Foster Care Licensing - Training Matters

Foster Care Licensing - Training Matters

Foster Care Licensing - Training Matters


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understanding of the importance of maintaining attachments and family and cultural<br />

identity”) followed by specific examples to support that conclusion (Example - “Mrs.<br />

Smith supports her sister’s efforts to keep her adopted niece and nephew connected to<br />

their culture of origin by celebrating Vietnamese new year with them and by preparing<br />

Vietnamese food”) (Need – Mrs. Smith will research traditions and cultural values of the<br />

foster children as they enter her care.<br />

• Example - Strength: “Mrs. Smith communicates effectively and develops successful<br />

partnerships.” followed by specific examples - “Mrs. Smith is a deacon in her church and<br />

teaches Sunday school.” “Mrs. Smith is a store manager who leads team meetings and<br />

supervises five employees.” “Mrs. Smith was an active member of the pre-service group<br />

who asked appropriate questions at the right time and listened to others.” Need – Mrs.<br />

Smith wants to be a better listener and will seek out training to develop this skill.<br />

• Avoid affective/cognitive language such as “understands,” “knows,” “feels,” and<br />

“appreciates” in the examples you give to support your conclusions<br />

• Instead, support your conclusions by describing the applicant’s specific behaviors or the<br />

words that she used. “Mrs. Smith, who lost her grandmother five years ago, says she<br />

recovered from the loss through prayer, increased involvement in her church, and by<br />

spending additional time in her garden.”<br />

• Remember that applicants can demonstrate the 12 skills in ways that don’t involve<br />

children, such as in their job, volunteer work, or hobbies.<br />

• For further guidance concerning the 12 skills refer to pages 19-24 in the document “A<br />

Supplemental Guide to <strong>Foster</strong> Home <strong>Licensing</strong>” at the following web site:<br />

http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dss/licensing/docs/Guide-chp3.pdf<br />

III. Assessment of Shared Parenting<br />

Provide more information than they understand and are willing to participate. For further<br />

guidance see page 26 in the document “A Supplemental Guide to <strong>Foster</strong> Home <strong>Licensing</strong>” at<br />

the following web site: http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dss/licensing/docs/Guide-chp3.pdf<br />

IV. Financial Ability<br />

Give the TOTAL monthly income of applicants and the anticipated TOTAL monthly expenses.<br />

You do not have to itemize the income or expenses, just give a grand total. We ask agencies to<br />

pay close attention to the suitability of applicants who are in arrears for child support payments.<br />

The income needs to be more than the expenses. Applicants need to be able to absorb the<br />

extra financial strain that can come from providing foster care.<br />

V. Dates and Locations of visits<br />

Please note that Rule 10A NCAC 70E .0802 requires the applicant(s) to be interviewed by the<br />

licensing social worker in the family's home and in the supervising agency’s office. For twoparent<br />

homes, separate as well as joint discussions with both parents shall be arranged. For<br />

foster homes with more than two parents, separate as well as joint discussions with all parents<br />

shall be arranged. Interviews should also be scheduled with the children of the prospective<br />

foster parents to determine their feelings and response to foster children being placed in the<br />

home.<br />

<strong>Training</strong>, phone, e-mail contacts do not count.<br />

XI. Recommendations<br />

Unless your agency is recommending the applicant you should not send an application to the<br />

<strong>Licensing</strong> office.<br />

Signature Page<br />

Make sure Applicant(s), Social Worker and Director or Designee have signed and dated the<br />


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