Irvington Farms Inc. - Angus Journal

Irvington Farms Inc. - Angus Journal Irvington Farms Inc. - Angus Journal
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79 3 Fix It has long been recognized as a great female sire. Many of the top performance herds of the breed have used him to enhance their maternal and carcass traits. The dam of this female is 616, a cow 81 3 Rito 3S5 is a product of the Wehrmann herd; however, his sire was a foundation sire at Irvington Farms. The dam of 3S5 is the famed donor Rita 5H11, thus making him a maternal brother to such breed giants as Rito 83 Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493 Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129 13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323 Graham Miss Burgess B 90 +OCC Echelon 857E #DHD Traveler 6807 UREA -.18 CT Irvington 3172 ECH 3560 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 14184297 CT Irvington 6110 234D 3172 #+GDAR SVF Traveler 234D UFAT +.37 J Miller Prudence 6110 -.009 3 4459 is a Big Elban of Graham 35351 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK daughter, out of an OCC Echelon dam +3.3 .37 +46 .30 +83 .15 +12 .06 that traces to a 234D daughter out of the $W $F $G $B foundation Prudence 6110 cow. This heifer +20.79 +24.82 +4.53 +26.52 has an REA EPD in the top 25% of the breed. 3 Bred AI on 01-02-06 to GAR Integrity, safe and due 10-11-06. 85 #QAS Traveler 23-4 #Band 234 of Ideal 3163 RR Traveler 5204 QAS Blackbird Eve 601 1 #10705768 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3302 Shoshone Vantage JB23 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 7003 #Tehama Bando 155 #Band 234 of Ideal 3163 HT Irvington F286 Bando 2631 Tehama Blackcap G373 +13071234 +Finks Formera 286 614 8E8 #Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler Finks Proud Formera 614 3 The dam of this female is a result of flushing Finks Formera 286 614 to Bando 155. That flush produced some exciting individuals for Irvington Farm. This 5204 daughter has a CED EPD in the top 15%, a %IMF EPD in the top 3%, $W top 20% and $G top 10%. 3 Bred AI on 02-15-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-26-06. CT Irvington 6110 3S5 2933 Birth Date: 11-1-1998 Cow #13331321 Tattoo: 2933 #Big Elban of Graham 16569 Big Elban of Graham 5305 Rito 3S5 of Rita 5H11 1656 #Graham Blackcap 88 +11909815 Rita 5H11 of 1B14 Rito 9J9 #Rito 9J9 of B156 7T26 Shorita 1B14 of 9R4 Se PATHFINDER CT Irvington 616 Fix It 3142 Birth Date: 10-28-1999 Cow #13598500 Tattoo: 3142 #AAR New Trend #VDAR Shoshone 548 Schoenes Fix It 826 Donna AAR 74 #11196470 Sky High Blackbird 4119 #LEMAR Eileenmere Lad 549 Miss TAR Blackbird 459 PATHFINDER Designed To Be Leseus of Wye Umf 5782 Lithell of Wye Umf 5204 CT Irvington 0216 Leseus 616 #Lavonne of Wye 11561443 Graham Blackbird W 56 Menteith of Graham 17790 Graham Blackbird W 24 Burnie of Wye Umf 5866 Qualton of Wye J Miller Prudence 6110 #Bayette of Wye 11681415 Shoshone Prudence 6118 Butan of Wye Shoshone Prudence MJE61-139 CW I+2 MARB IMF I+.01 +.03 REA UREA I+.07 +.26 FAT UFAT I+.025 +.028 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +1.5 .28 +29 .27 +55 .23 +20 .12 $W $F $G $B +22.61 +3.50 +10.78 +13.96 that combines the Wye and Graham bloodlines. She has an REA EPD in the top 10% of the breed and could be as good a female ever produced at Irvington Farms. 3 Bred AI on 01-31-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-10-06. CW I+0 MARB IMF I-.08 -.17 REA UREA I+.18 +.25 FAT UFAT I-.005 +.004 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +3.9 .40 +29 .37 +44 .30 +19 .20 $W $F $G $B +20.28 -6.93 +7.95 +1.62 8E8, Rito 1B1, Rito 1B2 and others. This Pathfinder female has an REA EPD in the top 20% of the breed. The dam of 2933 is another Irvington Farms foundation female, Prudence 6110. 3 Bred AI on 01-23-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-03-06. CT Irvington 3560 3535 4459 Birth Date: 12-3-2004 Cow 15023900 Tattoo: 4459 HT Irvington 2631 5204 3145 Birth Date: 10-29-1999 Cow 13601027 Tattoo: 3145 CW I+2 MARB IMF I+.35 +.30 REA UREA I-.16 -.13 FAT UFAT I+.033 +.014 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK -.1 .39 +27 .35 +55 .31 +23 .18 $W $F $G $B +23.56 +4.25 +18.70 +21.96 IMF 24 Practical 80 Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493 Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129 13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323 Graham Miss Burgess B 90 Leseus of Wye Umf 5782 Lithell of Wye Umf 5204 -.22 CT Irvington 0216 Leseus 616 #Lavonne of Wye UREA 11561443 Graham Blackbird W 56 Menteith of Graham 17790 -.06 UFAT Graham Blackbird W 24 +.007 3 Another daughter of the good producing BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK 616 female, and this one is by Big Elban +.8 .38 +29 .32 +58 .19 +8 .10 of Graham 35351, making her genetic $W $F $G $B package strong with Graham breeding. +17.79 +6.40 +.32 +5.71 3 Bred AI on 03-04-06 to Sitz Alliance 6595, safe and due 2-13-06. 82 +OCC Just Right 619J #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Lexus 695L OCC Juanada 709V +14067138 #+CM Merle 918E #DHD Traveler 6807 #Merle DHD 4844 HT Irvington Fortress 3207 #Papa Forte 1921 CT Irvington 2933 3207 3674 +Finks Formera 286 614 8E8 14182803 #CT Irvington 6110 3S5 2933 +Rito 3S5 of Rita 5H11 1656 J Miller Prudence 6110 3 A granddaughter of the Pathfinder female selling as lot 81. This highly impressive bred heifer has a CED EPD in the top 4% of the breed and an REA EPD in the top 25%. There is great consistency bred into the Irvington herd. 3 Bred AI on 01-03-06 to Sitz Alliance 6595, safe and due 10-12-06. 84 86 #GDAR Rainmaker 340 #Lovana (GDF) CT Irvington Downpour 3377 #Lady Blackbird 987 GDAR +13847842 #CT Irvington 2272 BE1656 91 #Big Elban of Graham 16569 #Farrah of Wye #RR Traveler 5204 #QAS Traveler 23-4 HT Irvington 2631 5204 3145 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3302 13601027 +HT Irvington F286 Bando 2631 #Tehama Bando 155 +Finks Formera 286 614 8E8 3 A really productive daughter of the Lot 85 cow. This Downpour daughter has one of the highest, if not the highest, $G value of any in the sale. her $G is in the top 3% of the breed, as well as her %IMF EPD. 3 Pasture exposed from 05-26-06 to 07-10-06 to OCC Pardon 876P. CT Irvington 616 3535 4429 Birth Date: 11-13-2004 Cow 15023867 Tattoo: 4429 CT Irvington 3674 695L 4370 Birth Date: 10-31-2004 Cow 15023918 Tattoo: 4370 IMF +.02 UREA +.37 UFAT -.004 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK -.7 .37 +26 .30 +49 .19 +19 .14 $W $F $G $B +23.67 -1.13 +15.88 +13.23 CT Irvington 3398 3535 4308 Birth Date: 10-12-2004 Cow 15023891 Tattoo: 4308 Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493 Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129 13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323 Graham Miss Burgess B 90 CT Irvington Eldorado 2720 #Ideal 1418 of 8103 4286 -.25 CT Irvington 2817 2720 3398 CT Irvington 843 TR3173 1380 UREA 13847857 CT Irvington 100 8180 2817 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +.09 UFAT TFB Prudence 100 -.001 3 This 35351 daughter is out of a 2720 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK dam going back to an 8180 daughter +1.0 .37 +44 .30 +81 .17 +16 .06 that traces to the Prudence 6110 cow. $W $F $G $B She has a CED EPD in the top 15% of the +25.65 +23.56 -1.75 +19.05 breed with both Weaning and Yearling EPDs in the top 25% as well as her $F. 3 Bred AI on 01-05-06 to GAR Integrity, safe and due 10-14-06. HT Irvington 3145 3377 3927 Birth Date: 11-9-2002 Cow 14468429 Tattoo: 3927 IMF +.32 UREA -.02 UFAT +.001 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +.9 .38 +24 .31 +48 .27 +25 .13 $W $F $G $B +22.69 -1.34 +23.04 +19.49 IMF IMF

engineered To Be Predictable CT Irvington 3336 Eur 3806 - Lot 87 Boyd On Target - Service Sire of Lot 88 87 CT Irvington 3336 Eur 3806 Birth Date: 10-12-2002 Cow 14468376 Tattoo: 3806 88 CT Irvington 2888 9R34 3727 Birth Date: 12-2-2001 Cow 14182799 Tattoo: 3727 #+OCC Backstop 888B #DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Eureka 865E Revolution Rose of RR 9239 +12514352 #Blackbird of RR 1204 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Blackbird of RR 7023 #Basin Max 602C #GT Maximum CT Irvington 243 602C 3336 #Basin Eline Erica 315U 13847795 CT Irvington 0216 Fargo 243 #Fargo of Wye Umf 5813 Graham Blackbird W 56 IMF +.01 UREA +.47 UFAT +.016 3 This cow is worthy to go anywhere. She BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK is a high-volume Eureka daughter with +3.3 .34 +36 .26 +70 .23 +17 .23 tremendous carcass value. Her REA EPD $W $F $G $B is in the top 2% of the breed while her $F +19.22 +15.57 +11.54 +25.90 is in the top 25%. Her dam is by 602C and traces to a good Fargo of Wye cow. 3 Bred AI on 01-16-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-27-06. 88A CT Irvington 3727 3535 4473 Birth Date: 12-12-2004 Cow 15023926 Tattoo: 4473 Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493 Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129 13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323 Graham Miss Burgess B 90 +High Valley 9R34 of 3D22 #Papa Forte 1921 CT Irvington 2888 9R34 3727 +High Valley 3D22 of 6V16 (D) 14182799 CT Irvington 1717 Amb 2888 #Paramont Ambush 2172 CT Irvington 826 033 1717 3 A daughter of the Lot 88 cow and she is sired by Big Elban of Graham 35351. As you can see, the 35351 daughters were to be a strong influence of the future at Irvington Farms. 3 Bred AI on 02-20-06 to Gardens Prime Time D806, safe and due 12-01-06. 89A 3 Look at this tremendous pedigree. Here is a young heifer bred to be great. She is one of those outcross heifers that has no EXT, no New Design and is stacked for foundation performance genetics. IMF -.19 UREA +.21 UFAT -.009 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +3.9 .37 +44 .30 +77 .16 +17 .06 $W $F $G $B +21.68 +19.49 +3.35 +21.99 CT Irvington 3168 7451 4581 Birth Date: 10-26-2005 Cow 15399808 Tattoo: 4581 Ideal 8103 of Eldo 5110 5213 Eldorado 5110 Ideal 2228 156 Ideal 7451 of 8103 4465 +Landmark 5213 of Ideal 9100 +13066872 +Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 #DHD Traveler 6807 EE 4286 of Ideal 2240 1254 #Papa Forte 1921 Papa Optima 9818 CT Irvington 0E3 Forte 3168 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 #13609851 +BF Rito 0E3 of 7T15 8E8 #Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler BF 7T15 of Shorito 0180 CW I+7 MARB IMF I+.11 I-.03 REA UREA I+.06 I+.09 FAT UFAT I-.009 I-.003 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK I+2.9 .39 I+44 .36 I+79 .05 I+24 .25 $W $F $G $B +25.35 +21.52 +12.25 +30.88 25 #Papa Forte 1921 Papa Optima 9818 High Valley 9R34 of 3D22 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 +13483646 +High Valley 3D22 of 6V16 (D) #DHD Traveler 6807 +Leachman Blackcap B601 #Paramont Ambush 2172 #Bandolier Eston Durness 42B CT Irvington 1717 Amb 2888 EWS Miss Burgess 1720 13331295 CT Irvington 826 033 1717 #Ideal 033 of 7365 8263 CT Irvington 389 384 826 3 3727 is a daughter of 2888, a Paramont Ambush daughter that has done a great job in the Irvington Farms herd. She has a CED EPD in the top 5% of the breed and a $W in the top 15%. Daughter sells as Lot 88A. 3 Bred AI on 03-07-06 to Boyd On Target, safe and due 12-16-06. 89 PATHFINDER IMF +.03 UREA +.15 UFAT -.006 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK -.6 .35 +24 .31 +43 .25 +23 .14 $W $F $G $B +24.76 -6.05 +15.78 +7.57 CT Irvington 0E3 Forte 3168 Birth Date: 11-2-1999 Cow #13609851 Tattoo: 3168 Papa Optima 9818 #Scotch Cap Papa Forte 1921 Blackbird DHD 2816 #11620690 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 Papa Rito T Power DHD 6838 Envious Blackbird of RR 7066 CW I-1 MARB #Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler #QAS Traveler 23-4 I+.16 -.02 BF Rito 0E3 of 7T15 8E8 Rita 5H11 of 1B14 Rito 9J9 REA UREA +11498633 BF 7T15 of Shorito 0180 +Shorito I+.11 +.01 FAT UFAT Band 0180 of Ideal 8239 813 I-.012 -.013 3 3168 has a solid foundation-type BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK genetic package. She is a Pathfinder +3.4 .40 +28 .36 +57 .32 +22 .19 daughter of PAPA Forte. Her dam is by $W $F $G $B Rito 8E8 and she is out of a daughter of a truly +19.27 +5.81 +13.44 +17.65 great Wehrmann foundation sire, Shorito. Just look at the pedigree of her calf by Ideal 7451. 3 Pasture exposed from 03-13-06 to 05-16-06 to Southern Southland 3926, safe and due approximately 02-15-07. 89B CT Irvington 3168 612G 4448 Birth Date: 11-23-2004 Cow 15036398 Tattoo: 4448 +OCC Exodus 712E #OCC Bonanza 880B OCC Gladiator 612G Dixie Erica of CH 1019 12993248 #+OCC Revolution Rose 748E #GDAR Traveler 7111 Revolution Rose of RR 9239 CW I+0 MARB #Papa Forte 1921 Papa Optima 9818 I+.07 -.03 CT Irvington 0E3 Forte 3168 Papa Envious Blackbird 8832 REA UREA #13609851 +BF Rito 0E3 of 7T15 8E8 #Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler I+.08 +.10 FAT UFAT BF 7T15 of Shorito 0180 I-.010 -.006 3 Another daughter of the Pathfinder BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK female that sells as Lot 89. This female, +3.1 .38 +31 .31 +58 .24 +11 .20 like her maternal sister Lot 89A, should $W $F $G $B develop into a top brood cow. +16.73 +5.65 +11.95 +17.07 3 Bred AI on 01-02-06 to Sitz Alliance 6595, safe and due 10-11-06. IMF IMF

79<br />

3 Fix It has long been recognized as a<br />

great female sire. Many of the top performance<br />

herds of the breed have used<br />

him to enhance their maternal and carcass<br />

traits. The dam of this female is 616, a cow<br />

81<br />

3 Rito 3S5 is a product of the Wehrmann<br />

herd; however, his sire was a foundation<br />

sire at <strong>Irvington</strong> <strong>Farms</strong>. The dam of 3S5<br />

is the famed donor Rita 5H11, thus making him<br />

a maternal brother to such breed giants as Rito<br />

83<br />

Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493<br />

Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129<br />

13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323<br />

Graham Miss Burgess B 90<br />

+OCC Echelon 857E #DHD Traveler 6807<br />

UREA -.18<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 3172 ECH 3560 Dixie Erica of CH 1019<br />

14184297 CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 6110 234D 3172 #+GDAR SVF Traveler 234D<br />

UFAT +.37<br />

J Miller Prudence 6110<br />

-.009<br />

3 4459 is a Big Elban of Graham 35351 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK<br />

daughter, out of an OCC Echelon dam +3.3 .37 +46 .30 +83 .15 +12 .06<br />

that traces to a 234D daughter out of the $W $F $G $B<br />

foundation Prudence 6110 cow. This heifer +20.79 +24.82 +4.53 +26.52<br />

has an REA EPD in the top 25% of the breed.<br />

3 Bred AI on 01-02-06 to GAR Integrity, safe and due 10-11-06.<br />

85<br />

#QAS Traveler 23-4 #Band 234 of Ideal 3163<br />

RR Traveler 5204 QAS Blackbird Eve 601 1<br />

#10705768 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3302 Shoshone Vantage JB23<br />

Eriskay of Rollin Rock 7003<br />

#Tehama Bando 155 #Band 234 of Ideal 3163<br />

HT <strong>Irvington</strong> F286 Bando 2631<br />

Tehama Blackcap G373<br />

+13071234 +Finks Formera 286 614 8E8 #Rito 8E8 of 5H11 Traveler<br />

Finks Proud Formera 614<br />

3 The dam of this female is a result of<br />

flushing Finks Formera 286 614 to<br />

Bando 155. That flush produced some<br />

exciting individuals for <strong>Irvington</strong> Farm. This<br />

5204 daughter has a CED EPD in the top 15%,<br />

a %IMF EPD in the top 3%, $W top 20% and $G top 10%.<br />

3 Bred AI on 02-15-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-26-06.<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 6110 3S5 2933<br />

Birth Date: 11-1-1998 Cow #13331321 Tattoo: 2933<br />

#Big Elban of Graham 16569 Big Elban of Graham 5305<br />

Rito 3S5 of Rita 5H11 1656 #Graham Blackcap 88<br />

+11909815 Rita 5H11 of 1B14 Rito 9J9 #Rito 9J9 of B156 7T26<br />

Shorita 1B14 of 9R4 Se<br />


CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 616 Fix It 3142<br />

Birth Date: 10-28-1999 Cow #13598500 Tattoo: 3142<br />

#AAR New Trend #VDAR Shoshone 548<br />

Schoenes Fix It 826 Donna AAR 74<br />

#11196470 Sky High Blackbird 4119 #LEMAR Eileenmere Lad 549<br />

Miss TAR Blackbird 459<br />


Designed To Be<br />

Leseus of Wye Umf 5782 Lithell of Wye Umf 5204<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 0216 Leseus 616<br />

#Lavonne of Wye<br />

11561443 Graham Blackbird W 56 Menteith of Graham 17790<br />

Graham Blackbird W 24<br />

Burnie of Wye Umf 5866 Qualton of Wye<br />

J Miller Prudence 6110<br />

#Bayette of Wye<br />

11681415 Shoshone Prudence 6118 Butan of Wye<br />

Shoshone Prudence MJE61-139<br />

CW<br />

I+2<br />

MARB IMF<br />

I+.01 +.03<br />

REA UREA<br />

I+.07 +.26<br />

FAT UFAT<br />

I+.025 +.028<br />


+1.5 .28 +29 .27 +55 .23 +20 .12<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

+22.61 +3.50 +10.78 +13.96<br />

that combines the Wye and Graham bloodlines. She has an REA EPD in the top 10% of the breed and could<br />

be as good a female ever produced at <strong>Irvington</strong> <strong>Farms</strong>.<br />

3 Bred AI on 01-31-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-10-06.<br />

CW<br />

I+0<br />

MARB IMF<br />

I-.08 -.17<br />

REA UREA<br />

I+.18 +.25<br />

FAT UFAT<br />

I-.005 +.004<br />


+3.9 .40 +29 .37 +44 .30 +19 .20<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

+20.28 -6.93 +7.95 +1.62<br />

8E8, Rito 1B1, Rito 1B2 and others. This Pathfinder female has an REA EPD in the top 20% of the breed.<br />

The dam of 2933 is another <strong>Irvington</strong> <strong>Farms</strong> foundation female, Prudence 6110.<br />

3 Bred AI on 01-23-06 to Bennett Coalition, safe and due 11-03-06.<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 3560 3535 4459<br />

Birth Date: 12-3-2004 Cow 15023900 Tattoo: 4459<br />

HT <strong>Irvington</strong> 2631 5204 3145<br />

Birth Date: 10-29-1999 Cow 13601027 Tattoo: 3145<br />

CW<br />

I+2<br />

MARB IMF<br />

I+.35 +.30<br />

REA UREA<br />

I-.16 -.13<br />

FAT UFAT<br />

I+.033 +.014<br />


-.1 .39 +27 .35 +55 .31 +23 .18<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

+23.56 +4.25 +18.70 +21.96<br />

IMF<br />

24<br />

Practical<br />

80<br />

Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493<br />

Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129<br />

13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323<br />

Graham Miss Burgess B 90<br />

Leseus of Wye Umf 5782 Lithell of Wye Umf 5204<br />

-.22<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 0216 Leseus 616<br />

#Lavonne of Wye<br />

UREA<br />

11561443 Graham Blackbird W 56 Menteith of Graham 17790<br />

-.06<br />

UFAT<br />

Graham Blackbird W 24<br />

+.007<br />

3 Another daughter of the good producing BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK<br />

616 female, and this one is by Big Elban +.8 .38 +29 .32 +58 .19 +8 .10<br />

of Graham 35351, making her genetic<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

package strong with Graham breeding.<br />

+17.79 +6.40 +.32 +5.71<br />

3 Bred AI on 03-04-06 to Sitz Alliance 6595, safe<br />

and due 2-13-06.<br />

82<br />

+OCC Just Right 619J<br />

#+OCC Emblazon 854E<br />

OCC Lexus 695L<br />

OCC Juanada 709V<br />

+14067138 #+CM Merle 918E #DHD Traveler 6807<br />

#Merle DHD 4844<br />

HT <strong>Irvington</strong> Fortress 3207 #Papa Forte 1921<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 2933 3207 3674<br />

+Finks Formera 286 614 8E8<br />

14182803 #CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 6110 3S5 2933 +Rito 3S5 of Rita 5H11 1656<br />

J Miller Prudence 6110<br />

3 A granddaughter of the Pathfinder<br />

female selling as lot 81. This highly<br />

impressive bred heifer has a CED EPD<br />

in the top 4% of the breed and an REA EPD in<br />

the top 25%. There is great consistency bred<br />

into the <strong>Irvington</strong> herd.<br />

3 Bred AI on 01-03-06 to Sitz Alliance 6595, safe and due 10-12-06.<br />

84<br />

86<br />

#GDAR Rainmaker 340 #Lovana (GDF)<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> Downpour 3377<br />

#Lady Blackbird 987 GDAR<br />

+13847842 #CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 2272 BE1656 91 #Big Elban of Graham 16569<br />

#Farrah of Wye<br />

#RR Traveler 5204 #QAS Traveler 23-4<br />

HT <strong>Irvington</strong> 2631 5204 3145 Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3302<br />

13601027 +HT <strong>Irvington</strong> F286 Bando 2631 #Tehama Bando 155<br />

+Finks Formera 286 614 8E8<br />

3 A really productive daughter of the Lot<br />

85 cow. This Downpour daughter has<br />

one of the highest, if not the highest, $G<br />

value of any in the sale. her $G is in the top<br />

3% of the breed, as well as her %IMF EPD.<br />

3 Pasture exposed from 05-26-06 to 07-10-06 to OCC Pardon 876P.<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 616 3535 4429<br />

Birth Date: 11-13-2004 Cow 15023867 Tattoo: 4429<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 3674 695L 4370<br />

Birth Date: 10-31-2004 Cow 15023918 Tattoo: 4370<br />

IMF<br />

+.02<br />

UREA<br />

+.37<br />

UFAT<br />

-.004<br />


-.7 .37 +26 .30 +49 .19 +19 .14<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

+23.67 -1.13 +15.88 +13.23<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 3398 3535 4308<br />

Birth Date: 10-12-2004 Cow 15023891 Tattoo: 4308<br />

Big Elban of Graham 45448 Big Elban of Graham 34493<br />

Big Elban of Graham 35351 Graham Eurotia 129<br />

13941913 Graham Miss Burgess B 126 Dunnedin of Graham 32323<br />

Graham Miss Burgess B 90<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> Eldorado 2720 #Ideal 1418 of 8103 4286<br />

-.25<br />

CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 2817 2720 3398 CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 843 TR3173 1380<br />

UREA<br />

13847857 CT <strong>Irvington</strong> 100 8180 2817 #Sitz Traveler 8180<br />

+.09<br />

UFAT<br />

TFB Prudence 100<br />

-.001<br />

3 This 35351 daughter is out of a 2720 BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK<br />

dam going back to an 8180 daughter +1.0 .37 +44 .30 +81 .17 +16 .06<br />

that traces to the Prudence 6110 cow.<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

She has a CED EPD in the top 15% of the +25.65 +23.56 -1.75 +19.05<br />

breed with both Weaning and Yearling EPDs<br />

in the top 25% as well as her $F.<br />

3 Bred AI on 01-05-06 to GAR Integrity, safe and due 10-14-06.<br />

HT <strong>Irvington</strong> 3145 3377 3927<br />

Birth Date: 11-9-2002 Cow 14468429 Tattoo: 3927<br />

IMF<br />

+.32<br />

UREA<br />

-.02<br />

UFAT<br />

+.001<br />


+.9 .38 +24 .31 +48 .27 +25 .13<br />

$W $F $G $B<br />

+22.69 -1.34 +23.04 +19.49<br />

IMF<br />


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