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List of Figures Figure 1. The Lindsay-Wallpolla and Lake Victoria-Darling Anabranch study area ............... 1 Figure 2. Typical landscape close to Murray River on Wallpolla Island .................................. 1 Figure 3. Conceptual model (cross-section) and geophysical targets in the Lindsey – Walpolla area:................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 4. Schematic hydrogeological cross-section representing the Lindsay Island reach of the Murray River Floodplain. ........................................................................................... 4 Figure 5. Coverage of digital elevation model types................................................................. 6 Figure 6. Compartmentalisation of the Murray River incised valley fill into terrace and floodplain deposits of different ages. .............................................................................. 8 Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of relationships between geomorphic and stratigraphic units................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 8. Oblique projection of part of LIDAR DEM showing geomorphic elements. ......... 10 Figure 9. Vertical view of part of LIDAR DEM showing geomorphic elements. .................. 11 Figure 10. Further vertical view of part of LIDAR DEM showing geomorphic elements...... 12 Figure 11. Terrace vegetation and materials. .......................................................................... 12 Figure 12. Modern floodplain (right) with well developed river red gum forest. Intermediate floodplain (left) with black box woodland,..................................................................... 13 Figure 13. Oldest floodplain (left) with black box and Lignum-saltbush savannah. Riparian vegetation (right) of bulrushes, lilies, and macroalgae, Horseshoe Lagoon, .................. 13 Figure 14. Location of soil sample sites western end of Lindsay-Wallpolla and Lake Victoria- Darling Anabranch.......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 15. Location of soil sample sites eastern end of Lindsay-Wallpolla and Lake Victoria- Darling Anabranch.......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 16. Sand and clay percentage from each geomorphic unit........................................... 16 Figure 17. Mean pH profiles from each geomorphic unit. ...................................................... 18 Figure 18. Mean EC profiles from each geomorphic unit....................................................... 18 Figure 19. SPOT image of Wallpolla Creek (containing water at time imaged) and clay-lined nature of dried up channel of Wallpolla Creek as seen at ground level.......................... 22 vii

List of Tables Table 1. Associations between regolith landform units, vegetation and surface materials ..... 14 Table 2. Range of EC and pH values for different geomorphic units in the Lindsay-Wallpolla and Lake Victoria-Darling Anabranch study area .......................................................... 19 Table 3. Mean values of selected XRF analyses ..................................................................... 20 viii

List of Tables<br />

Table 1. Associations between regolith landform units, vegetation and surface materials ..... 14<br />

Table 2. Range of EC and pH values for different geomorphic units in the Lindsay-Wallpolla<br />

and Lake Victoria-Darling Anabranch study area .......................................................... 19<br />

Table 3. Mean values of selected XRF analyses ..................................................................... 20<br />


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