2012 Global Market report - NAI Global

2012 Global Market report - NAI Global 2012 Global Market report - NAI Global

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Sacramento, California San Diego, California Contact NAI Aguer Havelock +1 916 563 7555 Metropolitan Area Economic Overview 2011 Population 2016 Estimated Population Employment Population Household Average Income 2,182,119 2,314,016 1,099,661 $86,934 The Sacramento market has been exhibiting mixed signals. We continue to see signs of the economic recovery process that commenced in 2010. The combination of low interest rates, low inflation and the prospect of significant corporate earnings recovery in 2011 should provide the catalyst for increased jobs and additional tenant demand in 2012. Unfortunately, low investor confidence and lack of significant job creation in our region is a further negative on commercial private sector activity. The office market has been lead by continued demand and net absorption from the State of California, although the state is now showing signs of slowing as the Governor’s Administration is desperately looking for ways to solve the state’s structural deficit problem. The private sector industries that have led our region’s recovery include legal, education, health care and most significantly, engineering. The stimulus package has propelled almost all sectors of the engineering field to consider significant expansion. The Office market ended the Q3 2011 with a 17.2% vacancy rate, and net absorption totaling positive 359,206 SF. Rental rates ended Q3 at $1.70, a decrease over the previous quarter. Just two buildings delivered to the market during Q3 with a total 160,195 SF. The industrial market experienced a slight decrease in vacancy rate from the previous quarter, ending Q3 2011 at 13.4% compared to 13.6% from the Q2. Industrial rental rates also decreased 1.4%, ending the quarter at $5.08/SF. The most notable industrial transaction is the sale of 7501 Foothills Boulevard located in Roseville. The 465,000 SF building sold for $53,000,000. The retail market did not experience much change during Q3 2011 with a vacancy rate of 10.3% and average quoted rates at $16.92. A total of nine retail buildings were delivered to the market totaling 236,841 SF of space. Notable transactions in the retail market were Oak Shade Town Center in Davis selling for $35,000,000 ($337.31/SF) and the 76,248 SF lease of 1815 Douglas Boulevard signed by Hobby Lobby. Contact NAI San Diego +1 619 497 2255 Metropolitan Area Economic Overview 2011 Population 2016 Estimated Population Employment Population Household Average Income 3,319,907 3,542,129 1,620,037 $71,669 The San Diego housing market continues to experience a decrease in housing prices, down 5.8% from 2010 with the average single family home selling for $369,000. Many houses selling near the median price are being acquired without financing by investors and being rented with the average rental rate increasing 9% from 2010. Improved activity in the office market resulted in a decrease in the countywide vacancy rate from 13.9% in the Q4 2010 to 13% in the Q3 2011 with positive net absorption of 671,997 SF. Average rents decreased from 2010 to $25.32/SF per year. The largest office lease signing in 2011 was Novatel Wireless with 96,000 SF. The first six months of 2011 registered 83 lease transactions totaling $64,377,591, or $121.29/SF. Office cap rates ranged from 6% to 10%, up slightly from 2011. The largest sale was 110 Plaza downtown for $80,000,000, or $245.42/SF at an 8% cap rate. The industrial market decreased vacancy in 2011 to 8% from 11.2% in 2010. Rental rates fell to $8.13/SF per year with positive net absorption of 718,543 SF as of the end of Q3 2011. The largest lease signing was Northwood, LLC for 33,424 SF. Midway through 2011, six industrial buildings sold for a total volume of $163,666,000 averaging $84.79/SF. The largest industrial sale was a portfolio comprised of 25 industrial building totaling 1,095,525 SF for $86,000,000 or $78.50/SF. at a 7.75% cap rate. The San Diego retail market experienced little change in 2011. At the end of the Q3 2011, the vacancy rate was 5%; average asking rents were $21.30/SF per year. The largest lease signed in 2011 was Mr. O’s BBQ for 10,954 SF. During the first six months of 2011, six retail sales occurred with an aggregate volume of $9,716,835,000 and an average price of $103/SF. Cap rates declined in 2011 to approximately 7.75% from 8.27% in 2010. Median Household Income $67,938 Median Household Income $52,930 Total Population Median Age 36 Total Population Median Age 32 Sacramento At A Glance (Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy doWntoWn offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) suburban offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) IndustrIal $ $ $ $ N/A 21.60 18.00 N/A 16.20 7.20 $ $ $ $ N/A 38.40 33.00 N/A 31.56 45.00 N/A $ 31.03 $ 21.17 N/A $ 22.33 $ 20.68 N/A 9.60% 13.70% N/A 23.00% 18.50% Bulk Warehouse Manufacturing High Tech/R&D retaIl $ 2.88 N/A N/A $ 7.56 N/A N/A $ 5.10 N/A N/A 13.60% N/A N/A Downtown Neighborhood Service Centers Community Power Center Regional Malls $ $ $ $ 9.12 8.28 9.00 22.80 $ $ $ $ 38.40 39.00 33.00 24.00 $ 16.05 $ 16.93 $ 21.13 $ 26.16 4.10% 14.00% 8.50% 7.30% deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre Office in CBD Land in Office Parks $ N/A 55,749.65 N/A $ 1,045,440.00 Land in Industrial Parks $ 376,510.00 $ 19,560,000.00 Office/Industrial Land - Non-park Retail/Commercial Land Residential $ $ 18,315.02 55,749.65 N/A $ 6,837,606.84 $ 4,112,453.53 N/A San Diego At A Glance (Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy doWntoWn offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) suburban offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) IndustrIal $ $ $ $ $ N/A 27.24 15.00 42.00 14.40 8.40 $ $ $ $ $ N/A 29.88 36.00 48.36 48.36 52.08 N/A $ 28.36 $ 24.00 $ 47.88 $ 31.80 $ 24.48 N/A 16.00% 18.00% N/A 13.00% N/A Bulk Warehouse Manufacturing High Tech/R&D retaIl $ $ $ 4.20 3.48 3.48 $ $ $ 30.00 19.20 48.84 $ $ $ 8.04 8.16 8.16 10.00% 9.00% 8.00% Downtown Neighborhood Service Centers Community Power Center Regional Malls $ $ $ $ 12.00 9.60 11.88 21.96 $ $ $ $ 53.76 60.00 48.00 36.00 $ 13.32 $ 20.88 $ 22.92 $ 26.64 5.00% 8.00% 5.00% 4.00% deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre Office in CBD Land in Office Parks Land in Industrial Parks Office/Industrial Land - Non-park Retail/Commercial Land Residential N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2012 Global Market Report n www.naiglobal.com 85

San Francisco, California Ventura County, California Contact NAI Kilpatrick +1 415 226 1510 Metropolitan Area Economic Overview 2011 Population 2016 Estimated Population Employment Population Household Average Income Median Household Income 4,388,477 4,600,912 2,368,649 $106,788 $77,395 San Francisco has side stepped the rest of California with a strong foundation in the finance, international trade and tourism sectors topped with a thriving high-tech industry. Demand for residential and office space has pushed vacancy rates down and rents up. Investors are taking advantage of market-bottom pricing paired with high demand growth and a fixed supply of land. Increasing asking rates, downward pressure on vacancy and positive shifts in employment continue to be the story regarding the San Francisco office market. Vacancy rates have continued to decrease from a market high of 14.2% in Q3 2010 down to 12.1%. Submarkets south of the financial district continue to grow with significant move-ins in 2011 by major tech companies including Google, Salesforce and Zynga. Investor confidence and downward pressure on cap rates continues to be the story of a number of office building sales. The San Francisco industrial supply continues to decrease as buildings or land are converted to other uses, primarily residential and flex office space. Fixed supply of land continues to drive costs above manageable operating levels for industrial use and companies continue to relocate to the East Bay. Historical buildings south of the CBD continue to be a hot-spot for both creative office space and housing, driven by high-tech start-ups. Multifamily residential activity has been strong. Rental rates have been increasing dramatically and cap rates dropping to historically low levels. Demand has been driven by expanding educational facilities in the area, high-tech companies hiring rapidly, and a lack of affordable forpurchase housing opportunities. A number of major projects are under way which will significantly impact the urban landscape. The first, the Transbay Transit Center is to be the “Grand Central Station of the West” and include new residential, office and retail space all in the core of San Francisco. SFPUC Headquarters is currently under construction encompassing a total of 257,097 SF and is 100% pre-leased. Another significant project underway is the addition of floors 9 to 12 at 188 Spear Street. Contact NAI Capital (Ventura County) +1 805 278 1400 NAI Capital (Westlake Village) +1 805 446 2400 NAI Capital (Simi Valley) +1 805 522 7132 Metropolitan Area Economic Overview 2011 Population 2016 Estimated Population Employment Population Household Average Income Median Household Income 836,425 891,269 430,061 $98,688 $77,517 Ventura County is the smallest county in the Los Angeles Basin as measured by population. Its largest industries are trade, transportation and utilities, which underscores the importance of the Port of Hueneme to the local economy. The second largest industry is not an industry but rather the government. More generally, Ventura County’s economy is service orientated as 84% percent of all jobs in the county are considered some type of service job. Ventura County’s unemployment rate was 10.1% at the end of September 2011. While high, this is lower than the 11.3% peak of the previous recession. The reliance on government sector jobs is not likely to bode well for Ventura County. Budget problems at all levels of government suggest that jobs in this sector will decrease in the coming months. If not, furlough days and other cost cutting measures will continue to negatively impact the wages of government employees. Economic conditions in the office market remain weak. Vacancy rates are high. In fact, vacancy rates for Class B space are 20%, while those for Class A space are not much better. Excess supply and little demand have severely curtailed new construction. We estimate that a paltry 5,800 SF of new office space came on-line in 2011. However, this will change in the coming months when the 100,000 SF offices at RiverPark come on-line. Due to the Port of Hueneme, vacancy rates for industrial space have fared better. The rates are high but not nearly as high as those for office space. More importantly, we expect this segment to improve along with world trade. Although small compared to other ports in the region, the Port of Hueneme handles significant amounts of fresh produce and automobiles. Ventura County’s retail market is expanding. The Collection at RiverPark is a new 600,000 SF open air specialty center that will open in 2012. Tenants will include Whole Foods Market, a 16-screen Century Theatre and REI. Target has already opened its 150,000 SF store at the site. Total Population Median Age 38 Total Population Median Age 35 San Francisco At A Glance (Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy doWntoWn offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) suburban offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) IndustrIal $ $ $ $ $ $ 21.99 26.00 10.20 31.97 21.00 10.20 $ $ $ $ $ $ 59.87 59.87 50.00 79.23 86.01 98.26 $ 40.94 $ 38.26 $ 31.11 $ 50.29 $ 38.40 $ 31.75 61.00% 12.00% 14.30% 93.00% 14.00% 11.00% Bulk Warehouse Manufacturing $ $ 3.84 5.88 $ $ 38.50 15.00 $ $ 9.39 9.18 6.00% 5.00% High Tech/R&D retaIl $ 7.80 $ 36.00 $ 20.80 15.00% Downtown $ 18.00 $ 120.00 $ 37.80 4.00% Neighborhood Service Centers Community Power Center Regional Malls $ $ 15.28 25.00 N/A $ $ 66.00 42.00 N/A $ 30.22 $ 32.21 N/A 6.00% 3.00% N/A deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre Office in CBD Land in Office Parks $30,000,000.00 $ 1,124,069.00 $ 80,000,000.00 $ 24,377,593.00 Land in Industrial Parks Office/Industrial Land - Non-park Retail/Commercial Land $ 445,000.00 N/A N/A $ 3,559,322.00 N/A N/A Residential $ 1,950,000.00 $ 36,305,547.00 Ventura County At A Glance (Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy doWntoWn offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) suburban offIce New Construction (AAA) Class A (Prime) Class B (Secondary) IndustrIal Bulk Warehouse Manufacturing High Tech/R&D retaIl Downtown Neighborhood Service Centers Community Power Center Regional Malls $ $ $ $ $ $ $ N/A N/A N/A N/A 22.20 11.94 3.60 3.60 3.60 N/A 7.80 10.20 N/A $ $ $ $ $ $ $ N/A N/A N/A N/A 35.40 41.47 15.00 21.00 21.00 N/A 42.00 54.00 N/A $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ N/A N/A N/A 23.17 26.05 22.70 6.80 6.82 6.76 N/A 21.92 21.81 12.55 N/A N/A N/A 73.60% 17.40% 20.00% 9.20% 8.20% 11.00% N/A 9.10% 9.20% 2.80% deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre Office in CBD Land in Office Parks Land in Industrial Parks Office/Industrial Land - Non-park Retail/Commercial Land Residential $ $ $ N/A 43,500.00 325,000.00 N/A 650,000.00 N/A $ $ $ N/A 1,089,000.00 650,000.00 N/A 1,250,000.00 N/A 2012 Global Market Report n www.naiglobal.com 86

San Francisco, California<br />

Ventura County, California<br />

Contact<br />

<strong>NAI</strong> Kilpatrick<br />

+1 415 226 1510<br />

Metropolitan Area<br />

Economic Overview<br />

2011<br />

Population<br />

2016 Estimated<br />

Population<br />

Employment<br />

Population<br />

Household<br />

Average Income<br />

Median<br />

Household Income<br />

4,388,477<br />

4,600,912<br />

2,368,649<br />

$106,788<br />

$77,395<br />

San Francisco has side stepped the rest of California with a<br />

strong foundation in the finance, international trade and<br />

tourism sectors topped with a thriving high-tech industry.<br />

Demand for residential and office space has pushed vacancy<br />

rates down and rents up. Investors are taking advantage of<br />

market-bottom pricing paired with high demand growth and<br />

a fixed supply of land.<br />

Increasing asking rates, downward pressure on vacancy and<br />

positive shifts in employment continue to be the story<br />

regarding the San Francisco office market. Vacancy rates<br />

have continued to decrease from a market high of 14.2% in<br />

Q3 2010 down to 12.1%. Submarkets south of the financial<br />

district continue to grow with significant move-ins in 2011<br />

by major tech companies including Google, Salesforce and<br />

Zynga. Investor confidence and downward pressure on cap<br />

rates continues to be the story of a number of office building<br />

sales.<br />

The San Francisco industrial supply continues to decrease<br />

as buildings or land are converted to other uses, primarily<br />

residential and flex office space. Fixed supply of land<br />

continues to drive costs above manageable operating levels<br />

for industrial use and companies continue to relocate to the<br />

East Bay. Historical buildings south of the CBD continue to<br />

be a hot-spot for both creative office space and housing,<br />

driven by high-tech start-ups.<br />

Multifamily residential activity has been strong. Rental rates<br />

have been increasing dramatically and cap rates dropping<br />

to historically low levels. Demand has been driven by<br />

expanding educational facilities in the area, high-tech<br />

companies hiring rapidly, and a lack of affordable forpurchase<br />

housing opportunities.<br />

A number of major projects are under way which will<br />

significantly impact the urban landscape. The first, the<br />

Transbay Transit Center is to be the “Grand Central Station<br />

of the West” and include new residential, office and retail<br />

space all in the core of San Francisco. SFPUC Headquarters<br />

is currently under construction encompassing a total of<br />

257,097 SF and is 100% pre-leased. Another significant<br />

project underway is the addition of floors 9 to 12 at 188<br />

Spear Street.<br />

Contact<br />

<strong>NAI</strong> Capital (Ventura County)<br />

+1 805 278 1400<br />

<strong>NAI</strong> Capital (Westlake Village)<br />

+1 805 446 2400<br />

<strong>NAI</strong> Capital (Simi Valley)<br />

+1 805 522 7132<br />

Metropolitan Area<br />

Economic Overview<br />

2011<br />

Population<br />

2016 Estimated<br />

Population<br />

Employment<br />

Population<br />

Household<br />

Average Income<br />

Median<br />

Household Income<br />

836,425<br />

891,269<br />

430,061<br />

$98,688<br />

$77,517<br />

Ventura County is the smallest county in the Los Angeles<br />

Basin as measured by population. Its largest industries are<br />

trade, transportation and utilities, which underscores the<br />

importance of the Port of Hueneme to the local economy.<br />

The second largest industry is not an industry but rather the<br />

government. More generally, Ventura County’s economy is<br />

service orientated as 84% percent of all jobs in the county<br />

are considered some type of service job.<br />

Ventura County’s unemployment rate was 10.1% at the end<br />

of September 2011. While high, this is lower than the 11.3%<br />

peak of the previous recession. The reliance on government<br />

sector jobs is not likely to bode well for Ventura County.<br />

Budget problems at all levels of government suggest that<br />

jobs in this sector will decrease in the coming months. If<br />

not, furlough days and other cost cutting measures will<br />

continue to negatively impact the wages of government<br />

employees.<br />

Economic conditions in the office market remain weak.<br />

Vacancy rates are high. In fact, vacancy rates for Class B<br />

space are 20%, while those for Class A space are not much<br />

better. Excess supply and little demand have severely<br />

curtailed new construction. We estimate that a paltry 5,800<br />

SF of new office space came on-line in 2011. However, this<br />

will change in the coming months when the 100,000 SF<br />

offices at RiverPark come on-line.<br />

Due to the Port of Hueneme, vacancy rates for industrial<br />

space have fared better. The rates are high but not nearly<br />

as high as those for office space. More importantly, we expect<br />

this segment to improve along with world trade. Although<br />

small compared to other ports in the region, the Port<br />

of Hueneme handles significant amounts of fresh produce<br />

and automobiles.<br />

Ventura County’s retail market is expanding. The Collection<br />

at RiverPark is a new 600,000 SF open air specialty center<br />

that will open in <strong>2012</strong>. Tenants will include Whole Foods<br />

<strong>Market</strong>, a 16-screen Century Theatre and REI. Target has<br />

already opened its 150,000 SF store at the site.<br />

Total Population<br />

Median Age<br />

38<br />

Total Population<br />

Median Age<br />

35<br />

San Francisco At A Glance<br />

(Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy<br />

doWntoWn offIce<br />

New Construction (AAA)<br />

Class A (Prime)<br />

Class B (Secondary)<br />

suburban offIce<br />

New Construction (AAA)<br />

Class A (Prime)<br />

Class B (Secondary)<br />

IndustrIal<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

21.99<br />

26.00<br />

10.20<br />

31.97<br />

21.00<br />

10.20<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

59.87<br />

59.87<br />

50.00<br />

79.23<br />

86.01<br />

98.26<br />

$ 40.94<br />

$ 38.26<br />

$ 31.11<br />

$ 50.29<br />

$ 38.40<br />

$ 31.75<br />

61.00%<br />

12.00%<br />

14.30%<br />

93.00%<br />

14.00%<br />

11.00%<br />

Bulk Warehouse<br />

Manufacturing<br />

$<br />

$<br />

3.84<br />

5.88<br />

$<br />

$<br />

38.50<br />

15.00<br />

$<br />

$<br />

9.39<br />

9.18<br />

6.00%<br />

5.00%<br />

High Tech/R&D<br />

retaIl<br />

$ 7.80 $ 36.00 $ 20.80 15.00%<br />

Downtown<br />

$ 18.00 $ 120.00 $ 37.80 4.00%<br />

Neighborhood Service Centers<br />

Community Power Center<br />

Regional Malls<br />

$<br />

$<br />

15.28<br />

25.00<br />

N/A<br />

$<br />

$<br />

66.00<br />

42.00<br />

N/A<br />

$ 30.22<br />

$ 32.21<br />

N/A<br />

6.00%<br />

3.00%<br />

N/A<br />

deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre<br />

Office in CBD<br />

Land in Office Parks<br />

$30,000,000.00<br />

$ 1,124,069.00<br />

$ 80,000,000.00<br />

$ 24,377,593.00<br />

Land in Industrial Parks<br />

Office/Industrial Land - Non-park<br />

Retail/Commercial Land<br />

$ 445,000.00<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

$ 3,559,322.00<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

Residential<br />

$ 1,950,000.00 $ 36,305,547.00<br />

Ventura County At A Glance<br />

(Rent/SF/YR) low High effective avg. Vacancy<br />

doWntoWn offIce<br />

New Construction (AAA)<br />

Class A (Prime)<br />

Class B (Secondary)<br />

suburban offIce<br />

New Construction (AAA)<br />

Class A (Prime)<br />

Class B (Secondary)<br />

IndustrIal<br />

Bulk Warehouse<br />

Manufacturing<br />

High Tech/R&D<br />

retaIl<br />

Downtown<br />

Neighborhood Service Centers<br />

Community Power Center<br />

Regional Malls<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

22.20<br />

11.94<br />

3.60<br />

3.60<br />

3.60<br />

N/A<br />

7.80<br />

10.20<br />

N/A<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

35.40<br />

41.47<br />

15.00<br />

21.00<br />

21.00<br />

N/A<br />

42.00<br />

54.00<br />

N/A<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

23.17<br />

26.05<br />

22.70<br />

6.80<br />

6.82<br />

6.76<br />

N/A<br />

21.92<br />

21.81<br />

12.55<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

73.60%<br />

17.40%<br />

20.00%<br />

9.20%<br />

8.20%<br />

11.00%<br />

N/A<br />

9.10%<br />

9.20%<br />

2.80%<br />

deVeloPment land Low/Acre High/Acre<br />

Office in CBD<br />

Land in Office Parks<br />

Land in Industrial Parks<br />

Office/Industrial Land - Non-park<br />

Retail/Commercial Land<br />

Residential<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

N/A<br />

43,500.00<br />

325,000.00<br />

N/A<br />

650,000.00<br />

N/A<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

N/A<br />

1,089,000.00<br />

650,000.00<br />

N/A<br />

1,250,000.00<br />

N/A<br />

<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Market</strong> Report n www.naiglobal.com 86

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