Reuters AdfinX Real Time 1.0 Library User Guide (Doc. No. 4510529)

Reuters AdfinX Real Time 1.0 Library User Guide (Doc. No. 4510529)

Reuters AdfinX Real Time 1.0 Library User Guide (Doc. No. 4510529)


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<strong>AdfinX</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>1.0</strong> <strong>Library</strong> - <strong>User</strong>'s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Example<br />

Public list as AdxRtList<br />

Set list = New AdxRtList<br />

Dim ItemList(0 To 1) as Variant<br />

ItemList(0) = "EUR="<br />

ItemList(1) = "JPY="<br />

Dim FieldList(0 To 1) as Variant<br />

FieldList(0) = "BID"<br />

FieldList(1) = "ASK"<br />

list.RegisterItems ItemList, FieldList<br />

TestBid = list.IsRegisteredField("EUR=", "BID")<br />

'Sets TestBid to True'<br />

TestDName = list.IsRegisteredField("JPY=", "DISPLAY_NAME")<br />

'Sets TestDName to False'<br />

2.2.2. IsRegisteredItem<br />

IsRegisteredItem(ItemName)<br />

This property returns a Boolean value which is True if the designated item has been registered in the<br />

AdxRtList object. Otherwise it returns False.<br />

Arguments<br />

ItemName<br />

The name of the item as a string.<br />

Return Value<br />

True if the item was found, False otherwise.<br />

Example<br />

Public list as AdxRtList<br />

Set list = New AdxRtList<br />

Dim ItemList(0 To 1) as Variant<br />

ItemList(0) = "EUR="<br />

ItemList(1) = "JPY="<br />

list.RegisterItems ItemList, FieldList<br />

TestEUR = list.IsRegisteredItem("EUR=")<br />

'Sets TestEUR to True'<br />

TestCHF = list.IsRegisteredItem("CHF=")<br />

'Sets TestCHF to False'<br />


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