Newsletter - National Field Archery Society

Newsletter - National Field Archery Society

Newsletter - National Field Archery Society


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Gents<br />

Alberto Martinelli 616<br />

Mike Ashington Longbow Heritage 562<br />

Cliff Nash Avalon 554<br />

Ladies<br />

Carol Nash Ind 338<br />


Gents<br />

Ian Watkins Windrush 594<br />

Stan Baxter Oakwood 546<br />

Fred Wentworth Westcott 526<br />

U16 Boys<br />

Kieron Lewis Windrush 258<br />


Gents<br />

Andy Haynes Magic Dragon 744<br />

Nick Hearn Hartspring 736<br />

Graham Birch Totem 726<br />

Ladies<br />

Heather Pearson Orion 746<br />

2nd September - Herods Wood Archers<br />

Inaugural Shoot<br />

74 ARCHERS attended Herods Wood Archers Inaugural NFAS Open Shoot at Bush Farm, near Saltash in<br />

Cornwall, on Sunday, 2nd September.<br />

The weather was overcast but in the main, dry. This was<br />

most welcome following the wettest summer in 100 years.<br />

During the months preceding the shoot the club had<br />

received large amounts of donated foam and wood, which<br />

Steve, Charlie, Tugg and Dean made into bosses ready for<br />

our first shoot. This was a huge effort over many months,<br />

and was key to enabling the shoot to take place.<br />

The course was laid out around the fields, orchards, lake<br />

and quarry of Bush Farm. Again, a huge effort from Steve,<br />

Charlie, Tugg and Dean, both in laying the course and in<br />

clearing the site following the shoot.<br />

Club catering was most excellent and enjoyed by all. A big<br />

thanks to Jan, Tugg and Kerry for all their efforts before<br />

the shoot, especially with the home baking, and on the day.<br />

Admin went well, enabling the shoot to start on time, and<br />

the shoot flowed well throughout the day.<br />

Results were announced and medals were presented by<br />

Jan, our Lady Paramount for the day.<br />

The shoot ended by 5pm, enabling an early journey home.<br />

The shoot itself received some positive feedback on the<br />

whole, along with some helpful and constructive criticism.<br />

This has been noted and will be put into practice for our<br />

next shoot.<br />

Many thanks to Mr Stuart Renfree, our landlord, and<br />

many thanks to all archers who attended. We look forward<br />

to seeing you all again at our next shoot.<br />


Gents<br />

Mike Charlesworth Tavistock 574<br />

Paul Medland South Hams 410<br />

Ladies<br />

Sally Cramman Tavistock 484<br />

Lyn Potier Bowmen of Bude 298<br />


Gents<br />

Tony Cox South Hams 406<br />

Ladies<br />

Jennie Bellinger Bowmen of Bude 480<br />

U16 Boys<br />

Stuart Medland South Hams 440<br />

U16 Girls<br />

Millie Young South Hams 394<br />


Gents<br />

Alan Hearson Barnstaple 710<br />

Lez James Tavistock 674<br />

Albert Hibbert Dunkery 598<br />

40<br />


Gents<br />

Chris Ackland Muscovy 532<br />

Nick Hawkin Muscovy 504<br />

Tony Young South Hams 460<br />

Ladies<br />

Helen Cohen-Quinn Ind 402<br />

Linda Edmunds Muscovy 316<br />

Cally Bowers Muscovy 242<br />

U12 Girls<br />

Grace Stanton Ind 400<br />

Hazel Stanton Ind 382<br />


Gents<br />

Trevor Walter Green Meadow 578<br />

Paul Farr Green Meadow 538<br />

Pasty Cain Yelverton 426<br />

U16 Boys<br />

Tom Farr Green Meadow 514<br />


Gents<br />

Terry Windsor Cranmore 482<br />

Warren Potier Bowmen of Bude 468<br />

Eric Leeson Ashcombe 462<br />

Ladies<br />

Diane Kirby Ind 406<br />

Kerry James Ind 360<br />

Rae Gulliver Ind 340<br />

U16 Boys<br />

Franie Warner Ashcombe 450<br />

U12 Boys<br />

Hector Dunstan Westcombe 438

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