September 2007 - Lincoln East High School - Lincoln Public Schools

September 2007 - Lincoln East High School - Lincoln Public Schools

September 2007 - Lincoln East High School - Lincoln Public Schools


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The Spartan Newsletter<br />

<strong>September</strong> 2006<br />

Administrator’s Corner<br />

From Dr. Mary Beth Lehmanowsky, Principal<br />

what’s inside<br />

Department Information 2-3<br />

Fall is in the air! It is my favorite time of year with<br />

cool mornings and balmy afternoons. At <strong>East</strong> we get<br />

an extra bonus as we get great music as we enter the<br />

school provided by our Marching Band. Think about it—how many organizations<br />

provide a full band to greet the people who work there? This is also a<br />

time of year when we don’t worry about air-conditioning or furnaces and<br />

we’re still just fine.<br />

We have had a wonderful few weeks at school. Our student count last<br />

Friday was 1,508 students. Add to that 200 staff members and Spartanville’s<br />

population is about 1,700. Our 9 th graders have done an excellent job of getting<br />

the knack of high school. The Ninth Grade Only Day has been such an<br />

effective way for students to get oriented. I hope you have seen information<br />

concerning our achievement scores in the newspapers. With the highest ACT<br />

scores in the state it is no surprise that our MAT (9 th ) scores and our PLAN<br />

Test (10 th ) scores were also exceptional. Scores on nationally normed tests<br />

are only one indicator of achievement but in these cases the indicators are<br />

great! Mid-quarter reports will be mailed in a couple of weeks and they will be<br />

another indicator of learning.<br />

Our teaching staff is working hard in Professional Learning Communities.<br />

For one hour on Tuesdays each educator is a member of a team. Every team<br />

is discussing student achievement and how to best help students learn.<br />

Together teachers are determining what they consider to be the “essential<br />

outcomes” of their curriculums. These outcomes are what every student who<br />

completes the course should know or be able to demonstrate. Teachers then<br />

write specific and measurable goals for students in their classes and will be<br />

developing consistent assessments of achievement. By comparing assessment<br />

data teachers can determine what strategies are most beneficial for<br />

students and learn from one another. Thanks for your support in providing<br />

rides for your students to accommodate our early release time. Students<br />

who are staying for our supervised study areas are doing a good job of being<br />

productive.<br />

Homecoming was fun! Our dance was extremely well attended and our<br />

students appeared to enjoy themselves. I was glad we had the early game<br />

on Friday and we were able to avoid all of the bad weather. Saturday we<br />

experienced some very heavy rainfall and aside from some ruined hairdos<br />

and wet clothing all was well! I appreciate your support of <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> and all<br />

that you do on a daily basis to help your sons and daughters be successful at<br />

school.<br />

SCIP Information 4-6<br />

Accolades 7<br />

Counseling Center 8-9<br />

Student Activities 10-11<br />

Announcements 12-14<br />

Parent Information (PAC) 15<br />

Athletic Department 16<br />

Important Dates 17<br />

Parents: Please make sure<br />

your email address is on file in<br />

the registrar’s office. We now<br />

use email as a major tool in<br />

communication between the<br />

school and parents.<br />



Our Mission at <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> is to empower each student to<br />

become a responsible member of society<br />

by providing a supportive and comprehensive<br />


<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 2<br />

Media Center Notes<br />

Online Safety<br />

Today’s teens have a language and a life all of their own. They happily blog, IM, email,<br />

download and upload their way through their days, often leaving their baffled parents in the digital<br />

dust. Don’t confuse their digital ease with online maturity, though. As comfortable as they are using<br />

the tools of technology, most teens still don’t comprehend the safety issues that surround<br />

online living.<br />

Today’s parents can’t let their own ignorance of online living keep them from being guides to<br />

their teens. During Parent-Teacher Conferences, make sure to stop by the Media Center’s display<br />

table in the concourse and pick up a copy of Cable in the Classroom’s “New Media, New Rules”<br />

magazine, a great resource about parenting today’s digital generation.<br />

Online Research<br />

<strong>East</strong>’s Media Center offers students and parents access to almost 20 online databases. These<br />

databases are like online libraries, connecting students with thousands of reliable, academically<br />

sound, and current resources. From complete textbooks to newspaper and magazine articles, photos<br />

to charts and graphs, these online databases are excellent homework resources. For at-home<br />

access, students and parents may go to the <strong>East</strong> Media Center for a bookmark of passwords and<br />

addresses.<br />

Net Trekker—For Smart Online Searching<br />

Another great research resource also is available to <strong>East</strong> students and parents. This year, the<br />

district is providing access to Net Trekker, an online search engine that delivers results that have<br />

been reviewed and approved by teachers. Students and parents must register at school to use Net<br />

Trekker. Media Specialist Roxi Sattler will be available during Parent Teacher Conferences to enroll<br />

<strong>East</strong> parents and students in Net Trekker.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 3<br />


<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>s recognizes the importance of meeting the needs of gifted students. These<br />

students think abstractly, study in-depth, and learn rapidly. To serve this group, the LPS <strong>School</strong><br />

Board developed Policy 6300. This policy outlines the services available for gifted students.<br />


LEHS offers differentiated classes in core areas of Business, English, Mathematics, Science, Social<br />

Studies, and World Languages. Most classes that fulfill graduation requirements offer differentiated<br />

sections. In addition, LEHS offers many Advanced Placement courses that may count for college<br />

credit. AP Language and the US History D portion of the Hist/Lit course qualify for college credit at<br />

Nebraska Wesleyan. Finally, many elective areas of the curriculum offer advanced or in-depth<br />

courses.<br />

Teachers design Differentiated, Advanced Placement, and advanced classes to provide for in-depth,<br />

abstract, and/or accelerated study. <strong>East</strong>’s gifted program has always been committed to a policy of<br />

open enrollment which allows students into differentiated, Advanced Placement, and/or advanced<br />

classes whether identified gifted or not.<br />


The <strong>East</strong> gifted facilitator is Ken Flowerday. He can assist with specific student needs and answer<br />

questions about the Gifted Program. He can be reached at school at 436-1302, extension 434.<br />

Ambassadors<br />

Anime Club<br />

Art Club<br />

Business Club/Microtech<br />

DECA<br />

Destination Imagination<br />

Dollfins<br />

Drama Club/International Thespian Society<br />

Ecology Club<br />

Forensics (Speech/Debate)<br />

Future Business Leaders<br />

French Club<br />

Future Educators Association<br />

German Club<br />

Invisible Children<br />

Jazz Club<br />

Key Club<br />

Medical Club<br />

Math Club<br />

Martial Arts Club<br />

Mock Trial<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Peer Network Club<br />

Penned Club<br />

POWER Club<br />

<strong>Public</strong>ations<br />

Sci-Fi Club<br />

Science Olympiad<br />

Scuba Club<br />

Spanish Club<br />

Tri-M Music Honor Society<br />

United Voices<br />

Verse Club<br />

Student Democrats<br />

Instrumental Groups<br />

Vocal Groups

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 4<br />

Text messaging, instant messaging by computer, is the fastest growing communication trend and is a<br />

quick and convenient way for kids to keep their friends posted. For parents, it is very challenging in at<br />

least two ways: knowing the lingo and knowing the cost. While it is very convenient, it also has some dangers,<br />

one of which is incredibly high cell phone bills if text messaging is not built into the contract or if kids<br />

don't stay within the message limit.<br />

Kids prefer text messaging to actual talking. It's fast and quiet. You can send a quick message without<br />

the commitment of a phone call, which will take longer. There is far more privacy with text messaging,<br />

since many parents can't read that language. It lets you chat without being noticed and without interrupting.<br />

Some of the problems that text messaging can lead to are: a temptation to send a quick message in<br />

school; send answers to a test, stay up late and flirt with someone who is "hot." And that's where some<br />

strict rules come in; parents need to become text message literate, establish good parent-to-child communication,<br />

and consider text messaging themselves to be up on the trend! Following are some additional<br />

smart rules:<br />

• Respect the plan. If your child goes over the text messaging allotment, require him/her to pay for<br />

the overages.<br />

• Set a nighttime text message curfew.<br />

• No text messaging at the dinner table.<br />

• No text messaging in church<br />

• No text messaging in school.<br />

• Parents communication-in whatever form-always take precedence over someone's text message.<br />

Be careful who you give your screen name to if you use instant messaging services such as AOL.<br />

Cell phones can be hit by spam, viruses and predators.<br />

There's a new trend popular among teenage chatters, and your filters won't pick up any of it. It's<br />

called 133tspcak, netspeak or just plain internet slang (leet speak from the word elite). You know what I'm<br />

talking about. Acronyms like lol wtf bbiab and nm. Today's kids are also lazy, and use single letter words:<br />

U replaces you, R replaces are, o replaces oh, m replaces am, etc ...<br />

Less popular, but still widely used (especially in games) is true 133tspeak, which involves using<br />

numbers instead of letters. 4 replaces A, 3 replaces E, 7 replaces T, 1 replaces L, and $ replaces S.<br />

These are just a few examples, some of it is worse, like /\/ and /\/\ , or 13 instead of B.<br />

Another key phrase is the word paw, short for "parents are watching" or pos for "parents over shoulder."<br />

Learn to recognize the warning signs and find out what they're doing that they don't want you to<br />

know about.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 5<br />

If you want to know what your kids are saying and doing, you've got to know the text messaging code. If you wish to<br />

see the more explicit codes and less polite ones, please use the Internet sites: www.wikipedia.orq / www.naslang.com<br />

404-1 don't know<br />

AML-All my love<br />

AOTA-All of the above<br />

A/S/L-Age/sex/location<br />

ATM-At the moment<br />

AYOR-At your own risk<br />

B/F-Boy friend<br />

B4-Before<br />

B4N-Bye for now<br />

BC-Because<br />

BOL-Best of luck<br />

BML-Biting my lip<br />

BTW-By the way<br />

BWL-Bursting with laughter<br />

CMON-Come on<br />

CUA-See you around<br />

CUL8R-See you later<br />

CYA-See ya!<br />

DEGT-Don't even go there<br />

Dnt B L8-Don't be late<br />

EG-Evil grin<br />

EOM-End of message<br />

F2F-Face to face<br />

FBM-Fine by me<br />

FOCL-Falling off chair laughing<br />

FWIW-For what it's worth<br />

FYI-For your information<br />

G/F-Girlfriend<br />

GA-Go ahead<br />

GAL-Get a life<br />

GB-Goodbye<br />

GBU-God bless you<br />

GIAR-Give it a rest<br />

GOI-Get over it<br />

GTG-Got to go<br />

HAGN-Have a good night<br />

HAGO-Have a good one<br />

HHIS-Hanging head in shame<br />

HHOK-Ha ha, only kidding<br />

HRU-How are you<br />

IB-I'm back<br />

ICBW-It could be worse<br />

IDK-I don't know<br />

IDTS-I don't think so<br />

ILU or ILY-I love you<br />

IMHO-In my humble opinion<br />

IMNSHO-In my not so humble<br />

opinion<br />

ISM-I'm sorry<br />

JAS-Just a sec<br />

JJA-Just joking around<br />

JTUMLTK-Just thought you might like<br />

to know<br />

LHO-Laughing head off<br />

LOFLOL-Lying on floor laughing out<br />

loud<br />

LOL-Laughing out loud<br />

LSHIH-Laughing so hard it hurts<br />

MTF-More to follow<br />

MTFBWU-May the force be with you<br />

MYOB-Mind your own business<br />

NP-No problem<br />

NOOB-Newbie<br />

NW-No way<br />

OMG-Oh my God<br />

OTTOMH-Off the top of my head<br />

PCM-Please call me<br />

POAHF-Put on a happy face<br />

PSB-Pretty stupid boy<br />

PSG-Pretty stupid girl<br />

PXT-Please explain that<br />

QT-Cutie<br />

RAS-Running around screaming<br />

REHI-Hello again<br />

RL-Real life<br />

RME-Rolling my eyes<br />

ROTFLSTC-Rolling on the floor<br />

laughing scaring the cat<br />

RUOK-Are you okay?<br />

SAL-Such a laugh<br />

SC-Stay cool<br />

SETE-Smiling ear to ear<br />

SICNR-Sorry, I couldn't resist<br />

SIG2R-Sorry, I got to run<br />

SIS-Snickering in silence<br />

SIT-Stay in touch<br />

SLAP-Sounds like a plan<br />

SMHID-Scratching my head in<br />

disbelief<br />

SO-Significant other<br />

SOL-Sooner or later or simply out of<br />

luck<br />

SOMY-Sick of me yet?<br />

SOTMG-Short of time, must go<br />

SPST-Same place, same time<br />

SRY-Sorry<br />

SS-So sorry<br />

SSDD-Same stuff, different day<br />

SSINF-So stupid it's not funny<br />

STBID-Sometime before I die<br />

SUITM-See you in the morning<br />

SUP-What's up?<br />

SYUTH-Slap you upside the head<br />

SY WWTBY-See ya, wouldn't want to<br />

be ya<br />

T+-Think positive<br />

TA-Thanks a lot<br />

TAFN-That's all for now<br />

TBH-To be honest<br />

TC-Take care<br />

TMWFI-Take my word for it<br />

TTFN-Ta ta for now<br />

TTTT-These things take time<br />

TU or TY-Thank you<br />

UGTBK-You've got to be kidding<br />

WAM-Wait a minute<br />

WEG-Wicked evil grin<br />

WW-Watching TV<br />

WUWT-What's up with that?<br />

YBS-You'll be sorry<br />

YGB-You go, boy<br />

YGG-You go girl<br />

YGTBK-You've got to be kidding<br />

YIAH-Yes, I am here<br />

YYSSW-Yeah yeah, sure, sure<br />

whatever<br />


<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 6

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 7<br />

A+<br />



EAST students are achieving and succeeding in a variety of areas.<br />

<br />

Congratulations to the following math students who received awards at the Nebraska State Fair Mathematics Competition<br />

held Saturday, August 26:<br />

Freshmen: 1 st – Preston Bradley, 2 nd – Nate Germer, 3 rd – Jahan Claes and 4 th – Measen Churchill.<br />

Sophomores: 2 nd – Alan Xu<br />

Juniors: 3 rd – Alex Churchill, 4 th - Jim Hao, 5 th – Adam Pillard, and 6 th – Brady Gilg<br />

Seniors: 4 th – Sammy Wang<br />

Last years seniors: 1 st – Aaron Fluitt and 3 rd – Wen Luo<br />

<br />

Congratulations to Adam Pillard who received 4 th place in Introduction to Business at the National FBLA Conference in<br />

Nashville this summer.<br />

<br />

Congratulations to <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> Seniors Andy Steck, Scott Vasey and Jeremy Kendle who went to Atlanta, Ga., last month<br />

with instructor Jeff McCabe and came home with third place -- $500 in cash and a handful of tools and materials for <strong>East</strong><br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> .<br />


LPS Elementary Principals<br />

Present<br />

Saturday, November 18<br />

8 a.m. to 10 a.m.<br />

Saratoga Elementary<br />

2215 South 13th Street<br />

Donate clothes for Bubba’s Closet to Hanger’s Cleaners from<br />

Oct. 9—Nov. 10. Clothes will be transported to Saratoga<br />

where elementary students can pick out items to adopt and<br />

use!. This is one of the many American Education Week<br />

activities planned in <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>s.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 8<br />


The 2006 date for Spartan/Wesleyan Day is Thursday, October 5, 2006.<br />

Each year, <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Seniors are invited to be a guest of Nebraska<br />

Wesleyan to experience what a small private four-year college offers.<br />

All seniors will be sent a personal letter of invitation with a sign-up deadline.<br />

Topics to be discussed on that day include admissions, financial aid, college<br />

life, housing, activities, the career center and athletics. Parents and students<br />

are urged to watch for your Spartan/Wesleyan Day invitation and meet the signup<br />

deadline. The first 150 students who sign up by the sign-up deadline may<br />

attend.<br />


The PSAT (Preliminary SAT) test will be administered at <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> on Saturday, October 21,<br />

2006. This test measures skills that are important for success in college—verbal reasoning, critical reading,<br />

math problem-solving and writing. Taking the test allows students to get feedback about critical<br />

academic skills, seek information from colleges, enter scholarship competitions and practice for SAT<br />

(college admission) tests.<br />

The PSAT is the qualifying test for entry to national Merit Scholarship Corporation competitions for college<br />

scholarships that will be awarded in <strong>2007</strong>. Only scores from the participants’ junior year will be<br />

considered.<br />

Students may purchase admission tickets in the <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> office from<br />

October 2 to October 13, 2006, for approximately $16.00. Late fees (if seating is still possible) will be<br />

double the standard admission fee. On October 21, students will be dismissed from the Commons Area<br />

to the testing rooms at 8:00 am. The test will last approximately three hours. A student bulletin that<br />

provides practice materials will be distributed as students purchase their tickets. Fee waivers are available<br />

to students on free or reduced lunch.<br />

Juniors planning to attend a 4 year college or university and highly motivated sophomores are encouraged<br />

to register for the PSAT test.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 9<br />

The 21st Annual <strong>Lincoln</strong> Area College Fair will take place on Sunday, October 22, 2006. The fair<br />

will be held on the <strong>Lincoln</strong> campus of Southeast Community College (84th and “O” Streets) from 1:00—<br />

3:30 p.m. and is open to the public. This college fair is a wonderful opportunity for students of all ages<br />

to visit with college representatives from nearly 150 colleges and universities from across the United<br />

States, including most Nebraska colleges and universities, the University of Iowa, Gustavus Adolphus<br />

College, Texas A&M University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, Iowa State University,<br />

South Dakota State University, Cornell University, St. Olaf College and many others. For a complete<br />

list of registered colleges and universities, see your guidance counselor or log on to<br />

http://www.educationquest.com. Also, EducationQuest Foundation will conduct two financial aid sessions<br />

at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and local area guidance counselors will be available at an “Ask-a-<br />

Counselor” booth to answer all your college preparation questions.<br />

Follow these tips to make the most of the College Fairs:<br />

1) Before you attend, prepare a list of questions for school representatives. As about<br />

application deadlines and scholarships.<br />

2) Determine what you want from a school. This helps you rule out some colleges and<br />

look more closely at others. Take notes to keep track of schools that interest you.<br />

3) Prepare pre-printed labels with your name, address, email, and phone number to stick<br />

information cards at college booths where you want additional information. This saves the<br />

redundancy of filling out cards.<br />

4) If you decide a college is not right for you, contact that college and ask them to take you off<br />

their mailing list. This helps them, and saves you from receiving unnecessary mail.<br />

Sara Malsbury<br />

College Planning Specialist<br />

EducationQuest Foundation<br />

1300 “O” Street<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong>, NE 68508<br />

800-3-3-3745 ext. 6692<br />

402-479-6692<br />


The <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Counseling Team invites parents/guardians of juniors to JUNIOR PARENT NIGHT on<br />

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 in the <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> cafeteria from 6:00-7:00 PM. The purpose of<br />

this meeting is to begin preparing both students and parents for post high school education including<br />

university, junior college, and community college.<br />

This meeting follows the Junior Session that will be held period 3 and period 4, October 10 with<br />

all juniors at <strong>East</strong>. At this meeting, students will have received and been guided through an LPS<br />

publication on college planning.<br />

A post card inviting all junior parents/guardians will be sent to the homes of juniors prior to this meeting<br />

with instructions for pre-registration. Pre-registration will be required for this session. Since<br />

this date and time coincides with Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 10, parents of juniors are<br />

encouraged to attend conferences before the JUNIOR PARENT MEETING or on Thursday, October<br />

12, 2006. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Center at 436-1314.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 10<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>'s 2006-<strong>2007</strong><br />

Apollonaire Dance Squad<br />

is off to another award-winning year.<br />

Team members attended the National Dance Alliance summer camp at Nebraska<br />

Wesleyan University. They won the first place trophy for their team dance performance<br />

and they received a superior rating and the choreography trophy for their home<br />

routine performance.<br />

The Apollonaires were awarded the Team Leadership plaque and also earned the<br />

spirit stick each day. In addition to team honors, four members, Sierra Andersen,<br />

Haley Carpenter, Danielle Olson, and Sarah Preston, were recognized as "All-<br />

Americans", Kelsey Lambley was presented the Individual Excellence in Leadership<br />

award, and Sierra Andersen received the Top Performer award. NDA certificates<br />

were presented to Sierra Andersen, Lauren Beitel, and Haley Carpenter for the team<br />

leaders competition and to Angie Albers, Sierra Andersen, and Sarah Preston for<br />

their dance skills. Individually each Apollonaire received numerous ribbons for their<br />

dance technique and showmanship skills.<br />

The <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Apollonaires perform at all home football and basketball games and<br />

at various community events. In addition to choreographing and practicing for those<br />

performances, they will be preparing for upcoming dance competitions.<br />

Members of the 2006-<strong>2007</strong> squad include: Angie Albers, Sierra Andersen, Lauren<br />

Beitel, Haley Carpenter, Rachel Dahlin, Kelsey Lambley, Mallory Netz, Danielle<br />

Olson, Ali Peterson, Sarah Preston, Stevie Renkey, and Hayley Schmidt.<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> Student Council has been busy with a number<br />

of projects so far this year. We are organizing the class officer<br />

elections that will be held <strong>September</strong> 27th for all grades. Also<br />

we are holding a new member drive for student council which<br />

will allow for all students that did not attend Lux for middle<br />

school or did not attend <strong>East</strong> last year to be involved with<br />

<strong>East</strong>’s student council. This year we are also holding our<br />

annual Read-A-Thon on October 20th during the school day.<br />

The day will be jam-packed with festivities including live<br />

entertainment, snacks, and books making it a coffee shop<br />

atmosphere to raise money for the annual Harvest of<br />

Books. We are hoping to give parents an opportunity to<br />

be a part of this fundraiser, too, so be watching<br />

during parent-teacher conferences for this<br />

kind of thing.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 11<br />

Pirates of the Caribbean have overtaken<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> DECA students! The 14<br />

member officer team met this summer to<br />

plan a series of educational and fun<br />

events designed to reach out to all students.<br />

The 2006-<strong>2007</strong> officer team consists of :<br />

President: Ben Strasheim<br />

Vice President: Todd Strauss<br />

Secretary: Rachael Pickerel<br />

Treasurer: Trevor Johnson<br />

<strong>Public</strong> Relations: Jade Selvy<br />

<strong>School</strong> Store: Kayla Kohl<br />

DECA-9: Katie McGarvie and Megan Pope<br />

Historian: Courtney Woodhead<br />

Activities: Breanna Phillips and Brett Slagle<br />

Competition: Elizabeth Bacquet<br />

Membership: Dan Cramer and Lauren Marr<br />

Our first event is <strong>September</strong> 19th at Holmes Lake. We'll be hosting an<br />

all-school Caribbean themed barbeque. Our next event will be our annual<br />

Worlds of Fun trip! The deadline for this trip is <strong>September</strong> 27th, so hurry<br />

and sign up today!<br />

In addition to our social activities, DECA will be coordinating a series of<br />

field trips to visit locally owned businesses to increase our awareness of<br />

entrepreneurship and business management, attending leadership trips,<br />

and competing in the spring for a chance to attend the International Career<br />

Development Conference in Orlando, Florida!<br />

Don't let your high school career be a search for buried treasure, join<br />

DECA and we'll show you the way!<br />

The DECA advisor is Laurie Fraser and you can reach her by email at lfraser@lps.org

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 12<br />

Parent-Teacher Conferences<br />

October 10 & 12<br />

from 4:00—7:00 p.m.<br />

Senior Pictures<br />

Senior photos are due for the<br />

yearbook October 27. The photos<br />

must meet the district guidelines<br />

for senior photos. Photos that do<br />

not meet the guidelines will not be<br />

accepted.<br />

Sept.-Oct.<br />

Yearbook Sales<br />

$5$$55.00<br />

Yearbooks will be sold for<br />

$50 from Sept. 22 to Oct. 6.<br />

Yearbooks will be sold in<br />

the Commons during<br />

lunches only. Plan now to<br />

buy one!<br />

$55.00<br />

Don't forget to attend this year's musical<br />

"<strong>School</strong>house Rock Live!"<br />

Students have been hard at work on it since this<br />

summer and we can't wait to see it all put together.<br />

The show will be <strong>September</strong> 28, 29, and 30 at<br />

7:30 pm. Doors will open at 7pm. Tickets will be sold<br />

in advance for $6 and at the door for $7.<br />

You can get $1 off admission at the door with the donation<br />

of 2 canned food items or 1 new children's<br />

book. Hope to see you there!

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 13<br />

Dear Senior Parents and Guardians,<br />

Once again the <strong>East</strong> Yearbook will reserve a section for baby pictures and comments. This will<br />

make a great mark on your senior son/daughter’s year! Ads are limited to 35 words. If your message goes<br />

beyond 35 words, we will edit it without contacting you. If you wish to purchase a baby ad for your Senior son<br />

or daughter please send $35, a photo of your <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Senior as a child (please put his/her complete name<br />

on the back of the photo), and the completed message form by December 1 (FINAL DEADLINE, no late ads<br />

accepted) to:<br />

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Yearbook<br />

Attn: Lauren Vuchetich<br />

1000 S. 70th St.<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong>, NE 68510<br />

*Photo will be returned to your son/daughter at the end of the school year. Your $35 payment must<br />

accompany your order.<br />

*We are not to be responsible for lost photos. If something is one-of-a-kind, please send us a copy. You may<br />

also send your photo digitally by e-mail to ehsbusines@gmail.com<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Lauren Vuchetich, Business Editor & Tra-My Hoang<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />


Parent or Guardian’s Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Phone Number:<br />

Student’s Name (first and last):<br />

Message (35-word limit):<br />

Please send the bottom form, picture, and payment to <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> by Dec. 1, 2006

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 14<br />

PLEASE NOTE: If your child<br />

receives free or reduced lunches, you must<br />

fill out a free/reduced lunch application every<br />

year. The cut off date for this year’s grace<br />

period is October 5, 2006.<br />

If no new application is on file by<br />

October 5th, your student will become a paying<br />

customer the very next day. So please be<br />

sure to get your free/reduced applications to<br />

us or to the district office by this date!<br />

Pay for <strong>School</strong> Meals On-Line!<br />

Go to the home page on http://www.lps.org and click on “Buy <strong>School</strong> Meals”<br />

Make a payment toward your student’s<br />

breakfast, lunch or cash (snack) purchases.<br />

Make an automatic withdrawal from<br />

your checking account for just 20 cents!<br />

Deposit any amount!<br />

Visa or MasterCard accepted for the low transaction fee of $1.95<br />

News from the Health Office<br />

Welcome to a new school year! Recent legislation was passed in<br />

Nebraska allowing children at school with asthma, severe allergies, or<br />

diabetes to carry supplies and self-manage their conditions. Parents must<br />

provide the health office a medical management plan, physician authorization<br />

and written parent consent.<br />

On Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 26 th , there will be an all-day health screening<br />

for 9 th graders. This includes height/weight, vision, hearing, and blood<br />

pressure. If your student has visited the dentist this past year please<br />

submit a dental form. Please feel free to contact the health office with any<br />

special health concerns that your student may have, 436-1322 or<br />

spackett@lps.org.<br />

Susan Kangas-Packett, RN<br />

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Health Office

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 15<br />

What is Parent Advisory Council (PAC)?<br />

A group of <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> parents/guardians (all are welcome) that supports the<br />

students, staff and administration at the high school.<br />

PAC meets at 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of each month in the school media center. Meetings are<br />

scheduled for October 11, November 8, December 13, January 10, February 14, March 21, April 11 and<br />

May 9.<br />

At the meetings, you’ll hear about the activities/ purpose of <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> organizations. You’ll hear a<br />

short report from Principal Mary Beth Lehmanowsky. You’ll get an opportunity to meet other <strong>East</strong> parents.<br />

And you’ll be able to get involved in your teen’s high school.<br />

Membership dues (just $10) and money raised help fund events such as the freshmen ice cream social,<br />

Senior Breakfast, Honors Convocation, parent forums, student directories, post prom, school grant applications,<br />

teacher appreciation, and more.<br />

To become involved contact PAC president Marcia Lepinksi at 486-1198 (alepinski@neb.rr.com) or vice<br />

president Kim Quade at 484-6837 (pquade@neb.rr.com).<br />

Coming Soon!<br />

Watch for more information about the parent forum on teen gambling and alcohol abuse. We'll hear from a<br />

gambling counselor, law enforcement and members of the community on what parents can do to lower their<br />

kids' risk. The forum will be held at 7 p.m. November 9 in the <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> Auditorium. Co-sponsored by PAC<br />

and the <strong>East</strong> Community Group.<br />

Pick up your student directories at the PAC table during conferences in October. A directory is free with<br />

your PAC membership.<br />

Watch for more<br />

information about the<br />

parent forum on teen gambling<br />

and alcohol abuse. We'll hear from<br />

a gambling counselor, law<br />

enforcement and members of the<br />

community on what parents can do<br />

to lower their kids' risk. To be held<br />

at 7 p.m. November 9 in the <strong>East</strong><br />

<strong>High</strong> Auditorium. Co-sponsored by<br />

PAC and the <strong>East</strong> Community<br />


<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

Page 16<br />

The Spartan Athletic Department is currently offering a supervised after school study<br />

hall on each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 3:10 pm until 4:00 pm.<br />

Our hope is that all students will make use of this opportunity to do their homework, or<br />

make-up assignments while waiting for after school activities, and/or using the quiet<br />

study time at school to their academic advantage. Some students are already utilizing<br />

this opportunity and we hope to have even greater participation from students as they<br />

find the quiet study time an advantage to them. Information about this study center time<br />

is available from the Athletic Office.<br />

Our athletic requirement is that student/athletes will be required to attend the study hall<br />

if they are failing a class at grade reporting times; and will continue to attend until the<br />

grade is passing or is improved to the teacher’s satisfaction. We know this may cause<br />

some of our athletes to be a bit late for practices, but feel that the academic part of<br />

being a student athlete should come first and that the Spartan Athletic Department is<br />

proactive is helping students achieve success both athletically and academically. Our<br />

first grade reporting will occur on <strong>September</strong> 27.<br />

Parents and students are reminded that the same type of study hall is available during<br />

the Tuesday PLC time from 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM; and that students must either be in a<br />

study center or leave the building during that time period. Students who are waiting for<br />

athletic and activity practices will follow the same requirement of either attending a<br />

study center or leaving the building; and locker rooms will not be available until the end<br />

of the PLC period at 3:15 PM.<br />


On Tuesday evening, <strong>September</strong> 26, 2006 a representative<br />

from the athletic compliance office at the University of Nebraska-<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong> will be here at <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> to talk to studentathletes,<br />

parents and coaches about recruiting and eligibility for<br />

college athletics. The meeting will be at 7:00PM in the <strong>Lincoln</strong><br />

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> cafeteria. Please plan to attend and find out<br />

what you can do now to ensure your college athletic eligibility.

<strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>September</strong> Newsletter<br />

<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>September</strong> 19<br />

<strong>September</strong> 26<br />

<strong>September</strong> 26<br />

<strong>September</strong> 28<br />

October<br />

October 3<br />

October 4<br />

October 5<br />

October 10<br />

October 10<br />

October 10/12<br />

October 14<br />

October 21<br />

October 27<br />

October 28<br />

October 30-November 3<br />

November<br />

November 4<br />

November 6<br />

November 13<br />

November 14 & 15<br />

November 23 & 24<br />

November 30<br />

November 30<br />

December<br />

December 2<br />

December 9<br />

December 22-26<br />

December 25-Jan 2<br />

Picture Make-up Day<br />

9 th Grade Health Screening<br />

NCAA Athletic Meeting @ 7 p.m.<br />

Spartan Wesleyan Day<br />

Math GDE Test<br />

Writing/Reading GDE Test<br />

Writing GDE Test<br />

Junior Sessions @ auditorium<br />

Junior Parent Sessions @ 6:00 p.m. @ auditorium<br />

Parent/Teacher Conferences<br />

SAT Test<br />

PSAT Test<br />

End of 1 st Quarter<br />

ACT Test<br />

Student Break – No school for students or staff<br />

SAT Test<br />

2 nd Quarter begins<br />

Start of Winter Sports<br />

PLAN Test<br />

No <strong>School</strong> for staff or students<br />

First Winter Contests<br />

Financial Aid Meeting @ cafeteria @7:00 p.m.<br />

SAT Test<br />

ACT Test<br />

Practice Moratorium – No Gym Use<br />

Winter Break<br />

Check for a particular<br />

date in Schedule<br />

Star online calendar<br />

at the following link<br />

Parents: Be sure to turn in<br />

your email address to the<br />

registrar so that you will be<br />

able to receive communication<br />

from the principal and<br />

school announcements given<br />

through email messages.<br />

Of Interest to Parents<br />

<strong>School</strong>s are required by federal law to provide access to students’<br />

names, addresses and telephone listings to military recruiters<br />

or institutions of higher education upon request. If you so<br />

desire, you (or your student) may request that your<br />

particular information not be disclosed. We have<br />

forms available for this purposed in the<br />

Counseling Center.<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

1000 S. 70th<br />

<strong>Lincoln</strong>, NE 68510<br />

Administration<br />

Dr. Mary Beth Lehmanowsky, Principal<br />

Ms. Cecilia Ruley, Associate Principal<br />

Mr. Gene Thompson, Associate Principal<br />

Mr. Gary Williams, Associate Principal<br />

Ms. Wendy Henrichs, Athletic Director<br />

Mr. Greg Fleming, Coordinator, Student Services<br />

Dr. Teri Ourada, Coordinator, SPED<br />

Mr. Dennis Mann, Coordinator, Instruction

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