September 2010|1 - KazEnergy

September 2010|1 - KazEnergy September 2010|1 - KazEnergy
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prOfESSiONal |0 prosperous KazaKhsTan has found anoTher resource To boosT iTs socio-economic developmenT and ensure iTs enTry inTo The Top fifTy mosT compeTiTive economies in The world. iT is TradiTionally associaTed wiTh The counTry’s mosT successful indusTry, ThaT of oil and gas. This Time, however, KazaKhsTan’s new resource is noT hydrocarbon reserves buT people: The Training of new age professionals for The modern economy.

September 2010|1 Oil iNDuSTry iN KazaKhSTaN iS TraiNiNg NEW agE prOfESSiONalS Mr Jambulat Sarsenov, the general Director of kazenergy, Kazakhstan’s Association of oil-gas and energy organizations, tells us what is being done and planned by the oil industry in this direction. This industry alliance unites more than 40 Kazakhstani and foreign companies, and its activities in training specialists has been recognized by the government as a breakthrough. Oil aND gaS iNDuSTry - mOrE ThaN aN iNDuSTry - Mr Sarsenov, kazenergy is actively involved in the process of staffng for the industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan. Could you please explain how this is being carried out by the industry alliance? - Our Association has several coordinating councils that are focused on different aspects of the industry. Issues discussed at meetings, one way or another, go beyond the scope of the industry to affect the interests of the entire state. The oil and gas industry plays a major role in the economic and social life of Kazakhstan, and is not limited to departmental interests. We provide more than 20% of the annual gross domestic product. This figure indicates the input of the oil and gas industry into the national economy, and our contribution to the industrial and innovative development of the country. Moreover, the pace of production growth in oil-gas and energy industries is among the highest in Kazakhstan. We must also take into account the fact that, since the early 1990s, oil-gas and energy industries have been among the first and most active industries not only in attracting foreign investment,

prOfESSiONal<br />

|0<br />

prosperous KazaKhsTan has found anoTher resource To<br />

boosT iTs socio-economic developmenT and ensure iTs enTry<br />

inTo The Top fifTy mosT compeTiTive economies in The world.<br />

iT is TradiTionally associaTed wiTh The counTry’s mosT successful<br />

indusTry, ThaT of oil and gas. This Time, however,<br />

KazaKhsTan’s new resource is noT hydrocarbon reserves buT<br />

people: The Training of new age professionals for The modern<br />


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