Newsletter - National Field Archery Society

Newsletter - National Field Archery Society Newsletter - National Field Archery Society


THE warmth of early summer brings out the best in everyone, so let’s see what the stars have set out for us in the shoots ahead. Taurus Your luck is on the up, Taurus, and you’re about to see the results of your hard practice and determination pay off with some top quality shooting. Give yourself a pat on the back and relax in the knowledge that things can only get even better from here. Lucky colour: Purple Gemini It’s high time you started paying attention to your fine tuning, Gemini, especially if you want to improve your scores in time for the 3Ds. A minor set-back may be on the cards, but don’t fret because your determination will let nothing will put you off your game. Lucky colour: Blue Cancer Frustration and boredom are setting in as you have spent a lot of time on your own lately. This is not like you at all, so buck up Cancer and get back into the swing of making Sunday shooting your priority. Lucky colour: Orange Leo As always you love being in the lime-light and the sunny weather and your continuing good luck on the courses will make sure your shining scores are well rewarded. Make sure you get a raffle ticket on your next shoot as Lady Luck is heading in your direction. Lucky colour: Red Virgo Whether you changed shooting styles or not as indicated last time, you have been one of your club’s most dedicated members with the amount of practice you’ve been taking on. This will eventually start paying off, bringing 24s that little bit closer. So slog on! Lucky colour: Mauve Libra You will find yourself in new woods with new people over the next two months and thoroughly enjoying the shoots even if the challenge of the champs takes you out of your comfort zone. Paper faces may prove a challenge in May. Lucky colour: Pastel Green 18 Coffee Break The Field Archers’ Horoscope by Moira Hodgkinson Scorpio The full moon in your sign on 6th May means that all your goals are achievable, so instead of the bacon buttie truck, you should be at the practice grounds refining your skills as often as possible. The inner kill is waiting for you. Lucky colour: Black Sagittarius Have you got one of those huge fancy hip quivers with forty pockets? It’s full of snacks and chocolates, isn’t it? What a good job your shooting companions appreciate your generous nature and that there are a few long walk-backs to keep you in shape. Lucky colour: Beige Capricorn Lady Capricorns are having a lot of luck as they stroll the courses and the gentlemen goats are not far behind. Good shooting and sunny weather makes you happy enough, and when you snag a bargain piece of equipment on eBay your spirits are set to soar. Lucky colour: Lilac Aquarius Your instincts and skills are letting you down but don’t let it bother you as you will soon be back on form. Think of it as a chance to let others take the trophy for a change. Lucky colour: Turquoise Pisces You have been taking far too much time organising your archery supplies that it’s making you late for the shoots! Does it really matter if you take your brown finger tab or the black one? You know what the bare essentials are so don’t load up with gizmos and accessories that you hardly ever use anyway. Lucky colour: Neon Pink Aries You know that practice makes perfect as you have shown some improvement in your shooting technique, but don’t let it rush to your head. Keep your feet on the ground with a hot brew at the tea tent and a mate to remind you that whatever the outcome, you do this for fun! Lucky colour: Pale Yellow

National Field Archery Society Stock list 19

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Field</strong> <strong>Archery</strong><br />

<strong>Society</strong><br />

Stock list<br />


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