No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry

No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry
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f--r t1 tl tl I C) E. LU a trJ E [-t LrL__l L-_] T UDK 62r.179.6.891.22 T. F. KALfuM{OYA, T. M. MOISEEVA, O.Y. KHOLODILOY On Statistical Description of Solids Friction A method is propo'setl of es-tintaling the poranteters of a .rpecial class conclation Jiurctiott. II i,s based ott meQsurements of statistic of the sndied phenomenon or FSFC. The only conrlitiort o.f applying lhe statistics is the reqrdrement that the protluct 9f freQuency range of the recordad railiatiott b), tirie irJ i"rirAi"g is vastly laryer than utity. A contbinerl arutlysis of acorctic tlata antl those oJ' F'SFC (roighness, size ctistibtttion of wear debris, etc.) hat,e showtt that the statislics a.rc rcsponsive to pinctically'oll lihenomerrn ,rrorrpn,rr-urg frictiort antl wear. The depenrlenc-ie.s obtained of the staiistics r:niat^iort with evenialfacton hat,e enable; trcw citeia to estirnate durability of frictitn joints to be formrilated. Keywords: frictiort, wear, su(ace roughness, tvear rrebris, acowtic inadiation l.INTRODUCTION A number of tribological problems rvhose solutions are important for understanding solids friction require investigation of both statistical properties accompanying friction and wear (acoustic irradiation, heat generation, etc.), and study of fixed states of a friction conracr (FSFC) involving surface rolrghness, '"vear debris ancl so on. It turns so, that separate parameters of these pheno_ mena (intensity of acoustic irradiation, contact temper:r_ ture) and FSFC realization (rough surface profile, wear debris size) are insufficient for unambiguous identifica_ tion of a tribosystem state. 2. PROBLEI\{ FORN{ULATION Friction to proceed from the fact that the majority of the phenomena and FSFC can be presented as reiilization of a random field (r, y/, so a number of the tribological characteristics would depencl on its correlation function behavior about zero. In this connectictn the problem of estrmation and sirnulation of the function secrns quitc actual. A nrethod has been proposecl earlier to estinratc correlation function pararneters of a certain class random fields. The method is based on the use of functionals (statistics) belonging to the studied phenomena or FSFC [7,2): T. F. Kolm.v-kot,n,7-. M. Moiseu,a, O. tr/. Kholodilov Mctal- Polyrner Resaarclt lrrstitLttc tnned o,ftcr V.A. Bctvi of Ilehntssiatt Acaclcmy of Scicttct:s, Gorncl, Rcpublic o.[ I]clorus 24 2 n - - ---..-.----. ----- -- 'tA (A.T\--ln(!\ ') "0 n ) 't: (.47)-r E I t,,l€ (, pn't 41) * € (xk,y r)l t,AD_l b " ta' f ifiltfrrf5 t]1*1'l7*1) - E txr'rI l .;- r-[,,r,. r, \- ts/r- ..'t2 A . rr . t wherc: I) dt.drt --'^': 14(n) JJsitt- sitt'r.- ; ^ ,0j -r l{F ,.,,:S:',,1" - is the tabulated function; A - transmi'Ssion band; 1; - frecluency range of the recorded field; I - time of recording; T _ sampling length. The only condition for their application is Al>1. Obiects of the present investigation are the foilorving: 1 - to substantiate invariance of proposed functionals for any nature randorn fields; 2 - to prove their stabiliry for stationary fields and substantial sensitivity to variations in stability. These problems can be traced on the exanrple of the studied in friction contact acoustic fields ancl in case with mechanically induced random states of the friction con_ tact (aspelities of contact surfaces, stl-ucture of actulrl conterct spots, fields of wear debr-is distributiou). l,et us dwell on acoustic frictional phenomena and show the probability of the suggested functionals use to estirnlrte the mechanisrn of frictional contact rvearing by characteri.stic parameter r(a, b) in the space o[ statistics (a, b). triboloSy in i nrhrrry Votumc 20, No. l, lggg.

3. OBJECTTVES AND METHODS Friction investigations used the shaft-on-partial insert geometry (shaft - steel 45, insert - organic fiber reinforced thermoplastic). The composite choice was conditioned by diversity of acoustic irradiation sources and probability of direct effect on some of them, for e.g., by varying phase interaction in the polyrner-fiber system or alternating the polymer matrix deformation properties. The regime (loads. sliding velocity. etc) were selected so as to reaiize different wear mechanisms. cide and behave inirdequatellrlvill., changing friction conditions (for e.g., due to cliangecl contact rigidity). Characteristic pariimeter of acoustic field r(a, b) correlates more closely with the character of damage in the friction contact. Particularly, when different wear mechanisms are realized in the contact, characteristic parameter r(a, b) preserves its stability (fig. l). The acoustic signal receiver was fixed on the insert and continuous recording of acoustic irradiation (AJ) was performed followed by,' statistic processing. Sin-rultaneously with acoustic information tribological parameters of the system were registered including friction coefficient, wear rate and temperature. Morphcllogical analysis of wear debris was carriecl out usins REM-PC complex. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experimental investigations have sholvn that during runin the intensity of acoustic irradiation, its amplitucle distribution and statistics a, b and r(a, b) are comparativelv sensitive indicators of wearing. In particular, owing to plastic displacement and microcutting the actual contact spots of interacting surface shorv the rise of both the acoustic field intensity and its characteristic parameter. Further combined stabilization of the friction surface geometrical parameters and physico-mechanical properties results in stability of the studied functionals raclirition intensity. Scl, the suggestecl functionals are indicators of friction inciuced variations rlf acoustic field. Note that characteristic parameter(a, l>) is l conrpanrtivelv sensitive probe fclr such variations. It has been establishe,i that increase in the polymer composite relative rigidiry (EflErn, where I!f, Enr - modules of fiber and miitrix elasticify, correspondingly) leads to growth of characteristic par;rmeter r(a, b). F'or example, polyarylate-ttased composites filled by polyamide fiber with E/ = 18.5 GPa and lif = I35 GPa display the growth of characteristic parameler r(a, b/ by about 27Va. This can be attributed to high plasticity of the composite due to *'hich a _great number of acoustic radiation sollrces activate in the friction contaci leadint to change in emission intensity. Interesting results rl'ere clbtained rvhen comparing statistic pararneters of acoustic irradiation arnplitude distribution and those of debris distribution by size [3]. Both distributions are of unimodular character rvith I prominent asymmetry. It has been founcl out thiit the concelned clistributions statistic parame ter:i (asyr.nmetiy and exccss) do not ct-rirr- Figure 1 . Werv of a polyt."rcr frictiort surface and near debis distribution by size: a - abrasive n'ear; lr(a, b) | =6.2 rcL. un.: b - fatigue, 4.8; c - a! st:izure, 9.8: tlrcrnutplast-stael 45 ft'iction pair 'fhe suggested statistics and decluced characteristic paranreter Ir(n, b)l tve sufficiently sensitive indicators of frictional intertrction and correlate with changes in friction conditions. As f


Friction <strong>in</strong>vestigations used the shaft-on-partial <strong>in</strong>sert<br />

geometry (shaft - steel 45, <strong>in</strong>sert - organic fiber re<strong>in</strong>forced<br />

thermoplastic). The composite choice was conditioned<br />

by diversity of acoustic irradiation sources and probability<br />

of direct effect on some of them, for e.g., by<br />

vary<strong>in</strong>g phase <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>in</strong> the polyrner-fiber system or<br />

alternat<strong>in</strong>g the polymer matrix deformation properties.<br />

The regime (loads. slid<strong>in</strong>g velocity. etc) were selected so<br />

as to reaiize different wear mechanisms.<br />

cide and behave <strong>in</strong>irdequatellrlvill., chang<strong>in</strong>g friction conditions<br />

(for e.g., due to cliangecl contact rigidity). Characteristic<br />

pariimeter of acoustic field r(a, b) correlates<br />

more closely with the character of damage <strong>in</strong> the friction<br />

contact. Particularly, when different wear mechanisms<br />

are realized <strong>in</strong> the contact, characteristic parameter<br />

r(a, b) preserves its stability (fig. l).<br />

The acoustic signal receiver was fixed on the <strong>in</strong>sert and<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>uous record<strong>in</strong>g of acoustic irradiation (AJ) was<br />

performed followed by,' statistic process<strong>in</strong>g. S<strong>in</strong>-rultaneously<br />

with acoustic <strong>in</strong>formation tribological parameters<br />

of the system were registered <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g friction coefficient,<br />

wear rate and temperature. Morphcllogical analysis<br />

of wear debris was carriecl out us<strong>in</strong>s REM-PC complex.<br />


Experimental <strong>in</strong>vestigations have sholvn that dur<strong>in</strong>g run<strong>in</strong><br />

the <strong>in</strong>tensity of acoustic irradiation, its amplitucle<br />

distribution and statistics a, b and r(a, b) are comparativelv<br />

sensitive <strong>in</strong>dicators of wear<strong>in</strong>g. In particular, ow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to plastic displacement and microcutt<strong>in</strong>g the actual contact<br />

spots of <strong>in</strong>teract<strong>in</strong>g surface shorv the rise of both the<br />

acoustic field <strong>in</strong>tensity and its characteristic parameter.<br />

Further comb<strong>in</strong>ed stabilization of the friction surface<br />

geometrical parameters and physico-mechanical properties<br />

results <strong>in</strong> stability of the studied functionals raclirition<br />

<strong>in</strong>tensity. Scl, the suggestecl functionals are <strong>in</strong>dicators of<br />

friction <strong>in</strong>ciuced variations rlf acoustic field. <strong>No</strong>te that<br />

characteristic parameter(a, l>) is l conrpanrtivelv sensitive<br />

probe fclr such variations.<br />

It has been establishe,i that <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> the polymer<br />

composite relative rigidiry (EflErn, where I!f, Enr - modules<br />

of fiber and miitrix elasticify, correspond<strong>in</strong>gly) leads<br />

to growth of characteristic par;rmeter r(a, b). F'or<br />

example, polyarylate-ttased composites filled by polyamide<br />

fiber with E/ = 18.5 GPa and lif = I35 GPa display<br />

the growth of characteristic parameler r(a, b/ by about<br />

27Va. This can be attributed to high plasticity of the<br />

composite due to *'hich a _great number of acoustic radiation<br />

sollrces activate <strong>in</strong> the friction contaci lead<strong>in</strong>t to<br />

change <strong>in</strong> emission <strong>in</strong>tensity.<br />

Interest<strong>in</strong>g results rl'ere clbta<strong>in</strong>ed rvhen compar<strong>in</strong>g statistic<br />

pararneters of acoustic irradiation arnplitude distribution<br />

and those of debris distribution by size [3]. Both<br />

distributions are of unimodular character rvith I prom<strong>in</strong>ent<br />

asymmetry.<br />

It has been founcl out thiit the concelned clistributions<br />

statistic parame ter:i (asyr.nmetiy and exccss) do not ct-rirr-<br />

Figure 1 . Werv of a polyt."rcr frictiort surface and<br />

near debis distribution by size:<br />

a - abrasive n'ear; lr(a, b) | =6.2 rcL. un.: b - fatigue, 4.8;<br />

c - a! st:izure, 9.8: tlrcrnutplast-stael 45 ft'iction pair<br />

'fhe suggested statistics and decluced characteristic paranreter<br />

Ir(n, b)l tve sufficiently sensitive <strong>in</strong>dicators of<br />

frictional <strong>in</strong>tertrction and correlate with changes <strong>in</strong> friction<br />

conditions. As f

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