Dimming & Distribution

Dimming & Distribution Dimming & Distribution

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Dimming & Distribution o DIMMERS 1. Sabbatini (1574-1654) envisioned a mechanical candle douser 2. In the 19 th Century, gas light intensity was controlled by a gas table 3. With the advent of electric light, dimming was accomplished using Variable Resistance devices, first was the Saltwater Dimmer

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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1. Sabbatini (1574-1654) envisioned a mechanical candle douser<br />

2. In the 19 th Century, gas light intensity was controlled by a gas table<br />

3. With the advent of electric light, dimming was accomplished using<br />

Variable Resistance devices, first was the Saltwater Dimmer

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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1. Sabbatini (1574-1654) envisioned a mechanical candle douser<br />

2. In the 19 th Century, gas light intensity was controlled by a gas table<br />

3. With the advent of electric light, dimming was accomplished using<br />

Variable Resistance devices, first was the Saltwater Dimmer<br />

• Current was controlled by how much<br />

of a metal plate was submerged in the<br />

salt water<br />

• It was highly dangerous, the current<br />

could produce toxic chlorine gas or<br />

flammable hydrogen and oxygen<br />

• The water level and salt<br />

concentration had to be constantly<br />

maintained, colloquially known as<br />

“piss pots“

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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4. Resistance Dimmers replaced salt water dimmers<br />

• Consisted of a round plate, the resistance plate was made of<br />

lengths of copper wire<br />

• The electrical resistance converted excess power into heat

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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4. Resistance Dimmer<br />

• Consisted of a round plate, the resistance plate was made of<br />

lengths of copper wire<br />

• The electrical resistance converted excess power into heat<br />

• The dimmers not only had a maximum load (current) but also a<br />

minimum load to accomplish a complete fade out<br />

• In order to make these minimum loads without adding extras<br />

lights on stage resistance, dimmers were loaded with Ghost<br />

Loads which were additional lighting equipment placed<br />

offstage or behind the theatre

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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4. Resistance Dimmer<br />

• Resistance was varied by changing the amount of wire the<br />

current had to pass through<br />

More Resistance<br />

Dimmer<br />

Less Resistance<br />


<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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4. Resistance Dimmer<br />

• The electrode was moved by a mechanical lever, groups of<br />

dimmers and levers were mounted in boards<br />

• A master lever allowed control of all of the dimmers in a board<br />

• Required 6-8 electricians to run one light cue<br />

• This method was used well into the 1970’s

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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5. Autotransformer Dimmer<br />

• Consists of copper wire wound around a doughnut shaped<br />

iron core to create an inner primary coil and an outer<br />

secondary coil<br />

• Like a standard two coil transformer, the ratio between the<br />

windings determines the output voltage

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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5. Autotransformer Dimmer<br />

• A brush makes contact with the secondary coil allowing the<br />

number of winding (and the ratio) to be varied<br />

• Lowering the ratio lowers the output voltage and dims the load<br />

• Unlike Resistance Dimmers, load did not need to be matched

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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5. Autotransformer Dimmer<br />

• Dimmers were often mounted in package boards consisting of<br />

six dimmers, circuit breakers and patching plugs, a larger<br />

autotransformer would act as a “master”<br />

• Brush mechanism could be attached to a motor for control

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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6. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Dimmer<br />

• Developed by GE in 1956<br />

• A solid state device (doesn’t contain vacuum tubes or relays)<br />

• Controls the flow of current, switches on and off 120 times/sec<br />

• Dims the light by use of the Gating Principle

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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6. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Dimmer<br />

• Dims the light by use of the Gating Principle<br />

The human eye perceives anything greater than 24 frames<br />

per second as continuous<br />

The SCR Gate opens for a portion of each cycle<br />

If the Gate is open for half of each cycle, then the light is<br />

“on” for ½ second out of every second and is perceived as<br />

being at 50% intensity

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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6. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Dimmer<br />

• Parts of a SCR dimmer<br />

Choke : donut shaped coil. houses the SCR, reduces hum<br />

and smoothes out power spikes<br />

Magnetic Circuit Breakers : protect SCR from excessive load<br />

This ETC Sensor Dimmer houses two separate dimmers<br />

• This allows for electronic control of dimming

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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Types of theatrical systems<br />

1. Dimmer-Per-Circuit System (Studio Theatre)<br />

FIXTURE (load) – CIRCUIT – DIMMER – CONTROLLER (lightboard)<br />

2. Distributed <strong>Dimming</strong> System (Player’s Theatre)<br />

FIXTURE – DIMMER – CONTROLLER (dimmer is located at the fixture)<br />

3. Patch System (Player’s Theatre, University Theatre)<br />


<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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Types of theatrical systems<br />

3. Patch System (Player’s Theatre, University Theatre)<br />


• Raceway – distributes circuits across a batten or pipe

<strong>Dimming</strong> & <strong>Distribution</strong><br />

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Types of theatrical systems<br />

3. Patch System (Player’s Theatre, University Theatre)<br />


• Slider Patch Panel – connects circuits to dimmers<br />

• Telephone Patch Panel

Color Theory<br />

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White light is made up of all visible colors

Color Theory<br />

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White light is made up of all visible colors<br />

The visible spectrum is a narrow band of electromagnetic radiation

Color Theory<br />

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Perceiving Color<br />

1. Retina is comprised of rods and cones<br />

2. Rods are photoreceptive cells concentrated on outer edges of the<br />

retina, function in low light, responsible for night and peripheral vision<br />

3. Cones are photo cells that only function in bright light, fast response<br />

time allows finer detail to be seen, also responsible for color vision

Color Theory<br />

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Perceiving Color<br />

1. Retina is comprised of rods and cones<br />

2. Rods are photoreceptive cells concentrated on outer edges of the<br />

retina, function in low light, responsible for night and peripheral vision<br />

3. Cones are photo cells that only function in bright light, fast response<br />

time allows finer detail to be seen, also responsible for color vision<br />

• There are three different types of Cones that detect red, green<br />

and blue wavelengths<br />

4. Rods and Cones send signals to the brain through the optic nerve

Color Theory<br />

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Terminology<br />

1. Hue : the different colors, Primary Hues (Red, Green, Blue) and<br />

Secondary Hues (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Amber)

Color Theory<br />

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Terminology<br />

1. Hue : the different colors, Primary Hues (Red, Green, Blue) and<br />

Secondary Hues (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Amber)<br />

2. Saturation : or chroma, the amount of pure spectral hue in a color<br />

3. Value : the relative lightness or darkness of a hue (paint)

Color Theory<br />

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Terminology<br />

1. Hue : the different colors, Primary Hues (Red, Green, Blue) and<br />

Secondary Hues (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Amber)<br />

2. Saturation : or chroma, the amount of pure spectral hue in a color<br />

3. Value : the relative lightness or darkness of a hue (paint)<br />

• Tint is a high value (more white) color<br />

• Shade is a low value (more black) color<br />

• Tone is a mid value color

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

1. Color Triangle<br />

• Primary Colors are located at the corners<br />

• Secondary Colors result from the mixing of two primaries<br />

• Complementary Colors are opposites on the triangle

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

2. Additive Color Mixing<br />

• Light projected onto a white surface or in the air mixes<br />

• The three Primaries or the three Secondaries mix to white<br />

• Two Complementary colors mix to white

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

2. Additive Color Mixing (Primaries)

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

2. Additive Color Mixing (Complements)

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Placing a gel in front of a light filters or prevents selected colors<br />

from passing through

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Placing a gel in front of a light filters or prevents selected colors<br />

from passing through

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Magenta gel (R+B) and Cyan gel (G+B) results in blue light

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Yellow gel (G+R) and Cyan gel (G+B) results in green light

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Yellow gel (G+R) and Magenta gel (B+R) results in red light

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

3. Color Filtering (Subtractive Mixing)<br />

• Any two Primaries or all secondaries result in no light transmission

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

4. Color Reflection<br />

• The color of an object is determined by the color it reflects

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

4. Color Reflection<br />

• The color of an object is determined by the color it reflects<br />

• An object’s color can be modified by color the color of light

Color Theory<br />

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Color Interaction<br />

4. Color Reflection<br />

• The color of an object is determined by the color it reflects<br />

• An object’s color can be modified by color the color of light<br />

• A primary red costume under primary blue light appears black<br />

because pure blue light had no red in it

Color Theory<br />

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Color and Lamps<br />

1. Color Temperature<br />

• “White” light from different types of lamps are not the same<br />

• Color temp can affect the color produced by a gel because<br />

wavelengths are present in different quantities

Color Theory<br />

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Color and Lamps<br />

2. Color Correction<br />

• Filters that adjust the color temperature of a lamp to match<br />

another type of lamp<br />

• CTO (color temperature orange) corrects high color temp (blue)<br />

to lower color temp (orange or amber), Arc to Tungsten<br />

• CTB (color temperature blue) corrects low color temp to higher<br />

color temp, Tungsten to Arc<br />

• Minus-Green filters out green light, useful for correcting the<br />

green tint of fluorescent lights<br />

• Plus-Green provides a green cast, Tungsten to Fluorescent<br />

3. Amber Drift<br />

• As an incandescent lamp is dimmed it’s color temperature<br />

lowers radiating a warmer light, shifting towards amber<br />

• This affects gel color in lights running at low intensity<br />

• Not a problem with arc or discharge sources

Color Theory<br />

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Color Media<br />

1. Plastic Media – commonly called gels short for original gelatin media<br />

• Made of polyester or polycarbonate impregnated with dye<br />

• Developed for use with higher temperature quartz lamps<br />

• Standard nomenclature : R or X = Roscolux, L = Lee, G = GAM

Color Theory<br />

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Color Media<br />

2. Colored Glass<br />

• Colored glass Roundels are found in striplights and other<br />

instruments that remain on for long periods<br />

• Resists heat and color never fades

Color Theory<br />

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Color Media<br />

3. Dichroic Glass<br />

• Rather than absorbing unwanted color, dichroics reflect color<br />

back to the source<br />

• An amber dichroic reflects complement blue back to the source<br />

• Resists heat, creates more saturated colors than gels<br />

• Used extensively in moving fixtures

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