A hundred-year balance Annual Report 2010 - Uzin Utz AG

A hundred-year balance Annual Report 2010 - Uzin Utz AG A hundred-year balance Annual Report 2010 - Uzin Utz AG


Values and substance Dear shareholders of Uzin Utz AG, 100 years of Uzin Utz mean continual change with sustainable development and notable success. There are only a few companies which can claim to be successfully managed by the third generation of the same family. » Even during the global economic crisis of recent years, the Uzin Utz Group was not only able to maintain its position well, but also applied consistent crisis and risk management to form the basis of further structural and organisational optimisation in the areas of raw material usage, productivity and logistics. » The effects and restrictions of the crisis were used as an opportunity for further value addition and restructuring. With notable success: » This puts me in the enviable position, in the year of our centenary, to be able to present to you a historic revenue report. Although only housing construction was able to record an increase in the domestic construction sector in 2010, we succeeded in increasing group sales by 7%. This improvement, which is outstanding in itself, was however surpassed by the over 30% increase in revenue achieved by the group with its result of €14.4 million. » Thanks to the strategically correct and consistently maintained adherence to our company objectives, growth and sustainability go hand-in-hand, not by chance, but by design. 2011 is also the 14th year after our flotation on the stock market, and therefore also since the beginning of our long-term growth offensive. The ambitious targets with regard to market position, expansion and further development which we set five years ago in our agenda “U-Vision” have also been largely implemented and achieved. » Looking back, there are many small jubilees, events and development steps which over the course of a whole century can be compressed into one major and successful event. A timetable therefore runs through the complete Jubilee report, providing information on the great and small historical circumstances in the course of our company history. » I do join this timetable now for 33 years, in which I have held a responsible position in our company. It therefore gives me great pleasure to convey these Jubilee greetings to you from my current position. I am particularly delighted to be able to announce positive news, and look back with justified pride on the many small and great successes which we have made possible over all the years. » And I look forward with optimism to the well-prepared path that we have taken for further sustainable development in the future. » On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my thanks for your proven confidence in the earning power and future viability of our company, and to assure you of our continued undivided and single-minded dedication. We believe that you can look forward with us to a promising and profitable Jubilee year 2011! Sincerely yours Dr. H. Werner Utz 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Georg Utz founds the „Fabrikation chemischer Produkte” (manufacture of chemical products) in Vienna. The PVC is invented. Henry Ford introduces the first assembly line for the production of its vehicles. Opening of the Panama Canal. Willi Utz is born in Vienna (2nd generation). 8 Letter to the shareholders

1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 The Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Vladivostok is completed. Georg Utz returns from the French campaign back to Ulm. End of World War I. Georg Utz begins with the production of floor wax in Ulm. Star of the VII Olympic Games in Antwerp is the marvelous runner Paavo Nurmi with three gold and one silver medal. Letter to the shareholders 9

1916<br />

1917<br />

1918<br />

1919<br />

1920<br />

The Trans-Siberian railway from<br />

Moscow to Vladivostok is completed.<br />

Georg <strong>Utz</strong> returns from the<br />

French campaign back to<br />

Ulm.<br />

End of World War I.<br />

Georg <strong>Utz</strong> begins with the<br />

production of floor wax in<br />

Ulm.<br />

Star of the VII Olympic Games<br />

in Antwerp is the marvelous<br />

runner Paavo Nurmi with three<br />

gold and one silver medal.<br />

Letter to the shareholders<br />


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