
Warm-up Warm-up

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LISTENING Step by Step TOEIC Bridge ® Casey Malarcher · Andrea Janzen 1A Teacher’s Guide


Step by Step<br />

TOEIC Bridge ®<br />

Casey Malarcher · Andrea Janzen<br />

1A<br />

Teacher’s Guide

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge ® --- Listening 1A<br />

Teacher’s Guide<br />

Casey Malarcher · Andrea Janzen<br />

© 2004 by Compass Publishing<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,<br />

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,<br />

recording or by any information storage and retrieval<br />

system, without permission in writing from the<br />

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Publisher: K.C. Kang<br />

Cover/Interior Design: Design Plus<br />

email: info@compasspub.com<br />

http://www.compasspub.com<br />

ISBN: 89-8446-372-8<br />

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2<br />

07 06 05

UNIT 1 Home 5<br />

UNIT 2 Restaurant 13<br />

UNIT 3 Travel 21<br />

UNIT 4 Transportation 29<br />

UNIT 5 Entertainment 37<br />

UNIT 6 Shopping 45<br />

UNIT 7 Directions / Location 53<br />

Review 1 61<br />

UNIT 8 Sports 67<br />

UNIT 9 Nature / Environment 75<br />

UNIT 10 Office 83<br />

UNIT 11 Health 91<br />

UNIT 12 Technology 99<br />

UNIT 13 Description 107<br />

UNIT 14 Signs 115<br />

Review 2 123

Introduction<br />

Welcome to Step by Step TOEIC Bridge ® ! This series is designed to help<br />

beginning and intermediate students develop their listening, grammar, and<br />

reading skills. Through practice of activities and problems modeled on the TOEIC<br />

Bridge Test, students can become better test takers while developing basic<br />

comprehension and communication skills in English.<br />

The thematically organized, graded units within the series follow a three-step<br />

format: <strong>Warm</strong>-<strong>up</strong>, Exercise, and Test.<br />

<strong>Warm</strong>-<strong>up</strong><br />

Each unit begins with target vocabulary, a section which introduces key<br />

words found within the unit. This warm-<strong>up</strong> vocabulary section is then followed<br />

by the question-type preview and practice sections. In these sections, multiple<br />

examples of common question types are presented and applied. These sections<br />

also incorporate the target vocabulary, developing both word and question<br />

recognition for common phrases and structures found on the TOEIC Bridge Test.<br />

Exercise<br />

After working through the <strong>Warm</strong>-<strong>up</strong> activities, students move on to a<br />

simplified practice test in the Exercise section of the unit. The limited number of<br />

answer choices in these activities provides students with the opportunity to<br />

become acquainted with the test question format while keeping the activity<br />

accessible to beginning and intermediate students.<br />

Test<br />

In the final section of each unit, students have the opportunity to practice<br />

TOEIC Bridge-type questions, which follow the same format as those<br />

encountered on the actual test. Because all questions in this section of the book<br />

follow the theme presented in the unit, students will repeatedly encounter<br />

vocabulary from earlier parts of the unit, reinforcing vocabulary acquisition and<br />

comprehension.<br />

Because vocabulary is a critical factor in language development, Step by Step<br />

TOEIC Bridge ® has been designed to help students build a solid foundation of<br />

basic vocabulary. Each unit introduces a limited number of new words while<br />

recycling vocabulary from earlier units in a variety of contexts across the diverse<br />

themes presented within the series.<br />

Step by Step TOEIC Bridge ® can help students smoothly progress from the<br />

TOEIC Bridge Test to the TOEIC Test through strategic and organized practice at<br />

a comfortable level.

PART I. Picture Description: Home<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

UNIT1<br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

주요 어휘와,문장들을 함께 읽어본다.<br />

✱ Is there a door in classroom? (If yes) point to it.<br />

door 문<br />

fence 담장<br />

house 집<br />

close 닫다<br />

window 창문<br />

The door is closed. 문이닫혀있다.<br />

The fence is not very high. 담장은그리높지않다.<br />

The house has two bedrooms. 집에는두개의침실이있다.<br />

She closed the door and locked it. 그녀는문을닫고잠갔다.<br />

I looked out the window. 나는창문밖을보았다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

window<br />

✱ What can you see in the picture?<br />

✱ Point to the door. Is it open or closed?<br />

✱ Where is the fence?<br />

✱ How many windows are there?<br />

fence<br />

1. The door and windows of the<br />

house are _________. closed<br />

2. There is a _________ fence in front<br />

of the house.<br />

번역<br />

1.그집의문과창문들은모두닫혀있다.<br />

2.집앞에울타리가있다<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

Yes/No 게임을 해 본다.교사는 옳은(틀린)문장을 읽어주고 학생들은 그 문장이 옳<br />

을때는Yes!(True),틀릴 때는 No!(False)라고 외친다.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

The cat is on the chair.<br />

번역 의자위에고양이가있다.<br />

✱ Where is<br />

the cat?<br />

✱ Is there a<br />

cat under<br />

the chair?<br />

_________ B<br />

The window is closed.<br />

번역 창문이닫혀있다.<br />

✱ Is the<br />

window<br />

open?<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

What is this? (그림의 여러 부분을 가리키며 묻는다)<br />

어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.<br />

✱ Are the<br />

books on<br />

a table?<br />

(A) Many books are on the shelf.<br />

(B) Some books are on the table.<br />

(A) 많은책들이책꽂이에꽂혀있다.<br />

(B) 책몇권이테이블위에있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

many 많은/some 몇몇<br />

번역<br />

(A) This is where people take a bath.<br />

(B) This is where people cook.<br />

(A) 이곳은사람들이목욕하는곳이다.<br />

(B) 이곳은사람들이요리하는곳이다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

✱ Can you see<br />

a person in<br />

the picture?<br />

✱ What room<br />

is this? What<br />

do you do<br />

here?<br />

해설<br />

take a bath 목욕/cook 요리하다<br />

(A) The window is open.<br />

(B) There is a shadow on the wall.<br />

(A) 창문이열려있다.<br />

(B) 벽에그림자가있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

window 창문/wall 벽<br />


Unit 1. Home<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

✱ Is there<br />

a person<br />

in the<br />

picture?<br />

✱ Is he<br />

(she, it)<br />

outside?<br />

(A) The man is by the fence.<br />

(B) The man is in the garden.<br />

(C) The man is on the roof.<br />

(D) The man is in the living room.<br />

(A) 남자가담장옆에있다.<br />

(B) 남자가정원안에있다.<br />

(C) 남자가지붕위에있다.<br />

(D) 남자가거실에있다.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

fence 담장/garden 정원/roof 지붕/<br />

living room 거실<br />

번역<br />

(A) The wood is burning.<br />

(B) The wood is stacked <strong>up</strong>.<br />

(C) The wood is under a bed.<br />

(D) The woods are near the house.<br />

(A) 나무가타고있다.<br />

(B) 나무가쌓여있다.<br />

(C) 나무가침대밑에있다.<br />

(D) 나무들이집근처에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

✱ What is<br />

this?<br />

해설<br />

burning 타다/stacked <strong>up</strong> 쌓여있다/<br />

under a bed 침대밑에/<br />

near the house 집에서가까운곳<br />

✱ What are<br />

they<br />

doing?<br />

(A) They are washing the dog.<br />

(B) The dog is in the doghouse.<br />

(C) The dog is walking.<br />

(D) The pet is on the sofa.<br />

(A) 그들은강아지를씻기고있다.<br />

(B) 강아지가강아지집에있다.<br />

(C) 강아지가걷고있다.<br />

(D) 애완동물이소파위에있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

washing 씻다/doghouse 강아지집/<br />

walking 걷다/sofa 소파<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

✱ Let’s read the vocabulary. / Repeat after me.<br />

✱ 함께 어휘를 읽어본다.<br />

✱ 단어를 선택해서 몸짓으로 표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

right away 곧,바로<br />

sweep 쓸다<br />

carpet 카펫<br />

take out 가지고나가다<br />

closet 벽장,옷장<br />

1. 비가내린다!바로창문을닫아라!<br />

2. 바닥이더럽다.이곳을쓸어주겠니.<br />

3. 바닥에빨간카펫이있었다.<br />

It’s raining! Close the window right away!<br />

The floor is dirty. Please sweep it.<br />

There was red carpet on the floor.<br />

Please take out the garbage and put it by the street.<br />

The coats are hanging in the closet.<br />

4. 쓰레기를가지고나가서길옆에놔두어라.<br />

5. 코트가옷장안에걸려있다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번<br />

갈아 가며 읽어 보게<br />

한다.<br />

✱ What is in<br />

your closet?<br />

✱ What can you<br />

clean?<br />

✱ What do you<br />

use to clean?<br />

1. Did you clean your room? (A) I’ll do that right away.<br />

2. Where is the broom? (B) It’s in the closet.<br />

3. Please wash the windows. (C) You can wash the dishes.<br />

4. What can I do to help? (D) Yes, I did.<br />

1. 방청소했니?<br />

2. 빗자루는어디에있니?<br />

3. 창문을닦아주겠니.<br />

4. 내가무엇을도와줄까?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Where is the _______?<br />

(B) It’s in the closet.<br />

(A) 청소기는어디에있니?<br />

(B) 벽장안에있어.<br />

2. (A) What can I do?<br />

(B) Please clean the _______.<br />

(A) 난무엇을할까요?<br />

(B) 주방을청소해주세요.<br />

3. (A) Did you wash the _______?<br />

(B) Yes, I did.<br />

(A) 옷은세탁했니?<br />

(B) 응,했어.<br />

4. (A) Can you take out the garbage?<br />

(B) Yes. I’ll do it _______.<br />

(A) 쓰레기내다버릴수있니?<br />

(B) 응,바로버릴게.<br />

(A) 내가곧할게.<br />

(B) 벽장안에있어.<br />

(C) 접시를닦아주겠니.<br />

(D) 응,했어.<br />

해설<br />

1. Did you....로물어보는문장이므로Yes나No로대답을해야한다.<br />

2. Where(어디)물어보는문장이므로장소가나와야한다.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

broom/vacuum cleaner/<br />

mop/duster<br />

living room/bathroom/<br />

dining room/bedroom/<br />

kitchen<br />

dishes/floor/windows/<br />

clothes<br />

right away/now/in a<br />

minute/later<br />

빗자루/진공청소기/밀대/먼지떨이<br />

거실/욕실/식당/침실/부엌<br />

접시류/바닥/창문들/의류<br />

곧,즉시/지금/바로/나중에<br />


Unit 1. Home<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

✱ ‘Do’동사로 시작하는 질문의 대답은 Yes/No,<br />

‘Wh~’질문에 대한 대답은 장소,시간,상황,이유 등<br />

이될수있다.<br />

✱ 테이프를 들려주고 어떤 질문 형태인지 이해하도록 한<br />

다.<br />

1. (A) The dishes are on the table.<br />

√<br />

(B) Yes, I did.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) It’s in the bedroom.<br />

(B) Please vacuum the carpet.<br />

3. (A) Yes, you can.<br />

√<br />

(B) Clean the bathroom, please.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) OK. I’ll do it now.<br />

(B) No, I didn’t<br />

Did you wash the dishes?<br />

번역<br />

접시들은씻었니?<br />

(A) 접시들은테이블위에있다.<br />

(B) 응.했어.<br />

Where is the vacuum?<br />

번역<br />

청소기는어디에있니?<br />

(A) 침실안에있다.<br />

(B) 카펫을청소기로청소해주겠니.<br />

What can I do?<br />

번역<br />

난무엇을할까?<br />

(A) 응,넌할수있어.<br />

(B) 화장실을청소해주겠니.<br />

We need to sweep the kitchen.<br />

번역<br />

우리는주방을청소해야해.<br />

(A) 알았어.내가지금할게.<br />

(B) 아니,안했어.<br />

T e s t<br />

테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을<br />

추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Did you take out the garbage?<br />

(A) It’s in the living room.<br />

(B) Yes, I did.<br />

(C) Take out the garbage, please.<br />

쓰레기가지고나갔니?<br />

(A) 거실에있어.<br />

(B) 그래.<br />

(C) 쓰레기를버려주겠니.<br />

3. What can I do?<br />

(A) Yes, I can.<br />

(B) I will wash the windows.<br />

(C) You can do the laundry.<br />

내가무엇을할까?<br />

(A) 그래,나는할수있어.<br />

(B) 내가창문을닦을게.<br />

(C) 너는세탁을해.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. Where is the vacuum?<br />

(A) I’ll do it after lunch.<br />

(B) Yes, you can.<br />

(C) In the closet.<br />

청소기는어디에있니?<br />

(A) 점심먹은후에할게.<br />

(B) 그래,넌할수있어.<br />

(C) 벽장안에있어.<br />

4. Please clean your bedroom.<br />

(A) In the bedroom.<br />

(B) I’ll do it right away.<br />

(C) The mop is in the kitchen.<br />

침실을청소해주겠니.<br />

(A) 침실안에.<br />

(B) 내가곧할게.<br />

(C) 밀대는주방에있어.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

문장을 읽고 어휘를 찾아보게 한다.단어를 선택해서 몸짓으<br />

로표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

마당,뜰<br />

긁어모으다<br />

물을주다<br />

먹을것을주다<br />

식탁을차리다<br />

yard<br />

rake<br />

water<br />

feed<br />

set the table<br />

The dog is running in the yard.<br />

Please rake the leaves.<br />

The girl waters the flowers in her garden.<br />

He feeds the cat some fish.<br />

She sets the table with dishes, c<strong>up</strong>s, and forks.<br />

1. 강아지가마당에서뛰고있다.<br />

2. 나뭇잎을긁어모아주겠니.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Home<br />

3. 정원에서소녀가꽃에물을준다.<br />

4. 그는고양이한테생선몇마리를준다.<br />

a. Main Idea What is the speaker doing?<br />

What is the man asking?<br />

5. 그녀는접시,컵,포크를테이블위에배치한다.<br />

b. Inference What will the man do (next)?<br />

Where is the conversation taking place?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t the man sweep the floor?<br />

Why can’t they set the table?<br />

‘Wh~’(who, when,<br />

where, what, how, why)<br />

문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문<br />

제인지 살펴보게 한다.<br />

d. Facts and Details Where is the broom?<br />

Where is the man going?<br />

학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을<br />

칠판에 쓴다.교사가 다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안<br />

(이때,힌트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을 강조해서 읽는<br />

다)학생들은 칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

Look at all of the leaves in the yard. Let’s rake them <strong>up</strong>.<br />

1. Where is the speaker? __________ Outside<br />

Hello, Jimmy! I’ll be home soon. I am bringing some pizza.<br />

Can you please set the table?<br />

2. What is the mother bringing? __________ Pizza<br />

M: What can I do?<br />

W: Please clean the kitchen floor.<br />

M: Where is the broom?<br />

3. What will the man do? __________ Sweep<br />

마당에있는모든나뭇잎들을봐라.같이긁어모으자.<br />

1.화자는어디에있는가?밖에<br />

rake <strong>up</strong> (갈퀴로)긁다<br />

Sweep Table Pizza Outside<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

안녕,지미!곧집에도착할거야.피자를들고가고있어.<br />

식탁을차려주겠니?<br />

2.엄마는무엇을가지고있는가?피자<br />

M 나는무엇을할까?<br />

W 주방바닥청소해주겠니?<br />

M 빗자루가어디있지?<br />

3.남자는무엇을할까?청소<br />


Unit 1. Home<br />

Exercises<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

✱ What can<br />

you do<br />

(see) in the<br />

bathroom<br />

(dining<br />

room, yard,<br />

closet)?<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where are the speakers?<br />

(A) In the bathroom<br />

번역 화자들은어디에있는가?(A) 화장실 (B) 식당<br />

2. What will Suzie do?<br />

(A) Go on a trip<br />

번역 수지는무엇을할까?(A) 여행을간다.(B) 화분에물을준다.<br />

3. Where is the man going?<br />

√<br />

(A) To the yard<br />

번역 남자는어디로가고있을까?(A) 마당에 (B) 벽장<br />

4. What will the man do?<br />

(A) Wash the clothes<br />

번역 남자는무엇을할까?(A) 옷을세탁한다.(B) 저녁을준비한다.<br />

√<br />

(B) In the dining room<br />

√<br />

(B) Water the plants<br />

(B) To the closet<br />

√<br />

(B) Cook dinner<br />

1. (M) What can I do?<br />

(W) Please set the table.<br />

(M) Ok, I’ll do it right away.<br />

번역 (M) 나는무엇을할까?<br />

(W) 식탁을차려주겠니.<br />

(M) 알았어,곧할게.<br />

2. (M) Hi Suzie. Please give our plants<br />

water once a day. We will come<br />

back from our trip next<br />

Saturday. Thanks for your help!<br />

번역 (M) 안녕,수지.하루에한번씩화분에물을주겠<br />

니.우리는다음주토요일에여행에서돌아올<br />

거야.도와줘서고마워!<br />

3. (W) Where are you going?<br />

(M) I’m going to rake the leaves.<br />

(W) Oh! Thank you!<br />

번역 (W) 어디가니?<br />

(M) 낙엽을치우러가고있어.<br />

(W) 오!고마워!<br />

4. (W) Can you wash the clothes?<br />

(M) I am going to cook dinner now.<br />

(W) OK. I’ll wash them.<br />

번역 (W) 옷을세탁해주겠니?<br />

(M) 나는저녁을준비하려던참이야.<br />

(W) 알았어.내가세탁할게.<br />

T e s t<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What will the man do?<br />

(A) Wash the dog<br />

(C) Give food to the dog<br />

번역<br />

(B) Cook dinner<br />

(D) Put the dog in the yard<br />

남자는무엇을할까?<br />

(A) 강아지를목욕시킨다.(B) 저녁을준비한다.(C) 강아지에게먹이를준다.(D) 강아지를마당에보낸다.<br />

2. Why can’t they set the table now?<br />

(A) There is no food. (B) √ The dishes are dirty.<br />

(C) There are no dishes. (D) They need to clean the table.<br />

번역<br />

그들은왜지금식탁을차릴수없는가?<br />

(A) 음식이없다.(B) 그릇들이더럽다.(C) 그릇들이없다.(D) 그들은식탁을닦아야한다.<br />

3. Why didn’t the man sweep the floor?<br />

(A) The floor was clean. (B) He cleaned the bathroom.<br />

(C) He was in the yard. (D) He did not find the broom.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

1. (M) What can I do?<br />

(W) Can you feed the dog, please?<br />

(M) No problem.<br />

번역 (M) 나는무엇을할까?<br />

(W) 강아지먹이를주겠니?<br />

(M) 알았어.<br />

남자는왜바닥을쓸지않았나?<br />

(A) 바닥은깨끗하다.(B) 그는욕실을청소했다.(C) 그는마당에있다.(D) 그는빗자루를찾지못했다.<br />

√<br />

2. (W) Can you please set the table?<br />

(M) Yes. Where are the dishes?<br />

(W) We need to wash them first.<br />

번역 (W) 식탁을차려주겠니?<br />

(M) 그래,그릇들은어디있니?<br />

(W) 먼저씻어야해.<br />

3. (W) Did you sweep the floor?<br />

(M) We don’t have a broom.<br />

(W) Yes we do! It’s in the closet.<br />

번역 (W) 바닥은쓸었니?<br />

(M) 빗자루가없어.<br />

(W) 있어!벽장속에있어.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만<br />

듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.<br />

테이프를 다시 들으면서 주<br />

어진 단어들을 본다,테이<br />

프를 들으면서 빈칸에 적절<br />

한단어를 적어본다.<br />

1. The house _________ _________ _________.<br />

The house has two bedrooms.<br />

번역<br />

집에는두개의침실이있다.<br />

2. There are _________ of leaves _________ _________ _________.<br />

There are lots of leaves in the yard.<br />

번역<br />

마당에나뭇잎들이많이있다.<br />

3. He _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

He is washing the windows.<br />

번역<br />

그는창문을닦고있다.<br />

4. The broom _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The broom is in the closet.<br />

번역<br />

빗자루는벽장에있다.<br />

5. Please _________ _________ _________.<br />

Please set the table.<br />

번역<br />

식탁을차려주세요.<br />

6. The dishes _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The dishes are on the table.<br />

번역<br />

그릇들은테이블위에있다.<br />

7. I _________ _________ _________.<br />

I will cook dinner.<br />

번역<br />

내가저녁을준비할게.<br />

8. _________ _________ _________ _________ garbage.<br />

Please take out the garbage.<br />

번역<br />

쓰레기를가지고나가주세요.<br />

9. We _________ _________ sweep _________ _________.<br />

We need to sweep the kitchen.<br />

번역<br />

우리가주방을쓸어야해.<br />

10. There is a fence _________ _________ _________ _________<br />

house.<br />

There is a fence in front of the house.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT2<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Restaurant<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

주요 어휘와,문장들을 함께 읽어본다.<br />

✱ Why do you use a glass?<br />

✱ When do you use a plate?<br />

접시<br />

유리컵<br />

…위에<br />

은제품(그릇,포크)<br />

냅킨<br />

plate<br />

glass<br />

on top of<br />

silverware<br />

napkin<br />

1. 그는음식을그의접시위에놓았다.<br />

2. 유리컵에물이있다.<br />

3. 그녀는스테이크위에소스를뿌렸다.<br />

He put food on his plate.<br />

The glass has water in it.<br />

She put sauce on top of her steak.<br />

We eat with silverware.<br />

Here is a napkin to wipe your mouth.<br />

4. 우리는은제품을사용해서먹는다.<br />

5. 여기너의입을닦을수있는냅킨이있다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

silverware<br />

그림에 나온 주요 어휘들을 살펴본다.그림을<br />

가리키고 무엇인지 물어본다.<br />

✱ What has food on it?<br />

✱ What has wine in it?<br />

✱ What is on top of the napkin?<br />

1. The _________ glasses are filled with<br />

wine and the plate is full of<br />

food.<br />

plate<br />

2. The silverware _________ is on top of<br />

the napkin.<br />

번역<br />

1. 유리잔에와인이가득차있고,접시에음식이가득담겨져있다.<br />

2. 은제품이냅킨위에있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

What can you see in the picture?<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

At the restaurant,<br />

people are sitting<br />

outside.<br />

번역 식당에서,사람들이밖<br />

에앉아있다.<br />

✱ Can you see<br />

people (a person)<br />

in the picture?<br />

✱ What are they<br />

doing?<br />

✱ Are they inside?<br />

_________ A<br />

There is a sign<br />

outside the<br />

restaurant.<br />

번역<br />

식당밖에간판이있다.<br />

✱ Is the street busy<br />

(empty)?<br />

✱ The restaurant has<br />

signs. (Yes/True)<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.<br />

✱ What is<br />

this?<br />

✱ Where are<br />

they?<br />

✱ What are<br />

they<br />

doing?<br />

(A) They are sitting outside.<br />

(B) The people are eating fruit.<br />

(A) 그들은밖에앉아있다.<br />

(B) 사람들은과일을먹고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) There is ketch<strong>up</strong> on the potatoes.<br />

(B) There is fried chicken in the basket.<br />

(A) 감자위에케첩이있다.<br />

(B) 바구니안에통닭이있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

✱ What food<br />

is this?<br />

✱ What kind<br />

of sign is<br />

this?<br />

(A) The sign shows the specials.<br />

(B) He is writing the sign.<br />

(A) 특별메뉴가표지판에적혀있다.<br />

(B) 남자가표지판을쓰고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 2. Restaurant<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

✱ What is on<br />

the table?<br />

✱ The<br />

restaurant<br />

is empty.<br />

(Yes/True)<br />

(A) The fork is on the floor.<br />

(B) The napkins are on the table.<br />

(C) The napkins are under the plates.<br />

(D) The napkins are next to the table.<br />

(A) 포크가바닥에있다.<br />

(B) 냅킨이테이블위에놓여있다.<br />

(C) 냅킨이접시밑에있다.<br />

(D) 테이블옆에냅킨이있다.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

✱ Where is this?<br />

✱ They are inside.<br />

(No/False)<br />

번역<br />

(A) Each table has an umbrella.<br />

(B) The dishes are dirty.<br />

(C) The restaurant is not open.<br />

(D) The tables are on the street.<br />

(A) 테이블마다우산이각각놓여져있다.<br />

(B) 그릇들이더럽다.<br />

(C) 식당은영업을하지않는다.<br />

(D) 길가에테이블이있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

✱ What is<br />

in the<br />

picture?<br />

✱ He is<br />

eating.<br />

(No/False)<br />

(A) He is selling many muffins.<br />

(B) The woman is eating a muffin.<br />

(C) The muffin is on the plate.<br />

(D) The napkin is under the muffin.<br />

(A) 남자가많은머핀(빵의일종)을팔고있다.<br />

(B) 여자가머핀을먹고있다.<br />

(C) 머핀이접시위에있다.<br />

(D) 냅킨이머핀밑에있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

✱ Let’s read the vocabulary. / Repeat after me.<br />

✱ 함께 어휘를 읽어본다.<br />

✱ 단어를 선택해서 몸짓으로 표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

✱ What’s your favorite pie (drink)?<br />

주문하다<br />

메뉴<br />

음료수<br />

파이<br />

식욕을 돋우는 음식<br />

(전채요리)<br />

order<br />

menu<br />

drink<br />

pie<br />

appetizer<br />

1. 그는햄버거와콜라를주문했다.<br />

2. 메뉴를보여주세요.<br />

3. 음료수는어떤것으로하시겠어요?<br />

He ordered a hamburger and some cola.<br />

I’d like to see a menu, please.<br />

What would you like to drink?<br />

I’d like apple pie for dessert, please.<br />

The appetizer is expensive.<br />

4. 디저트로애플파이를주세요.<br />

5. 애피타이저는비싸다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번<br />

갈아 가며 읽어 보게<br />

한다.<br />

✱ What’s your<br />

favorite<br />

dessert (drink,<br />

fruit, meal...)?<br />

1. Are you ready to order? (A) Thank you. It looks delicious.<br />

2. What would you like to drink? (B) No, thank you.<br />

3. Would you like an appetizer? (C) I need more time, please.<br />

4. Here is your chocolate cake. (D) Do you have any tea?<br />

1. 주문하시겠어요?<br />

2. 음료는어떤것으로하시겠어요?<br />

3. 애피타이저(전채요리)드시겠어요?<br />

4. 여기에너의초콜릿케이크가있다.<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) May I take your order?<br />

(B) Yes, I’ll have a _______.<br />

(A) 주문하시겠습니까?<br />

(B) 네,스테이크주세요.<br />

2. (A) Can I get you anything to drink?<br />

(B) I would like some _______ please.<br />

(A) 어떤음료수하시겠어요?<br />

(B) 커피주세요.<br />

3. (A) Would you like anything else?<br />

(B) Yes, I’d like some _______.<br />

(A) 다른것은필요한것없으세요?<br />

(B) 네,어니언링주세요.<br />

4. (A) What kind of dessert do you have?<br />

(B) We have _______.<br />

(A) 디저트는어떤것이있나요?<br />

(B) 파이가있어요.<br />

(A) 고마워,맛있어보인다.<br />

(B) 아니오,괜찮습니다.<br />

(C) 시간이더필요해요.<br />

(D) 차있어요?<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

hamburger/steak/<br />

chicken/fish/ /salad<br />

cola/juice/coffee/<br />

iced tea/water<br />

French fries/<br />

onion rings/<br />

cheese sticks<br />

cake/pie/ice cream/<br />

fruit<br />

햄버거/스테이크/통닭/생선/샐러드<br />

콜라/주스/커피/아이스티/물<br />

감자튀김/양파링/치즈스틱<br />

케이크/파이/아이스크림/과일<br />


Unit 2. Restaurant<br />

Exercises<br />

주어진 답을 살펴보고 어떤 질문이 나올 것인지 추측해 보게 한다.<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

✱ Who could<br />

be answering,<br />

the customer<br />

or waiter?<br />

1. (A) Yes, I can take it.<br />

√<br />

(B) I’m not ready yet, sorry.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) I’ll have some orange juice.<br />

(B) Yes, I would.<br />

3. (A) I would like some coffee, please.<br />

√<br />

(B) Yes, what do you have?<br />

√<br />

4. (A) Yes. Here you are.<br />

(B) Yes, I’d like some pie for dessert.<br />

May I take your order?<br />

번역<br />

주문하시겠어요?<br />

(A) 네,제가가질수있어요.<br />

(B) 아직준비가되지않았어요,미안해요.<br />

What would you like to drink?<br />

번역<br />

음료수는어떤것으로하시겠어요?<br />

(A) 오렌지주스주세요.<br />

(B) 네,할게요.<br />

Can I get you an appetizer?<br />

번역<br />

애피타이저드시겠어요?<br />

(A) 커피주세요.<br />

(B) 네,어떤것이있죠?<br />

May I see a dessert menu, please?<br />

번역<br />

디저트메뉴좀볼수있을까요?<br />

(A) 네,여기있습니다.<br />

(B) 네,디저트로파이주세요.<br />

해설<br />

3. 애피타이저는식사메뉴코스전식욕을돋우기위한소품의요리(훈제연어,멜론,파이).커피는해당되지않는다.<br />

T e s t<br />

테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을 추<br />

측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Can I get you something to drink?<br />

(A) I am ready.<br />

(B) Milk, please.<br />

(C) No, I don't need dessert.<br />

어떤음료수를드릴까요?<br />

(A) 준비됐어요.<br />

(B) 우유주세요.<br />

(C) 아니오,디저트필요없어요.<br />

3. Here is your coffee.<br />

(A) Yes, I would like some coffee.<br />

(B) Here you are.<br />

(C) Thank you.<br />

여기커피있습니다.<br />

(A) 네,커피주세요.<br />

(B) 여기있습니다.<br />

(C) 고맙습니다.<br />

1. dessert(후식:케이크,아이스크림,푸딩…)/beverage(음료:물,주스,우유,커피,소다…)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. Are you ready to order?<br />

(A) No, not very much.<br />

(B) Here you are.<br />

(C) Yes. I'll have a hot dog.<br />

주문하시겠어요?<br />

(A) 아니오,별루에요.<br />

(B) 여기있습니다.<br />

(C) 네,핫도그주세요.<br />

4. What kinds of appetizers<br />

do you have?<br />

(A) No, thank you.<br />

(B) Cheese sticks and hot<br />

wings.<br />

(C) I’d like an appetizer.<br />

애피타이저는어떤것이있나요?<br />

(A) 아니오,괜찮습니다.<br />

(B) 치즈스틱과핫윙이있습니다.<br />

(C) 애피타이저주세요.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

문장을 읽고 어휘를 찾아보게 한다.단어를 선택해서 몸짓으<br />

로표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

패스트푸드<br />

급사(웨이터,웨이트리스)<br />

리필(다시채운것)<br />

고객,손님<br />

다팔리다,다떨어졌다<br />

fast food<br />

server<br />

refill<br />

customer<br />

out of<br />

You can eat hamburgers at a fast food restaurant.<br />

The server takes our order.<br />

My glass is empty. I need a refill.<br />

The customer ordered a large pizza.<br />

We are out of milk. There is no more.<br />

1. 패스트푸드점에서햄버거를먹을수있다.<br />

2. 종업원이주문을받는다.<br />

3. 내잔이비었어요.한잔더주세요.<br />

4. 손님이라지피자를주문했다.<br />

5. 우유가다떨어졌어요.더이상없어요.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Restaurant<br />

a. Main Idea What does the customer want?<br />

What are the people doing?<br />

‘Wh~’(who, when,<br />

where, what, how, why)<br />

문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문<br />

제인지 살펴보게 한다.<br />

b. Inference Who is the woman talking to?<br />

Where is the conversation taking place?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why is there no cake?<br />

Why does the server take the appetizer?<br />

d. Facts and Details What kinds of dessert do they have?<br />

When will the food be ready?<br />

학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽<br />

도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠<br />

판에 쓴다.교사가 다시 문장<br />

(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌<br />

트가 될 만한 주요 어휘들을<br />

강조해서 읽는다)학생들은<br />

칠판을 보고 답하도록 한다.<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

We have coffee, tea, orange juice, cola, and milk.<br />

1. Who is speaking? __________ A server<br />

번역<br />

커피,차,오렌지주스,콜라,우유가있습니다.<br />

1.누가말하고있는가?(식당)종업원<br />

M: Would you like an appetizer?<br />

W: We’d like cheese sticks.<br />

2. Where is the conversation taking place? __________<br />

At a restaurant<br />

번역<br />

M 애피타이저드시겠어요?<br />

W 치즈스틱주세요.<br />

2.이대화는어디에서이루어지고있는가?레스토랑<br />

W. I’m going to get a steak. How about you?<br />

M. I think I’ll have some spaghetti.<br />

W. Yes, that looks good.<br />

3. What are the people doing? __________<br />

Looking at a menu<br />

번역<br />

W 난스테이크할래요.당신은요?<br />

M 난스파게티를먹을래요.<br />

W 그래요,맛있어보이네요.<br />

3.두사람은무엇을하고있는가?<br />

메뉴를보고있다(음식선택)<br />

A drink Looking at a menu A server At a restaurant<br />


Unit 2. Restaurant<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Who will come back?<br />

(A) The customer<br />

번역 누가다시돌아올것인가?(A) 손님 (B) 종업원<br />

√<br />

(B) The server<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

✱ What does a server do?<br />

✱ Is cola a food? (No!)<br />

✱ When do you eat dessert?<br />

1. (W) Are you ready to order?<br />

(M) I need more time.<br />

(W) OK. I'll come back in a few minutes.<br />

번역 (W) 주문하시겠어요?<br />

(M) 시간이더필요해요.<br />

(W) 알겠습니다.몇분후에다시오겠습니다.<br />

2. What does the customer need?<br />

(A) More drink<br />

(B) More food<br />

번역<br />

손님이원하는것은무엇인가?(A) 더많은음료수 (B) 더많은음식<br />

3. What does the server bring first?<br />

(A) The appetizer (B) The drink<br />

번역<br />

종업원이먼저가지고온것은무엇인가?(A) 애피타이저 (B) 음료수<br />

4. What does the customer want?<br />

(A) Dessert<br />

(B) A menu<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

손님이원하는것은무엇인가?(A) 디저트 (B) 메뉴<br />

T e s t<br />

√<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

2. (M) Can I get you anything?<br />

(W) Yes, could I have a refill, please?<br />

(M) Of course.<br />

번역 (M) 무엇을드릴까요?<br />

(W) 네,리필해주시겠어요?<br />

(M) 물론이죠.<br />

3. (W) OK. Here is your iced tea. The<br />

appetizers will be ready in about 5<br />

minutes.<br />

번역 (W) 알겠습니다.아이스티가져왔습니다.애피타<br />

이저는5분내에준비될겁니다.<br />

4. (W) Can I get you anything else?<br />

(W) What do you have for dessert?<br />

(M) I will get a menu for you.<br />

번역 (W) 더필요한것은없으세요?<br />

(W) 디저트는무엇이있나요?<br />

(M) 메뉴를드리겠습니다.<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What does the customer want for an appetizer?<br />

(A) Tea<br />

(B) √ Cheese sticks<br />

(C) Chicken<br />

(D) Salad<br />

번역<br />

손님이원하는애피타이저는무엇인가?<br />

(A) 차 (B) 치즈스틱 (C) 치킨 (D) 샐러드<br />

2. Why does the customer order chocolate ice cream?<br />

(A) He does not like cake.<br />

(B) There is no banana ice cream.<br />

(C) √ There is no banana cake.<br />

(D) He does not want dessert.<br />

번역<br />

손님은왜초콜릿아이스크림을주문했을까?<br />

(A) 케이크를좋아하지않기때문에 (B) 바나나아이스크림이없기때문에 (C) 바나나케이크가없기때문에 (D) 디저트를원하지않기때문에<br />

3. Why does the server take back the appetizer?<br />

(A) It is too cold.<br />

(B) The customer is not hungry.<br />

(C) The customer is finished eating.<br />

(D) It is the wrong food.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

종업원은애피타이저를왜다시가지고갔는가?<br />

(A) 너무차갑기때문에<br />

(B) 손님이배고프지않기때문에<br />

(C) 손님이식사를모두마쳤기때문에 (D) 음식이잘못나와서<br />

1. (W) I’ll have some cheese sticks first.<br />

Then I’ll have fried chicken and a<br />

salad. I’d like tea to drink, please.<br />

번역 (W) 저는치즈스틱을먼저먹을거에요.<br />

그다음에프라이드치킨과샐러드를먹을거<br />

에요.음료수는차를주세요.<br />

2. (W) I’ll have some banana cake for dessert.<br />

(W) I’m sorry. We are out of banana cake.<br />

(M) Oh, OK. I’ll have some chocolate ice<br />

cream then.<br />

번역 (M) 디저트로바나나케이크를주세요.<br />

(W) 죄송합니다.<br />

바나나케이크가다떨어졌네요.<br />

(M) 아.알겠어요.<br />

그러면초콜릿아이스크림으로주세요.<br />

3. (M) Here is your appetizer.<br />

(W) I ordered chicken wings, not cheese<br />

sticks.<br />

(M) I’m sorry! I will take this back.<br />

번역 (M) 여기애피타이저가있습니다.<br />

(W) 전치즈스틱이아니라치킨을주문했<br />

어요.<br />

(M) 죄송합니다.치즈스틱을<br />

다시가져오겠습니다.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만<br />

듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.<br />

테이프를 다시 들으면서 주<br />

어진 단어들을 본다,테이<br />

프를 들으면서 빈칸에 적절<br />

한 단어를 적어본다.<br />

1. I will _________ _________ _________.<br />

I will have orange juice.<br />

번역<br />

나는오렌지주스로할게요.<br />

2. She _________ sauce _________ _________ _________.<br />

She put sauce on her food.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는음식에소스를뿌렸다.<br />

3. He _________ _________ _________ _________ menu.<br />

He is looking at the menu.<br />

번역<br />

그는메뉴를보고있다.<br />

4. This _________ _________ _________ restaurant.<br />

This is an expensive restaurant.<br />

번역<br />

이곳은비싼레스토랑이다.<br />

5. I _________ _________ _________ .<br />

I am not hungry.<br />

번역<br />

나는배가고프지않다.<br />

6. _________ _________ _________ chocolate _________.<br />

Here is your chocolate cake.<br />

번역<br />

여기초콜릿케이크가있습니다.<br />

7. They _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

They ordered a large pizza.<br />

번역<br />

그들은라지피자를주문했다.<br />

8. There _________ _________ _________ _________ cream.<br />

There is no banana ice cream.<br />

번역<br />

바나나아이스크림이없다.<br />

9. We _________ coffee, _________, juice, _________ _________.<br />

We have coffee, tea, juice, and milk.<br />

번역<br />

커피,차,주스그리고우유가있습니다.<br />

10. There is _________ napkin _________ _________ _________<br />

plate.<br />

There is a napkin next to the plate.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT3<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Travel<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

주요 어휘와,문장들을 함께 읽어본다.<br />

✱ What can you do at the beach?<br />

beach 해변<br />

chair 의자<br />

ocean 대양,바다<br />

sit 앉다<br />

umbrella 우산<br />

The sand on the beach can get hot.<br />

No one is using this chair.<br />

You can swim in the ocean.<br />

He is sitting on the beach and reading.<br />

She sat under the umbrella.<br />

1. 해변에있는모래는뜨거워질수있다.<br />

2. 아무도이의자를사용하지않는다.<br />

3. 너는바다에서수영을할수있다.<br />

4. 그는바닷가에앉아서책을읽고있다.<br />

5. 그녀는우산아래에앉았다.<br />

해설<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

umbrella<br />

3. 가장큰해수지역(the Pacific~, the Atlantic~...)sea는ocean보다작은해수지역(The Baltic~, by the sea...)<br />

그림에 나온 주요 어휘들을 살펴본다.그림을<br />

가리키고 무엇인지 물어본다.<br />

✱ Where is this?<br />

✱ How many chairs are there?<br />

1. The _________ chairs are on the<br />

beach.<br />

ocean<br />

2. People can sit under the<br />

_________ umbrella and look at the<br />

ocean.<br />

번역<br />

1.해변에의자들이있다.<br />

2.사람들은우산아래앉아서바다를볼수있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

What can you see in the picture?<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

✱ They are walking on<br />

the beach. (No/False)<br />

_________ B<br />

✱ There is a building next<br />

to the water. (Yes/True)<br />

The guards are walking.<br />

번역 근위병들이걸어가고있다.<br />

There is a fountain in front of the building.<br />

번역 건물앞에분수가있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

어휘와 문장들을 써보도록 한다.<br />

✱ What is in<br />

the picture?<br />

✱ Is there a<br />

_____ in<br />

the picture?<br />

(A) The window is broken.<br />

(B) The window has a design.<br />

(A) 창문이깨졌다.<br />

(B) 창문에디자인(그림)이그려져있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

✱ What are they<br />

doing?<br />

✱ Where are they?<br />

번역<br />

(A) The people are selling pictures.<br />

(B) The people are selling snacks.<br />

(A) 사람들이그림을팔고있다.<br />

(B) 사람들이과자를팔고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

✱ There are<br />

many<br />

people at<br />

the beach.<br />

(No/False)<br />

(A) There are footprints in the sand.<br />

(B) There are people on the beach.<br />

(A) 모래위에발자국이있다.<br />

(B) 바닷가에사람들이있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

footprint 발자국<br />


Unit 3. Travel<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

✱ The<br />

building<br />

has a door.<br />

(Yes/True)<br />

(A) This building is a windmill.<br />

(B) The air conditioner is on.<br />

(C) This restaurant is closed.<br />

(D) This building has a clock on it.<br />

(A) 이건물은풍차이다.<br />

(B) 냉난방장치가켜져있다.<br />

(C) 이레스토랑은닫혀있다.<br />

(D) 이건물벽에는시계가있다.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The people are at the zoo.<br />

(B) The people are leaving the hotel.<br />

(C) The people are looking at the ocean.<br />

(D) The people are riding camels.<br />

(A) 사람들이동물원에있다.<br />

(B) 사람들이호텔에서떠나고있다.<br />

(C) 사람들이바다를보고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들이낙타를타고간다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

✱ The people are riding<br />

horses! (No/False)<br />

✱ The lion is<br />

a statue.<br />

(Yes/True)<br />

(A) The lion is beside the library.<br />

(B) The lion is eating.<br />

(C) The lion is made of stone.<br />

(D) The lion is taking pictures.<br />

(A) 사자가도서관옆에있다.<br />

(B) 사자가먹고있다.<br />

(C) 사자는돌로만들어졌다.<br />

(D) 사자가사진을찍고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

made of ~로만든(재료형태보존)<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

✱ Let’s read the vocabulary. / Repeat after me.<br />

✱ 함께 어휘를 읽어본다.<br />

✱ 단어를 선택해서 몸짓으로 표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

✱ How many days in one month?<br />

✱ What time do you come back home every day?<br />

hotel 호텔<br />

vacation 방학,휴가<br />

stay 머물다<br />

month 달,월<br />

come back 돌아오다<br />

The room in the hotel has two beds and a big TV.<br />

My family is going on vacation to Italy.<br />

I will stay at my Aunt’s house.<br />

Sheila is visiting us for one month.<br />

I will come back home at 6 o’clock tonight.<br />

1. 호텔방에는침대두대와대형TV가있다.<br />

2. 나의가족은이탈리아로휴가를갈것이다.<br />

3. 나는이모집에서머물것이다.<br />

4. 쉴라는한달동안우리집에방문하고(머물고)있다.<br />

5. 나는저녁6시에집에돌아올것이다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번갈아 가며 읽어보게 한다.<br />

옆사람과 질문-답을 번<br />

갈아 가며 읽어 보게<br />

한다.<br />

✱ When is your<br />

vacation?<br />

1. Where are you going? (A) I’ll be there for two weeks.<br />

2. How long will you stay? (B) I am going swimming and hiking.<br />

3. Where will you stay? (C) I’m going to Australia.<br />

4. What will you do? (D) In a hotel.<br />

1. 어디에가니?<br />

2. 얼마나머물거니?<br />

3. 어디에머물거니?<br />

4. 무엇을할거니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Where are you going on vacation?<br />

(B) I’m going to _______.<br />

(A) 어디로휴가를가니?<br />

(B) 아시아에갈거야.<br />

2. (A) How long will you stay?<br />

(B) I’ll _______there for about 12 days.<br />

(A) 얼마나머물거니?<br />

(B) 12일동안있을거야.<br />

3. (A) Where will you stay?<br />

(B) _______.<br />

(A) 어디에머물거니?<br />

(B) 호텔에.<br />

4. (A) When will you come back?<br />

(B) I will come back next _______.<br />

(A) 언제돌아올거니?<br />

(B) 다음주에돌아올거야.<br />

(A) 2주정도머물거야.<br />

(B) 나는수영과하이킹을할거야.<br />

(C) 나는호주에갈거야.<br />

(D) 호텔에.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

Europe/America/<br />

Australia/Asia<br />

live/be/stay/visit<br />

with my friend/at a<br />

hotel/in a condo<br />

Friday/Saturday/week/<br />

month<br />

유럽/미국/호주/아시아<br />

살다/이다,있다/머물다/방문하다<br />

내친구와함께/호텔에/콘도에<br />

금요일/토요일/주/달<br />


Unit 3. Travel<br />

Exercises<br />

주어진 답을 살펴보고 어떤 질문이 나올 것인지 추측해 보게 한다.<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) It is very hot.<br />

√<br />

(B) I will go to see my grandmother.<br />

2. (A) In my aunt’s house.<br />

√<br />

(B) For two weeks.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) I will swim in the ocean.<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) Yes, I am.<br />

(B) No, I am going on a boat.<br />

Where are you going this summer?<br />

번역<br />

이번여름에어디로가니?<br />

(A) 매우덥다.<br />

(B) 할머니를뵈러갈거야.<br />

How long will you stay?<br />

번역<br />

얼마동안머물거니?<br />

(A) 이모의집에.<br />

(B) 2주동안<br />

What will you do?<br />

번역<br />

무엇을할거니?<br />

(A) 바다에서수영을할거야.<br />

(B) 응,그래.<br />

Are you going on a vacation?<br />

번역<br />

휴가를떠날거니?<br />

(A) 응,그래.<br />

(B) 아니,나는보트를타러갈거야.<br />

해설<br />

4. Are you on vacation? 휴가중이니?<br />

T e s t<br />

테이프로 질문을 먼저 들려주고 기억 나는 단어들을 말해보게 한다.질문에 대한 답을<br />

추측해 보게 한다.다시 테이프를 들려주고 확인해 본다.<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. What are you doing during<br />

Christmas vacation?<br />

(A) Yes, I like Christmas.<br />

(B) There is lots of snow.<br />

(C) I am going skiing.<br />

크리스마스휴가때무엇을할예정이니?<br />

(A) 그래,나는크리스마스를좋아해.<br />

(B) 눈이많이내렸다.<br />

(C) 스키를타러갈거야.<br />

3. Where are you going to stay?<br />

(A) In a hotel<br />

(B) To China<br />

(C) For 14 days<br />

어디에머물거니?<br />

(A) 호텔에<br />

(B) 중국으로<br />

(C) 14일동안<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. What will you do on vacation?<br />

(A) For one week<br />

(B) Go fishing and swimming<br />

(C) In a condo<br />

휴가때무엇을할거니?<br />

(A) 일주일동안<br />

(B) 낚시와수영을할거야.<br />

(C) 콘도에<br />

4. Where is the hotel?<br />

(A) At my aunt’s house<br />

(B) Play on the beach<br />

(C) Near the mountains<br />

호텔은어디에있니?<br />

(A) 이모집에<br />

(B) 바닷가에서놀기<br />

(C) 산근처에<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

문장을 읽고 어휘를 찾아보게 한다.단어를 선택해서 몸짓으<br />

로표현하고 일치하는 단어를 말해보게 한다.<br />

여행<br />

계획,계획을짜다<br />

캠핑,야영하다<br />

시골<br />

방문하다<br />

trip<br />

plan<br />

camping<br />

country<br />

visit<br />

She is going on a trip with her family.<br />

They are planning a vacation to Canada.<br />

He likes camping in a tent.<br />

My grandmother lives in the country. I live in the city.<br />

We are going to visit my uncle tomorrow.<br />

1. 그녀는그녀의가족과여행을간다.<br />

2. 그들은캐나다로휴가떠날계획을세우고있다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Travel<br />

3. 그는텐트에서캠핑하는것을좋아한다.<br />

4. 나의할머니는시골에사신다.나는도시에산다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?<br />

What is the speaker talking about?<br />

b. Inference What will the tourist do (next)?<br />

Where is the conversation taking place?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why is the person staying in a hotel?<br />

Why is she going to the country?<br />

d. Facts and Details How long will they stay?<br />

Where does she live?<br />

5. 우리는내일삼촌을방문할것이다.<br />

‘Wh~’(who, when,<br />

where, what, how, why)<br />

문제들을 읽어보고 무엇을 묻는 문<br />

제인지 살펴보게 한다.<br />

학생들이 문장(대화문)을 읽도록 한다.교사는 질문을 칠판<br />

에쓴다.교사가 다시 문장(대화문)을 읽는 동안(이때,힌트<br />

가될만한주요어휘들을 강조해서 읽는다)학생들은 칠<br />

판을 보고 답하도록 한다.<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

W: What are you doing this summer?<br />

M: I’m going to visit my grandmother.<br />

W: That’s nice.<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

W 이번여름에무엇을할거니?<br />

M 할머니댁을방문할거야.<br />

W 그것좋겠구나.<br />

1.소년은어디에갈예정인가?할머니댁에<br />

1. Where is the boy going? __________<br />

To his grandmother’s house<br />

The School Ski Club is planning a trip to Big Mountain next week.<br />

If you want to come, please talk to Mr. Jordan after school.<br />

2. What is the speaker talking about? __________<br />

A ski trip<br />

W: I will stay at my aunt’s house.<br />

M: Does your aunt live near the ocean?<br />

W: No, she lives near a river.<br />

3. Where does her aunt live? __________<br />

Near a river<br />

A ski trip A school class To his grandmother’s house Near a river<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

학교스키클럽에서는다음주에빅마운틴으로여행을갈<br />

예정입니다.원하시는분은방과후에조단선생님께신청<br />

하세요.<br />

2.무엇에관해말하고있나?스키여행<br />

W 나는이모집에머물거야.<br />

M 너의이모는해변가까이사시니?<br />

W 아니,강근처에사셔.<br />

3.그녀의이모는어디에사는가?강근처<br />


Unit 3. Travel<br />

Exercises<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

✱ What do you<br />

talk about<br />

when<br />

planing a<br />

trip?<br />

✱ When<br />

looking at<br />

pictures?<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What are the speakers doing?<br />

(A) Looking at pictures (B) Planning a trip<br />

번역<br />

그들은무엇을하고있는가?(A) 그림들을보고있다.(B) 여행계획을세우고있다.<br />

2. How long will they be gone?<br />

(A) One week<br />

(B) One month<br />

번역<br />

그들은얼마동안여행을갈예정인가?(A) 일주일 (B) 한달<br />

3. Where will the girl stay?<br />

(A) In a house<br />

번역<br />

소녀는어디에머물것인가?(A) 집 (B) 호텔<br />

4. Who is going on the trip?<br />

(A) Three people<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

누가(몇사람이)여행을떠나는가?(A) 3명 (B) 그의형과여동생<br />

√<br />

√<br />

(B) In a hotel<br />

(B) His brother and sister<br />

1. (W) Where do you want to go?<br />

(M) Let’s go to the ocean!<br />

(W) It’s too hot. Let’s go to the mountains.<br />

번역 (W) 어디에가고싶니?<br />

(M) 바다에가자!<br />

(W) 너무더워.산에가자.<br />

2. (M) My family is going to America<br />

for summer vacation! We are<br />

leaving next week and we’ll<br />

come back in one month.<br />

번역 (M) 나의가족은미국으로여름휴가를<br />

떠날것이다!우리는다음주에떠나서,<br />

한달후에돌아올것이다.<br />

해설<br />

2. in (현재부터)~이지나면<br />

3. (W) I’m going to the beach for three days.<br />

(M) Will you stay in a hotel?<br />

(W) No, I’m going to stay at my friend’s house.<br />

번역 (W) 나는3일동안바닷가에갈거야.<br />

(M) 호텔에머물러있을거니?<br />

(W) 아니,내친구집에머물거야.<br />

4. (M) I’m going to New Zealand next summer!<br />

(W) That’s great! Who are you going with?<br />

(M) My mother and my sister.<br />

번역 (W) 나는내년여름에뉴질랜드에갈거야!<br />

(W) 좋겠구나!누구랑같이가니?<br />

(M) 어머니와여동생과함께갈거야.<br />

T e s t<br />

학생들이 질문과 답을 읽도록 한다.테이프를 들려준다.<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Why will they stay in a hotel?<br />

(A) They are camping. (B) √ The man does not like tents.<br />

(C) They live in a hotel. (D) They will be there for one week.<br />

번역<br />

그들은왜호텔에머물려고하는가?<br />

(A) 그들은캠핑을한다.(B) 남자는텐트를좋아하지않는다.(C) 그들은호텔에산다.(D) 그들은일주일동안그곳에있을것이다.<br />

2. Where is the person going?<br />

(A) To a beach<br />

(B) √ To a mountain<br />

(C) To a library<br />

(D) To a zoo<br />

번역<br />

그녀는어디에갈예정인가?<br />

(A) 바닷가 (B) 산 (C) 도서관 (D) 동물원<br />

3. Why is the man going to the country?<br />

(A) The man lives there. (B) He will visit his aunt and uncle.<br />

(C) He is going camping. (D) He is cleaning.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

그는왜시골에가는가?<br />

(A) 그곳에산다.(B) 그는숙모와삼촌을방문할것이다.(C) 그는캠핑을갈것이다.(D) 그는청소를한다.<br />

1. (W) Let's go camping!<br />

(M) No, I don't like to sleep in a tent.<br />

(W) OK, we'll stay in a hotel.<br />

번역 (W) 우리캠핑가자!<br />

(M) 싫어.나는텐트안에서잠자는것을좋아하<br />

지않아.<br />

(W) 알았어.호텔에머물자.<br />

2. (M) What are you going to do on vacation?<br />

(W) I am going skiing!<br />

(M) Have a great trip!<br />

번역 (M) 휴가때뭐할거니?<br />

(W) 스키타러갈거야!<br />

(M) 멋진여행이되길바래!<br />

3. (W) Where are you going camping?<br />

(M) In the country. It’s very quiet and clean.<br />

(W) Yes, my aunt and uncle live there. I like it.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 어디로캠핑가니?<br />

(M) 시골에.그곳은아주조용하고깨끗해.<br />

(W) 그래,우리숙모와삼촌도시골에사셔.나는그곳을좋아해.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

과제 : 책을 덮고 테이프만<br />

듣는다.책을 펴서 읽는다.<br />

테이프를 다시 들으면서 주<br />

어진 단어들을 본다,테이<br />

프를 들으면서 빈칸에 적절<br />

한단어를 적어본다.<br />

1. I _________ _________ _________ London.<br />

I am going to London.<br />

번역<br />

나는런던에간다.<br />

2. She _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

She sat on the beach. 번역 그녀는바닷가에앉았다.<br />

3. Our club _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

Our club is planning a trip. 번역 우리클럽은여행계획을세우고있다.<br />

4. You _________ _________ _________ _________ ocean.<br />

You can swim in the ocean. 번역 너는바다에서수영을할수있다.<br />

5. _________ _________ _________ vacation _________ Italy.<br />

We went on vacation to Italy. 번역 우리는이탈리아로휴가를갔다.<br />

6. He _________ _________ _________ _________ hotel.<br />

He will stay in a hotel. 번역 그는호텔에머무를것이다.<br />

7. My _________ _________ _________ _________ country.<br />

My aunt lives in the country. 번역 나의이모는시골에사신다.<br />

8. _________ _________ _________ _________ pictures.<br />

They are looking at pictures.<br />

번역<br />

그들은그림을보고있다.<br />

9. I will _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

I will come back next week.<br />

번역<br />

나는다음주에돌아올것이다.<br />

10. They _________ _________ _________ uncle’s _________.<br />

They are visiting their uncle’s house.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT4<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Transportation<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

bus 버스<br />

car 자동차<br />

driving 운전<br />

private 개인,사적인<br />

street 길,도로<br />

1. 버스타는것은쉽다.<br />

2. 그는그의자동차를가지고있다.<br />

3. 그녀는자동차운전하는것을즐긴다.<br />

It is easy to take the bus.<br />

He has his own car.<br />

She enjoys driving her car.<br />

Many people have private cars.<br />

Look both ways before you cross the street.<br />

4. 많은사람들이개인의차를소유하고있다.<br />

5. 길을건너기전에양쪽길을보시오.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

private car<br />

1. The _________ buses have two<br />

levels.<br />

2. People are driving private _________ cars<br />

on the street.<br />

street<br />

번역<br />

1.버스들은2층이다.<br />

2.사람들이도로에서자가용을몰고있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

People are sailing in a boat.<br />

번역 사람들이항해하고있다.<br />

_________ A<br />

The airplane is on the ground.<br />

번역 비행기가땅위에있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) The motorboat is on the water.<br />

(B) The boat is on the land.<br />

(A) 모터보트가물위에있다.<br />

(B) 보트가땅위에있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) They are racing bicycles.<br />

(B) They are racing motorcycles.<br />

(A) 그들은자전거경주를하고있다.<br />

(B) 그들은오토바이경주를하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) This car does not work.<br />

(B) This car is for sale.<br />

(A) 이차는작동되지않는다.<br />

(B) 이차는판매용이다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 4. Transportation<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) The cars are driving around.<br />

(B) The driver is drinking coffee.<br />

(C) The people are riding in a carriage.<br />

(D) The horse is walking on the beach.<br />

(A) 여기저기서차들이움직이고있다.<br />

(B) 운전자가커피를마시고있다.<br />

(C) 사람들은마차를타고있다.<br />

(D) 말이해변을걷고있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The truck has a flat tire.<br />

(B) The truck is in the city.<br />

(C) The truck is old and dirty.<br />

(D) The truck is on the road.<br />

(A) 트럭의타이어에바람이빠졌다.<br />

(B) 트럭이도시에있다.<br />

(C) 트럭이오래되었고지저분하다.<br />

(D) 트럭이도로에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The plane is taking off.<br />

(B) The plane is in a museum.<br />

(C) The plane is landing.<br />

(D) The plane is being fixed.<br />

(A) 비행기가이륙하고있다.<br />

(B) 비행기가박물관안에있다.<br />

(C) 비행기가착륙하고있다.<br />

(D) 비행기가수리되고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

take off 이륙/landing 착륙<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

taxi 택시<br />

ride 타다<br />

station 역<br />

catch 잡아타다<br />

half an hour 30분<br />

A taxi is more convenient than a bus.<br />

I ride the train to school in the morning.<br />

He is sitting at the station, waiting for the train.<br />

You can catch the bus and go to the park.<br />

Half an hour is the same as 30 minutes.<br />

1. 택시가버스보다더편하다.<br />

2. 나는아침에학교까지기차를타고간다.<br />

3. 그는역에앉아서,기차를기다리고있다.<br />

4. 버스를타고공원에갈수있다.<br />

5. Half an hour는30분과같다.<br />

해설<br />

2.걸터앉아타고가는것,행위(말,자전거,버스…)<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. How do I get to the park? (A) No, I can’t.<br />

2. Can you ride a bike? (B) Take a bus.<br />

3. Do you like traveling by train? (C) It takes about<br />

10 minutes.<br />

4. How long does it take to get to school? (D) Yes, I do.<br />

1. 공원에어떻게가니?<br />

2. 자전거탈줄아니?<br />

3. 기차타고여행하는거좋아하니?<br />

4. 학교까지얼마나걸리니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) How do you get to school?<br />

(B) I _______.<br />

(A) 학교에어떻게가니?<br />

(B) 자전거타고가.<br />

2. (A) How long does it take?<br />

(B) About _______.<br />

(A) 얼마나걸리니?<br />

(B) 20분정도걸려.<br />

3. (A) Do you like to take the bus?<br />

(B) No, I like to take _______.<br />

(A) 버스타는것좋아하니?<br />

(B) 아니,전철타는것이좋아.<br />

4. (A) Is there a _______ near your house?<br />

(B) Yes, there is.<br />

(A) 집가까운곳에버스정류장이있니?<br />

(B) 그래있어.<br />

4.기차(버스,비행기)를제시간에잡아타다.<br />

Note<br />

(A) 아니,타지못해.<br />

(B) 버스를타고가렴.<br />

(C) 10분정도걸려.<br />

(D) 응,좋아해.<br />

Note<br />

Walk/take the bus/<br />

ride my bike/<br />

take the subway<br />

5/10/15/20 minutes/<br />

half an hour/an hour<br />

the train/the subway/<br />

a taxi/an airplane<br />

bus stop/subway<br />

station/train station<br />

걷다/버스를타다/자전거를타다/전철을타다<br />

5/10/15/20/30분/1시간<br />

기차/전철/택시/비행기<br />

32<br />


Unit 4. Transportation<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) Take the subway.<br />

(B) It’s very fun.<br />

How do I get to the museum?<br />

번역<br />

박물관까지어떻게가니?<br />

(A) 전철을타렴.<br />

(B) 아주재미있다.<br />

2. (A) For two days.<br />

√<br />

(B) About half and hour.<br />

3. (A) She lives near my house.<br />

√<br />

(B) Yes, there is.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) I walk there.<br />

(B) At 8:00.<br />

How long does it take to get to the beach?<br />

번역<br />

바닷가에가는데얼마나걸리니?<br />

(A) 이틀동안.<br />

(B) 약30분.<br />

Is there a train station near your house?<br />

번역<br />

너의집근처에기차역이있니?<br />

(A) 그녀는나의집근처에산다.<br />

(B) 그래,있어.<br />

How do you get to school in the morning?<br />

번역<br />

아침에학교까지어떻게가니?<br />

(A) 걸어서가.<br />

(B) 8시에.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Do you like the subway or the bus?<br />

(A) Yes, I do.<br />

(B) I like the subway.<br />

(C) About 5 minutes<br />

전철을좋아하니?버스를좋아하니?<br />

(A) 그래,좋아해.<br />

번역<br />

(B) 전철이좋아.<br />

(C) 약5분<br />

3. Where do you catch the bus?<br />

(A) There is a bus stop near my house.<br />

(B) No, I can’t.<br />

(C) Yes, I have.<br />

버스를어디서타니?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 집근처에버스정류장이있어.<br />

(B) 아니,못해.<br />

(C) 그래,있어.<br />

2. How long does it take to<br />

walk to the store?<br />

(A) The store is open.<br />

(B) Yes, I walk to the store.<br />

(C) It takes about 7 minutes.<br />

가게까지걸어서얼마나걸리니?<br />

(A) 가게는영업중이다.<br />

(B) 응,나는가게까지걸어가.<br />

(C) 약7분걸려.<br />

4. Do you like traveling by ship?<br />

(A) No, I don't like to fly.<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

(C) The station is over there.<br />

배타고여행하는것을좋아하니?<br />

(A) 아니,비행을좋아하지않아.<br />

(B) 그래,좋아해.<br />

(C) 정류장은저쪽에있다.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

driver 운전사<br />

arrive 도착하다<br />

late 늦다<br />

airport 공항<br />

a few 조금<br />

1. 버스운전사는친절하다.<br />

2. 나는8시에학교에도착한다.<br />

The bus driver is very nice.<br />

I arrive at school at 8 o’clock.<br />

Go faster. We are late!<br />

Trains go to stations, airplanes go to airports.<br />

I have a few pencils in my bag. About two or three.<br />

3. 더빨리가.우리늦었어!<br />

4. 기차는역에가고,비행기는공항에간다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Transportation<br />

5. 나는가방에연필이조금있다.두세자루정도<br />

있다.<br />

해설<br />

5. 가산명사앞,<br />

긍정적인의미<br />

a. Main Idea What does the man ask for?<br />

What does the woman suggest?<br />

b. Inference What will the man do (next)?<br />

Where are they?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t the man take the bus?<br />

Why does she walk?<br />

d. Facts and Details How long does it take to go to the park?<br />

Where is the man going?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

M: How do I get to the zoo?<br />

W: Take a subway. It’s fast.<br />

M: Thank you.<br />

번역<br />

M 동물원에어떻게가니?<br />

W 전철을타렴.그것이빨라.<br />

M 고마워.<br />

1.그는어디에가고있는가?동물원<br />

1. Where is the man going? __________<br />

To the zoo<br />

In the morning, I walk to school. My school is not far from my house.<br />

2. Why does she walk? __________<br />

It is close.<br />

번역<br />

나는아침에걸어서학교에간다.학교는집에서그리멀지않다.<br />

2.그녀는왜걸어가는가?가깝다.<br />

W: How long does it take to get to the beach?<br />

M: By subway, 10 minutes.<br />

W: Oh, it’s very close.<br />

번역<br />

W 해변까지얼마나걸려?<br />

M 전철로10분정도걸려.<br />

W 오,아주가깝네.<br />

3.바닷가까지얼마나걸리는가?10분<br />

3. How long does it take to go to the beach? __________<br />

10 minutes<br />

It is close. To the zoo 10 minutes She has a car.<br />


Unit 4. Transportation<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. How will they go to the park?<br />

(A) They will ride a bike.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(B) They will take a bus.<br />

그들은공원까지어떻게갈것인가?(A) 그들은자전거를탈것이다.(B) 그들은버스를탈것이다.<br />

1. (M) How should we go to the park?<br />

(W) Can we ride our bikes?<br />

(M) No, we can't. But we can take a bus.<br />

번역 (M) 공원까지어떻게가야할까?<br />

(W) 자전거를타고갈수있을까?<br />

(M) 아니,자전거는못타지만,버스를탈수있어.<br />

2. Where does the bus go?<br />

√<br />

(A) To the subway station<br />

번역 버스는어디로가나?(A) 전철역 (B) 공원<br />

3. Where is the train station?<br />

(A) Near the zoo<br />

번역 기차역은어디에있나?(A) 동물원근처 (B) 학교근처<br />

4. Where is the driver going?<br />

√<br />

(A) The airport<br />

번역 운전기사는어디로가나?(A) 공항 (B) 동물원<br />

(B) To the park<br />

√<br />

(B) Near the school<br />

(B) The zoo<br />

2. (W) If you want to get to the park, take<br />

a bus to the subway station. Then<br />

take the subway to the park.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 공원에가고싶다면,<br />

전철역까지버스를타고가세요.<br />

다음,공원까지전철을타고가세요.<br />

3. (M) How do I get to the museum?<br />

(W) Take the train. There is a train station<br />

near the school.<br />

(M) Thank you!<br />

번역 (M) 박물관에어떻게가니?<br />

(W) 기차를타렴.학교근처에기차역이있어.<br />

(M) 고마워.<br />

4. (W) Excuse me, driver. Does this bus go to<br />

the zoo?<br />

(M) No, it goes to the airport.<br />

(W) Thank you.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 실례합니다,기사님.<br />

이버스는동물원에갑니까?<br />

(M) 아니오,공항에갑니다.<br />

(W) 감사합니다.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Why does the woman want to take a taxi?<br />

번역<br />

(A) She does not like buses. (B) She is a taxi driver.<br />

(C) She wants to go fast. (D) She likes expensive things.<br />

번역<br />

여자는왜택시를타길원하나?<br />

(A) 버스를싫어한다.(B) 그녀는택시운전사다.(C) 그녀는빨리가길원한다.(D) 그녀는비싼것을좋아한다.<br />

2. When will the train get to the station?<br />

(A) At 3 o’clock<br />

(B) In one minute<br />

(C) It will be late.<br />

(D) In a few minutes<br />

번역<br />

기차는언제역에도착할까?<br />

(A) 3시 (B) 1분후에 (C) 늦을것이다.(D) 몇분후에<br />

3. What will the woman do?<br />

(A) √ She will take a bus.<br />

(C) She will take an airplane.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

(B) She will stay home.<br />

(D) She will drive a bus.<br />

여자는어떻게할것인가?<br />

(A) 버스를탈것이다.(B) 집에머무를것이다.(C) 비행기를탈것이다.(D) 버스를몰것이다.<br />

1. (W) Let's take a taxi.<br />

(M) No, it’s too expensive. Let’s take a bus.<br />

(W) If we take a bus, we will be late!<br />

(W) 택시를타자.<br />

(M) 아니야,택시는너무비싸.버스를타자.<br />

(W) 만약버스를타면,늦을거야!<br />

2. (W) Excuse me, when will this train<br />

arrive at Green Station?<br />

(M) We will be there in 3 minutes.<br />

(W) Thank you!<br />

번역 (W) 실례합니다,<br />

이기차는언제그린역에도착하나요?<br />

(M) 3분후에도착할겁니다.<br />

(W) 고맙습니다!<br />

3. (W) I’m taking a bus to New York.<br />

(M) A bus will take a long time.<br />

Take an airplane.<br />

(W) I don’t like to fly.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 난뉴욕까지버스를타고갈거야.<br />

(M) 버스는너무오래걸릴거야.<br />

비행기를타.<br />

(W) 비행은싫어.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. I _________ _________ _________ school.<br />

I can walk to school.<br />

번역<br />

나는학교까지걸어갈수있다.<br />

2. She _________ _________ _________ driver.<br />

She is a taxi driver. 번역 그녀는택시운전사이다.<br />

3. The _________ _________ _________.<br />

The subway is faster.<br />

번역<br />

전철이더빠르다.<br />

4. He _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

He will ride his bike.<br />

번역<br />

그는그의자전거를탈것이다.<br />

5. You can _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

You can catch the bus here.<br />

번역<br />

여기서버스를탈수있다.<br />

6. Many _________ _________ private _________.<br />

Many people have private cars.<br />

번역<br />

많은사람들은자가용을가지고있다.<br />

7. I _________ _________ subway _________ _________.<br />

I ride the subway to work.<br />

번역<br />

나는직장에전철을타고간다.<br />

8. It is _________ _________ _________ _________ bus.<br />

It is easy to take the bus.<br />

번역<br />

버스타기는쉽다.<br />

9. It takes _________ minutes _________ _________ _________.<br />

It takes ten minutes to get there.<br />

번역<br />

그곳까지가는데10분이걸린다.<br />

10. I _________ an airplane _________ _________ _________.<br />

I took an airplane from the airport.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT5<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Entertainment<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

dressed <strong>up</strong> 입다<br />

formal 정식,의례<br />

hold 잡다<br />

wine 와인<br />

smile 미소<br />

He dressed <strong>up</strong> in a tuxedo.<br />

The party at the hotel was formal.<br />

My friend is holding a book.<br />

My mother does not like to drink wine.<br />

She is smiling because she is happy.<br />

1. 그는턱시도를입었다.<br />

2. 호텔에서열린파티는격식이있었다.<br />

3. 내친구는책을들고있다.<br />

4. 나의어머니는와인마시는것을싫어하신다.<br />

5. 그녀는행복해서미소를짓고있다.<br />

해설<br />

1. 잘차려입다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

smiling<br />

holding<br />

1. The _________ smiling woman is<br />

dressed <strong>up</strong> in formal clothes.<br />

2. The man is _________ holding his wine<br />

glass.<br />

번역<br />

1.미소짓고있는여자는정장을입고있다.<br />

2.그남자는와인잔을들고있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

They are enjoying an amusement ride.<br />

번역 그들은놀이기구를즐기고있다.<br />

_________ A<br />

There are fireworks in the sky.<br />

번역 하늘에불꽃놀이가한창이다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) The boy is reading under the tree.<br />

(B) The boy is reading in his room.<br />

(A) 소년은나무아래에서책을읽고있다.<br />

(B) 소년은그의방에서책을읽고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) This is a CD and CD player.<br />

(B) This is a game played with cards.<br />

(A) 이것은CD와CD플레이어이다.<br />

(B) 이것은카드로하는게임이다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) People are playing in the park.<br />

(B) People are relaxing in the sun.<br />

(A) 사람들이공원에서놀고있다.<br />

(B) 사람들이태양아래서쉬고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 5. Entertainment<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) Few people are on the street.<br />

(B) The animals are in a zoo.<br />

(C) The people are walking in the park.<br />

(D) The people are touring the building.<br />

(A) 거리에는사람들이거의없다.<br />

(B) 동물들이동물원에있다.<br />

(C) 사람들이공원을거닐고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들이건물을구경하고있다.<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

few (부정적용법으로)거의없는,조금밖에<br />

번역<br />

(A) The man is holding her hand.<br />

(B) The man is singing with a microphone.<br />

(C) The man is sitting at the table.<br />

(D) The man is turning off the light.<br />

(A) 남자가그녀의손을잡고있다.<br />

(B) 남자가마이크로노래를부르고있다.<br />

(C) 남자가테이블에앉아있다.<br />

(D) 남자가불을끄고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The men are looking at a painting.<br />

(B) The men are in front of the statue.<br />

(C) The men are entering the museum.<br />

(D) The men are painting the wall.<br />

(A) 남자들이그림을보고있다.<br />

(B) 남자들이동상앞에있다.<br />

(C) 남자들이박물관에들어가고있다.<br />

(D) 남자들이벽을칠하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

바이올린<br />

만화책<br />

놀이 공원<br />

소풍<br />

서커스<br />

violin<br />

comics<br />

amusement park<br />

picnic<br />

circus<br />

My sister plays the violin very well.<br />

I like to read comics and watch cartoons on TV.<br />

Disney World is a very big amusement park.<br />

The family is eating in the park. It’s a picnic!<br />

I saw many elephants and clowns at the circus.<br />

1. 나의여동생은바이올린연주를매우잘한다.<br />

2. 나는만화책보는것과텔레비전에서만화보는것을좋아한다.<br />

3. 디즈니월드는아주큰놀이공원이다.<br />

4. 가족들이공원에서먹고있다.소풍이다!<br />

5. 나는서커스에서많은코끼리와광대를봤다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. What are you doing tonight? (A) Good idea.<br />

2. Let’s go to the park. (B) Yes, I have.<br />

3. Can you play the piano? (C) I’m going to watch TV.<br />

4. Have you been to a circus? (D) No, I can’t.<br />

1. 오늘밤뭐할거니?<br />

2. 공원에가자.<br />

3. 피아노칠줄아니?<br />

4. 서커스에가본적있니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Have you been to a _______?<br />

(B) Yes, I have.<br />

(A) 서커스에가본적있니?<br />

(B) 응,가본적있어.<br />

2. (A) What are you doing _______?<br />

(B) I’m going to see a movie.<br />

(A) 오늘밤뭐할거니?<br />

(B) 영화를볼거야.<br />

3. (A) Do you like _______?<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

(A) 만화책좋아하니?<br />

(B) 응,좋아해.<br />

4. (A) Can you play the _______.<br />

(B) Yes, I can.<br />

(A) 바이올린연주할줄아니?<br />

(B) 응,할줄알아.<br />

(A) 좋은생각이야.<br />

(B) 응,가본적있어.<br />

(C) 텔레비전볼거야.<br />

(D) 아니,못쳐.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

museum/circus/zoo/<br />

amusement park<br />

tomorrow/tonight/<br />

on Friday/this weekend<br />

music/movies/comics/<br />

computer games<br />

piano/drums/guitar/<br />

violin/flute<br />

박물관/서커스/동물원/놀이공원<br />

내일/오늘밤/금요일에/이번주말<br />

음악/영화/만화/컴퓨터게임<br />

피아노/드럼/기타/바이올린/플룻<br />


Unit 5. Entertainment<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) It’s in the living room.<br />

√<br />

(B) OK.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) I am going to an amusement park.<br />

(B) I’m fine, thank you.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) Yes, I can.<br />

(B) I don’t like sports.<br />

4. (A) Yes, I do.<br />

√<br />

(B) No, I have not.<br />

Let’s watch TV.<br />

번역<br />

텔레비전보자.<br />

(A) 거실에있어.<br />

(B) 그래.<br />

What are you doing tomorrow?<br />

번역<br />

내일뭐하니?<br />

(A) 놀이공원에갈거야.<br />

(B) 괜찮아,고마워.<br />

Can you play the guitar?<br />

번역<br />

기타칠줄아니?<br />

(A) 응,할수있어.<br />

(B) 나는운동을싫어해.<br />

Have you been to the zoo?<br />

번역<br />

동물원에가본적있니?<br />

(A) 응,있어.<br />

(B) 아니,없어.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Do you like movies?<br />

(A) Good idea.<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

(C) No, I can't.<br />

영화좋아하니?<br />

(A) 좋은생각이야.<br />

(B) 응,좋아해.<br />

(C) 아니,할수없어.<br />

3. Have you been to the museum?<br />

(A) I can’t see them.<br />

(B) I don’t have it.<br />

(C) Yes, I go there once a month.<br />

박물관에가봤니?<br />

(A) 나는그들을못봐.<br />

(B) 나는그것을갖고있지않아.<br />

(C) 응,나는그곳에매달한번씩가.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. What are you doing this weekend?<br />

(A) On Friday and Saturday.<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

(C) I’m going to the museum.<br />

이번주말에뭐할거니?<br />

(A) 금요일하고토요일.<br />

(B) 응,했어.<br />

(C) 박물관에갈거야.<br />

4. Let’s go on a picnic.<br />

(A) OK. Good idea!<br />

(B) Yes, I have.<br />

(C) I like music.<br />

우리소풍가자.<br />

(A) 그래.좋은생각이야!<br />

(B) 응,갖고있어.<br />

(C) 나는음악을좋아해.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

극장<br />

미술관<br />

오늘밤<br />

롤러코스터<br />

외식<br />

cinema<br />

She is going to a cinema to watch a movie.<br />

art gallery There are beautiful paintings in the art gallery.<br />

tonight<br />

The man will play the piano at the concert tonight.<br />

roller coaster There is a big roller coaster at the amusement park.<br />

go out for dinner I like to go out for dinner. I love to eat in restaurants.<br />

1. 그녀는영화를보러극장에간다.<br />

2. 미술관에아름다운그림들이있다.<br />

3. 그남자는오늘밤콘서트에서피아노를칠것이다.<br />

4. 놀이공원에큰롤러코스터가있다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Entertainment<br />

5. 나는외식하는것을좋아한다.<br />

레스토랑에서먹는것을좋아한다.<br />

해설<br />

1. 영화,영화관<br />

(theater는<br />

연극상영관)<br />

a. Main Idea What are they describing?<br />

Where is the woman going?<br />

b. Inference Where does the man want to eat dinner?<br />

Where will they go?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why does the man like to go to amusement parks?<br />

Why is she going to the art gallery?<br />

d. Facts and Details What can she play?<br />

What does she like?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

W: What do you want to do?<br />

M: I want to see a movie.<br />

W: Great idea!<br />

1. Where will they go? __________<br />

To a theater<br />

번역<br />

무엇을하고싶니?<br />

M 영화를보고싶어.<br />

W 좋은생각이야!<br />

1.그들은어디로갈것인가?극장<br />

I like music. I can play the guitar. Some day, I want to learn how<br />

to play the drums.<br />

2. What can she play? __________<br />

The guitar<br />

M: Do you like comics?<br />

W: Yes, I do. How about you?<br />

M: No, I don’t like them. I like books.<br />

3. What does she like? __________ Comics<br />

나는음악을좋아해.나는기타를칠수있어.<br />

언젠가,드럼연주하는것도배우고싶어.<br />

2.그녀는무엇을연주할수있나?기타<br />

To a theater The drums Comics The guitar<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

M 만화책좋아하니?<br />

W 응,좋아해.너는?<br />

M 아니,좋아하지않아.나는책을좋아해.<br />

3.그녀가좋아하는것은무엇인가요?만화책<br />


Unit 5. Entertainment<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where will they eat?<br />

(A) A restaurant<br />

번역 그들은어디서먹을것인가?(A) 식당에서 (B) 그들의집에서<br />

2. Where are the speakers?<br />

(A) At a movie<br />

번역 그들이있는곳은어디인가?(A) 영화관 (B) 연주회<br />

3. What does the man like?<br />

√<br />

(A) Roller coasters<br />

번역 남자가좋아하는것은?(A) 롤러코스터 (B) 롤러스케이트<br />

(B) Their house<br />

(B) At a concert<br />

(B) Roller skates<br />

4. When is the woman going to the zoo?<br />

(A) Next week<br />

번역 여자는언제동물원에갈것인가?(A) 다음주 (B) 토요일<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

(B) On Saturday<br />

1. (M) Let's go out for dinner.<br />

(W) No, Let's stay home and eat.<br />

(M) OK. I will cook!<br />

번역 (M) 우리저녁먹으러나가자.<br />

(W)아니,그냥집에서먹자.<br />

(M)알았어.내가요리할게.<br />

2. (W) This is really great!<br />

(M) Yes, I love listening to the violin.<br />

(W) Me, too. It's so beautiful.<br />

번역<br />

(M) 이음악정말좋다!<br />

(M)그래,나는바이올린곡듣는것을좋아해.<br />

(W)나도,너무아름다워.<br />

3. (M) I love to ride on roller coasters. They<br />

are so fast and fun! It's my favorite<br />

thing at the amusement park!<br />

번역 (M) 난롤러코스터타는것을좋아해.<br />

아주빠르고신나!이것이내가놀이공원에서가장좋<br />

아하는기구야.<br />

4. (M) What are you doing this weekend?<br />

(W) I’m going to the zoo on Saturday.<br />

(M) Great! Can I come with you?<br />

번역 (M) 요번주말에뭐하니?<br />

(W) 토요일에동물원갈거야.<br />

(M) 멋지다!나도같이가도되니?<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Why does the woman want to go to the art gallery?<br />

(A) To paint a picture (B) √ To buy a painting<br />

(C) To look at sculpture (D) To study art<br />

번역<br />

여자는왜미술관에가고싶어하는가?<br />

(A) 그림을그리려고 (B) 그림을사려고 (C) 조각품을보려고 (D) 그림공부를하려고<br />

2. Where is the woman going tonight?<br />

(A) A piano concert (B) Her sister’s house<br />

(C) A movie<br />

(D) A gallery<br />

번역<br />

여자는오늘밤어디에갈것인가?<br />

(A) 피아노콘서트 (B) 동생의집 (C) 영화 (D) 미술관<br />

3. What are they going to do?<br />

(A) They are going to Italy.<br />

(B) They are going on a picnic.<br />

(C) They are going to cook.<br />

(D) They are going to a restaurant.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

그들은무엇을할것인가?<br />

(A) 이탈리아에갈것이다.(B) 소풍을갈것이다.(C) 요리를할것이다.(D) 레스토랑에갈것이다.<br />

1. (W) Let’s go to the art gallery.<br />

(M) Good idea! I want to see a<br />

sculpture.<br />

(W) I want to buy a painting.<br />

번역 (W) 우리미술관에가자.<br />

(M) 좋은생각이야!<br />

나는조각품을보고싶어.<br />

(W) 난그림을사고싶어.<br />

2. (W) There is a piano concert tonight.<br />

(M) Let’s go!<br />

(W) I can’t. I’m going to the movies<br />

with my sister.<br />

번역 (W) 오늘밤피아노콘서트가있어.<br />

(M) 같이가자!<br />

(W) 안돼.나는내동생이랑<br />

영화보러갈거야.<br />

3. (W) Let’s go out to eat.<br />

(W) OK. What would you like?<br />

(M) How about Italian food?<br />

번역 (M) 우리외식하자.<br />

(W) 알았어.뭐먹을래?<br />

(M) 이탈리아음식은어때?<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. We _________ _________ _________ circus.<br />

We went to the circus.<br />

번역<br />

우리는서커스에다녀왔다.<br />

2. The concert _________ _________ _________.<br />

The concert was very loud.<br />

번역<br />

콘서트는매우시끄러웠다.<br />

3. _________ _________ _________ roller coasters.<br />

I don't like roller coasters.<br />

번역<br />

나는롤러코스터를좋아하지않는다.<br />

4. She _________ _________ _________ _________ movie.<br />

She wants to watch a movie.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는영화를보고싶어한다.<br />

5. The gallery _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The gallery is not open tonight.<br />

번역<br />

미술관은오늘밤열리지않는다.<br />

6. Let’s _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

Let’s go out for dinner.<br />

번역<br />

우리같이저녁먹으러나가자.<br />

7. _________ _________ _________ _________ formal clothes.<br />

He dressed <strong>up</strong> in formal clothes.<br />

번역<br />

그는정장을입었다.<br />

8. Tickets _________ _________ _________ _________ _________<br />

expensive.<br />

Tickets for the museum are not expensive.<br />

번역<br />

박물관티켓은비싸지않다.<br />

9. The man _________ _________ _________ _________ glass.<br />

The man is holding a wine glass.<br />

번역<br />

남자는와인잔을들고있다.<br />

10. They _________ _________ a picnic _________ the_________.<br />

They are having a picnic in the park.<br />

번역<br />


PART I. Picture Description: Shopping<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

6<br />

UNIT<br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

stand 서다<br />

shelf 책장,진열장<br />

in front of …앞에<br />

for sale 팔려고내놓은<br />

goods 상품,재산물<br />

1. 그는문가까이서있다.<br />

2. 책들이책장에꽂혀있다.<br />

3. 그녀는가게앞에서기다리고있다.<br />

He is standing near the door.<br />

The books are on the shelf.<br />

She is waiting in front of the store.<br />

This house is for sale.<br />

The store has many kinds of goods.<br />

4. 이집은팔려고내놓았다.<br />

5. 이가게에는다양한상품들이있다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

goods<br />

1. The woman is _________ standing in<br />

front of the things for sale.<br />

shelf<br />

2. _________ Goods are on the shelf.<br />

번역<br />

1.그여자는판매중인물건들앞에서있다.<br />

2.상품들이진열장에있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

Toys are for sale.<br />

번역 장난감이판매중이다.<br />

_________ B<br />

The man is shopping in the store.<br />

번역 남자가가게에서물건을사고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) There are boxes on the shelves.<br />

(B) There are jars on the shelves.<br />

(A) 진열장에상자들이있다.<br />

(B) 진열장에병들이있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The man is looking at the goods.<br />

(B) The man is closing the shop.<br />

(A) 남자가상품들을보고있다.<br />

(B) 남자가가게문을닫고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The machine sells drinks.<br />

(B) The machine sells snacks.<br />

(A) 자판기에서음료수를판매한다.<br />

(B) 자판기에서과자를판매한다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 6. Shopping<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(A) The bus is next to the tree.<br />

(B) The umbrellas are for sale.<br />

(C) The man is driving the bus.<br />

(D) People are waiting for the bus.<br />

(A) 버스가나무옆에있다.<br />

(B) 우산이판매중이다.<br />

(C) 남자가버스를운전하고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들이버스를기다리고있다.<br />

번역<br />

(A) The peppers are stacked <strong>up</strong>.<br />

(B) The man is picking peppers.<br />

(C) The store does not have peppers.<br />

(D) The peppers cost a lot.<br />

(A) 피망들이쌓여있다.<br />

(B) 남자가피망을집어들고있다.<br />

(C) 가게에는피망이없다.<br />

(D) 피망의가격이비싸다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

해설<br />

stack <strong>up</strong> 쌓다<br />

(A) The clothes are on the floor.<br />

(B) The man is showing her the clothes.<br />

(C) The store only sells children's clothes.<br />

(D) The woman is looking at clothes.<br />

(A) 옷들이바닥에있다.<br />

(B) 남자가여자에게옷을보여주고있다.<br />

(C) 이가게에서는아동복만판매한다.<br />

(D) 여자가옷을보고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

Clearance Sale 재고정리세일<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

비용이들다<br />

비싸다<br />

현금<br />

구역,부분<br />

옷갈아입는곳,탈의실<br />

cost It costs $200.<br />

expensive That’s quite expensive.<br />

cash<br />

We take cash only.<br />

section The men’s section is on the third floor.<br />

fitting room You can try the shirt on in the fitting room.<br />

1. 이것은200달러입니다.<br />

2. 그것은꽤비쌉니다.<br />

해설<br />

4.남성복,신발등이포함<br />

3. 저희는현금만받습니다.<br />

4, 남성코너는3층입니다.<br />

5. 셔츠는탈의실에서입어보실수있습니다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. How much are the shoes? (A) They cost $50.<br />

2. Can I try it on? (B) I’ll use my credit card.<br />

3. How can I help you? (C) I’m looking for a pair of jeans.<br />

4. Cash or charge? (D) Sure. The fitting room is around<br />

the corner.<br />

1. 신발이얼마죠?<br />

2. 입어봐도(신어봐도)될까요?<br />

3. 무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

4. 현금으로하시겠어요,카드로하시겠어요?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Where’s the ladies’ section?<br />

(B) It’s on the _______ floor.<br />

(A) 여성코너는어디죠?<br />

(B) 5층에있어요.<br />

2. (A) What size do you need?<br />

(B) _______, please.<br />

(A) 어떤사이즈원하세요?<br />

(B) 중간사이즈주세요.<br />

3. (A) How much does it cost?<br />

(B) _______.<br />

(A) 얼마입니까?<br />

(B) 15달러입니다.<br />

4. (A) Where did you buy the T-shirt?<br />

(B) I _______ it at Macy’s.<br />

해설<br />

(A) 티셔츠를어디서샀나요?<br />

(B) 메이시에서샀어요.<br />

4. Macy’s 백화점이름<br />

(A) 그것들은50달러입니다.<br />

(B) 신용카드로할께요.<br />

(C) 청바지를찾고있어요.<br />

(D) 몰론이죠.모서리를돌면탈의실이있어요.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

해설<br />

first/second/third/fourth/<br />

fifth/sixth<br />

small/medium/large/<br />

extra large<br />

$5/$10/$15/$25/$30/<br />

$50/$150<br />

buy [bought]/get [got]/<br />

purchase<br />

1층/2층/3층/4층/5층/6층<br />

소/중/대/특대<br />

사다/얻다(사다)/구입하다<br />

4. charge (=credit card)<br />

청구금액,비용이라는뜻도있다.<br />


Unit 6. Shopping<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) They were very expensive.<br />

(B) It was my birthday yesterday.<br />

How much were they?<br />

번역<br />

그것들은얼마였나요?<br />

(A) 많이비쌌어요.<br />

(B) 어제는내생일이었어요.<br />

2. (A) I spend $200 every week.<br />

√<br />

(B) Once a week.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) It looks good on you.<br />

(B) OK. Let’s go.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) Sure. Where is the fitting room?<br />

(B) That’s too bad.<br />

How often do you go shopping?<br />

번역<br />

쇼핑은얼마나자주하니?<br />

(A) 매주200달러를써요.<br />

(B) 일주일에한번요.<br />

I bought this dress yesterday.<br />

번역<br />

어제이드레스를샀어요.<br />

(A) 당신에게잘어울리네요.<br />

(B) 알았어요,갑시다.<br />

Would you like to try it on?<br />

번역<br />

한번입어보시겠어요?<br />

(A) 그러죠.탈의실이어디죠?<br />

(B) 안됐군요.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Can I help you?<br />

(A) I did it.<br />

(B) I’m just looking, thank you.<br />

(C) Yes, it is.<br />

무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

(A) 했어요.<br />

(B) 그냥돌아보는중이에요.고마워요.<br />

(C) 네,그래요<br />

3. Is the store open?<br />

(A) I will do it.<br />

(B) It is a good store.<br />

(C) Yes, it is.<br />

가게가영업중인가요?<br />

(A) 내가할께요.<br />

(B) 좋은가게입니다.<br />

(C) 네,열었어요(영업중이에요).<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. How do you like it?<br />

(A) It’s very nice.<br />

(B) No, thank you.<br />

(C) Over there.<br />

이것은어때요?<br />

(A) 아주좋네요.<br />

(B) 고맙지만,사양할게요.<br />

(C) 저쪽에있어요.<br />

4. What size do you need?<br />

(A) No, I don’t need it.<br />

(B) Red is better.<br />

(C) Small, please.<br />

어떤사이즈원하세요?<br />

(A) 아니오,필요없어요.<br />

(B) 빨간색이더괜찮네요<br />

(C) 작은사이즈로주세요.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

세일중<br />

지속되다<br />

빵집<br />

쇼핑하는사람<br />

종업원<br />

have a sale<br />

last<br />

bakery<br />

shopper<br />

employee<br />

1. 이가게는세일중이다.<br />

2. 세일은2주일동안계속된다.<br />

The store is having a sale.<br />

The sale lasts for two weeks.<br />

We buy bread at a bakery.<br />

The shopper looked at every pair of shoes in the store.<br />

The company has over 200 employees.<br />

3. 우리는빵집에서빵을산다.<br />

4. 쇼핑하는사람이가게에있는모든신발을봤다.<br />

해설<br />

5. 이회사에는200명이상의종업원이있다. 5. employer<br />

고용주<br />

B. Types of Questions - Shopping<br />

a. Main idea What are the speakers doing?<br />

What does this store sell?<br />

b. Inference What will they do (next)?<br />

Where is the conversation taking place?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t the man buy the shirt?<br />

Why is she going to the store next week?<br />

d. Facts and Details How much was the shirt?<br />

When will the store close?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

A: Here is the cake you ordered.<br />

번역<br />

B: It's beautiful! Thank you.<br />

A: Did you need any candles to put on it?<br />

A: 여기주문하신케이크입니다.<br />

B: 예쁘네요!고맙습니다.<br />

A: 케이크에꽂을초필요하세요?<br />

1.이대화는어디서이루어지고있는가?빵집<br />

1. Where is this conversation talking place? __________<br />

A bakery<br />

Good afternoon, Toy Town shoppers.<br />

2. What does this store sell? __________ Toys<br />

번역<br />

멋진오후입니다.토이타운고객님.<br />

2.이가게에서무엇을파는가?장난감<br />

If this is your child, please come to the front of the store.<br />

3. What will she do next? Go __________ to the front<br />

이어린이가고객님의자녀이면,<br />

가게앞으로와주시기바랍니다.<br />

3.여자는어떤행동을취할것인가?정문으로간다<br />

Toys A bakery Go to the front A child<br />

번역<br />


Unit 6. Shopping<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where is this conversation talking place?<br />

(A) A clothes store<br />

번역 이대화가이루어지는장소는?(A) 옷가게 (B) 슈퍼마켓<br />

2. What is she looking for?<br />

(A) Candy<br />

번역 그녀가찾고있는것은?(A) 사탕 (B) 장난감<br />

3. What will he do?<br />

(A) Buy them<br />

번역 그는어떻게할까요?(A) 살것이다.(B) 사지않을것이다.<br />

4. What time does the store close?<br />

√<br />

(A) Ten<br />

번역 가게는몇시에문을닫는가?(A) 10시 (B) 9시<br />

√<br />

(B) A s<strong>up</strong>ermarket<br />

√<br />

(B) A toy<br />

√<br />

(B) Not buy them<br />

(B) Nine<br />

1. (W) How much are these cookies?<br />

(M) They are two dollars.<br />

번역 (W) 이쿠키들은얼마입니까?<br />

(M) 2달러입니다.<br />

2. (W) I don’t want any gum.<br />

I want a yo-yo.<br />

번역 (W) 나는껌을원하지않아요.요요<br />

를원해요.<br />

3. (W) These shoes are on sale for<br />

sixty dollars.<br />

(M) They are too expensive. No<br />

thank you.<br />

번역 (W) 이신발들은60달러에판매합니다.<br />

(M) 너무비싸요.괜찮습니다.<br />

4. (W) We won't have much<br />

time to shop. The store<br />

closes at ten o'clock.<br />

번역 (M) 쇼핑할시간이그리많지않아요.상점<br />

은10시에문을닫아요.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Which one will he buy?<br />

(A) The blue one<br />

(C) The large one<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

그는어떤것을살것인가?<br />

(A) 파란색 (B) 초록색 (C) 큰것 (D) 작은것<br />

(B) The green one<br />

(D) The small one<br />

2. Where are the speakers?<br />

(A) √ A men’s clothes store (B) A shoe store<br />

(C) A s<strong>up</strong>ermarket (D) A women’s clothes store<br />

그들은지금어디에있는가?<br />

(A) 남성복상점 (B) 신발가게 (C) 슈퍼마켓 (D) 여성복상점<br />

3. Who works in the store?<br />

(A) The man<br />

(C) The man’s sister<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

누가상점에서일하는가?<br />

(A) 남자 (B) 여자 (C) 남자의여동생 (D) 여자의여동생<br />

√<br />

(B) The woman<br />

(D) The woman’s sister<br />

1. (M) Should I get the green one<br />

or the blue one?<br />

(W) I like the green one better.<br />

(M) OK. I’ll buy that one.<br />

번역 (M) 초록색을살까?<br />

아니면파란색을살까?<br />

(W) 난초록색이더괜찮은것같아.<br />

(M) 좋아.초록색을사야지.<br />

2. (W) You should try on those pants<br />

before you buy them.<br />

(M) You’re right. Where are the<br />

fitting rooms?<br />

(W) They are over there.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 그바지를사기전에<br />

입어보는게어떠니.<br />

(M) 맞아.옷갈아입는곳이어디지?<br />

(W) 저쪽에있어.<br />

3. (M) I like to go shopping at Discount S<strong>up</strong>er<br />

Store. My girl-friend does not like that<br />

store very much. But I go there because<br />

my sister works there.<br />

번역<br />

(M) 나는대형할인점에서쇼핑하는것을좋아한다.<br />

나의여자친구는그런상점을그다지좋아하지않는다.<br />

하지만여동생이거기서일하고있기때문에<br />

나는그곳에간다.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. It looks _________ _________ _________.<br />

It looks good on you.<br />

번역<br />

그것은너에게잘어울린다.<br />

2. There are many _________ _________ _________.<br />

There are many goods for sale. 번역 많은상품들이판매중이다.<br />

3. The peppers _________ _________ _________.<br />

The peppers cost one dollar.<br />

번역<br />

고추는1달러이다.<br />

4. People are _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

People are shopping in the store.<br />

번역<br />

사람들은상점에서쇼핑을한다.<br />

5. I bought _________ _________ yesterday.<br />

I bought it here yesterday.<br />

번역<br />

나는어제여기서그것을샀다.<br />

6. Can _________ _________ _________?<br />

Can I help you?<br />

번역<br />

무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

7. They _________ _________ _________.<br />

They are very expensive.<br />

번역<br />

그것은매우비싸다.<br />

8. What _________ _________ _________ need?<br />

What size do you need?<br />

번역<br />

어떤사이즈를원하세요?<br />

9. I _________ _________ _________ _________ better.<br />

I like the green one better.<br />

번역<br />

나는초록색이더마음에든다.<br />

10. You should _________ _________ _________ pants.<br />

You should try on those pants.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT7<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Directions / Location<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

옆에<br />

가운데<br />

길,도로<br />

~을 통해서<br />

터널<br />

beside<br />

in the middle of<br />

road<br />

through<br />

tunnel<br />

He sits beside me.<br />

There is a table in the middle of the room.<br />

The car is driving on the road.<br />

Go through the door and turn right.<br />

The train goes through the tunnel.<br />

1. 그는내옆에앉는다.<br />

2. 방가운데테이블이있다.<br />

해설<br />

1. 사물,사람옆(=next to)<br />

3. 자동차가도로를달리고있다.<br />

4. 문을지나서오른쪽으로도세요.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

5. 기차가터널을통과한다.<br />

tunnel<br />

1. The road going _________ through the<br />

tunnel has a sign beside it.<br />

2. There are white lines in the<br />

_________ middle of the road.<br />

middle<br />

번역<br />

1.터널사이로뻗어있는길가옆에간판/사인이있다.<br />

2.도로가운데흰색라인이있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

The people are sitting beside the water.<br />

번역 사람들이물가에앉아있다.<br />

_________ B<br />

There is water under the bridge.<br />

번역 다리밑에물이있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) There are ducks on the lake.<br />

(B) There are trees next to the lake.<br />

(A) 거위들이호수위에있다.<br />

(B) 나무들이호수옆에있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The lights are on the house.<br />

(B) The lights are beside the house.<br />

(A) 집에전등이켜져있다.<br />

(B) 전등이집옆에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The girl is near the water.<br />

(B) The girl is under the water.<br />

(A) 소녀가물가까이있다.<br />

(B) 소녀가물속에있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 7. Directions / Location<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(A) The truck is in front of the building.<br />

(B) The truck is near the lake.<br />

(C) The truck is behind the bus.<br />

(D) The truck is on the bridge.<br />

(A) 트럭이건물앞에있다.<br />

(B) 트럭이호수근처에있다.<br />

(C) 트럭이버스뒤에있다.<br />

(D) 트럭이다리위에있다.<br />

번역<br />

(A) He is behind the door.<br />

(B) He is in front of the shirts.<br />

(C) He is in the tunnel.<br />

(D) He is next to the car.<br />

(A) 그는문뒤에있다.<br />

(B) 그는셔츠앞에있다.<br />

(C) 그는터널안에있다.<br />

(D) 그는자동차옆에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The road goes around the hotel.<br />

(B) The road goes down the mountain.<br />

(C) The road goes into the woods.<br />

(D) The road goes through the field.<br />

(A) 길이호텔을둘러싸고있다.<br />

(B) 길이산을따라뻗어있다.<br />

(C) 길이나무숲으로뻗어있다.<br />

(D) 길이들판사이로뻗어있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

on top of …위에<br />

drawer 서랍<br />

hang 걸려있다<br />

dresser 화장대<br />

scissors 가위<br />

1. 산꼭대기에눈이쌓여있다.<br />

2. 내책상에는서랍이세개있다.<br />

3. 드레스가옷장안에걸려있다.<br />

There is snow on top of the mountains.<br />

My desk has three drawers.<br />

The dress is hanging in the closet.<br />

My socks and shirts are in the dresser.<br />

Put the scissors in the drawer.<br />

4. 내양말과셔츠가화장대안에있다.<br />

5. 가위를서랍안에넣어라.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. Have you seen my backpack? (A) On the shelf please.<br />

2. Where should I put this book? (B) No, I haven’t.<br />

3. Do you know where the dog is? (C) They are on the table.<br />

4. Where are the scissors? (D) No, I don’t.<br />

1. 내가방본적있니?<br />

2. 이책을어디에넣어야하지?<br />

3. 강아지가어디있는지아니?<br />

4. 가위는어디있니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Where are the car keys?<br />

(B) They are on the _______ in the bedroom.<br />

(A) 자동차열쇠는어디에있니?<br />

(B) 침실의자위에있어.<br />

2. (A) Have you seen my _______?<br />

(B) No, I haven’t.<br />

(A) 내지갑본적있니?<br />

(B) 아니,본적없어.<br />

3. (A) Where should I put this?<br />

(B) You can put it _______ the chair.<br />

(A) 이것은어디에놓아둘까?<br />

(B) 의자밑에놓아둬.<br />

4. (A) Do you know where my baseball bat is?<br />

(B) It _______ be in the bedroom closet.<br />

(A) 내야구방망이어디에있는지아니?<br />

(B) 침실옷장에있을거야.<br />

(A) 책장에넣어주겠니.<br />

(B) 아니,본적없어.<br />

(C) 테이블위에있어.<br />

(D) 아니,모르겠어.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

bed/table/desk/<br />

dresser/chair<br />

hat/belt/purse/<br />

bag/cell phone<br />

on/in/by/under/<br />

beside/behind<br />

may/might/<br />

could/should<br />

침대/탁자/책상/화장대/의자<br />

모자/벨트/지갑/가방/휴대폰<br />

위/안/옆/아래/옆/뒤<br />

56<br />

아마~일것이다/may의과거형/<br />

할수있었다(can의과거형)/<br />


Unit 7. Directions / Location<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes, I have an eraser.<br />

√<br />

(B) It’s under the chair.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) No, I haven’t.<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) It’s on top of the TV.<br />

(B) Yes, I can.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) Look in the drawer.<br />

(B) Yes, you can use it.<br />

Where is the whiteboard eraser?<br />

번역<br />

화이트보드지우개는어디에있니?<br />

(A) 네,지우개를가지고있어요.<br />

(B) 의자밑에있어요.<br />

Have you seen my blue cap?<br />

번역<br />

내파란모자본적있니?<br />

(A) 아니,본적없어.<br />

(B) 아니,안했어.<br />

Do you know where the TV remote is?<br />

번역<br />

텔레비전리모컨어디에있는지아니?<br />

(A) 텔레비전위에있어.<br />

(B) 응,할수있어.<br />

I can’t find the stapler.<br />

번역<br />

스테이플러를찾을수가없어.<br />

(A) 서랍속을봐.<br />

(B) 그래.그것을쓰렴.<br />

해설<br />

3. remote control 원격제어,리모트컨트롤<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Do you know where Mrs. Green is?<br />

(A) She is my mother.<br />

(B) I like green.<br />

(C) No, I don’t.<br />

그린씨가어디에있는지아니?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 그녀는나의어머니야.<br />

(B) 난초록색이좋아.<br />

(C) 아니,몰라.<br />

3. Where should I put this box?<br />

(A) In the bedroom, please.<br />

(B) You’re welcome.<br />

(C) Yes, you should.<br />

이상자를어디에놓아야하지?<br />

(A) 침실안에놔주겠니.<br />

(B) 천만에.<br />

(C) 응,그래야해.<br />

번역<br />

2. Have you seen my bike?<br />

(A) I can’t ride a bike.<br />

(B) It’s outside by the tree.<br />

(C) No, thank you.<br />

내자전거본적있니?<br />

(A) 난자전거를못타.<br />

(B) 밖에나무옆에있어.<br />

(C) 고맙지만사양할게.<br />

4. Do you know where my<br />

black coat is?<br />

(A) No, it’s not.<br />

(B) It’s hanging in the closet.<br />

(C) Yes, I have.<br />

내검은색코트어디에있는지아니?<br />

(A) 아니,그건아니야.<br />

(B) 옷장안에걸려있어.<br />

(C) 응.내가가지고있어.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

c<strong>up</strong>board 찬장<br />

above …위에<br />

in the back 뒤에<br />

between 사이<br />

bottom 밑에<br />

There are c<strong>up</strong>s in the c<strong>up</strong>board in the kitchen.<br />

The light is above the table.<br />

The students sit in the back of the classroom.<br />

The boy is sitting between his friends.<br />

The glue is in the bottom drawer.<br />

1. 주방의찬장안에컵들이있다.<br />

2. 테이블위에전등이있다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Location<br />

3. 학생들은교실뒤에앉는다.<br />

4. 소년은그의친구들사이에앉아있다.<br />

5. 풀은맨아래쪽서랍에있다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?<br />

What is the woman looking for?<br />

b. Inference What will he put his coat?<br />

Where are the speakers?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why do they sit in the front?<br />

Why is the man on the chair?<br />

d. Facts and Details Where is the radio?<br />

Who is in the middle?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

M: What’s wrong?<br />

W: I can’t find my purse!<br />

M: It’s on the chair in the bedroom.<br />

번역<br />

M 무슨일이야?<br />

W 내지갑을못찾겠어!<br />

M 침실의자위에있어.<br />

1.여자가찾고있는것은?지갑<br />

1. What is the woman looking for? __________ A purse<br />

There are three people sitting on the sofa. Mary and Sue are my<br />

sisters. The girl sitting between them is my best friend, Jill.<br />

2. Who is in the middle? __________ Jill<br />

W: Have you seen my radio?<br />

M: I think it’s in the living room.<br />

W: Oh, I see it now.<br />

3. Where is the radio? __________<br />

In the living room<br />

3명의사람들이소파에앉아있다.메리와수는나의여동생이다.<br />

그녀들사이에앉아있는소녀는나의가장친한친구인질이다.<br />

2.가운데에는누가있는가?질<br />

Jill A chair In the living room A purse<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

W 내라디오본적있니?<br />

M 거실에있는것같아.<br />

W 아.이제보여.<br />

3.라디오는어디에있는가?거실에<br />


Unit 7. Directions / Location<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where is the soap?<br />

(A) Aisle 7<br />

번역<br />

비누는어디에있는가?(A) 7번통로<br />

(B) 화장실<br />

(B) In the bathroom<br />

2. Where does the woman want to sit?<br />

(A) In the back<br />

(B) In the front<br />

번역<br />

여자는어디에앉기를원하나?(A) 뒤쪽<br />

(B) 앞쪽<br />

3. What is in the top drawer?<br />

(A) A phone book<br />

번역<br />

윗서랍에는무엇이있는가?(A) 전화번호부<br />

(B) 리모컨<br />

(B) The TV remote control<br />

4. What is the man looking for?<br />

(A) The drawer<br />

(B) Some glue<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

√<br />

남자가찾고있는것은무엇인가?(A) 서랍<br />

1. aisle [ail] (극장,상점,항공기등의)복도,통로<br />

4. look for ~찾다<br />

(B) 접착제<br />

√<br />

√<br />

1. (M) Do we have any more soap?<br />

(W) Yes, it’s under the sink.<br />

(M) Thanks!<br />

번역 (M) 비누더있니?<br />

(W) 있어,싱크대밑에.<br />

(M) 고마워!<br />

해설 any (의문문)얼마간의,몇개의<br />

2. (W) Where should we sit?<br />

(M) Let’s sit in front.<br />

(W) No, I want to sit in the back.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 어디에앉아야하지?<br />

(M) 앞에앉자.<br />

(W) 싫어,나는뒤쪽에앉고싶어.<br />

3. (M) Here is your hotel room. The TV<br />

remote is in the top drawer of<br />

the table by the bed. The phone<br />

book is in the bottom drawer.<br />

번역 (M) 여기가손님의호텔방입니다.<br />

텔레비전리모컨은침대옆테이블<br />

첫번째서랍안에있습니다.<br />

전화번호부는맨아래서랍에있습니다.<br />

4. (W) What are you looking for?<br />

(M) I can’t find the glue.<br />

(W) Sorry, I don't know where it is.<br />

번역 (W) 무엇을찾으세요?<br />

(M) 접착제를못찾겠어요.<br />

(W) 미안해요.어디에있는지모르겠네요.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where will he put the dishes?<br />

(A) In the c<strong>up</strong>s<br />

(B) Under the c<strong>up</strong>board<br />

(C) Above the c<strong>up</strong>s (D) Next to the c<strong>up</strong>s<br />

번역<br />

그는접시를어디에놓을까?<br />

(A) 컵안에 (B) 찬장아래 (C) 컵위에 (D) 컵옆에<br />

2. Why does the woman want to sit in the front?<br />

(A) It’s too cold in the back.<br />

(B) She likes to walk.<br />

(C) The seats are bigger in the front.<br />

(D) She can’t hear in the back.<br />

번역<br />

여자는왜앞에앉고싶어하는가?<br />

(A) 뒤쪽은너무춥다.(B) 그녀는걷는것을좋아한다.(C) 앞쪽의좌석들이더크다.(D) 뒤쪽에서는잘들리지않는다.<br />

3. What is the man putting on the wall?<br />

(A) A picture<br />

(B) √ A clock<br />

(C) A shelf<br />

(D) A chair<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

남자는벽에무엇을걸고있는가?<br />

(A) 사진 (B) 시계 (C) 선반 (D) 의자<br />

1. (W) Put these dishes in the<br />

c<strong>up</strong>board, please.<br />

(M) Where?<br />

(W) On the shelf above the c<strong>up</strong>s.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 이접시들을찬장안에넣어주세요.<br />

(M) 어디요?<br />

(W) 찬장에컵들위에요.<br />

2. (W) Let’s sit in the front.<br />

(M) I like to sit in the back.<br />

(W) But I can’t hear the music then.<br />

번역 (W) 앞쪽에앉자.<br />

(M) 난뒤쪽에앉고싶어.<br />

(W) 그러면나는음악을들을수가없어.<br />

3. (W) Why are you on the chair?<br />

(M) I am putting this clock on the wall.<br />

(W) Please put it above the sofa.<br />

번역 (W) 왜의자위에있니?<br />

(M) 벽에시계를걸고있어.<br />

(W) 소파위쪽에시계를걸어줘.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. He _________ _________ _________.<br />

He sits beside me.<br />

번역<br />

그는내옆에앉는다.<br />

2. The _________ _________ _________ _________ chair.<br />

The cat is under the chair.<br />

번역<br />

고양이는의자밑에있다.<br />

3. Your _________ _________ hanging _________ _________<br />

_________.<br />

Your coat is hanging in the closet.<br />

번역<br />

너의코트는옷장안에걸려있다.<br />

4. There _________ _________ _________ _________ _________<br />

shelf.<br />

There are many books on the shelf.<br />

번역<br />

책장에는많은책들이있다.<br />

5. The scissors _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The scissors are on the table.<br />

번역<br />

가위들이테이블위에놓여있다.<br />

6. The _________ _________ through _________ tunnel.<br />

The train goes through the tunnel.<br />

번역<br />

기차가터널을지나간다.<br />

7. She _________ _________ the _________ of _________<br />

classroom.<br />

She sits in the back of the classroom.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는교실뒤에앉는다.<br />

8. Put _________ _________ _________ _________ _________<br />

drawer.<br />

Put these socks in the top drawer.<br />

번역<br />

양말들을첫번째서랍에넣어주세요.<br />

9. The seats _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The seats in front are bigger.<br />

번역<br />

앞에있는좌석들이더크다.<br />

10. Their house _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

Their house is behind the school.<br />

번역<br />


Review 1<br />

PART I. Picture Description<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) People are eating at the table.<br />

(B) The cat is on the table.<br />

(C) The table is in the yard.<br />

(D) There are chairs around the table.<br />

(A) 사람들이식탁에서식사를하고있다.<br />

(B) 고양이가테이블위에있다.<br />

(C) 테이블이마당에있다.<br />

(D) 테이블주위에의자들이있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) They are cutting the bread.<br />

(B) They are sitting by the window.<br />

(C) They are talking to the waitress.<br />

(D) They are working in the office.<br />

(A) 그들은빵을자르고있다.<br />

(B) 그들은창문옆에앉아있다.<br />

(C) 그들은웨이트리스에게말을하고있다<br />

(D) 그들은사무실에서일하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) She is choosing a book.<br />

(B) She is closing the door.<br />

(C) She is paying with cash.<br />

(D) She is shopping for fruit.<br />

(A) 그녀는책을고르고있다.<br />

(B) 그녀는문을닫고있다.<br />

(C) 그녀는현금을내고있다.<br />

(D) 그녀는과일을사고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Review 1<br />

4. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) This is an airplane.<br />

(B) This is a bus stop.<br />

(C) This is a motorcycle.<br />

(D) This is a subway station.<br />

(A) 이것은비행기이다.<br />

(B) 이것은버스정류장이다.<br />

(C) 이것은오토바이이다.<br />

(D) 이것은지하철역이다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) He is playing the piano.<br />

(B) He is fixing the piano.<br />

(C) He is moving the piano.<br />

(D) He is cleaning the piano.<br />

(A) 그는피아노를치고있다.<br />

(B) 그는피아노를고치고있다.<br />

(C) 그는피아노를옮기고있다.<br />

(D) 그는피아노를청소하고있다.<br />

√<br />

5. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) Many boats are in the water.<br />

(B) The boat is going very fast.<br />

(C) The boat is underwater.<br />

(D) The man is getting off the boat.<br />

(A) 많은배들이물위에있다.<br />

(B) 배가매우빠르게움직이고있다.<br />

(C) 배가물밑에있다.<br />

(D) 남자가배에서내리고있다.<br />

6. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Review 1<br />

(A) The beach is empty.<br />

(B) The beach is dirty.<br />

(C) The beach is crowded.<br />

(D) The beach has many rocks on it.<br />

(A) 해변에아무도없다.<br />

(B) 해변이지저분하다<br />

(C) 해변이복잡하다.<br />

(D) 해변에많은바위가있다.<br />

7. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

5. (A) (B) (C)<br />

6. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

7. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

8. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

9. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

10. (A) (B) (C)<br />

1. yet (의문문)벌써,이미<br />

2. 의문문Do로시작하므로do<br />

로대답해야한다.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Where is my coat?<br />

(A) He is not here.<br />

(B) In the closet.<br />

(C) No, it’s not.<br />

내보트는어디에있니?<br />

(A) 그는여기없어<br />

(B) 옷장안에있어.<br />

(C) 아니,그건아니야<br />

3. How much is the fare?<br />

(A) It’s not fair.<br />

(B) Just one, please.<br />

(C) Fifty cents.<br />

요금이얼마죠?<br />

(A) 공평하지않다.<br />

(B) 하나만주세요.<br />

(C) 50센트입니다.<br />

5. Did the movie start yet?<br />

(A) Over two hours.<br />

(B) Yes, it did.<br />

(C) I didn't like it.<br />

영화가벌써시작했나요?<br />

(A) 두시간넘게.<br />

(B) 네,시작했어요.<br />

(C) 좋지않았다.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

7. Is there a phone around here?<br />

(A) I’ll call you later.<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

(C) There is one in the lobby.<br />

여기근처에전화기있나요?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 내가나중에전화할게.<br />

(B) 아니오,안했어요.<br />

(C) 로비에하나있어요.<br />

9. Anything for dessert?<br />

(A) It’s $2 per person.<br />

(B) Just coffee, please.<br />

(C) The cake was delicious.<br />

후식으로무엇을드시겠어요?<br />

(A) 일인당2달러입니다.<br />

(B) 커피만주세요.<br />

(C) 케이크가아주맛있었어요.<br />

번역<br />

2. Are you ready to order?<br />

(A) Can I have a few more minutes?<br />

(B) Everything is fine.<br />

(C) Please bring me the bill.<br />

주문하시겠어요?<br />

(A) 시간더주시겠어요?<br />

(B) 모두다좋아요.<br />

(C) 계산서주세요.<br />

4. Where can I find socks?<br />

(A) On the first floor.<br />

(B) These shoes are fine.<br />

(C) They are on sale.<br />

양말은어디서찾을수있죠?<br />

(A) 1층에서요.<br />

(B) 이신발들괜찮네요.<br />

(C) 이것들은판매중입니다.<br />

6. Did you enjoy your vacation?<br />

(A) By plane.<br />

(B) It was great!<br />

(C) To San Francisco.<br />

방학즐겁게보냈어요?<br />

(A) 비행기로.<br />

(B) 너무좋았어요!<br />

(C) 샌프란시스코로.<br />

8. Would you like something to drink?<br />

(A) No, thank you.<br />

(B) On the table.<br />

(C) They like orange juice.<br />

음료수하시겠어요?<br />

(A) 고맙지만사양할게요.<br />

(B) 테이블위에.<br />

(C) 그들은오렌지주스를좋아한다.<br />

10. Do you need a round trip ticket?<br />

(A) Yes, I do.<br />

(B) Yes, it is.<br />

(C) Yes, they have.<br />

왕복티켓이필요하세요?<br />

(A) 네,필요해요.<br />

(B) 네,그렇습니다. 63<br />

(C) 네,있습니다.

Review 1<br />

PART III. Short Conversation & Talks<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where are they?<br />

(A) At home<br />

(C) In a hotel<br />

번역<br />

그들은어디에있는가?<br />

(A) 집 (B) 공항<br />

(C) 호텔 (D) 상점<br />

(B) At the airport<br />

(D) In a store<br />

√<br />

1. (W) Can I help you?<br />

(M) I am looking for computer paper.<br />

(W) Our computer s<strong>up</strong>plies are over here.<br />

번역 (W) 무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

(M) 난컴퓨터용지를찾고있어요.<br />

(W) 컴퓨터용품들은저쪽에있어요.<br />

해설 s<strong>up</strong>ply 물품,준비품<br />

2. What does the man think about the video?<br />

(A) She has seen it. (B) √ She might like it.<br />

(C) She should return it. (D) She won’t like it.<br />

번역<br />

남자는비디오에대해서어떻게생각하고있나?<br />

(A) 그녀는그것을본적이있다. (B) 그녀가좋아할것이다.<br />

(C) 그녀가돌려줘야한다. (D) 그녀는좋아하지않을것이다.<br />

2. (M) Have you seen this video?<br />

(W) No. But I don’t like action movies.<br />

(M) I think you would like this one.<br />

번역 (M) 이비디오를본적있니?<br />

(W) 아니,하지만난액션영화를좋아하지않아.<br />

(M) 내생각에이영화를좋아할것같아.<br />

3. Which is true about the ticket?<br />

(A) √ It can’t be changed. (B) It is expensive.<br />

(C) The date is wrong. (D) The woman lost it.<br />

번역<br />

티켓에대한설명으로옳은것은?<br />

(A) 바꿀수없다. (B) 비싸다.<br />

(C) 날짜가잘못됐다. (D) 여자가잃어버렸다.<br />

3. (W) Please check the date and time<br />

for this ticket. You can’t change<br />

번역<br />

anything after you buy it.<br />

(W) 티켓의시간과날짜를확인해주세요.<br />

티켓을구입하신후에는<br />

아무것도변경하실수없습니다.<br />

4. Where will they put the chair?<br />

(A) √ By the window (B) In the kitchen<br />

(C) Near the door<br />

(D) Outside<br />

번역<br />

그들은의자를어디에놓을것인가?<br />

(A) 창가옆 (B) 주방안에<br />

(C) 문근처 (D) 밖에<br />

4. (M) Where should we put this chair?<br />

(W) Let’s put it near the window.<br />

(M) Good idea. It will be out of the<br />

way there.<br />

번역 (M) 이의자를어디에놓을까?<br />

(W) 창문근처에놓자.<br />

(M) 좋은생각이야,공간이더생기겠다.<br />

5. Who knows the address?<br />

(A) The man<br />

(C) Neither of them<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(B) The woman<br />

(D) Both of them<br />

누가남자의주소를알고있나?<br />

(A) 남자 (B) 여자<br />

(C) 둘다모름 (D) 둘다알고있음<br />

5. (W) What is his address?<br />

(M) I forgot to write it down.<br />

(W) Then we will have to call and ask him.<br />

번역 (W) 그의주소는뭐니?<br />

(M) 적어놓는것을잊었어.<br />

(W) 그러면전화해서그에게물어봐야겠네.<br />

해설 neither (부정)둘다아님<br />

both (긍정)모두<br />


Review 1<br />

6. What is the man doing?<br />

(A) Cooking food<br />

(C) Ordering food<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을하고있나?<br />

(A) 요리 (B) 식사<br />

(C) 음식주문 (D) 주문받기<br />

(B) Eating food<br />

(D) Taking an order<br />

√<br />

6. (M) Welcome to S<strong>up</strong>er Burger. My name<br />

is Tom and I'll be serving you today.<br />

번역<br />

Can I bring you anything to drink?<br />

(M) 슈퍼버거에오신것을환영합니다.<br />

제이름은톰이고오늘손님을<br />

도와드리겠습니다.어떤음료수를원하세요?<br />

7. Where does the woman want to go?<br />

(A) √ To the airport<br />

(B) To the bus stop<br />

(C) To the store<br />

(D) To her office<br />

번역<br />

여자는어디에가기를원하는가?<br />

(A) 공항 (B) 버스정류장<br />

(C) 상점 (D) 그녀의사무실<br />

7. (W) Does this bus go to the airport?<br />

(M) Yes, ma’am. it does.<br />

(W) How much is the fare?<br />

번역 (W) 이버스는공항에가나요?<br />

(M) 네,부인.<br />

(W) 요금은얼마죠?<br />

해설 fare 대중교통(버스,비행기)요금<br />

8. What did the woman do?<br />

(A) Gave him change (B) √ Gave him $50<br />

(C) Gave him a receipt (D) Gave him a credit card<br />

번역<br />

그여자는무엇을했는가?<br />

(A) 거스름돈을주었다. (B) 50달러를주었다.<br />

(C) 영수증을주었다. (D) 신용카드를주었다.<br />

9. What place did this person call?<br />

(A) A department store (B) A doctor’s office<br />

(C) A movie theater (D) A person’s home<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

이사람이전화한곳은어디인가?<br />

(A) 백화점 (B) 진료실<br />

(C) 극장 (D) 가정집<br />

8. (M) Your total is $45. Will that be<br />

cash or charge?<br />

(W) I think I have enough cash.<br />

Yes, I do.<br />

(M) OK. That’s $45 out of fifty.<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

(M) 모두45달러입니다.<br />

카드로하시겠습니까?<br />

현금으로하시겠습니까?<br />

(W) 현금이충분히있을것같은데,<br />

네있네요.<br />

(M) 네,50달러받았습니다.<br />

$45 out of fifty<br />

45달러인데50불을받다<br />

9. (W) Thank you for calling Star Cinema.<br />

Please select the movie title you<br />

would like to hear about.<br />

For “Space Monsters” press 1.<br />

For “Island of Love” press 2.<br />

번역 (W) 스타시네마에전화주셔서감사드립니다.<br />

정보를원하시는영화제목을선택해주십시오.<br />

"Space Monsters"은1번,<br />

"Island of Love"은2번입니다.<br />

해설 doctor’s office 진료실(의사의개인진료실)<br />

hospital 입원실을갖춘큰병원<br />

10. Where is the car?<br />

(A) Behind the store<br />

(C) Near a tree<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

차는어디에있는가?<br />

(A) 상점뒤에 (B) 차고<br />

(C) 나무옆에 (D) 터널안에<br />

(B) In the garage<br />

(D) In the tunnel<br />

10. (M) Didn’t we park the car near this<br />

tree?<br />

(W) I thought so. Oh! There is our car.<br />

It's by that other tree.<br />

(M) Oh yeah. I see it.<br />

번역 (M) 이나무근처에우리차를주차하지않았었니?<br />

(W) 그런것같은데.아!저기우리차가있어.<br />

저나무옆에있네.<br />

(M) 오,그래,보인다.<br />


PART I. Picture Description: Sports<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

8<br />

UNIT<br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

ball 공<br />

baseball 야구<br />

cap 모자<br />

gloves 장갑<br />

throw 던지다<br />

He has a ball in his hand.<br />

They are playing baseball.<br />

A cap is like a hat.<br />

He is wearing gloves.<br />

She is throwing the ball to her friend.<br />

1. 그는손에공을가지고있다.<br />

2. 그들은야구를하고있다.<br />

해설<br />

3. 야구모자는모자와비슷하다.<br />

4. 그는장갑을끼고있다.<br />

3. cap 테없는모자(앞챙이있는야구모자)hat 테가있는모자<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

5. 그녀는그녀의친구에게공을던지고있다.<br />

cap<br />

1. The boy is _________ throwing the ball.<br />

glove<br />

2. The boy is wearing a _________ glove<br />

on his hand and a baseball<br />

cap on his head.<br />

번역<br />

1. 소년은공을던지고있다.<br />

2. 소년은손에글러브를꼈으며머리에야구모자를썼다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

No one is using the equipment.<br />

번역 아무도운동기구를사용하고있지않다.<br />

해설 equipment 용품,기계<br />

_________ A<br />

The woman is swimming in the pool.<br />

번역 여자는수영장에서수영을하고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) They are riding horses.<br />

(B) They are riding the ski lift.<br />

(A) 그들은말을타고있다.<br />

(B) 그들은스키리프트를타고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

riding (동물,놀이기구,기구)를타다<br />

번역<br />

(A) The players are changing clothes.<br />

(B) The players are wearing helmets.<br />

(A) 선수들이옷을갈아입고있다.<br />

(B) 선수들이헬멧을착용하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The boys are fishing.<br />

(B) The boys are jogging.<br />

(A) 소년들은낚시를하고있다.<br />

(B) 소년들은조깅을하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 8. Sports<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) The people are going home.<br />

(B) The people are running a race.<br />

(C) The people are waiting to start.<br />

(D) The people are watching a game.<br />

(A) 사람들은집에가고있다.<br />

(B) 사람들은달리기경주를하고있다.<br />

(C) 사람들은출발을기다리고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들은게임을보고있다.<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

run a race 경주하다<br />

번역<br />

(A) Camping is not allowed here.<br />

(B) The campers are making a fire.<br />

(C) The tent is set <strong>up</strong>.<br />

(D) They are taking down the tent.<br />

(A) 여기서는캠핑이허락되지않는다.<br />

(B) 캠핑참가자들이불을피우고있다.<br />

(C) 텐트가설치되어있다.<br />

(D) 텐트를분해하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

해설<br />

set <strong>up</strong> 설치,세우다/take down 분해,걷어내리다<br />

(A) The diver is underwater.<br />

(B) The fish is behind the rock.<br />

(C) The man is catching fish.<br />

(D) The water is very dirty.<br />

(A) 잠수부가물속에있다.<br />

(B) 물고기가바위뒤에있다.<br />

(C) 남자가물고기를잡고있다.<br />

(D) 물이아주더럽다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

해설<br />

diver 잠수부,다이빙선수/underwater 수중의,물속<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

팀(그룹)<br />

얼마나자주<br />

좋아하는<br />

휴식을취하다<br />

선수권,결승전<br />

team<br />

how often<br />

favorite<br />

take a break<br />

championship<br />

I play on my school baseball team.<br />

How often do buy new shoes?<br />

I love pizza. It’s my favorite food.<br />

I’m tired. Let’s take a break.<br />

Brazil won the World C<strong>up</strong> soccer championship.<br />

1. 나는학교야구팀에서활동하고있다.<br />

2. 새신발을얼마나자주구입하니?<br />

3. 나는피자를좋아한다.<br />

그것은내가가장좋아하는음식이다.<br />

4. 나는피곤하다.휴식을취하자.<br />

5. 브라질은월드컵축구경기에서승리했다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. What is your favorite team? (A) Yes, I love to play.<br />

2. What sports do you like? (B) About twice a month.<br />

3. Do you play basketball? (C) I like baseball and soccer.<br />

4. How often to you play golf? (D) The Vikings.<br />

1. 무슨팀을가장좋아하니?<br />

2. 무슨스포츠를좋아하니?<br />

3. 너는농구를하니?<br />

4. 골프를얼마나자주치니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

(A) 응,농구를좋아해.<br />

(B) 한달에두번.<br />

(C) 나는야구와축구를좋아해.<br />

(D) 바이킹팀.<br />

Note<br />

1. (A) Can you ski?<br />

(B) No, but I like _______.<br />

(A) 스키탈줄아니?<br />

(B) 아니,하지만하이킹은좋아해.<br />

2. (A) How often to you go hiking?<br />

(B) I go three times a _______.<br />

(A) 하이킹을얼마나자주하니?<br />

(B) 한달에세번정도가.<br />

3. (A) What are you going to do tomorrow?<br />

(B) I am going to play _______.<br />

(A) 내일무엇을할거니?<br />

(B) 축구를할거야.<br />

4. (A) Do you want to take a break?<br />

(B) _______.<br />

(A) 좀쉬겠니?<br />

(B) 아니아직.<br />

Note<br />

snowboarding/ in-line<br />

skating/swimming/<br />

hiking<br />

day/week/month/year<br />

basketball/baseball/<br />

soccer/ volleyball/<br />

hockey<br />

Alright/Not yet/ That’s<br />

a good idea<br />

스노보드/인라인스케이트/수영/하이킹(등산)<br />

날/주/달/년<br />

농구/야구/축구/배구/하키<br />

좋아/아직/좋은생각이야<br />


Unit 8. Sports<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes, I like baseball.<br />

√<br />

(B) The New York Yankees.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) Yes, I can<br />

(B) Two times a week.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) The other team.<br />

(B) I don’t play basketball.<br />

4. (A) I like to play soccer.<br />

√<br />

(B) I like Ronaldo.<br />

What baseball team do you like?<br />

번역<br />

어떤야구팀을좋아하니?<br />

(A) 응,나는야구를좋아해.<br />

(B) 뉴욕양키스.<br />

Can you in-line skate?<br />

번역<br />

인라인스케이트탈줄아니?<br />

(A) 응,탈수있어.<br />

(B) 일주일에두번.<br />

Who won the basketball championship?<br />

번역<br />

농구선수권대회에서누가이겼니?<br />

(A) 상대팀<br />

(B) 나는농구를안해.<br />

Who is your favorite soccer player?<br />

번역<br />

네가가장좋아하는축구선수는누구니?<br />

(A) 나는축구를좋아해.<br />

(B) 나는호나우두를좋아해.<br />

해설<br />

4.Ronaldo에서첫글자R은포르투갈어로[x] /ㅎ/발음<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. When is the soccer game tomorrow?<br />

(A) Yes, I can play.<br />

(B) At 4 o’clock.<br />

(C) About four times.<br />

내일언제축구경기를하니?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 응할수있어.<br />

(B) 4시.<br />

(C) 4번정도.<br />

3. Do you know any martial arts?<br />

(A) I like the Chicago Bulls.<br />

(B) Yes, I like art.<br />

(C) I know judo.<br />

무술아는것있니?<br />

(A) 시카고불스를좋아해.<br />

(B) 응.미술좋아해.<br />

(C) 나는유도를알아.<br />

번역<br />

2. What sports do you like?<br />

(A) No, I don’t.<br />

(B) I play sports three times a week.<br />

(C) Soccer and swimming.<br />

어떤스포츠를좋아하니?<br />

(A) 아니,좋아하지않아.<br />

(B) 나는일주일에세번해.<br />

(C) 축구와수영.<br />

4. How often do you go skiing?<br />

(A) No, I can't ski.<br />

(B) Two times a year.<br />

(C) Yes, I do.<br />

얼마나자주스키타러가니?<br />

(A) 아니,나는스키를못타.<br />

(B) 일년에두번.<br />

(C) 응,탈수있어.<br />

해설<br />

3.martial art 무도,무술(유도,태권도,쿵후)<br />

4.How often 얼마나자주<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

팬<br />

경기장<br />

스코어,득점<br />

비기다,동점<br />

이기다,패배시키다<br />

fan There were many fans at the game.<br />

stadium We went to a stadium to see a baseball game.<br />

score The score was 34 to 28.<br />

tie<br />

The game is tied 4 to 4. Nobody is winning.<br />

beat The Tigers beat the Cubs. The tigers won the game.<br />

1. 그경기에서는많은팬들이있었다.<br />

2, 우리는야구를보러경기장에갔다.<br />

B. Types of Questions - Sports<br />

3, 스코어는34대28이었다.<br />

4, 게임은4:4로비겼다.아무도이기지않았다.<br />

5, 타이거즈가컵스를이겼다.<br />

타이거즈가경기에서승리했다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?<br />

What are the speakers talking about?<br />

b. Inference What will they do (next)?<br />

Where are they?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why doesn’t the man like to play soccer?<br />

Why is the woman happy?<br />

d. Facts and Details What is the score?<br />

Who is winning the game?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

M: What time does the game start?<br />

W: In about 10 minutes.<br />

M: Hurry! Let’s find our seats.<br />

번역<br />

M 몇시에경기가시작하지?<br />

W 약10분남았어.<br />

M 서두르자!우리자리를찾자.<br />

1.그들은어디에있는가?스포츠스타디움<br />

1. Where are the speakers? __________<br />

At a sport stadium<br />

OK, team. The Bears are only ahead by 4 points. You can do it!<br />

Go Bulls!<br />

2. Who is winning the game? __________ The bears<br />

W: Do you like to play soccer?<br />

M: No, I don’t like running. I get very tired.<br />

W: Me, too. I just like to watch soccer on TV.<br />

3. Why doesn’t the man like to play soccer? __________<br />

He doesn’t like to run.<br />

At a sports stadium The Bears He doesn’t like to run. The Bulls<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

좋아,여러분들.베어스는겨우4점앞서고있어.<br />

자네들은할수있네!힘내,불스!<br />

2.누가게임에서이기고있는가?베어스<br />

W 축구경기좋아하니?<br />

M 아니,난뛰는것이싫어.쉽게지치거든.<br />

W 나도.텔레비전중계가좋아.<br />

3.남자가축구를싫어하는이유는?<br />

뛰는것을좋아하지않는다.<br />


Unit 8. Sports<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What will they do?<br />

√<br />

(A) Go fishing<br />

번역 그들은무엇을할것인가?(A) 낚시 (B) 수영<br />

(B) Go swimming<br />

1. (W) Let's go swimming<br />

(M) I can't swim. Let's go fishing.<br />

(W) OK.<br />

번역 (W) 우리수영하러가자.<br />

(M) 나수영못해.낚시하러가자.<br />

(W) 그래.<br />

2. Why is the man happy?<br />

(A) He likes the Lions.<br />

번역<br />

남자는왜기뻐하는가?(A) 그는라이온즈를좋아한다.(B) 그는제트를좋아한다.<br />

3. Who are the speakers?<br />

(A) Players<br />

번역<br />

화자들은누구인가?(A) 선수들 (B) 팬들<br />

(B) He likes the Jets.<br />

(B) Fans<br />

4. What is the person talking about?<br />

(A) A player<br />

(B) A game<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

남자는무엇에대해이야기를하고있는가?(A) 선수 (B) 경기<br />

√<br />

√<br />

2. (M) What’s the score?<br />

(W) Lions 43, Jets 34.<br />

(M) Great!<br />

번역<br />

(M) 스코어가어떠니?<br />

(W) 라이온은43.제트는34점.<br />

(M) 좋아!<br />

3. (M) Our team won!<br />

(W) What a great game!<br />

(M) I'm glad that we watched it.<br />

번역 (W) 우리팀이이겼어!<br />

(W) 멋진경기다!<br />

(M) 경기를봐서다행이네.<br />

4. (M) It’s over! It’s over! The Tigers<br />

win the championship!!<br />

번역<br />

(M) 끝났어!끝났어!타이거즈가경기<br />

에서승리했어!!<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Who is winning the game?<br />

(A) The Giants<br />

(C) The game is over.<br />

번역<br />

누가게임에서이기고있나?<br />

(A) 자이언트 (B) 트윈스 (C) 경기가끝났다.(D) 아무팀도이기고있지않다.<br />

(B) The Twins<br />

(D) No team is winning.<br />

2. Who won the game last week?<br />

(A) The Raptors<br />

(B) The Lakers<br />

(C) The Jets<br />

(D) We don’t know.<br />

번역<br />

지난주에어느팀이경기에서승리했나?<br />

(A) 랩터스 (B) 레이커스 (C) 제트 (D) 알수없다.<br />

3. Where does the man like to watch games?<br />

(A) √ At his house<br />

(B) At a park<br />

(C) At a stadium<br />

(D) In the gym<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

남자는어디서경기보는것을좋아하는가?<br />

(A) 그의집 (B) 공원 (C) 경기장 (D) 실내운동장<br />

√<br />

1. (M) The Giants are playing the Twins.<br />

(W) What’s the score?<br />

(M) It’s tied.<br />

번역<br />

(M) 자이언트와트윈스가경기를하고있어.<br />

(W) 스코어가어떠니?<br />

(M) 동점이야.<br />

2. (W) My favorite team is the Raptors. How<br />

about you?<br />

(M) I like the Jets. They are really good.<br />

(W) Yeah, they beat the Lakers last week.<br />

번역 (W) 내가가장좋아하는팀은랩터스야.너는?<br />

(M) 나는제트를좋아해.그들은정말잘해.<br />

(W) 응.그팀이지난주에레이커스를이겼어.<br />

3. (W) Do you like to watch sports?<br />

(M) Yes. I love to watch sports on<br />

TV at home.<br />

(W) Me, too.<br />

번역 (W) 스포츠보는것좋아하니?<br />

(M) 응.집에서텔레비전으로스포츠보는<br />

것을좋아해.<br />

(W) 나도.<br />

해설<br />

1. no... +현재진행형 아무도…하고있지않다.<br />

3. gym 체육관(건물내부)<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. _________ _________ _________ baseball.<br />

They are playing baseball.<br />

번역<br />

그들은야구를하고있다.<br />

2. I _________ _________ _________ soccer.<br />

I like tennis and soccer.<br />

번역<br />

나는테니스와축구를좋아한다.<br />

3. He _________ _________ once _________ _________.<br />

He plays golf once a week.<br />

번역<br />

그는일주일에한번씩골프를한다.<br />

4. She _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

She is throwing the ball.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는공을던지고있다.<br />

5. Yes, I _________ _________ _________ _________ basketball.<br />

Yes, I like to play basketball.<br />

번역<br />

응.나는농구를좋아해.<br />

6. The _________ _________ beat _________.<br />

The other team beat us.<br />

번역<br />

상대팀이이겼어.<br />

7. _________ _________ _________ tied 3 _________ 3.<br />

The game is tied 3 to 3.<br />

번역<br />

경기는3:3동점이야.<br />

8. Our _________ _________ _________ championship.<br />

Our team won the championship.<br />

번역<br />

우리의팀은선수권대회에서승리했다.<br />

9. We _________ _________ _________ _________ the stadium.<br />

We saw the game at the stadium.<br />

번역<br />

우리는스타디움에서경기를보았다.<br />

10. There were _________ fans _________ _________ _________.<br />

There were many fans at the game.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT9<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Nature / Environment<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

flow 흐르다<br />

river 강<br />

rock 바위<br />

tree 나무<br />

water 물<br />

The water is flowing down the hill.<br />

The river is deep.<br />

He is sitting on a rock by the river.<br />

There are many trees in the park.<br />

The water in the river is cold.<br />

1. 언덕을따라물이흘러내린다.<br />

2. 강이깊다.<br />

3. 그는강가바위에앉아있다.<br />

4. 공원에많은나무들이있다.<br />

5. 강물은차갑다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

rock<br />

river<br />

1. There are _________ rocks in the<br />

river and trees beside the<br />

river.<br />

2. The water is _________ flowing over<br />

the rocks.<br />

번역<br />

1. 강에는많은바위들이있고강가에나무들이있다.<br />

2. 강물이바위위로흐르고있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

The bird is flying in the sky.<br />

번역 새가하늘을날고있다.<br />

_________ B<br />

The flowers are blooming.<br />

번역 꽃들이활짝피어있다.<br />

해설 bloom 꽃이피다<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) The animal is drinking.<br />

(B) The animal is sleeping.<br />

(A) 동물이물을마시고있다.<br />

(B) 동물이자고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) There are no leaves on the trees.<br />

(B) There are no trees on the hill.<br />

(A) 나무에나뭇잎들이없다.<br />

(B) 언덕위에나무들이없다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The bird is sitting in a nest.<br />

(B) The bird is sitting on a stick.<br />

(A) 새둥지안에새가있다.<br />

(B) 나뭇가지위에새가앉아있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 9. Nature / Environment<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(A) The apples are growing on a tree.<br />

(B) The apples are in a basket.<br />

(C) The apples are lying on the ground.<br />

(D) The apples are on a dish.<br />

(A) 사과들이나무에서자란다.<br />

(B) 사과들이바구니안에있다.<br />

(C) 사과들이바닥에있다.<br />

(D) 사과들이그릇위에있다.<br />

번역<br />

(A) A picture is painted on the cliff.<br />

(B) People are climbing the cliff.<br />

(C) The cliffs are by the sea.<br />

(D) There is a tower on the cliff.<br />

(A) 절벽에그림이그려져있다.<br />

(B) 사람들이절벽에올라가고있다.<br />

(C) 절벽이바닷가에있다.<br />

(D) 절벽위에탑이있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) A man is feeding the horse.<br />

(B) The horse is running.<br />

(C) The horses are drinking water.<br />

(D) There are many horses in the field.<br />

(A) 남자가말에게먹이를주고있다.<br />

(B) 말이달리고있다.<br />

(C) 말들이물을마시고있다.<br />

(D) 들판에많은말들이있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

숲<br />

곤충<br />

사막<br />

정글,밀림<br />

고기<br />

forest<br />

insect<br />

desert<br />

jungle<br />

meat<br />

There are many trees in a forest.<br />

A fly and a ladybug are insects.<br />

A desert is very hot. There is no water.<br />

A jungle has lots of green plants. It rains often.<br />

Lions eat meat. They don’t like bananas!<br />

1. 숲속에많은나무들이있다.<br />

2. 파리와무당벌레는곤충들이다.<br />

3. 사막은아주덥다.물이없다.<br />

4. 정글에는녹색식물들이많다.자주비가내린다.<br />

5. 사자들은고기를먹는다.그들은바나나를좋아하지않는다!<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. Where do bears live? (A) They eat insects and fruit.<br />

2. How long can an elephant live? (B) It’s called a kitten.<br />

3. What is a baby cat called? (C) They live in the forest.<br />

4. What do monkeys eat? (D) It can live for over 60 years.<br />

1. 곰들은어디에사는가?<br />

2. 코끼리들은얼마나오래사는가?<br />

3. 새끼고양이를무엇이라고부르는가?<br />

4. 원숭이들은무엇을먹는가?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

(A) 그들은곤충과과일을먹는다.<br />

(B) 키튼이라고부른다.<br />

(C) 그들은숲속에산다.<br />

(D) 60년이상살수있다.<br />

Note<br />

1. (A) What is a baby _______ called?<br />

(B) It’s called a _______.<br />

(A) 새끼사자를뭐라고부르는가?<br />

(B) 커브라고부른다.<br />

2. (A) Where does that animal live?<br />

(B) It lives in the _______.<br />

(A) 그동물은어디에사는가?<br />

(B) 그들은사막에산다.<br />

3. (A) What does a tiger eat?<br />

(B) A tiger eats _______.<br />

(A) 호랑이들은무엇을먹는가?<br />

(B) 호랑이는고기를먹는다.<br />

4. (A) What is your favorite flower?<br />

(B) I like _______.<br />

(A) 네가가장좋아하는꽃은뭐니?<br />

(B) 나는튤립을좋아해.<br />

Note<br />

cat--kitten/dog--p<strong>up</strong>py/<br />

sheep--lamb/lion--cub/<br />

chicken--chick/pig--piglet<br />

mountains/jungle/desert/<br />

forest/ocean<br />

meat/plants/fish/insects/<br />

leaves/frogs/birds<br />

roses/daisies/tulips/<br />

daffodils<br />

동물어미와새끼들의명칭<br />

산/정글/사막/숲/바다<br />

고기/식물/물고기/곤충/나뭇잎/개구리/새<br />

장미/데이지/튤립/수선화<br />


Unit 9. Nature / Environment<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) I like apples.<br />

√<br />

(B) I like horses.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) In the ocean.<br />

(B) In the forest.<br />

3. (A) I think they are cute.<br />

√<br />

(B) A p<strong>up</strong>py.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) They eat fish.<br />

(B) I don’t eat sharks.<br />

What is your favorite animal?<br />

번역<br />

네가가장좋아하는동물은뭐니?<br />

(A) 나는사과를좋아해.<br />

(B) 나는말을좋아해.<br />

Where do whales live?<br />

번역<br />

고래들은어디에사는가?<br />

(A) 해양<br />

(B) 숲속<br />

What is a baby dog called?<br />

번역<br />

새끼개를뭐라고부르는가?<br />

(A) 내생각에그것들은귀엽다.<br />

(B) 퍼피(강아지)<br />

What do sharks eat?<br />

번역<br />

상어들은무엇을먹는가?<br />

(A) 그들은물고기를먹는다.<br />

(B) 나는상어를먹지않는다.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. What does a lion eat?<br />

(A) No, I don’t.<br />

(B) Meat.<br />

(C) It’s very fast.<br />

사자는무엇을먹니?<br />

(A) 아니,아니야.<br />

(B) 고기.<br />

(C) 그것은매우빠르다.<br />

3. Can a tiger swim?<br />

(A) In the desert.<br />

(B) Fish and fruit.<br />

(C) Yes, it can.<br />

호랑이는수영을할수있니?<br />

(A) 사막에서<br />

(B) 물고기와과일.<br />

(C) 응.할수있어.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. Where do monkeys live?<br />

(A) I live in a city.<br />

(B) The jungle.<br />

(C) They live to be 30 years old.<br />

원숭이들은어디에사니?<br />

(A) 나는도시에산다.<br />

(B) 정글.<br />

(C) 그들은서른살까지산다.<br />

4. Do birds eat insects?<br />

(A) Birds live in trees.<br />

(B) There are baby birds.<br />

(C) Yes, they do.<br />

새들은곤충들을먹니?<br />

(A) 새들은나무위에산다.<br />

(B) 새끼새들이있다.<br />

(C) 응.먹어.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

뿔<br />

야생의<br />

희귀한<br />

지키다,보호하다<br />

사냥하다<br />

horn<br />

wild<br />

rare<br />

protect<br />

hunt<br />

The cow has two horns on its head.<br />

Some cats live in houses. Some cats are wild.<br />

White tigers are very rare. There are not many.<br />

Let’s protect the cat. The dog is going to eat it!<br />

The man hunts rabbits. He wants their fur.<br />

1. 소는머리위에뿔이두개있다.<br />

2. 어떤고양이들은집에서산다.어떤고양이들은야생이다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Nature<br />

3. 백호는매우희귀하다.그리많지않다.<br />

4. 고양이를보호하자.개가잡아먹을지도모른다!<br />

5. 남자가토끼사냥을한다.<br />

그는토끼털을원한다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are they talking about?<br />

What is the man looking for?<br />

b. Inference What will they do (next)?<br />

Where are the speakers?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why shouldn’t the boy give food to the bear?<br />

Why are black rhinos rare?<br />

d. Facts and Details Where do scorpions live?<br />

What does a hippo eat?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

A: Look at that giraffe!<br />

B: Yeah! And there are some elephants over there.<br />

A: Let’s go to the monkey house.<br />

1. Where are the speakers? __________ A zoo<br />

And over here, we have the African hippo.<br />

It lives in the water, but it does not eat fish. It eats grass.<br />

2. What does a hippo eat? __________ Grass<br />

A: These trees are so tall!<br />

번역<br />

B: Yes. And they are over 200 years old!<br />

A: Wow! They are older than my grandmother!<br />

3. What are they talking about? __________<br />

Some trees<br />

A 저기린을봐!<br />

B 그래!그리고저쪽에코끼리들이있어.<br />

A 원숭이우리로가보자.<br />

1.화자들은어디에있는가?동물원<br />

A grandmother Some trees A zoo Grass<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

그리고이쪽에는,아프리카하마가있습니다.<br />

그것은물에살지만,물고기는먹지않습니다.풀을먹습니다.<br />

2.하마는무엇을먹는가?풀<br />

A 나무가매우높다!<br />

B 그래,이나무는200년이넘었어.<br />

A 와!우리할머니보다더나이가많구나!<br />

3.그들은무엇에대해얘기하고있는가?나무<br />


Unit 9. Nature / Environment<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What are they talking about?<br />

√<br />

(A) Elephants<br />

번역 그들은무엇에대해말하고있는가?(A) 코끼리들 (B) 식물<br />

(B) Plants<br />

1. (W) I really like elephants.<br />

(M) What does an elephant eat?<br />

(W) Leaves and fruit.<br />

번역 (W) 나는코끼리들을아주좋아해.<br />

(M) 코끼리들은무엇을먹니?<br />

(W) 나뭇잎과과일.<br />

2. Where does this insect live?<br />

(A) In the rain forest<br />

번역<br />

이곤충은어디에서사는가?(A) 열대우림 (B) 사막<br />

3. What will the boy do?<br />

(A) Pick <strong>up</strong> the rabbit<br />

번역<br />

소년은어떻게할것인가?(A) 토끼를든다.(B) 토끼를만지지않는다.<br />

4. What is the man looking for?<br />

(A) Chickens<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

남자는무엇을찾고있는가?(A) 닭 (B) 여우<br />

T e s t<br />

(B) In the desert<br />

(B) Not touch the rabbit<br />

(B) A fox<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Why shouldn’t the boy give chocolate to the bear?<br />

번역<br />

(A) The bear is not hungry.<br />

(B) The bear does not like chocolate.<br />

(C) The bear is the woman’s pet.<br />

(D) The bear will get sick.<br />

소년은왜곰에게초콜릿을주지말아야하는가?<br />

(A) 곰은배고프지않다.(B) 곰은초콜릿을좋아하지않는다.(C) 곰은그여자의애완동물이다.(D) 곰이탈이날것이다.<br />

2. Why are black rhinos very rare?<br />

(A) They are dangerous. (B) They are very small.<br />

(C) People kill them. (D) Their horns are too big.<br />

번역<br />

왜까만코뿔소가매우희귀할까?<br />

(A) 그들은위험하다.(B) 그들은매우작다.(C) 사람들이그들을죽인다.(D) 그들의뿔은매우크다.<br />

3. What will the speakers probably do?<br />

(A) Kill the bird<br />

(B) Give food to the cat<br />

(C) Stop the cat<br />

(D) Touch the bird<br />

번역<br />

2. scorpions 전갈<br />

4. eat - ate - eaten<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

그들은무엇을할것인가?<br />

(A) 새를죽인다.(B) 고양이에게음식을준다.(C) 고양이를멈추게(새를괴롭히지못하게)한다.(D) 새를만진다.<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

2. (M) Where do scorpions live?<br />

(W) They like hot, dry places.<br />

(M) Good! There are no scorpions<br />

under my bed!<br />

번역 (M) 전갈들은어디에사니?<br />

(W) 그것들은덥고건조한곳을좋아해.<br />

(M) 좋아!내침대밑에는전갈이없겠네!<br />

3. (W) Be careful! That rabbit can bite you!<br />

(M) I thought it was someone’s pet.<br />

(W) No, It’s a wild rabbit.<br />

번역 (W) 조심해!토끼들이널물을수도있어!<br />

(M) 난누군가의애완용인줄알았어.<br />

(W) 아니야,이건야생토끼야.<br />

4. (W) What are you doing?<br />

(M) I am hunting a fox.<br />

(W) Good! A fox ate my chickens!<br />

번역 (W) 너뭐하니?<br />

(M) 나여우를사냥하고있어.<br />

(W) 좋아!여우가내닭들을잡아먹었어.<br />

1. (W) Please don’t give your chocolate to<br />

the bear.<br />

(M) But the bear likes it.<br />

(W) Yes, but it will make the bear sick.<br />

번역 (W) 곰에게초콜릿을주지마.<br />

(M) 하지만,곰이좋아하는걸.<br />

(W) 그래,하지만곰에게탈이날수도있어.<br />

2. (M) Black rhinos are very rare.<br />

(W) Why?<br />

(M) People kill them and take their horns.<br />

번역 (M) 까만코뿔소는매우희귀해.<br />

(W) 왜?<br />

(M) 사람들이그것들을죽이고뿔을가지거든.<br />

3. (M) Look! There is a little bird.<br />

(W) Oh no! That cat is going to<br />

kill the bird.<br />

(M) Let’s help the bird!<br />

번역 (M) 봐!작은새가있어.<br />

(W) 오.안돼!저고양이가새를<br />

잡아먹으려고해.<br />

(M) 새를구해주자!<br />

해설<br />

1. make ~ sick …병들게하다<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. The _________ _________ _________.<br />

The river is deep.<br />

번역<br />

강물은깊다.<br />

2. Camels _________ _________ _________ desert.<br />

Camels live in the desert.<br />

번역<br />

낙타들은사막에산다.<br />

3. I _________ _________ _________ tulips.<br />

I like roses and tulips.<br />

번역<br />

나는장미꽃과튤립을좋아한다.<br />

4. The _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The trees are very tall.<br />

번역<br />

나무들이매우크다.<br />

5. It often _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

It often rains in the jungle.<br />

번역<br />

정글에는종종비가내린다.<br />

6. The _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The water is very cold.<br />

번역<br />

물이매우차갑다.<br />

7. Fish _________ _________ _________ ocean.<br />

Fish live in the ocean.<br />

번역<br />

물고기들은해양에산다.<br />

8. The _________ _________ _________ horns.<br />

The cow has two horns.<br />

번역<br />

소는두개의뿔이있다.<br />

9. They _________ _________ _________.<br />

They are hunting rabbits.<br />

번역<br />

그들은토끼를사냥하고있다.<br />

10. There are _________ _________ _________ _________ forest.<br />

There are many trees in the forest.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT10<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Office<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

책상<br />

통화 중<br />

펜<br />

비서<br />

말하다<br />

desk<br />

on the phone<br />

pen<br />

secretary<br />

speak<br />

She has a desk in her office.<br />

He is on the phone right now.<br />

Do you have a pen I can use?<br />

The secretary is working at her desk.<br />

His boss is speaking loudly.<br />

1. 그녀의사무실에책상이있다.<br />

2. 그는지금통화중이다.<br />

3.내가빌려쓸펜있니?<br />

(펜빌려줄수있니?)<br />

4. 비서가그녀의책상에서일하고있다.<br />

5. 그의보스는시끄럽게말한다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

secretary<br />

desk<br />

1. The secretary at the<br />

_________ desk is speaking on the<br />

phone.<br />

2. She has a _________ pen in her<br />

hand.<br />

번역<br />

1. 책상에앉아있는비서가전화를하고있다.<br />

2. 그녀의손에펜이있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

These are keys on a computer keyboard.<br />

번역 이것은컴퓨터키보드의자판들이다.<br />

_________ A<br />

They are having a meeting.<br />

번역 그들은회의를하고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) The office building has only one floor.<br />

(B) The office building has several floors.<br />

(A) 사무실빌딩은1층밖에없다.<br />

(B) 사무실빌딩은여러층이있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The office is empty.<br />

(B) Many people are working in the office.<br />

(A) 사무실은비어있다.<br />

(B) 많은사람들이사무실에서일하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The computer is not being used.<br />

(B) The workers are using the computers.<br />

(A) 컴퓨터는사용되지않고있다.<br />

(B) 직원이컴퓨터를사용하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 10. Office<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) She is drinking coffee.<br />

(B) She is answering the door.<br />

(C) She is working at her desk.<br />

(D) She is speaking to her friend.<br />

(A) 그녀는커피를마시고있다.<br />

(B) 그녀는노크소리에대답하고있다.<br />

(C) 그녀는책상에서일하고있다.<br />

(D) 그녀는친구에게말하고있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) There are many books on the table.<br />

(B) The room has many windows.<br />

(C) The meeting has finished.<br />

(D) The people are tired.<br />

(A) 테이블위에책이많이있다.<br />

(B) 방에는창문이많이있다.<br />

(C) 회의가끝났다.<br />

(D) 사람들은지쳐있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The man is wearing a business suit.<br />

(B) The man is the woman's boss.<br />

(C) They are talking in the elevator.<br />

(D) The woman is using the computer.<br />

(A) 남자는정장을입고있다.<br />

(B) 남자는여자의상사이다.<br />

(C) 그들은엘리베이터에서이야기를하고있다.<br />

(D) 여자는컴퓨터를사용하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

스테이플러,제책기<br />

보스,사장<br />

직장동료<br />

기획<br />

퇴근하다<br />

stapler<br />

boss<br />

coworker<br />

project<br />

get off (work)<br />

Attach the papers with the stapler.<br />

She is my boss. She owns the store.<br />

John is my coworker. His desk is next to mine.<br />

I am working on a project for work.<br />

I get off work at 6:00 p.m.<br />

1. 스테이플러로종이들을고정시켜라.<br />

2. 그녀는나의사장이다.그녀는상점을소유하고있다.<br />

3. 존은나의직장동료이다.그의책상은내옆자리에있다.<br />

4. 나는작업계획을짜고있다.<br />

5. 나는6시에퇴근한다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. What time do you get off work? (A) Yes, she is very nice.<br />

2. When will you finish the project? (B) No. You can use it.<br />

3. Do you like your boss? (C) I’m done at 5:30.<br />

4. Are you using the stapler? (D) Next Tuesday.<br />

1. 몇시에퇴근합니까?<br />

2. 그작업을언제끝낼예정입니까?<br />

3. 당신의상사를좋아하나요?<br />

4. 스테이플러를사용하고있니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

(A) 네,그녀는매우친절해요.<br />

(B) 아니오.사용하세요.<br />

(C) 5시30분에끝나요.<br />

(D) 다음주화요일에요.<br />

Note<br />

1. (A) Are you using the _______?<br />

(B) Yes, I’ll be done in just a minute.<br />

(A) 복사기를사용하고있나요?<br />

(B) 네.몇분안에끝낼거에요.<br />

2. (A) What time to you finish work today?<br />

(B) I get off _______.<br />

(A) 오늘은몇시에일을마치나요?<br />

(B) 6시에퇴근해요.<br />

3. (A) How do you like your _______?<br />

(B) I like _______ a lot.<br />

(A) 당신의일을좋아하세요?<br />

(B) 많이좋아해요.<br />

4. (A) When will your project end?<br />

(B) We will finish it by _______.<br />

(A) 당신의작업이언제끝납니까?<br />

(B) 다음주까지끝낼거에요.<br />

fax machine/copier/<br />

stapler/printer<br />

early/late/at 5:00/at<br />

5:30/at 6:00/at 6:15<br />

boss--him /coworkers--<br />

them/job--it/work--it<br />

next week/month/<br />

Wednesday/Thursday/<br />

this Friday/<br />

the weekend<br />

Note<br />

팩스/복사기/스테이플러/프린터<br />

이른/늦은<br />

상사/동료<br />

86<br />


Unit 10. Office<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes. This one is $74.<br />

√<br />

(B) No, I’m not.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) I’ll be finished in about 20 minutes.<br />

(B) The copier is in the copy room.<br />

3. (A) I take a bus.<br />

√<br />

(B) It’s very clean and quiet.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) I finish at 6:00 tonight.<br />

(B) OK. I will turn it off.<br />

Are you using the fax machine?<br />

번역<br />

팩스사용하고있나요?<br />

(A) 네,이건74달러입니다.<br />

(B) 아니오.<br />

When will you be done with the copier?<br />

번역<br />

복사기언제까지쓰실건가요?<br />

(A) 20분안에끝낼거에요.<br />

(B) 복사기는복사실에있습니다.<br />

How do you like your new office?<br />

번역<br />

당신의새사무실은어때요?<br />

(A) 난버스를타요.<br />

(B) 매우깨끗하고조용해요.<br />

What time do you get off work?<br />

번역<br />

몇시에퇴근하세요?<br />

(A) 오늘저녁6시에끝나요.<br />

(B) 알았어요,내가끌게요.<br />

해설<br />

3. how는state나condition을물어보는것<br />

(clean, quiet, dirty, happy...)<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Do you like your boss?<br />

(A) I am done.<br />

(B) Yes. She is very smart and kind.<br />

(C) Next Monday.<br />

당신의보스를좋아하나요?<br />

번역<br />

(A) (일이)끝났어요.<br />

(B) 네,그녀는매우똑똑하고친절합니다.<br />

(C) 다음주월요일.<br />

3. What time do you finish work?<br />

(A) I get off at 5.<br />

(B) I will be done next month.<br />

(C) This morning.<br />

당신은몇시에일을마치나요?<br />

(A) 나는5시에퇴근해요.<br />

(B) 나는다음달까지끝낼거에요.<br />

(C) 오늘아침.<br />

번역<br />

2. Can I use your stapler?<br />

(A) Yes, I can use it.<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

(C) Go ahead.<br />

당신의스테이플러를사용해도될까요?<br />

(A) 네,내가사용할수있어요.<br />

(B) 아니오,전아니에요.<br />

(C) 사용하세요.<br />

4. When will you finish your project?<br />

(A) Sorry, I am using it now.<br />

(B) By this Friday<br />

(C) Yes, I like it.<br />

당신의작업은언제끝나나요?<br />

(A) 죄송합니다.지금사용하고있어요.<br />

(B) 이번금요일까지요.<br />

(C) 네,좋아요.<br />

해설<br />

2. Go ahead 자어서,해라!<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

마감일<br />

점심시간<br />

쉬다,휴가<br />

복사<br />

지배인,부장<br />

deadline<br />

lunch break<br />

time off<br />

copy<br />

manager<br />

The deadline is Thursday. You must finish.<br />

Let’s go to a coffee shop on our lunch break.<br />

I get time off from work on Christmas.<br />

The secretary made copies for the meeting.<br />

The company has one boss and 3 managers.<br />

1. 이번목요일이마감일이에요.<br />

끝마쳐야만합니다.<br />

B. Types of Questions - Office<br />

2. 우리점심시간에커피숍에가자.<br />

3. 나는크리스마스에휴가를얻었다.<br />

4. 비서는회의에필요한복사본을준비했다.<br />

5. 회사에는사장한명과부장세명이있다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers talking about?<br />

What is the man looking for?<br />

b. Inference What will they do (next)?<br />

Where is the conversation taking place?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why does the person need time off?<br />

Why is the deadline changed?<br />

d. Facts and Details What time is the meeting?<br />

Who is the manager?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

M: What time is it?<br />

W: It’s 1:30. Why?<br />

M: We have a meeting at 2:00<br />

번역<br />

M 지금몇시죠?<br />

W 1시30분입니다.왜요?<br />

M 2시에미팅이있어요.<br />

1.미팅은몇시인가?2:00<br />

1. What time is the meeting? __________ 2:00<br />

Hello, my name is Tim Brown. I am the manager. And this is the<br />

secretary, Mrs. Jordan.<br />

2. Who is the manager? __________<br />

Mr. Brown<br />

M: It’s not working.<br />

W: I need to make some copies.<br />

M: I’ll try to fix it.<br />

3. What are the speakers talking about? __________<br />

A copy machine<br />

안녕하세요.제 이름은 팀 브라운입니다.저는 매니저입니다.그리고 이<br />

분은비서조던부인입니다.<br />

2.매니저는누구인가?Mr. Brown<br />

A copy machine A c<strong>up</strong> of coffee 2:00 Mr. Brown<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

M 그것은고장났어요.<br />

W 복사몇장을해야해요.<br />

M 내가고쳐볼게요.<br />

3.두사람은무엇에대해말하고있나?복사기<br />


Unit 10. Office<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Why did she get time off?<br />

(A) She is the manager.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는왜휴가를받았는가?(A) 그녀는매니저이다.(B) 그녀는휴가를갈것이다.<br />

2. When is the deadline?<br />

(A) 3:00 on Friday<br />

번역<br />

마감일이언제인가?(A) 금요일3시 (B) 월요일3시<br />

3. Who will the man talk to?<br />

(A) The manager<br />

번역<br />

남자는누구에게말할것인가?(A) 매니저 (B) 비서<br />

4. Where are the speakers?<br />

(A) At the office<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

두사람은어디에있는가?(A) 사무실 (B) 레스토랑<br />

√<br />

(B) She is going on vacation.<br />

(B) 3:00 on Monday<br />

√<br />

(B) The secretary<br />

√<br />

(B) At a restaurant<br />

1. (W) I’m going to Paris this summer!<br />

(M) How much time off did you get?<br />

(W) My manager gave me 6 days.<br />

번역 (W) 이번여름에파리에갈거야!<br />

(M) 휴가를몇일받았니?<br />

(W) 내메니저가6일휴가를줬어.<br />

2. (W) Today is Monday. We have to finish<br />

the project by 3:00 this Friday. Please<br />

work hard and do your best. Thanks.<br />

번역 (W) 오늘은월요일이에요.이번주금요일3시까지작업<br />

을끝내야합니다.열심히일하고최선을다해주시기<br />

바랍니다.감사합니다.<br />

3. (M) The fax machine is broken.<br />

(W) You should talk to the manager or<br />

the secretary.<br />

(M) The manager is in a meeting.<br />

번역 (M) 팩스가고장났어요.<br />

(W) 매니저나비서에게말해보세요.<br />

(M) 매니저는지금회의중이에요.<br />

4. (M) Hurry and finish your sandwich!<br />

(W) Don’t worry. We have 10 more minutes.<br />

(M) But the office is two blocks away.<br />

번역 (M) 샌드위치빨리먹어!<br />

(W) 걱정하지마.10분더남았어.<br />

(M) 하지만사무실은2블록이나떨어져있어.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What does the man like?<br />

(A) √ His manager<br />

(C) His work<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을좋아하는가?<br />

(A) 그의매니저 (B) 그의동료 (C) 그의일 (D) 여자<br />

(B) His coworkers<br />

(D) The woman<br />

2. What is the manager doing?<br />

(A) She is waiting. (B) She is in a meeting.<br />

(C) She is eating.<br />

(D) She is on vacation.<br />

번역<br />

매니저는지금무엇을하고있는가?<br />

(A) 그녀는기다리고있다.(B) 그녀는회의중이다.(C) 그녀는먹고있다.(D) 그녀는휴가중이다.<br />

3. Why was the meeting changed?<br />

(A) The secretary is sick.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(B) It is 3:00.<br />

(C) The coworkers are on lunch break.<br />

(D) The manager is not there.<br />

√<br />

회의는왜변경되었는가?<br />

(A) 비서가아프다.(B) 3시.(C) 동료들이점심시간중이다.(D) 매니저가부재중이다.<br />

1. (M) Do you like your job?<br />

(W) Yes. My co-workers are very nice.<br />

How about you?<br />

(M) I don’t like my job, but I really like<br />

번역<br />

my manager.<br />

(M) 네일이마음에드니?<br />

(W) 응,내동료들은매우친절해.너는어때?<br />

(M) 난내직업이마음에들지않아.<br />

하지만매니저는정말좋아.<br />

2. (M) Where is the manager?<br />

(W) Mrs. Green is on her lunch break now.<br />

(M) OK. I will wait for her.<br />

번역 (M) 매니저는어디에있나요?<br />

(W) 그린씨는지금점심시간이에요.<br />

(M) 네,그녀를기다릴게요.<br />

3. (W) The manager is sick today.<br />

(M) What about the 3:00 meeting?<br />

(W) The secretary changed it to 4:00<br />

tomorrow.<br />

번역 (W) 매니저는오늘아파요.<br />

(M) 3시회의는어떻게하죠?<br />

(W) 비서가내일4시로변경했어요.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. She _________ _________ _________ _________ _________<br />

hand.<br />

She has a pen in her hand.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는손에펜을들고있다.<br />

2. _________ _________ _________ coworker.<br />

He is my co-worker.<br />

번역<br />

그는나의직장동료이다.<br />

3. I _________ _________ _________ _________ copies.<br />

I need to make some copies.<br />

번역<br />

나는복사본을약간준비해야한다.<br />

4. The _________ _________ _________ employees.<br />

The company has twenty employees.<br />

번역<br />

회사에는20명의직원들이있다.<br />

5. The secretary _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The secretary is at her desk.<br />

번역<br />

비서는그녀의책상에있다.<br />

6. His boss _________ _________ _________ on the phone.<br />

His boss is speaking on the phone.<br />

번역<br />

그의상사는통화중이다.<br />

7. I _________ _________ _________ _________ 6 p.m.<br />

I get off work at 6 p.m.<br />

번역<br />

나는6시에일이끝난다.<br />

8. We _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ p.m.<br />

We have a meeting at 2 p.m.<br />

번역<br />

우리는2시에회의가있다.<br />

9. He answers _________ _________ _________ _________ office.<br />

He answers the phone in our office.<br />

번역<br />

그는우리사무실에서전화를받는다.<br />

10. The project _________ _________ _________ Friday.<br />

The project will end this Friday.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT11<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Health<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

의사<br />

장비<br />

진찰하다,검사<br />

병원<br />

환자<br />

doctor<br />

equipment<br />

examine<br />

hospital<br />

patient<br />

A doctor gives people medicine.<br />

Doctors use special equipment to help people.<br />

The doctor is examining her foot.<br />

She was in the hospital for three days.<br />

The patient was very sick.<br />

1. 의사는사람들에게약을준다.<br />

2. 의사들은사람들을돕기위해특수장비를사용한다.<br />

3. 의사는그녀의발을진찰한다.<br />

4. 그녀는병원에3일동안있었다.<br />

5. 환자는매우아팠다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

equipment<br />

patient<br />

1. The _________ doctor is using the<br />

equipment in the hospital.<br />

2. He is examining the _______ patient’s<br />

throat.<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

1.의사가병원에서장비를사용하고있다.<br />

2.그는환자의목을검사하고있다.<br />

2. throat 목구멍,기관<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

The woman is exercising.<br />

번역 그여자는운동을하고있다.<br />

_________ B<br />

The nurse is helping the patient.<br />

번역 간호사는환자를도와주고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) She is holding some medicine.<br />

(B) She is holding a baby.<br />

(A) 그녀는약을들고있다.<br />

(B) 그녀는아기를안고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The doctors are operating on the patient.<br />

(B) The doctor is looking at the patient’s foot.<br />

(A) 의사들이환자를수술하고있다.<br />

(B) 의사는환자의발을진찰하고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

(A) There are many bottles of medicine on the counter.<br />

(B) There are many patients in the doctor's office.<br />

(A) 카운터에는많은약병들이있다.<br />

(B) 진료실에는많은환자들이있다.<br />

√<br />


Unit 11. Health<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) He is drinking medicine.<br />

(B) He is exercising in a gym.<br />

(C) He is reading a medical book.<br />

(D) He is wearing a doctor's mask.<br />

(A) 그는약을마시고있다.<br />

(B) 그는체육관에서운동을하고있다.<br />

(C) 그는의학서적을읽고있다.<br />

(D) 그는의사마스크를착용하고있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) This is used to hear things.<br />

(B) The doctor is buying new equipment.<br />

(C) This is used to check patients’ ears.<br />

(D) The man’s hand is hurt.<br />

(A) 이것은들을때사용한다.<br />

(B) 의사가새로운기계를구입하고있다.<br />

(C) 이것은환자의귀를검진할때사용한다.<br />

(D) 남자의손은상처를입었다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The people are at school.<br />

(B) The people are in the pool.<br />

(C) The people are in a race.<br />

(D) The people are resting in the park.<br />

(A) 사람들은학교에있다.<br />

(B) 사람들은수영장에있다.<br />

(C) 사람들은경주하고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들은공원에서쉬고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

운동,연습<br />

조깅<br />

살이빠지다<br />

복통<br />

감기걸리다<br />

work out<br />

jog<br />

lose weight<br />

stomachache<br />

have a cold<br />

She loves to exercise. She works out every day.<br />

I think walking is too slow. I like to jog.<br />

He is too heavy. He wants to lose weight.<br />

I ate too much food. I have a stomachache.<br />

Please give me a tissue. I have a cold.<br />

1. 그녀는운동하는것을좋아한다.<br />

그녀는매일운동한다.<br />

2. 걷기는너무느리다고생각한다.<br />

나는천천히달리기를좋아한다.<br />

3. 그는몸무게가너무많이나간다.<br />

그는몸무게를줄이길원한다.<br />

4. 음식을너무많이먹었다.배가아프다.<br />

5. 제게티슈를주시겠어요.감기에걸렸어요.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

해설<br />

2.jog 천천히규칙적인속도로달리기<br />

1. What’s the matter? (A) Yes, I am. Thank you.<br />

2. Did you lose weight? (B) My leg hurts.<br />

3. Do you work out? (C) Yes, I did.<br />

4. Are you feeling better? (D) Yes. I go jogging every day.<br />

1. 무슨일있니?<br />

2. 너몸무게를줄였니?<br />

3. 너운동하니?<br />

4. 기분이나아졌니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

(A) 응,나아졌어.고마워.<br />

(B) 다리를다쳤어.<br />

(C) 응,줄였어.<br />

(D) 응,매일조깅을해.<br />

Note<br />

1. (A) Do you work out?<br />

(B) Yes. I _______ three times a week.<br />

(A) 너는운동을하니?<br />

(B) 응,일주일에세번수영을해.<br />

2. (A) What’s the matter?<br />

(B) My _______ hurts.<br />

(A) 무슨일있니?<br />

(B) 목을다쳤어.<br />

3. (A) Are you _______ better?<br />

(B) Yes, I am. Thank you.<br />

(A) 몸은나아졌니?<br />

(B) 응,나았어.고마워.<br />

4. (A) Are you OK?<br />

(B) No, I have _______.<br />

(A) 괜찮니?<br />

(B) 아니,두통이있어.<br />

Note<br />

walk/swim/bike/hike/<br />

lift weights<br />

back/leg/neck/<br />

stomach/foot<br />

getting/feeling/doing<br />

a cold/a headache/ a<br />

stomachache/ the flu<br />

걷다/수영하다/자전거타다/하이킹,도보여행/아령을들다<br />

등/다리/목/위/발<br />

~해지다/기분/~하다<br />

감기/두통/복통/독감<br />


Unit 11. Health<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes, she is my mother.<br />

√<br />

(B) I have a cold.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) Yes. I go swimming.<br />

(B) Yes, I am working now.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) Fine, thank you.<br />

(B) Once a week.<br />

√<br />

4. (A) Yes, I did.<br />

(B) I can’t find it.<br />

What’s the matter?<br />

번역<br />

무슨일있니?<br />

(A) 응,그녀는우리엄마이셔.<br />

(B) 감기에걸렸어.<br />

Do you work out?<br />

번역<br />

너는운동을하니?<br />

(A) 응,수영을해.<br />

(B) 그래,나는지금일하고있어.<br />

How are you feeling?<br />

번역<br />

기분은좀어떠니?<br />

(A) 좋아,고마워.<br />

(B) 일주일에한번.<br />

Did you lose weight?<br />

번역<br />

몸무게를줄였니?<br />

(A) 응,줄였어.<br />

(B) 그것을못찾겠어.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. What's wrong?<br />

(A) Yes, it is.<br />

(B) No, It’s right.<br />

(C) I have a stomachache.<br />

무슨일있니?<br />

(A) 그래.맞아.<br />

(B) 아니.이것이맞아.<br />

(C) 배가아파.<br />

3. Are you getting better?<br />

(A) No, I feel the same.<br />

(B) I can get it.<br />

(C) You did.<br />

몸은괜찮아졌니?<br />

(A) 아니.별로달라진게없어.<br />

(B) 내가살수있어.<br />

(C) 네가했어.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. How often do you work out?<br />

(A) I run every day.<br />

(B) Yes, I do.<br />

(C) My foot hurts.<br />

얼마나자주운동을하니?<br />

(A) 난매일달려.<br />

(B) 응,그래.<br />

(C) 발이아프다.<br />

4. Do you exercise?<br />

(A) By the sofa.<br />

(B) Fine, thank you.<br />

(C) Yes, I do.<br />

너는운동을하니?<br />

(A) 소파옆에.<br />

(B) 괜찮아,고마워.<br />

(C) 응.운동을해.<br />

해설<br />

1.“Is it a...?”라고물었을때“Yes, it is.”라고답할수있다.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

몸이쇠약하다<br />

헬스클럽<br />

나아지다<br />

인후염<br />

식이요법<br />

out of shape<br />

health club<br />

get well<br />

sore throat<br />

diet<br />

I can’t run far. I am out of shape.<br />

She works out at the health club.<br />

I hope you get well soon!<br />

He have a very sore throat. He can’t even eat.<br />

I can’t eat another cookie. I am on a diet.<br />

1. 나는멀리달리지못한다.몸이좋지않다.<br />

2. 그녀는헬스클럽에서운동을한다.<br />

B. Types of Questions - Health<br />

3. 당신의빨리완쾌되길바래요.<br />

4. 그는심한인후염을앓고있다.그는먹지도못한다.<br />

해설<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers discussing?<br />

What is wrong with the man?<br />

b. Inference Who is talking?<br />

Where are they?<br />

4.sore 쓰리다,상처/throat 목구멍,인후<br />

5.살을뺀다는의미보다식이요법,규정식을하다<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why did the man lose weight?<br />

Why is the woman sick?<br />

d. Facts and Details Where is the man going?<br />

How does the woman work out?<br />

5, 이제쿠키를더이상못먹겠어.<br />

다이어트하고있어.<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

W: What’s the matter?<br />

M: My head hurts.<br />

W: You should take a rest.<br />

번역<br />

W 무슨일이니?<br />

M 머리가아파.<br />

W 좀쉬어야겠구나.<br />

1.남자에게무슨일이생겼나?그는두통이있다.<br />

1. What’s wrong with the man? __________<br />

He has a headache.<br />

W: You have the flu. Take this medicine. Come back and see<br />

me in a few days.<br />

2. Who is talking? __________ A doctor<br />

M: Do you exercise?<br />

W: Yes, I go swimming every day.<br />

M: I like to go jogging.<br />

3. How does the woman work out? __________<br />

She swims.<br />

W 독감에걸렸군요.이약을드세요.<br />

며칠내에다시오시면검진을해드릴께요.<br />

2.누가말하고있는가?의사<br />

A doctor A teacher He has a headache. She swims.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

M 너는운동을하니?<br />

W 응.나는매일수영을해.<br />

M 나는조깅하는것을좋아해.<br />

3.여자는어떤운동을하는가?그녀는수영을한다.<br />


Unit 11. Health<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. How did the man lose weight?<br />

(A) Eating less<br />

(B) Working out more<br />

번역<br />

남자는어떻게몸무게를줄였는가?(A) 소량섭취 (B) 운동을많이한다.<br />

2. Who is the woman?<br />

(A) A nurse<br />

번역<br />

여자는누구인가?(A) 간호사 (B) 의사<br />

3. Why will the man do?<br />

(A) Go to work<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을할것인가?(A) 일을하러간다.(B) 달리기를하러간다.<br />

4. Where is the man going?<br />

(A) To see his father<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

남자는어디로가고있는가?(A) 아버지를만나기위해<br />

(B) A doctor<br />

√<br />

(B) Go running<br />

√<br />

(B) To see a doctor<br />

(B) 의사를만나기위해<br />

1. (M) I lost weight.<br />

(W) Do you exercise?<br />

(M) No, I am on a diet.<br />

번역 (M) 내몸무게가줄었어.<br />

(W) 너운동하니?<br />

(M) 아니,나다이어트해.<br />

2. (W) The doctor will be here soon.<br />

(M) Thank you, nurse.<br />

(W) I hope you get well soon.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 의사선생님이곧오실거에요.<br />

(M) 고마워요.간호사.<br />

(W) 빨리완쾌하시기를바래요.<br />

3. (M) I am out of shape. I need to work<br />

out. Tomorrow I will go jogging.<br />

번역<br />

(M) 내몸상태가좋지않아.운동을해야할것같<br />

아.내일난조깅을할거야.<br />

4. (M) I have a sore throat.<br />

(W) You should see a doctor.<br />

(M) I’m going to the hospital now.<br />

번역 (M) 나는목이아파.<br />

(W) 의사선생님께가봐.<br />

(M) 지금병원에가는중이야.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where does the man exercise?<br />

(A) Outside<br />

(B) By the river<br />

(C) At work<br />

(D) In a health club<br />

번역<br />

남자는어디서운동을하는가?<br />

(A) 밖 (B) 강변 (C) 직장 (D) 헬스클럽<br />

2. What’s wrong with the woman?<br />

(A) She has a cold. (B) √ She has a stomachache.<br />

(C) Her foot hurts. (D) She is out of shape.<br />

번역<br />

여자에게무슨일이생겼는가?<br />

(A) 그녀는감기에걸렸다.(B) 그녀는복통이있다.(C) 그녀의발을다쳤다.(D) 그녀는몸상태가좋지않다.<br />

3. Where are the speakers?<br />

(A) In a health club<br />

(C) In a doctor’s office<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

화자들이어디에있는가?<br />

(A) 헬스클럽 (B) 공원 (C) 진료실 (D) 신발가게<br />

√<br />

(B) At the park<br />

(D) At a shoe store<br />

1. (W) Where do you work out?<br />

(M) I go to a health club. How about you?<br />

(W) I go jogging by the river.<br />

번역 (W) 어디서운동하니?<br />

(M) 나는헬스클럽에가.너는?<br />

(W) 나는강변에서조깅을해.<br />

2. (M) What’s wrong?<br />

(W) I ate some bad food.<br />

(M) You should go to the doctor!<br />

번역 (M) 무슨일이니?<br />

(W) 상한음식을약간먹었어.<br />

(M) 의사에게가야겠구나!<br />

3. (W) When did you hurt your foot?<br />

(M) Yesterday, jogging in the park.<br />

(W) I think we should X-ray it.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 언제발을다쳤습니까?<br />

(M) 어제,공원에서조깅하다가다쳤어요.<br />

(W) X-ray를찍어봐야할것같습니다.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. He _________ _________ _________.<br />

He has a cold.<br />

번역<br />

그는감기에걸렸다.<br />

2. I _________ _________ _________ today.<br />

I feel much better today.<br />

번역<br />

나는오늘많이나아졌다.<br />

3. She _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

She works out every day.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는매일운동을한다.<br />

4. The patient _________ _________ _________.<br />

The patient is very sick.<br />

번역<br />

환자는매우아프다.<br />

5. He _________ _________ _________ weight.<br />

He wants to lose weight.<br />

번역<br />

그는몸무게를줄이길원한다.<br />

6. I _________ _________ _________ _________ soon.<br />

I hope you get well soon.<br />

번역<br />

빨리낫기를바랄게요.<br />

7. The _________ _________ examining _________ _________.<br />

The doctor is examining her foot.<br />

번역<br />

의사는그녀의발을검사하고있다.<br />

8. _________ _________ _________ _________ tissue.<br />

Please give me a tissue.<br />

번역<br />

티슈좀주시겠어요.<br />

9. You should _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

You should go see a doctor.<br />

번역<br />

의사에게가야겠구나.<br />

10. The man _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The man has a sore throat.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT12<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Technology<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

버튼,누름단추<br />

만지다,닿다<br />

컴퓨터<br />

마우스<br />

화면<br />

button<br />

touch<br />

computer<br />

mouse<br />

screen<br />

1. 그기계를작동시키려면버튼을누르시오.<br />

2. 테이블다리한쪽이바닥에닿지않는다.<br />

3. 내방에컴퓨터가있다.<br />

Push the button to start the machine.<br />

One leg of the table is not touching the floor.<br />

I have a computer in my room.<br />

A computer mouse has two buttons.<br />

The computer’s screen is very large.<br />

4. 컴퓨터마우스는버튼이두개이다.<br />

5. 컴퓨터의화면은매우크다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

screen<br />

1. He is looking at the computer<br />

_________. screen<br />

mouse<br />

2. He is _________ touching the mouse<br />

button.<br />

번역<br />

1.그는컴퓨터화면을보고있다.<br />

2.그는마우스버튼을만지고있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

This is part of a computer.<br />

번역 그것은컴퓨터의일부분이다.<br />

_________ A<br />

They are playing a video game.<br />

번역 그들은비디오게임을하고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) She is holding a pen.<br />

(B) She is holding electronic equipment.<br />

(A) 그녀는펜을들고있다.<br />

(B) 그녀는전자기기를들고있다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The dish gets information about the stars.<br />

(B) The dish has food on it.<br />

(A) 위성안테나는별에관한정보를얻는다.<br />

(B) 접시위에음식이있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) She is turning off the keyboard.<br />

(B) She is looking at the screen.<br />

(A) 여자는키보드를끄고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는화면을보고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 12. Technology<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) She is fixing the computer.<br />

(B) The computer is not on.<br />

(C) The store has many computers.<br />

(D) There is information on the screen.<br />

(A) 그녀는컴퓨터를고치고있다.<br />

(B) 컴퓨터가꺼져있다.<br />

(C) 상점에많은컴퓨터들이있다.<br />

(D) 화면에정보가있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) He is waiting to use the computer.<br />

(B) The cables are plugged in.<br />

(C) The computer has no cables.<br />

(D) The computer is in the box.<br />

(A) 남자가컴퓨터를사용하려고기다리고있다.<br />

(B) 케이블이꽂혀있다.<br />

(C) 컴퓨터에케이블이없다.<br />

(D) 컴퓨터가상자안에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

해설<br />

cable 전선<br />

(A) She is putting a disk into the computer.<br />

(B) She is turning off the computer.<br />

(C) She is typing on the keyboard.<br />

(D) She is using the computer's mouse.<br />

(A) 여자는디스크를컴퓨터에넣고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는컴퓨터를끄고있다.<br />

(C) 여자는키보드를치고있다.<br />

(D) 여자는컴퓨터의마우스를사용하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

인터넷<br />

휴대전화<br />

CD플레이어<br />

디지털<br />

휴대용컴퓨터<br />

Internet<br />

cell phone<br />

CD player<br />

digital<br />

laptop<br />

I use the Internet to help with my homework.<br />

He calls me with his cell phone.<br />

She listens to music on her CD player.<br />

I have a digital camera. It does not use film.<br />

A laptop computer is small and thin.<br />

1. 나는숙제하는데도움을받기위해서인터넷을사<br />

용한다.<br />

2. 그는그의휴대전화로나에게전화를한다.<br />

해설<br />

3.CD = compact disk(disc)<br />

3. 그녀는그의CD플레이어로음악을듣는다.<br />

4. 나는디지털카메라가있다.그것은필름을사용하<br />

지않는다.<br />

5.laptop = notebook<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

5. 휴대용컴퓨터는작고얇다.<br />

102<br />

1. Do you have a cell phone? (A) It’s a Sony.<br />

2. Do you like computer games? (B) I use the Internet about two<br />

times a day.<br />

3. How often do you use (C) Yes, I really like to play them.<br />

the Internet?<br />

4. What kind of CD player (D) No, but my sister has one.<br />

1. 너는휴대전화를가지고있니?<br />

do you have?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) Do you have a/an _______?<br />

(B) Yes. I got one for my birthday.<br />

(A) 너휴대전화를가지고있니?<br />

(B) 응.생일선물로받았어.<br />

2. (A) Do you like computer games?<br />

(B) I _______ play them.<br />

(A) 컴퓨터게임좋아하니?<br />

(B) 전혀안해.<br />

3. (A) What kind of computer do you have?<br />

(B) It’s a/an _______.<br />

(A) 어떤종류의컴퓨터를가지고있니?<br />

(B) 삼성거야.<br />

4. (A) How often do you use the Internet?<br />

(B) I am on the Internet _______.<br />

(A) 인터넷을얼마나자주하니?<br />

(B) 하루에두번해.<br />

2. 너는컴퓨터게임을좋아하니?<br />

3. 인터넷을얼마나자주사용하니?<br />

4. 어떤종류의CD플레이어를가지고있니?<br />

(A) 소니꺼야.<br />

(B) 나는하루에두번정도인터넷을해.<br />

(C) 응,나는게임하는것을정말좋아해.<br />

(D) 아니,하지만우리언니는하나갖고있어.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

cell phone/CD player/<br />

MP3 player/video<br />

game system<br />

always/sometimes/<br />

never<br />

IBM/Apple/Compaq/<br />

Samsung/Sony<br />

once a day/<br />

twice a day/<br />

every two days<br />

휴대전화/CD플레이어/MP3플레이어/비디오게임<br />

늘/때때로/전혀<br />

상품명<br />


Unit 12. Technology<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes it is.<br />

√<br />

(B) Yes I do.<br />

2. (A) Last year.<br />

√<br />

(B) At a camera store.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) It’s an Olympus.<br />

(B) It’s very fun to use.<br />

4. (A) It’s not on top.<br />

√<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

Do you have a digital camera?<br />

번역<br />

디지털카메라갖고있니?<br />

(A) 응,그거야.<br />

(B) 응,가지고있어.<br />

Where did you get it?<br />

번역<br />

어디서샀니?<br />

(A) 작년에.<br />

(B) 카메라가게에서.<br />

What kind is it?<br />

번역<br />

어떤종류니?<br />

(A) 올림푸스거야.<br />

(B) 사용하기에매우재미있단다.<br />

Do you have a laptop computer?<br />

번역<br />

휴대용컴퓨터갖고있니?<br />

(A) 그것은위에없어.<br />

(B) 아니,없어.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. What kind of computer do<br />

you have?<br />

(A) Yes, I do.<br />

(B) It’s an Apple laptop.<br />

(C) Yes, it is very kind.<br />

어떤종류의컴퓨터를갖고있니?<br />

(A) 응,그래.<br />

(B) 애플휴대용이야.<br />

(C) 응,그건매우친절해.<br />

3. Do you have a camera?<br />

(A) I can’t do it.<br />

(B) Yes, It’s a digital one.<br />

(C) I don’t like it.<br />

카메라갖고있니?<br />

(A) 난할수없어.<br />

(B) 응.디지털카메라야.<br />

(C) 나는그것을좋아하지않아.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. How often do you use<br />

your CD player?<br />

(A) It’s an LG.<br />

(B) At a store.<br />

(C) I use it every day.<br />

CD플레이어를얼마나자주사용하니?<br />

(A) 그것은LG야.<br />

(B) 상점에서.<br />

(C) 매일사용해.<br />

4. Do you like to play computer games?<br />

(A) It’s a laptop.<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

(C) Yes, I have a computer<br />

컴퓨터게임하는것을좋아하니?<br />

(A) 휴대용컴퓨터야.<br />

(B) 아니,좋아하지않아.<br />

(C) 응,나는컴퓨터를갖고있어.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

전원<br />

스위치<br />

작동하지않는다<br />

비디오카메라<br />

휴대용<br />

power<br />

switch<br />

doesn’t work<br />

video camera<br />

portable<br />

Turn off the power when you finish.<br />

The power switch is on the back.<br />

The TV doesn’t work. It’s broken.<br />

My father used the video camera at the soccer game.<br />

That CD player is portable. You can take it on the bus.<br />

1. 끝났으면전원을끄세요.<br />

2. 전원스위치는뒤쪽에있다.<br />

3. TV가작동하지않는다.고장났다.<br />

4. 나의아버지는축구경기에서비디오카메라를사용하셨다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Technology<br />

5. 그CD플레이어는휴대용이다.<br />

그것을갖고버스를탈수있다.<br />

a. Main Idea What are the speakers doing?<br />

What is the man looking for?<br />

b. Inference What are they making?<br />

Where is the speaker?<br />

c. Cause and Effect What is wrong with the computer?<br />

Why can’t she use the computer?<br />

d. Facts and Details Which camera will the man use?<br />

How will they watch the movie?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

W: What are you doing?<br />

M: I am looking for the power switch.<br />

W: It’s on the side.<br />

번역<br />

W 너뭐하니?<br />

M 전원스위치를찾고있어.<br />

W 옆에있어.<br />

1.남자는무엇을찾고있는가?스위치<br />

1. What is the man looking for? __________<br />

The switch<br />

I would like to buy a new camera. Do you have any digital ones?<br />

2. Where is the speaker? __________<br />

In a camera store<br />

W: Can I use the Internet?<br />

M: Sorry, the computer doesn’t work.<br />

W: That’s too bad!<br />

3. Why can’t she use the computer? __________<br />

It is broken.<br />

새카메라를사려는데,디지털카메라가있나요?<br />

2.화자는어디에있는가?카메라가게<br />

By email It is broken. The switch In a camera store<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

W 인터넷을사용해도되니?<br />

M 미안해.컴퓨터가고장났어.<br />

W 안됐구나!<br />

3.여자는왜컴퓨터를사용할수없는가?<br />

고장났다.<br />


Unit 12. Technology<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. How will they watch the movie?<br />

(A) On the DVD player<br />

번역<br />

그들은무엇으로영화를볼것인가?(A) DVD플레이어 (B) VCR<br />

T e s t<br />

(B) On the VCR<br />

2. Which video camera will the man use?<br />

(A) His camera<br />

(B) The woman’s camera<br />

번역<br />

남자는어떤비디오카메라를사용할것인가?(A) 남자의카메라 (B) 여자의카메라<br />

3. What is wrong?<br />

(A) The computer is not working.<br />

번역<br />

무슨일인가?(A) 컴퓨터가작동되지않는다.(B) 여자는그색을싫어한다.<br />

4. Where does the woman play CDs?<br />

(A) On her CD player<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

√<br />

여자는CD를어디에서듣는가?(A) CD플레이어 (B) 컴퓨터<br />

1.DVD = digital versatile disk<br />

√<br />

1. (M) Let's watch a movie.<br />

(W) OK. Where is your VCR?<br />

(M) I have a DVD player.<br />

번역 (M) 우리같이영화보자.<br />

(W) 그래.VCR은어디있니?<br />

(M) 나는DVD플레이어를갖고있어.<br />

2. (W) Do you know how to use a video camera?<br />

(M) Yes, I have one at home.<br />

(W) Good! Mine is very easy to use.<br />

번역<br />

(B) She doesn’t like the color.<br />

√<br />

VCR = video cassette recorder<br />

(B) On her computer<br />

(W) 비디오카메라어떻게사용하는지아니?<br />

(M) 응,집에하나있어.<br />

(W) 좋아!내것은사용하기매우쉬워.<br />

3. (W) I am having a problem with my<br />

computer. The screen is black.<br />

번역 (W) 내컴퓨터에문제가생겼어.<br />

스크린이까맣게됐어.<br />

4. (W) Do you have a CD player?<br />

(M) No, I play CDs on my computer.<br />

(W) Me, too.<br />

번역 (W) 너CD플레이어갖고있니?<br />

(M) 아니.나는내컴퓨터로CD를들어.<br />

(W) 나도.<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What is the shopper looking for?<br />

(A) A CD player<br />

(C) A table<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을찾고있는가?<br />

(A) CD플레이어 (B) 디지털카메라 (C) 테이블 (D) 컴퓨터<br />

2. What does the woman want?<br />

(A) A camera<br />

(C) A digital camera<br />

번역<br />

여자는무엇을원하는가?<br />

(A) 카메라 (B) 비디오게임 (C) 디지털카메라 (D) 비디오카메라<br />

3. What does the man suggest?<br />

(A) √ Buying a smaller computer<br />

(B) Buying a more expensive computer<br />

(C) Buying a cheaper computer<br />

(D) Buying a faster computer<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

남자는무엇을권하는가?<br />

(A) 더작은컴퓨터구입<br />

(C) 더저렴한컴퓨터구입<br />

(B) 더비싼컴퓨터구입<br />

(D) 더빠른컴퓨터구입<br />

1. (W) Can I help you?<br />

(M) Yes, I am looking for a laptop with a CD drive.<br />

(W) OK. Here is a nice one.<br />

번역<br />

(B) A digital camera<br />

(D) A computer<br />

√<br />

(B) A video game<br />

(D) A video camera<br />

(W) 무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

(M) 네.CD드라이브가장착된휴대용컴퓨터를찾고있어요.<br />

(W) 네.여기에좋은상품이있어요.<br />

2. (W) Do you have a camera?<br />

(M) Yes, I do. It’s a digital camera.<br />

(W) Mine isn’t. I wish I had a digital one.<br />

번역 (W) 카메라갖고있니?<br />

(M) 응,있어.디지털카메라야.<br />

(W) 내것은아니야.나도디지털카메라를갖고싶어.<br />

3. (M) Do you like your computer?<br />

(W) Yes, but It's very big. I wish it was portable.<br />

(M) You should get a laptop.<br />

번역 (M) 너는네컴퓨터가좋니?<br />

(W) 응,하지만너무커.휴대용이었으면좋겠어.<br />

(M) 너는휴대용컴퓨터를사야겠구나.<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. I _________ _________ digital _________.<br />

I have a digital camera.<br />

번역<br />

나는디지털카메라를가지고있다.<br />

2. He _________ _________ _________ computer _________.<br />

He likes to play computer games.<br />

번역<br />

그는컴퓨터게임을좋아한다.<br />

3. She _________ _________ _________ Internet.<br />

She is using the Internet.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는인터넷을사용한다.<br />

4. My father’s _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

My father's video camera is broken.<br />

번역<br />

아버지의비디오카메라는고장났다.<br />

5. I can’t _________ _________ remote _________.<br />

I can’t find the remote control.<br />

번역<br />

리모컨을찾을수없다.<br />

6. Click _________ the _________ _________ _________ it.<br />

Click on the file to open it.<br />

번역<br />

파일을클릭해서열어라.<br />

7. The computer’s _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

The computer's screen is very thin.<br />

번역<br />

컴퓨터화면은매우얇다.<br />

8. Please _________ _________ _________ computer.<br />

Please turn on the computer.<br />

번역<br />

컴퓨터를켜주세요.<br />

9. My computer’s _________ _________ _________ buttons.<br />

My computer’s mouse has two buttons.<br />

번역<br />

내컴퓨터의마우스는버튼이두개있다.<br />

10. They _________ _________ _________ _________ a DVD player.<br />

They are going to buy a DVD player.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT13<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Description<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

both 양쪽 모두<br />

short 짧은<br />

black 검은색<br />

long sleeves 긴소매<br />

have on 입다<br />

I like both cats and dogs.<br />

The dog has a short tail.<br />

Her dress was black.<br />

It’s cold. I’ll wear long sleeves.<br />

She has on shorts and a T-shirt.<br />

1. 나는강아지와고양이모두좋아한다.<br />

2. 그개는짧은꼬리를가지고있다.<br />

3. 그녀의드레스는검은색이다.<br />

4. 춥다.나는긴소매옷을입을것이다.<br />

5. 그녀는반바지와티셔츠를입고있다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

short hair<br />

1. The man in the _________ black shirt has<br />

short hair.<br />

long sleeve<br />

2. They both have on long _________. sleeves<br />

번역<br />

1. 검정셔츠를입은남자는머리카락이짧다.<br />

2. 두사람모두긴소매를입고있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ B<br />

All of the chairs are empty.<br />

번역 모든의자들이비어있다.<br />

_________ A<br />

The baby is sleeping.<br />

번역 아기가자고있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) The windows are round.<br />

(B) The windows are square.<br />

(A) 창문들이둥글다.<br />

(B) 창문들이사각형이다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The man has on shorts.<br />

(B) The man has on sunglasses.<br />

(A) 남자는반바지를입고있다.<br />

(B) 남자는선글라스를꼈다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The bridge is down.<br />

(B) The bridge is <strong>up</strong>.<br />

(A) 다리가내려와있다.<br />

(B) 다리가올라가있다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 13. Description<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) The man has a beard.<br />

(B) The man has something painted on his face.<br />

(C) The man has no teeth.<br />

(D) The man has curly hair.<br />

(A) 남자는수염이있다.<br />

(B) 남자얼굴에무엇인가그려져있다.<br />

(C) 남자는치아가없다.<br />

(D) 남자는곱슬머리이다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The building is by the water.<br />

(B) The building is closed.<br />

(C) The building is not finished.<br />

(D) The building is very old.<br />

(A) 건물은물가에있다.<br />

(B) 건물은닫혀있다.<br />

(C) 건물은공사가끝나지않았다.<br />

(D) 건물은아주오래되었다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The people are dancing.<br />

(B) The people are not happy.<br />

(C) The people are waiting for a bus.<br />

(D) The people are wearing costumes.<br />

(A) 사람들이춤을춘다.<br />

(B) 사람들은행복하지않다.<br />

(C) 사람들이버스를기다리고있다.<br />

(D) 사람들이전통의상을입었다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

made of ~로만들다<br />

look like 닮다<br />

leather 가죽<br />

pretty 예쁘다<br />

dirty 더럽다<br />

The desk is made of wood.<br />

My sister looks like my mother.<br />

The shoes are made of leather.<br />

That flower is very pretty.<br />

Your hands are dirty! Please wash them.<br />

1. 책상은나무로만들어졌다.<br />

2. 나의여동생은엄마를닮았다.<br />

해설<br />

1.재료의형태를보존<br />

3. 신발은가죽으로만들어졌다.<br />

4. 그꽃은매우예쁘다.<br />

5. 너의손은더럽다!제발씻어라.<br />

110<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. What does your dog look like? (A) They are cleaning the classroom.<br />

2. What is your bag made of? (B) They look very nice!<br />

3. What are they doing? (C) It is small with black, curly hair.<br />

4. How do you like my shoes? (D) It is made of leather.<br />

1. 너의강아지어떻게생겼니?<br />

2. 너의가방은무엇으로만들어졌니?<br />

3. 그들은뭐하니?<br />

4. 내신발어떠니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

1. (A) What is your teacher like?<br />

(B) She is _______.<br />

(A) 너의선생님은어떠니?<br />

(B) 그녀는재미있어.<br />

2. (A) How do you like my shirt?<br />

(B) Wow! It’s _______.<br />

(A) 내셔츠어떠니?<br />

(B) 와!아름다워.<br />

3. (A) What’s wrong?<br />

(B) This room is very _______.<br />

(A) 왜그러니?<br />

(B) 이방은너무작아.<br />

4. (A) What are you doing?<br />

(B) I’m _______ a cake for my<br />

mom’s birthday.<br />

(A) 너뭐하니?<br />

(B) 나는엄마생일파티에쓸케이크를만들고있어.<br />

(A) 그들은교실을청소하고있어.<br />

(B) 아주멋진데!<br />

(C) 그것은작고,검은색의곱실거리는털이있어.<br />

(D) 가죽으로만들어졌어.<br />

Note<br />

Note<br />

kind/funny/smart/pretty<br />

cute/beautiful/nice/great<br />

old/hot/cold/small/dirty<br />

choosing/baking/making<br />

친절한/재미있는/현명한/예쁜<br />

귀여운/아름다운/좋은/대단한<br />

오래된/더운/추운/작은/더러운<br />


Unit 13. Description<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) Yes, it’s a nice coat.<br />

√<br />

(B) Leather.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) She is tall and she has brown hair.<br />

(B) She is very kind.<br />

3. (A) He has black hair and he has a beard.<br />

√<br />

(B) He is funny and smart.<br />

4. (A) Yes, I go to school.<br />

√<br />

(B) It’s great!<br />

What is that coat made of?<br />

번역<br />

너의코트는무엇으로만들어졌니?<br />

(A) 응,멋있는코트야.<br />

(B) 가죽.<br />

What does your mother look like?<br />

번역<br />

너희어머니는어떻게생기셨니?<br />

(A) 키가크시고갈색머리카락을가지셨어.<br />

(B) 그녀는매우친절해.<br />

What is your father like?<br />

번역<br />

너희아버지는어떠시니?<br />

(A) 그는머리카락이검고수염을기르셨어.<br />

(B) 그는재미있으시고똑똑하셔.<br />

How do you like your school?<br />

번역<br />

학교는어떠니?<br />

(A) 응,나는학교에가.<br />

(B) 아주좋아!<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. What are you doing?<br />

(A) I am making a cake.<br />

(B) I am a firefighter.<br />

(C) Fine, thank you.<br />

너뭐하니?<br />

(A) 나는케이크만들고있어.<br />

(B) 나는소방관이야.<br />

(C) 괜찮아요.고마워요.<br />

3. What does your cat look like?<br />

(A) She is funny.<br />

(B) She looks at the mouse.<br />

(C) She has long, white hair.<br />

너의고양이는어떻게생겼니?<br />

(A) 그것은재미있어.<br />

(B) 그것은쥐를봐.<br />

(C) 그것은길고하얀털을가지고있어.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. How do you like playing soccer?<br />

(A) It’s made of leather.<br />

(B) It’s fun.<br />

(C) It’s pretty.<br />

축구하는게어떠니?<br />

(A) 가죽으로만들어졌어.<br />

(B) 재미있어.<br />

(C) 예쁘다.<br />

4. What is your grandmother like?<br />

(A) She likes working in her garden.<br />

(B) She is cleaning.<br />

(C) She is kind and smart.<br />

너희할머니는어떠시니?<br />

(A) 그녀는정원에서일하는것을좋아하셔.<br />

(B) 그녀는청소를하고계셔.<br />

(C) 그녀는친절하고똑똑하셔.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

cute 귀여운<br />

wool 모직물,털실<br />

homework 숙제<br />

sweater 스웨터<br />

pink 분홍색<br />

Look at the baby. She is so cute.<br />

The hat if made of wool. It is very warm.<br />

Do your homework before you watch TV.<br />

It is cold today. I will wear a sweater.<br />

I want some pink shoes.<br />

1. 아기를봐.너무귀엽다.<br />

2. 이모자는털실로만들어졌다.매우따뜻하다.<br />

3. 텔레비전을보기전에숙제를해라.<br />

4. 오늘은춥다.나는스웨터를입을것이다.<br />

5. 나는분홍색신발을원한다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Description<br />

a. Main Idea What is the speaker looking for?<br />

What is the woman describing?<br />

b. Inference What is the man looking for?<br />

Where is the speaker?<br />

c. Cause and Effect Why didn’t he finish his homework?<br />

Why is she going to buy a new dress?<br />

d. Facts and Details What is the hat made of?<br />

What does her bag look like?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

M: Look at him! He is so cute!<br />

W: Yes, I love his orange hair and long tail.<br />

M: Let’s take him home!<br />

1. What is the woman describing? __________ A cat<br />

번역<br />

M 저걸봐!너무귀여워!<br />

W 그래.난오렌지털과긴꼬리가좋아.<br />

M 집에가지고가자!<br />

1.여자는무엇을묘사하고있는가?고양이<br />

It’s very cold in here! Please close the window.<br />

2. Where is the speaker? __________<br />

In a room<br />

번역<br />

이곳은너무추워요!창문을닫아주세요.<br />

2.화자는어디에있는가?방안<br />

She is short. She has white hair and she is wearing a pink sweater.<br />

3. What is the speaker looking for? __________<br />

An old woman<br />

A cat At the park In a room An old woman<br />

번역<br />

그녀는키가작습니다.<br />

그녀는백발에분홍색스웨터를입고있어요.<br />

3.화자가찾고있는것(사람)은?나이든여자<br />


Unit 13. Description<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What should the child do first?<br />

(A) Go to the park<br />

(B) Clean the room<br />

번역<br />

소년은무엇을먼저해야하는가?(A) 공원에가는것 (B) 방청소<br />

2. What is she doing?<br />

(A) Looking for a coat<br />

번역<br />

그녀는무엇을하고있나?(A) 코트를찾고있다.(B) 코트를사고있다.<br />

3. What is the hat made of?<br />

(A) Flowers<br />

번역<br />

남자의모자는무엇으로만들어졌니?(A) 꽃 (B) 모직물<br />

(B) Shopping for a coat<br />

(B) Wool<br />

4. Why will she try another dress?<br />

(A) It is not pretty.<br />

(B) It is not the right size.<br />

번역<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

그녀는왜다른드레스를입으려고하는가?(A) 예쁘지않다.(B) 맞는사이즈가아니다.<br />

4.right 정확한,맞는<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

1. (W) Your room is very dirty.<br />

(M) OK, Mom. I’ll clean it after I<br />

go to the park.<br />

(W) Do it now, please.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

(W) 네방은너무지저분하구나.<br />

(M) 알았어요,엄마.공원에다녀와서치울게요.<br />

(W) 제발,지금당장치우지그러니.<br />

2. (W) My coat is green and It's made of<br />

wool. If you find it, please call me.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 내코트는초록색이고모직물입니다.발견하<br />

시는분은제게전화해주세요.<br />

3. (W) Your hat looks cute!<br />

(M) Thank you. It's wool.<br />

(W) Can I try It?<br />

(W) 너의모자가귀엽구나!<br />

(M) 고마워.털이야.<br />

(W) 한번써봐도되니?<br />

4. (W) How do you like this dress?<br />

(M) It’s pretty, but it looks big.<br />

(W) Yes. I think I will try on another.<br />

번역 (W) 이드레스어때?<br />

(M) 예쁘다.그런데커보인다.<br />

(W) 응.다른것을입어봐야겠어.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. How does the boy describe the teacher?<br />

(A) She is not smart. (B) √ She is not kind.<br />

(C) She is not pretty. (D) She is not old.<br />

번역<br />

소년은선생님을어떻게묘사하는가?<br />

(A) 그녀는똑똑하지않다.(B) 그녀는친절하지않다.(C) 그녀는예쁘지않다.(D) 그녀는늙지않았다.<br />

2. What does the bag look like?<br />

(A) It is green.<br />

(B) It is made of wool.<br />

(C) It is small and yellow. (D) It is red.<br />

번역<br />

가방은어떻게생겼는가?<br />

(A) 초록색이다.(B) 모직물로만들어져있다.(C) 작고노란색이다.(D) 빨간색이다.<br />

3. Why didn’t the girl finish her homework?<br />

(A) Her book is old. (B) The teacher is new.<br />

(C) She can’t find her book. (D) Her book is wet.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

소녀는왜숙제를끝내지못했는가?<br />

(A) 그녀의책은오래되었다.<br />

(C) 그녀의책을찾을수가없다.<br />

√<br />

(B) 새로운선생님이다.<br />

(D) 그녀의책은젖었다.<br />

1. (M) Mrs. Smith is my math teacher.<br />

(W) Oh! She is so smart and pretty!<br />

(M) Yes, but she is not kind.<br />

번역 (M) 스미스씨는나의수학선생님이다.<br />

(W) 오!그녀는아주똑똑하고예뻐.<br />

(M) 그래.하지만그녀는친절하지않아.<br />

2. (W) Someone lost a bag and a hat at<br />

school. The bag is small and red.<br />

The hat is made of wool.<br />

번역<br />

(W) 누군가학교에서가방과모자를<br />

잃어버렸다.가방은작고빨간색이며,<br />

모자는모직물로만들어져있다.<br />

3. (M) Did you finish your homework?<br />

(W) No, Mr. Smith. I lost my school<br />

book yesterday.<br />

(M) Here is my book. Do your<br />

homework now!<br />

번역 (M) 숙제다했니?<br />

(W) 아니오.스미스선생님.<br />

어제학교책을잃어버렸어요.<br />

(M) 여기내책이있다.<br />

지금숙제를해라!<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. He _________ _________ _________ bike.<br />

He has a red bike.<br />

번역<br />

그는빨간자전거를가지고있다.<br />

2. Your _________ _________ _________ cute.<br />

Your hat is so cute.<br />

번역<br />

너의모자는너무귀엽다.<br />

3. _________ _________ _________ today.<br />

It is cold today.<br />

번역<br />

오늘은춥다.<br />

4. That flower _________ _________ _________.<br />

That flower is very pretty.<br />

번역<br />

그꽃은매우예쁘다.<br />

5. The _________ _________ _________ _________ tail.<br />

The dog has a long tail.<br />

번역<br />

강아지는긴꼬리를가지고있다.<br />

6. She _________ _________ _________ pants.<br />

She has on blue pants.<br />

번역<br />

그녀는파란바지를입었다.<br />

7. Our teacher _________ _________ _________.<br />

Our teacher is very smart.<br />

번역<br />

우리선생님은매우똑똑하다.<br />

8. My _________ _________ _________ _________ aunt.<br />

My sister looks like my aunt.<br />

번역<br />

나의언니는이모와닮았다.<br />

9. Your _________ _________ _________ _________.<br />

Your friend is very kind.<br />

번역<br />

너의친구는매우친절하다.<br />

10. The _________ woman _________ _________ a _________<br />

sweater.<br />

The old woman is wearing a pink sweater.<br />

번역<br />


UNIT14<br />

PART I. Picture Description: Signs<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

address 주소<br />

glass 유리<br />

hours 시간<br />

paint 그리다<br />

show 보여주다<br />

Her address is 2502 Main Street.<br />

The window’s glass is very dirty.<br />

The store’s hours are ten to six each day.<br />

He painted a picture on the wall.<br />

The sign shows this street’s name.<br />

1. 그녀의주소는메인가2502번지이다.<br />

2. 창문의유리가매우더럽다.<br />

해설<br />

4. 물감,붓으로그리다,칠하다<br />

3. 상점영업시간은매일10시부터6시이다.<br />

4. 그는벽에그림을그렸다.<br />

B. Listen and write the words in the blanks.<br />

5. 간판은이길의이름을보여준다.<br />

address<br />

1. The sign is painted on a<br />

_________ glass door.<br />

2. The sign shows the address<br />

and _________ hours of this place.<br />

hours<br />

번역<br />

1. 유리문에안내가표시되어있다.<br />

2. 안내판에는이곳의주소와영업시간이나와있다.<br />

C. Listen and write A or B.<br />

1. 2.<br />

_________ A<br />

The man is standing in front of 2 signs.<br />

번역 남자는두개의표지판앞에있다.<br />

_________ B<br />

There are trees behind one big sign.<br />

번역 큰표지판뒤에나무들이있다.<br />


PART I<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

(A) This sign is for a place to buy candy.<br />

(B) This sign is for a place to cut your hair.<br />

(A) 이것은사탕을사는곳을위한표시이다.<br />

(B) 이것은머리를자르는곳을위한표시이다.<br />

1. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The woman is holding a sign.<br />

(B) The woman is reading the sign.<br />

(A) 여자는표지판을들고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는표지판을읽고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B)<br />

(A) The sign is made of glass.<br />

(B) The sign is made of wood.<br />

(A) 이표지판은유리로만들어졌다.<br />

(B) 이표지판은나무로만들어졌다.<br />

3. (A) (B)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Unit 14. Signs<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) The sign has a woman’s picture on it.<br />

(B) The sign has a phone number on it.<br />

(C) The sign has water on it.<br />

(D) The sign has fallen on the ground.<br />

(A) 표지판에여자의그림이그려져있다.<br />

(B) 표지판에전화번호가적혀있다.<br />

(C) 표지판에물이묻혀있다.<br />

(D) 표지판이바닥에떨어졌다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) She is carrying a sign.<br />

(B) She is helping children cross the street.<br />

(C) She is putting something on the wall.<br />

(D) She is writing her name.<br />

(A) 여자는표지판을들고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는아이들이길을건너는것을도와주고있다.<br />

(C) 여자는벽에무엇을붙이고있다.<br />

(D) 여자는그녀의이름을쓰고있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) The sign shows the store’s name.<br />

(B) The sign shows the hours of the store.<br />

(C) The sign shows the price.<br />

(D) The sign shows the address.<br />

(A) 표지판은상점의이름을보여준다.<br />

(B) 표지판은영업시간을보여준다.<br />

(C) 표지판은가격을보여준다.<br />

(D) 표지판은주소를보여준다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

기둥,봉<br />

게시판<br />

의미<br />

걸어놓다<br />

멈추다<br />

pole<br />

bulletin board<br />

mean<br />

put <strong>up</strong><br />

stop<br />

Hang the flag on the pole.<br />

Many people put notices on the bulletin board.<br />

I do not know what that word means.<br />

They put <strong>up</strong> a sign on the wall.<br />

A red sign with eight sides means stop.<br />

1. 깃발을봉에걸어라.<br />

2. 많은사람들이게시판에메모를붙여놓는다.<br />

3. 나는그단어의뜻을모른다.<br />

4. 그들은벽에표지판을걸어놓는다.<br />

5. 빨간색8각표지판의의미는멈춤이다.<br />

B. Match the questions and answers.<br />

1. What does that sign mean? (A) Hang it on the bulletin board.<br />

2. Didn’t you see the sign? (B) It means we have to be quiet.<br />

3. Where should I hang this sign? (C) No, I didn’t.<br />

4. When does the store close? (D) The sign says 9 p.m.<br />

1. 그표지판은무엇을의미하니?<br />

2. 그표지판을못봤니?<br />

3. 이표지판은어디에걸어야하니?<br />

4. 상점은언제문을닫니?<br />

C. Listen and fill in the blanks.<br />

(A) 게시판에걸어놓자.<br />

(B) 조용히하라는뜻이야.<br />

(C) 응,못봤어.<br />

(D) 9시라고써있어.<br />

Note<br />

1. (A) Can you read the sign?<br />

(B) Yes, it says _______.<br />

(A) 그표지판을읽을수있니?<br />

(B) 응.멈춤이라고써있어.<br />

2. (A) What was on the sign?<br />

(B) Just a _______.<br />

(A) 표지판위에뭐가있었니?<br />

(B) 그림만있어.<br />

3. (A) I made this sign. What do you think?<br />

(B) It’s _______.<br />

(A) 내가이표지판을만들었어.어떻게생각하니?<br />

(B) 너무작아.<br />

4. (A) Where did you put <strong>up</strong> the sign?<br />

(B) Over there _______.<br />

(A) 표지판을어디에걸어놓았니?<br />

(B) 저쪽문옆에.<br />

Note<br />

stop/slow/caution/<br />

wait<br />

picture/symbol/<br />

website address/<br />

sentence<br />

great/beautiful/<br />

too small/confusing<br />

on the wall/<br />

on the telephone<br />

pole/beside the door<br />

멈춤/천천히/조심/기다리세요<br />

그림/상징,기호/웹사이트주소/문장<br />

멋진/아름다운/너무작은/헷갈리는<br />

벽에/(전화선용)전신주/문옆<br />


Unit 14. Signs<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) I think so.<br />

(B) Maybe later.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) Here you go.<br />

(B) Thank you.<br />

√<br />

3. (A) The larger one.<br />

(B) Say cheese.<br />

Are these letters big enough?<br />

번역<br />

이글자들은충분히크니?<br />

(A) 그런것같아.<br />

(B) 아마나중에<br />

Can I borrow some tape?<br />

번역<br />

테이프를빌려주겠니?<br />

(A) 여기있어.<br />

(B) 고마워.<br />

Which photo should we use?<br />

번역<br />

어떤사진을사용해야하니?<br />

(A) 큰사진.<br />

(B) 치즈해봐.<br />

4. (A) You are right.<br />

(B) The light is red.<br />

√<br />

Why did you stop?<br />

번역<br />

왜멈추었니?<br />

(A) 네가맞아.<br />

(B) 신호등이빨간불이야.<br />

T e s t<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

해설<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

3.mean 비열한,인색한<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Is the address on the sign?<br />

(A) No, it isn’t.<br />

(B) No, I don’t.<br />

(C) About 2 km.<br />

표지판에주소가있니?<br />

(A) 아니없어.<br />

(B) 아니.안해<br />

(C) 2 km정도.<br />

번역<br />

3. What does that sign mean?<br />

(A) No parking.<br />

(B) I hate parking.<br />

(C) Sue is mean.<br />

그표지판은무엇을뜻하니?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 주차금지.<br />

(B) 난주차를싫어해<br />

(C) 수는나빠.<br />

2. Where is the sign?<br />

(A) It has the address.<br />

(B) It is on the pole.<br />

(C) It is too small.<br />

표지판이어디있니?<br />

(A) 주소가있어.<br />

(B) 기둥에있어.<br />

(C) 그것은너무작아.<br />

4. Where can I hang this?<br />

(A) Yes, you can.<br />

(B) Hang it on the bulletin board.<br />

(C) The picture is hanging on the wall.<br />

이것을어디에걸어둘까?<br />

(A) 응,넌할수있어.<br />

(B) 게시판에걸어놓겠니.<br />

(C) 그림이벽에걸려있어.<br />


PART III. Short Conversations & Talks<br />

W arm-<strong>up</strong><br />

A. Learn the words and phrases.<br />

불이나가다<br />

멀리<br />

모니터<br />

가리키다<br />

복종하다,따르다<br />

burn out<br />

further<br />

monitor<br />

point<br />

obey<br />

One of the car’s lights burned out.<br />

We will go two kilometers further before we rest.<br />

The monitor shows information about today’s flights.<br />

The arrow on the sign is pointing to the right.<br />

Obey the speed limit, or you will get a ticket.<br />

1. 차의라이트한쪽이나갔다.<br />

2. 우리는쉬기전에2km를더갈것이다.<br />

B. Types of Questions: Signs<br />

3. 모니터는오늘의비행정보를보여준다.<br />

4. 표지판의화살표가오른쪽을가리키고있다.<br />

5. 제한속도를지켜라.<br />

아니면티켓을받을것이다.<br />

해설<br />

1. burn 타다,빛나다<br />

4. ticket 속도위반딱지<br />

a. Main Idea What does the sign refer to?<br />

What are the speakers doing?<br />

b. Inference Where can they see this sign?<br />

Who made the sign?<br />

c. Cause and Effect What does the sign tell them?<br />

What will happen if they don’t obey the sign?<br />

d. Facts and Details What is written on the sign?<br />

Where did she see the sign?<br />

C. Read the dialog or short talks and write the answers to the questions.<br />

W: Do we have much further to go?<br />

M: The last sign said Pottsville is 10 more kilometers.<br />

W: Oh, good. Then we’ll be there soon. 번역 W<br />

1. What are the speakers doing? __________ Driving<br />

Look. The sign says the speed limit is 20. There must be a<br />

school here.<br />

2. What does the sign tell them? __________<br />

How fast to go<br />

W: I think you need to change the sign for the party.<br />

M: What do I need to change?<br />

W: You put the time but you didn’t put the place.<br />

3. What is written on the sign? __________<br />

When the party is<br />

우리더가야하니?<br />

How fast to go When the party is Where the party is Driving<br />

번역<br />

M<br />

마지막으로본표지판에포츠빌이<br />

10km를더가야한다고쓰여있었어.<br />

W 오,좋아.그러면곧그곳에도착하겠구나.<br />

1.그들은무엇을하고있는가?운전<br />

봐.표지판에제한속도가20마일이라고쓰여있어.<br />

근처에학교가있나봐.<br />

2.표지판이지시하는것은?속도<br />

번역<br />

W 내생각에파티에쓸표지판을바꿔<br />

야할것같아.<br />

M 무엇을바꿔야하지?<br />

W 시간은적었지만<br />

장소는적지않았어.<br />

3.표지판에무엇이적혀있는가?<br />

파티시간<br />


Unit 14. Signs<br />

Exercises<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. What didn’t the man do?<br />

(A) See the sign<br />

번역<br />

남자가하지않은행동은?(A) 게시판을보았다.(B) 담배를피웠다.<br />

2. What is she trying to do?<br />

(A) Find a street<br />

번역<br />

여자는무엇을하려고하는가?(A) 길찾기 (B) 기계전원켜기<br />

3. Where are these people?<br />

(A) At the airport<br />

번역<br />

이사람들은어디에있는가?(A) 공항 (B) 레스토랑<br />

T e s t<br />

(B) Smoke<br />

(B) Turn on a machine<br />

(B) In a restaurant<br />

4. Which number does she talk about?<br />

(A) The customer’s number (B) The office’s phone number<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

여자가어떤번호를말하고있는가?(A) 손님의번호 (B) 사무실전화번호<br />

1. (M) I’m sorry, sir. I guess you didn’t see<br />

the sign, but you can’t smoke here.<br />

번역 (M) 실례합니다.선생님.표지판을못보신것같은데,여기서<br />

는담배를피우실수없습니다.<br />

2. (W) How do I turn on the copier?<br />

(M) The power switch is here on the back.<br />

(W) Someone should make a sign to tell<br />

people where the switch is.<br />

번역 (W) 복사기는어떻게켜나요?<br />

(M) 뒤에전원스위치가있어요.<br />

(W) 누가표시를해서스위치가어디있는지알려<br />

줘야겠네요.<br />

3. (M) Did the plane arrive yet?<br />

(W) Not yet. The monitor says the plane<br />

will be late.<br />

(M) Maybe we should eat something<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

while we wait.<br />

(M) 이제비행기가도착했나요?<br />

(W) 아직요.모니터에비행기가늦을거라고나오네<br />

요.<br />

(M) 기다리는동안무엇이라도먹어야겠어요.<br />

4. (W) You can sit down while you wait. Just<br />

watch the numbers above each<br />

counter. Go to the counter where<br />

your number comes <strong>up</strong>.<br />

(W) 기다리는동안앉아계세요.<br />

각카운터위에있는번호들을보시고,<br />

손님의번호가나왔을때<br />

해당카운터로가세요.<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where does this man probably work?<br />

(A) √ In a restaurant<br />

(B) At a gas station<br />

(C) At a bank<br />

(D) In a university<br />

번역<br />

남자는어디에서일하고있을까?<br />

(A) 레스토랑 (B) 주유소 (C) 은행 (D) 대학교<br />

2. What is the man looking for?<br />

(A) The entrance<br />

(C) The bathroom<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을찾고있나?<br />

(A) 입구 (B) 고속도로 (C) 화장실 (D) 전철<br />

(B) The highway<br />

(D) The subway<br />

3. Why does she think the theater is old?<br />

번역<br />

(A) People are waiting. (B) √ Some lights don’t work.<br />

(C) The movie is not good. (D) The posters are dirty.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

여자는왜극장이오래되었다고생각하는가?<br />

(A) 사람들이기다리고있다.(B) 표시등여러개가고장났다.<br />

(C) 영화가좋지않다.(D) 포스터가더럽다.<br />

1. (M) We are out of so<strong>up</strong>. Please make<br />

a sign and put it beside the<br />

번역<br />

register.<br />

(M) 수프가다떨어졌네요.<br />

사인을해서계산대옆에놔두세요.<br />

2. (M) Excuse me. Where is the restroom?<br />

(W) Upstairs. Just walk <strong>up</strong>, and you will<br />

see a sign pointing the way.<br />

(M) Thanks.<br />

번역 (M) 실례합니다.화장실이어디죠?<br />

(W) 위층에요.걸어서올라가세요.그러면<br />

향하는표시를볼수있을거에요.<br />

(M) 고맙습니다.<br />

on the sign have burned out.<br />

(W) 이극장은오래된것같아요.<br />

저쪽문에있는표지판을보세요.<br />

표지판표시등이너무많이나갔어요.<br />

화장실을<br />

3. (W) This theater must be old. Look at<br />

the sign over the door. Lots of lights<br />


Dictation<br />

Listen and complete the sentences.<br />

1. The sign _________ _________ street’s _________.<br />

The sign shows the street’s name.<br />

번역<br />

이표지판은도로명을알려준다.<br />

2. He _________ _________ sign _________ _________ _________.<br />

He painted the sign on the door.<br />

번역<br />

그는문에표시를썼다(그렸다).<br />

3. This _________ _________ _________ 10 p.m.<br />

This store closes at 10 p.m.<br />

번역<br />

이상점은10시에닫는다.<br />

4. The store’s _________ _________ _________ _________ sign.<br />

The store’s address is on the sign.<br />

번역<br />

상점의주소는표지판에쓰여있다.<br />

5. There _________ a picture _________ _________ _________.<br />

There is a picture on the sign.<br />

번역<br />

표지판위에그림이있다.<br />

6. _________ _________ sign _________ _________ _________.<br />

Hang the sign in the window.<br />

번역<br />

창가에표지판을걸어라.<br />

7. The _________ _________ is _________ kilometers away.<br />

The next city is five kilometers away.<br />

번역<br />

다음도시는5km 떨어져있다.<br />

8. The letters _________ the sign _________ _________ _________.<br />

The letters on the sign are too small.<br />

번역<br />

표지판의글자들은너무작다.<br />

9. _________ _________ flyer _________ _________ the bulletin<br />

board.<br />

Put the flyer <strong>up</strong> on the bulletin board.<br />

번역<br />

전단지를게시판에붙여라.<br />

10. We passed a _________ _________ a few _________ _________.<br />

We passed a road sign a few minutes ago.<br />

번역<br />


Review 2<br />

PART I. Picture Description<br />

Listen and choose the right answer.<br />

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

(A) She is jumping into the pool.<br />

(B) She is getting out of the pool.<br />

(C) She is sitting beside the pool.<br />

(D) She is swimming underwater.<br />

(A) 여자는수영장에뛰어들고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는수영장에서나오고있다.<br />

(C) 여자는수영장옆에앉아있다.<br />

(D) 여자는물속에서수영을하고있다.<br />

√<br />

번역<br />

(A) The bee is on the flower.<br />

(B) The butterfly is on the flower.<br />

(C) The fly is on the flower.<br />

(D) The worm is on the flower.<br />

(A) 벌이꽃위에있다.<br />

(B) 나비가꽃위에있다.<br />

(C) 파리가꽃위에있다.<br />

(D) 벌레가꽃위에있다.<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) They are cleaning the desk.<br />

(B) They are looking at the planner.<br />

(C) They are talking on the phone.<br />

(D) They are working on the computer.<br />

(A) 그들은책상위를치우고있다.<br />

(B) 그들은스케줄수첩을보고있다.<br />

(C) 그들은통화를하고있다.<br />

(D) 그들은컴퓨터를하고있다.<br />

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Review 2<br />

4. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

(A) There are balloons on the car.<br />

(B) There are cars on the road.<br />

(C) There are people holding balloons.<br />

(D) There are prices on the car.<br />

(A) 차위에풍선들이있다.<br />

(B) 길위에차들이있다.<br />

(C) 풍선을든사람들이있다.<br />

(D) 차위에가격표가있다.<br />

번역<br />

(A) The computer is turned off.<br />

(B) The finger icon is on the button.<br />

(C) The mouse is on the mouse pad.<br />

(D) The screen is very thin.<br />

(A) 컴퓨터가꺼져있다.<br />

(B) 손가락아이콘이버튼위에있다.<br />

(C) 마우스가마우스패드위에있다.<br />

(D) 화면이매우얇다.<br />

√<br />

5. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

(A) She is jogging around the field.<br />

(B) She is playing a game.<br />

(C) She is relaxing in the pool.<br />

(D) She is using the weight machine.<br />

(A) 여자는들판에서조깅하고있다.<br />

(B) 여자는게임을하고있다.<br />

(C) 여자는수영장에서쉬고있다.<br />

(D) 여자는체력기구를사용하고있다.<br />

6. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />


Review 2<br />

(A) The counter is over the menu.<br />

(B) The menu is above the worker.<br />

(C) The sign is on the ground.<br />

(D) The worker is under the counter<br />

(A) 메뉴위에카운터가있다.<br />

(B) 직원위에메뉴가있다.<br />

(C) 표지판이땅에있다.<br />

(D) 직원이카운터아래에있다.<br />

7. (A) (B) (C) (D)<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

PART II. Questions & Responses<br />

Listen and choose the right answer or statement.<br />

√<br />

1. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

2. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

3. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

4. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

5. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

6. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

7. (A) (B) (C)<br />

8. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

9. (A) (B) (C)<br />

√<br />

10. (A) (B) (C)<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

1. Where did you see the sign?<br />

(A) It did not have a sign.<br />

(B) It was on the wall.<br />

(C) No, I didn't.<br />

표지판을어디서봤니?<br />

(A) 그것은표지판이없었어.<br />

(B) 벽에있었어.<br />

(C) 아니.난안했어.<br />

번역<br />

3. Is this the right button?<br />

(A) I can’t find it.<br />

(B) No, not that one.<br />

(C) She forgot to give it to me.<br />

이것이옳은버튼이니?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 나는그것을찾을수가없어.<br />

(B) 아니,그건아니야.<br />

(C) 그녀가내게그것을주는걸잊었어.<br />

5. Where is your desk?<br />

(A) I’ll clean it later.<br />

(B) Next to the door.<br />

(C) OK, thanks.<br />

너의책상은어디에있니?<br />

(A) 내가나중에치울게<br />

(B) 문옆에.<br />

(C) 알았어,고마워.<br />

7. What is the score?<br />

(A) He won the game.<br />

(B) Three to four.<br />

(C) We can play together.<br />

점수가어떠니?<br />

(A) 그가게임에서이겼어.<br />

(B) 3대4.<br />

(C) 우리같이놀수있어.<br />

번역<br />

번역<br />

2. How do you feel today?<br />

(A) Better, thanks.<br />

(B) I didn’t touch it.<br />

(C) Yes, you may.<br />

오늘몸이좀어때?<br />

(A) 괜찮아졌어.고마워.<br />

(B) 나는만지지않았어.<br />

(C) 응,너는해도될것같아.<br />

4. How big was it?<br />

(A) About this size.<br />

(B) Pretty good.<br />

(C) Yes, it was big.<br />

얼마나컸니?<br />

(A) 이사이즈정도.<br />

(B) 아주괜찮아.<br />

(C) 응,그것은컸어.<br />

6. Did you enjoy your hike?<br />

(A) It was great.<br />

(B) Not today, thanks.<br />

(C) Up the mountain.<br />

하이킹은즐거웠니?<br />

(A) 정말좋았어.<br />

(B) 고맙지만오늘은안돼.<br />

(C) 산위에.<br />

8. Does it have a big yard?<br />

(A) Grass and flowers.<br />

(B) Not really.<br />

(C) There is a big tree in the yard.<br />

거기에큰뜰이있니?<br />

(A) 풀과꽃.<br />

(B) 그리크지는않아.<br />

(C) 마당에큰나무가있어.<br />

번역<br />

9. Should we meet at the theater?<br />

(A) It already started.<br />

(B) No, he wasn’t there.<br />

(C) That is a good idea.<br />

우리극장에서만날까?<br />

번역<br />

(A) 그것은벌써시작했어.<br />

(B) 아니,그는거기없었어.<br />

(C) 그거좋은생각이다.<br />

10. Could I have some more tea?<br />

(A) Both tea and coffee.<br />

(B) I’ll bring that right out.<br />

(C) Yes, please.<br />

차를더주시겠어요?<br />

(A) 차와커피모두.<br />

(B) 금방가져오겠습니다. 125<br />

(C) 네.주세요.

Review 2<br />

PART III. Short Conversation & Talks<br />

Listen to the dialogs. Choose the right answer.<br />

1. Where are they?<br />

(A) At home<br />

(C) At a ski resort<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

그들은어디있나?<br />

(A) 집 (B) 공원<br />

(C) 스키리조트 (D) 학교<br />

(B) In a park<br />

(D) At a school<br />

1. (M) I love camping in the mountains.<br />

(W) Yeah, but It’s too bad that we can’t<br />

have a campfire tonight.<br />

(M) Well, It's very dry.<br />

번역 (M) 나는산에서캠핑하는것을좋아해.<br />

(W) 그래,하지만오늘밤모닥불을<br />

피울수없는게너무아쉬워.<br />

(M) 그래,너무건조해.<br />

2. What is the man talking about?<br />

(A) Working in an office (B) Putting papers in a file<br />

(C) Getting a new program (D) Writing a program<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

남자는무엇에대해이야기를하고있는가?<br />

(A) 사무실에서일을하고있다. (B) 파일안에종이를넣고있다.<br />

(C) 새로운프로그램을설치한다. (D) 프로그램을쓰고있다.<br />

3. What is probably true about the man?<br />

(A) He is at home.<br />

(B) He is a doctor.<br />

(C) He is sick.<br />

(D) He works in a hospital.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

다음중남자에대한사실은무엇인가?<br />

(A) 그는집에있다. (B) 그는의사이다.<br />

(C) 그는아프다. (D) 그는병원에서일한다.<br />

4. Where does she work?<br />

(A) √ At a restaurant<br />

(C) On a plane<br />

번역<br />

여자는어디서일하는가?<br />

(A) 레스토랑 (B) 슈퍼마켓<br />

(C) 비행기 (D) 쇼핑몰<br />

(B) At a s<strong>up</strong>ermarket<br />

(D) In a mall<br />

2. (M) To install this program, first click<br />

on the file name. Then click on the<br />

destination. Finally press enter.<br />

번역 (W) 이프로그램을설치하려면,<br />

먼저파일이름을클릭하세요.<br />

그다음에도착지를클릭하세요.<br />

마지막으로엔터를누르세요.<br />

3. (W) Please take 3 of these after eating.<br />

(M) How long should I take them?<br />

(W) Until you take all the medicine.<br />

번역 (W) 먹은후에이세가지를드세요.<br />

(M) 언제까지먹어야하나요?<br />

(W) 이약을모두먹을때까지요.<br />

4. (W) Hello! I’m Kimberly and I’ll be your<br />

server today. Would you like some<br />

번역<br />

drinks first?<br />

(W) 안녕하세요저는킴벌리입니다.<br />

제가오늘손님들을모시겠습니다.<br />

먼저음료수드시겠습니까?<br />

126<br />

5. What will she do?<br />

(A) √ Go <strong>up</strong> one floor<br />

(C) Buy some CDs<br />

번역<br />

(B) Go <strong>up</strong> two floors<br />

(D) Go down one floor<br />

여자는무엇을할것인가?<br />

(A) 한층더올라간다. (B) 두개층더올라간다.<br />

(C) CD를산다. (D) 한층내려간다.<br />

5. (M) Can I help you?<br />

(W) Yes, where can I find the men’s clothing?<br />

(M) Just go <strong>up</strong> one floor. It's on the second<br />

floor, near the children's department.<br />

번역 (M) 무엇을도와드릴까요?<br />

(W) 네.남성복은어디서찾을수있나요?<br />

(M) 한층만더올라가세요.2층에있어요.아동코<br />


Review 2<br />

6. What did the man buy?<br />

(A) A video game<br />

(C) A computer<br />

번역<br />

남자는무엇을샀나요?<br />

(A) 비디오게임 (B) 축구공<br />

(C) 컴퓨터 (D) TV<br />

(B) A soccer ball<br />

(D) A TV<br />

√<br />

6. (W) How do you like it?<br />

(M) It’s great! It has a 50-inch screen and<br />

great color. I love watching it!<br />

(W) So, did you watch the soccer game<br />

yesterday?<br />

번역 (W) 이거어떠니?<br />

(M) 멋지다!50인치화면에선명한화질을<br />

가지고있네.난이걸보는게너무좋아!<br />

(W) 그래서어제축구게임을봤니?<br />

7. Where would the woman like to go?<br />

(A) A ski mountain (B) Hollywood<br />

(C) A beach<br />

(D) Home<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

여자는어디를가고싶어하는가?<br />

(A) 스키장(산) (B) 할리우드<br />

(C) 바닷가 (D) 집<br />

7. (M) So, where are you planning to go?<br />

(W) I would like to go somewhere hot.<br />

(M) How about Hawaii?<br />

번역 (M) 어디갈계획이니?<br />

(W) 나는더운곳에가고싶어.<br />

(M) 하와이는어떠니?<br />

8. What place did this person call?<br />

(A) √ A theater<br />

(B) A music store<br />

(C) A friend's work (D) A pet store<br />

번역<br />

고객은어디에전화를걸었나?<br />

(A) 극장 (B) 음악가게<br />

(C) 친구의직장 (D) 애완동물가게<br />

8. (W) The ticket office for the musical “Cats”<br />

is now closed. Please try us again<br />

tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

번역 (W) 뮤지컬CATS매표소는지금문을닫았습니다.<br />

내일9시부터5시사이에다시걸어주세요.<br />

9. Who knows how to use the FAX?<br />

(A) Tom<br />

(B) √ Bob<br />

(C) Sue<br />

(D) No one<br />

번역<br />

누가팩스사용하는법을아는가?<br />

(A) 탐 (B) 밥<br />

(C) 수 (D) 아무도모른다.<br />

9. (M) Sue, do you know how to use the fax?<br />

(W) Sorry Tom, I have no idea. But I think<br />

Bob knows.<br />

(M) I’ll ask him.<br />

번역 (M) 수,팩스사용하는법아니?<br />

(W) 미안해.탐.나도잘모르겠어.<br />

하지만밥은알거야.<br />

(M) 내가물어볼게.<br />

10. What will the man do?<br />

(A) He will do weight training.<br />

(B) He will leave with the woman.<br />

(C) He will go home.<br />

(D) He will run.<br />

번역<br />

√<br />

남자는무엇을할것인가?<br />

(A) 그는웨이트트레이닝을할것이다. (B) 그는여자와같이떠날것이다.<br />

(C) 그는집에갈것이다. (D) 그는달릴것이다.<br />

10. (W) Are you almost finished?<br />

(M) I finished all my weight-training but<br />

I still have to go running.<br />

(W) Ok, I’ll leave first then.<br />

번역 (W) 거의끝났니?<br />

(M) 웨이트트레이닝은끝났지만<br />

달리기를해야해<br />

(W) 알았어.그러면나먼저갈게.<br />


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