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The current ecology of Solway shad<br />

and ongoing efforts to locate<br />

potential spawning areas<br />

Liz Etheridge

River Cree rare fish project<br />

• Action on eight species<br />

The Tubney Environmental Trust,<br />

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation,<br />

GFT, SEPA, SNH, FCS, Scottish<br />

Government, SWEAT and Crown<br />

Estates.<br />

• Anadromous fishes<br />

– Freshwater pearl mussels<br />

– Sparling<br />

– Sea, river and brook lamprey<br />

– Atlantic salmon<br />

– Allis and twaite shad<br />

– Vulnerable to human impacts<br />

• Pollution<br />

• Barriers to migration<br />

• Migrations vulnerable to<br />

overfishing<br />

• May require several different<br />

habitats to complete lifecycle

Allis and Twaite shad<br />

• Two species of shad in UK<br />

– Overlap in many life history and<br />

taxonomic characters<br />

– Identified through counting gill<br />

rakers<br />

• Both found around the UK coast<br />

– Numbers of both species have<br />

declined<br />

– However, allis shad is rarer than<br />

twaite shad<br />

• Both species are protected in the<br />

UK<br />

• Spawning sites are known in<br />

Wales and England<br />

• Shad in scotland<br />

Firths of<br />

Tay and<br />

Forth<br />

Solway Firth<br />

– Have been reported for several<br />

years in the Solway Firth<br />

– Have also been reported in some<br />

east coast rivers<br />

• E.g. Tay, Forth and Tweed

Shad in the Solway<br />

• Have been regularly captured in the<br />

Solway Firth for many years<br />

– By-catch from salmon stake nets<br />

• Adult fish first collected and studied<br />

between 1989 and 1994<br />

– Peter Maitland during work on River<br />

Cree smelt<br />

• Capture of both species and a small<br />

number of hybrids<br />

– suggested that spawning might be<br />

taking place in the Cree or Bladnoch<br />

• From 2004 shad samples were<br />

again collected from stake nets<br />

in the Solway<br />

– Part of monitoring work for an<br />

offshore windfarm<br />

– Reward paid for each fish to<br />

enable maximum data<br />


Spawning ground location<br />

• Important<br />

– Climate change is expanding the northerly range of many species<br />

– More northerly spawning areas need to be located in order to ensure protection<br />

• May become more important<br />

– Possible developments in the area<br />

• Solway Barrage has been suggested<br />

• More offshore wind farms<br />

• Not thought that these fish can be<br />

ascending far up the river<br />

– Both the Bladnoch and the Cree are<br />

fished recreationally for salmon<br />

– Both have weirs which might hold up<br />

migrating shad<br />

– Spawning shad relatively obvious?<br />

But no obvious spawning grounds!

Solway shad 2010<br />

• 86 shad were captured in 2010<br />

• From six netting stations<br />

– Cree, Fleet, Urr, Annan

Solway shad ecology 2010<br />

• Species identification<br />

• Gill raker number (GR)<br />

– 8 allis shad (104 - 127)<br />

– 74 twaite shad (36 - 47)<br />

– 4 hybrid shad (74 - 80)

• No significant difference in L f<br />

or W<br />

between groups<br />

• Allis shad has a faster growth rate<br />

than twaite shad<br />

• Sex ratio<br />

– Allis shad and hybrid catches<br />

dominated by males<br />

– Captured twaite shad were mostly<br />


Solway shad spawning 2010<br />

30<br />

hybrid<br />

N shad caught<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Twaite<br />

Allis<br />

Apr May Jun Jul Aug<br />

• Gonadosomatic index (GSI)<br />

– GSI = (W gonad x 100) / W total<br />

– GSI reduces over time<br />

• fish ripe to spent<br />

– Appear to suggest fish start spawning in<br />


• Ripe fish still present in July<br />

– By end of July all fish are spent

2010 spawning<br />

N shad caught<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Cree<br />

hybrid<br />

Twaite<br />

Allis<br />

Urr<br />

Fleet<br />

Annan<br />

KB KD SC CN<br />

KB (N = 44)<br />

DH AY<br />

DH (N = 19)<br />

Site<br />

• Most shad captured – Kirkbride (KB) nets (Cree)<br />

– Douglas Hall (DH) nets (Urr)

Shad 1989 - 2010<br />

• 512 shad were captured in Solway<br />

• From seven netting areas

Solway shad 1989 - 2010<br />

120<br />

100<br />

Frequency<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130<br />

Gill raker number<br />

• No significant difference in L f<br />

or W between groups<br />

• Sex ratio<br />

– All groups dominated by<br />

females<br />

100%<br />

• Species identification<br />

• Gill raker number (GR)<br />

– Allis shad > 90 GR<br />

– Twaite shad < 60 GR<br />

– Hybrid shad 60 to 90 GR<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

Allis<br />

Twaite hybrid<br />

female<br />


Solway shad spawning<br />

N shad caught<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

hybrid<br />

Twaite<br />

Allis<br />

mean GSI<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

Shad spawning<br />

in freshwater?<br />

0<br />

2<br />

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept<br />

0<br />

Apr May Jun 1 Jul<br />

Aug<br />

Sep<br />

• Gonadosomatic index (GSI)<br />

– GSI reduces over time, fish ripe to spent<br />

– Appear to suggest main spawning occurs in<br />


35<br />

allis<br />

Gonadosomic index<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

Shad spawning<br />

in freshwater?<br />

hybrid<br />

twaite<br />

0<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190<br />

Days since 1st April<br />

• Gap apparent in July where shad are usually not captured<br />

• After this almost all are spent

Solway Shad spawning<br />

• Over the whole sampling period, two likely spawning<br />

areas are apparent<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

Cree<br />

Urr<br />

hybrid<br />

Twaite<br />

Allis<br />

N shad caught<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

Luce<br />

Fleet<br />

Annan<br />

0<br />



Solway shad spawning<br />

• Fish capture in July, when spawning is believed to be taking place<br />

– Urr / Nith<br />

– Cree / Bladnoch<br />

• Shad captured in Wigtown Bay are<br />

most often sampled from the<br />

Carsluith nets (CS)<br />

– Opposite the entrance to the<br />

Bladnoch<br />

• Fish running up the Cree would be<br />

expected to be captured more<br />

frequently in the Creetown nets (CT)<br />

CT<br />

CS<br />

• Are shad more likely to be spawning<br />

in the Bladnoch?

Conclusions<br />

• Spawning sites and timing<br />

– The data collected in 2010 and drawn from<br />

previous studies from 1989 suggest<br />

– Considering capture patterns, spawning is<br />

likely to occur in mid July<br />

– There may be two main areas of shad<br />

spawning in the Solway<br />

• Urr<br />

• Bladnoch<br />

• Future work<br />

• Spawning locations now need to<br />

be narrowed down<br />

– Surveys of areas being planned<br />

– Possibility of using sonar?<br />

– Remote sensing?<br />

• Juvenile surveys<br />

– netting<br />

• One of the Urr nets has been<br />

releasing shad alive<br />

– Possibility of tagging individuals?<br />

– Don’t know condition

Thank you<br />

for your attention.<br />

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