Hydro-ecological relations in the Delta Waters

Hydro-ecological relations in the Delta Waters Hydro-ecological relations in the Delta Waters


A CMANGING DEtTdl; EFFECTS OF L&E COASTAL ENGINF5RING WOW ON FEEDB'G ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSKIPS A5 ILLUSTRATED BY WAlXlWIBDS P.M. Meire, 3. Seys. T. YsebaerC. P.L. Mekinger and H,~.hl. Baptist In the Delta area of the South-Wwt Netherlands the majrrrity of estuarine eaoagstems has disappeared due to large coastal engiaeeriag works, creating new artificial saline Emd Freshwater lakes. Thege hydrodynamical changes had enormous consequences for plants and animals. In this paper the changes in the avifauita are desccikd. The Poordelta is charrtcterized by a La~ge number of diving ducks and gulls. In comparison with the tidal basins, where the benthivormus species (mainly waders) dominate, numbers of h~rbiubres and piscivoTes increased snbstantially in the new lakes, while waders near17 dtaappeared. Herbivores dominate the avLfaona of the lakea. This differentiation is even more obvious in the distribution of individual species, since same species prefer fresh over saline conditions and vice versa, In order to understand the observed distribution patterns, the densities of different bird grows were compared with estimates of the available food. In the tidal azeas and the saline lakes a clear relation beween piscivore bird density and D~biid density (their main grey species) was cbserved. BLeo wader densities in the Cidal basins *ere clearly related to their food supply. Densities of herbivores are comparable between various basies. Thetr food saurce is very variable and hence impossible to estimate. The distribution a£ div*g ducks. feeding a$Iy on macrobenthos. is vety puzzling and .seems not at all related to food supply. This indicates factcrs other thaa food supply

are determining the dfstrlbution af birds in che Delta r2s well. NeM to ecolo@cal factors mch es ppulatiob. size, arlgracian partem and diet selecriob. human arrivities affect bir&i, often negatimely, in a varietg of nays. Disttubailce, poLlution artd habitat loss are Lnnoediate threats. Several tomagament options are available and discussed in Drder Ca inpmve the acologlcal cwditions. Gver Ehe l46t tws deeaaes the wealled Delta ,a- ?n fhe asu~hwsrern part of the Netherlands has changed profgunLUy. 14 this area $he rivers ~Wn. W and Sehdde £lea ineo B& sea thrangh e cosplelt s.p%em of estuaries.. Is respanwe to the disastms etcrro £l@od of 1953, in whim .aaSut l:&O.O people were killed, as BBlbfti~als plan @>E aalm@ up all ~ht me e$tcr&i~e$ was deedoped. In 1-967 the &.xec&ion of this plan, &Ithod& @rptte8 id the b&Se Df tHe yeais, s s mleted. ThLs ~ ~ u h tn e d ~profalrnd chaages kn thil eelbgieal relatims, as lilrge 't:idal .&reds di&p$ear@d and ~ e habitatir, w such as stagnant saline wd bi&.kish lekes, were cr-ed. 5ie.c~ d$.scxibieg all these eeolsggtcal chrtng*~ is fmpossible. In $his paper W@ shall reetrict eu~selves to descLlibe tibw tha oeeu.s.r?nce and d~i.@%ribation o* birds wer zhe aiffereat basin9 Changed and xe isdieate reia%imxv with food suppigi and otber faceors.. W.@@, the area is? very imparranr for btsds apt is^, et al, 198&; Saeijs a~d Baptigt, 1~91771 d., as the gentgal pwblle is sepsAtive tg birds, the7 haye p.byzld a relatfvely ~ortanc role in deci.s:i@ndiug (ens. in eke disewasian sht at spen or closed b,mte~sBhel@e: d~riqg the Uo6sre-s #f the Philips- and OeatettBni; in tbe eurrent dbcusriori abwt rhe &its to be @et or reeteatilbn in Oasfemchelde erc.l. Xn the fiei.wt part of thfs papixr ttie Wbitati in the De'lyta area and the ohsewed chaQgesia tht?. occnrt-ence ef waferbird% are descritred. In the: saEBnil p& some fwtoes inflmencing tiiis obse.md distTibutan. bein$ Toad BUatLability and ~nat?Xp btber fac&ors as migration pattwns. pdpwlatton bize and thlaran fiite&ereuce are Wyxed.




P.M.<br />

Meire, 3. Seys. T. YsebaerC. P.L. Mek<strong>in</strong>ger and H,~.hl. Baptist<br />

In <strong>the</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> area of <strong>the</strong> South-Wwt Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands <strong>the</strong> majrrrity of estuar<strong>in</strong>e<br />

eaoagstems has disappeared due to large coastal engiaeeriag works,<br />

creat<strong>in</strong>g new artificial sal<strong>in</strong>e Emd Freshwater lakes. Thege<br />

hydrodynamical changes had enormous consequences for plants and<br />

animals. In this paper <strong>the</strong> changes <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> avifauita are desccikd.<br />

The Poordelta is charrtcterized by a La~ge number of div<strong>in</strong>g ducks and<br />

gulls. In comparison with <strong>the</strong> tidal bas<strong>in</strong>s, where <strong>the</strong> benthivormus<br />

species (ma<strong>in</strong>ly waders) dom<strong>in</strong>ate, numbers of h~rbiubres and piscivoTes<br />

<strong>in</strong>creased snbstantially <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> new lakes, while waders near17<br />

dtaappeared. Herbivores dom<strong>in</strong>ate <strong>the</strong> avLfaona of <strong>the</strong> lakea. This<br />

differentiation is even more obvious <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> distribution of <strong>in</strong>dividual<br />

species, s<strong>in</strong>ce same species prefer fresh over sal<strong>in</strong>e conditions and<br />

vice versa, In order to understand <strong>the</strong> observed distribution patterns,<br />

<strong>the</strong> densities of different bird grows were compared with estimates of<br />

<strong>the</strong> available food. In <strong>the</strong> tidal azeas and <strong>the</strong> sal<strong>in</strong>e lakes a clear<br />

relation beween piscivore bird density and D~biid density (<strong>the</strong>ir ma<strong>in</strong><br />

grey species) was cbserved. BLeo wader densities <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cidal bas<strong>in</strong>s<br />

*ere clearly related to <strong>the</strong>ir food supply. Densities of herbivores are<br />

comparable between various basies. Thetr food saurce is very variable<br />

and hence impossible to estimate. The distribution a£ div*g<br />

ducks.<br />

feed<strong>in</strong>g a$Iy on macrobenthos. is vety puzzl<strong>in</strong>g and .seems not at all<br />

related to food supply. This <strong>in</strong>dicates factcrs o<strong>the</strong>r thaa food supply

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