Annual Report 2005 - The National Disability Authority

Annual Report 2005 - The National Disability Authority

Annual Report 2005 - The National Disability Authority


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<strong>National</strong> <strong>Disability</strong> <strong>Authority</strong><br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2005</strong><br />

Financial Statements for the year ended 31st<br />

December <strong>2005</strong><br />

Income and Expenditure Account for the year<br />

ended 31 December <strong>2005</strong><br />

Notes <strong>2005</strong> 2004<br />

INCOME E E<br />

Grant income 2(a) 4,554,612 3,925,379<br />

Net Deferred Funding for Pensions 11(b) 842,190 794,814<br />

European Year of People with Disabilities 6 18,383 629,962<br />

Other Income 2(b) 481,241 458,423<br />

5,896,426 5,808,578<br />

Transfer from (to) Capital Account 9 69,838 165,613<br />

Total income 5,966,264 5,974,191<br />


Projects and Commissioned Work 3 1,166,858 1,138,149<br />

European Year of People with Disabilities 6 23,454 672,948<br />

Development, Support and Administration costs<br />

Payroll 4 2,582,123 2,327,721<br />

Pension Costs 11(c) 1,078,496 865,744<br />

Administration Costs 5 935,915 735,508<br />

Depreciation 8 182,901 234,186<br />

4,779,435 4,163,159<br />

Total Expenditure 5,969,748 5,974,256<br />

(Deficit)/Surplus for the year (3,483) (65)<br />

Retained Surplus at 1 January <strong>2005</strong> 376,841 376,906<br />

Retained Surplus at 31 December <strong>2005</strong> 373,358 376,841<br />

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses<br />

(Deficit )/Surplus for the year (3,483) (65)<br />

Actuarial Loss/(Gain) on Pension Liabilities 558,000 2,105,000<br />

Adjustment to Deferred Pension Funding (558,000) (2,105,000)<br />

Total Recognised (Loss)/Gain for the year (3,483) (65)<br />

<strong>The</strong> results for the year relate to continuing operations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Statement of Accounting Policies, the Cash Flow Statement, and Notes 1 to 16<br />

form part of these Financial Statements<br />

Signed: (Chairperson) (<strong>Authority</strong> Member)<br />

(Director)<br />

Date:<br />


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