TABC Code - Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

TABC Code - Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission TABC Code - Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
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officers. The county judge may not approve an application unless it is accompanied by the required sworn statement. (b) This section does not apply to the holder of a manufacturer's license which was in effect on January 1, 1953. Sec. 62.04. RENEWAL OF LICENSE DURING PRELIMINARY STAGES OF OPERATION. (a) Renewal of a manufacturer's license may not be denied during the two-year period following the issuance of the original license on the ground that the licensee has not brewed and packaged beer in this state if the licensee is engaged in good faith in constructing a brewing plant on the licensed premises or is engaged in one of the following preparatory stages of construction: (1) preliminary engineering; (2) preparing drawings and specifications; (3) conducting engineering, architectural, or equipment studies; or (4) preparing for the taking of bids from contractors. (b) During the three-year period following the issuance of a manufacturer's license, as long as the licensee is engaged in construction or in a preliminary stage of construction enumerated in Subsection (a) of this section, the commission shall issue each renewal license to take effect immediately on the expiration of the expiring license and shall not require the licensee to make an original application. (c) After two years and 11 months has expired following the issuance of an original manufacturer's license, the commission shall not issue a renewal license if it finds that the licensee has not complied with his sworn statement filed with his original application or that he has not begun construction of a plant or initiated any of the preliminary stages of construction enumerated in Subsection (a) unless the commission also finds that the applicant has been prevented from doing so by causes beyond his reasonable control. If the commission finds that the licensee has been prevented from complying by causes beyond his reasonable control it may grant one additional renewal for the licensee to comply with the terms of his sworn statement. Otherwise, the commission shall deny the renewal application and may not grant a subsequent original application by the licensee for a period of two years following the date of the denial. (d) This section does not apply to the holder of a license that was in effect on January 1, 1953. Sec. 62.05. RECORDS. (a) The holder of a manufacturer's license shall make and keep a record of each day's production or receipt of beer and of every sale of beer, including the name of each purchaser. Each transaction shall be recorded on the day it occurs. The licensee shall make and keep any other records that the commission or administrator requires. (b) All required records shall be kept available for inspection by the commission or its authorized representative during reasonable office hours for at least two years. (c) The failure to make or keep a record as required by this section, the making of a false entry in the record, or the failure to make an entry as required by this section is a violation of this code. Sec. 62.06. ISSUANCE OF BREWER'S PERMIT. A holder of a manufacturer's license is entitled to be issued an original or renewal brewer's permit for the same location on application to the commission and payment of the required fee. Sec. 62.07. IMPORTATION OF BEER: CONTAINERS, USE OF TANK CARS. The holder of a manufacturer's license may import beer into this state in barrels or other containers in accordance with the provisions of this code. No person may ship beer into the state in tank cars. Sec. 62.08. WAREHOUSES; DELIVERY TRUCKS. (a) The holder of a manufacturer's or distributor's license may maintain or engage necessary warehouses for storage purposes in areas where the sale of beer is lawful and may make deliveries from the warehouses without obtaining licenses for them. The licensee may not import beer from outside the state directly or indirectly to an unlicensed warehouse. (b) A warehouse or railway car in which orders for the sale of beer are taken or money from the sale of beer is collected is a separate place of business for which a license is required. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2009) 104

(c) A truck operated by a licensed distributor for the sale and delivery of beer to a licensed retail dealer at the dealer's place of business is not a separate place of business for which a license is required. (d) The commission shall promulgate rules governing the transportation of beer, the sale of which is to be consummated at a licensed retailer's place of business. Sec. 62.09. BEER FOR EXPORT. Regardless of any other provision of this code, a holder of a manufacturer's license may brew and package malt beverages or import them from outside the state, for shipment out of the state, even though the alcohol content, containers, packages, or labels make the beverages illegal to sell within the state. The licensee may export the beverages out of state or deliver them at his premises for shipment out of state without being liable for any state tax on beer, ale, or malt liquor sold for resale in the state. Sec. 62.11. CONTINUANCE OF OPERATION AFTER LOCAL OPTION ELECTION. The right of a manufacturer's licensee to continue operation after a prohibitory local option election is covered by Section 251.75 of this code. Sec. 62.12. SALES BY CERTAIN MANUFACTURERS. (a) A manufacturer's licensee whose annual production of beer in this state does not exceed 75,000 barrels may sell beer produced under the license to those permittees, licensees, and persons to whom a general distributor's licensee may sell beer under Section 64.01(2) of this code. With regard to such a sale, the manufacturer has the same authority and is subject to the same requirements as apply to a sale made by a general distributor's licensee. (b) The authority granted by this section is additional to that granted by Section 62.01 of this code. Sec. 62.13. LICENSED WAREHOUSE FOR IMPORTATION OF BEER. On application and payment of a fee to be set by the commission, the holder of a manufacturer's license may be issued a license for a warehouse located in an area where the sale of beer is lawful and may import beer from outside the state for delivery to the licensed warehouse for sale to beer distributors or for removal to other warehouses of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall make and keep a record of the receipt, sale, and other movement of beer received at the licensed warehouse and any other records that the commission or administrator requires. This section applies only to a holder of a manufacturer's license who, on January 1, 1993, operated under Sections 62.12 and 203.08 of this code. Sec. 62.14. USE OF FACILITIES. (a) An entity or successor to an entity that on May 1, 2005, held a manufacturer's or nonresident manufacturer's license or whose brand was legally sold in this state may contract with the holder of a manufacturer's license for the use of the license holder's manufacturing facilities or to provide manufacturing services. (b) An entity or successor to an entity that on May 1, 2005, held a manufacturer's or nonresident manufacturer's license or whose brand was legally sold in this state is not required to own its manufacturing facilities. (c) This section does not authorize a person acting as an agent for a manufacturer located outside of this state to contract with the holder of a manufacturer's license to manufacture beer on the person's behalf. A contract described by this subsection may only be entered into by the holder of a manufacturer's license and another person holding a license under this code. CHAPTER 63. NONRESIDENT MANUFACTURER'S LICENSE Sec. 63.01. AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. The holder of a nonresident manufacturer's license may transport beer into Texas only to holders of importer's licenses. The nonresident manufacturer's licensee may transport the beer in carriers or vehicles operated by holders of carrier's permits or in motor vehicles owned or leased by the nonresident manufacturer. The beer must be shipped in barrels or other containers in accordance with the provisions of this code and may not be shipped into the state in tank cars. Sec. 63.02. FEE. The annual state fee for a nonresident manufacturer's license is $750. No county or city is entitled to a fee for the issuance of the license. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2009) 105

officers. The county judge may not approve an application unless it is accompanied by the required sworn<br />

statement.<br />

(b) This section does not apply to the holder of a manufacturer's license which was in effect<br />

on January 1, 1953.<br />


OPERATION. (a) Renewal of a manufacturer's license may not be denied during the two-year period<br />

following the issuance of the original license on the ground that the licensee has not brewed and packaged<br />

beer in this state if the licensee is engaged in good faith in constructing a brewing plant on the licensed<br />

premises or is engaged in one of the following preparatory stages of construction:<br />

(1) preliminary engineering;<br />

(2) preparing drawings and specifications;<br />

(3) conducting engineering, architectural, or equipment studies; or<br />

(4) preparing for the taking of bids from contractors.<br />

(b) During the three-year period following the issuance of a manufacturer's license, as long<br />

as the licensee is engaged in construction or in a preliminary stage of construction enumerated in<br />

Subsection (a) of this section, the commission shall issue each renewal license to take effect immediately<br />

on the expiration of the expiring license and shall not require the licensee to make an original application.<br />

(c) After two years and 11 months has expired following the issuance of an original<br />

manufacturer's license, the commission shall not issue a renewal license if it finds that the licensee has not<br />

complied with his sworn statement filed with his original application or that he has not begun<br />

construction of a plant or initiated any of the preliminary stages of construction enumerated in Subsection<br />

(a) unless the commission also finds that the applicant has been prevented from doing so by causes<br />

beyond his reasonable control. If the commission finds that the licensee has been prevented from<br />

complying by causes beyond his reasonable control it may grant one additional renewal for the licensee to<br />

comply with the terms of his sworn statement. Otherwise, the commission shall deny the renewal<br />

application and may not grant a subsequent original application by the licensee for a period of two years<br />

following the date of the denial.<br />

(d) This section does not apply to the holder of a license that was in effect on January 1,<br />

1953.<br />

Sec. 62.05. RECORDS. (a) The holder of a manufacturer's license shall make and keep a record<br />

of each day's production or receipt of beer and of every sale of beer, including the name of each<br />

purchaser. Each transaction shall be recorded on the day it occurs. The licensee shall make and keep any<br />

other records that the commission or administrator requires.<br />

(b) All required records shall be kept available for inspection by the commission or its<br />

authorized representative during reasonable office hours for at least two years.<br />

(c) The failure to make or keep a record as required by this section, the making of a false<br />

entry in the record, or the failure to make an entry as required by this section is a violation of this code.<br />

Sec. 62.06. ISSUANCE OF BREWER'S PERMIT. A holder of a manufacturer's license is<br />

entitled to be issued an original or renewal brewer's permit for the same location on application to the<br />

commission and payment of the required fee.<br />


of a manufacturer's license may import beer into this state in barrels or other containers in accordance<br />

with the provisions of this code. No person may ship beer into the state in tank cars.<br />

Sec. 62.08. WAREHOUSES; DELIVERY TRUCKS. (a) The holder of a manufacturer's or<br />

distributor's license may maintain or engage necessary warehouses for storage purposes in areas where<br />

the sale of beer is lawful and may make deliveries from the warehouses without obtaining licenses for<br />

them. The licensee may not import beer from outside the state directly or indirectly to an unlicensed<br />

warehouse.<br />

(b) A warehouse or railway car in which orders for the sale of beer are taken or money from<br />

the sale of beer is collected is a separate place of business for which a license is required.<br />

<strong>Texas</strong> <strong>Alcoholic</strong> <strong>Beverage</strong> <strong>Code</strong> (2009) 104

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