ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)

ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)

ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)


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303 Curlew sandpiper Calidris ferruginea BIRD shorebird G5? 200412<br />

1028 Curlews Numenius spp. BIRD shorebird 0<br />

1013 Dabbling ducks BIRD waterfowl 0<br />

763 Dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis BIRD passerine G5 200412<br />

620 Dark-rumped petrel Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis BIRD pelagic 0<br />

648 Dickcissel Spiza americana BIRD passerine G5 200412<br />

1006 Diving birds BIRD diving 0<br />

1014 Diving ducks BIRD waterfowl 0<br />

531 Dotterel Eudromias morinellus BIRD shorebird 0<br />

666 Dot-winged antwren Microrhopias quixensis BIRD passerine 0<br />

8 Double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus BIRD diving G5 200412<br />

390 Double-striped thick-knee Burhinus bistriatus BIRD shorebird 0<br />

373 Double-toothed kite Harpagus bidentatus BIRD raptor 0<br />

110 Dovekie Alle alle BIRD alcid G5 200412<br />

286 Dowitchers Limnodromus spp. BIRD shorebird 0<br />

764 Downy woodpecker Picoides pubescens BIRD passerine G5 200412<br />

1021 Ducks BIRD waterfowl 0<br />

63 Dunlin Calidris alpina BIRD shorebird G5 200412<br />

655 Dusky antbird Cercomacra tyrannina BIRD passerine 0<br />

171 Dusky Canada goose Branta canadensis occidentalis BIRD waterfowl 0<br />

6 Eared grebe Podiceps nigricollis BIRD diving G5 200412<br />

831 Eastern kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus BIRD passerine G5 200507<br />

427 Eastern meadowlark Sturnella magna BIRD passerine G5 200412<br />

604 Eastern screech owl Megascops asio BIRD raptor 0<br />

795 Eastern towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus BIRD passerine G5 200412<br />

1015 Egrets BIRD wading 0<br />

1020 Eiders Somateria spp. BIRD waterfowl 0<br />

145 Elegant tern Sterna elegans BIRD gull_tern G2 200412<br />

475 Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae BIRD raptor 0<br />

308 Elfin woods warbler Dendroica angelae BIRD passerine 0<br />

157 Emperor goose Chen canagica BIRD waterfowl G3G4 200412<br />

123 Endangered diving bird BIRD diving 0<br />

311 Endangered passerine bird BIRD passerine 0<br />

613 Endangered passerine-like bird BIRD passerine 0<br />

312 Endangered pelagic bird BIRD pelagic 0<br />

314 Endangered raptor BIRD raptor 0<br />

614 Endangered seabird BIRD bird 0<br />

316 Endangered shorebird BIRD shorebird 0<br />

610 Endangered tern BIRD gull_tern 0<br />

320 Endangered wading bird BIRD wading 0<br />

414 Eskimo curlew Numenius borealis BIRD shorebird GH 200412

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