What is Cosmology? - Elementary Particle Physics Group

What is Cosmology? - Elementary Particle Physics Group What is Cosmology? - Elementary Particle Physics Group

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Weighing Neutrinos with <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

“<strong>What</strong> exactly are they doing…?”<br />

arXiv:0911.5291 - PRL<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Outline<br />

1. ‘The Cosmological Model’<br />

2. Neutrino signatures in the model<br />

3. Probes of the Model<br />

• Cosmic Microwave Background<br />

• Galaxy Surveys<br />

• Supernovae and Baryon Oscillations<br />

4. Current/Previous work: Thomas, Abdalla & Lahav: [arXiv:0911.5291] - PRL<br />

5. For the Future…?<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Determining the neutrino mass <strong>is</strong> important because:<br />

OR - “things to put in funding applications….”<br />

1. Neutrinos’ mass has a significant impact on cosmological measurements<br />

_<br />

2. Incorrect neutrino mass will bias cutting edge science: dark energy<br />

_<br />

3. <strong>Particle</strong> physics - cosmology compar<strong>is</strong>on: unique check on all cosmology!<br />

- -<br />

1. Neutrinos’ mass has a significant impact on cosmological measurements<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

-<br />

• Extension to the standard model and intrinsic nature etc.<br />

-<br />

• (Neutrinos: 3 Nobel Prizes over the last quarter of a century or so!!)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Neutrino oscillations indicate they have mass!<br />

A cosmolog<strong>is</strong>t’s understanding..<br />

But not on the absolute scale of mass…<br />

• Beta-decay kinematics<br />

• Neutrinoless double beta-decay<br />

• <strong>Cosmology</strong>!<br />

For example…<br />

KATRIN<br />

nemo<br />

ST, Abdalla, Lahav (2009)<br />

Age of prec<strong>is</strong>ion <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Not just interesting<br />

An integral part of the cosmological model…<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Neutrino oscillations indicate they have mass!<br />

A cosmolog<strong>is</strong>t’s understanding..<br />

But not on the absolute scale of mass…<br />

• Beta-decay kinematics<br />

• Neutrinoless double beta-decay<br />

For example…<br />

KATRIN<br />

nemo<br />

• <strong>Cosmology</strong>!<br />

Age of prec<strong>is</strong>ion <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

ST, Abdalla, Lahav (2009)<br />

http://www-ik.fzk.de/~katrin/index.html<br />

Not just interesting<br />

An integral part of the cosmological model…<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

<strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>Cosmology</strong>?<br />

• Study of the Universe on the largest scales<br />

• Asks: <strong>What</strong> <strong>is</strong> the Origin, evolution and fate of the Universe?<br />

• Take a census of the Universe’s contents<br />

“In science there <strong>is</strong> only physics; all the<br />

rest <strong>is</strong> stamp collecting“, Rutherford<br />

BUT:<br />

Interesting contents!<br />

Themes intimately related<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Famously, supernovae indicated Dark Energy<br />

Probe of d<strong>is</strong>tance and expansion: The smooth Universe<br />

E.g., Perlmutter et al. (1999)<br />

<strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Combination of probes, data and surveys<br />

Probes of an<strong>is</strong>otropy: The clumpy Universe!<br />

APM survey: Efstathiou et al. (1990)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

The Cosmological Model<br />

The stat<strong>is</strong>tic <strong>is</strong> the ‘Power Spectrum’<br />

Does NOT predict the exact location<br />

of a galaxy or structure in the sky<br />

Does predict the stat<strong>is</strong>tical d<strong>is</strong>tribution<br />

of galaxies or structures in the sky<br />

The power spectrum tells us how much some field varies on different scales<br />

Parameters go into the cosmological model - detailing physical quantities (e.g.<br />

neutrinos or dark energy) - that change the power spectrum -> compare to data<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

The Power Spectrum<br />

“Variance of the underlying stat<strong>is</strong>tic as<br />

a function of scale”<br />

Power spectrum of people at a party<br />

• People cluster into speaking groups -<br />

separated by ~ metre<br />

power spectrum<br />

• Different groups separated by several<br />

metres<br />

• Romantically involved might be closer…<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Scale (metres)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Signatures in the Model<br />

• Suppress the growth of matter structure and cosmological perturbations<br />

Neutrinos have large thermal<br />

velocities and Free-stream out of<br />

over-densities/inhomogeneities<br />

thus suppressing the clustering of<br />

matter and galaxies<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Signatures in the Model<br />

• Suppress the growth of matter structure and cosmological perturbations<br />

Dark Matter N-body simulations<br />

0 eV Neutrinos 1 eV Neutrinos<br />

Which we see in the power spectrum…<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Signatures in the Model<br />

• Suppress the growth of matter structure and cosmological perturbations<br />

Smaller Scales<br />

Galaxy tracers = Galaxy Survey<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)<br />

E.g. WMAP and Planck<br />

Model Data Constraint<br />

Parameter degeneracy - constrain matter component<br />

=> better neutrino determination<br />

WMAP 5 year (CMB) : < 1.3 eV (95% CL)<br />

Komatsu et al. [arXiv:0803.0547]<br />

Thomas et al. [arXiv:0911.5291]<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Supernovae (SN)<br />

E.g. Supernova Legacy Survey<br />

Standard candle allows one to measure the expansion h<strong>is</strong>tory<br />

Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> sensitive to matter content of the Universe<br />

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs)<br />

Primordial CMB photon-baryon oscillations are imprinted<br />

onto late-time matter power spectrum: BAO<br />

Standard ruler allows one to measure the expansion h<strong>is</strong>tory<br />

Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> sensitive to matter content of the Universe<br />

CMB + SN + BAO : < 0.69 eV<br />

(95% CL)<br />

Thomas et al. [arXiv:0911.5291]<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

+ Galaxy Clustering! Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)<br />

• Suppress the growth of matter structure and cosmological perturbations<br />

Smaller Scales<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

+ Galaxy Clustering! Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)<br />

Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs)<br />

MegaZ: Largest galaxy survey<br />

723,556 LRGs<br />

7,746 square degrees<br />

• Luminous - can map out over Universe<br />

• Accurate redshift/d<strong>is</strong>tance information<br />

Thomas, Abdalla & Lahav - MNRAS (2010)<br />

0.45 < z < 0.65<br />

Four redshift bins<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

+ Galaxy Clustering! Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)<br />

723,556 LRGs<br />

Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGS)<br />

7,746 square degrees<br />

0.45 < z < 0.65<br />

12 Parameters:<br />

! b<br />

h 2 ;! c<br />

h 2 ;! "<br />

;#;n s<br />

;ln(10 10 A s<br />

); m $<br />

;A SZ<br />

;b 1<br />

;b 2<br />

;b 3<br />

;b 4<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

%<br />

CMB + SN + BAO + SDSS LRGs + HST: < 0.28 eV (95% CL)<br />

Thomas et al. [arXiv:0911.5291]<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Probes of <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

+ Galaxy Clustering! Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)<br />

723,556 LRGs<br />

Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGS)<br />

7,746 square degrees<br />

0.45 < z < 0.65<br />

12 Parameters:<br />

! b<br />

h 2 ;! c<br />

h 2 ;! "<br />

;#;n s<br />

;ln(10 10 A s<br />

); m $<br />

;A SZ<br />

;b 1<br />

;b 2<br />

;b 3<br />

;b 4<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

%<br />

CMB + SN + BAO + SDSS LRGs + HST: < 0.28 eV (95% CL)<br />

Thomas et al. [arXiv:0911.5291]<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Stat<strong>is</strong>tics in <strong>Cosmology</strong><br />

Bayes<br />

• Marginal<strong>is</strong>ed over the other parameters<br />

• Limit <strong>is</strong> irrespective of the other parameters<br />

• Limit accounts for uncertainty in other parameters<br />

12 Parameters:<br />

! b<br />

h 2 ;! c<br />

h 2 ;! "<br />

;#;n s<br />

;ln(10 10 A s<br />

); m $<br />

;A SZ<br />

;b 1<br />

;b 2<br />

;b 3<br />

;b 4<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

%<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

<strong>Cosmology</strong> and Neutrinos<br />

Komatsu et al. [arXiv:0803.0547]<br />

< 0.67 eV (CMB+SN+BAO)<br />

Tereno et al. [arXiv:0810.0555] < 0.54 eV (CMB+SN+BAO+WL)<br />

Ichiki, Takada & Takahashi [arXiv:0810.4921] < 0.54 eV (CMB+SN+BAO+WL)<br />

Seljak et al. [arXiv:0604335] < 0.17 eV (+ Lyman Alpha…)<br />

Systematics - e.g. winds?<br />

Thomas, Abdalla & Lahav [0911.5291]<br />

0.28 eV<br />

CMB + SN + BAO + SDSS LRGs +HST<br />

<strong>Cosmology</strong> <strong>is</strong> starting to predict that experiments such as KATRIN will not detect anything<br />

UNIQUE opportunity for cons<strong>is</strong>tency check!!!!!<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Systematics<br />

We have seen that ‘prec<strong>is</strong>ion’ cosmology <strong>is</strong> sensitive to the neutrino<br />

mass and that we are in the process of making very good constraints<br />

However<br />

Although we want tighter neutrino constraints<br />

We also want trustworthy neutrino constraints.<br />

Galaxy Bias<br />

Model underlying matter<br />

power spectrum but measure<br />

the galaxy power spectrum<br />

How are they related?<br />

Non-linearities<br />

Bias result or lose data<br />

Perturbation theory/<br />

N-body simulations<br />

Parameter Degeneracies<br />

Degeneracy with w increases<br />

error bar<br />

L_max = 300 =><br />

L_max = 200 =><br />

0.28 eV<br />

0.34 eV<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

The Dark Energy Survey (DES)<br />

http://www.darkenergysurvey.org<br />

Blanco 4m Telescope - Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO)<br />

5000 sq. deg around the southern galactic cap<br />

525 nights: Oct - Feb (2011-2016)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

The Dark Energy Survey (DES)<br />

http://www.darkenergysurvey.org<br />

Measure Dark Energy with 4 main techniques:<br />

1. Clusters<br />

2. Galaxy Clustering<br />

3. Weak Lensing<br />

4. Supernovae<br />

Also give exqu<strong>is</strong>ite information on:<br />

Neutrino masses, gravity etc….<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

In the Future…<br />

The Dark Energy Survey (DES)<br />

http://www.darkenergysurvey.org<br />

• 300 million galaxies<br />

• UCL central involvement<br />

• Data taking October 2011<br />

Forecast for Galaxy Clustering + Planck: < 0.12 eV<br />

E.g. Lahav, Kiakotou, Abdalla and Blake - arXiv: 0910.4714<br />

• Plus other future surveys will start to impinge on hierarchy<br />

• Unique cons<strong>is</strong>tency test for cosmology - are we doing it right?<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Summary<br />

• <strong>Cosmology</strong> <strong>is</strong> a sensitive neutrino experiment! (Funded billions of years ago!)<br />

• Massive neutrinos suppress the growth of structure<br />

• Probes such as galaxy clustering are sensitive to th<strong>is</strong> growth<br />

• It <strong>is</strong> an integral part of cosmological model and parameter space<br />

• Have a complete complementary constraint (sub eV region)<br />

Having produced data for a tighter constraint<br />

• The Future: Constraints with more and improved data<br />

• The Future: Understanding systematics!!!!<br />

Tighter neutrino constraint. Trustworthy neutrino constraint.<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Determining the neutrino mass <strong>is</strong> important because:<br />

OR - “things to put in funding applications….”<br />

1. Neutrinos’ mass has a significant impact on cosmological measurements<br />

_<br />

2. Incorrect neutrino mass will bias cutting edge science: dark energy<br />

_<br />

3. <strong>Particle</strong> physics - cosmology compar<strong>is</strong>on: unique check on all cosmology!<br />

- -<br />

1. Neutrinos’ mass has a significant impact on cosmological measurements<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

-<br />

• Extension to the standard model and intrinsic nature etc.<br />

-<br />

• (Neutrinos: 3 Nobel Prizes over the last quarter of a century or so!!)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

Related and Further Reading<br />

<strong>Cosmology</strong> and Neutrinos<br />

ST, Abdalla & Lahav [arXiv:0911.5291]<br />

Komatsu et al. [arXiv:0803.0547]<br />

Elgaroy and Lahav [arXiv:0606007]<br />

Seljak et al. [arXiv:0604335]<br />

Agarwal & Feldman [arxiv:0812.3149]<br />

Galaxy Clustering<br />

ST, Abdalla & Lahav [arxiv:1011.2448]<br />

ST, Abdalla & Lahav [arxiv:1012.2272]<br />

Neutrino Experiments<br />

MINOS<br />

NEMO<br />

KATRIN Contact: sat@star.ucl.ac.uk<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

The Photometric Redshift<br />

“photo-z”<br />

Observe the flux through broad filters<br />

• Template<br />

For example:<br />

# SDSS<br />

# Le Phare<br />

• Empirical<br />

Use training set<br />

# Polynomial Fitting<br />

# Neural Network<br />

Padmanabhan et al. 2007<br />

ANNz - Coll<strong>is</strong>ter & Lahav (2004)<br />

Shaun Thomas: UCL<br />

Birmingham Seminar: 2nd Feb 2011

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