ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)

ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)

ESI Species List (sorted by species common name)


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757 Stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride FISH fish 0<br />

922 Striated surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus FISH fish 0<br />

682 Stripebelly puffer Arothron hispidus FISH e_nursery 0<br />

290 Striped anchovy Anchoa hepsetus FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

104 Striped bass Morone saxatilis FISH diadromous G5 200412<br />

865 Striped burrfish Cyclichthys schoepfi FISH fish 0<br />

436 Striped corvina Cynoscion reticulatus FISH e_nursery 0<br />

1092 Striped cusk-eel Ophidion marginatum FISH m_benthic GNR 200612<br />

93 Striped killifish Fundulus majalis FISH e_resident 0<br />

923 Striped large-eye bream Gnathodentex aureolineatus FISH fish 0<br />

739 Striped mojarra Diapterus plumieri FISH fish 0<br />

898 Striped mojarra Eugerres plumieri FISH fish 0<br />

116 Striped mullet Mugil cephalus FISH e_nursery 0<br />

541 Striped sea bream Lithognathus mormyrus FISH m_benthic 0<br />

57 Striped seaperch Embiotoca lateralis FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

1109 Striped searobin Prionotus evolans FISH m_benthic G5 200704<br />

241 Striped shiner Luxilus chrysocephalus FISH freshwater G5 200412<br />

108 Summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus FISH e_nursery 0<br />

914 Sunset butterflyfish Chaetodon pelewensis FISH fish 0<br />

75 Surf smelt Hypomesus pretiosus FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

224 Surfperch FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

254 Surgeonfish Acanthurus sp. FISH m_benthic 0<br />

1034 Surgeonfishes Acanthuridae FISH m_benthic 0<br />

523 Swordfish Xiphias gladius FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

736 Swordspine snook Centropomus ensiferus FISH fish 0<br />

231 Tadpole madtom Noturus gyrinus FISH freshwater G5 200412<br />

422 Tailspot cardinalfish Apogon dovii FISH m_benthic 0<br />

143 Tarpon Megalops atlanticus FISH e_nursery 0<br />

580 Tarpon snook Centropomus pectinatus FISH m_benthic 0<br />

97 Tautog Tautoga onitis FISH m_benthic 0<br />

986 Tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi FISH freshwater G5 200412<br />

380 Texas pipefish Syngnathus affinis FISH e_resident 0<br />

542 Thicklip grey mullet Chelon labrosus FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

696 Thicklipped jack Pseudocaranx dentex FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

544 Thinlip grey mullet Liza ramada FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

925 Thompson's butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys thompsoni FISH fish 0<br />

686 Thornback cowfish Lactoria fornasini FISH m_benthic 0<br />

708 Threadfin Polydactylus spp. FISH fish 0<br />

635 Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

767 Threadfin jack Caranx otrynter FISH m_pelagic 0<br />

103 Threadfin shad Dorosoma petenense FISH freshwater G5 200412

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