Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan

Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan

Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan


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the southern part of the area under discussion. The group, according to them,<br />

is older than the Lower Swafj-Buner Schistose Group of the Silnro-Devonian<br />

age and is charscterised by a predominance of hornblende, containing hornblende<br />

gneiss and schist, diorites, and other more basic rocks. Bakr and<br />

Jackson (1964) have ahown a part of the Utror volcanio rocks, and the plutonic<br />

roelrs to the south of &lam, along the river, on the geological map of Pakistan.<br />

The former have been put in the palaeozoic/Mesozoic and the latter, which form<br />

a part of the Hornblendic Group, in the Precambrian. King (1964) has<br />

disatissed the granitic rocks and schists of Lower <strong>Swat</strong> in detail. Matsushita<br />

(1965) brief3 y described the rocks of the Ushu Valley north of Ilolam and gave<br />

tentative ages to some of them, along with an account of the glacial deposits.<br />

More recently, Porter (1970) has discussed in detail the Pleistocene glacio, tion in<br />

Sn-a t KO histan. Tahirlcheli (1959) studied the lead-zinc mineralization in the<br />

Falakser area, and Sultan (1970) has classified some of the volcanic mcks near<br />

Kalam into clacites.<br />

Davie~ (1965) gave a brief description of the Eornblzndic Group and<br />

considered the rocks to be mainly plutonic. Jan and Talzirkheli (1969) st~~died<br />

these rocks in some detail from lower part of Pndus Kohiatan and pointed out<br />

the abundance of narites in Upper <strong>Swat</strong>. Jan (1970) described the group from<br />

Indus <strong>Kohistan</strong> a.nd southwestern GSlgit Agency in greater detail. The rocks<br />

were divided into amphibolites, norites-diorites, alpine pcridotites and<br />

granites. Tentative ages were assigned and the norites were considered to he<br />

Cretaceous. The Hornblendic Gronp was also studied in the Shah Dheri-K:~bal<br />

area (Rehmnn and Zeb, 19'70) and Mhwaza Khela (Shah and Sikandar, 1N'l).<br />

The rocks of the Timurgara drea, Dir, an extension of the group, was studied<br />

by Jan et a!. (19GB), Jan and Kempe (in preparation) have investigated the<br />

petrology of diorites, norites, and amphibolites; the l~tter &re to the south of<br />

%he areo. They think that the rocks represent a differentiated series later on<br />

metarimphosed to amphibolite facies assemblagee in the south.<br />


The rocks of the <strong>Swat</strong> Kohistnn can be Lrosdly groupad into the i'olluwi~~g<br />

subdivisions. Their stratigraphic and, especiully, structural relationships are<br />

not yet clear In some cases.<br />


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