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dimensions<br />

of<br />

particle<br />

physics<br />

spring 2013<br />

A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication

A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication<br />

On the cover<br />

The Standard Model of particle physics has room for every known<br />

type of particle—the electron and its heavier cousins, the quarks<br />

that make up the atomic nucleus and the bosons that carry forces.<br />

But while neutrinos are part of the Standard Model table, they<br />

don’t really fit in; the fact that the three types of neutrinos can<br />

change into one another violates Standard Model predictions.<br />

What else will we learn from these maverick particles? See<br />

“Neutrinos, the Standard Model Misfits,” page 10.

symmetry | spring 2013<br />

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C3<br />

C4<br />

Editorial: The Discoveries Continue<br />

The discoveries of 2012 point the way to more exciting physics in<br />

2013 and the decades beyond.<br />

Commentary: John Womersley<br />

The “unreasonable demands” of pure research are an essential<br />

driver for technology, enriching our bodies, minds and pocketbooks.<br />

Commentary: Moishe Pripstein and George Trilling<br />

Long-term funding and support for science pays huge dividends<br />

from unexpected discoveries and applications—even when the<br />

potential impact is unclear at the time of discovery.<br />

Signal to Background<br />

A brainy playground springs up at Fermilab; Picasso’s paint proves<br />

common; a hipster detector searches for the crystalline “plink”<br />

of dark matter; SLAC’s softball team applies science to sport;<br />

a physicist fights for academic freedom.<br />

Neutrinos, the Standard Model Misfits<br />

For years, scientists thought that neutrinos fit perfectly into the<br />

Standard Model. But they don’t. By better understanding these<br />

strange, elusive particles, scientists seek to better understand the<br />

workings of all the universe, one discovery at a time.<br />

What’s Next at the Large Hadron Collider?<br />

Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider made a major<br />

discovery, but the world’s highest-energy particle accelerator<br />

is just getting started.<br />

Illuminating the Dark Universe<br />

The pursuit of dark matter and dark energy is one of the most<br />

exciting—and most challenging—areas of science. Now researchers<br />

think they’re beginning to close in.<br />

Deconstruction: Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment<br />

The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment aims to discover<br />

whether neutrinos violate the fundamental matter–antimatter<br />

symmetry of physics.<br />

Essay: A Galaxy with a View<br />

A physicist, a software developer and a writer step outside one night<br />

to take in nature’s beauty at a mountaintop observatory in Chile.<br />

Application: Cancer Detection<br />

Gamma rays are great for revealing astrophysical phenomena<br />

such as supermassive black holes and merging neutron stars.<br />

They’re also proving excellent for detecting early stages of cancer.<br />

Logbook: Higgs-like Particle<br />

In June 2012, particle physicists on experiments at the Large<br />

Hadron Collider had a secret to keep, just between themselves<br />

and a few thousand colleagues.<br />

Explain it in 60 Seconds: Spectroscopy<br />

Spectroscopy is a technique that astronomers use to measure<br />

and analyze the thousands of colors contained in the light emitted<br />

by stars, galaxies and other celestial objects.

from the editor<br />

Photo: Bradley Plummer, SLAC<br />

The discoveries<br />

continue<br />

This is quite the time in particle physics. Some<br />

of the most exciting discoveries in a decade have<br />

been made over the past year, and the coming<br />

years promise new<br />

endeavors and new<br />

findings.<br />

2012 brought us<br />

the discovery of a new<br />

boson resembling the<br />

Higgs, a triumph that<br />

not only is a major<br />

step toward understanding<br />

how some<br />

elementary particles<br />

acquire mass but also<br />

brings other longstanding<br />

questions<br />

about matter, energy,<br />

space and time into<br />

sharper focus.<br />

Meanwhile, the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino<br />

Experiment, in combination with other experiments,<br />

measured a key neutrino parameter, a significant<br />

result that paves the way for future revelations<br />

about neutrino properties and the imbalance<br />

between matter and antimatter. And the Baryon<br />

Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey looked further<br />

back in time than ever before, spying on the very<br />

early universe. Such observations are likely to<br />

offer insight into dark energy.<br />

Of course, the discoveries don’t end there.<br />

2013 will be a year of new projects and new data.<br />

The Dark Energy Survey will start mapping our<br />

universe as it seeks to unravel the mystery of<br />

dark energy. NOνA is powering up and beginning<br />

its studies of the strange properties of neutrinos.<br />

The Large Underground Xenon experiment is<br />

starting its search for the quiet signals of dark<br />

matter. The Large Hadron Collider is undergoing<br />

upgrades, enabling it to climb to higher collision<br />

energy and produce heavier particles, while analysis<br />

continues on the existing LHC dataset.<br />

Upgrades are also in the works for for the KEKB<br />

accelerator and the Belle experiment. And we<br />

expect additional results from a slew of other<br />

projects and analyses, answering questions<br />

about dark matter and dark energy, neutrino<br />

properties, the asymmetry between matter and<br />

antimatter, physics beyond the Standard Model,<br />

the cosmic phenomena that emit the most<br />

energetic form of light, and much, much more.<br />

This year is also a time of long-range planning.<br />

Through what’s called the Snowmass process,<br />

the US particle physics community is now identifying<br />

the most important and pressing scientific<br />

questions and the experiments and techniques<br />

needed to answer them. After the Snowmass<br />

process is complete in the second half of 2013,<br />

the Department of Energy will reestablish the<br />

Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel to<br />

develop a clear strategy for the United States’<br />

investment in the construction and operation of<br />

particle physics projects over the coming<br />

decades.<br />

As thrilling as the past year has been, the future<br />

promises to be even more so.<br />

Kelen Tuttle, Editor-in-chief<br />

<strong>Symmetry</strong><br />

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symmetry (ISSN 1931-8367)<br />

is published by Fermi National<br />

Accelerator Laboratory and<br />

SLAC National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory, funded by the<br />

US Department of Energy<br />

Office of Science. (c) 2013<br />

symmetry All rights reserved<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Kelen Tuttle<br />

650 926 2585<br />

Deputy Editor<br />

Kathryn Jepsen<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Kurt Riesselmann<br />

Senior Editor<br />

Glennda Chui<br />

Staff Writers<br />

Glenn Roberts Jr.<br />

Andre Salles<br />

Ashley WennersHerron<br />

Lori Ann White<br />

Interns<br />

Jessica Orwig<br />

Joseph Piergrossi<br />

Publishers<br />

Farnaz Khadem, SLAC<br />

Katie Yurkewicz, FNAL<br />

Contributing Editors<br />

Kandice Carter, JLab
<br />

Jennifer Gagné, TRIUMF
<br />

James Gillies, CERN
<br />

Sophie Kerhoas-Cavata, CEA<br />

Karen McNulty Walsh, BNL<br />

Vanessa Mexner, NIKHEF<br />

Till Mundzeck, DESY
<br />

Vincenzo Napolano, INFN
<br />

Terry O’Connor, STFC<br />

Paul Preuss, LBNL<br />

Perrine Royole-Degieux, IN2P3
<br />

Yuri Ryabov, IHEP Protvino
<br />

Boris Starchenko, JINR<br />

Rika Takahashi, KEK<br />

Maury Tigner, LEPP
<br />

Tongzhou Xu, IHEP Beijing<br />

Photographic Services<br />

Fermilab Visual Media<br />

Services<br />

SLAC Multimedia<br />

Communications<br />

Art Direction and Design<br />

Sandbox Studio<br />

Chicago, Illinois<br />

Art Director<br />

Michael Branigan<br />

Designers<br />

Kimberly Boustead<br />

Ana Kova<br />

Brad Nagle<br />

Production Designers<br />

Aaron Grant<br />

Rob Gueli<br />

Jared Scott<br />

Web Production<br />

Xeno Media<br />

Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois<br />

Web Architect<br />

Kevin Munday<br />

Web Programmer<br />

Will Long<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


symmetry<br />

More symmetry<br />

online<br />

It’s an exciting time in particle<br />

physics! Stay on top of<br />

the latest developments by<br />

subscribing to symmetry’s<br />

electronic edition. We publish<br />

new articles every week.<br />


commentary: john womersley<br />

Being unreasonable:<br />

the value of pure science<br />

Photo: Cindy Arnold, Fermilab<br />

Fermilab’s founding director, Robert R. Wilson,<br />

famously responded to the question of how the<br />

laboratory would help defend the United States<br />

with the declaration that it would not. “It has<br />

only to do with the respect with which we regard<br />

one another, the dignity of men, our love of<br />

culture,” he said. “It has to do with: Are we good<br />

painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean<br />

all the things we really venerate in our country<br />

and are patriotic about. It has nothing to do<br />

directly with defending our country except to<br />

make it worth defending.”<br />

In the postwar era, those words had great<br />

resonance. But science can—and has—delivered<br />

so much more to benefit the nations that invest<br />

in it. In today’s world of fiscal uncertainty, it is<br />

imperative that scientists justify their work in<br />

economic as well as scientific terms.<br />

Last year, I spoke at a symposium marking the<br />

end of Fermilab’s Tevatron particle collider. From<br />

back-of-the-envelope calculations, I estimated that<br />

the cost of construction and operation ($4 billion<br />

in today’s terms) was returned approximately<br />

tenfold in the value of training PhD students and<br />

stimulating industry in superconducting magnets<br />

and computing.<br />

Fundamental physics places unreasonable<br />

demands on technology and computing. When<br />

organizations commit to a project on the scale of<br />

the Tevatron, the Large Hadron Collider or any of<br />

the proposed next-generation giant telescopes,<br />

they are stimulating the future advances in these<br />

areas that will make the projects possible. As<br />

George Bernard Shaw said, “The reasonable man<br />

adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable<br />

one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.<br />

Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable<br />

man.”<br />

Around the world, scientists are gathering<br />

the evidence that makes a compelling case: The<br />

technological developments needed for pure<br />

research are essential to the advances society<br />

makes. Examples include magnetic resonance<br />

imaging, synchrotrons, the Web and the people<br />

inspired to engage in science or engineering<br />

by the awe of pure science.<br />

Today’s high-resolution MRI scanners would<br />

not be possible without research done into<br />

superconducting magnets for particle physics at<br />

the UK Science and Technology Facilities<br />

Council’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the<br />

1960s. The superconducting cables and joints<br />

they invented now underpin a global MRI industry<br />

worth $6.9 billion a year and growing at 7.7<br />

percent a year.<br />

The need for the international particle physics<br />

community to collaborate across borders drove<br />

the development of the Web at the European<br />

laboratory CERN. The Web’s value to the economy<br />

is now immense. In 2011, Americans spent $256<br />

billion on retail and travel-related purchases online,<br />

a 12 percent increase over 2010.<br />

Data also show us that questions about the<br />

fundamental nature of the universe grab public<br />

attention. We know that competing in a global<br />

knowledge economy requires a scientifically<br />

trained workforce; and we have good evidence<br />

that something like 90 percent of physics students<br />

were originally motivated to study science<br />

because of particle physics and astronomy.<br />

One measure of our success is that in the United<br />

Kingdom we’ve seen substantial increases in<br />

physics enrollment in the past year, despite overall<br />

decreases in student numbers.<br />

These are just a few examples of how the<br />

unreasonable requirements of science drive innovation<br />

around the world. We owe it to ourselves,<br />

to future generations of scientists, and most importantly<br />

to the public who ultimately support us, to<br />

make the best case we can for the importance and<br />

impact of fundamental science. We have a great<br />

story to tell, and we should not be shy in telling it!<br />

John Womersley is the chief executive officer of the United<br />

Kingdom’s Science and Technology Facilities Council and<br />

a visiting professor at the University of Durham, University<br />

College London and University of Oxford. He also previously<br />

served as a scientific advisor to the US Department of<br />

Energy and was a member of the DZero experiment at the<br />

Tevatron from 1986 to 2005.<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


commentary: moishe pripstein and george trilling<br />

The power<br />

of basic science<br />

Amid the worldwide excitement of the recent<br />

discovery of what may be the long-sought Higgs<br />

boson, some questions arose as to whether it<br />

was worth the expense.<br />

Particle physics is an important endeavor, one<br />

that addresses profound human curiosity about<br />

such fundamental questions as how the universe<br />

evolved and why we have mass, and one that<br />

trains generations of new scientists at the cutting<br />

edge of research.<br />

But, even more than that, the science is important<br />

because new knowledge is power—even<br />

when the potential impact is unclear at the time<br />

of discovery. The challenge then is to ensure<br />

that it is used for the benefit of society.<br />

As one example among many, when the theory<br />

of quantum mechanics was introduced in the<br />

1920s, it seemed to many people to have no<br />

relevance at all to the macroscopic world, and<br />

therefore to our lives. As a physical theory of<br />

the submicroscopic world, quantum mechanics<br />

is applicable only to the world of very small<br />

distances.<br />

But within two decades, quantum mechanics<br />

led to the invention of the transistor and the<br />

development of solid-state electronics, which<br />

dominate our lives today. No one could have<br />

had any such inkling in the 1920s.<br />

This is the power of pure research: hope for<br />

the future.<br />

Today, the largest particle-physics experiment,<br />

the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland,<br />

explores a whole range of transformational<br />

research topics. In addition to the discovery of<br />

the Higgs-like boson, the LHC is on the brink<br />

of many unexpected discoveries. Is there, as<br />

suggested by theory, a new hierarchy of particles,<br />

called supersymmetric particles, beyond those<br />

described by the Standard Model of particle physics?<br />

What is dark matter? Do extra dimensions<br />

exist, beyond the familiar three dimensions of<br />

space and one of time that underlie our present<br />

concept and experience? Will the unexplored<br />

domains of high energy and large masses that the<br />

LHC makes accessible lead to the discovery of<br />

entirely new principles of nature? A few decades<br />

from now, the answers to these questions—and<br />

the others asked in particle physics and indeed<br />

all science—may enable huge societal benefits.<br />

So how do we realize this promise for the<br />

future? First, by leveraging the special excitement<br />

in so many fields of science today, such as in<br />

particle physics with the discovery of a possible<br />

Higgs and in cosmology with the discovery of<br />

dark energy. Scientists must be more proactive in<br />

transmitting this excitement to the public<br />

at large, which could translate into increased<br />

support for science education and research.<br />

If the past is any guide, long-term funding<br />

support for science pays huge dividends from<br />

unexpected discoveries and applications. So,<br />

despite fiscal uncertainties, if not now, when?<br />

Moishe Pripstein is the former program director of the National<br />

Science Foundation’s support of US LHC participation<br />

at CERN. He is also a senior physicist (retired) at Lawrence<br />

Berkeley National Laboratory.<br />

George Trilling is a former chairperson of the Department of<br />

Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former<br />

director of the Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley<br />

National Laboratory. He is also a former president of the<br />

American Physical Society.<br />

Photos: APS<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


signal to background<br />

A brainy playground springs up at Fermilab; Picasso’s paint proves common;<br />

a hipster detector searches for the crystalline “plink” of dark matter; SLAC’s<br />

softball team applies science to sport; a physicist fights for academic freedom.<br />

Precocious protons<br />

Ask a bunch of 10-year-olds<br />

this question: Would you rather<br />

hear about the journey of<br />

a proton through Fermilab’s<br />

accelerators, or would you<br />

rather be a proton and take<br />

that journey yourself?<br />

And now, go visit an ear<br />

doctor, since the deafening<br />

sound of kids shouting out the<br />

second option has no doubt<br />

caused some damage. It’s no<br />

secret that hands-on education<br />

experiences are more fun for<br />

kids—it feels like recess, and yet<br />

learning is happening.<br />

That’s the guiding principle<br />

behind the Physics Playground,<br />

now under construction at<br />

Fermilab’s Lederman Science<br />

Center. The first attraction to<br />

be built is a running track that<br />

allows children to pretend to<br />

be protons, antiprotons or<br />

muons, as they run along trails<br />

in the shape of the lab’s iconic<br />

accelerator complex.<br />

The track mirrors the route<br />

a particle takes as it travels<br />

through the linac, Fermilab’s<br />

initial accelerator, then around<br />

the booster and the main<br />

injector, where the particle ramps<br />

up to nearly the speed of light.<br />

The path then leads to a replica<br />

of the Tevatron ring, where<br />

kids can pretend to be protons<br />

or antiprotons, running around<br />

the track in opposite directions<br />

depending on their choice.<br />

The Proton Run is the<br />

brainchild of a veteran educator<br />

who knows the value of mixing<br />

fun with learning: Marge<br />

Bardeen, head of Fermilab’s<br />

Office of Education.<br />

To construct the run, Bardeen<br />

partnered with Susan Dahl,<br />

who coordinates the Teacher<br />

Resource Center at the<br />

Lederman Center. Dahl<br />

obtained funding for the Proton<br />

Run in an unusual way: She<br />

secured a gambling tax grant<br />

from Kane County, Illinois, that<br />

covered about half the cost.<br />

She and other members of<br />

the non-profit organization<br />

Fermilab Friends for Science<br />

Education will now help arrange<br />

funds to build the rest of the<br />

playground, which may also<br />

include an energy-wave simulator<br />

and a swing set that mimics<br />

the behavior of neutrinos.<br />

The Proton Run will open to<br />

the public this spring.<br />

Andre Salles<br />

Illustration: Sandbox Studio, Chicago<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


The secret of<br />

Picasso’s paint<br />

Although he was one of the few<br />

artists who attained wealth<br />

from his trade, Pablo Picasso<br />

used inexpensive, common<br />

house paint for some of his<br />

works. Perhaps more surprising<br />

is that, decades after he painted<br />

his greatest masterpieces, a<br />

facility with fundamental physics<br />

roots identified that paint by<br />

using a powerful instrument to<br />

peer, for the first time, at individual<br />

pigment particles comprising<br />

some of Picasso’s paintings.<br />

Judging from letters<br />

Picasso wrote to his dealer<br />

and photographs of his studios,<br />

art historians had previously<br />

concluded that Picasso preferred<br />

to use an ordinary house paint<br />

manufactured by the famous<br />

French company Ripolin. Yet<br />

these letters and photographs<br />

offer only visual identification,<br />

which can leave room for error,<br />

says Art Institute of Chicago<br />

conservation scientist<br />

Francesca Casadio, who was<br />

part of a project the institute<br />

led to study Picasso’s paints.<br />

Volker Rose, a physicist at<br />

Argonne National Laboratory,<br />

happened to hear about<br />

Casadio’s work and proposed<br />

that Argonne’s synchrotron<br />

light source, the Advanced<br />

Photon Source, could offer<br />

a closer look, thereby settling<br />

any skepticism.<br />

Synchrotrons were just getting<br />

their start in the mid-1940s,<br />

around the same time that<br />

Picasso produced some of his<br />

most famous works. With<br />

their intense beams of X-rays,<br />

synchrotrons are capable of<br />

viewing the nanoscale structure<br />

of just about any material—<br />

from advanced electronics to<br />

viruses.<br />

Casadio leapt at the chance,<br />

and soon four samples, each no<br />

bigger than the point of<br />

a pin, were carefully removed<br />

from the edges of paintings<br />

or where slight damage was<br />

present. Rose and his colleagues<br />

trained Argonne’s synchrotron<br />

X-ray beam on these minuscule<br />

samples and found that the<br />

concentration and ratio of<br />

impurities, including iron and<br />

lead, within the paint chips<br />

proved identical to mid-20th<br />

century Ripolin paint samples.<br />

The group had a match.<br />

More surprising to Casadio<br />

was the low level of impurities<br />

within the pigments, which<br />

meant that Ripolin was manufacturing<br />

high-quality house<br />

paint during that time. In fact,<br />

the quality was akin to fine<br />

artists’ paints.<br />

Picasso was one of the first<br />

artists to use common house<br />

paint in his paintings. He likely<br />

preferred it, Casadio says,<br />

because it has a glossy finish<br />

and takes days rather than<br />

months to dry.<br />

“The chemical characterization<br />

of paints at the nanoscale<br />

opens the path to a better<br />

understanding of their fabrication,<br />

possible provenance and<br />

chemical reactivity,” she says.<br />

To know this, she continues,<br />

“is to know more about the artist,<br />

the time and place he painted<br />

and how best to preserve<br />

the work.”<br />

Jessica Orwig<br />

Photo and painting courtesy of Conservation Department, The Art Institute of Chicago<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


signal to background<br />

Photos: COUPP<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />

Tiny bubbles<br />

In the hunt for dark matter, the<br />

stealthy stuff that makes up<br />

about a quarter of the universe<br />

but neither emits nor absorbs<br />

light, observational techniques<br />

span from strange to stranger.<br />

The Chicagoland Observatory<br />

for Underground Particle Physics<br />

may top the list.<br />

The COUPP experiment is<br />

the hipster of the dark-matter<br />

crowd. Its detector is a bubble<br />

chamber, a retro bit of 1952<br />

technology originally used to<br />

discover interactions through<br />

the weak force. Its inner vessel<br />

is a clear, quartz tank that<br />

looks a bit like a champagne<br />

flute without a stem.<br />

The champagne in this case<br />

is a clear, heavy liquid heated<br />

and pressurized to the edge of<br />

evaporation, “waiting for any<br />

excuse to boil,” says University<br />

of Chicago physicist Juan Collar,<br />

head of the Fermilab-based<br />

experiment. When a foreign<br />

particle bumps into an atom<br />

of the liquid, the champagne<br />

bubbles.<br />

But it’s stronger than a<br />

gentle fizz. “When these bubbles<br />

appear, it’s a rather violent<br />

process,” Collar says. “You can<br />

actually hear these things with<br />

your ears. The crack is very<br />

high-pitched. The inventor of<br />

the bubble chamber described<br />

it as a ‘plink,’ very crystalline.”<br />

In old-school bubble chamber<br />

experiments, the disturbance<br />

would trigger a still camera to<br />

take rapid photographs of the<br />

bubbles as they formed. In the<br />

upgraded, more-sensitive-thanever<br />

COUPP experiment, motion<br />

sensors connected to video<br />

cameras set off the trigger.<br />

The “plink” does not just alert<br />

the scientists that a particle<br />

has interacted in the detector;<br />

it also gives them information<br />

about what kind of particle it<br />

was. An interaction with an alpha<br />

particle, the most significant<br />

source of distracting background<br />

in the COUPP experiment, is<br />

four or five times louder than an<br />

interaction with a dark matter<br />

particle would be.<br />

Hear it for yourself on<br />

symmetry’s website:<br />

symmetry<strong>magazine</strong>.org/COUPP.<br />

Kathryn Jepsen<br />

A different spin<br />

Sporting both physics and physique,<br />

SLAC National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory employees field a<br />

slow-pitch, co-ed softball team<br />

each year, the Spinors, in a<br />

Stanford University recreational<br />

league. Although their competitors<br />

are a mostly younger bunch<br />

of graduate students and staff,<br />

the SLAC team likes to think<br />

they have physics in their favor.<br />

In physics, spinors are used<br />

to plot the spin properties of<br />

elementary particles. First<br />

described by French mathematician<br />

Élie Joseph Cartan in<br />

1913, spinors have a range of<br />

applications in modern physics<br />

and mathematics. They also<br />

share a pronunciation with<br />

“spinners”—baseball slang that<br />

describes curveballs and sliders,<br />

which are pitches thrown with<br />

heavy spin on the ball.<br />

The team’s logo even features<br />

two softballs smashing<br />

together, with smaller spheres<br />

bursting out of the impact—<br />

paying homage to the lab’s<br />

particle collider experiments.<br />

Softball traditions run deep<br />

at SLAC; physics faculty and<br />

students engaged in annual<br />

softball championship games<br />

on the Stanford campus as far<br />

back as the 1950s, even before<br />

the 1962 groundbreaking for<br />

the lab’s two-mile-long linear<br />

accelerator. Since then, an<br />

annual softball game remains<br />

an unbroken tradition.<br />

Photo: Joe Faust, SLAC<br />


Team manager Mike Woods,<br />

a 21-year Spinors veteran, says<br />

that since the Spinors first<br />

formed in 1991, the team has<br />

evolved to include a representative<br />

slice of SLAC’s workforce:<br />

men and women, ranging in age<br />

from their 20s to their 80s, who<br />

trade hits and runs with teams<br />

that are often quite a bit<br />

younger.<br />

Woods describes the<br />

Stanford recreational league<br />

as “very laissez faire, very<br />

social—we’ve never even had<br />

hired umpires.” Based on work<br />

schedules and availability, it’s<br />

common for a different set<br />

of players to show up to each<br />

game.<br />

And although the Spinors<br />

haven’t yet won the league<br />

championship, they’ll be back<br />

again next year for another try.<br />

Glenn Roberts Jr.<br />

Fighting for academic<br />

freedom, one scholar<br />

at a time<br />

A recent symposium honoring<br />

Herman Winick’s illustrious<br />

career in synchrotron development<br />

boasted a stellar guest<br />

list. It included friends and<br />

colleagues from across SLAC<br />

National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory, where Winick has<br />

spent the lion’s share of his<br />

50-some-year career, and from<br />

across the world, because<br />

when Winick wasn’t building<br />

experimental facilities at SLAC,<br />

he was busy convincing other<br />

scientists in other countries of<br />

the worth of synchrotrons—<br />

both as tools for discovery and<br />

as teaching tools that could<br />

help strengthen a local academic<br />

community.<br />

But Winick learned decades<br />

ago that an academic community<br />

is only as strong as the<br />

freedom of its scholars. So in<br />

addition to advocating for<br />

synchrotrons, he advocates for<br />

his colleagues, both in science<br />

and beyond. A special guest<br />

at the symposium was Natalia<br />

Koulinka, a Belarusian journalist<br />

who faced danger in her home<br />

country due to her work. Hearing<br />

of Koulinka’s plight through<br />

colleagues, Winick, working<br />

with the Scholars at Risk<br />

Network hosted by New York<br />

University, was instrumental<br />

in bringing her to safety in the<br />

United States.<br />

Scholars at Risk is an international<br />

network of higher<br />

education institutions that promotes<br />

academic freedom and<br />

protects threatened scholars.<br />

Its work includes helping<br />

arrange temporary academic<br />

positions in safe locations.<br />

“Through this program hundreds<br />

of careers, and undoubtedly<br />

some lives, have been<br />

saved,” Winick says. “These are<br />

extraordinary people who have<br />

taken great risks to promote<br />

freedom and democracy in their<br />

home countries. Working with<br />

SAR enables universities such as<br />

Stanford to give them a safe<br />

place to continue their important<br />

work, while at the same time<br />

contributing to teaching and<br />

research at the host university.”<br />

Winick’s own work with<br />

the network has resulted in five<br />

scholars finding sanctuary. He<br />

is now working with the Stanford<br />

Development Office to fund<br />

an endowment at the university<br />

to ensure that additional scholars<br />

can find sanctuary when<br />

necessary.<br />

Still, it’s Winick’s personal<br />

touch that has had the biggest<br />

impact. Koulinka says she’s<br />

grateful for the institutional and<br />

individual donations made on<br />

her behalf. “But my gratitude to<br />

Herman is very specific—he<br />

took personal care of me,” she<br />

says. “He didn’t have to, but<br />

he did.” Now Koulinka is working<br />

with Belarusian colleagues<br />

to document the brief flowering<br />

of journalism in her country<br />

between its independence<br />

in 1991 and when the current<br />

regime took power in 1994.<br />

“Someday I’d like to go back and<br />

share all the knowledge I’ve<br />

gained here,” she says.<br />

Thanks to organizations like<br />

SAR and people like Winick,<br />

Koulinka may have that chance.<br />

Lori Ann White<br />

FROM LEFT: Belarusian journalist Natalia Koulinka with three of the people who helped bring her<br />

to Stanford University and safety: Herman Winick, Nadejda Marques and Larry Diamond.<br />

Photo: Fabricio Sousa, SLAC<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


Illustrations: Sandbox Studio, Chicago<br />


By Joseph Piergrossi<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


eutrinos are as mysterious as they are<br />

ubiquitous. One of the most abundant<br />

particles in the universe, they pass through<br />

most matter unnoticed; billions of them<br />

are passing harmlessly through your body<br />

right now. Their masses are so tiny that<br />

so far no experiment has succeeded in<br />

measuring them. They travel at nearly the speed of light—so<br />

close, in fact, that a faulty cable connection at a neutrino<br />

experiment at Italy’s Gran Sasso National Laboratory in 2011<br />

briefly led to speculation they might be the only known<br />

particle in the universe that travels faster than light.<br />

Physicists have spent a lot of time exploring the properties<br />

of these invisible particles. In 1962, they discovered<br />

that neutrinos come in more than one type, or flavor. By the<br />

end of the century, scientists had identified three flavors—<br />

the electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino—and<br />

made the weird discovery that neutrinos could switch<br />

flavor through a process called oscillation. This surprising<br />

fact represents a revolution in physics—the first known<br />

particle interactions that indicate physics beyond the<br />

extremely successful Standard Model, the theoretical<br />

framework that physicists have constructed over decades<br />

to explain particles and their interactions.<br />

Now scientists are gearing up for new neutrino studies<br />

that could lead to answers to some big questions:<br />

If you could put neutrinos on a scale, how much<br />

would they weigh?<br />

Are neutrinos their own antiparticles?<br />

Are there more than three kinds of neutrinos?<br />

Do neutrinos get their mass the same way other<br />

elementary particles do?<br />

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the<br />

universe?<br />

The answers to these questions not only offer a window<br />

on physics beyond the Standard Model, but may also<br />

open the door to answering questions about the universe<br />

all the way back to its origins.<br />

When it comes to finding neutrinos to study, scientists have<br />

three choices.<br />

They can catch naturally occurring neutrinos, such as<br />

the ones produced by nuclear reactions in stars like our<br />

sun, in collisions of cosmic particles with Earth’s atmosphere<br />

or in stellar explosions known as supernovae. Stars like<br />

our sun produce electron-flavor neutrinos, while cosmic<br />

particles and supernovae produce a mixed bag of all three<br />

neutrino flavors and their antineutrino counterparts.<br />

Alternatively, scientists can investigate neutrinos made<br />

in the nuclear reactors that generate power for homes<br />

and businesses. Reactors produce electron-flavor antineutrinos.<br />

Experiments to study neutrinos from this type<br />

of source require the construction of a particle detector<br />

near a nuclear power plant and yield valuable information<br />

about neutrinos and their interactions with matter.<br />

Finally, scientists can deliberately produce neutrinos<br />

for experiments by firing protons from an accelerator<br />

at pieces of graphite or similar targets, which then emit<br />

specific types of neutrinos. Accelerator experiments<br />

have the advantage of being able to examine either<br />

neutrinos or antineutrinos. The intense beams of these<br />

accelerator-made particles increase the chance for<br />

a neutrino interaction to occur in detectors. In addition,<br />

accelerators can produce neutrinos that have higher<br />

energy than those emerging from reactors and the sun.<br />

That makes accelerator experiments extremely valuable<br />

in determining the exact nature of neutrinos.<br />

The two types of manmade neutrino sources have<br />

another advantage: Detectors can be placed at specific<br />

distances from the source, depending on the science<br />

to be done. The optimal distances can range from tens of<br />


meters to a few hundred kilometers for reactor experiments<br />

and hundreds to thousands of kilometers for long-baseline<br />

oscillation experiments that use neutrinos from accelerators.<br />

For example, the planned Long-Baseline Neutrino<br />

Experiment, which will use an existing accelerator at Fermi<br />

National Accelerator Laboratory, will have a detector<br />

situated at what former LBNE Spokesperson Bob Svoboda<br />

calls “the sweet spot”—a place just far enough away<br />

that neutrinos should have close to maximum mixing of<br />

their flavors by the time they hit the detector. “From this,<br />

we can learn a great deal about how neutrinos change,”<br />

says Svoboda, who is a professor at the University<br />

of California, Davis. And since LBNE will produce both<br />

neutrinos and antineutrinos, physicists can explore the<br />

differences between matter and antimatter interactions<br />

and what this might mean for the imbalance between<br />

matter and antimatter in our universe.<br />

Neutrino detectors also come in a variety of flavors. Since<br />

neutrinos themselves are invisible to detectors, scientists<br />

must take an indirect approach: They record the charged<br />

particles and flashes of light created when a neutrino<br />

hits an atom, and thus infer the neutrino’s presence.<br />

Because the tiny neutrino interacts with matter so rarely,<br />

the only way to detect it is to put lots of matter in its<br />

way. Super-Kamiokande, a now-classic neutrino detector<br />

in Japan, is filled with 50,000 tons of water. Neutrinos—<br />

produced in Earth’s atmosphere, coming from the sun<br />

and generated by an accelerator 295 kilometers away—<br />

interact with water molecules and produce charged<br />

particles. In turn, these particles produce blue flashes called<br />

Cherenkov radiation. Light sensors within the water tank<br />

capture and record the glow.<br />

The new NOνA detector, under construction in Ash River,<br />

Minnesota, advances SuperK’s technology. Instead of water,<br />

NOνA will use liquid scintillator—a chemical that flashes as<br />

particles pass through—to observe neutrinos fired at the<br />

detector from Fermilab, about 800 kilometers away. At more<br />

than 60 meters long and 15 meters tall, NOνA will be one of<br />

the largest plastic structures in the world.<br />

Instead of using one large tank filled with liquid, the<br />

NOνA detector is highly segmented to glean more information<br />

about each incoming neutrino’s identity and energy.<br />

The 14,000 tons of liquid scintillator will be divided among<br />

hundreds of thousands of tubes made of PVC plastic, says<br />

Fermilab’s Pat Lukens, a project manager for the experiment.<br />

When a neutrino hits a nucleus in the detector, producing<br />

charged particles and flashes of light, researchers<br />

will be able to tell precisely where the interaction occurred<br />

and which way the particles went.<br />

Another technology for getting more information about<br />

neutrino interactions is a grid of wires submerged in a<br />

detector liquid. Placed under high voltage, the wires attract<br />

charged particles that appear when neutrinos interact with<br />

the liquid. This technique, employed in the ICARUS neutrino<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


detector in Italy, reveals the precise tracks of the charged<br />

particles produced when neutrinos interact in liquid argon.<br />

For the much larger LBNE detector, to be located at the<br />

Sanford Lab in South Dakota, scientists are designing the<br />

next generation of this type of detector.<br />

The results of recent neutrino experiments have opened<br />

the door to learning much more about neutrinos and<br />

their habits. In 2011, researchers turned on the first set of<br />

detectors at the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment<br />

in southern China, hoping to make a key measurement<br />

that would help them understand how one type of neutrino<br />

turns into another.<br />

In March 2012, after only seven months of taking data,<br />

the Daya Bay scientists announced success: They nailed<br />

the measurement of θ 13 (pronounced theta-one-three), one<br />

of three so-called “mixing angles” that describe the oscillation<br />

of neutrinos between one flavor and another. Previous<br />

experiments had shown that θ 13 had to be small, and<br />

scientists had begun to wonder whether this mixing angle<br />

might be zero. The Daya Bay result, in combination with<br />

other neutrino measurements in Japan, South Korea, France<br />

and the United States, showed that the angle is small,<br />

but definitely not zero.<br />

When the size of that angle was announced, neutrino<br />

physicists from around the world cheered. The result<br />

opened up the possibility that neutrinos behave differently<br />

than antineutrinos, which in turn might help explain the<br />

preponderance of matter over antimatter in the universe.<br />

This leaves scientists in a good position to learn more<br />

about one of the most abundant and ubiquitous particles<br />

in the cosmos. New neutrino oscillation experiments “have<br />

a good shot of reaching their goals,” says Boris Kayser,<br />

a theorist at Fermilab. Using the θ 13 result, they could<br />

determine the neutrino mass hierarchy and find out<br />

whether neutrino interactions violate the matter-antimatter<br />

symmetry. These are crucial steps toward understanding<br />

whether neutrinos are the reason for the dominance of<br />

matter over antimatter in our universe.<br />

The most difficult question to answer, Kayser says, is<br />

“What are the unknown unknowns?” While physicists<br />

have some expectations about what they will see, neutrinos<br />

again and again have proven themselves difficult to<br />

predict. Given their bizarre nature, it’s entirely possible<br />

that neutrinos may hold many more surprises for scientists<br />

down the line.<br />

Through experiments that<br />

use a range of approaches<br />

and technologies, physicists<br />

are beginning to get a<br />

fuller picture of neutrino<br />

behavior. The results<br />

could be key to answering<br />

questions that have stymied<br />

scientists for years.<br />

Experiments have shown that neutrinos have a tiny, nonvanishing<br />

mass. Although each neutrino must be a million<br />

times lighter than an electron, their exact masses are not<br />

known. Due to their abundance, neutrinos could account<br />

for several percent of the mass of the universe and play<br />

a significant role in the evolution of the universe.<br />

The frequency of neutrino oscillations depends on the<br />

mass difference among the three different neutrino types.<br />

The NOνA experiment will soon begin to send neutrinos<br />

from Fermilab to Ash River, Minnesota, a distance of 810<br />

kilometers. Scientists hope that the observation of the<br />

resulting oscillations will determine which type of neutrino<br />

is the heaviest and which is the lightest.<br />

Discovering this mass hierarchy is the first step. To<br />

complete their understanding of neutrino masses, scientists<br />

also need to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale<br />

by measuring the mass of one of the neutrino types.<br />

The KATRIN experiment in Germany will attempt to do just<br />

that. The experiment will study the nuclear decay of<br />

tritium, an unstable form of hydrogen. It will compare<br />

the mass and kinetic energy of particles before and after<br />

the decay, which produces an electron antineutrino.<br />

Because the total energy of all particles involved in the<br />

decay must be preserved, scientists can determine the<br />

mass of the antineutrino if they can measure the kinetic<br />

energy of particles with sufficient precision.<br />


Scientists have observed the interactions of both neutrinos<br />

and antineutrinos with matter. But it is not clear whether a<br />

neutrino and its antiparticle are two separate particles. In<br />

the case of charged particles, scientists easily can distinguish<br />

particles and their antiparticles by their electric<br />

charge. An electron has negative charge, and a positron has<br />

positive charge. Neutrinos, however, have no electric<br />

charge. So it’s possible that a neutrino could be its own<br />

antiparticle. Theorists refer to this case as the Majorana<br />

neutrino, in honor of Italian physicist Ettore Majorana,<br />

who recognized this possibility. Alternatively, neutrinos<br />

and antineutrinos could be separate particles and<br />

behave according to the equations developed by theorist<br />

Paul Dirac.<br />

Several nuclear experiments, including the Enriched<br />

Xenon Observatory in New Mexico and the Majorana<br />

experiment in South Dakota, aim to settle the Majoranavs.-Dirac<br />

neutrino question. They are examining radioactive<br />

nuclei that exhibit the simultaneous decay of two neutrons—<br />

a process known as double beta decay and first observed<br />

in 1986. This nuclear reaction normally ejects two antineutrinos,<br />

which carry away energy from this decay process.<br />

If the Majorana theory is correct, the two antineutrinos<br />

would also be neutrinos, and they could “cancel each<br />

other out.” The result would be the occasional neutrinoless<br />

double beta decay, in which neither neutrinos nor antineutrinos<br />

are emitted. If experiments observed this rare process,<br />

it would confirm the Majorana theory and pave the way for<br />

many elegant theories that explain how neutrinos acquire<br />

mass and why their mass is so much smaller than that of<br />

any other particle of matter we know.<br />

The Standard Model describes only three neutrino flavors,<br />

each linked to the electron or one of its heavier cousins via<br />

the weak nuclear force—the fundamental force responsible<br />

for radioactive decay and the production of neutrinos.<br />

But a variety of evidence suggests that additional neutrino<br />

flavors may exist, with properties quite different from the<br />

three known types of neutrinos. Experiments will continue to<br />

look for these “sterile” neutrinos, which get their name<br />

from the fact that they do not interact with other matter<br />

through the weak force, as other neutrinos do.<br />

According to the Standard Model, the field associated with<br />

the Higgs boson provides quarks and charged leptons—a<br />

group of elementary particles that includes the electron—<br />

with mass. However, many scientists think the masses of<br />

the ultra-light neutrinos arise, at least in part, in some<br />

other, yet-unknown way. Experiments at the Large Hadron<br />

Collider, which discovered a Higgs-like particle, won’t<br />

be able to measure neutrino properties. Instead, future<br />

nuclear experiments and neutrino oscillation experiments<br />

such as NOνA and the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment<br />

could weigh in on the origin of the neutrino masses.<br />

“LBNE and NOνA could help us to interpret the results of<br />

those nuclear experiments,” says Boris Kayser, a theorist<br />

at Fermilab.<br />

According to physicists’ current understanding of the<br />

big bang, matter and antimatter formed in equal amounts<br />

when the universe began. But if that were the case,<br />

every last smidgen of matter should have collided with<br />

every last smidgen of antimatter by now. This would have<br />

released lots of energy and filled the universe with light<br />

and radiation, but left it without any matter at all. “Why isn’t<br />

the universe entirely energy?” asks Kayser. “Why didn’t<br />

the matter and the antimatter annihilate each other as soon<br />

as they were made?”<br />

The answer to that question lies in something called<br />

charge-parity symmetry violation. Finding the right kind of<br />

CP violation to explain the preponderance of matter is a<br />

top priority, and neutrinos are prime candidates. “It’s often<br />

called the Holy Grail of neutrino physics,” says Mark<br />

Messier, co-spokesperson of the NOνA experiment and<br />

a professor at Indiana University.<br />

Previous studies found CP violation—a difference in the<br />

behavior of particles and their antiparticles—among<br />

elementary particles known as quarks. But this CP violation<br />

does not explain the overall matter-antimatter imbalance.<br />

Neutrinos come into play because their incredible<br />

lightness suggests, through a theory called the “see-saw<br />

picture,” that they are the ultra-light relatives of very<br />

heavy particles that lived briefly in the early universe. The<br />

disintegration of these heavy particles may have violated<br />

CP symmetry in a way that led to the present-day imbalance<br />

between matter and antimatter. If that is indeed how<br />

the imbalance arose, then scientists should also find CP<br />

violation in the oscillation of today’s neutrinos.<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


Photo: CERN<br />


Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider<br />

made a major discovery, but the world’s<br />

highest-energy particle accelerator is just<br />

getting started.<br />

By Ashley WennersHerron<br />

and Kathryn Jepsen<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


The Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator in the<br />

world, started colliding particles more than three years ago. Since<br />

then, scientists have published more than 700 papers detailing the<br />

knowledge they have gained at the cutting edge of particle physics.<br />

Undisputedly, the most famous insight so far has been the discovery<br />

of what could be the long-sought Higgs boson. This particle is thought<br />

to arise from the fluctuation of the invisible “Higgs field” that pervades the<br />

universe, imparting mass to particles that interact with it. Without the<br />

Higgs field, our world would be a much different place.<br />

Even during the excitement of that discovery, thousands of scientists—<br />

more than 1800 of whom are based in the United States—continued the<br />

important work of analyzing the continuing flood of new data pouring out<br />

of their detectors.<br />

There is still much to learn about the new, Higgs-like particle. And there<br />

is still much more territory to cover in the search for new physics. The<br />

LHC will expand its reach dramatically when scientists crank its energy<br />

from 4 trillion to 6.5 trillion electronvolts in 2015.<br />

Beyond discovery<br />

In the LHC, superconducting magnets steer two beams of protons in opposite<br />

directions along a 17-mile ring more than 300 feet beneath the border of<br />

Switzerland and France. The beams cross paths in four locations along<br />

the ring. When a proton from one beam collides with a proton from the<br />

other, the energy of the collision can convert into mass, creating for<br />

a moment new particles.<br />

Massive particles created in collisions are unstable and quickly decay<br />

into less massive particles, leaving a whole zoo of particles for scientists<br />

to study.<br />

Since the LHC turned on, the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE experiments—<br />

along with the smaller experiments TOTEM and LHCf—have discovered<br />

a total of three particles.<br />

“At the LHC, the streetlamps are just beginning to turn on, and we can<br />

see under some of the lampposts now,” says John Ellis, a theorist and<br />

professor at King’s College London. “Eventually, the pools of light will join<br />

up and we’ll be able to see everything.”<br />

In December 2011, one of the lamps revealed something new. The ATLAS<br />

collaboration announced the first particle discovery at the LHC—a quark<br />

and antiquark bound together named X b (3P) (pronounced kye-bee-threepee).<br />

Although it had been predicted for years, it took the high rate of<br />

collisions in the LHC to finally expose the particle. Scientists are still studying<br />

it to understand how the quark and antiquark tie together through the<br />

strong nuclear force, which makes the nucleus of an atom stick together, too.<br />

The CMS collaboration found the limelight just a few months later, in May<br />

2012, when they announced the discovery of the excited baryon Ξ b (pronounced<br />

sai-bee), a particle composed of three quarks, including a bottom<br />

quark. Scientists are now analyzing the particle; their work may reveal<br />

insight into how quarks bind together.<br />

And then, in July 2012, both the CMS and ATLAS collaborations<br />

announced the discovery of a new particle that could be the Higgs boson.<br />

Searching for new particles is just one continuing function of the LHC<br />

experiments. Now that scientists have uncovered new particles, they have<br />

another focus—finding out more about them.<br />

The new Higgs-like particle, for example, seems to fulfill at least the<br />

minimum role of the Higgs boson, as it interacts with particles in more or<br />

less the expected way. But observations of the new particle’s properties—<br />

its spin, parity and detailed interactions—could show it to be a different kind<br />

of Higgs than the one predicted by the Standard Model, the theory used to<br />

explain the makeup and interaction of particles and forces in our universe.<br />

If it turns out that the particle is not the Standard Model Higgs boson,<br />

scientists will learn that there are new phenomena whose descriptions may<br />

require new underlying principles. One popular alternative model under<br />


The Large Hadron Collider drives<br />

two beams of particles on a<br />

collision course around a 17-mile<br />

ring located more than 300 feet<br />

underground at the border of<br />

France and Switzerland.<br />

Photo: CERN<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


Physicist Despina<br />

Hatzifotiadou navigates a<br />

maze of color-coded wires<br />

at the ALICE detector, one<br />

of six detectors at the Large<br />

Hadron Collider.<br />

Photo: antoniosaba/CERN<br />


investigation is called supersymmetry. It posits that each particle of the<br />

Standard Model has a related, more massive partner particle. In this model<br />

and others, there would be more than one Higgs boson. Alternatively, it<br />

could be that the Higgs boson is made of other, even smaller particles.<br />

Or it could be that the Higgs exists in more than our three dimensions<br />

of space.<br />

“We could be looking at a new framework,” says Joao Varela, a physicist<br />

with the Portuguese institute LIP and CMS deputy spokesperson. “It may<br />

not be the Standard Model or even supersymmetry. It might be something<br />

else entirely.”<br />

Conversely, if the Higgs turns out to be the particle scientists expected<br />

to find, physicists will have finally discovered every piece predicted in the<br />

Standard Model.<br />

More than new particles<br />

Yet even with a Standard Model Higgs, questions will remain in particle<br />

physics theory.<br />

Particle physics research encompasses three intertwining frontiers:<br />

the energy frontier, the intensity frontier and the cosmic frontier. Energy<br />

frontier experiments involve converting energy into mass at particle colliders<br />

such as the LHC; intensity frontier experiments use intense beams of<br />

particles to study rare processes and make high-precision measurements;<br />

cosmic frontier experiments use the cosmos as a laboratory and also<br />

study particles that reach Earth from distant sources.<br />

Work at all three frontiers aims in part to resolve a major contradiction<br />

in particle physics theory. The masses of force-carrying particles such<br />

as the Higgs boson, the W boson and the Z boson are all relatively similar,<br />

between 80 and 125 times the mass of the proton. Within the Standard<br />

Model, there is no explanation for why the masses of these particles—each<br />

associated with a force that governs interactions between particles—<br />

should have these values, nor why the Higgs mass should be so similar to<br />

the other two. In fact, theorists have argued that these values are “unnatural”<br />

in the Standard Model, and that the findings beg for an explanation.<br />

Theorists have proposed many new models that can account for these<br />

strangely low masses. All of these new models require the addition of new<br />

fundamental particles to the Standard Model. Conveniently, some of the<br />

extra particles predicted are good candidates to fill the role of dark matter,<br />

the matter that scientists have found indirect evidence for in cosmic<br />

frontier experiments but have never observed directly.<br />

So far, LHC experiments have not found these extra fundamental particles.<br />

(The two new particles found thus far, other than the Higgs-like boson,<br />

are composite, not fundamental.) But even if they did, there would be<br />

another hitch: Adding particles to fix the problems of the inexplicably light<br />

Higgs and invisible dark matter causes a different kind of trouble. The<br />

contradiction appears in something called flavor physics.<br />

Some particles come in multiple copies with different masses. These<br />

iterations are called flavors. Neutrinos, rarely interacting particles that are<br />

a favorite subject of intensity frontier experiments, come in three flavors.<br />

Likewise, there are three types of electrically charged leptons: the electron,<br />

muon and tau. Quarks, the particles that make up atomic nuclei, come in<br />

different types as well: up, down, charm, strange, bottom and top.<br />

Sometimes a particle will transform from one flavor to the next. Based<br />

on the Standard Model, scientists can predict how often this should happen,<br />

if at all.<br />

Scientists’ current predictions are calculated based on the Standard<br />

Model. But if there’s something beyond that model, one or more undiscovered<br />

particles, scientists expect to find that their Standard Model predictions for<br />

flavor mixing do not precisely match their experimental results.<br />

So far, that has not been the case. Measurements of flavor mixing at<br />

intensity frontier experiments and energy frontier experiments—including<br />

LHCb, CMS and ATLAS—have conformed nicely with standard predictions.<br />

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“It’s the tension between the frontiers that’s really exciting,” says Andrew<br />

Cohen, a theorist at Boston University. “We’re investigating this fundamental<br />

mystery of the energy scale of the W, Z and Higgs bosons on all three fronts.”<br />

Results from the LHC experiments will continue to provide essential<br />

contributions toward resolving this conflict. Studying the properties of the<br />

new, Higgs-like particle and conducting direct searches for new particles<br />

will be the tasks of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Flavor physics and<br />

indirect searches for new particles are more the specialty of LHCb. In their<br />

own ways, CMS, ATLAS and LHCb are all working to make more and more<br />

precise measurements to more rigorously test the Standard Model.<br />

The ALICE experiment has a slightly different specialty: delving into<br />

understanding the behavior of the early universe. ALICE was designed to<br />

study collisions of heavy ions, which produce a very hot state of matter<br />

called the quark-gluon plasma. Scientists think the universe began in this<br />

state, a primordial soup from which everything around us grew. ALICE<br />

results, like those from the other LHC experiments, may have an important<br />

impact on all three frontiers of particle physics.<br />

More to come<br />

Starting in March 2013, the LHC’s long shutdown will give scientists, engineers<br />

and technicians the opportunity to upgrade the machine to run close to its<br />

design energy. Each beam will operate at 6.5 trillion electronvolts.<br />

Scientists expect to collect data from more than 200 quadrillion particle<br />

collisions after the machine switches back on in 2015. At higher energies,<br />

they will be able to see even more interesting events.<br />

“The same amount of data at a higher energy is worth more,” says Ian<br />

Hinchliffe, a physicist with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory<br />

and member of the ATLAS collaboration. “With the planned upgrades, we’ll<br />

increase the LHC’s sensitivity by a factor of 10.”<br />

Albert Einstein’s famous theory of relativity states that the energy of<br />

a particle is related to its mass; the two are different sides of the same<br />

coin. The LHC puts the theory to work, pumping up particles to high energies<br />

and smashing them into one another in order to transform that energy<br />

into mass in the form of new particles.<br />

Collisions at higher energies can create particles with more mass. At<br />

13 trillion electronvolts, the LHC will be able to access a new realm of<br />

masses and states of matter never before seen in manmade accelerators.<br />

“The increase of energy gives a much greater reach, particularly for<br />

heavy objects with a higher mass,” says Andy Lankford, a physicist with<br />

the University of California, Irvine, and deputy spokesperson for ATLAS.<br />

“It gives us the ability to explore the unknown.”<br />

A high-energy future<br />

Exploration at the LHC has only just begun.<br />

“There are many reasons to be excited for the next five to 10 years and<br />

beyond,” says Joe Incandela, a physicist with the University of California,<br />

Santa Barbara, and CMS spokesperson.<br />

Through careful studies, scientists will determine the properties of the<br />

new, Higgs-like particle. They will find out whether the Standard Model<br />

is a done deal or whether it has steered them astray. And they’ll have the<br />

opportunity to find the unexpected.<br />

Nature certainly has more mysteries for scientists to explore, and once<br />

the accelerator begins running near full capacity in 2015, researchers will<br />

have even better tools to search for new physics.<br />

“We are at the beginning,” says Aleandro Nisati, who leads the ATLAS<br />

collaboration’s studies of how the LHC upgrades will expand the potential<br />

of physics analyses. “This is a new, big chapter in high-energy physics.”<br />


University of California,<br />

Santa Barbara, physicist<br />

and CMS Spokesperson<br />

Joe Incandela watches a<br />

continually updating display<br />

of recent collision<br />

events on a screen in the<br />

CMS control room.<br />

Photo: CERN<br />

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The pursuit of dark matter and dark energy<br />

is one of the most exciting—and most<br />

challenging—areas of science. Now researchers<br />

think they’re beginning to close in.<br />


If you could use only 5 percent of the alphabet, you’d be stuck with<br />

the letter A. Five percent of a complete daily diet is a slice of dry toast.<br />

Yet that’s all we have, or at least all we can perceive, of the place we call<br />

home.<br />

Less than 5 percent of the universe is ordinary matter made of quarks,<br />

electrons and neutrinos.<br />

The rest is dark matter (23 percent) and dark energy (72 percent). They<br />

have nothing in common, it seems, except our inability to see them directly<br />

with the tools we have at hand and their profound influence on the visible<br />

universe.<br />

Like explorers at the brink of any new frontier, we want to know more.<br />

We want to know why galaxies hold together rather than fly apart, why<br />

the universe is expanding faster and faster, and how a shadow world of<br />

unseen, unexpected particles and/or forces and/or things we can’t even<br />

imagine yet could intertwine with our own.<br />

We want to know what this dark stuff is.<br />

In hot pursuit<br />

The pursuit of dark matter and dark energy is one<br />

of the most exciting challenges in physics, and<br />

it’s being carried out on nearly every conceivable<br />

front: deep underground and far out in space, on<br />

the vast scale of the cosmos and the infinitesimally<br />

tiny scale of subatomic particles, with sound<br />

waves from the big bang and the brilliant remains<br />

of exploding stars.<br />

Although years of research have yet to reveal<br />

the nature of dark matter and dark energy, few<br />

scientists doubt they exist; their distinctive fingerprints<br />

are all over the cosmos, shaping the growth<br />

and evolution of the large-scale structures, such<br />

as galactic filaments and clusters, we see today.<br />

Now scientists think they’re beginning to<br />

close in.<br />

Theory, observations and sophisticated computer<br />

simulations are converging on candidate<br />

particles and promising techniques that seem likely,<br />

at last, to tell us what dark matter is made of.<br />

“You should be able to see actual dark matter<br />

particles just beyond where the current generation<br />

of experiments is,” says Glen Crawford, director<br />

of the Research and Technology Division of the<br />

Office of High Energy Physics at the US Department<br />

of Energy, which is a major funder of dark<br />

universe projects. “People have been coming<br />

up with clever new ways of doing these dark<br />

matter experiments.”<br />

As for dark energy, scientists know almost<br />

nothing about it at all. But over the next 10 to 15<br />

years, projects now planned or under way will<br />

map out the growth and evolution of the universe<br />

ever more precisely and further back in time,<br />

refining key measurements that offer strong clues<br />

to what dark energy is.<br />

Dark matter<br />

The first hint that the dark universe existed came<br />

in the 1930s with the realization that there must<br />

be much more mass in clusters of galaxies than<br />

we can see; otherwise they’d fly apart. This<br />

invisible mass is the dark matter.<br />

Although dark matter gives off no light, it does<br />

interact with the rest of the universe through<br />

gravity, and this gives us a way to find it. The<br />

gravitational tug of unseen dark matter bends<br />

light coming from faraway objects. By analyzing<br />

these distortions, scientists have found clumpy<br />

halos of dark matter surrounding many galaxies,<br />

including our own. They’ve also found a huge<br />

blob of dark matter that separated from normal<br />

matter when galaxies in the Bullet Cluster collided.<br />

Not all scientists are convinced that dark<br />

matter can account for all this. There is, for<br />

instance, a rival theory that contends these observations<br />

can be explained by modifying gravity.<br />

But the consensus, for now, is that dark matter<br />

is real. And after considering various forms it<br />

could take, most of the attention has focused on<br />

two candidates: WIMPs and axions.<br />

Enter the WIMP<br />

The WIMP, or Weakly Interacting Massive Particle,<br />

is thought to be abundant—by one estimate,<br />

a billion of them pass through your body every<br />

second—but also shy. The chance that a WIMP<br />

will interact with the nucleus of an atom is<br />

incredibly small. (Chances are that one per year,<br />


at most, will interact with an atomic nucleus<br />

inside you.)<br />

But this very weak interaction with ordinary<br />

stuff gives scientists a second way, other than<br />

gravity, to detect dark matter. They set up detectors<br />

made of very dense, ultra-pure material,<br />

buried well underground to keep other particles<br />

out, and wait for a WIMP to fly through. If and<br />

when a WIMP hits the nucleus of one of the<br />

atoms in the detector, it will nudge that nucleus<br />

just a smidge out of place, producing a flash of<br />

heat or light that can be recorded and analyzed.<br />

(The WIMP itself goes happily on its way.)<br />

These “direct detection” experiments may<br />

have already seen WIMPs.<br />

According to theory, our solar system’s movement<br />

through the dark matter halo of our galaxy<br />

should produce, from our perspective, “a wind of<br />

WIMPs,” says Lauren Hsu, a particle astrophysicist<br />

at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The<br />

Earth’s yearly orbit around the sun would cause<br />

that wind to fluctuate, so that more WIMPs hit<br />

detectors in June than in December. That’s the<br />

pattern that DAMA/LIBRA, an experiment deep<br />

under Italy’s Apennine Mountains, began seeing in<br />

the mid-1990s.<br />

However, while two other experiments reported<br />

seeing something similar, it was not exactly<br />

the same, and others saw no effect. So the jury<br />

is still out, and researchers continue to look for<br />

ways to understand the DAMA/LIBRA findings.<br />

Today, about a dozen direct-detection experiments<br />

are snugged into deep caverns in North<br />

America, Europe and Asia. They include the<br />

Cryogenic Dark Matter Search in Minnesota’s<br />

Soudan Underground Laboratory; XENON100,<br />

beneath 5000 feet of rock in Italy’s Gran Sasso<br />

National Laboratory; the Large Underground<br />

Xenon experiment, beneath the Black Hills of<br />

South Dakota; and XMASS, taking data in Japan’s<br />

Mozumi Mine.<br />

As scientists continue to ratchet up the detectors’<br />

size, purity and sensitivity, the chance of<br />

unequivocally discovering a WIMP is getting better.<br />

“I think this is a special time,” says Laura<br />

Baudis, an experimental astroparticle physicist<br />

at the University of Zurich, “because we needed<br />

more than 10 years, even 15, to develop the<br />

technology that was needed in order to test this<br />

very low interaction of dark matter with normal<br />

matter. Now we have reached, with at least some<br />

of the technologies, the level where we can go<br />

and build large detectors.”<br />

Meanwhile, scientists have been scanning the<br />

skies for indirect signs of WIMPish activity.<br />

According to the prevailing theory, all the WIMPs<br />

that ever existed were made in the nanosecond<br />

after the big bang. Since then their number has<br />

slowly declined, as they decay (quite rarely) into<br />

other particles or meet up with their antimatter<br />

counterparts and annihilate. Indirect WIMP<br />

searches, including the orbiting Fermi Gamma-ray<br />

Space Telescope and the PAMELA satellite, look<br />

for the results of those decays and annihilations<br />

in space, while IceCube and ANTARES look for<br />

neutrinos produced by annihilations in the center<br />

of the Earth and sun. So far, these searches<br />

haven’t found any conclusive confirmation either.<br />

It’s also hoped that WIMPs will show up in<br />

particle collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron<br />

Collider—not as particles per se, but as a certain<br />

amount of energy and momentum that goes<br />

missing in particular particle decays.<br />

Aiming for axions<br />

Still other experiments are pursuing axions, another<br />

type of dark-matter particle that comes out of<br />

a separate set of theories. It is even more weakly<br />

interacting than the WIMP and even harder<br />

to snag.<br />

“If you had an axion on the table in front of you,<br />

it would take 10 to the 50th years to decay. That’s<br />

an extraordinary lifetime,” roughly a billion billion<br />

billion billion times the age of the universe, says<br />

Leslie Rosenberg, principal investigator for the<br />

axion-detecting ADMX experiment at the<br />

Illustration: Sandbox Studio, Chicago<br />

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University of Washington. So for a long time<br />

people thought it would be impossible to detect<br />

the axion by looking for its decay products.<br />

However, in the 1990s, Rosenberg and his<br />

colleagues came up with the idea of scaling up<br />

a technique that encourages axions to decay by<br />

confining them in a very strong magnetic field.<br />

Every blue moon, as he puts it, an axion would<br />

interact with this magnetic field and produce<br />

a detectable photon of microwave light.<br />

It’s a difficult search, but Rosenberg says he<br />

thinks an answer is near: “We’re on the cusp of<br />

finally being able to have a definitive statement<br />

about whether axions make the dark matter.”<br />

A many-pronged approach<br />

Actually, though, there’s no reason why the universe<br />

should contain just one kind of dark matter.<br />

After all, a lot of different particles make up our<br />

measly 5 percent.<br />

“Most studies that have been done have made<br />

the simplest assumptions,” says physicist Aaron<br />

Roodman of SLAC National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory. “But there’s no reason to think dark<br />

matter will be simple.”<br />

That’s why scientists are taking so many<br />

different approaches to the dark matter search.<br />

Each technique has different strengths and<br />

weaknesses, and different sources of systematic<br />

error. And each one is sensitive to particles of<br />

certain masses or characteristics, but not to others.<br />

“No one’s ever going to believe the first signal,<br />

even if it’s rock-solid, because it’s such a huge<br />

problem,” says Jonathan Feng, a theoretical physicist<br />

at the University of California, Irvine. “You<br />

need to double-check it, confirm it in as many<br />

ways as possible. And exactly how that’s going<br />

to go probably depends on what the first signal<br />

looks like.”<br />

Dark energy<br />

If dark matter is mysterious, dark energy is even<br />

more so. No one had a clue it was out there<br />

until the late 1990s, when observations of supernovae—exploding<br />

stars that shine 5 billion<br />

times brighter than the sun—showed that the<br />

expansion of the universe is accelerating.<br />

Something is pushing the cosmos outward,<br />

counteracting the force of gravity—an observation<br />

that earned three American scientists the 2011<br />

Nobel Prize in physics.<br />

What is this something? No one knows. It could<br />

be Einstein’s cosmological constant, another way<br />

of saying that “there is a mass, a density, to<br />

completely empty space—that space weighs<br />

something,” as cosmologist Rocky Kolb of the<br />

University of Chicago puts it.<br />

Another possibility is that dark energy is a<br />

field—perhaps a fluctuating field known as<br />

quintessence, named in allusion to a classic “fifth<br />

element” proposed by the ancient Greeks, or<br />

something like the Higgs field that imparts mass<br />

to other particles.<br />

While scientists haven’t thought of a way to<br />

detect dark energy directly, they do have a<br />

rough consensus about where to look for its<br />

influence on the shape of the universe and on the<br />

methods most likely to expose its character.<br />

“At the moment our only measurement of dark<br />

energy is what it has done to the expansion of<br />

the universe,” says cosmologist David Schlegel of<br />

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “We’re<br />

measuring what there is to measure, basically.”<br />

To make these measurements, scientists use<br />

a combination of techniques to make detailed<br />

images of the cosmos, translate those images<br />

into 3D maps and figure out how fast big, bright<br />

objects are moving away from us—and thus<br />

how fast the universe was expanding at specific<br />

points in its history.<br />

They have three handy yardsticks for measuring<br />

these faraway distances and speeds.<br />

One is exploding stars—specifically Type Ia<br />

supernovae, which all give off about the same<br />

amount of light when they explode. The farther<br />

away they are, the fainter they appear, so they<br />

serve as unique markers on the cosmic distance<br />

scale. Tracking their movements led to the<br />

discovery of dark energy, and, as scientists find<br />

and track more of them, they are refining the<br />

story these stellar explosions tell.<br />

A second is to study the clumping of matter<br />

in the universe, the so-called “growth of structure.”<br />

Scientists can infer how the universe has<br />

expanded by measuring the number of galaxy<br />

clusters with different masses and at different<br />

times. And the distribution of all mass in the<br />

universe can be studied by detecting the bending<br />

of the light from distant galaxies by all matter,<br />

dark or otherwise, between them and us.<br />


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The third is “baryon acoustic oscillation,”<br />

patterns of frozen sound waves left over from<br />

the big bang. These patterns help determine<br />

the average separation between galaxies, which<br />

increases as the universe expands and serves<br />

as another cosmic ruler.<br />

All of these methods use spectroscopy—breaking<br />

the light from distant objects into a rainbow of<br />

colors for analysis. When an object is moving away<br />

from us, its light is shifted down toward the red<br />

end of the spectrum, just as a train’s whistle shifts<br />

to a lower tone as it chugs away. This redshift tells<br />

us how fast the object is moving as the cosmic<br />

expansion carries it away.<br />

From what they’ve learned so far, scientists<br />

think this is what happened: For the first few billion<br />

years after the big bang, emerging galaxies and<br />

other clumps of matter were so close together<br />

that their combined gravitational pull slowed the<br />

expansion of the universe. But by about 5 billion<br />

years ago, the galaxies had dispersed enough that<br />

dark energy—which had been a constant, repulsive<br />

force all along—won out over this gravitational<br />

drag, and the expansion began to accelerate.<br />

Seeking the invisible<br />

In November 2012, the Baryon Oscillation<br />

Spectroscopic Survey, part of the larger Sloan<br />

Digital Sky Survey, released the first measurement<br />

of how fast the cosmos was expanding<br />

before this transition occurred, 3 billion years after<br />

the big bang.<br />

Another major project, the Dark Energy Survey,<br />

will start mapping the universe in 2013 from a<br />

telescope perched on a Chilean mountaintop. It<br />

aims to chart the expansion of the universe and<br />

the growth of large-scale cosmic structures back<br />

14 billion years.<br />

And in Texas, scientists are upgrading the<br />

McDonald Observatory’s Hobby-Eberly Telescope<br />

to carry out a dark-energy experiment called<br />

HETDEX, which has a goal of measuring the<br />

positions and movements of 1 million galaxies<br />

starting in 2014.<br />

Meanwhile, scientists are preparing a new<br />

generation of dark-energy projects to attack the<br />

problem from the ground and in space.<br />

In the relatively near term, the US Department<br />

of Energy has declared a need for an advanced<br />

spectroscopic survey, and scientists are drawing<br />

up a proposal for one.<br />

Longer term, the Large Synoptic Survey<br />

Telescope, which should begin construction in<br />

Chile next year, will use the world’s largest digital<br />

camera to create the deepest, widest and<br />

fastest portrait of the night sky ever made from<br />

the ground. The resulting data—an unprecedented<br />

6 million gigabytes per year—will shed<br />

light on both dark matter and dark energy.<br />

And in Europe, scientists recently received<br />

approval to build a billion-dollar space telescope,<br />

Euclid, to study the expansion of the universe,<br />

with an eye to understanding dark energy and<br />

dark matter.<br />

The ever-more-precise measurement of<br />

cosmic structure and expansion should eventually<br />

allow scientists to determine what’s called the<br />

“equation of state”—the ratio of pressure to density—of<br />

the dark energy itself, Roodman says.<br />

If the dark energy is Einstein’s cosmological<br />

constant and it has remained steady over time,<br />

that ratio should be close to minus 1; weirdly, this<br />

would mean it had negative pressure. If it has a<br />

different value, scientists will know that the dark<br />

energy is something else.<br />

The path ahead<br />

Scientists are confident that the experiments<br />

under way and those now under construction will<br />

bring us significantly closer to understanding<br />

the dark universe around us. But in particle physics,<br />

planning the next experiments—and developing<br />

the technologies that make those experiments<br />

possible—takes decades.<br />

In August, hundreds of scientists will meet in<br />

Minnesota for what is known as the Snowmass<br />

Meeting—a once-a-decade gathering to identify<br />

the most important and pressing questions in<br />

particle physics and the experiments the United<br />

States should pursue to answer them. The<br />

meeting will cover all aspects of the field, from<br />

experiments that smash particles together at<br />

very high energies and intensities to detectors<br />

and other instruments, theory, computing and<br />

public outreach.<br />

Dark matter and dark energy will be major<br />

items on the agenda. And while the meeting is not<br />

designed to set formal priorities, researchers<br />

hope to reach consensus on the next generation<br />

of approaches and projects to probe the dark<br />

universe from a number of complementary<br />

angles and with the funding realistically available.<br />

“Are there clever little things that can be<br />

done to push the envelope without breaking the<br />

bank?” asks Feng, who is co-organizing the<br />

part of the meeting that covers dark energy and<br />

dark matter. “There are a lot of questions about<br />

how to design a national program that covers as<br />

many bases as possible within the budget.”<br />

One thing seems certain: The dark universe<br />

offers some of the most compelling science<br />

imaginable.<br />

“It’s the area where we know the least, so it’s a<br />

natural place to look for discoveries,” Roodman<br />

says. “I think in most cases the science should be<br />

quite rich, in the sense that when you answer<br />

some questions, there will be other questions to<br />

ask. This is, I think, where a lot of the next discoveries<br />

will come from.”<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


deconstruction: long-baseline neutrino experiment<br />

The US Department of Energy has approved the conceptual design of a new experiment<br />

that will be a major test of our current understanding of neutrinos and their<br />

mysterious role in the universe. Scientists can now proceed with the engineering<br />

design of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment, which aims to discover whether<br />

neutrinos violate the fundamental matter–antimatter symmetry of physics. If they do,<br />

physicists will be a step closer to answering the puzzling question of why the<br />

universe is filled with matter while antimatter all but disappeared after the big bang.<br />

So far, quarks are the only known particles that violate this fundamental symmetry.<br />

But the observed effect in quark interactions is not of the right kind to explain the<br />

abundance of matter over antimatter in our universe.<br />

Scientists know that neutrino interactions also could violate matter–antimatter<br />

symmetry. If so, how strong is the effect? Scientists designed the LBNE experiment<br />

to discover the answer. They plan to break ground in 2015.<br />

Text: Kurt Riesselmann<br />

Illustration: Sandbox Studio, Chicago<br />

Wilson Hall<br />


Fermilab,<br />




PARTICLE DETECTOR (upgrade)<br />

Start on the prairie<br />

Surrounded by 1000 acres of tallgrass prairie, the<br />

accelerators at the Fermi National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, will produce beams<br />

of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos for the<br />

Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment. Every 1.3<br />

seconds, an accelerator will smash a batch of<br />

protons into a graphite target to make short-lived<br />

pions. Strong magnetic fields will guide and<br />

focus the pions to form a beam that points toward<br />

the LBNE detector in South Dakota. The pions<br />

will travel a few hundred feet, decay and produce<br />

muon neutrinos and antineutrinos.<br />

Through the earth<br />

Neutrinos can travel long distances through rock<br />

and other matter without a scratch. The LBNE<br />

neutrino beam will travel 800 miles straight through<br />

the earth from Batavia, Illinois, to the Sanford<br />

Lab in Lead, South Dakota—no tunnel necessary.<br />

The trip will take less than one-hundredth<br />

of a second, enough time for some of the muon<br />

neutrinos to transform into electron neutrinos<br />

and tau neutrinos. Scientists call this process<br />

neutrino oscillation.<br />


From around the world<br />

The LBNE experiment will send beams of neutrinos and antineutrinos from the Department of Energy’s<br />

Fermilab, 40 miles west of Chicago, to the Sanford Lab in the Black Hills of South Dakota. More<br />

than 350 scientists and engineers from more than 60 institutions have joined the LBNE collaboration so<br />

far. They come from universities and national laboratories in the United States, India, Italy, Japan<br />

and the United Kingdom. The collaboration continues to grow, and project leaders seek and anticipate<br />

further international participation.<br />

Better than best<br />

LBNE scientists plan to upgrade their ambitious experiment when additional resources become available,<br />

possibly from international collaborators. At Fermilab, they would add an underground hall with<br />

a particle detector that would measure the exact number of muon neutrinos produced. At the Sanford<br />

Lab, they would construct a large particle detector thousands of feet underground, still within the<br />

cone of the neutrino beam from Fermilab. Better shielded from cosmic rays than the planned detector<br />

at the surface, this detector would be more sensitive to symmetry-violating neutrino interactions.<br />

It also could look for neutrinos from supernovae and for the predicted but never observed decay of<br />

protons. With support from their collaborators, the LBNE project team hopes to implement these<br />

upgrades as soon as possible.<br />


Headframe<br />

800 miles<br />

Sanford Lab,<br />

South Dakota<br />



DETECTOR (upgrade)<br />

Start on the prairie<br />

Surrounded by 1000 acres of tallgrass prairie, the<br />

accelerators at the Fermi National Accelerator<br />

Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, will produce beams<br />

of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos for the<br />

Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment. Every 1.3<br />

seconds, an accelerator will smash a batch of<br />

protons into a graphite target to make short-lived<br />

pions. Strong magnetic fields will guide and<br />

focus the pions to form a beam that points toward<br />

the LBNE detector in South Dakota. The pions<br />

will travel a few hundred feet, decay and produce<br />

muon neutrinos and antineutrinos.<br />


LABS<br />

Through the earth<br />

Neutrinos can travel long distances through rock<br />

and other matter without a scratch. The LBNE<br />

neutrino beam will travel 800 miles straight through<br />

the earth from Batavia, Illinois, to the Sanford<br />

Lab in Lead, South Dakota—no tunnel necessary.<br />

The trip will take less than one-hundredth<br />

of a second, enough time for some of the muon<br />

neutrinos to transform into electron neutrinos<br />

and tau neutrinos. Scientists call this process<br />

neutrino oscillation.<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


essay: a galaxy with a view<br />

A physicist, a software developer and a writer step outside one night to take in nature’s<br />

beauty at a mountaintop observatory in Chile.<br />

takes my eyes a few moments to adjust<br />

It when I walk out the door of the Victor M.<br />

Blanco telescope in Chile around 2 a.m.<br />

I take a few careful steps into the moonless<br />

October night with a physicist and a software<br />

developer following close behind. We are working<br />

the overnight shift at the Cerro Tololo Inter-<br />

American Observatory, monitoring the newly<br />

installed Dark Energy Camera. The most powerful<br />

digital survey camera in the world, DECam will<br />

spend the next several years studying the sky to<br />

determine how dark energy has shaped the<br />

evolution of the universe.<br />

We have decided to do a little stargazing of<br />

our own.<br />

The stars seem to blink into being, one at<br />

a time, as our eyes adjust. First come the brightest<br />

ones, the touchstones of ancient constellations.<br />

Orion raises his club and shield against the<br />

charging bull, Taurus—both turned absurdly on<br />

their heads in the southern sky. The Magellanic<br />

Clouds, a pair of dwarf galaxies in orbit around<br />

the Milky Way, glow in matching violet hues.<br />

Layer by layer, dimmer stars appear, slowly<br />

revealing the depth of the heavens.<br />

This is the sky the first explorers saw, we say<br />

to one another. We wonder if site surveyors<br />

thought the same thing when they scaled the<br />

mountain on horses and mules in the 1960s,<br />

looking for the right place south of the equator<br />

to build an international astronomical observatory.<br />

At the time, there were fewer than a dozen<br />

observatories in the Southern Hemisphere,<br />

compared to closer to 100 in the north.<br />

They chose this spot, 2200 meters above sea<br />

level, far from the distracting lights of the towns<br />

below. The winds from the Pacific Ocean, a<br />

stripe of blue visible in the distance during the<br />

daytime, are said to cleanse the air of dust.<br />

Today clusters of telescopes under white and<br />

silver domes dot the rocky landscape like enormous<br />

eggs, each tucked into its own square nest.<br />

Their glass eyes track the stars each night as<br />

they sweep across the sky.<br />

The stars’ motion is an illusion caused by the<br />

rotation of the Earth, but we’re not the only<br />

ones who are moving. Dark energy pushes the<br />

universe to expand at an ever-increasing speed.<br />

Depending on how dark energy works—something<br />

DECam seeks to understand—the universe might<br />

eventually be a much larger, colder, dimmer place.<br />

If we could come back here in tens of billions<br />

of years, these telescopes might see nothing but<br />

blackness beyond the immediate neighborhood<br />

of the Milky Way.<br />

Tonight, though, we stand in the still, cold air,<br />

amazed by a sky full of light.<br />

Kathryn Jepsen<br />


Photography by<br />

Reidar Hahn, Fermilab<br />

symmetry | spring 2013<br />


application: cancer detection<br />

Gamma cameras<br />

see through<br />

dense tissue<br />

As the most energetic form of light, gamma rays<br />

are great for revealing astrophysical phenomena<br />

such as supermassive black holes and merging<br />

neutron stars.<br />

They’re also proving excellent for detecting<br />

early stages of cancer.<br />

“The search for the most violent events in the<br />

universe has led to the development of the<br />

most sensitive gamma-ray detectors,” says Gunnar<br />

Maehlum, a former<br />

particle physics<br />

researcher who is now<br />

general manager at<br />

Gamma Medica-Ideas,<br />

a company that<br />

designs integrated<br />

circuits for radiation<br />

detection. “Due to<br />

their superior performance,<br />

they are now<br />

being introduced into<br />

medical diagnostic<br />

A tumor hidden behind dense tissue<br />

in a traditional mammogram (left) equipment.”<br />

appears as a bright spot in a gamma-ray For tumors hidden<br />

mammogram (right).<br />

within dense tissue,<br />

traditional screening<br />

sometimes isn’t detailed enough to reveal the<br />

cancer. This is especially true in the case of<br />

breast cancer. For the 30 percent of women<br />

with dense breast tissue, traditional X-ray mammography<br />

doesn’t work well because, in an<br />

X-ray image, dense tissue appears opaque and<br />

white, just like a tumor.<br />

Using detectors and integrated circuits<br />

designed for particle-physics experiments, a group<br />

of researchers in particle physics, nuclear medicine,<br />

medical physics and astronomy developed<br />

a compact semiconductor-based imager with high<br />

spatial resolution that reveals tumors even within<br />

dense tissue.<br />

These gamma-ray mammography cameras use<br />

cadmium-zinc-telluride detectors and are highly<br />

accurate, says Michael K. O’Connor, a professor of<br />

radiologic physics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester,<br />

Minnesota.<br />

The cameras offer improved resolution of tissue<br />

with their 1.6-millimeter pixel size, about two<br />

times better than conventional gamma cameras.<br />

They can also image all the way to the edge of<br />

the detector, unlike traditional gamma cameras,<br />

which have a large ring of dead space around<br />

the center.<br />

Scans: Michael O’Connor, Mayo Clinic<br />

“With these cameras you can detect tumors in<br />

the 5- to 10-millimeter range,” O’Connor says.<br />

“Ten millimeters is an important number for tumor<br />

size: Once you can detect a tumor this size or<br />

smaller, the prognosis gets much better. With a<br />

tumor of this size, the chances are that it’s<br />

localized and surgical removal of the tumor can<br />

cure the patient.”<br />

To detect potentially dangerous cell growth<br />

using such a gamma camera, a physician injects<br />

a radioactive tracer into the patient’s arm. Due<br />

to cancer cells’ high metabolic activity, these cells<br />

accumulate more of the tracer than normal<br />

cells and so emit more gamma rays as it decays.<br />

The camera can detect this and records a highresolution<br />

image of the tumor.<br />

There are approximately 15 to 20 of these<br />

advanced gamma cameras currently in use at<br />

hospitals around the United States, and they are<br />

proving very successful. While traditional mammography<br />

reveals about three tumors for each 1000<br />

women with dense tissue screened, large clinical<br />

trials at Mayo Clinic have shown that the gamma<br />

cameras reveal about 10 cancers for each 1000<br />

women with dense tissue screened.<br />

“Because dense tissue diminishes the ability of<br />

mammography to detect the cancer, but also<br />

increases a woman’s chances of getting breast<br />

cancer, it’s important to find alternative techniques,”<br />

O’Connor says. “This is one of the most<br />

promising. We’ve really been astounded by how<br />

well it works.”<br />

Kelen Tuttle<br />

Photo: Gamma Medica, Inc.<br />

symmetry | spring 2013 symmetry | spring 2013<br />


logbook: higgs-like particle<br />

CMS<br />

PowerPoint slide from<br />

Joe Incandela’s June<br />

2012 presentation to the<br />

CMS collaboration.<br />

This week is a very important one for our experiment<br />

Our Higgs results are being consolidated and finalised. There are preliminary<br />

indications that we are close to 5σ using 2011+2012 data<br />

more in Thursday/Friday approvals<br />

This would clearly be an outstanding achievement, for which the Collaboration has<br />

been working extremely hard for more than 20 years.<br />

What struck me mostly over the last days:<br />

Latest data useful for ICHEP recorded on Monday 18 June<br />

Sign-off of the data quality made very efficiently on a very compressed schedule<br />

Data processed very fast and successfully<br />

On Sunday 24 June, first Higgs plots containing the full 2012 statistics were<br />

circulating<br />

Note: 2012 (“All good”) data included in our Higgs results:<br />

5.9 fb -1 ~ 90% of the DELIVERED luminosity<br />

IMPRESSIVE achievement at all levels, detector operation, Trigger and Data<br />

Acquisition, Data Preparation, Computing, Performance and Physics analyses, and<br />

the demonstration of a smoothly-working experiment and of people’s high<br />

competence, extreme dedication, and collaborative spirit !<br />

F.Gianotti, ATLAS Weekly, 26/6/2012<br />

ATLAS<br />

PowerPoint slide from<br />

Fabiola Gianotti’s June<br />

2012 presentation to the<br />

ATLAS collaboration.<br />

In June 2012,<br />

particle physicists on<br />

experiments at the Large<br />

Hadron Collider had a secret to keep, just between<br />

themselves and a few thousand colleagues.<br />

Scientists on the ATLAS and CMS experiments at<br />

the European laboratory CERN had both seen signs of a<br />

possible Higgs boson rise above the significance level<br />

customarily required to declare a new particle discovery.<br />

The Higgs boson, an excitation of the field thought to<br />

give mass to other subatomic particles, was the last missing<br />

piece of the Standard Model of particle physics.<br />

Outcomes from different searches had begun to line up,<br />

and even the most obstinate skeptics had begun to agree:<br />

This was looking more and more like the particle scientists<br />

had been pursuing since theorists first predicted it in 1964.<br />

It had been a difficult search, one that became a focal<br />

point of programs at the Large Electron Positron collider<br />

at CERN and later at the Tevatron collider at Fermilab. The<br />

two largest experiments at the LHC tentatively planned<br />

to release their results the first week of July—in two<br />

individual presentations. Scientists designed the CMS and<br />

ATLAS detectors in part to verify one another’s conclusions.<br />

To keep the experiments independent, the scientists<br />

needed to keep their data to themselves.<br />

In late June, each of the two collaborations held an<br />

historic, internal meeting in which it announced—for its<br />

members’ ears only—Higgs search results that came close<br />

to the traditional threshold for a discovery.<br />

As ATLAS Spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti for the first<br />

time presented the slide shown above, with its exhilarating<br />

news, to the entire ATLAS collaboration, she joked that<br />

they should be sure not to show happy faces to the CMS<br />

collaboration.<br />

CMS Spokesperson Joe Incandela presented the slide<br />

at the top of this page during the week that the CMS<br />

Higgs search results were shared with the full collaboration.<br />

In the days that followed, Incandela sent a purposefully<br />

vague email to a private CMS listserv saying little more<br />

than “It has been tentatively agreed that we will show<br />

approved results in a seminar at CERN. More details will<br />

follow soon.”<br />

Of course, ATLAS and CMS physicists interact too often<br />

for the results to have stayed strictly confidential in the<br />

final days before the big reveal. But it was still an electric<br />

moment when, after both experiments presented similar<br />

conclusions in their search for the Higgs, CERN Director-<br />

General Rolf Heuer declared: “I think we have it.”<br />

Kathryn Jepsen

symmetry<br />

A joint Fermilab/SLAC publication<br />

PO Box 500<br />

MS 206<br />

Batavia Illinois 60510<br />

symmetry<br />

USA<br />

explain it in 60 seconds<br />

is a technique that astronomers<br />

use to measure<br />

Spectroscopy<br />

and analyze the hundreds of colors contained in the light<br />

emitted by stars, galaxies and other celestial objects.<br />

Ordinary telescopes show the directions in which<br />

objects are located but offer no information on how far<br />

away these objects are.<br />

Spectroscopic surveys make use of the fact that, as<br />

light travels to us from distant galaxies, it gets stretched<br />

out by the expanding universe and appears redder. By<br />

measuring the light spectrum of a galaxy, scientists can<br />

determine its redshift and thus its distance.<br />

The largest spectroscopic survey to date is the Baryon<br />

Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is being carried<br />

out at the Sloan telescope and will record the spectra of<br />

1.5 million galaxies by the time it’s completed in 2014. BOSS<br />

will offer insight into one of the biggest mysteries of the<br />

universe: dark energy, the enigmatic force that has accelerated<br />

the universe’s expansion over the last 5 billion years.<br />

An even more ambitious spectroscopic survey to<br />

measure the redshifts of 20 million galaxies is now being<br />

developed. In a few years, when this new spectroscopic<br />

survey experiment goes online, we will finally realize the<br />

massive scale of cosmic cartography necessary for truly<br />

sensitive measurements of dark energy.<br />

Klaus Honscheid and Eric Huff<br />

Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics,<br />

The Ohio State University

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