Taith i Gatalunya a Barcelona - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Taith i Gatalunya a Barcelona - Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Taith i Gatalunya a Barcelona - Urdd Gobaith Cymru


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yn cynnwys/ including:<br />

Llety mewn Canolfan Gwyliau - cabannau pren en-suite.<br />

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●<br />

Accomodation in a holiday centre – en suite log cabins<br />

Brecwast, Cinio a Swper ar y diwrnodau rydym yn y Gwersyll<br />

Breakfast, lunch and supper on the days we are in the centre<br />

Pecyn bwyd amser cinio ar y diwrnodau rydym allan o’r Gwersyll<br />

Packed lunch on the days we are out of the centre.<br />

<strong>Taith</strong> diwrnod i / A day trip to <strong>Barcelona</strong><br />

<strong>Taith</strong> i Barc Thema / A day visit to the Theme Park: 'Port Aventura'<br />

<strong>Taith</strong> diwrnod i / A day visit to: 'Water World'<br />

<strong>Taith</strong> i lawr i 'Tossa de Mar' i Siopa / A visit to Tossa de Mar to do some shopping<br />

Mynediad i /Entrance to: ‘Nou Camp’ - Stadiwm Beldroed <strong>Barcelona</strong> Football Stadium<br />

Amser ar y traeth ag yn y Gwersyll / Free time on the beach and in the centre<br />

Yswiriant (Salwch yn unig) / Insurance (Health only)<br />


Llety a Lleoliad<br />

Byddwn yn aros ar y Costa Brava mewn man delfrydol yn agos at Tossa De Mar. Mae’r dref wedi<br />

cadw ei thraddodiad a’i chymeriad o fewn muriau canoloesol ac adeiladau Rhufeinig. Bydd y llety<br />

ar ffurf cabanau pren sydd yn cysgu 4/6/8 person gyda chyfleusterau en-suite a man ymlacio tu<br />

allan. Mae ystafell gemau a gweithgareddau wrth-law, ty bwyta, siopau, pwll nofio a thraeth. Mae<br />

dros 1,500 o bobl ifanc <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> eisioes wedi ymweld a’r ganolfan dros y deng<br />

mlynedd diwethaf. Safle gwe y ganolfan yw - www.clubairelibre.com<br />

Esiampl o Amserlen<br />

Diwrnod 1<br />

Teithio mewn bws moethus i <strong>Gatalunya</strong>. Bydd angen i chi dod a bwyd am y siwrne.<br />

Diwrnod 2<br />

Cyrraedd ‘Tossa De Mar’ yn y bore. Cael cinio ac yna ymlacio ar y traeth yn y prynhawn.<br />

Disgo ar ol swper.<br />

Diwrnod 3<br />

Brecwast ac yna ymadael i ‘Port Aventura’ un o barciau thema mwyaf yn Ewrop tua 2 awr i ffwrdd.<br />

Bydd pecyn cinio i bawb a byddwn yn treulio’r diwrnod yma. Bydd angen prynu pryd bwyd gyda’r nos<br />

yn y Parc.<br />

Diwrnod 4<br />

Diwrnod rhydd a chyfle i ymlacio wrth ymyl y pwll neu ar y traeth. <strong>Taith</strong> i lawr i ‘Tossa de Mar’ i siopa<br />

gyda’r hwyr.<br />

Diwrnod 5<br />

Brecwast ac yuna ymadael am <strong>Barcelona</strong> am y dydd. Ymweld â’r Stadiwm Bêl-droed ‘Nou Camp’ a’r<br />

Stadiwm Olympaidd. Darperir pecyn cinio i bawb. Yn y prynhawn cyfle i ymweld â siopau <strong>Barcelona</strong> a<br />

mwynhau'r adloniant a’r awyrgylch. Bydd cyfle i brynu swper cyn mynd nôl i’r gwersyll.Nol erbyn<br />

12.00am<br />

Diwrnod 6<br />

Brecwast ac yna ymadael am ‘Water World’ sef un o Barciau thema Dŵr gorau Ewrop. Cyfle i<br />

fwynhau ar y reidiau dŵr drwy’r dydd. Darperir pecyn cinio i bawb. Nôl erbyn swper ac yna disgo<br />

gyda’r nos.<br />

Diwrnod 7<br />

Brecwast ac yna cyfle i bacio. Amser rhydd i fynd i’r traeth neu ymlacio wrth y pwll. Cinio yn y<br />

Ganolfan. Cerdded i lawr i ‘Tossa de Mar’ amser te. Cyfle i gael bwyd a gwneud ychydig o siopa<br />

munud olaf. Cychwyn am adref tua 9pm. Trafeilio dros nos<br />

Diwrnod 8<br />

Cyrraedd nol i Gymru gyda’r nos.<br />

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol<br />

Bydd y bws sydd yn cludo’r disgyblion i Sbaen yn cynnwys teledu a DVD, ty-bach ac ‘Air Conditioning’.<br />

Mae’n rhaid i bob plentyn fod yn aelod o’r <strong>Urdd</strong>.<br />

Rhaid i bawb fod yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg.<br />

Ni chaniateir i NEB, staff na phlant, i siarad Saesneg yn ystod y daith.<br />

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, llenwch y ffurflen a'i ddanfon nôl at<br />

Canolfan yr <strong>Urdd</strong>, Pentre Ifan, Felindre Farchog, Crymych. SA41 3XE<br />

gyda blaendal o £150 cyn gynted a bo modd ond dim hwyrach na 28ain o Chwefror.<br />

Siec yn daladwy i "Pwyllgor yr <strong>Urdd</strong> Sir Benfro".<br />

Os derbynnir eich plentyn ar y daith byddwn yn danfon gwybodaeth bellach wedi’r dyddiad yma,<br />

bydd angen gwneud y taliad nesaf o £100 erbyn Ebrill y 1af i sicrhau’r lle, a’r £150 nesaf erbyn<br />

Mehefin y 1af. Wedi i ni dderbyn unrhyw daliad ni allwn warantu y medrwn ail dalu unrhyw swm<br />

heb bapur doctor.<br />

Byddwn yn trefnu cyfarfod i rieni yn ystod hwyr mis Mehefin/Gorffennaf cynnar pan ddisgwylir y<br />

swm bydd yn weddill.<br />

Os oes unrhyw cwestiynau gennych cysylltwch a Dyfed Sion ar<br />

01239 820317 neu dyfedsion@urdd.org

Accommodation and Location<br />

We will be staying near Tossa De Mar, a town considered by many to be the nicest resort on the<br />

Costa Brava. Tossa is virtually unspoiled and has retained much of its character with its mediaeval<br />

walls and Roman buildings. The group will have their own wooden chalets that will sleep 4/6/8<br />

people with en-suite facilities and a patio area outside. There is a games room and activities<br />

nearby, restaurant, shops and a swimming pool with sunbathing areas. Over 1,500 young people<br />

from <strong>Urdd</strong> <strong>Gobaith</strong> <strong>Cymru</strong> have visited the centre over the last ten years. The centre’s website is<br />

www.clubairelibre.com<br />

Example of programme<br />

Day 1<br />

Travel by bus overnight from Wales to Catalunya. You will need to bring food for the journey.<br />

Day 2<br />

Arrive at the centre in the morning. Lunch and then a chance to relax on the beach or by the pool in<br />

the afternoon. Disco after supper in the evening.<br />

Day 3<br />

Breakfast and then a visit to ‘Port Aventura’ one of Europe’s largest Theme Parks. We<br />

will spend the day there (packed lunch provided). You will need to buy an evening meal. Back late.<br />

Day 4<br />

A day to relax in the camp. A chance to go to the beach or stay by the pool. We will visit Tossa de Mar<br />

in the evening before returning for Supper.<br />

Day 5<br />

Breakfast and then leave to go to <strong>Barcelona</strong> for the day. A visit to ‘Nou Camp’, the football stadium<br />

and the Olympic Stadium. A packed lunch will be provided again for everybody. Everybody will then<br />

have the afternoon to do some shopping in <strong>Barcelona</strong> and enjoy the sights and the atmosphere.<br />

Everyone needs to buy an evening meal before returning to the coach. Back late.<br />

Day 6<br />

Breakfast before going to ‘Water World’, one of Europe’s best water theme parks. A chance there to<br />

enjoy the water rides for the day! (packed lunch provided). Back in time for supper and a disco in the<br />

evening.<br />

Day 7<br />

Breakfast and then time to pack before having some free time to go to the beach, relax by the pool or<br />

try out the activities in the centre. Lunch in the cnetre. At tea time we will walk down to Tossa de Mar<br />

for some last minute shopping and an evening meal. Start the journey home around 9pm. Travel<br />

overnight<br />

Day 8<br />

Arrive back in South Wales by late evening.<br />

Additional Information:<br />

The bus that will be taking the children to Catalunya will have a television and DVD player, toilet<br />

facilities and will be fully air-conditioned.<br />

Every child must be a member of the <strong>Urdd</strong> (£6.50)<br />

Every child must also be able to understand & converse through the welsh language.<br />

No Staff or Child will be allowed to speak English during the trip.<br />

If you are interested in this trip please fill in the slip and send it back to:<br />

Canolfan yr <strong>Urdd</strong>, Pentre Ifan, Felindre Farchog, Crymych. SA41 3XE<br />

With a deposit of £150 as soon as possible but no later than 28 th of February<br />

Please make cheques payable to " Pwyllgor yr <strong>Urdd</strong> Sir Benfro"<br />

(Cheques can be post-dated to February 1 st , 2013 if you so wish)<br />

If your application is successful you will receive further information after this date.<br />

A further payment of £100 will be required by the 1 st of April to confirm the place, followed by a<br />

further £150 by June 1 st . Once received we cannot guarantee that any payments will be refunded<br />

without a Doctors certificate.<br />

A meeting for all parents will be arranged during late June/early July when the remainder of the<br />

money will be due.<br />

If you have any questions please contact Dyfed Sion on<br />

01239 820317 or dyfedsion@urdd.org


Enw / Name…………………………........................……<br />

Bachgen Boy / Merch / Girl<br />

Cyfeiriad /<br />

Address…………………………...............................................…..……………….…………..<br />

……………………………………………………………………...............................................…<br />

……………………………………………………………………...............................................…<br />

Cod Post / Post Code<br />

SA….........……….<br />

Rhif ffon / Phone…........…………………....………<br />

E-Bost/ E Mail – Teithiwr/Traveller …………………...…………<br />

E-Bost/ E Mail Rhiant /Adult ………………..............…………….<br />

Ysgol / School…..…...............……….………… Dyddiad Geni / D.O.B…….............…...…<br />

Ffrindiau sydd yn mynd ar y daith<br />

Friends who are going on the trip ………………………………………………………….<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Unrhyw anghenion meddygol / gofal / addysgol<br />

Any special medical / educational or care needs ………………………………………….<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Enw’r Rhiant/ Gwarchodwr / Parent/Carer's Name :.……………..................………….….<br />

Dileur os nad ydych yn hapus i ni gysylltu a chi trwy ebost yn y dyfodol<br />

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