The Handbook of Discourse Analysis

The Handbook of Discourse Analysis The Handbook of Discourse Analysis


820 Index classroom talk discourse markers in 54, 63–4 functional analysis 504 clausal relations, and computational linguistics 803, 808 clause grammar, interaction of identification and ideation with information flow 43–4 clause types 170 clustering, lexical 314–15 co-narration 511 co-occurrence 259–60, 283, 307 COBUILD (Collins Birmingham University International Language Database) 305 coconstruction 234, 241 coda, in personal experience narrative (PEN) 638 code-switching 16, 221 in bilingual discourse 63 coding, in transcripts 322, 337 cognitive development and discourse analysis 507 and zones of proximal development (Vygotsky) 511–12 cognitive linguistics 87 cognitive processes, in discourse, computational models of 800–4 cognitive psychology 694 cognitive semantics 77, 78 cognitive sociology 759 coherence 717–18 and cohesion 306, 310, 598–600 and discourse 101–5 relations 107–12 and relevance 105–6, 112–14 texture and cohesion 47 coherence relations 101–5 in computational models 802 exemplification 102, 109–10 explanation 108–9 restatement 102, 103, 110–12 sequence 106, 107–8 taxonomy of 102 cohesion 36–7, 718 and coherence 306, 310, 598–600 defined 35 and discourse markers 55–6 and language teaching 718 resources 36–7 and texture 35–53 texture and coherence 47 see also grammatical cohesion; lexical cohesion; text cohesion cohesive devices 55 cohesive harmony, in discourse semantics 39, 40–3 cohesive ties 37, 714–15 and evaluation of text as coherent 37 collective symbols, in racism 380–1, 383 collectivism, vs. individualism 690–1 collocation and background assumptions 311–12 and cohesion 309–10 in computer-assisted corpus analysis 305 and cultural connotations 312–13 as expectancy relation 37 colloquium, academic 733–4 Colombian Spanish 64 colonial paradigm, and race relations 376 COLT (Corpus of London Teenage Language) 657 Combinatory Categorial Grammar 809 commands, in adult–child discourse 593 comment clauses, in historical discourse analysis 144 commodification, in health care 486 communication co-constructive aspects of 543–5 as a discipline 725–8 failure 106 in schools 503–17 social accountability in 729–30 see also intercultural communication; nonverbal communication communication research 725–49 and discourse analysis 734–8 examples 728–34 problematic situations 736–7 communication strategies 735–6 of conflict 653–7 gender differences as 551 in language teaching 708, 716 communicative action, and computational models 805–6 communicative approach, to language teaching 707–24 communicative competence child’s acquisition of 590, 603 grammatical, feasible, appropriate, performed 310–11 and lexical cohesion 304–20 communicative interaction, in the curriculum 708–9, 710 communicative knowledge, expressive and social aspects 54

Index 821 communicative meaning, as speaker intention 67 communicative practices, shaped by habitus 218 communicative repertoire 259 communities, “virtual” 624 communities of practice and gendered discourse 559 and media coverage 428 community, sense of, and storytelling 641 comparative genre analysis, medical writing 476–7 compartmentalization, in narrative participation 780, 783 competence 13, 77 cognitive, expressive, social and textual 54, 67 discursive 282 langue as 315 linguistic vs. communicative 590 native speaker 309, 310 and performance (Chomsky) 311 see also communicative competence complaints 238, 241, 580, 732, 762 complement clauses, with that, register variation 179–83 Table 9.3 complementary schismogenesis 540–1 complex discourse units, parsing 267–72 complicating action, in personal experience narrative (PEN) 638 componential analysis see semantic feature theory compositionality, principle of 77 comprehensive discourse analysis (CDA) 759 narrative and textual analysis 760–2 computational discourse analysis 271, 800–6 computational linguistics 798–806 computational models of cognitive processes in discourse and dialog 800–4 of ideological reasoning 406–7 of rational agency 804–6 computational perspectives on discourse and dialog 798–816 future research trends 808–9 computer-assisted corpus analysis data and terminology 305–6 of lexical cohesion example 306–9 computer-assisted observational methods 315–17 computer-assisted text, and corpus analysis 304–20 computer-generated tutorials, discourse markers in 54 computer-mediated communication (CMC) 612, 613 gendered disagreement 656–7 synchronicity of participation 614–15 computer-mediated discourse 612–34 classification of 614–16 conflict in 663 defined 612 history of research 612–13 and interaction management 618–20 and linguistic structure 616–18 medium and channel 614 medium variables 614–15 modes 616 orthography 617 and social practice 620–5 conative focus 86 concepts and nominalization 490 schemas for 781 conceptual–procedural distinction 114 concordance analysis 715 conduit metaphor of communication 79 conflict communicative strategies 653–7 discourse and 650–70, 757 and gender 659, 663 groups in, and intercultural communication 540 the meanings of 659–61 negotiation and resolution 657–9 nonverbal means 662 and political discourse 398 research trends 661–3 role of third party in resolution 658 structural properties of 650–3 termination 658 conflict talk 757, 762–3 children and cultural differences 657–8 rules 758 conjunction 36, 715 in discourse semantics 38–9 conjunctions 57 meanings conveyed by 55–6 conjunctive relations and cohesive devices 55 internal and external 38 connectives, pre-adolescents’ use of 641

820 Index<br />

classroom talk<br />

discourse markers in 54, 63–4<br />

functional analysis 504<br />

clausal relations, and computational<br />

linguistics 803, 808<br />

clause grammar, interaction <strong>of</strong> identification<br />

and ideation with information flow<br />

43–4<br />

clause types 170<br />

clustering, lexical 314–15<br />

co-narration 511<br />

co-occurrence 259–60, 283, 307<br />

COBUILD (Collins Birmingham University<br />

International Language Database) 305<br />

coconstruction 234, 241<br />

coda, in personal experience narrative (PEN)<br />

638<br />

code-switching 16, 221<br />

in bilingual discourse 63<br />

coding, in transcripts 322, 337<br />

cognitive development<br />

and discourse analysis 507<br />

and zones <strong>of</strong> proximal development<br />

(Vygotsky) 511–12<br />

cognitive linguistics 87<br />

cognitive processes, in discourse,<br />

computational models <strong>of</strong> 800–4<br />

cognitive psychology 694<br />

cognitive semantics 77, 78<br />

cognitive sociology 759<br />

coherence 717–18<br />

and cohesion 306, 310, 598–600<br />

and discourse 101–5<br />

relations 107–12<br />

and relevance 105–6, 112–14<br />

texture and cohesion 47<br />

coherence relations 101–5<br />

in computational models 802<br />

exemplification 102, 109–10<br />

explanation 108–9<br />

restatement 102, 103, 110–12<br />

sequence 106, 107–8<br />

taxonomy <strong>of</strong> 102<br />

cohesion 36–7, 718<br />

and coherence 306, 310, 598–600<br />

defined 35<br />

and discourse markers 55–6<br />

and language teaching 718<br />

resources 36–7<br />

and texture 35–53<br />

texture and coherence 47<br />

see also grammatical cohesion; lexical<br />

cohesion; text cohesion<br />

cohesive devices 55<br />

cohesive harmony, in discourse semantics<br />

39, 40–3<br />

cohesive ties 37, 714–15<br />

and evaluation <strong>of</strong> text as coherent 37<br />

collective symbols, in racism 380–1, 383<br />

collectivism, vs. individualism 690–1<br />

collocation<br />

and background assumptions 311–12<br />

and cohesion 309–10<br />

in computer-assisted corpus analysis<br />

305<br />

and cultural connotations 312–13<br />

as expectancy relation 37<br />

colloquium, academic 733–4<br />

Colombian Spanish 64<br />

colonial paradigm, and race relations 376<br />

COLT (Corpus <strong>of</strong> London Teenage<br />

Language) 657<br />

Combinatory Categorial Grammar 809<br />

commands, in adult–child discourse 593<br />

comment clauses, in historical discourse<br />

analysis 144<br />

commodification, in health care 486<br />

communication<br />

co-constructive aspects <strong>of</strong> 543–5<br />

as a discipline 725–8<br />

failure 106<br />

in schools 503–17<br />

social accountability in 729–30<br />

see also intercultural communication;<br />

nonverbal communication<br />

communication research 725–49<br />

and discourse analysis 734–8<br />

examples 728–34<br />

problematic situations 736–7<br />

communication strategies 735–6<br />

<strong>of</strong> conflict 653–7<br />

gender differences as 551<br />

in language teaching 708, 716<br />

communicative action, and computational<br />

models 805–6<br />

communicative approach, to language<br />

teaching 707–24<br />

communicative competence<br />

child’s acquisition <strong>of</strong> 590, 603<br />

grammatical, feasible, appropriate,<br />

performed 310–11<br />

and lexical cohesion 304–20<br />

communicative interaction, in the curriculum<br />

708–9, 710<br />

communicative knowledge, expressive and<br />

social aspects 54

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