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Chapter III<br />

(a) As USSTRATCOM’s execution arm for CO, plan, coordinate, integrate,<br />

synchronize, and conduct activities to:<br />

1. Direct the security, operations, and defense of the DODIN.<br />

2. Prepare to, and when directed, conduct full-spectrum military CO.<br />

(b) For global events, CDRUSSTRATCOM will be the supported commander.<br />

For theater events, CDRUSCYBERCOM may be a supporting commander.<br />

(c) Cyberspace Support Elements. CSEs are organized from<br />

USCYBERCOM forces and deployed to CCMDs for full integration into their staffs. CSEs<br />

resources are provided by USCYBERCOM to provide the CCMDs with joint CO planners<br />

and other subject matter experts on CO. These personnel facilitate development of<br />

cyberspace requirements and coordinate, integrate, and deconflict CO into the command’s<br />

planning process.<br />

1. The CSE provides CCMDs an interface and reachback capability to<br />

USCYBERCOM to synchronize cyberspace fires with the commander’s scheme of<br />

maneuver, develop SA, and facilitate acquiring timely threat information.<br />

2. USCYBERCOM retains operational control of the CSE, and the CSE is<br />

in direct support to the JCC.<br />

(e) Leverages the IC to establish and share comprehensive SA of cyberspace,<br />

both friendly and adversary, in support of DOD and CCDRs.<br />

(f) Supports CCMDs in the development of and build of the cyberspace<br />

portion of joint intelligence preparation of the OE and target system analysis products.<br />

(g) Submits target development nominations to the supported CCMD for<br />

inclusion into candidate target lists.<br />

(h) Submits a target nomination list to the supported CCMD targeting staff.<br />

g. Other Combatant Commanders<br />

(1) Operate and defend tactical and constructed networks within their commands.<br />

(2) Integrate CO capabilities into all military operations; integrate CO into plans<br />

(CONPLANs and OPLANs); and work closely with the joint force,<br />

USSTRATCOM/USCYBERCOM, Service components, and DOD agencies to create fully<br />

integrated capabilities.<br />

(3) In coordination with USSTRATCOM/USCYBERCOM, GCCs orchestrate the<br />

planning efforts for CO, designate the desired effects of CO, and determine the timing and<br />

tempo for CO conducted in their AORs in support of GCC missions. Functional CCDRs<br />

direct DODIN operations and defense consistent with functional responsibilities.<br />

III-6 JP 3-12

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