September 2010|1 - KazEnergy

September 2010|1 - KazEnergy

September 2010|1 - KazEnergy


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prOfESSiONal<br />

|<br />

tional program. Its future projects will assume<br />

greater involvement of future specialists in science,<br />

and offer broader opportunities for identifying<br />

innovative, breakthrough ideas that are<br />

useful for the development of Kazakhstan’s<br />

economy.<br />

We have already started gathering information<br />

on innovative research, specifically projects<br />

relevant to the oil-gas and energy industries.<br />

In this case, the Association will rely, as before,<br />

on open competitions. Candidates who qualify<br />

to apply for our scholarships and grants are<br />

registered students, graduate students, undergraduates,<br />

doctoral students, researchers,<br />

university professors and industry employees<br />

with scientific interests.<br />

– Why do colleges, professional schools<br />

and universities in Kazakhstan<br />

experience diffculties in competing with<br />

their foreign counterparts?<br />

– The reason for this is that they have long<br />

been separated from enterprises, closed to the<br />

outside world, and disengaged from applied<br />

research. It is business that connects academic,<br />

research and business activities. Educational<br />

institutions still lack stable ties with customers<br />

and clients of educational services. KAZEN-<br />

ERGY Educational program aims to meet the<br />

precise challenges of creating these ties: to enable<br />

professional schools, colleges, and higher<br />

education institutions to “break through” to<br />

the innovative economy, to modern technologies<br />

of education and science.<br />

“gOlD STaNDarD” Of ThE prOfESSiON<br />

– In oil companies with foreign participation,<br />

conflicts frequently arise from the fact<br />

that Kazakhstani employees feel undervalued<br />

in comparison with foreigners,<br />

who refer disparagingly to differences in<br />

qualifications. Do you think this situation<br />

will change once Kazakhstan’s industrial<br />

and innovative development is assisted<br />

by its own personnel? And how it should<br />

change?<br />

– In my opinion, this is a bilateral process. On<br />

the one hand, the salaries of Kazakhstani and<br />

foreign employees occupying the same position<br />

should be adjusted. As one way of solving<br />

this problem, the Association organizes internships<br />

for Kazakhstani personnel in foreign<br />

companies.<br />

The difference between salaries and qualifications<br />

is only the “visible” aspect of the issue.<br />

The real reason lies elsewhere, in the vacuum<br />

between the educational system and real<br />

economy - that is, the discrepancy between<br />

educational standards and the requirements<br />

of employers. There is no system of professional<br />

standards, no National Qualification<br />

System to build a bridge between theory and<br />

practice. The absence of a National Qualification<br />

System - the system that assesses professional<br />

qualifications – disguises the changes<br />

ThE abSENCE Of a NaTiONal qualifiCaTiON<br />

SySTEm - ThE SySTEm ThaT aSSESSES<br />

prOfESSiONal qualifiCaTiONS – DiSguiSES<br />

ThE ChaNgES ThaT havE OCCurrED iN thE<br />

NAtuRE of pRofEssioNs duRiNG thE YEARs of<br />

iNdEpENdENcE.<br />

that have occurred in the nature of professions<br />

during the years of independence. Some jobs<br />

have become obsolete, while others have appeared.<br />

Both the ownership structure, and<br />

what is expected and required of employees<br />

have changed. Production has become much<br />

more technologically advanced and innovative<br />

than it was 10-20 years ago. And in order<br />

to ensure that our personnel meet the industrial-innovative<br />

development of the country,<br />

we should be aware of their real readiness for<br />

change.<br />

It is generally acknowledged nowadays that<br />

NQS is necessary. An example of this is the<br />

establishment of a Working group composed<br />

of representatives of the Ministry of Education<br />

and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social<br />

Protection, “Atameken” National Economic<br />

Chamber, and EU experts.<br />

– In turn, the question arises: who should<br />

certify employees’ qualifications to ensure<br />

an objective, fair and generally accepted<br />

result?<br />

– The certification of specialists is also one of<br />

the main elements of the National Qualification<br />

System. In my opinion, the certification should<br />

take place in specialized industry centers under<br />

the jurisdiction of organizations similar to<br />

our Association, where employers are able to<br />

participate in the development of assignments<br />

and in the work of qualifications commissions<br />

as independent experts.

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