June 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

June 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine

June 2007 (PDF) - Antigravity Magazine


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vol.4 no.8 june ‘07<br />

your new orleans music and culture alternative<br />

DJ Jubilee:<br />

King of Bounce,<br />

now and forever<br />




www.antigravitymagazine.com<br />



vol.4 no.8 june ‘07<br />

your table of contents<br />


DJ Jubilee_page 14<br />

The King of Bounce talks to Ballzack about his history, the<br />

possibility of collaborating with Manny Fresh, and a threemillion-dollar<br />

contract<br />

COLUMNS:<br />

ANTI-News_page 4<br />

Some of the news that’s fit to print<br />

Alex McMurray talks sea<br />

chanties, the Tin Men, bringing<br />

back Royal Fingerbowl and, of<br />

course, curmudgeons_page 10<br />

The Goods_page 5<br />

Kerry Fitts and her salvaged-material art<br />

Live New Orleans_page 6<br />

Songe find solace in INXS and talks Iraq, non-rock bands<br />

winning best rock band awards, and more<br />

Note From La Vista_page 7<br />

Another look at the La. to L.A. disconnect<br />

Saint Nick_page 8<br />

The Saints’ new punter, the N.O. Blaze, WR Robert<br />

Meachem and calling out those who incite unrest<br />

Sound Advice_page 9<br />

Can a band make a lot of money by having their music<br />

in a commercial?<br />

REVIEWS:<br />

Feature Review: Wilco_page 17<br />

Look! Up in the Sky Blue Sky!<br />

Books_page 18<br />

Mississippi Sissy<br />

Comics_page 19<br />

Hack/Slash: Ongoing #1<br />

Films_page 20<br />

The Valet, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End<br />

Music_page 21<br />

Albums by: Dan Deacon, Ozomatli, Je Suis France, Sea<br />

and Cake, Bjork, Bill Callahan, Grinderman, Arajay<br />

EVENTS:<br />

Listings_page 23<br />

Suggested events<br />

COMICS:<br />

Illustrations_page 26<br />

Qomix, How To Be Happy, The K Chronicles,<br />

The Perry Bible Fellowship, Load

STAFF INTRO letter from your editor<br />

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief:<br />

Leo McGovern<br />

leo@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Associate Editor:<br />

Patrick Strange<br />

patrick@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Senior Writer:<br />

Dan Fox<br />

fox@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Contributing Writers:<br />

Henry Alpert<br />

halpert@yahoo.com<br />

Andrew Bizer<br />

andrew@bizerlaw.com<br />

Liz Countryman<br />

liz@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Marty Garner<br />

martygarner@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Lisa Haviland<br />

haves34@hotmail.com<br />

Dakota M<br />

sil3ntstatic@yahoo.com<br />

Mike Rodgers<br />

mikerodgers@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Nicholas Simmons<br />

simmons@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Jason Songe<br />

jasonsonge@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

J.W. Spitalny<br />

jw@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Mallory Whitfield<br />

mallory@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Alan J. Williams<br />

alan@thesimon.com<br />

Cover Photographer:<br />

Dan Fox<br />

fox@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Intern:<br />

Andrea Narcisse<br />

andrea@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

Ad Sales:<br />

Amy Ordogne<br />

amy@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

985-630-4590<br />

We like stuff! Send it to:<br />

131 South Scott St.<br />

New Orleans, La. 70119<br />

ANTIGRAVITY is a free publication<br />

released monthly (around the 1st, like<br />

a gub’ment check) in New Orleans<br />

and Baton Rouge, as well as online.<br />

ANTIGRAVITY is a publication of<br />



Homepage:<br />

www.antigravitymagazine.com<br />

MySpace:<br />

www.myspace.com/<br />

antigravitymagazine<br />

Here we are at the end of Spring, the beginning<br />

of Summer and, for ANTIGRAVITY, a<br />

new year. It’s hard to believe that three years<br />

ago we were sweating in the French Quarter,<br />

Uptown and Mid-City, lugging around copies<br />

of our first issue in a red wagon. Times have<br />

changed since then, but not too much—we’re<br />

still sweating, but that red wagon left with the<br />

flood and we use plain ol’ elbow grease to get<br />

those copies where they need to go. It’s all worth it, especially after<br />

“that thing that happened in 2005” and all the support we’ve had since<br />

then. Over the third year of AG, some things happened to me that<br />

I never thought could: I was married and I became a character in a<br />

comic strip. Getting married didn’t have anything to do with AG, but<br />

I don’t think I would’ve been as good a candidate for After The Deluge<br />

(smithmag.net/afterthedeluge; the above picture of me is by A.D. artist<br />

Josh Neufeld) without it. Thanks to everyone who’s supported the<br />

magazine over the past three years—you’ve helped me fulfill a life-long<br />

dream. I’d also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all the<br />

people who help keep this ship afloat, and all those who have pitched<br />

COLUMN<br />

anti-news and views<br />


7/29: My Brightest Diamond, Rasputina, House Of Blues<br />

8/01: Tokyo Police Club, Republic<br />

10/28: Voodoo Music Experience, City Park<br />


The <strong>2007</strong> edition of the New Orleans Bookfair is set for Saturday,<br />

November 10th, and while it doesn’t yet have a venue the Bookfair<br />

promises to be the same neat collection of underground and<br />

alternative artists and bookmakers it always is.<br />


D. Lefty Parker, manager and booking agent at the Circle Bar for over<br />

two years, has resigned. The club’s New York owners seem to have<br />

decided to not only carry on without Lefty but without a presence in<br />

the music scene—the club will close in July for renovations and when<br />

it reopens will feature no live music. Where the regular Circle Bar<br />

shows will diffuse to remains to be seen, but one thing’s for certain—<br />

it’s the end of an era.<br />


From Jessica Carpenter, on columnist Patrick Strange’s May edition of<br />

“Notes From La Vista:”<br />

It made me remember my first impressions of L.A. - how the<br />

sunlight is like an Edward Hopper paining overexposing everything.<br />

The amount of new money here is overwhelming, but not as<br />

overwhelming as the amount of “artificiality” everywhere. There<br />

aren’t a lot of signs of history in this town. Architecture is torn down<br />

and made new. Even Downtown’s original art deco buildings will be<br />

forfeited to the park and the entertainment complex they’re installing<br />

now. It’s taken me a long time to weed through the artificial people<br />

and places here and get comfortable. Supposedly 7,000 actors and<br />

musicians move to Los Angeles every day. I’m not sure how many<br />

move out. Maybe it’s the level of “recycled everything” here, the lack<br />

of history in the surroundings, and the constant revolving of residents<br />

that make it so uncomfortable. Unlike a place of instant warmth like<br />

New Orleans or Brooklyn or even Manhattan, although vast and<br />

tough, have neighborhoods that feel welcoming and comforting.<br />

Your comparison of New Orleans and Los Angeles is really<br />

interesting for this reason—because New Orleans and its historical<br />

beauty is a place of Old Money, as if St. Charles Avenue could be Bel<br />

Air Drive 100 years from now, repopulated with a reborn culture -<br />

but that will never happen here, because this town doesn’t value itself<br />

or its history like New Orleans, unfortunately.<br />


Because we enjoy performing public service, please peruse this post<br />

taken from Missed Connections on neworleans.craigslist.org on May<br />

18th:<br />

“You want to talk about missed connections? I have about 10 or more<br />

in over the past three years. Generally, I owe a debt of gratitude to<br />

all our current writers, as well as everyone who’s contributed in the<br />

past. I’d specifically like to thank Jay Jones (former film writer), who<br />

helped start our film review section, and Noah Bonaparte (former<br />

Senior Editor), without whom this magazine wouldn’t have made<br />

its first anniversary, much less its third. Currently, I’d like to thank<br />

Associate Editor Patrick Strange, who’s been pitching in over the past<br />

few months from sunny Los Angeles but will be returning to our<br />

fair city soon (probably just in time to evacuate). Last, but not least,<br />

I’d like to thank our advertisers, some of whom simply keep us alive<br />

from month to month: we couldn’t do it without you. Special thanks<br />

to Shannah and Katey from Twisted Hair Salon—you guys are super.<br />

Folks, we’ve got big things planned for our fourth year of publishing,<br />

so keep an eye out—we’re not aiming to disappoint. In the meantime,<br />

check out this issue’s extended interviews with a couple of local<br />

stalwarts from their respective scenes, Alex McMurray and DJ Jubilee.<br />

And don’t forget to stop by One Eyed Jacks on Friday, <strong>June</strong> 15th for<br />

our 3rd anniversary show, featuring the White Bitch and Big Baby<br />

alongside former cover artists One Man Machine and Metronome the<br />

City. As always, we’ll see you out! —Publisher, Leo McGovern<br />

a day, (which actually makes me picky compared to volume). The number<br />

of attractive women who come through our store is astronomical. The<br />

one thing that everyone has to do at Whole Foods is check out, so I<br />

interact with anywhere from 100 - 200 people or more a day.<br />

Unfortunately for me, I have a code of ethics that prevents me from<br />

exchanging info with a customer unless that customer suggests it first.<br />

I don’t chance harassing customers by getting too personal. That’s just<br />

irresponsible, unethical, bad for business, and downright awkward. I<br />

flirt constantly and see that flirting returned, but unfortunately most,<br />

but not all girls want a guy to make the first move. Sorry, ladies; I can’t<br />

do that on the clock.<br />

So, girls, if you see an attractive cashier beaming with wit and<br />

charm and wonder why he just hasn’t made that move it’s because<br />

he can’t. If you are an active, adventurous, college-educated woman<br />

with a healthy social life who craves excitement, takes care of her<br />

appearance is between the ages of 21 and 35 and you happen to come<br />

through my line or walk up to me while I’m working the bagging area<br />

then mention craig’s list to me, I’ll give you a high five. I like people<br />

willing to take risks, and this may be your only chance since I am<br />

leaving Whole Foods after the summer to begin my new career.”<br />


File this in the “Who thought this was a good idea” department:<br />

Master P is the star of Black Supaman, a direct-to-DVD movie due on<br />

August 7th and features P as, well, a black Superman who prowls New<br />

Orleans circa 2069. Black Supaman co-stars Tony Cox, Chris Kennedy<br />

and Michael Blackson. For more info, go to blacksupaman.com.<br />


In what might be the most striking blow to AG editor Leo McGovern’s<br />

television-watching schedule since The Simpsons started to suck<br />

somewhere around 2002, the <strong>2007</strong> version of major network upfronts<br />

resulted in the official cancellations of both Studio 60 On The Sunset<br />

Strip and Veronica Mars. The axing of Studio 60 wasn’t unexpected,<br />

as news of the shows’ sets being dismantled made its way through<br />

the internet weeks before NBC announced its Fall schedule, but<br />

Veronica’s was slightly surprising because the CW leaked word that<br />

it was pleased with the final two episodes of the show’s third season.<br />

NBC is burning off the last few episodes of Studio 60 over the first<br />

couple Thursdays of <strong>June</strong>, and Veronica Mars’ last episodes aired on<br />

May 22nd.<br />

04_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

COLUMN<br />

fashion<br />



by miss malaprop mallory@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

My favorite types of artists are those who repurpose salvaged materials in their work.<br />

To me, turning one person’s trash into another person’s recycled masterpiece<br />

often demands a lot more creativity than using new, store-bought materials. The<br />

use of salvaged goods also seems to inspire artists to produce a wider range of products<br />

than many who work with more conventional materials. There are quite a few local artists<br />

who have this same philosophy and utilize recycled components whenever possible. Artist<br />

Kerry Fitts spoke with me recently about what keeps her inspired to recycle.<br />

Kerry creates a wide variety of items using repurposed vintage or newer materials.<br />

When she needs a part and can’t find it used (a snap or button for instance), she searches<br />

out fair trade or organic components. Kerry’s favorite things to make are her shotgun<br />

houses, which are assembled from found objects and debris and created to honor the<br />

unique architecture and homes of New Orleans. These creations got their start when<br />

Kerry wanted a way to utilize the bits of wood and metal she would find on walks around<br />

the bayou. She also greatly enjoys working with salvaged textiles to create purses and one<br />

of a kind cuff bracelets (which are my personal favorite among Kerry’s creations).<br />

Kerry told me that she has always been “a bit of a do-it-yourselfer and avid recycler.” During<br />

high school she made jewelry out of bits and pieces she scoured from thrift stores. After returning<br />

to New Orleans for graduate school, she<br />

got more serious about her creations and<br />

in 2001 began selling her jewelry at the<br />

Bywater Art Market. She eventually got<br />

bored of making jewelry, and around the<br />

same time she started getting requests<br />

from friends and family for the salvage art<br />

shotgun houses she had been making. She<br />

began to sell the art houses as well as her<br />

textile creations in place of jewelry.<br />

Kerry was greatly influenced by<br />

some other local artists early in her<br />

journey as a professional crafter. She<br />

met Alice Redman, of Alice Art, and<br />

Carol Thibodeaux, who creates folk art<br />

gourds, through art shows at Fair Grinds<br />

Coffeehouse. Both women had already<br />

been in the business of making and<br />

selling their art for many years, and they<br />

gave Kerry a ton of helpful advice about<br />

doing local art markets and how to build<br />

a clientele in a simple, low-tech way.<br />

These artists helped point Kerry in the<br />

right direction for shows and venues that<br />

would be right for her work. She heeded<br />

their advice and it has paid off—Kerry’s<br />

work has been featured in both the<br />

national DIY publication Readymade as<br />

well as New Orleans Homes and Lifestyles<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>. She also sells her work through<br />

the New Orleans Botanical Gardens gift<br />

shop, where 40% of the proceeds go<br />

towards saving and restoring City Park.<br />

Kerry says that Hurricane Katrina<br />

forced her to get a website and marketing<br />

materials. Kerry and her partner, artist<br />

Heather Mattingly, lost their newly<br />

purchased studio in the storm, including<br />

paintings and materials. And just like other area artists, she found that her pre-Katrina<br />

clientele had all but disappeared. She decided to put a positive spin on the situation and<br />

worked on expanding her business online. Kerry set up a website (www.beulahbythebayou.<br />

com), a blog (http://thriftinginoblivion.blogspot.com), and two Etsy shops, each selling<br />

different products (http://bayousalvage.etsy.com carries the fabric cuffs and some folk art<br />

and http://rustchic.etsy.com has pretty much everything else Kerry makes). As she told me,<br />

“Having a website means people can find you from all over the world. And they do.”<br />

Katrina also opened up new arenas for Kerry to sell her work in other states, including<br />

antique shops and boutiques. But perhaps most importantly, she says that Katrina emphasized<br />

the importance of keeping her materials 100% recycled whenever possible. For her, the storm<br />

drove home the notion that “what and how we consume can impact our environment.”<br />

When Kerry isn’t creating, she works full-time as an instructor at Delgado in what she calls<br />

a “fantastic adult education program.” She has also kept busy by participating in the Artists’<br />

Village at Wednesdays at the Square in Lafayette Park. The spring series of live music, local<br />

food and arts and crafts ends this month—the last date is Wednesday, <strong>June</strong> 20th. If you do<br />

stop by to see Kerry and her work in person, just tell her Miss Malaprop sent you.<br />


antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_05

COLUMN<br />

local music<br />



by jason songe jason@liveneworleans.com<br />


The point I’m about to make sounded so much better in my head a couple hours ago.<br />

I’ve lost the fat, and I’m down to the tasty morsel, if it is even that. I rediscovered<br />

INXS and I found out that I like them. I wouldn’t have thought this, but it’s true. I<br />

converted my head—my mean, snobby head. I showed my head that it’s not important<br />

anymore whether or not I was supposed to like INXS when I was in high school. It’s<br />

not important whether I thought they were a crappy dance band with no substance<br />

or grit. And, sure, INXS is pretty glossed over, but today I found that they write<br />

hella good pop rock songs and a touching ballad, here and there. And that’s all that<br />

matters. I have hopefully conquered all those that would “p-shaw!” at me if I told<br />

them I like INXS. I move onto the next band that I’ve programmed myself not to like,<br />

hoping to remove even more of the discriminatory black from my heart.<br />


Every once and a while, I come upon a band that has cut up my favorite music, rearranged<br />

it, and offered it back to me in a different package. It’s music that existed in<br />

my mind before I even knew it was there. Stinking Lizaveta plays such music. They call<br />

themselves “doom jazz,” a moniker that warms my heart. Yes, what I’ve been waiting<br />

for, someone to bring together doom metal and freakout jazz. The instrumental band<br />

is a ten year-old trio of guitar, bass, and drums that are just as likely to sludge out<br />

and riff away Van Halen style as they are to deconstruct themselves into dreamy,<br />

boundless excursions. Go to fabchannel.com, where you can watch a scarily recent<br />

concert of theirs. Also visit concert.tv for more concerts.<br />

PURGE<br />

The Iraq war always lies at the bottom of a daily stack of worries in my mind. But,<br />

when I do think about it (usually as a result of cnn.com) my face flushes, my breath<br />

shortens, and my skin tingles. Lately, I’ve been purging this anger and frustration with<br />

the help of Rage Against the Machine, Americana rocker James McMurtry and Oakland<br />

metal group Totimoshi. Each artist has spoken out against this administration and the<br />

war, either in their lyrics or publicly. I saw a great bumper sticker that said: “Forget<br />

Iraq. Rebuild New Orleans.” It’s exactly how I feel. How much easier is to play G.I.<br />

Joe and the hero than to actually do the less glamorous job of dealing with domestic<br />

poverty, outsourcing, and the public school system, not to mention New Orleans,<br />

which is still struggling? Do I even need to say that? Are you people fucking clueless?<br />

Have you come down from Washington and looked at this place lately? FUCK!!! We<br />

can’t afford to police the world with so many problems at home. Why let fear get<br />

the best of us and be so pre-emptive about the terror concern? It’s not about that,<br />

is it, though? It’s about the oil, and meanwhile, our citizens, our boys, are dying over<br />

there, one by one, day by day. And there’s no end in sight.<br />


I have only myself to blame. In the hopes of maybe hearing some Rage, Tool, Nirvana,<br />

or Pearl Jam, I tune in to 104.1. Instead I hear crap like Godsmack, specifically<br />

“Voodoo,” which has lyrics like “I’m not the one who’s so far away/When I feel the<br />

snake bite enter my veins.” I’ve gotten angry at a lot of ridiculously banal nu metal<br />

lyrics, but for some reason, these really set me off. What the hell is he talking about?<br />

He sounds like a third grader who doesn’t have the proper vocabulary to express a<br />

feeling of numbness or detachment. Instead, the third grader just says “far away.” Not<br />

to mention that song is terrible. Lord, keep my testosterone in check and allow me<br />

no need to turn to 104.1. Please keep my dial on 91.5, 90.7 or 870 AM. Amen.<br />


Only in New Orleans would a funk band win for “Best Rock Band” at an awards<br />

ceremony. At Gambit Weekly’s Big Easy Awards, Bonerama beat out Bingo! and<br />

Morning 40 Federation. Aren’t rock bands supposed to be dangerous, subversive,<br />

excitable, and rebellious? What do those factors have in common with forty to fiftyyear-olds<br />

who re-hash the (admittedly awesome) hits of yesteryear (“Crosstown<br />

Traffic,” “The Ocean”)?<br />


I went into the Domino Sound Record Shack for the first time a month ago. It’s a<br />

relatively new store on Bayou Road (coming from downtown on Esplanade, take a<br />

right at Broad and another right at Bayou Rd. and it’s in that first block on your left)<br />

that specializes in vinyl, local and national. No CDs, and when I asked the owner if<br />

they had a e-mail list, he gave me that “I hate computers” look. I bought a R.E.M. tape<br />

for $2 and a Best of Ric Records tape for $3. Ric Records was an old local R&B label<br />

that put out Irma Thomas, Eddie Bo, and Al Johnson, among others.<br />

06_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

COLUMN<br />

commentary<br />



by patrick strange patrick@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

L<br />

os Angeles has a wonderful way of making you believe in the impossible. The<br />

thousands of aspiring thespians, musicians and fashionistas that migrate to<br />

L.A. every year is a true testament to the city’s power. From far-flung outcrops<br />

across Middle America to rural townships that litter the South, something about<br />

L.A. beckons the idealistic dreamers among us all; no matter ilk or education.<br />

Think back to when you were in high school and to those kids with the<br />

porcelain complexions, the insatiable hankerings for a summer abroad in Paris<br />

and killer deliveries in the school production of Brigadoon, if they didn’t stumble<br />

into matrimony following the senior trip to Cancun, chances are that they are<br />

somewhere living the dream in L.A.<br />

And good for them.<br />

L.A is a force to be reckoned with and its greatest talents are those that seep<br />

into your skin slowly, medicating you in small doses like a nicotine patch. The<br />

hype and the glitter dazzles, but the feel of a place is what holds you; anchors you<br />

and keeps you from moving on. It’s this thing that makes a city. It’s unnamable;<br />

unmovable. There is no relevant place without it.<br />

Take New Orleans. People come to New Orleans for all sorts of reasons—the<br />

romance, the lifestyle, the way a row of shotgun houses line up in a majestic<br />

uniformity on a bright day—but why do they stay? It’s something else. It’s beyond<br />

the people and the talk and the smells and it’s difficult to locate, much less<br />

communicate.<br />

People that share a love for a place have a quiet understanding. Places are<br />

important.<br />

What is fascinating about living in L.A. is the sense that time can be suspended,<br />

drawn-out, put on hiatus and completely stopped. To anyone from the Deep<br />

South where the years and days are nearly split in two perfect halves—summer<br />

and winter, equal hours of day and night, dry season and hurricanes season—time<br />

passes in a series of quick forward jolts like a wheelbarrow pushed through deep<br />

mud. We might for a while forget worldly matters, but sooner or later the blows<br />

of time smack us in the face. A sudden, dark thunderstorm on a hot summer day<br />

does this, as does a September cold front; an evacuation—all measuring sticks<br />

that help us gauge where we’ve been and where we’re going.<br />

The weather in southern California is glorious. I cannot lie. I’ve never seen<br />

such color. I drove through Salinas Valley and Steinbeck held dominion over<br />

everything. Until then, I never understood the meaning behind all the “mustard<br />

yellow valleys” and “glinted mountains” of the California writers, but I do now.<br />

And in the city it’s no different. I, at first, thought that Los Angeles was just a<br />

jagged scrape of cement and metal; a big desert-Pacific version of Baton Rouge. I<br />

was wrong. I’m astonished at how angular the light can be and how many patterns<br />

a building can take during a single afternoon.<br />

The only thing is…every day is a sunny day. For three months I haven’t seen a<br />

drop of rain or a thunder cloud or even a fog that could make your shoelaces wet,<br />

much less the back of your neck. And the temperature, forget it. The temperature<br />

here is better controlled than in a natural history museum. Thus, the tonic starts<br />

to course through your veins and suddenly, nothing changes. With every day like<br />

the last one, you begin to lose track of time. You wake up in the morning and the<br />

sun’s so bright through the windows that you forget to go outside all day, and<br />

even the next. People don’t normally call you but when they do, it seems that<br />

the voice comes from some far insurmountable place where even if plans were<br />

made; you’d be too lethargic to carry them out. Why bother? There’s always<br />

tomorrow.<br />

Los Angeles does this. There’s a heavy isolation that hangs around just long<br />

enough for it to become familiar; almost depended upon. A cozy conservatism<br />

wraps you up like a thick blanket and you start thinking that you can live here,<br />

just like this, forever.<br />

I want more than anything a hard rain, like the ones that you can set your watch<br />

to during summer afternoons back home. I’d give anything for a crashing lightning<br />

strike, a power outage, a street flooding—a puddle. Perhaps there is something<br />

after all to the feeling of pending apocalypse in L.A. All the film images of urban<br />

decay, environmental catastrophe, earthquakes, and riots burning block after<br />

block speak of the primordial fear that Los Angelenos have of sudden, violent<br />

change. But, maybe it’s not all dread but also a sort of welcoming; a preparedness<br />

for the inevitable. Maybe it’s a secret, almost unthinkable longing for something<br />

to come and wake us up from all this dreaming and set us out again in a direction<br />

worth going towards.<br />

And in this way, we will all be brought up to speed.<br />

antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_07

COLUMN<br />

sports<br />



by nicholas simmons simmons@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

P HANSON vs. P STEVE WEATHERFORD The Saints had their first “What the?!”<br />

transaction of the ’07 offseason when they signed Chris Hanson (the punter, not the Dateline<br />

pedophile-catcher—that’s Chris Hansen) to a one-year contract. Hanson was released by the<br />

Jacksonville Jaguars after they drafted a punter in the fourth round of the ’07 draft, and he’s<br />

probably best known for, three games into the ’03 season, gouging his non-kicking leg with an axe<br />

and needing emergency surgery to close the gash (Jack Del Rio’s mantra at the time was to “Keep<br />

chopping wood,” and the coach placed a giant stump in the locker room to motivate the players).<br />

One wonders why the Saints brought in a punter to compete against Steve Weatherford, who<br />

joined the Saints as an undrafted free agent in ’06 as an extra leg for training camp but became<br />

the full-time punter after Mitch Berger’s pelvic injury didn’t heal in time for the regular season.<br />

Weatherford became a solid punter as the season went on, ending up with a net average of 37.5<br />

yards per punt with 10 touchbacks and 19 kicks downed inside the 20 yard line. To put that in<br />

a bit of perspective, Craig Hentrich of the Tennessee Titans (who ESPN’s Scouts Inc. ranks as<br />

the best punter in the NFL) had an ’06 net average of 37.3 per punt, with 10 touchbacks and 32<br />

punts downed inside the 20 yard line. I’d chalk up the discrepancy of downed-in-the-20 punts<br />

to the Saints having the NFL’s top-ranked offense—they punted far fewer times and with better<br />

field position than the 8-8 Titans. The biggest aspect of Berger’s injury was losing him as a kickoff<br />

specialist—John Carney’s leg was pitiful in that respect, and after Weatherford’s kickoffs weren’t<br />

spectacular, the Saints signed Billy Cundiff for the remainder of the season just to handle kickoffs.<br />

That issue was recently solved, however, when the Saints traded for kicker Olindo Mare, who<br />

handles both field goals and kickoffs. Landing a good young punter doesn’t happen every year,<br />

and Weatherford showed so much progress in ’06 that I wonder if bringing in a veteran to<br />

potentially take his job will destroy his confidence. To this point, almost everything Sean Payton<br />

has touched has worked out in his favor, so you’ve got to give the Saints’ brass the benefit of<br />

the doubt—maybe bring bringing in Hanson will push Weatherford even harder and allow the<br />

second-year player to make another big jump in ability.<br />


sponsor of the New Orleans Blaze. By the time you read this the Blaze, New Orleans’ all-female<br />

tackle football team, will be past the halfway point of their eight-game season and at press<br />

time the team is 3-2. The Blaze have already played half their home games, splitting those by<br />

beating the Emerald Coast Barracudas 30-0 and losing to the Pensacola Power 22-7. I haven’t<br />

had a chance to write about the Blaze yet because I hadn’t seen a game in person—I attended<br />

the game against the Power, and a few things became evident: If you’re as football-hungry as<br />

I am (i.e., very), you’ll be happy to know that the style of football the Blaze and the Women’s<br />

Football Association play is more in line with the NFL than the Arena League and the N.O.<br />

Voodoo’s—we’re talking hundred-yard fields and twenty-two players on the field at a time.<br />

The team’s play is passionate, the game is easy to follow and tickets are $10. Attendance hasn’t<br />

been high, averaging just around 400, but they’ve had a bit of bad luck with scheduling—their<br />

first home game was on NFL Draft Day and the game I attended was at Buddy Lawson Field<br />

instead of their usual Bertolino Stadium, as well as being the same night as the big Oscar De<br />

la Hoya and Floyd Mayweather fight. The Blaze, the loss to the Power withstanding, regularly<br />

puts up over 300 yards of offense, and with multiple receivers with more than 100 yards each<br />

the team seems loaded on that side of the ball.<br />


buzz about Saints first round wide receiver Robert Meachem and his showing up to minicamp<br />

in May out of shape and quickly accruing an ankle injury. Until Meachem produces in a big-time<br />

way, he’ll be in a bit of a no-win situation—forget that he showed up to the teams’ organized<br />

team activities and did all of his work while catching passes from Drew Brees, all with his ankle<br />

at 90%—every time he gets nicked up he’ll be compared to the last Tennessee wideout the<br />

Saints spent a first round pick on, the constantly hamstrung Donte Stallworth. Here’s why<br />

Meachem will be successful with the Saints: Sean Payton has shown that he knows how to<br />

work a player, particularly one who have little playing experience, into his offense while hiding<br />

that player’s deficiencies. Meachem will be weaned into the Saints’ offense while being used as<br />

a kick returner, much like Reggie Bush was a year ago.<br />


It certainly looked like NOLA.com pulled the most inflaming quote from the Times Picayune’s<br />

interview with outgoing Tulane sports law expert Gary Roberts for one of their homepage<br />

headlines on May 28th: “Saints and Hornets will eventually leave.” Now, just to be fair, Roberts<br />

actually said that “the reality is that unless New Orleans pulls off an absolute miracle and comes<br />

back a richer, stronger city than before, the Saints and Hornets will eventually leave.” Roberts<br />

admits that a year ago he was even more pessimistic about our chances at keeping the Saints,<br />

and goes on to say that without a new stadium the Saints will likely leave. Let me say this: the<br />

sports fans of the Greater New Orleans area (and surrounding cities of the Gulf Coast) pulled<br />

the proverbial rabbit out of their hat when they bought up not only all the Saints’ ’06 tickets but<br />

created a waiting list for season tickets that goes above 25,000. We’ll see how the Hornets do in<br />

’07/’08, their first full season back in New Orleans. For now, thank the Times Pic and NOLA.com<br />

for inciting unrest when there isn’t any. The point is that both franchises are doing what needs to<br />

be done to be successful now—let’s worry about them leaving when they have reason to. Don’t<br />

tell us the sky is falling, because, if ticket and suite sales are any indication, at least Saints fans have<br />

no plans to give Tom Benson any good reason to pull away.<br />

08_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

COLUMN<br />

legalese<br />



by andrew bizer andrew@bizerlaw.com<br />

Dear Andrew,<br />

How much money do you get when your song is used in a commercial?<br />

Thanks,<br />

Gary G.<br />

Gary,<br />

There is no set formula for how much advertisers pay to license music for<br />

commercials. The process is completely negotiable. However, it is important to<br />

note that before a song can be used in a commercial, the advertiser needs to<br />

secure two licenses: a synchronization license and a master use license.<br />

A synchronization license allows the advertiser to synchronize the song in timed<br />

relation with a moving image. This means that any time you hear a song while<br />

watching TV or a movie, whoever produced that TV show, movie, or commercial<br />

was granted a synchronization license. Synchronization licenses are granted by<br />

the owner of the song, who is also known as a music publisher. The other license<br />

needed is a master use license, which allows the advertiser to use the actual sound<br />

recording in the commercial. Usually, the owner of the sound recording is the<br />

record company.<br />

If an advertiser is not granted both licenses, they cannot use the song in their<br />

commercial. Usually, they offer both the music publisher and the owner of the<br />

master recording an equal sum for their respective licenses. Since you can’t have<br />

one without the other, it makes sense to offer an equal fee for each license.<br />

However, an advertiser can get around this problem by having other musicians<br />

re-record the song they want to use. When this occurs, they still have to pay<br />

the songwriter, but they don’t have to pay the record label of the original artist.<br />

That’s why when you hear Beatles songs used in commercials, you often times do<br />

not hear the Beatles’ original versions. For instance, when Phillips used “Getting<br />

Better” in their ads, they had the heavily Beatles-influenced British band Gomez<br />

perform the song . Allstate went one step further and hired Julian Lennon to sing<br />

“When I’m Sixty-Four” in their television ads (which makes no sense because<br />

everybody knows “When I’m Sixty-Four” is a quintessential Paul song). While<br />

Phillips and Allstate still had to pay the music publisher of those songs, the use of<br />

a Gomez master recording comes a good bit cheaper than the original recording<br />

from Sgt. Pepper. Phillips and Allstate most likely paid the music publisher of those<br />

songs ten times what they paid Gomez and Julian Lennon to perform them.<br />

To finally answer your question, if a company wants to use the original recording<br />

of a famous song, it is not out of the ordinary for them to pay millions of dollars<br />

for the synchronization and master licenses. When you hear a less popular band<br />

like the Shins or the Walkmen in a commercial, the advertiser most likely paid less<br />

than $75,000 for both licenses. Again, it’s all negotiable, but those are the ballpark<br />

figures.<br />

Dear Andrew,<br />

How awesome was Freedom Fest?<br />

Yours truly,<br />

Chad<br />

Freedom Fest was very awesome. Lefty and Dustin did a great job. I can’t wait until<br />

Freedom Fest 2008.<br />

Andrew Bizer, Esq. is an attorney admitted to practice in Louisiana and New York. He<br />

is currently an associate at Kanner and Whiteley, L.L.C. He previously served as the<br />

Manager of Legal and Business Affairs at EMI Music Publishing and has worked in the<br />

legal department at both Matador and Universal/Motown Records. This column is to<br />

be used as a reference tool. The answers given to these questions are short and are<br />

not intended to constitute full and complete legal advice. The answers given here do not<br />

constitute an attorney/client relationship. Mr. Bizer is not your attorney. But if you want<br />

him to be your attorney, feel free to contact him at andrew@bizerlaw.com. Or, just email<br />

him a question and he’ll answer it in next month’s ANTIGRAVITY.<br />



antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_09


music<br />



by jason songe jason@liveneworleans.com photos by zack smith smitzack@gmail.com<br />

I<br />

didn’t know New Orleans music before Alex<br />

McMurray, just like I didn’t know rock before<br />

Nirvana. I had heard it, of course, at parades and<br />

various private celebrations, but it wasn’t until I<br />

dug in with him and other ubiquitous musicians on<br />

the blooming ‘90s scene, like Jonathan Freilich, Kevin<br />

O’Day and Rob Wagner, that I understood how<br />

loose, colorful, funny, and genre-spanning it could be.<br />

Whether it was playing with All That at the Dragon’s<br />

Den, Tin Men and Royal Fingerbowl at the Matador,<br />

or by himself at the Circle Bar, McMurray was a large<br />

part of my local awakening.<br />

Over the years, McMurray has established himself<br />

as the most talented songwriter in New Orleans.<br />

Like any poet, McMurray is adept at describing the<br />

cracks in between the human experience, but his<br />

empathy for eccentrics and fuck-ups is really where<br />

it’s at. Through his heartbreaking character studies,<br />

he’s been able to expose the beauty in people’s<br />

imperfections and the way they disintegrate. Luckily<br />

for us, he peppers his songs with wry humor and is<br />

also able to celebrate the bouncier aspects of life, an<br />

example being the song “Cabral.”<br />

Those of you that enjoy his wicked lead guitar<br />

playing as much as his lyrical and compositional talents<br />

will love to know McMurray has more outlets for<br />

soloing than ever. Since sought-after performers like<br />

Freilich and O’Day have lost some of their bands to<br />

Katrina, I think I can confi dently say that McMurray,<br />

besides his solo act, now plays with more groups than<br />

any other local musician—Tin Men (the most genredefying<br />

and unique local band), the Geraniums, 007,<br />

Happy Talk, Schatzy, and the Folk Rock Trio.<br />

All this from a guy who isn’t even supposed to<br />

be here. McMurray moved to New York in October<br />

of 2004, but after being encouraged by recently<br />

deceased Royal Fingerbowl record producer Keith<br />

Keller to return to New Orleans, McMurray and his<br />

wife Kourtney did just that in February of 2006.<br />

“’Cause we’re crazy,” said McMurray over the<br />

phone in his half-serious, half tongue-in-cheek tone.<br />

“If you could do the stupidest thing you could think<br />

of, that would be it. Keith said ‘you’ve got to be a part<br />

of the rebirth, blah, blah, blah,’ and then the fucker<br />

croaks on us.” Something to know before we get<br />

into the mid-May interview I had with McMurray at<br />

his Bywater home is that you have to learn how to<br />

listen for the sentimentality that trickles through his<br />

grizzled veneer. Since returning to New Orleans, he<br />

and his wife have become cultural leaders, creating<br />

Chazfest and the Fifth Season Summer Tuesday<br />

Nights, wherein the couple has and intends to<br />

continue showing movies on a screen in the beautiful<br />

backyard of the Truck Farm recording studio.<br />

During the interview we focused on his new<br />

album, Guano and Nitrates, offi cially credited to the<br />

Valparaiso Men’s Chorus. This is the chorus of local<br />

men he put together to sing as his band recorded<br />

sea chanties in November of 2004 at the Mermaid<br />

Lounge. The genesis for the idea came in late 2002,<br />

when McMurray sang sea chanties as Cap’n Sandy at<br />

Tokyo Disney. Since the CD Release Party for the<br />

album at the Saturn Bar was such an out-of-control,<br />

drunk, rollicking success, look for more performances<br />

from the chorus in months to come.<br />

10_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


music<br />

ANTIGRAVITY: Kourtney told me you have a<br />

really interesting story.<br />

Alex McMurray: It’s not that interesting. It’s just that I was at<br />

Freedom Fest at the Circle Bar. I was standing there on the<br />

sidewalk. We had just played with Luke (in The Happy Talk<br />

Band). This guy turns around and punches me in the face.<br />

AG: Out of nowhere?<br />

AM: He just wheeled around and clocked me.<br />

AG: You hadn’t been talking to him or anything?<br />

AM: No. I’ve seen the guy around. I don’t even know his name.<br />

He thought that I had spit on him.<br />

AG: Oh.<br />

AM: He said, “Dude, why’d you spit on me?” Well, there are<br />

people out there with water pistols. They had a water balloon<br />

launcher and water pistols and all sorts of shit like that. The guy, I<br />

guess, got squirted and he thought that I spit on him, so he turned<br />

around and fuckin’ clocked me. Look at my lip. He turned my<br />

head all the way around and really fucked up my neck.<br />

AG: What’d you do?<br />

AM: I just stood there. I didn’t fall down. I was in such shock<br />

that I was like, “What?!” I guess most guys would have hit him<br />

back or something. After I thought about it for about thirty<br />

seconds I was, “Wait, I should go kick this guy’s ass.” It was<br />

the weirdest...<br />

AG: He didn’t apologize or anything?<br />

AM: He did, of course. He apologized profusely, and all this. I<br />

still think it was a little bit overreacting, don’t you think? I was<br />

afraid you were going to come over with some photographer<br />

or something.<br />

AG: Are you still at the point where you get<br />

nervous on stage?<br />

AM: Yeah, only if I’m singing. If I’m not singing, it’s no problem.<br />

But, if it’s songs I wrote, yeah.<br />

AG: Even at the Wednesday night Circle Bar gigs<br />

that you do a lot?<br />

AM: Yeah, I do.<br />

AG: Because sometimes you look detached.<br />

AM: There’re a lot of different factors involved. Who’s in<br />

the audience? I get more nervous when there are people I<br />

know there. If it’s people I don’t know, I’m more relaxed. I<br />

get uptight when there are people there who are there every<br />

week. I’m like, “Oh, man, I have nothing new for these guys.”<br />

That’s a drag.<br />

AG: Maybe they don’t want anything new.<br />

AM: But I feel like I owe it to them to at least have one<br />

thing that’s different. That’s the good part about that gig. It<br />

should force you to always be working on something new,<br />

but unfortunately, the way I arrange my life, normally the first<br />

thing to get jettisoned is my own thing. There are all these<br />

other things that I’m doing. What kind of an idiot puts on a<br />

musical festival during Jazzfest? You’re a working musician and<br />

you play in, like, six bands, and then you put on a festival?<br />

AG: [Laughs] You’re trying to make it easy on<br />

yourself, obviously.<br />

AM: What’s the matter with me, you know?<br />

AG: I think Chazfest is great. It seemed like it<br />

really worked out.<br />

AM: Yeah, it worked out, but the night before Chazfest I was at<br />

my Wednesday night gig and I looked at the clock, wondering<br />

when I could get out of there. I was operating on two hours<br />

sleep. My mind was somewhere else. This was the Jazzfest gig<br />

I’ve been doing for years, and it should be a big night in my<br />

musical career, but it was the last thing on my mind. At that<br />

point, there’s no point in bitching. It’s already happening. Make<br />

the best of it, that sort of thing.<br />

AG: I wasn’t there the year before, but there must<br />

have been more people this time around.<br />

AM: There was a bigger turnout. Not by a whole lot, but there<br />

was more. The first year we had rain for four hours. As soon<br />

as it started, it started to rain. It didn’t make people leave; it<br />

just made people not come. People had a great time, though.<br />

There was a lot more stress the first year. This year, it seemed<br />

like more of a machine. We switched it on, and it just sort of<br />

ran itself.<br />

AG: So, next year, it’ll be that much easier.<br />

AM: [Laughs] Yeah, you’ll see. Next year. Yeah, okay.<br />

AG: Oh, no? Is that it?<br />

AM: It could be. If we’re going to do it again—it’s too much<br />

work for no money. It would have to be profitable. The amount<br />

of work that Kourtney did. The graphic design. Designing the<br />

postcards and the t-shirts and the ads and the signs. She works<br />

on that for months. It’s got to be done months in advance<br />

to get in the publications. The website and all this stuff. You<br />

spend a lot of time on the phone. Like me, I get the stage<br />

together, the sound together, book the bands, and you know,<br />

get the toilets. Stuff like that. We both work on it. It’s a pretty<br />

tough racket.<br />

AG: Even with the door, were you still in the red?<br />

AM: If we lost money, it was insignificant, but if we made<br />

money, it was also insignificant. To do it next year...<br />

AG: Maybe some real sponsors?<br />

AM: Real sponsors and legit permits and we’ve got to make<br />

a lot of money. It’s too much work. It was a great time and a<br />

great party, but I kind of need money. [Laughs]<br />

AG: [Laughs] Well, if people liked it enough,<br />

maybe you could raise the admission next<br />

year and people would be willing to show their<br />

appreciation by paying it.<br />

AM: Yeah, and maybe fewer bands. We’ve got to raise the<br />

profile of the thing, and that means corporate sponsors, which<br />

makes it kind of ugly. It’s kind of tacky. Maybe we could get<br />

Abita to provide the beer.<br />

important was alcohol to the recording? I have<br />

this image of you playing the chorus with alcohol<br />

so you would get more of this drunken, all-forone<br />

feel.<br />

AM: It was definitely part of our focus. You can’t have the<br />

yo-ho-ho without the bottle of rum. The overall gestalt was<br />

that we were going to do it at the Mermaid, in a bar. It’s going<br />

to take the greater part of the evening. We’re going to start<br />

around five and then go ‘til we’re done. The guys would be<br />

able to come and go. It would be very loose that way. We’d<br />

learn the song and do it until we figured we got a good take,<br />

and then we’d move onto the next song. Meanwhile, there’s a<br />

film crew, and everyone’s drinking. The last tune we did was<br />

“Rio Grande.” It was one of those moments where the chorus<br />

had had it. Half of them were outside...<br />

AG: Going, “When is this going to be done?” Or<br />

were they just too drunk?<br />

AM: They were too drunk and just worn out. I’ll never<br />

forget that. There was a buzz, this terrible buzz in one of the<br />

microphones that was picking up Jonathan Freilich’s guitar<br />

solo.<br />

AG: Because the voices were so loud?<br />

AM: No, because, I guess because Jeff was wasted in the<br />

control room. [Laughs] There was so much mayhem that it<br />

got overlooked. That was a nightmare, trying to get the buzz<br />

off the track.<br />

AG: How did you decide to augment the way you<br />

traditionally see a sea chantey performed with<br />

more of this New Orleans sound?<br />

AM: It’s a natural thing. For a sea chantey record—first of all,<br />

electronic instruments almost can’t do it, even though I played<br />

“The sea chantey purists would want nothing to do with this<br />

because trombones are way out, but we have bass drum and<br />

tuba, so it’s kind of like a brass band approach to things.”<br />

AG: That’s not so bad.<br />

AM: Maybe Southern Comfort. Somebody was talking to me<br />

about some local company—New Orleans Rum. Things like<br />

that. We’ve got to know how to walk the fine line between<br />

solvency and tackiness.<br />

AG: Why did it take you so long to release the sea<br />

chantey CD?<br />

AM: I’d had the idea (while) in Japan to record these songs,<br />

but with a New Orleans slant, like with Carlo Nuccio playing<br />

drums. We did the recording at the Mermaid right before<br />

Thanksgiving ‘04. Jeff (Treffinger) did a mix; Clint (Coker) did<br />

a mix. There were these mixes, and the guys in the chorus<br />

were bitching at me because the chorus wasn’t loud enough. I<br />

played it for Jonathan (Freilich), and he said [McMurray doing<br />

an amazingly spot-on Freilich voice impression]: “Oh, man,<br />

what is this? There’s not enough chorus.” I wanted more<br />

chorus, too. Anyway, at this point the Mermaid was gone, we<br />

had these mixes that weren’t really happening, and, of course,<br />

August of 2005 rolls around. After that the sea chantey record<br />

went on the backburner. I was in New York, Jeff was in Texas,<br />

and Clint was somewhere, and we don’t have a mix that<br />

people are happy with. It was all on analog tape—half inch<br />

tape, which we had the last two rolls for purchase in Orleans<br />

Parish in 2004.<br />

AG: How could it be the last tape?<br />

AM: We got it from this store that was the only place you<br />

could get it, and it was closing down. We wanted to get six,<br />

but they only had two left, so we had to do only one take of<br />

every song.<br />

AG: Was better that way because you were more<br />

focused?<br />

AM: The record was a testament to mayhem. But it was great.<br />

Anyway, we had to do a transfer from analog to digital. We<br />

were going to mix it on the machine, but the machine was<br />

mechanically flawed. It changed speeds and it had noise in it.<br />

After that we started doing mixes with Jack Neely, who runs<br />

the studio, and Ben Mumfrey. Ben did most of it. Then, it’s got<br />

to be mastered and artwork.<br />

AG: Yeah, that makes sense. Everybody took a<br />

year after Katrina just to get back on track. How<br />

an electric guitar. The tuba is a natural fit, the washboard<br />

seems like a natural fit, even though it’s probably something<br />

you’d never see on a boat. We had pennywhistles, Rick<br />

Trolsen on trombone. The sea chantey purists would want<br />

nothing to do with this because trombones are way out, but<br />

we have bass drum and tuba, so it’s kind of like a brass band<br />

approach to things. We also had accordion and fiddles, which<br />

are very traditional. We just wanted to get all these different<br />

flavors together and let it rip. When I was in Japan, I remember<br />

doing my job, which was walking around this restaurant playing<br />

“Drunken Sailor.” One day I was playing it really fast, because<br />

nobody’s listening. I’m walking around in costume. They’re<br />

all Japanese, and they don’t understand a thing I’m saying.<br />

I’m playing with a swinging feel, the way it is on the record. I<br />

was like, “Man, when I get back home, I’m going to get Carlo<br />

Nuccio on this, and Matt Perrine, and we’re going to do this.”<br />

I guess that was the genesis of the idea. The impetus was to do<br />

the songs with New Orleans instrumentation.<br />

AG: I think it’s much better than just doing the<br />

thousandth traditional sea chantey album. You<br />

put your own slant on it.<br />

AM: We’re waiting to see how it fits into the sea chantey<br />

canon.<br />

AG: When I picture you performing in Japan, for<br />

some reason I picture you performing on stage,<br />

but no, you performed in a restaurant?<br />

AM: I worked at the Cape Cod Cook-Off. The show was in a<br />

big, big dining hall with picnic benches, and on the stage was this<br />

half animatronics, half live action show. It was two alternating<br />

shows. One was Donald’s Boat Builder’s. It was Donald,<br />

Goofy, and Mickey trying to build a boat with all this mayhem<br />

going on around them. The shows were about seven minutes<br />

long. The other show was the Chipmunks doing something up<br />

there. There was a big boat on hydraulics with steam piped in<br />

and music—the voices were piped in. The people would get in<br />

costumes and just go up there and move around.<br />

AG: Were you familiar with the sea chanties on<br />

the record before you left for Japan?<br />

AM: No. I tried like hell to find sea chantey records. I first<br />

became aware of the job in 2001. It was Adam Shipley<br />

antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_11


music<br />

(from Tipitina’s) that put me in touch. There was a website<br />

called songsofthesea.com. It’s still up, but it’s got a different<br />

name now (contemplator.com/sea). They had these MIDI<br />

files—if you took a Casio keyboard and played “Blow The<br />

Man Down” through it, that’s what it would sound like<br />

[McMurray imitates it by singing the “Blow” melody like a<br />

Wizard of Oz munchkin]. You could read the lyrics and hear<br />

the tune, so you could pretty much tell how the line goes,<br />

though there’s no singing, just the melody. I went through<br />

all these tunes and I went to amazon.com and found one<br />

record, called Men’s Corral. It was Burl Ives corny, but lovely<br />

in a weird way.<br />

AG: Was it a little bit too put together?<br />

AM: It sounds like a twenty-to-thirty man chorus with four<br />

parts: basses, baritones and tenors. It’s very clean, refined,<br />

sophisticated arrangements of these tunes. I’m in the dark.<br />

I ask Shipley to ask Disney, “Please, what are the tunes?”<br />

They’re like, “Oh, don’t worry about it.”<br />

AG: You want to do your research. You want to<br />

do a good job.<br />

AM: I’m freaking out. They’re like, “Don’t worry about it.<br />

They’ll show you what to do in Japan, on the other end.”<br />

And I’m like, “ That doesn’t sound right.” There weren’t any<br />

sea chantey records on amazon.com. At least, I couldn’t find<br />

any. I looked everywhere. Then, I did this MIDI thing. I do all<br />

this crazy preparation, visas and whatnot, get on the plane,<br />

and get to Japan. I finally meet with the director of the show,<br />

who’s Japanese, at the orientation. There’s a translator and<br />

the other Cap’n Sandy, John, a sixty-four-year-old guy from<br />

Gainesville, Florida who knows over three hundred and fifty<br />

sea chanties.<br />

AG: There you go.<br />

AM: Yeah, but—I sit down and they say, “Play a sea chantey.”<br />

I played the three that I knew, but I hardly remembered those.<br />

I was playing my own tunes.<br />

AG: [Laughs]<br />

AM: I played a song that I wrote.<br />

AG: Did you pass it off as a sea chantey?<br />

AM: Well, Cap’n John knew I was full of shit, but he didn’t say<br />

anything. He was like, “Well, I never heard that one before.”<br />

AG: You’re like, “Shut up, Cap’n John.”<br />

AM: I said, “I must have different records than you.” So, anyway,<br />

it was struggle but I got a twenty-minute show together.<br />

AG: Why are you called the Valparaiso Men’s<br />

Chorus? Is it because of Valparaiso, Chile?<br />

AM: Yeah, Valparaiso was a famous, some would say infamous,<br />

Chilean seaport. It was a major port of call for sailing,<br />

merchant, whaling ships. What they exported there was bat<br />

shit and guano, to get the nitrates out of it to make saltpeter.<br />

Valparaiso is mentioned in a lot of sea chanties. “We’re off to<br />

Valparaiso/Around the horn.” When you go around the horn,<br />

you’re inevitably going to end up in Valparaiso.<br />

AG: I’m going to completely get off the sea<br />

chantey topic. I love what you do with the<br />

Geraniums and the color you add to their<br />

music. I know Jeff Treffinger (of the Geraniums,<br />

the Saturn Bar and Truck Farm) made your<br />

solo record and he’s played on your songs, as<br />

well, but how did your collaboration with the<br />

Geraniums come about?<br />

AM: The Geraniums have had a couple of color guys<br />

throughout the years, whether it be on harmonica, fiddle,<br />

or trombone. I’m not sure how I got picked to do it, but<br />

one day Jeff said, “Hey man, would you come play with the<br />

Geraniums?” I jumped at it. They used to play at the Circle<br />

Bar on Sunday nights when I bartended there. They’d play<br />

and there’d be no one there. I could sit in with them because<br />

there was no one to serve.<br />

AG: So, you already knew the songs...<br />

AM: I’d heard them, and some of them I still really don’t know.<br />

It helps that they’re mostly in D. It kind of hurts, in a way.<br />

Like, “What am I going to do with D this time?” I love Jeff and<br />

Brendan’s songs.<br />

AG: When are you going to come out with another<br />

solo or Tin Men record?<br />

AM: That’s the $64,000 question. I guess I’ve got enough tunes<br />

that I could do a record. It’s also a question of money. There<br />

was talk for a while to get a label like Yep Roc to finance it,<br />

but they didn’t bite. Financing a record by yourself—it’s doable<br />

because I did it, but you amass credit card debt doing that. I’m<br />

still paying it off.<br />

AG: Seems like Tin Men is more of an every-twoyears<br />

type of group.<br />

AM: Yeah, but the Tin Men haven’t been playing much. Matt’s<br />

really busy with Bonerama. We’ve got a couple ideas for<br />

records. We might do a record that’s all by one composer,<br />

or we might do one record that’s all composed by us. We<br />

always have a record that’s originals and unoriginals. We have<br />

moxie. We’ll put our heads together one of these days and<br />

figure it out.<br />

AG: You all perform Dirty Dozen’s “Blackbird<br />

Special” live. That’s my favorite song you do live,<br />

probably because the way you do it has such a<br />

concentrated anxiety to it.<br />

AM: [Laughs] Yeah, for me it is. It’s a very difficult song to play.<br />

It’s one of the most taxing tunes, for me, anyway. And there’s<br />

not even any singing.<br />

AG: Did you have any specific approach when<br />

covering it? Are you more of a traditional person<br />

when covering songs, or do you veer off the<br />

beaten path a bit?<br />

AM: We do the All That arrangement, the Davis Rogan<br />

version. That’s a tune we used to do with that band. It was<br />

like, “Okay, it’ll be funny—we’ll take this brass band tune and<br />

do this weird, not so fat instrumentation.”<br />

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AG: I’ve talked to you in passing about getting Royal Fingerbowl back<br />

together, and you’ve said people don’t care but the people I’ve talked to<br />

say differently.<br />

AM: Well, you know, those fourteen people are still around.<br />

AG: [Laughs] That’s exactly what you said last time.<br />

AM: Whenever someone asks me about the Fingerbowl, I always talk about those fourteen<br />

people. And the fourteen people really loved it.<br />

AG: But that’s not enough to make any money, is it?<br />

AM: Whenever I feel like making that seventy bucks, we’ll go out there and do it. We could<br />

probably get those fourteen people out to Carrollton Station.<br />

AG: You know, you might find those fourteen people brought one friend<br />

each, and then all of a sudden, there’s twenty-eight.<br />

AM: But, you see, these fourteen people are like those guys in the army jackets.<br />

AG: [Laughs] The curmudgeons?<br />

AM: The guy in the army jacket at the end of the gig that wants to ask you about your gear.<br />

“What year amp is that? ‘64? That’s what I thought.”<br />

AG: And you’re a little creeped out?<br />

AM: Well...<br />

AG: I got it.<br />

AM: We did an Uptown party a year or two ago and Becky Lloyd said, “I really want the<br />

Fingerbowl.” I said, “Okay.” It’s not impossible.<br />

AG: Are you able to make a living as a musician in New Orleans?<br />

AM: I have. For ten years I didn’t have a job. Since we’ve been back we’ve been kind of—we<br />

did a little work for Jeff on this house here. We painted that place—Kourtney and me. My<br />

friend has a rental property on Congress Street that had Katrina problems, lost a lot of the<br />

roof. It needed to be gutted, blah, blah, blah. He’s living in New York now, so I supervised<br />

that for him. I don’t know if I can make a living. The last month has been—I’ve made a living<br />

this month.<br />

AG: So, it’s month to month?<br />

AM: You talk to guys and you know that summertime’s going to be slow. You got to line up<br />

your ducks so you can make it through the summer. It’s good to get out of town. Duking it<br />

out down here can be really demoralizing.<br />

AG: You’ve been playing for so long, and I’m wondering if you’ve ever gone<br />

through lulls where, out of frustration, you’ve thought about giving up<br />

writing and performing and recording?<br />

AM: Sometimes you get frustrated. Never to the point where I’ve said, “Fuck it, I’m going to<br />

get a straight job.” Sometimes you say, “Fuck it,” but you don’t really mean it. The good times<br />

are really great, and the bad times are really bad, but overall it’s a good life. I have no other<br />

skills.<br />

AG: Recurring players in your songs are drink and water, patrons of which<br />

tend, to me, to be misfits or lonely. I was wondering if you have a soft spot<br />

for curmudgeons or the unwanted.<br />

AM: Yeah, I think everybody can relate to that as a romantic notion. Loneliness, sentimentality,<br />

ne’er-do-wells, drinkers, brawlers, people in the bar. Saloon society. Sometimes I make up my<br />

mind not to write about these people anymore, but it’s sort of inevitably goes back to that<br />

sphere.<br />

AG: Because you live in that atmosphere, as well?<br />

AM: I don’t know. I work in bars. I used to go to bars a lot more than I do now. I used to<br />

live at the R Bar. I’d get done playing and go to a bar. I could never go straight home, but I<br />

don’t do that anymore. I used to spend a lot of time at Markey’s. I got out of that group, you<br />

know. I haven’t written too many songs in the last year, and the ones I have written really have<br />

nothing to do with it at all. I wrote a song about Cabral, this recurring guy named Otis, the<br />

two Katrina songs. I’m working on a song for Chaz to sing in the Tin Men. I’m trying to write<br />

a dance number. It’s baffling to me.<br />

AG: Do you think New Orleans is more forgiving of the socially inept?<br />

AM: Absolutely. This town’s got its own social code. People tolerate lateness. They know you<br />

can’t be expected to do things early in the morning. Half the people you know are in bands<br />

or work in bars or restaurants. The bon vivant factor is high. You’ve heard the expression, “If<br />

you can’t make it here, don’t leave”?<br />

AG: [Laughs] That’s great.<br />

AM: New York has their saying, and we have ours.<br />

AG: Eccentrics are celebrated here.<br />

AM: Yeah. What’s going to happen to all the guys that hang out at stores, drinking Busch beer<br />

all day? I see these guys floating around town, waiting for the bus. You can do it. The people<br />

that float around the Circle Bar, the homeless guys. The train station is right there. It’s a<br />

pretty forgiving town. There’s this couple that’s been going through my songs, and they’re still<br />

together but they’re terrible for each other.<br />

AG: You can’t figure out why they’re still together! They’ve been through<br />

things and stood by each other.<br />

AM: They just get into so much trouble together. There’s something primal about their love<br />

that I find fascinating.<br />

AG: It doesn’t make any sense.<br />

AM: This couple, they should really get out the bars and go take care of their kids.<br />

Thanks to Kourtney for entertaining me with water, books, NPR (Andrei Codrescu!), footage of the<br />

album release party and a tour of the backyard while I waited for McMurray to join me for our<br />

interview. For more info on Alex McMurray, the sea chaney album and any of the bands McMurray is<br />

a member of, go to alexmcmurray.com or myspace.com/alexmcmurray.<br />

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interview by ballzack ballzack.com intro and photos by dan fox fox@antigravitymagazine.com<br />

What is bounce? Some say, in a very National Geographic kind of way, that it’s “Call and response<br />

music with a synthesized drum track foundation.” But that doesn’t sound like much fun, and if<br />

bounce is anything, bounce is fun. Some call it “Project music” as a term of endearment and as<br />

a put-down, but that seems kind of limiting, considering the vast and ever-increasing fan base it<br />

has taken on over the years, including such local music acts as Mr. Quintron, Telefon Tel Aviv, and Oakdale’s<br />

own Ballzack. Some just say “Man, if you have to ask...,” and it’s tempting to leave it at that, but where does that<br />

get us in our quest to appreciate this musical style’s amazing history? Bounce is a lot of these things and none of<br />

these things, but essentially it is sonic democracy in action, combinations of shared beats and harmonies, verses<br />

and shout-outs that inspire a feverish need in the pelvis as well as civic pride when your school, your street, your<br />

ward, your projects, your college, or your name is called upon to act. And at the heart of it all is DJ Jubilee and<br />

Take Fo’ Records, home to all six of Jubilee’s albums.<br />

Taking his stage name from Jubilee Dunbar of the Saints (circa 1973), DJ Jubilee is responsible for making bounce<br />

the athletic, party-minded, and school-spirit music we know and love today. If you’ve been to a prom, half-time<br />

show, Mardi Gras parade, block party, wedding, or even a bar mitzvah or two in the past fi fteen years, Jubilee’s<br />

music has been there, igniting and guiding the crowd. Jubilee has also weathered the storm of bounce’s growing<br />

pains, whether it was losing a court battle to the better-funded Cash Money over the ownership of “Back that<br />

Ass Up” or losing his fans to the redevelopment of certain neighborhoods (including the St. Thomas) and, of<br />

course, Katrina. Jubilee seems to understand that New Orleans needs him more than ever, not only to remind<br />

us of happier times but also to get us through these current times as we struggle to maintain in our beloved New<br />

Orleans—or some far away place in the meantime. As a devoted fan, walking encyclopedia, and torch-bearer of<br />

bounce, Ballzack was the natural choice to lead an interview with DJ Jubilee. That a former student of West Jeff<br />

High School could meet with his (substitute) teacher and dialogue on the past decade-plus of bounce music speaks<br />

volumes on its lasting power. Get ready, ready.<br />

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BZ: I want to ask you about the early days of<br />

bounce. How did you get into it? Was there a<br />

specific moment where you were like “I want to<br />

do this?”<br />

JB: Well, I’ll say this: bounce back then, man, it was fun.<br />

Not saying it’s not fun now, but it was so much fun back<br />

then because we were all new to it. I heard that a guy in my<br />

neighborhood had an album out; his name was T.T. Tucker.<br />

Well, I been knowing Tucker since he was a kid; I coached<br />

him in little league football. I said, “Hold up, I gotta find out<br />

what he’s saying” because I know Tucker. So I heard the little<br />

tape they had out on the street, right: “MC T.T. Tucker, DJ<br />

Irv, 1992 Haaaaa...” And he was just talking about anything:<br />

buy me an outfit, get me this, buy me that…Lord! During<br />

them days you had Soulja Slim, Lil’ Slim, PNC, UNLV and<br />

them; they used to just jump on the mic at each club: Club<br />

49, Club Detour, places like that. At the time, T.T. Tucker<br />

was one of the hottest ones on the street, and I was like<br />

“Man, everybody’s following this crazy stuff; it don’t make<br />

no sense!” I followed him, doing a couple of concerts to see<br />

what the crowd was like, but I never thought about getting<br />

into the business. But it so happened that my DJing was so<br />

popular when I left (For Grambling State University) and<br />

when I came back it was still popular so I started DJing all the<br />

high schools, especially where I graduated from, Walter L.<br />

Cohen Senior High School. So when I started teaching over<br />

there I started doing all the dances. We had dances every<br />

week, I mean we rollin’. I used to put rappers on at one time<br />

and let them rap; and all of a sudden they started cursing so<br />

I had to trim it down a little bit. A friend of mine, his name<br />

was Tyronne Jones (we called him “Rip.” He plays for the<br />

Voodoo right now; number “1”), he was doing a dance but<br />

he was doing it so funny and he had me laughing the way<br />

he was sliding left and right, left and right; so when I came<br />

home I just said “Do the Jubilee.” So we started doing the<br />

Jubilee and the whole gym just started doing it for no reason,<br />

because they needed something to do. Then next week, the<br />

Magnolia came with a dance: the Eddie Bauer. The Calliope<br />

came with the Jerk Baby Jerk...when that trend caught off<br />

them first few dances and we were giving dances every week<br />

that summer? Aw man, everybody came with a dance. And<br />

before you know it, I had over fifty something dances on the<br />

first album: Stop, Pause Do the Jubilee All...<br />

BZ: Let me ask you about the production. Why<br />

the “Trigga Man” beat?<br />

JB: At a club in the St. Thomas, T.T. Tucker’s uncle used to DJ<br />

with Trigga Man in a club called My Place. He used to scratch<br />

the “Trigga Man” instrumental for two hours. We in the club<br />

all day boppin’ our heads...it almost became a dance! We<br />

walking around, giving daps, talking to each other while the<br />

music’s going on: “What’s happenin’ man? Nothin’ we chillin...”<br />

[Tucker’s uncle] was in the club before Tucker even started.<br />

He was DJing back to back, alcohol sprayed on the record and<br />

everything. Back in the day you used to see DJs licking they<br />

fingers, touching the record. You don’t see that no more. And<br />

then came the “Brown Beat.”<br />

BZ: Right, tell me about the history of the ‘Brown<br />

Beat.’<br />

JB: “Brown Beat” came by luck; somebody happened to hear<br />

the beat somewhere. I think Cash Money was the first one to<br />

use that beat with UNLV or either Mia X, Joe Blakk, somebody<br />

in that era and we caught on to it. And then somebody said,<br />

“Let’s put ‘Trigga Man’ and ‘Brown Beat’ together.” It was<br />

“Trigga Man” by itself then “Brown Beat.” And when you ran<br />

them on top the beat was even fresher and even thicker.<br />

BZ: The “Paid in Full” beat was big, too.<br />

JB: We went from “Trigga Man,” to the “Brown Beat,” to “Paid<br />

in Full.” Then we started mixing all three of them. After that,<br />

here come DJ Manny Fresh with that “Trigga Man” beat with<br />

the drum machine with what we called the “Cheeky Blakk”<br />

beat—<br />

BZ: With the soul claps on it—<br />

JB: There it is. And once he integrated that he really changed<br />

New Orleans music; he created a whole new sound for the<br />

city. It’s like he donated that beat to the city.<br />

BZ: Have you worked with Manny Fresh? Is there<br />

any possibility of that?<br />

JB: No, we never did. Me and Manny Fresh, we knew each<br />

other from way, way back and from my Grambling days. We<br />

had a big New Orleans group up there in Grambling, and we<br />

invited him to come do a New Orleans concert and it was off<br />

the chain. I got to know him personally because instead of him<br />

staying at a hotel he stayed at the house with us and we joked<br />

all night, laughed, played football in the house. We didn’t go<br />

“When you make a hit you might last six months, then you<br />

dead, you gone. But when you do a New Orleans bounce<br />

song? Man, it lasts a long time.” —Jubilee<br />

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to sleep until four o’clock in the morning because we were<br />

moving furniture out the way and playing throw up tackle in<br />

the living room. That’s how much fun we had and that’s why<br />

he respects me so much. But all the years I’ve been trying to<br />

do something with him...maybe it’s my time, maybe it’s not.<br />

BZ: A Jubilee/Manny Fresh song would be crazy!<br />

JB: His beats, my lyrics, his joking and it’s going down.<br />

BZ: I remember way back in the day there was<br />

talk about Take Fo’ and Tommy Boy. What<br />

happened with that, exactly?<br />

JB: I say this, man, I was about to shock the world and I still<br />

don’t know the whole full details of it. I signed a four, five<br />

album deal for three million dollars, which is good. They gave<br />

a hundred stacks up front and they sent representatives down<br />

to come see me at Teen Summit in New Orleans. I’m packing<br />

the Superdome—35,000 people dancing on one accord. They<br />

said, “Hey, this kid is for real.” But I don’t know—we had<br />

went to a convention in Miami. It was an Impact convention.<br />

They invited all the people who Tommy Boy had signed on<br />

the label: me, Lil’ Jon, East Side Boyz, Crooked Lettaz...I didn’t<br />

know the cats at the time but that’s who they were. And after<br />

we get back from the convention—at that time, I didn’t hear<br />

about Juvenile’s stuff yet. I’m doing my “Back That Thang Up;”<br />

my stuff is poppin’, I’m flyin’, I’m rollin’; I’m doing concerts all<br />

over. So, in my mind, I’m thinking that Tommy Boy got scared<br />

because they heard Cash Money was putting out something<br />

nationwide. I had the number one song in New Orleans in<br />

1998 on the radio for the 100 top countdown. My song “Back<br />

that Thang Up” was hot for eight weeks straight—number<br />

one. Eight. Weeks. In a row. At number one! That’s a good<br />

little while. Then all of a sudden, after Miami, we started calling<br />

them and they stopped returning our phone calls. They didn’t<br />

say nothin’, that was it...<br />

I think I’ve been black balled, if you ask me personally.<br />

Because I don’t understand: I done sold more albums than<br />

anybody in this city just about, any local artist or whatever.<br />

Never been on BET, never been on MTV, never been in those<br />

places where everybody’s been, never been in that mainstream,<br />

never been on anybody’s video. I’ve been to their shoot but<br />

they never give me a cameo appearance. It’s crazy.<br />

BZ: But I think you’re outlasting a lot of people.<br />

JB: Well, fifteen years and still going, still holding the clubs<br />

down, which is making me humble. I’m just as popular as<br />

my music and my music is as popular as me. I’m doing it<br />

on both ends. A classic lasts around a long time, you know<br />

that. When you make a hit you might last six months, then<br />

you dead, you gone. Then after that you can’t repeat it. But<br />

when you do a New Orleans bounce song? Man, it lasts<br />

a long time. It sticks to you. When you drop a nice hot<br />

New Orleans hit, it’s gonna stick ten years. You got me<br />

ten years, Partners ‘N’ Crime, Cheeky Blakk, Ms. Tee, Joe<br />

Blakk...there’s so many artists that I just can’t name who’s<br />

from that early bounce era that it wasn’t even called bounce<br />

when they was doing it. It didn’t become bounce until<br />

probably Everlasting Hitman started saying “Bounce, baby,<br />

bounce” and everybody else started saying “Bounce for the<br />

Juvenile...” So when you start saying bounce and all that,<br />

some news reported said, “Okay, well, we’ll call it bounce.”<br />

And that’s how it happens.<br />

BZ: Do you reminisce about the old days? My<br />

dad tells me a lot of stories about back in the St.<br />

Thomas they used to have block parties in front<br />

of his store a lot. Do you miss that kind of thing?<br />

JB: And that’s what made me so popular. We used to have<br />

DJs every week, and in the summer time almost every day!<br />

And a lot of people don’t understand that’s what makes your<br />

community your community; this is what makes people get<br />

to know each other. I get to know your mom, you get to<br />

know my mom; I get to know your dad, you get to know his<br />

dad, your son, your daughter, your brother, your friend... so<br />

we all know each other. And that’s what kept the St. Thomas<br />

hoppin’ over the years. We would invite people from all over.<br />

Different projects was coming in and they were coming to<br />

have a good time, and that’s what made it special. We kicked<br />

off about four o’clock in the evening, end about nine o’clock,<br />

go home take a shower, change your clothes, then go to the<br />

club from about ten to three in the morning. Then you get<br />

your rest, you finish for the week, and you start again. It gave<br />

the community something to do on the weekend.<br />

BZ: Do you find there’s been a resurgence and<br />

interest in Bounce music?<br />

JB: Yes, yes, yes. Since Katrina happened it kind of opened<br />

the eyes up for New Orleans. If you evacuate to Atlanta or<br />

Cleveland or Detroit, you want that New Orleans music! You<br />

going to the club—New Orleans people go out no matter<br />

where we at—and you tell the DJ, “Hey I’m from New Orleans,<br />

play this.” Now they get to hear our music out there and we<br />

get to send them more music; that made us much popular.<br />

BZ: Did you ever think that you would be making<br />

bounce songs?<br />

JB: I’ll say this: bounce is for everybody. It’s not for no particular<br />

person, it’s just that in order for you to get established in<br />

bounce, you have to establish your own individuality. You got<br />

a lot of people that copycat songs—don’t make you. But when<br />

you create something that you created, it’s gonna move, it’s<br />

gonna sell, people gonna like it, people gonna buy it, they gonna<br />

follow you. That’s the whole thing about bounce: you can create<br />

your style by still using the same music. You can go reggae, you<br />

can go gospel, hip-hop, gangsta, go whatever you want to do.<br />

BZ: It’s all about feeling.<br />

JB: Yeah, it’s all about movement, smiling, making you laugh,<br />

having fun. It’s gonna make you dance no matter what. But like<br />

an old DJ once said: “You don’t have no bounce, you don’t<br />

have no party.” There it is.<br />

Friday, 6/22<br />

DJ Jubilee plays the Adult Sock Hop Summer Series,<br />

Howlin’ Wolf, 907 S. Peters St., (504) 522-WOLF,<br />

www.howlin-wolf.com<br />

Ballzack’s bounce album is scheduled for a Fall ‘07 release.<br />

For more info on Ballzack, go to:<br />

www.ballzack.com or myspace.com/ballzacknola<br />

16_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


music<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Wilco is often labeled as<br />

“America’s Radiohead,”<br />

which I suppose means that<br />

they are the band that we<br />

Yanks can be the most proud of. If that’s the case, Sky Blue<br />

Sky is Wilco’s Hail to the Thief. Both records fi nd the “World’s<br />

Best Band” returning to more traditional structures following<br />

two records of groundbreaking experimentation.<br />

Like its British counterpart, Sky Blue Sky seems at fi rst to be<br />

more notable for what it isn’t than for what it is. Gone are Jeff<br />

Tweedy’s obtuse lyrics in favor of straightforward narratives;<br />

gone is the static-y smear of migraines, replaced by sunny<br />

melodies and guitar jams. What we are left with is something<br />

of a Wilco concentrate with all of the excess noise removed.<br />

While this approach allows new lead guitarist Nels Cline to<br />

stretch, bend, and fl utter his way across sprawling rockers<br />

like “Impossible Germany” and the sunny jam “Walken,” it<br />

cripples folkier tracks that would have benefi ted from Yankee<br />

Hotel Foxtrot’s experimental production.<br />

On repeated listens, though, Sky Blue Sky begins to reveal<br />

itself as a record just as interesting as predecessor A Ghost is<br />

Born. The group perfectly emulate the Band on “What Light,”<br />

Tweedy sounding like a tired Robbie Robertson while the<br />

band soulfully marches on. “You Are My Face” builds with<br />

the same emotional locomotion that has powered nearly all<br />

of Tweedy’s classic tracks. The drum fi lls on “Shake it Off”—<br />

Wilco’s version of Steely Dan’s “Black Cow”—are intricate<br />

and deceptively complex. This is something that Wilco have<br />

made their stock and trade for six albums now; the music is<br />

at once strange but comforting, new and familiar.<br />

What Sky Blue Sky gives the listener is something of a mixed<br />

experience; one leaves it at once satisfi ed yet wanting more,<br />

pleased yet disappointed. Wilco have long gloried in their<br />

own paradoxes, scratching beauty deep below the surface on<br />

tracks like 2001’s “Poor Places.” This record simply takes a<br />

bit more effort to appreciate. Sky Blue Sky is, after all, the fi rst<br />

record that Jeff Tweedy has written as a perfectly satisfi ed<br />

human being. There are no remnants of his rehab experience<br />

that colored A Ghost is Born, nor is the nervous energy of<br />

Summerteeth or Being There present. Instead, Tweedy and, by<br />

extension, all of Wilco, seem relaxed, perfectly comfortable<br />

playing simple throwbacks to their favorite bands. To<br />

paraphrase Yankee Hotel Foxtrot’s “Heavy Metal Drummer,”<br />

Wilco have rediscovered the innocence they once knew,<br />

only instead of Kiss covers they’re channelling Steely Dan,<br />

beautiful and sober.<br />

So while Sky Blue Sky may not be the paranoid masterpiece<br />

of YHF or the confused A Ghost is Born, it is a step forward<br />

for the band. Wilco are growing into their role as America’s<br />

Radiohead, taking full advantage of their freedom to make<br />

the music that they want to make. —Marty Garner<br />

<br />

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books<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Pity the memoir. It was<br />

brutalized less by James Frey<br />

and J. T. LeRoy than by the smug<br />

peanut galleries at opposite ends<br />

of Freygate 2006: Oprahites, with<br />

their uncanny ability to make any<br />

book about themselves, and the<br />

literati for whom reading is the<br />

precious act of tying books to chairs to torture confessions<br />

out of them. Talking heads condescended to readers by<br />

subjecting the memoir to tiresome, freshmen English debates<br />

pitting total recall against the porousness of memory,<br />

nonfi ction versus fi ction, objectivity versus subjectivity.<br />

Soccer moms bayed for public stoning. Only after Frey and<br />

publisher Nan A. Talese were pornographically chastised on<br />

daytime’s hallowed white couch were they sated.<br />

When the smoke cleared, the memoir looked like it had<br />

been ripped through by a dirty bomb, languished in Walter<br />

Reed, and dishonorably discharged. Nora Vincent, author of<br />

Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man, archly<br />

dismissed it: “If we could apply the L word to it at all, we<br />

might call [the memoir] the literature of woefest. But on a<br />

woeful tale one cannot always hang talent or, indeed, much<br />

of more than passing prurient interest.”<br />

The military comparison may ring incongruent with<br />

Mississippi Sissy, a memoir by journalist Kevin Sessums about<br />

growing up as a, well, Mississippi sissy, but indulge this penis-mightier<br />

shtick. Wars, literal and bookish, are at the mercy<br />

of ideas and the policies of a time and place, as we have seen<br />

far too well this century; the only constant is the warrior in<br />

the trenches and his humanity — the singular perspective, in<br />

confl ict with larger forces, that turns visionary.<br />

Sessums is no oracle but the originator of one hell of<br />

a tale about growing up gay and fl amboyant amidst the<br />

racist politics, machismo, and eccentric grace of the rural<br />

south in the 1960s and ’70s. Instead of a caveat, he gives<br />

no scruples or apologies: “All the people and the names<br />

are real. All the events actually occurred.” In a few words,<br />

blood starts pumping again through this much ballyhooed<br />

genre, propelled by the shared intimacy, between writer<br />

and reader, in the experience of bearing witness: “When I<br />

recall my life in Mississippi, what I hear are the rich sounds<br />

of voices that surrounded me and from those sounds come<br />

the words, the movement of conversation. It’s the way<br />

perhaps a composer hears a symphony before transcribing<br />

its notes, making it attainable for others who want to listen<br />

just as intently to what he hears. Although there is an<br />

alchemy involved, there is an equal measure of faith in one’s<br />

own voice, the sound into which all others combine.” Turn<br />

the page, and we’re in the bed of a murdered local arts<br />

editor, Frank Hains, then on an interstate speeding back in<br />

time with no seat belt.<br />

Sessums’ style, like his memories of too much death and<br />

not enough love, is marked by “the eerie smoothness of the<br />

ride.” He lost both parents by the time he was ten, his alphamale<br />

father in a car accident, his mother to cancer a year<br />

later (“‘Can heartbreak metastasize?’ she asked.”). Calamities<br />

come in pairs; he was also molested twice.<br />

Mississippi Sissy is not a daisy chain of woes, but a<br />

comedy, which, like all comedies, has a tragic heart. In his<br />

teens, Sessums was gathered into a demimonde of Jackson,<br />

overseen by Hains, that included Eudora Welty. People<br />

with memories of Welty are compelled to share them, even<br />

imitating the venerable southern writer to convey the force<br />

of her presence. Few recreations, though, are as multidimensional<br />

as Sessums’ stories, from driving her home after<br />

she “she reached over and tapped my steering wheel with<br />

her story-telling fi ngers” to the time Frank Dowsing, the fi rst<br />

African-American football player at Mississippi State, whom<br />

Sessums briefl y dated, gently took her to task on the subject<br />

of race relations.<br />

Hains recites the story of Welty appearing on Firing Line,<br />

when William F. Buckley asked, “‘How can a person of<br />

sensitivity have lived in Mississippi during the time you’ve lived<br />

here? To which Eudora replied, in essence, ‘How could one<br />

not have?’ Everybody looked at Frank Dowsing… Everybody<br />

but Miss Welty. She ate staring at her vanilla ice cream. “I<br />

think,” Frank Dowsing said, “you have to be a privileged<br />

white person to have the luxury of a reply such as that.”<br />

The time-stopping moment recalls an earlier event, when a<br />

young Sessums went to pick cotton just to visit his mother’s<br />

cook and cleaner who had been let go. He asks Matty May,<br />

mimicking her old salutation, “So, how y’dwine?”<br />

“‘How you think I’m a’dwine?’ she asked, her tone as<br />

pointed as the one she had summoned that morning when I<br />

had asked her in my bedroom if she’d seen Sidney Poitier win<br />

his Oscar and proceeded to use the N-word in her weary<br />

presence. ‘I’m a’pickin’ cotton, ain’t I?’ she said, wearier than<br />

ever. ‘When a soul’s a’pickin’ cotton, child, it ain’t got no<br />

time to think about how it’s a’dwine. It’s only got time to<br />

think about what it’s a’dwine. How’s a luxury out here in all<br />

this heat. A cotton fi eld ain’t no place a’tall for no how.’”<br />

The authenticity of these stories would not have nearly<br />

the same impact in any other form, if they could even be<br />

transcribed. Moreover, the art with which Sessums con<br />

stantly braids seemingly disparate memories into others,<br />

within sentences that clobber you with the beauty of their<br />

construction, fusing humor and pathos and a seductively<br />

dangerous yet distinctly southern worldview, is worth the<br />

price of admission alone.<br />

In a bullied genre, that’s no small wonder for such a sissy<br />

of a book. —Alan J. Williams<br />

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comics<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I<br />

’ve reviewed Hack/Slash a<br />

number of times, and the<br />

series has always been hit/miss<br />

with me. A variety of artists<br />

have worked on the series—<br />

some good, some not so good, a<br />

couple very good. It’s had some<br />

very fun, memorable stories,<br />

and others that suffered from<br />

the series’ one-shot structure.<br />

The Hack/Slash ongoing series is a way for the book to develop<br />

its interesting premise and characters, and writer Tim Seeley<br />

has found an excellent artistic collaborator in Emily Stone, who<br />

keeps the creep factor up but also delivers the emotional core<br />

of the story. The first issue is a classic Hack/Slash tale, riffi ng a<br />

bit on the recent evolution of the slasher subgenre that includes<br />

Hostel and Saw, that provides an origin that both recaps for<br />

new readers and expands for long-time readers while serving<br />

up a tantalizing bit of history on Cassie that will defi nitely play a<br />

major role going forward.<br />

The concept of Hack/Slash, for those who are unfamiliar, is<br />

that Cassie Hack is a vigilante who hunts down slashers, a subset<br />

of serial killers who exist in the Hack/Slash world the way that<br />

vampires do in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In fact, Buffy is one of<br />

the easiest comparisons to make when it comes to Hack/Slash.<br />

Cassie is to slashers what Buffy is to vampires, and Hack/Slash<br />

is what Buffy might have been if it had been created by Wes<br />

Craven and Rob Zombie instead of Joss Whedon. It’s less with<br />

the quippy (although there are smart and occasionally darkly<br />

funny bits, ala the Scream series) and more with the physical<br />

violence and psychological trauma. There’s a lot of both to go<br />

around in this issue, which fi nds Cassie facing down a murderous<br />

psychologist who tortures her physically and mentally while her<br />

sidekick Vlad is looking for her.<br />

The woman-in-jeopardy thing has been done, I’ll admit. But it<br />

works here, for three reasons: One, it’s an effective twist on the<br />

slashers Cassie has fought thus far, who tend to be more of the<br />

“find them and kick their ass” variety, and it has the benefit of<br />

addressing the torture conventions that have infiltrated the genre<br />

Cassie makes her home. Two, it gives a perfectly reasonable story<br />

explanation for why the reader would be hearing Cassie’s history,<br />

including new tidbits like how she first met Vlad. And three, it<br />

gives us some nice tension as we wonder how Cassie is going to<br />

survive. I like that, despite Vlad’s assistance, Cassie doesn’t come<br />

off like a victim. She comes off like a captured heroine who was<br />

biding her time and gets the last laugh. As always, Cassie is the last<br />

survivor of the slasher flick, except she’s survived dozens of them<br />

and gotten pretty good at dishing out punishment as a result.<br />

Hack/Slash has had a variety of artists, and I’ve enjoyed a lot<br />

of them, but Emily Stone is a real find. Along with the colors by<br />

Courtney Via, this may be the best the book has ever looked.<br />

These two lay on the gore quite effectively, and they know how to<br />

do their action and their comedy. The final smack down is brutally<br />

effective, beginning with a use of Vlad that is a nice reversal of<br />

the “he’s behind you!” moment from any good slasher movie. But<br />

more than that, the artists bring the characters to life emotionally.<br />

Cassie’s anguish as she faces her demons, the betrayal her mother<br />

feels when she’s caught, the rare vulnerability Cassie shows at<br />

the end; these are all brought to life very well on the page. And<br />

Via’s colors give the whole thing an almost animated sheen that<br />

is particularly effective on the flashback scenes to Cassie being<br />

harassed on the playground.<br />

Hack/Slash has never been a property aimed at younger<br />

readers, but it’s clear with this particular series that Seeley<br />

is embracing the R-rating that his horror movie infl uences so<br />

often earn. The language here is fi lthier than anything you’ll<br />

see outside of a Garth Ennis book, the gore and torture very<br />

visceral and affecting and the heroine not so much a noble<br />

creature as a damaged, but functioning, vigilante. There’s moral<br />

and psychological complexity available, especially with the lastpage<br />

revelation, and I’m glad that Hack/Slash is now an ongoing<br />

as it means Seeley will have more room to explore that kind of<br />

thing along with the slasher/action plots he’s been doing so well<br />

for years now. —Randy Lander<br />

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film<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Director Francis Veber has<br />

been making French farce<br />

for the past thirty years; some<br />

of them, such as 1997’s The<br />

Dinner Game, show inspired<br />

comic genius. Unfortunately<br />

The Valet, Veber’s latest<br />

export, is a pale imitation<br />

of his best work and as the<br />

credits roll you’ll wonder<br />

where the laughs have gone. Gad Elmaleh plays François<br />

Pignon, a regular bloke who valets at a chic garden restaurant<br />

across from the Eiffel Tower. He shares a crummy apartment<br />

with a co-worker and his life-long crush (Virginie Ledoyen)<br />

has no romantic interest in him. Enter millionaire industrialist<br />

Pierre Levassuer (Daniel Auteuil). Caught on camera with<br />

his supermodel mistress (Alice Taglioni), Levassuer tells his<br />

suspicious wife (Kristin Scott Thomas) the model is actually<br />

with Pignon, who happened to be walking by when the picture<br />

was snapped. To lend credibility to his lies, Levassuer pays<br />

Pignon to room with the model. Were this a classic farce,<br />

hilarity would ensue, but by the time the fi rst reel ends so<br />

does any hope of humor. Pignon has been the butt of Veber’s<br />

jokes since he introduced the character in 1973, with Belgian<br />

songwriter Jacques Brel handling the role. You really have to<br />

sell comedy for it to work, but not even the actors seem to<br />

believe their roles. Forget the blockbuster summer sequels,<br />

The Valet is my big disappointment of the season. The Valet is<br />

to Veber what Curse of the Jade Scorpion is to Woody Allen. I<br />

even gave the picture an extra half-star for clocking in at less<br />

than ninety minutes. Here’s hoping the Farrelly brothers, who<br />

hold the U.S. remake rights, can do better with the source<br />

material. —J.W. Spitalny<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Pirates of the Caribbean:<br />

At World’s End sailed<br />

into theatres Memorial<br />

Day weekend, during the<br />

summer of the sequel, with<br />

an extended running time, a<br />

whole lot of star power and<br />

infl ated expectations. The<br />

result is a highly entertaining<br />

ride for fans that leaves everyone else lost at sea. Much has<br />

been said about the twisted plot of Gore Verbinski’s 168<br />

minute monument to buccaneering; yes, there is doublecross<br />

galore—these are pirates, after all—but as far as<br />

knowing who’s a hero and who’s a villain? If you truly can’t<br />

follow along then nothing I tell you is going to help. Will<br />

Turner (Orlando Bloom) wants to free his father from<br />

servitude aboard the fearsome Flying Dutchman. Recently<br />

re-animated Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) wants the<br />

Black Pearl as his own. Lord Beckett wants the East India<br />

Trading Company to eradicate all pirates, Davy Jones (Bill<br />

Nighy) wants Jack Sparrow dead, Elizabeth Swan (Keira<br />

Knightley) wants to free Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from<br />

Davy Jones’ locker and Jack Sparrow wants to continue being<br />

Jack Sparrow. It’s absurd to think a sequel is going to be as<br />

good as the original which spawned it; only two sequels in<br />

recent memory matched or bested their predecessors: The<br />

Empire Strikes Back and Godfather 2, yet for some reason<br />

people routinely hold the bar higher for sequels than they<br />

would otherwise. The singular goal of the movie sequel is for<br />

an audience to spend more time with characters they love,<br />

and that level At World’s End succeeds in spades. You won’t<br />

fi nd a more visually spectacular moment in fi lm this year than<br />

when the Black Pearl faces off against the Flying Dutchman in<br />

treacherous waters. Sure, Will Turner proclaiming his love<br />

to Elizabeth Swan during the climatic battle scene induces<br />

eye rolling, but it’s a necessary plot point. For such a long<br />

fi lm it moves quickly. You actually want more Jack Sparrow<br />

and particularly his father (Keith Richards). Keira Knightley<br />

proves salty, if a bit whiney, as Elizabeth Swan, but anything is<br />

an improvement over Domino. Barbossa is a marvelously good<br />

bad guy. Verbinski’s artier scenes depicting Jack Sparrow’s<br />

increasing madness are fantastic and the monkey acts better<br />

than most leading men. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End<br />

is a delight for fans, easily better than the second fi lm simply<br />

by having a resolution and satisfying imaginative minds with<br />

visual pleasures and performances the medium was made for.<br />

—J.W. Spitalny<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

20_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative


music<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I<br />

can’t say anything bad about<br />

Dan Deacon’s new record<br />

Spiderman of the Rings. On every<br />

level it’s an amazing record,<br />

bridging the gap between fiddly<br />

art noise and clubby dance elation. Imagine every happy memory<br />

you had as a child, every sing-along 45rpm and Saturday morning<br />

cartoon theme song that made you giddy with excitement, all<br />

balled up into a pile of synthesizers and samplers, gift-wrapped<br />

with danceable beats and given back to you in a shiny box. The<br />

worst thing you can say about Spiderman is that sometimes its<br />

eccentricities and twee stylings can dull its pop hooks, but even<br />

that’s a backhanded complaint because it’s precisely that air of<br />

whacked insanity that makes the record so good and original.<br />

Altered-state chants, analog melodies, and machine-like drums<br />

rule the day here. Opener “Woody Woodpecker” layers multispeed<br />

samples of the titular bird’s laugh over fuzzed and tweaked<br />

harpsichord and IDM beats so fast that the machine has to be<br />

smoking. “Trippy Green Skull” is the missing link between popgospel<br />

and break-heavy electronica with its pitch shifted vocals,<br />

flighty keys and distorted snare rolls. The record’s centerpiece<br />

and fullest track is the eleven-minute “Wham City,” which<br />

begins as a tone sustained with cartoonish xylophone taps and<br />

blooms into a wall of sound over wavering computer hum and<br />

jubilant melodies. Some listeners might be put off by Deacon’s<br />

relentlessly cheerful music, but its inexhaustible optimism is the<br />

record’s strongest weapon. By combining the experimentalism<br />

of laptop electronic music with the joyous energy of dance,<br />

Spiderman of the Rings creates a near perfect pop record full of<br />

infectious beats and childlike exuberance. —Mike Rodgers<br />

Dan Deacon plays the Green Space on Friday, 6/8<br />

and the Spanish Moon on Saturday, 6/9<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Don’t Mess With The Dragon,<br />

Ozomatli’s first studio<br />

release since 2004’s Street Signs,<br />

is an even record but seems<br />

largely uninspired compared to the band’s previous efforts.<br />

Ozomatli has, on the surface, infused Dragon with the same mix<br />

of Latin beats, hip-hop vocals and rock guitar riffs that filled two<br />

Grammy-winning records (Signs and ‘01’s Embrace the Chaos).<br />

While that combination is absolutely still viable, one wonders if<br />

the band’s recent attempts to become more accessible by using<br />

more English-language lyrics and focusing on radio play have<br />

taken away their edge. The usual dynamic, strong songwriting<br />

that has produced excellent hooks, like those in the title track<br />

of Street Signs, Embrace The Chaos’ “Dos Cosas Ciertas” and ’03<br />

EP Coming Up’s superior live-version of Sign’s “Ya Vienne el Sol,”<br />

has seemingly disappeared only to be replaced with a jam-band<br />

theme—most songs feel basic and simply repeat its main riff,<br />

making a club sound that ignores the band’s rock angle. Dragon’s<br />

not all under par—on the New Orleans tribute “Magnolia Soul,”<br />

the band manages to put a new spin on the famous phrase “Let<br />

the good times roll” by adding “Let the bad times go” to the<br />

album’s most impressive hook and chorus. Dragon also picks<br />

up a bit of steam in its final two tracks—the dancehall-heavy<br />

“La Segunda Mano” has the always impressive and under-utilized<br />

rapper Jabu front and center, and “It’s a Feeling,” while still feeling<br />

a bit jam-bandish, brandishes some ‘60s-esque psychedelic guitar<br />

work. While Ozomatli remains a socially relevant band with an<br />

ability to perform excellently live, Dragon is, one hopes, simply a<br />

recording misstep. —Leo McGovern<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

As a critic, my job is to<br />

listen to albums several<br />

times over, digest them,<br />

analyze them, and tell you<br />

why they’re good or why<br />

they’re bad. I would love to tell you, dear reader, that I was<br />

able to do that with Je Suis France’s latest release, but, well,<br />

there’s only so much I can take for your benefi t. I’d love to<br />

be able to say that I was able to stomach the sixteen-minute<br />

opener enough times to truly understand what The France<br />

are trying to do with it, but after several aborted attempts<br />

I’ve decided to cut my losses. I could not make it to the end<br />

of Afrikan Magik. There is no unifying theme throughout the<br />

record, unless you count the numerous squirty keyboards that<br />

seem to pop up and stick around well beyond their welcome.<br />

Sandwiched somewhere between ten-minute plus tracks are<br />

lazy Sonic Youth knockoffs like “Virtual Heck.” Critic Steve<br />

Nelson gives the France props for not taking themselves too<br />

seriously, but I think that this may be their problem; they don’t<br />

take themselves seriously enough. This is, after all, a band<br />

that recorded an album of Frank Zappa songs that they had<br />

never heard, relying on tablature found online. Don’t get me<br />

wrong, I’m not at all against having fun with music, but sitting<br />

through a ten-minute bass loop waiting for the singer to say<br />

some cryptic line about God hanging out with Shaq (two of<br />

my favorite people, incidentally) is not my idea of a good time.<br />

There is a blaring diamond in the rough, though. “That Don’t<br />

Work That Well For Us” is an almost perfect three-minute<br />

pop song, acoustic guitars lightly strummed over a sampled<br />

backbeat, voices lightly chanting in perfect harmony. Here the<br />

normally lazy band seems tight, focused, emotional. There is<br />

not a hint of irony or immaturity present. Instead, we are given<br />

a glimpse of the greatness The France are capable of. This may<br />

be the reason that iTunes was invented. —Marty Garner<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Since 1994, Chicago’s Sea<br />

and Cake has released<br />

seven thoughtful albums with<br />

exactly ten songs each, and<br />

several of those albums, such<br />

as The Fawn and their self-titled debut, belong way up there<br />

in the indie rock canon. They’re breezy and pleasing, good<br />

for studying to or as hummable background music, but also<br />

intricate enough to be challenging. Each one is reliably wellwritten<br />

and tasteful—including the new album, Everybody.<br />

However, as the band’s career as gone on its music has evolved<br />

from a jangly rock this side of R.E.M., Velvet Underground, and<br />

Stereolab into something weightless that threatens to fl oat off<br />

into the clouds. My wife calls the Sea and Cake the “indie rock<br />

Steely Dan,” and (sorry to my next-door neighbor who was<br />

gushing about Donald Fagen during Jazz Fest) it’s not meant in<br />

a complementary way. Listening to Everybody, I’m more and<br />

more inclined to agree. The Sea and Cake increasingly has<br />

a tendency to come off like jazzy soft rock…slick, anodyne,<br />

and maybe a little too arty for their own good. Everybody is<br />

like an affable but boring chance reunion with a former coworker<br />

in a grocery store. I think the band’s in a rut. Seen live,<br />

the Sea and Cake can have more heft, and some songs show<br />

promise. The tail end of “Introducing” segues into a groove<br />

with a touch of white-boy funk. “Exact to Me” is my favorite,<br />

with a great guitar lick and tight rhythm that seems lifted from<br />

a ’70s Afrobeat jam. I shouldn’t criticize too much. The four<br />

gentlemen of Sea and Cake seem like such nice boys, and they<br />

do play together so nicely. But the album never really lets<br />

loose, nor does it want to—maybe for their next album, they<br />

should write eleven songs. —Henry Alpert<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Before its release, Volta was<br />

being touted as Bjork’s<br />

return to her accessible dance<br />

roots, a la Post. Instead, Volta<br />

tries to meld her older work’s<br />

vitality with her more avant-garde records, a melding that works<br />

at times and falters at others. Half of the record embodies an<br />

energy that her icy early-aught’s work all but abandoned—a<br />

sound boiling with layer upon layer of percussion, brass and<br />

computer throb. Album opener “Earth Intruders,” one of two<br />

tracks co-produced by Timbaland, is a programmed tribal thump<br />

that successfully turns what could have been a Pro-Tools mashup<br />

into an organic, fun track. “Declare Independence” is Bjork’s<br />

most immediate and confrontational track since, well, ever. It<br />


antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_21


music<br />

builds on a deep analog bass buzz until massive break beats are<br />

pounding alongside Bjork’s shouts of “Declare independence!”<br />

Unfortunately, the entire record can’t keep up the pace. The<br />

middle tracks all suffer from a lack of energy and, placed<br />

together, they create a meandering, hollow midsection to the<br />

record. “Vertebrae by Vertebrae” uses subdued, hissing pulses<br />

and martial drums to set a tense tone, but sandwiched between<br />

other muted tracks its power is diluted. Songs like “I See Who<br />

You Are,” with its subtle bloops and bleeps and ethereal horns,<br />

feel almost undercooked—simply minimalism in a record<br />

flaunting excess and catchy magnetism. This schizophrenia<br />

creates a rift in the album and keeps it from ever truly taking<br />

shape. Only album standout “Wanderlust” manages to bridge<br />

the two sides—a slow brass and strings jaunt that builds piece<br />

after piece until it’s overflowing with laptop beats and looming<br />

bass swells. Despite its weaker moments, Volta remains a strong<br />

record and is a disappointment only because Bjork has set her<br />

own bar so high. —Mike Rodgers<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Bill Callahan’s Woke on a<br />

Whaleheart begins on a<br />

strong conversational note, with<br />

“From the Rivers to the Ocean”<br />

serving as a remembrance of<br />

life before the protagonist’s current lover came along. Callahan’s<br />

sound can be characterized as a blend of country and modified<br />

surf, though this blend is not rendered consistently on the rest of<br />

the album. The confessional style Callahan employs via his vocals<br />

is certainly intimate and, in that sense, brave, but his confessions<br />

are often not particularly significant. There’s a more intangible<br />

quality to his music, one that is alternately complemented and<br />

detracted from by pounding drum beats and twangy guitars.<br />

The lyrics hint at themes like ambivalence over that same<br />

lover, as in “Night,” but specifics are so sparse that they could<br />

be referring to anything or nothing, in stark contrast to the<br />

storybook nature of “From the Rivers…” Simplicity veers into<br />

simpleton status on “Sycamore,” which is kind of, well, hokey.<br />

There are some fine, layered melodic arrangements in spots, such<br />

as on the aforementioned “Night” and the final track, but overall,<br />

his writing here is not very compelling; Whaleheart radiates more<br />

of an adult contemporary vibe than anything else. Certainly,<br />

Callahan’s style is much more traditional than experimental, and<br />

in his more evocative moments one can tell he was influenced by<br />

both Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, but these glimpses are few and<br />

far between. —Lisa Haviland<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Nick Cave records have<br />

become an institution.<br />

He’s been at it for over<br />

twenty years and you pretty<br />

much know what to expect:<br />

verbose prose that describes all manner of killers, queers, and<br />

lovers torn asunder over lavish arrangements. Grinderman is a<br />

reaction to those expectations—it’s a stripped down, wornraw<br />

version of a Bad Seeds record that returns much of the<br />

punch that band’s lost over the years. The music is bluesbased<br />

fuzz that’s aggressive, dirty and at times both beautiful<br />

and obscene. Grinderman is laid bare here, with extraneous<br />

instrumentation left behind in favor of guitar skronk, thick<br />

bass plucks and a rough organ screech. “Honey Bee (Let’s<br />

Fly to Mars)” is a boiling punk scrap-job—bits of naked keys<br />

and screaming guitar pieced together and ran at break-neck<br />

speed. “No Pussy Blues” is all buildup, with high-tension<br />

bass strings and hi-hat hits that hang like the eye of a storm<br />

until whirling, white noise guitars crash down like hurricane<br />

winds. Even when the band calms down a bit, as on “When<br />

My Love Comes Down,” the menace of impending violence<br />

hangs heavy in the dissonant squall of noise. Even Cave’s<br />

vocals seem energized, dropping the croon of the past ten<br />

years for a grin and a snarl. Obviously feeling constrained<br />

by the trappings of his Bad Seeds, Nick Cave has skinned<br />

his fatty layers and stands a leaner beast. Grinderman is a<br />

powerful record, a reinvigorated musical force and a grizzled<br />

piece of rock music. —Mike Rodgers<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Now That’s What I Call<br />

Arajay is spoof—a<br />

satirical take on musical and<br />

cultural clichés that is, by<br />

and large, well-crafted in its own right. Lil’ Jon’s “skeet skeet<br />

skeet” comes to mind when “Spraying Semen on Stuff,” the<br />

album’s fun-spirited, porno dance track, kicks in. Now That’s…<br />

is diverse and effectively arranged, offering a postmodern<br />

critique of sorts on genres ranging from mainstream rap to<br />

pop to electronic, with Arajay, who dubs himself “David Alan<br />

Greir-ical” at the top of the album, working in references<br />

to Andy Capp, Eazy E. and the Audubon Zoo within one<br />

verse on “Born to be Mild.” Comparisons to Weird Al are<br />

inevitable, but Arajay’s electropop is tightly programmed with<br />

enough effects and bells and whistles to be interesting without<br />

becoming distracting. His raps are old-school in that they tell<br />

extended stories, albeit with the narrative steeped more in<br />

geekdom—actual and tongue-in-cheek--than hardcore. The<br />

mix becomes a bit repetitive in spots, such as on “Orange” (I<br />

like the post-Katrina version better, yo), relying too heavily on<br />

vocals, which could be fuller on the less overtly witty tracks.<br />

Still, this is some fun, legit shit, an anomaly on the too-often<br />

humorless New Orleans music scene. —Lisa Haviland<br />


6/9: Scarlet Speedster, Suicide<br />

Assyst, w/ special appear<br />

ances by Daisy Berkowitz<br />

and Ego Likeness, 10pm<br />

6/3 & 6/17: Love Lyricist<br />

Lounge - Instrumental<br />

Hip Hop, 10pm<br />

6/10 & 6/24: Noxious Noize<br />

w/ DJ Christion, 10pm<br />

6/18: Chant, Suicide Assyst, 11pm<br />

6/29: Guacos, Die Rotzz,<br />

The Black Rose Band, 10pm<br />

6/30: Creatures of Crystal Lake<br />

Tour w/ Freak 13, First<br />

Jason, The Pallbearers<br />

22_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

EVENTS<br />


45 Tchoup, 4529 Tchoupitoulas (504) 891-9066<br />

The Big Top, 1638 Clio St., (504) 569-2700, www.3ringcircusproductions.com<br />

Cafe Brasil, 2100 Chartres St., (504) 947-9386<br />

Carrollton Station, 8140 Willow St., (504) 865-9190,<br />

www.carrolltonstation.com<br />

Checkpoint Charlie’s, 501 Esplanade Ave., (504) 947-0979<br />

Chickie Wah Wah, 2828 Canal Street (504) 304-4714,<br />

www.chickiewahwah.com<br />

Circle Bar, 1032 St. Charles Ave., (504) 588-2616, www.circlebar.net<br />

Club 300, 300 Decatur Street, www.neworleansjazzbistro.com<br />

Coach’s Haus, 616 N. Solomon<br />

D.B.A., 618 Frenchmen St., (504) 942-373, www.drinkgoodstuff.com/no<br />

Eldon’s House, 3055 Royal Street, arlovanderbel@hotmail.com<br />

Dragon’s Den, 435 Esplanade (504) 949-1750,<br />

www.myspace.com/dragonsdennola<br />

Fuel Coffee House, 4807 <strong>Magazine</strong> St. (504) 895-5757<br />

Goldmine Saloon, 701 Dauphine St., (504) 586-0745,<br />

www.goldminesaloon.net<br />

The Green Space, 2831 Marais Street (504) 945-0240,<br />

www.thegreenproject.org<br />

The High Ground, 3612 Hessmer Ave., Metairie, (504) 525-0377,<br />

www.thehighgroundvenue.com<br />

Hi-Ho Lounge, 2239 St. Claude Ave. (504) 945-4446,<br />

www.myspace.com/hiholounge<br />

House Of Blues / The Parish, 225 Decatur, (504)310-4999,<br />

www.hob.com/neworleans<br />

The Howlin’ Wolf, 907 S. Peters, (504) 522-WOLF, www.thehowlinwolf.com<br />

Kajun’s Pub, 2256 St. Claude Avenue (504) 947-3735,<br />

www.myspace.com/123332278<br />

Le Bon Temps Roule, 4801 <strong>Magazine</strong> St., (504) 895-8117<br />

Maple Leaf, 8316 Oak St., (504) 866-9359<br />

Marlene’s Place, 3715 Tchoupitoulas, (504) 897-3415,<br />

www.myspace.com/marlenesplace<br />

One Eyed Jacks, 615 Toulouse St., (504) 569-8361, www.oneeyedjacks.net<br />

Pravda, 1113 Decatur St.<br />

Republic, 828 S. Peters St., (504) 528-8282, www.republicnola.com<br />

Rusty Nail, 1100 Constance Street (504) 525-5515, www.therustynail.org/<br />

Tarantula Arms, 209 Decatur Street (504) 525-5525,<br />

www.myspace.com/tarantulaarms<br />

Tipitina’s, (Uptown) 501 Napoleon Ave., (504) 895-8477<br />

(Downtown) 233 N. Peters, www.tipitinas.com<br />

Zydeco, 808 Iberville St.,<br />


Chelsea’s Café, 2857 Perkins Rd., (225) 387-3679, www.chelseascafe.com<br />

The Darkroom, 10450 Florida Blvd., (225) 274-1111,<br />

www.darkroombatonrouge.com<br />

North Gate Tavern, 136 W. Chimes St. (225)346-6784,<br />

www.northgatetavern.com<br />

Red Star Bar, 222 Laurel St., (225) 346-8454, www.redstarbar.com<br />

Rotolos, 1125 Bob Pettit Blvd. (225) 761-1999,<br />

www.myspace.com/rotolosallages<br />

The Spanish Moon, 1109 Highland Rd., (225) 383-MOON,<br />

www.thespanishmoon.com<br />

The Varsity, 3353 Highland Rd., (225)383-7018, www.varsitytheatre.com<br />

Friday, 6/1<br />

DJs Kristen, Pasta, Bateman, Andy<br />

of Team Hardhat vs. Team Tanktop<br />

DJs, Circle Bar, 10pm<br />

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, House Of Blues<br />

Lifesavas, Strange Fruit Project, The Parish @<br />

House Of Blues<br />

New Orleans Klezmer All Stars, Dragon’s<br />

Den<br />

Morning 40 Federation, the Way-<br />

High Men, Hi Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Cities Killed Starlight, Zama Para, Zydeco,<br />

10pm<br />

The Ready Teddy Shows, Tarantula Arms,<br />

10pm<br />

Octastival ’07 w/ the Fantastic<br />

Ooze, the Bally Who?, the City Life,<br />

the Tomatoes, One Eyed Jacks, 9pm<br />

Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Grayson Capps, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Saturday, 6/2<br />

Gravity A, J Wail, Dragon’s Den<br />

Red Lipstick Letter, Batchburner, Hi Ho<br />

Lounge, 10pm<br />

Aggro-Fate, Throughwhatwas, Imperial,<br />

Benison, High Ground, 7pm, $7<br />

Octastival ’07 w/ the Gubanatorial<br />

Candidates, the Public, the Fantastic Ooze,<br />

James Hall, One Eyed Jacks, 9pm<br />

Mice Parade, Tom Brosseau, Spanish<br />

Moon, 10pm<br />

The Pallbearers, Black Market Halos, Zydeco,<br />

10pm<br />

The Garden District, Break or Burn,<br />

Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

John Boutte’, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Sunday, 6/3<br />

The Omega Project, Dragon’s Den<br />

Fluer de Tease Burlesque, One Eyed Jacks,<br />

8pm, 10pm<br />

State Radio, House Of Blues<br />

N.O. Love Lyricist Lounge, Hi Ho Lounge, 9pm<br />

Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Washboard Chaz Blues Trio, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Monday, 6/4<br />

Hamid Drake, Rob Wagner, Nobu<br />

Ozaki, Dragon’s Den, 10pm<br />

Monty Are I, New Atlantic, the Audition, the<br />

Graduate, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

Blue Grass Pickin’ Party, Hi Ho Lounge, 8pm<br />

Hex, Hi Ho Lounge, 11pm<br />

The Jeff Guitar Nelson Band, Tarantula Arms, 9pm<br />

Bob French and Friends, d.b.a., 9pm, $10<br />

Tuesday, 6/5<br />

Jealous Monk, Doomsday Device, Dragon’s<br />

Den<br />

N.O. Rhythm Conspiracy, Hi Ho Lounge, 8pm<br />

Karaoke Tuesday, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Duo, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Wednesday, 6/6<br />

Dancehall Classics w/ DJ T-Roy, Dragon’s Den<br />

Alias, Buck 65, Buddy Wakefield, Sage<br />

Francis, House Of Blues<br />

The Banner, Across Five Aprils, Phantom<br />

Communique, Bela Kiss, High Ground, 7pm, $8<br />

Open Mic Comedy, hosted by Wild Bill<br />

Dykes, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Hip-Hop Wednesday w/ DJ Real, Tarantula<br />

Arms, 10pm<br />

Walter Wolfman Washington and the<br />

Roadmasters, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Thursday, 6/7<br />

The Bombshelter w/ DJ Bomshell Boogie,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

Peppermint Pony, Quintron and Miss<br />

Pussycat, Black Wizardz, Rhodes!!, Dirty<br />

Circuit, Count Jeremy, TOFUIK, Harahan<br />

Playground, 3:30pm, FREE<br />

Simply Play Presents: Laugh Out Loud<br />

Comedy Night, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Flip-Side w/ DJ Pasta, Tarantula Arms, 11pm<br />

Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed Jacks<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Clint Maedgen, d.b.a., 11pm<br />

Friday, 6/8<br />

Dan Deacon, Video Hippos, DD/<br />

MM/YY, Peppermint Pony, Sewn<br />

Leather, Green Space, $7pm, $5<br />

My Graveyard Jaw, N.O.madic Belly Dancers,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

Rocky Mountain Rhythm Bums, Zydeco,<br />

10pm<br />

Honky, The Way-High Men, Code Duello,<br />

Spanish Moon<br />

Antenna Inn, Big Blue Marble, One Eyed Jacks<br />

DJ Soul Sister Presents: Sound Clash, Big Top, 9pm<br />

Gradoux, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Ingrid Lucia, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Brian Seeger and the Gentilly Groove<br />

Masters, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Saturday, 6/9<br />

Chuck Perkins’ Down South Revue, Dragon’s Den<br />

Scarlet Speedster, Suicide Assyst, Hi Ho<br />

Lounge, 10pm<br />

Lazy K, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Soilent Green, Southern Whiskey Rebellion,<br />

In Tomorrow’s Shadow, One Eyed Jacks, 9pm<br />

Dan Deacon, Video Hippos, Spanish<br />

Moon, 10pm<br />

Luke Starkiller, Rising Sun, Zydeco, 10pm,<br />

10pm, FREE<br />

Amanda Walker, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

John Boutte’, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Otra, d.b.a.,, 11pm, $5<br />

Sunday, 6/10<br />

Crescent City Craft Market, Big Top, FREE<br />

Skychild, Dragon’s Den<br />

At All Cost, One Dead Three Wounded,<br />

xBishopx, the Red Baron, Sinking, Bite the<br />

Curb, Pay it Forward, High Ground, 7pm,<br />

$10<br />

Noxious Noize, Christion, Hi Ho Lounge<br />

Spooky LaStrange and Her Billion-Dollar<br />

Baby Dolls, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Vietnam, Greg Ashley, One Eyed<br />

Jacks<br />

Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Monday, 6/11<br />

Ratzinger, Poor Boys, Dragon’s Den<br />

The Red Chord, Through the Eyes of<br />

the Dead, Despised Icon, See You Next<br />

Thursday, All Shall Perish, High Ground, 7pm,<br />

$12<br />

Blue Grass Pickin’ Party, Hi Ho Lounge, 8pm<br />

The Jeff Guitar Nelson Band, Tarantula Arms,<br />

9pm<br />

Bob French and Friends, d.b.a., 9pm, $10<br />

Tuesday, 6/12<br />

Ratty Scurvics and the Invisible<br />

Gambling Jews, Go Motion,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative_23

EVENTS<br />

The Click Five, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

N.O. Rhythm Conspiracy, Hi Ho Lounge, 9pm<br />

Karaoke Tuesday, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Duo, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Wednesday, 6/13<br />

Imperative Reaction, VNV Nation, House Of<br />

Blues<br />

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, the<br />

Cobbs, Republic<br />

Manu Chao, Tipitina’s (Uptown)<br />

Dancehall Classics w/ DJ T-Roy, Dragon’s Den<br />

Kill the Ego, Bones, Hi Ho Lounge,<br />

10pm<br />

Open Mic Comedy, hosted by Wild Bill<br />

Dykes, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Maserati, Fred Weaver, Spanish Moon, 10pm<br />

Hip-Hop Wednesday w/ DJ Real, Tarantula<br />

Arms, 10pm<br />

Walter Wolfman Washington and the<br />

Roadmasters, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Thursday, 6/14<br />

The Bombshelter w/ DJ Bomshell Boogie,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

Simple Play Presents: Laugh Out Loud<br />

Comedy Night, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Flip-Side w/ DJ Pasta, Tarantula Arms, 11pm<br />

Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed Jacks<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Joe Krown Organ Combo, d.b.a., 11pm<br />

Friday, 6/15<br />

ANTIGRAVITY’s 3rd Anniversary<br />

w/ Metronome the City, One Man<br />

Machine, Big Baby, the White Bitch,<br />

One Eyed Jacks<br />

Skinny Puppy, House Of Blues<br />

Marcia Ball, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

Midevil Party Nite f/ the Buoyant Sea,<br />

Dragon’s Den, 9pm, $5<br />

Egypt Central, Pandemic, Visions, Point of<br />

Reason, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Dirty Rotten Shame, Life Without Elvis,<br />

Zydeco, 10pm<br />

Action Action Reaction (Indie-Rock<br />

Dance Party), Pravda<br />

Kitty Lynn, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Mem Shannon and the Membership, d.b.a.,<br />

10pm, $5<br />

Saturday, 6/16<br />

Johnny Woodstock and Friends, Double Plus<br />

Good, Dragon’s Den<br />

The TA-TA Destroyers, U.S.A.D., Roseline,<br />

Johnny on Coke, Zydeco, 10pm<br />

Colour Revolt, Spanish Moon<br />

The Sight Within, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

John Boutte’, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Steven Walker’s Funk and Horns, d.b.a., 11pm,<br />

$5<br />


TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT • ticketmaster.com<br />

• All Ticketmaster Locations • River Center Box Office<br />

• Charge By Phone At 225.761.8400<br />

: A N O T H E R B E A V E R P R O D U C T I O N :<br />

24_antigravity: your new orleans music and culture alternative

EVENTS<br />

Sunday, 6/17<br />

Les Claypool, Two Gallants, House Of Blues<br />

Gasoline Heart, Panic Division, The Parish @<br />

House Of Blues<br />

The Places, Miss Amy Annele, Dragon’s Den<br />

Monday, 6/18<br />

Some Dancing Skeletons, Dragon’s Den<br />

Chant, Suicide Assyst, Hi Ho Lounge<br />

Tower of Power, House Of Blues<br />

400 Blows, Mouth of the Architect, Unsane,<br />

Spanish Moon<br />

The Jeff Guitar Nelson Band, Tarantula Arms,<br />

9pm<br />

Bob French and Friends, d.b.a., 9pm, $10<br />

Tuesday, 6/19<br />

St. Vitus Trance, Sista Otis, Dragon’s Den<br />

Hawthorne Heights, House Of Blues<br />

The Nightwatchman (Tom Morello), Dustin<br />

Kensrue, The Parish @ House Of Blues<br />

Karaoke Tuesday, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Duo, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Wednesday, 6/20<br />

Dancehall Classics w/ DJ T-Roy, Dragon’s Den<br />

Suzanne Thorpe, Hi Ho Lounge<br />

Joan Armatrading, House Of Blues<br />

Hip-Hop w/ DJ Real, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Walter Wolfman Washington and the<br />

Roadmasters, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Thursday, 6/21<br />

The Bombshelter w/ DJ Bombshell Boogie,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

He is Legend, Maylene and the Sons of<br />

Disaster, Modern Life is War, House of<br />

Fools, High Ground, 7pm, $12<br />

Tesla, House Of Blues<br />

The Rosebuds, Chelsea’s, 7pm<br />

Simple Play Presents: Laugh Out Loud<br />

Comedy Night, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Flip-Side w/ DJ Pasta, Tarantula Arms, 11pm<br />

Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed Jacks<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Palmetto Bug Stompers, d.b.a., 11pm<br />

Friday, 6/22<br />

Shadow Gallery, Dragon’s Den<br />

DJ Jubilee, Howlin’ Wolf, 10pm<br />

Candlebox, Cinder Road, House Of Blues<br />

Battles, Spanish Moon, 10pm<br />

Lucid, Seiver’s Drive, Zydeco, 10pm<br />

Zosimus, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Ingrid Lucia, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Good Enough for Good Times f/ Mercurio<br />

and Raines of Galactic, d.b.a., 10pm, $5<br />

Saturday, 6/23<br />

Southern Hostility, Requiem, Sick of Silence,<br />

Chickie Wah Wah<br />

Section 8 Hip-Hop Extravaganza, Dragon’s<br />

Den, 11pm, $4<br />

Frank Booth, Keychain Piston, Hi Ho Lounge,<br />

10pm<br />

U.S. Air Guitar Championships, House Of<br />

Blues<br />

Gang Gang Dance, Spanish Moon<br />

N.O. Highrise, Sustenance, Smuteye, Zydeco,<br />

10pm<br />

Junior League, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

John Boutte’, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

The Iguanas, d.b.a., 11pm, $10<br />

Sunday, 6/24<br />

Ingrid Lucia, Dragon’s Den<br />

Drop Dead Gorgeous, the Devil Wears<br />

Prada, Dance Gavin Dance, the Throne of<br />

Judgement, High Ground, 7pm, $12<br />

Spooky LaStrange and Her Billion-Dollar<br />

Baby Dolls, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Linnzi Zaorski, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

Schatzy, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Monday, 6/25<br />

Fucked Up, Chopsley, We Need to Talk,<br />

Dragon’s Den, 7pm, $5<br />

2.1.3., the Low Budgets, Dragon’s Den<br />

The Jeff Guitar Nelson Band, Tarantula Arms,<br />

9pm<br />

Stand-Up NOLA Presents: Tom Rhodes, One<br />

Eyed Jacks<br />

Bob French and Friends, d.b.a., 9pm, $10<br />

Tuesday, 6/26<br />

The Polyphonic Spree, House Of Blues<br />

Big Business (f/ members of the Melvins and<br />

Ill Whiskey), Spanish Moon<br />

Karaoke Tuesday, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Johnny Vidacovich Duo, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Wednesday, 6/27<br />

Dancehall Classics w/ DJ T-Roy, Dragon’s Den<br />

N.O.N.M.E., Big Top, 7pm<br />

Hip-Hop w/ DJ Real, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Walter Wolfman Washington and the<br />

Roadmasters, d.b.a., 10pm<br />

Thursday, 6/28<br />

The Bombshelter w/ DJ Bomshell Boogie,<br />

Dragon’s Den<br />

Pretty Boy Thorson and the Falling Angels,<br />

Hi Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Simple Play Presents: Laugh Out Loud<br />

Comedy Night, Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Flip-Side w/ DJ Pasta, Tarantula Arms, 11pm<br />

Fast Times ‘80s Dance Night, One Eyed Jacks<br />

Paul Sanchez, d.b.a., 7pm<br />

Scott Albert Thompson, d.b.a., 11pm<br />

Friday, 6/29<br />

Soul Rebels, Dragon’s Den<br />

Voxtrot, Spanish Moon, 10pm<br />

The Garden District w/ special guests,<br />

Zydeco, 10pm<br />

Action Action Reaction (Indie-Rock<br />

Dance Party), Pravda<br />

Lotto Ball Show, Ratty Scurvics Singularity,<br />

the Microshards, One Eyed Jacks<br />

Hot Club of New Orleans, d.b.a., 6pm<br />

John Mooney, d.b.a., 10pm, $10<br />

Saturday, 6/30<br />

The Gong Show, Dragon’s Den<br />

Worn Again Recycled Fashion Benefit, Green<br />

Space<br />

The Police, Fiction Plane, New Orleans Arena<br />

Acute, Jesse Malin, the Wildbirds, The Parish<br />

@ House Of Blues<br />

Creatures of Crystal Lake, Freak 13 f/ the<br />

1st Jason, Pallbearers, Hi Ho Lounge, 10pm<br />

Get Your Guns, Arcane Theory, By His<br />

Blood, In Fear of the Fall, High Ground, 7pm,<br />

$7<br />

Greater Than Pi, Not All There Band,<br />

Zydeco, 10pm<br />

Doc Otis and the Junker Jazz All-Stars,<br />

Tarantula Arms, 10pm<br />

Papa Grows Funk, d.b.a., 11pm, $10<br />

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COMICS<br />

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