No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry

No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry No. 1, 1998 - Tribology in Industry
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a I ;T_r -ra _ _l-.-rx.,'0!.$/d i_ l-^-lt.r-0.rnD/d i | \dw(nca1 ! -- t-- f -o- I -l- . :.; _,;--- -;2-! - - | --t/,---z i ,--' ,----i -t/.--' ,''-/''i 0.1 1l r I. I - -a-t1 r-10a56/l|u1 .;;' 'a'' *d\doa.t I a: l 1i a- I f-"* l-^-u ' lllf Fig. 8. lhrintion of irc nonnal force to the flnnk suiace as a functiott of cutling paranrctet: a - speed; b - feed; c - depth ofcuuing rioration of the physical cornponents is much weaker. As a result, the fnction force J? increases for 337o,while the normal force F17 is approximately constant ancj so their ratio is situated between 0.15...0.21. The feed's influence on the friction force F (figure 7b), the normal force Fry (figure Bb) and the ratio between them (figure 9b) is explained based on rhe fact that the tearing angle ((p) irtcreases and the longitudinal coefficient of plastical cornpression (Cni) decreases as the feeci is higher. When the feed increases frorn 0.1 to 0.-i mn/rot, the friction force,tr and the normal one,l.y increase fronl 25.7 N to 62.1/y' and fron 103.1 N to 351.2 { respecrively. The decreasing tendency of the friction coefficient as the feed increases can be explained because of the slower increase of the tangential friction stress on that surface, ascribinq to the normal stress due to thermal effect. The influence of the cutting depth on the friction force I (figure 7c), the normal force -[,y (figure 8c) and the ratio betu,een thern (figure 9c) in oblique turning of OLC 45 steel, shows that the values of these components increase clue to thernlal stress, as a result oflclrver snecific prcssitlns on c()ntirct srrrftrcc ,4. Fig. 9. Variation of tltc cutting specd and the ftictiort coefJicicnt as jitnctiott of cutting paranrcters: a - spced: l> - fced: c - tleptlt of cuuitrg 5. CONCI,USION The results obtained using the methodology proposed above are close enough to those obtained by other authors in their experinrents [4]. The friction force and the friction coefficient on the flank surface of the tool depend on the cutting pzrrameters. and their values decrease with an average of 251)b for 100-800 rnlrnitt cuttiug speeds, as a result of a rnuch lnore ilttense therntal effect, influencing the mechanical chiiracter-istic.s of the material. NOTATIONS: l) - cutting speed; f ,, n Fa lty Ty, oy Tn, o,z Tt,r,r, (Pd - ship's section; - friction coefficient on the flank surface; - fricrtion coefficient on the rake surface; - tangential, notrr. al stress to the flank surface; - tangeritial. nolllal stress to the rake surface; - maximum tangential stress to rake sur{ace; - base plune; 1A t+ Ii'ibolog, itt itftlustty, \blunre 20, No. l, 199g.

(A") - tangent plane to the flank surface, in Nl; (,\) - tangent plane to the rake surface, in M; (P) - pressure p)ane (normal to the effect. speed) vector i. - the resriltant speed, in M; T - tool angles: cutting edge angle, rake angle, tlank angle, cutting edge inclination angle; K,f ,G,,1 - tool angles: cutting edge angle, rake angle, tlank angle, cutting edge inclination angle; Ke,Te, ee,,l.. - working angles: i,r'orking cutting edge angle, rvorking minor cutting edge inclination angle; rl - angle bchveen the chip's flowing direction and the vector N, measured in (Ay) plane; fu - cutting force; FD Fv Fz - conponents r.lf the cutting force along lhe axes of the lvl.ryz si/stem: Fy - plastic deformation force; f,f -tnctr()nforce; Cat - plastic c.leformation coefficient. BIBLIOGRAPHY IT.llrnaratttlei D., ]llodel privind structura lizica a fotelor dc aschiere la prelucrarea cu viteza mare cu scula cu tais, Analele Univ. 1-fi, Suceavir, 1993, pl.i2-75. 12.)Arnarandei, D., Cozrnittca, N(., Mirotrcasa, C., Relatie de calcul a coeficientului de frecare la aschiere, Analele Universitatii, nr. I-6, Suceava, Sectiunea Mecanica, 1993, p.50-,52. 13.) Amarandei, D., Methodes experintentales appliquees a la modelisation de I' usinage par outil coupant dans le but de la determination des forces de deformation plastique et de frottement pendant la coupe a grande viesse, Diplome d'Etudes Approf. de N{ecaniquer, INSA Lyon, Franta, 1993. 14.)Amaratdcr, 1)., Cecetari privind nrarimea fbtelor de deformare plastica si de fiecare la aschierea cu viteze mari a otelurilor carbon, Teza de doctorat, Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, mai 1996. [5.] Amartuulei, D..Iixirecinrental nrethod applied for modelling edge tool cutting n'ith aim of evaluation the plastic deformation forces and friction forces at high speed machining, 4-TH Yugoslav Conference of Tribolog, .2i -29 sept. i995, Belgrad. [6.)Andt, G. Ultra - High - Speed I\{achining: A Review and an Analysis of Cutting F-orces, Proc. Inst. Mech., Eng., 1973, vol. 187, 44173,pa9.625-634. [7.lAndt, d., Ultra-I{igh-Speed l\{achining, Annals of the CIRP, v ol. 2I l l, 19'72. [8.)tltana.riu, N.,l'r'ibologr in Fornring Processes of the rnetallic materials, Tril-.otehnica 87, The-5-th Conferense on friction LLrbrification and Wear, Bucuieti, septenrlriie 1987, p.5-12. 19.) Belous, Z, Sinteza sculeor aschietoare, Eitura Junimea.Iasi.1980. [10.] Coaninca, M .,llazelc generarii suprafetelor pe masini unlte, Universitatea Tehnica "Gh: Asachi" Iasi, 1992, p.155-197. lI\.)Desrnortd, F., M., Principles and applications of Tribolog,,, Copyrrght, 197 5, p.254-258. [12.] Elcpitt,l..P. - Scorostnoe rezanie i ego effectihnosti ;rri obrabotke vleakik nraterialov, Sb. Nauki, TR /Gorki, Intlnj.vod Transp., 198B, 233, pag.55-62. 113.1 Erdal, Ii., Elijah, K., A,sibu, - "Ir'. Acoustic emission and Force sensor Fusion fbr monitoring the Cutting Proces, Int. J. Mech. Voi. 31, No. 11/12, pag. 795- 809, 1989. [14.] Iinust, Il., trferchortt, NI.Ii., Cltip Forrnation Friction and Higlt Quality l{achining, Surface Treatment of N{etnls, Preprints, -53, ASME, 1941. 115,1 Ippolito, R., I-ontittcasa, 5., Elqtitt,.L., Mecanica del taglio ad alta velocita, Ustensil, 3/1985. p.45-51. lI6.)Kravccttko, G.A., O vleanii llararnetrov obrabotki na sili deisvuiosie na zadnei poverhnosti instrumenta, Vestnik Masinostr., fi, 1989, p..11-43. [\7.)Krotrcnberg, M., Machirring Science, London, 1966 78.) lrlerclmttl, M., Meclranics of the Metal Cutting I'rocess, Journal of Appliecl Physics, vol. 16, no. 5, 1946, pag.267 -575. [19.] lvblitnt'i, A., Dtulziuki, D. - Stationary shear band in high-speed nrachining, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 315, Seria II, plg.399-40.5,1992. 120.] Ilt.cht, R..rr., A l)ynrarnic Analysis of High - Speed N{achining. Journal of Engineering for Industry, November, I 985, voI.107, pag.309-315. l2l.f Zoret, N..A/., Despre interclepenclenta proceselor din zona fbrnrirrii aschiei si din zona de contact a I'etei de degajare a sulei, BuletinLrl Construciei de lvlasir-ri, nr. 12, 1963, p.198-207 . [22.] Zorev, NN., .r.a., Razvitie nauki o rezanii rnetallov, Moskva, 1967. Tiibologt, irt itrcltuytni, Volurne 20, No. I, 1998. i.5

(A")<br />

- tangent plane to the flank surface, <strong>in</strong> Nl;<br />

(,\) - tangent plane to the rake surface, <strong>in</strong> M;<br />

(P) - pressure p)ane (normal to the effect. speed)<br />

vector i. - the resriltant speed, <strong>in</strong> M;<br />

T - tool angles: cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge angle, rake angle,<br />

tlank angle, cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ation angle;<br />

K,f ,G,,1 - tool angles: cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge angle, rake angle,<br />

tlank angle, cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ation angle;<br />

Ke,Te, ee,,l.. - work<strong>in</strong>g angles: i,r'ork<strong>in</strong>g cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge<br />

angle, rvork<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>or cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge<br />

<strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ation angle;<br />

rl - angle bchveen the chip's flow<strong>in</strong>g direction<br />

and the vector N, measured <strong>in</strong> (Ay) plane;<br />

fu<br />

- cutt<strong>in</strong>g force;<br />

FD Fv Fz - conponents r.lf the cutt<strong>in</strong>g force along<br />

lhe axes of the lvl.ryz si/stem:<br />

Fy - plastic deformation force;<br />

f,f -tnctr()nforce;<br />

Cat - plastic c.leformation coefficient.<br />


IT.llrnaratttlei D., ]llodel priv<strong>in</strong>d structura lizica a fotelor<br />

dc aschiere la prelucrarea cu viteza mare cu<br />

scula cu tais, Analele Univ. 1-fi, Suceavir, 1993,<br />

pl.i2-75.<br />

12.)Arnarandei, D., Cozrnittca, N(., Mirotrcasa, C., Relatie<br />

de calcul a coeficientului de frecare la aschiere,<br />

Analele Universitatii, nr. I-6, Suceava, Sectiunea<br />

Mecanica, 1993, p.50-,52.<br />

13.) Amarandei, D., Methodes exper<strong>in</strong>tentales appliquees<br />

a la modelisation de I' us<strong>in</strong>age par outil coupant<br />

dans le but de la determ<strong>in</strong>ation des forces de<br />

deformation plastique et de frottement pendant la<br />

coupe a grande viesse, Diplome d'Etudes Approf. de<br />

N{ecaniquer, INSA Lyon, Franta, 1993.<br />

14.)Amaratdcr, 1)., Cecetari priv<strong>in</strong>d nrarimea fbtelor de<br />

deformare plastica si de fiecare la aschierea cu viteze<br />

mari a otelurilor carbon, Teza de doctorat, Universitatea<br />

Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, mai 1996.<br />

[5.] Amartuulei, D..Iixirec<strong>in</strong>rental nrethod applied for<br />

modell<strong>in</strong>g edge tool cutt<strong>in</strong>g n'ith aim of evaluation<br />

the plastic deformation forces and friction forces at<br />

high speed mach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, 4-TH Yugoslav Conference<br />

of Tribolog, .2i -29 sept. i995, Belgrad.<br />

[6.)Andt, G. Ultra - High - Speed I\{ach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g: A Review<br />

and an Analysis of Cutt<strong>in</strong>g F-orces, Proc. Inst.<br />

Mech., Eng., 1973, vol. 187, 44173,pa9.625-634.<br />

[7.lAndt, d., Ultra-I{igh-Speed l\{ach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, Annals of<br />

the CIRP, v ol. 2I l l, 19'72.<br />

[8.)tltana.riu, N.,l'r'ibologr <strong>in</strong> Fornr<strong>in</strong>g Processes of the<br />

rnetallic materials, Tril-.otehnica 87, The-5-th Conferense<br />

on friction LLrbrification and Wear, Bucuieti,<br />

septenrlriie 1987, p.5-12.<br />

19.) Belous, Z, S<strong>in</strong>teza sculeor aschietoare, Eitura Junimea.Iasi.1980.<br />

[10.] Coan<strong>in</strong>ca, M .,llazelc generarii suprafetelor pe mas<strong>in</strong>i<br />

unlte, Universitatea Tehnica "Gh: Asachi" Iasi,<br />

1992, p.155-197.<br />

lI\.)Desrnortd, F., M., Pr<strong>in</strong>ciples and applications of Tribolog,,,<br />

Copyrrght, 197 5, p.254-258.<br />

[12.] Elcpitt,l..P. - Scorostnoe rezanie i ego effectihnosti<br />

;rri obrabotke vleakik nraterialov, Sb. Nauki, TR<br />

/Gorki, Intlnj.vod Transp., 198B, 233, pag.55-62.<br />

113.1 Erdal, Ii., Elijah, K., A,sibu, - "Ir'. Acoustic emission<br />

and Force sensor Fusion fbr monitor<strong>in</strong>g the Cutt<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Proces, Int. J. Mech. Voi. 31, <strong>No</strong>. 11/12, pag. 795-<br />

809, 1989.<br />

[14.] I<strong>in</strong>ust, Il., trferchortt, NI.Ii., Cltip Forrnation Friction<br />

and Higlt Quality l{ach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, Surface Treatment of<br />

N{etnls, Prepr<strong>in</strong>ts, -53, ASME, 1941.<br />

115,1 Ippolito, R., I-ontittcasa, 5., Elqtitt,.L., Mecanica del<br />

taglio ad alta velocita, Ustensil, 3/1985. p.45-51.<br />

lI6.)Kravccttko, G.A., O vleanii llararnetrov obrabotki na<br />

sili deisvuiosie na zadnei poverhnosti <strong>in</strong>strumenta,<br />

Vestnik Mas<strong>in</strong>ostr., fi, 1989, p..11-43.<br />

[\7.)Krotrcnberg, M., Machirr<strong>in</strong>g Science, London, 1966<br />

78.) lrlerclmttl, M., Meclranics of the Metal Cutt<strong>in</strong>g I'rocess,<br />

Journal of Appliecl Physics, vol. 16, no. 5, 1946,<br />

pag.267 -575.<br />

[19.] lvblitnt'i, A., Dtulziuki, D. - Stationary shear band<br />

<strong>in</strong> high-speed nrach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris,<br />

315, Seria II, plg.399-40.5,1992.<br />

120.] Ilt.cht, R..rr., A l)ynrarnic Analysis of High - Speed<br />

N{ach<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. Journal of Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>Industry</strong>,<br />

<strong>No</strong>vember, I 985, voI.107, pag.309-315.<br />

l2l.f Zoret, N..A/., Despre <strong>in</strong>terclepenclenta proceselor d<strong>in</strong><br />

zona fbrnrirrii aschiei si d<strong>in</strong> zona de contact a I'etei<br />

de degajare a sulei, Bulet<strong>in</strong>Lrl Construciei de lvlasir-ri,<br />

nr. 12, 1963, p.198-207 .<br />

[22.] Zorev, NN., .r.a., Razvitie nauki o rezanii rnetallov,<br />

Moskva, 1967.<br />

Tiibologt, irt itrcltuytni, Volurne 20, <strong>No</strong>. I, <strong>1998</strong>. i.5

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