Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan

Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan

Preliminary Geology And Petrography Of Swat Kohistan


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Age and Correlation : The Gabral rocks exhd into Dir in the west, they<br />

may be merging into Deshai diorites in the nortbeestern parts. Mineralogjcally,<br />

some of them (the diorites) are similar to those of Desbni, however, they<br />

generally lack the strong foliation which is so characteristic of the Deshai<br />

diorites. Thus, they are most probably younger than the Deshai ones. It has<br />

already been stated that the diorites clearly intrude the volcnnic rooka near<br />

Gahal, and are themselves intruded by various types of granities. Therefore,<br />

it appears that the rocks may be spread over a broader range of Lo~ver to Niddle<br />

Tertiary period.<br />

The Granitic Rocks.<br />

Apart from the smaller granite intrusions described in the previous pages,<br />

large masses of granites occur in Bankhwar, Matiltan ares, and Dewangar. The<br />

first two are of the size of stock and are so much similar in appearance and<br />

mineral composition tlhat they may be the intrusions of the same magma. They<br />

are named by us as the Matiltan Granite. The last one, judging from the<br />

traverse of Matsushita (1965, p. 45) along Dewangar Pass, may be of batholithic<br />

dimenaion and is named as the Dewangar Granite.<br />

The Matiltan Granite : These rocks are light-coloured, with a flesh-pink<br />

touch. They are well - jointed and, at places, foliated, especially in the<br />

Bankhwar where their foliation trends notheast, clipping northwest. Out of the<br />

many well-developed joint sets, the best one strikes N 85' - 60•‹E, with<br />

northwesterly dips. Along this joint set, the granite looks "bedded" from a.<br />

distance due to well-developed transverse joints. Aleo, in Bankhwar, steep<br />

cliffs of great height are characteris tic. The fdintion appears to inoreese<br />

northwards. Some of the rocks are porphyritic, with two to three millimetrea<br />

long, lenticular feldspars in w finer groundmass.<br />

The exposures in Matiltan cover a Isrger area and extend up to Falakser.<br />

Around Makiltan, abundant granite intrusions are seen along the streams under<br />

a qoa$tzite cover. Some of the intrusions seem to be marginally chilled. In<br />

Badshwar and near Pdoga, they clearly intrude the volcanic and dioritic rocks<br />

with sharp margins. At places, they are repeated in short distances. Xenolitlbs<br />

of amphibolites, quartzites, and diorites are common; more rarely, thin layers<br />

of the former two also occur. In Batnndar Stream, where the main rocks are<br />

volcanic; abundant veins of granite, at places in network, seemingly extend<br />

from the adjacent plutoa in lhnkhmar. TTeins of quartz and less common.<br />

apIit;es, up to six inches thick, occur throughout. Along cartsia fractures,<br />

yellow apidote and feldspar fillings are also present,

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