The Quick Count and Election Observation

The Quick Count and Election Observation The Quick Count and Election Observation


THE QUICK COUNT AND ELECTION OBSERVATION Niger • Le Collectif (The Collective of NGOs for Election Monitoring) • GERDDES—Niger • Association des Femmes Juristes du Niger (Association of Women Jurists of Niger) • Ligue Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme (Nigerien Human Rights Defense League) • Réseau d’Intégration et de Diffusion du Droit en Milieu Rural (Network for the Integration and Dissemination of Rural Citizens’ Rights) • Association Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme (Nigerien Association for the Defense of Human Rights) • Démocratie, Liberté, Développement (Democracy, Liberty, Development). • Association des Journalistes du Niger (Journalists Association of Niger) • Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger (Union of Labor Trade Unions of Niger) 137 APPENDIX 1B—CONTINUED Nigeria • Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) • Abuja NGO Coalition • Yakubu Gowan Center Republic of Congo • Ligue Congolaise des Droits de l'Homme (Congolese Human Rights League) • GERDDES-Congo Sierra Leone • National Election Watch (NEW—Coalition of Civic Groups, Labor Unions, Professional Associations and Religious Organizations in Sierra Leone) Togo • GERDDES—Togo • PACED—TOGO Zambia • Foundation for Democratic Progress (FODEP) • Committee for a Clean Campaign (CCC) • Coalition 2001 • Zambian Independent Monitoring Team (ZIMT) • Zambian Elections Monitoring Committee (ZEMCC) Zimbabwe • Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) Regional Network GERDDES—Afrique (Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la Démocratie et le Développement Economique et Social en Afrique—Research Group on Democracy and Economic and Social Develop-

A P P E N D I C E S 138 ment in Africa); GERDDES—Afrique maintains its headquarters in Benin and has established country chapters as well; NDI worked with the headquarters from 1992 until 1996 and continues to work with several country chapters on domestic election monitoring efforts. APPENDIX 1B—CONTINUED ASIA Bangladesh • Fair Elections Monitoring Alliance (FEMA) • Study and Research Group on Democracy and Socio-Economic Development (SRG) • Coordinating Council for Human Rights in Bangladesh (CCHRB) Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand • Committee for Free and Fair Elections (COMFREL) • Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (COFFEL) • Neutral and Independent Committee for Fair Elections in Cambodia (NICFEC) • Forum Rektor Indonesia—YPSDM (Indonesian Rectors’ Forum—Human Resources Development Foundation) • University Network for Free Elections (UNFREL) • Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu (Independent Election Monitoring Committee—KIPP) • Malaysia Citizens Election Watch (MCEW) • National Election Observation Committee (NEOC) • Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) • Movement for Free and Fair Elections (MFFE) • People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) • Centre for the Monitoring of Election Violence (CMEV) • PollWatch • People’s Network for Elections in Thailand (PNET) Regional Networks Asia Monitoring Network (AMN), a network of 29 organizations that monitor elections in 11 Asian countries; NDI has worked with the network and with its member organizations on election monitoring efforts; many of the organizations are also


Niger<br />

• Le Collectif (<strong>The</strong> Collective of NGOs for <strong>Election</strong><br />

Monitoring)<br />

• GERDDES—Niger<br />

• Association des Femmes Juristes du Niger<br />

(Association of Women Jurists of Niger)<br />

• Ligue Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de<br />

l’Homme (Nigerien Human Rights Defense League)<br />

• Réseau d’Intégration et de Diffusion du Droit en<br />

Milieu Rural (Network for the Integration <strong>and</strong><br />

Dissemination of Rural Citizens’ Rights)<br />

• Association Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de<br />

l’Homme (Nigerien Association for the Defense<br />

of Human Rights)<br />

• Démocratie, Liberté, Développement (Democracy,<br />

Liberty, Development).<br />

• Association des Journalistes du Niger (Journalists<br />

Association of Niger)<br />

• Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger<br />

(Union of Labor Trade Unions of Niger)<br />

137<br />


Nigeria<br />

• Transition Monitoring Group (TMG)<br />

• Abuja NGO Coalition<br />

• Yakubu Gowan Center<br />

Republic of Congo<br />

• Ligue Congolaise des Droits de l'Homme<br />

(Congolese Human Rights League)<br />

• GERDDES-Congo<br />

Sierra Leone<br />

• National <strong>Election</strong> Watch (NEW—Coalition of Civic<br />

Groups, Labor Unions, Professional Associations<br />

<strong>and</strong> Religious Organizations in Sierra Leone)<br />

Togo<br />

• GERDDES—Togo<br />

• PACED—TOGO<br />

Zambia<br />

• Foundation for Democratic Progress (FODEP)<br />

• Committee for a Clean Campaign (CCC)<br />

• Coalition 2001<br />

• Zambian Independent Monitoring Team (ZIMT)<br />

• Zambian <strong>Election</strong>s Monitoring Committee (ZEMCC)<br />

Zimbabwe<br />

• Zimbabwe <strong>Election</strong> Support Network (ZESN)<br />

Regional Network<br />

GERDDES—Afrique (Groupe d’Etude et de<br />

Recherche sur la Démocratie et le Développement<br />

Economique et Social en Afrique—Research Group<br />

on Democracy <strong>and</strong> Economic <strong>and</strong> Social Develop-

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