to</strong> receive it and <strong>to</strong> share it<br />

Give us courage <strong>to</strong> be peacemakers in your name, ready <strong>to</strong> follow the way of the cross rather than the tempting path of<br />

finger-pointing, war and violence.<br />

We pray this in the name of Jesus, the One who draws us in<strong>to</strong> your peaceful revolution. Amen.<br />

By Larry Kehler, adapted from Peace Sunday Packet 2005.<br />


6. S<strong>to</strong>ry for Children<br />

It is a challenge <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> young children about issues of war and peace, particularly<br />

in the very short time frame that most worship services allow, in a way that is<br />

not frightening or confusing. This s<strong>to</strong>ry is geared <strong>to</strong>wards school-aged children. If<br />

your group includes a lot of pre-schoolers, it may be preferable <strong>to</strong> choose a positive<br />

and simple s<strong>to</strong>ry about peace. One timeless classic is Aesop’s fable about the sun<br />

and the wind. Check your church library or your denominational resource centre<br />

for other suggestions.<br />

Option 1<br />

Props–a poppy pin and an MCC peace but<strong>to</strong>n that says “<strong>to</strong> remember is <strong>to</strong> work<br />

for peace.” Peace but<strong>to</strong>ns are available for purchase through MCC provincial offices.<br />

...wearing the but<strong>to</strong>n is a reminder<br />

<strong>to</strong> remember all people who suffer<br />

from war, including our enemies. It<br />

is a reminder <strong>to</strong> work for peace.<br />

Invite the children <strong>to</strong> gather. Show them the poppy. Ask them what it is, if they<br />

have seen people wearing it, what does it mean? Take time <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> their answers.<br />

Ask the school aged-children if they have participated in a Remembrance<br />

Day service at school, either this year or in past years. What are those services<br />

about? Likely they will talk about remembering soldiers and their sacrifice in war.<br />

The children may mention that the soldiers are necessary <strong>to</strong> fight and preserve our<br />

freedom. Tell them that people wear poppies <strong>to</strong> remember the soldiers at Remembrance<br />

Day—soldiers that fought in the past and soldiers that are fighting <strong>to</strong>day in<br />

Afghanistan.<br />

Then show them the peace but<strong>to</strong>n. Tell them that twenty years ago, some <strong>Mennonite</strong>s<br />

in Ontario wondered about creating an alternative <strong>to</strong> the poppy. They were<br />

people who loved Jesus very much, and believed that Jesus wants his people <strong>to</strong> live<br />

in peace <strong>to</strong>gether. Jesus taught his disciples not <strong>to</strong> hurt their enemies but <strong>to</strong> love<br />

them. That means no fighting with guns and no wars, even if we think they will<br />

protect us. Tell the children that their church is a peace church, which means that<br />

the church believes that all of us who are Jesus’ followers follow his way of peace.<br />

At Remembrance Day, many people choose <strong>to</strong> wear this but<strong>to</strong>n, instead of a poppy.<br />

Depending on your context, you may wish <strong>to</strong> acknowledge that some people will<br />

wear a poppy and a peace but<strong>to</strong>n. Tell the children that wearing the but<strong>to</strong>n is a<br />

reminder <strong>to</strong> remember all people who suffer from war, including our enemies. It is<br />

a reminder <strong>to</strong> work for peace. If appropriate for the ages of the children, give each<br />

child a peace but<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Option 2<br />

Props–a piece of paper or cardboard with the word revolution printed on it, a sign<br />

with the words Join the peaceful revolution, a large <strong>to</strong>y gun (could be made out of<br />

cardboard), a bandana that covers most of the face, and a container in<strong>to</strong> which the<br />

sign, the gun and the bandana can fit. You will also need two partners, preferably<br />

one male and one female.<br />

Invite the children <strong>to</strong> come forward and gather around. Show them the sign with<br />

the word revolution; ask them what the word means. Take time <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> their<br />

responses. They may respond with the idea of turning. They may respond with the<br />

idea of war. Accept both these answers. Then ask them what a revolutionary is. If<br />

there is no response, tell them that a revolutionary is someone who wants <strong>to</strong> make<br />

a revolution happen. Sometimes revolutionaries are people who want <strong>to</strong> fight with<br />

guns <strong>to</strong> make a change in their government.<br />

Invite your two partners <strong>to</strong> come and stand or sit before the children. Partner A is<br />

dressed in ordinary street clothes. Partner B has the bandana tied over his/her face<br />


and holds the gun. Ask the children which one looks like a revolutionary. Likely,<br />

they will identify the one with the gun; perhaps they will identify the one without.<br />

While you continue <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> the children, Partner A can perhaps be reading a<br />

book (even the Bible!), while Partner B may move around a bit, looking this way<br />

and that, then partially hiding behind the pulpit or some chairs.<br />

Tell the children that often we think about revolutionaries as people with guns.<br />

But a revolution doesn’t have <strong>to</strong> be about guns and about fighting. Revolution basically<br />

means making a big change in the way things are. Jesus was a revolutionary<br />

in that he helped <strong>to</strong> show people a big change. He came <strong>to</strong> tell them and show<br />

them that God loved them, no matter what they were like. And he filled their<br />

hearts with love so that they could love other people <strong>to</strong>o, even their enemies. The<br />

way Jesus lived was really revolutionary. It is still revolutionary. Some people like<br />

<strong>to</strong> change the world with guns and with violence. Jesus came <strong>to</strong> change the world<br />

with love and with peace. He started a peaceful revolution. And we are part of<br />

this peaceful revolution, because we belong <strong>to</strong> Jesus.<br />

At this point, Partner A looks over <strong>to</strong> Partner B and says something like this,<br />

“Hey, Jesus loves you, do you want <strong>to</strong> join his peaceful revolution?” Partner A<br />

points <strong>to</strong> the container. He/she repeats the question or invites the children <strong>to</strong> ask<br />

it. B then slowly, thoughtfully nods at the children. He/she removes the mask and<br />

places it and the gun in<strong>to</strong> the container. He/she then pulls out of the container the<br />

sign that says “Join the peaceful revolution.” Have one of the older children read<br />

the sign. A and B then walk down the aisle, holding the sign. Stand up and invite<br />

the children <strong>to</strong> join you in following down the aisle and joining the revolution.<br />

After a couple of moments, dismiss the children <strong>to</strong> their seats.<br />


7. Sermon suggestions<br />

Based on Luke 6:20-36.<br />

This excerpt is sometimes called the Sermon on the Plain. It is Luke’s version of<br />

the more familiar Sermon on the Mount. Most likely, your congregation is used<br />

<strong>to</strong> hearing the Matthew version. The <strong>to</strong>ne of the Matthew version is not quite as<br />

hard-hitting. For example, it does not include the “woes” that Luke includes.<br />

These sermons of Jesus point <strong>to</strong> the ethos of the kingdom he came <strong>to</strong> proclaim.<br />

In the kingdom of God, the poor are blessed, the hungry are filled, the sorrowful<br />

laugh; at the same time those who are rich, full, and laughing now, at the expense<br />

of the poor, will have the tables turned on them. In other words, there will a<br />

leveling in the kingdom. Jesus goes on <strong>to</strong> talk about blessing those who curse you,<br />

doing good <strong>to</strong> those who hate you, even loving enemies. Jesus is describing what<br />

life is like in the kingdom, and how he expects his followers will live. In some<br />

ways, the sermon on the plain could be regarded as a manifes<strong>to</strong> for a peaceful<br />

revolution.<br />

8. Sending prayer or<br />

benediction<br />

God of perfect peace,<br />

Violence and cruelty can have no part<br />

with you. As we go from this place,<br />

give us the gift of your peace. Make<br />

us in<strong>to</strong> people of peace. Make us<br />

instruments of your peace, channels of<br />

your nonviolent love. Transform our<br />

hearts and transform our world. Make<br />

us part of your revolution of peace.<br />

Amen.<br />

Adapted from a prayer by Fr. John<br />

Dear, Peace Sunday Packet, 2006.<br />

In his day, Jesus threatened the leadership of his day by his words, actions and<br />

the authority that he commanded. Some people thought that he was a dangerous<br />

revolutionary. They thought he was a Zealot; Zealots were a kind of guerrilla<br />

movement bent upon the violent overthrow of the Roman occupation system.<br />

Because he eschewed all violence, Jesus was not a Zealot, but the kingdom he<br />

announced and the community that grew around him did embody revolutionary<br />

change. How can the church <strong>to</strong>day proclaim and embody Jesus’ peaceful revolution,<br />

particularly during a time of war?<br />

Romans 12: 1-3, 9-21<br />

Paul’s letter <strong>to</strong> the Romans was written close <strong>to</strong> the end of his long missionary<br />

life. He wrote <strong>to</strong> a small group of Christians who lived in the capital of the<br />

Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was characterized by great disparities in<br />

power and status (slavery was alive and well), an economic system that enriched<br />

a minority at the expense of the vast majority, much social unrest and ferment,<br />

and a military machine <strong>to</strong> keep agita<strong>to</strong>rs in their place. These same realities exist<br />

in our own world, though because of comfort and privilege many of us do not<br />

notice them.<br />

In his letter, Paul called on the church at Rome <strong>to</strong> a transformed life, a life guided<br />

by Christ rather than by the culture of Rome. He called them <strong>to</strong> a way of living<br />

that s<strong>to</strong>od in stark contradiction <strong>to</strong> that of the empire. One of the reasons that<br />

the early church grew so rapidly in the decades after Christ was not only because<br />

of the missionary activity of people like Paul, but because of the witness of the<br />

church <strong>to</strong> Jesus’ revolutionary new way. John Drane, Introducing the New Testament<br />

(Fortress Press, 2001), pp.381-382, writes:<br />

This is why the earliest Christians had such enormous success. When<br />

men and women asked for proof that God’s new way of doing things had<br />

truly arrived, Paul and the other apostles could point <strong>to</strong> the church. Life<br />

in the church was indeed a new society–a context in which men, women<br />

and children of diverse social, racial and religious backgrounds had been<br />

brought <strong>to</strong>gether in a new and radical friendship. Because they had been<br />

reconciled <strong>to</strong> God, they found themselves reconciled <strong>to</strong> each other. Their<br />

whole style of living was <strong>to</strong>tally transformed, and <strong>to</strong> the honest observer<br />

there could be no doubt that something of world-changing proportions<br />

had taken place.<br />


More resources for worship and reflection<br />

1. Incorporate a skit in<strong>to</strong> the worship service.<br />

In Romans 12:20, Paul writes <strong>to</strong> the believers at Rome that if their enemies are hungry and thirsty, they should feed them<br />

and give them drink. The idea of feeding the enemy is found in other passages of scripture: 1 Samuel: 1-36 tells the s<strong>to</strong>ry of<br />

how Abigail fed King David and his companions so that they would not kill her husband. In 2 Kings 6:1-23 Elisha instructs<br />

the king of Israel <strong>to</strong> feed the army of his enemy the king of Aram. Proverbs 25:21-22 offers the simple counsel, “If your<br />

enemies are hungry, given them bread <strong>to</strong> eat; and if they are thirsty give them water <strong>to</strong> drink…”<br />

The s<strong>to</strong>ry of Abigail is available from MCC in skit form. If you would like a copy of the skit, please send your request <strong>to</strong><br />

peace@mennonitecc.ca.<br />

2. Incorporate a litany of resistance and affirmation.<br />

As a congregational response <strong>to</strong> the meditation or sermon, you may wish <strong>to</strong> incorporate a litany of response and commitment.<br />

In the spirit of revolution, this litany should include both elements of resistance (saying no) and affirmation (saying<br />

yes). It should be read boldly and with strong conviction. Here is a sample, loosely based on Romans 12:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

Leader:<br />

Congregation:<br />

All:<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution, a revolution where God’s love, goodness, hope and peace<br />

transform us and our world.<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against hatred, and seek <strong>to</strong> be loving <strong>to</strong>wards all.<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution—<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against injustice, and seek <strong>to</strong> live justly with all.<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution—<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against violence, and seek <strong>to</strong> live peaceably with all.<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution—<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against fear, and seek the love that casts out all fear.<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution—<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against warfare, and will seek <strong>to</strong> live and proclaim peace,<br />

Jesus draws us in<strong>to</strong> his peaceful revolution—<br />

With God’s grace and power, we will revolt against evil, and seek <strong>to</strong> overcome evil with good.<br />

Thanks be <strong>to</strong> God who transforms us and our world!<br />


3. Tell some peaceful revolution s<strong>to</strong>ries.<br />

This section includes s<strong>to</strong>ries of individuals and communities who could be called peaceful revolutionaries. These people have<br />

embraced the call <strong>to</strong> join the peaceful revolution. The s<strong>to</strong>ries may be incorporated in<strong>to</strong> a sermon, reprinted in a church newsletter,<br />

or discussed in a Sunday school class or youth activity.<br />

Menno Simons, Holland, 1496-1561. As a Roman Catholic priest in 16th century Holland, Menno Simons began <strong>to</strong> have doubts<br />

about his church’s practice of infant baptism and the Lord’s Supper. He did not leave the church immediately, but continued<br />

<strong>to</strong> preach and develop his ideas. In January of 1536 he left his position in the Catholic church and soon became a prominent<br />

leader among the Anabaptists in Holland as they sought a faith renewal based on the beliefs and practices of the early<br />

Christian church. Menno wrote extensively about biblical theology and discipleship, and he was one of the first Anabaptists<br />

<strong>to</strong> present and explain the peace position as an integral part of Christian faith. Despite the ongoing threat of persecution, he<br />

persisted as a leader within this fledgling group of “Mennists” who later became known as <strong>Mennonite</strong>s. Menno wrote:<br />

The regenerated do not go <strong>to</strong> war nor engage in strife. They are the children of peace who have beaten their swords<br />

in<strong>to</strong> plowshares and their spears in<strong>to</strong> pruning hooks and know of no war… Since we are <strong>to</strong> be conformed <strong>to</strong> Christ,<br />

how can we then fight our enemies with the sword?<br />

From MCC Peace Sunday Packet, 2003.<br />

MB Church of Kitwit, Congo, 1996. In late 1996 a guerrilla movement led by Laurent Kabila moved from southeastern Congo<br />

<strong>to</strong>wards the capital, Kinshasa, in an attempt <strong>to</strong> overthrow the corrupt and dicta<strong>to</strong>rial regime of President Mobu<strong>to</strong> Sese Seko.<br />

Along the way, the guerrillas engaged Mobutu’s army in battle and skirmishes; the army fell apart and <strong>to</strong>ok out its fury on<br />

local villages with killing, rape and pillage.<br />

Kikwit, a community 500 kilometers east of Kinshasa prepared for the onslaught. The MB churches gathered <strong>to</strong> pray and<br />

brains<strong>to</strong>rm how they could respond <strong>to</strong> the impending violence. They developed a plan, pitched it <strong>to</strong> the mayor, who accepted<br />

it, and they went <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong> try <strong>to</strong> keep their community safe.<br />

When the troops arrived a month later, volunteers met them before they could cross the bridge in<strong>to</strong> Kikwit. They greeted the<br />

soldiers with welcome songs, and gave them food, shoes, clothes and medicines collected from city residents. Business people<br />

provided vehicles <strong>to</strong> transport the goods over the bridge and <strong>to</strong> take the troops out of the area. Additionally, teams of trained<br />

and unarmed youth (20 teams of 100 each) patrolled five main streets, intervening nonviolently when someone needed protection.<br />

Only one life was lost.<br />

The witness of the church <strong>to</strong> the gospel of peace did not go unnoticed. The church continues <strong>to</strong> grow.<br />

Adapted from “A lesson in peacemaking,” <strong>Mennonite</strong> Brethren Herald, 14 November 2003.<br />

Milk for a baby, Serbia 1992. Chris Hedges, a war correspondent, tells the s<strong>to</strong>ry of Rosa and Drago Sorak, a Bosnian Serb<br />

couple in the <strong>to</strong>wn of Gorazde in 1992. Rosa and Drago suffered greatly from the war and their isolation as a Serb family<br />

surrounded by Muslims. Their two sons were killed, they suffered death threats, and the <strong>to</strong>wn was repeatedly shelled. They<br />

had no electricity, gas, or water. In this desperate situation, they had a little baby girl. Food was scarce and Rosa could not<br />

breastfeed. Infants were dying everywhere, and their little girl weakened.<br />

One morning there was a knock on the door. There s<strong>to</strong>od a Muslim neighbour, Fadil Fejzic, with half a liter of milk for their<br />

baby. Fadil milked his cow at night <strong>to</strong> avoid being killed by snipers. Every morning for the next 442 days, Fadil suffered the<br />

insults and threats of his own Muslim community <strong>to</strong> take half a liter of milk <strong>to</strong> the young Serb infant. War finally forced<br />

Rosa and Drago <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> another community, and Fadil eventually lost his cow <strong>to</strong> the Serb forces, but they survived the<br />

war. And the baby lived.<br />

Adapted from Chris Hedges, War is a force that gives us meaning (New York: Public Affairs, 2002, pp. 51-53.<br />


By the side of the road, Saskatchewan, 2004. A few years ago a young woman named Donna began attending a <strong>Mennonite</strong><br />

church in Saska<strong>to</strong>on, Saskatchewan. She was very new in the Christian faith. One Sunday, after hearing a guest preach on<br />

the gospel of peace, Donna was driving on the highway with her infant son. She noticed a car s<strong>to</strong>pped on the side of the road<br />

and two people standing beside it. As she got closer, she realized the man and woman were arguing. She remembered the<br />

speaker at church who had <strong>to</strong>ld the s<strong>to</strong>ry about knocking on an apartment door where she heard yelling, then asking, “Is<br />

everything okay? Can I do anything <strong>to</strong> help?”<br />

Donna struggled with whether or not <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p her car. She had her son with her and was obviously concerned for her safety.<br />

But as she drove past, she looked in the rearview mirror and saw the man strike the woman. Donna slowed her car, turned<br />

around, and went back, all the while praying hard. She s<strong>to</strong>pped by the car and asked, “Is everything all right? Can I do<br />

anything <strong>to</strong> help?” The man suggested that everything was okay, but the woman came over <strong>to</strong> Donna’s car and said that everything<br />

was not okay. Donna offered <strong>to</strong> drive her <strong>to</strong> Saska<strong>to</strong>on. Meanwhile, the man became quite contrite, and after some<br />

time, convinced the woman <strong>to</strong> go with him. Donna had her university day planner on the front seat of the car and ripped out<br />

the page with emergency numbers on it. She gave it <strong>to</strong> the woman saying, “No matter what you did, you don’t deserve <strong>to</strong> be<br />

hit. Please call someone for help.”<br />

As shared by Eileen Klassen Hamm, MCC Saskatchewan<br />

To carry a gun, Ontario, 2009. Anneliese Jaeger-Friesen became a Christian and was baptized in the spring of 2007. She had been<br />

employed as a Border Services Officer with the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) for a number of years. In 2008 she<br />

gave birth and went on a maternity leave. While on leave, the CBSA implemented new regulations that required all Border<br />

Services Officers <strong>to</strong> carry a firearm while on duty. Until this time, cus<strong>to</strong>ms officers had always been unarmed.<br />

The new regulations presented Anneliese with a tremendous dilemma. As a new Christian, she was passionate about her<br />

faith and about her commitment <strong>to</strong> Jesus’ way of peace. She felt that learning <strong>to</strong> use and carry a gun would violate these<br />

deeply held convictions. At the same time, she loved her job and didn’t want <strong>to</strong> leave it.<br />

With much reflection and prayer, and with the help of her pas<strong>to</strong>r at the Niagara United <strong>Mennonite</strong> Church and others, Anneliese<br />

prepared a statement for her employer and requested a meeting with her manager. She asked that she be allowed <strong>to</strong><br />

keep her job but that she be exempted from the requirement <strong>to</strong> carry a gun and other use-of-force <strong>to</strong>ols.<br />

In the end, Anneliese was offered a position in another department of CBSA, where her convictions would not be compromised.<br />

She was happy with this resolution <strong>to</strong> her dilemma. She agreed <strong>to</strong> share her s<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> help people understand that we<br />

can be witnesses for the peace of Jesus <strong>to</strong>day and in <strong>Canada</strong>, even when we seem <strong>to</strong> be far away from conflict and war situations.<br />

As shared by Anneliese Jaeger-Friesen, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario<br />


3. Reflect on these revolutionary quotations.<br />

The following quotations may be used in a sermon, incorporated in<strong>to</strong> the Peace<br />

Sunday bulletin or your congregation’s newsletter.<br />

No revolution that has ever taken place in society can be compared <strong>to</strong> that which<br />

has been produced by the words of Jesus Christ.<br />

Mark Hopkins<br />

The old world can never get out of its tailspin of violence, but the cross of Christ<br />

is where a new world has begun which puts an end <strong>to</strong> the need for that cycle.<br />

That new world is now here and it is coming. And the church of peace is that<br />

community that has been called <strong>to</strong> live according <strong>to</strong> the new pattern of the cross<br />

in the world.<br />

Lay<strong>to</strong>n Friesen<br />

If we have no peace, it is because we<br />

have forgotten that we belong <strong>to</strong> each<br />

other.<br />

Mother Teresa<br />

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong <strong>to</strong> each other.<br />

Mother Teresa<br />

Everyday I am afraid that [Jesus] died in vain because he is buried in our churches,<br />

because we have betrayed His revolution in obedience and fear of authorities...<br />

from a creed shared by Dorothee Soelle<br />

Sometimes all the peacemakers need <strong>to</strong> do is practice revolutionary patience and<br />

steadfast hope, for the universe bends <strong>to</strong>ward justice, and the entire Christian<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ry demonstrates the triumph of love.<br />

Shane Claiborne<br />

…women who have brought men in<strong>to</strong> the world and nurtured them until they<br />

reach the age of fighting must experience a peculiar revulsion when they see them<br />

destroyed, irrespective of the country in which these men have been born.<br />

Jane Addams, 1931 Nobel Peace Prize recipient<br />

The manner in which we pursue peace is, in fact, the peace…<br />

Ruth Krall<br />

Those of us who live by the convictions of love for the friend and foe, the life<br />

of nonviolence, also are invited <strong>to</strong> remind ourselves that our myth that love can<br />

and will overcome is only convincing when it is grounded in real life and actions.<br />

Ours is a living s<strong>to</strong>ry. It is not yet complete. Words strike the opening chord, but<br />

the symphony is completed with action.<br />

Gene S<strong>to</strong>ltzfus<br />


Resources for Witness and Action<br />

1. Hold a public witness<br />

Remembrance Day is a time when our nation acknowledges the pain and suffering<br />

caused by war, but it also holds up the necessity of war. Because <strong>Canada</strong><br />

is currently involved in war in Afghanistan, there is a special emphasis on how<br />

soldiers and war-fighting are necessary for the preservation of peace and freedom.<br />

Peace churches, however, live by a different s<strong>to</strong>ry and a different vision. They live<br />

by the s<strong>to</strong>ry and vision of Jesus and his peaceful revolution, of the Kingdom of<br />

Heaven on earth, of a world without violence and without war, of a world that<br />

builds peace through peaceful means. This vision is one <strong>to</strong> be shared and proclaimed.<br />

MCC encourages congregations<br />

not only <strong>to</strong> observe a Peace<br />

Sunday worship service, but <strong>to</strong><br />

engage in some form of public<br />

witness for peace during the<br />

Remembrance Day season.<br />

MCC encourages congregations not only <strong>to</strong> observe a Peace Sunday worship<br />

service, but <strong>to</strong> engage in some form of public witness for peace during the Remembrance<br />

Day season. This could include a letter <strong>to</strong> the edi<strong>to</strong>r, a meeting with a<br />

Member of Parliament, or a public prayer vigil. It could also include sponsoring<br />

an ad in your local newspaper or in a public place.<br />

MCC Ontario has prepared extensive materials for a public prayer vigil for peace<br />

during the Remembrance Day season. These materials include prayers, readings<br />

and songs, as well as detailed instructions for the planning and logisitics of the<br />

vigil. These materials are posted at http://canada.mcc.org/peacesunday<br />

Other suggestions and how-<strong>to</strong>’s for public witness may be found in Public Witness<br />

for Peace: A Toolkit for Christians, produced by MCC. http://mcc.org/canada/<br />

peace/resources/<strong>to</strong>olkit.pdf<br />

Additionally, ask your denominational conference office for peace witness resources.<br />

2. Celebrate the peace but<strong>to</strong>n, “To remember is <strong>to</strong> work for<br />

peace.”<br />

Twenty years ago, MCC Ontario produced an alternative <strong>to</strong> the Remembrance<br />

Day lapel poppy. It was a red but<strong>to</strong>n with the phrase, “To remember is <strong>to</strong> work<br />

for peace.” The purpose of the but<strong>to</strong>n was <strong>to</strong> offer a gentle but clear peace message<br />

in the context of remembrance of war. The but<strong>to</strong>n has changed a bit in appearance<br />

but hundreds of but<strong>to</strong>ns are still sold every year.<br />

This year MCC is honouring the anniversary of this but<strong>to</strong>n by inviting people <strong>to</strong><br />

share their s<strong>to</strong>ries and pho<strong>to</strong>s of someone wearing the but<strong>to</strong>n. Visit canada.mcc.<br />

org/peacesunday <strong>to</strong> read some of the s<strong>to</strong>ries and see the pho<strong>to</strong>s. Send your s<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

and pho<strong>to</strong>s <strong>to</strong> peacebut<strong>to</strong>ns@mennonitecc.ca.<br />

Send your Member of Parliament a peace but<strong>to</strong>n. Let him/her know how you are<br />

living for peace. Ask him/her <strong>to</strong> remember and <strong>to</strong> work for peace <strong>to</strong>o.<br />

You may order but<strong>to</strong>ns from your provincial MCC office. For contact information,<br />

visit http://mcc.org/contact/canada.html.<br />


3. Explore the concept of revolution.<br />

Have your group brains<strong>to</strong>rm all the ways that they have heard the word revolution; e.g. google revolution, dance dance<br />

revolution, French revolution, Twitter revolution. Or consider popular songs that contain messages of revolution, e.g. the<br />

Beatles’ “talking ‘bout a revolution,” Bob Dylan’s “the times are a changing,” and much more recent ones such as Bruce<br />

Springsteen’s “The rising” or Steve Earle’s “Jerusalem.” How do these revolutions relate <strong>to</strong> Jesus’ revolution?<br />

Read Luke 6:20-36, Roman 3:1-3, 9-21 or other scripture texts. Learn about the Greek word metanoia, which means<br />

conversion or turning, and how it is used in the New Testament. How do conversion and revolution relate? How did Jesus<br />

embody revolution? Do you think Jesus’ peaceful revolution changed the world? Is it still changing the world? What are<br />

ways that your group can offer a revolutionary witness <strong>to</strong> your community?<br />

4. Remember peaceful revolutionaries<br />

Read some of the s<strong>to</strong>ries included in this packet about people who were or are peaceful revolutionaries. Which s<strong>to</strong>ries resonate<br />

with your group? Which s<strong>to</strong>ries do not? What s<strong>to</strong>ries can members of the group contribute?<br />

Mahatma Gandhi is frequently identified as one of the key leaders of peace and nonviolent action in the 20th century. Gandhi<br />

was a Hindu. He said something like this, “The only people who don’t know that Jesus was nonviolent are Christians.”<br />

How do you respond?<br />

5. Create a peaceful revolution video<br />

Visit the MCC website called http://iamrevolting.org. Read the materials and view the videos about s<strong>to</strong>pping war, living<br />

simply and sustainably and transforming conflict. Imagine how you and your group could embody the peaceful revolution<br />

in your community. Write a s<strong>to</strong>ry about what you have done. Send it <strong>to</strong> peace@mennonitecc.ca and we will post it on the<br />

website. OR have your group create its own video (no more than three minutes) that would be fitting for the peaceful revolution<br />

website. Send a note <strong>to</strong> peace@mennonitecc.ca that you are doing this. All contribu<strong>to</strong>rs whose videos are chosen for the<br />

website will receive a peaceful revolution t-shirt.<br />


Even more resources<br />

Books<br />

Brown, Tricia Gates, ed. Getting in the Way: S<strong>to</strong>ries from Christian Peacemaker Teams. Herald Press, 2005.<br />

Claiborne, Shane. The Irresistable Revolution. Zondervan, 2006.<br />

Friesen, Friesen, Duane K. and Gerald Schlabach, eds. At Peace and Unafraid: Public Order, Security, and the Wisdom of the<br />

Cross. Herald Press, 2005.<br />

Holsopple, Mary Yoder, Ruth E. Krall, and Sharon Weaver Pittman. Building Peace: Overcoming Violence in Communities.<br />

WCC Publications, 2004.<br />

Maclaren, Brian D. Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crisis and a Revolution of Hope. Thomas Nelson, 2007.<br />

Roth, John D. Choosing Against War: A Christian View. Good Books, 2002.<br />

Trocmé, André. Jesus and the Nonviolent Revolution. Orbis Books, 2004. Available for <strong>download</strong> at http://www.plough.com/<br />

ebooks/nonviolentrevolution.html.<br />

Yoder, John Howard. The Politics of Jesus. Revised edition. Eerdmans, 1994.<br />

MCC Resources<br />

At each small turn, choose peace. A postcard that identifies 10 daily practices that build peace. Available from provincial MCC<br />

offices or from http://www.tng-secure.com/scripts/mcc/catalog/result.php#.<br />

Choose your own adventure? A 12-page zine offers youth 10 questions <strong>to</strong> consider before joining the military. Available from<br />

MCC Ontario and MCC <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />

Pursuing Peace: The Essence of <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>. Revised edition. MCC <strong>Canada</strong>, 2009. Available for purchase<br />

for $4.65 at http://secure.mcc.org/mccs<strong>to</strong>re/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6_11_38&products_id=366.<br />

To remember is <strong>to</strong> work for peace. MCC’s peace but<strong>to</strong>n. Available for $1.00 from provincial MCC offices (reduced prices for<br />

bulk purchases). For addresses and phone numbers, go <strong>to</strong> http://mcc.org/contact/canada.html<br />

MCC websites<br />

MCC <strong>Canada</strong>’s peace ministries program. http://mcc.org/canada/peace<br />

Join the peaceful revolution. http://iamrevolting.org<br />

MCC provincial peace program websites:<br />

Alberta<br />

British Columbia<br />

Ontario<br />

http://mcc.org/alberta/programs/peace.html<br />

http://mcc.org/bc/peace<br />

http://mcc.org/ontario/peaceeducation<br />


<strong>Mennonite</strong><br />

<strong>Central</strong><br />

<strong>Committee</strong><br />

®<br />

MCC Alberta<br />

#210, 2946 - 32nd Street NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 6J7<br />

(403) 275-6935<br />

MCC British Columbia<br />

31414 Marshall Road, Box 2038, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8<br />

(604) 850-6639<br />

MCC <strong>Canada</strong><br />

134 Plaza Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5K9<br />

(204) 261-6381<br />

MCC Mani<strong>to</strong>ba<br />

134 Plaza Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5K9<br />

(204) 261-6381<br />

MCC Maritimes<br />

27 John Street, Monc<strong>to</strong>n, NB E1C 2G7<br />

(506) 383-9339<br />

MCC Newfoundland and Labrador<br />

Box 850, Station B, Happy Valley, NL A0P 1E0<br />

(709) 896-3213<br />

MCC Ontario<br />

50 Kent Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2G 3R1<br />

(519) 745-8458<br />

MCC Québec<br />

1212, rue du Fort, Montréal, QC H3H 2B3<br />

(514) 278-3008<br />

MCC Saskatchewan<br />

600-45th Street West, Saska<strong>to</strong>on, SK S7L 5W9<br />

(306) 665-2555<br />

Call your nearest office in <strong>Canada</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong>ll free 1-888-622-6337.<br />


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