Metric Mania

Metric Mania

Metric Mania


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<strong>Metric</strong> <strong>Mania</strong> Name____________________________<br />

LENGTH:<br />

1. What is the basic unit for length? ______________<br />

2. Circle the best unit for measuring each distance:<br />

a. Thickness of an eyelash: mm cm m<br />

b. Length of a pencil: cm m km<br />

3. Use a meter stick or metric ruler to find each measurement.<br />

a. Width of this page ____________ mm or ____________ cm<br />

b. Length of an unsharpened pencil _____________cm<br />

4. Convert the following measurements:<br />

a. 34 mm = _______ cm b. 3 km = _______ m<br />

c. 234 cm = _______ m d. 35 m = _______ mm<br />

MASS:<br />

5. What is the basic unit for mass? ______________<br />

6. Circle the best unit for measuring each mass:<br />

a. Amount of spices in a batch of cookies: mg g kg<br />

b. Your mass: mg g kg<br />

c. Mass of 10 pennies: mg g kg<br />

7. Use a triple-beam balance to find each measurement.<br />

a. Mass of an ink pen __________ g b. Mass of a can of soda __________ g<br />

8. Convert the following measurements:<br />

a. 16 mg = _______ g b. 4.7 kg = _______ g<br />

c. 12,345 g = _______ kg d. 2 g = _______ mg<br />


15. What is the basic unit for temperature? ______________<br />

16. What are the freezing and boiling points for water on this scale? _______ _______<br />

17. Circle the best choice:<br />

a. Temperature on a hot summer’s day: 0 o 35 o 90 o<br />

b. Room temperature: - 20 o 0 o 20 o<br />

18. Convert the following measurements.<br />

a. 90 o F = ______ o C b. 45 o F = ______ o C<br />

T. Trimpe 2000 http://sciencespot.net/

VOLUME:<br />

19. What is the basic unit for volume? _______________<br />

20. Circle the best unit for measuring each volume:<br />

a. Amount of soda in 1 can: mL L<br />

b. Water in a bathtub: mL L<br />

21. Determine the volume for each object.<br />

a. Use L x W x H to find the volume of a chalkboard eraser ___________ cm3<br />

b. Use water displacement to find the volume of four marbles<br />

____________ ml or ___________ cm3<br />

22. Convert the following measurements:<br />

a. 160 mL = _______ L b. 23 kL = _______ L<br />

c. 456 cL = _______ mL c. 120 mL = _______ cm3<br />

TIME:<br />

23. What is the basic unit for measuring time? _______________<br />

24. How many seconds are in:<br />

a. 1 minute? _______ b. 6 hours? _______ c. 2 days? _______<br />

DENSITY:<br />

28. Would the objects with the following densities float, sink, or remain suspended in tap<br />

water?<br />

a. 0.85 g/mL _______________ b. 1.0 g/mL _______________<br />

c. 1.4 g/mL _______________ d. 0.92 g/mL _______________<br />

T. Trimpe 2000 http://sciencespot.net/

<strong>Metric</strong> Conversions<br />

Name_________________________<br />

Fill in the boxes in the stair step diagram.<br />

Try these conversions, using the ladder method.<br />

1000 mg = _______ g 1 L = _______ mL 160 cm = _______ mm<br />

14 km = _______ m 109 g = _______ kg 250 m = _______ km<br />

Compare using , or =.<br />

56 cm 6 m 7 g 698 mg<br />

T. Trimpe 2000 http://sciencespot.net/

<strong>Metric</strong> Conversions<br />

Name_________________________<br />

Write the correct abbreviation for each metric unit.<br />

1) Kilogram _____ 4) Milliliter _____ 7) Kilometer _____<br />

2) Meter _____ 5) Millimeter _____ 8) Centimeter _____<br />

3) Gram _____ 6) Liter _____ 9) Milligram _____<br />

Try these conversions, using the ladder method.<br />

10) 2000 mg = _______ g 15) 5 L = _______ mL 20) 16 cm = _______ mm<br />

11) 104 km = _______ m 16) 198 g = _______ kg 21) 2500 m = _______ km<br />

12) 480 cm = _____ m 17) 75 mL = _____ L 22) 65 g = _____ mg<br />

13) 5.6 kg = _____ g 18) 50 cm = _____ m 23) 6.3 cm = _____ mm<br />

14) 8 mm = _____ cm 19) 5.6 m = _____ cm 24) 120 mg = _____ g<br />

Compare using , or =.<br />

25) 63 cm 6 m 27) 5 g 508 mg 29) 1,500 mL 1.5 L<br />

26) 536 cm 53.6 dm 28) 43 mg 5 g 30) 3.6 m 36 cm<br />

T. Trimpe 2000 http://sciencespot.net/

<strong>Metric</strong> <strong>Mania</strong> Answer Keys<br />

Conversion Practice<br />

NOTE: See PowerPoint Presentation for the stair step boxes.<br />

1000 mg = 1 g<br />

160 cm = 1600 mm<br />

109 g = 0.109 kg<br />

1 l = 1000 ml<br />

14 km = 14000 m<br />

250 m = .250 km<br />

56 cm < 6 m<br />

7 g > 698 mg<br />

Conversion Challenge<br />

1. kg<br />

2. m<br />

3. g<br />

4. ml<br />

5. mm<br />

6. l<br />

7. km<br />

8. cm<br />

9. mg<br />

10. 2 g<br />

11. 104000 m<br />

12. 4.8 m<br />

13. 5600 g<br />

14. .8 cm<br />

15. 5000 ml<br />

16. 0.198 kg<br />

17. 0.075 l<br />

18. 0.5 m<br />

19. 560 cm<br />

20. 160 mm<br />

21. 2.5 km<br />

22. 65000 mg<br />

23. 63 mm<br />

24. 0.12 g<br />

25. <<br />

26. ><br />

27. =<br />

28. =<br />

29. <<br />

30. ><br />

T. Trimpe 2000 http://sciencespot.net/

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