2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement

2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement


Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During ong>2009ong> (Contracts of $30,000 or more) Agency Contract value Location of contractor Name of contractor Description of services USD UNOPS continued Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitation 105,899.81 Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitation 522,987.44 Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitation 1,730,195.32 Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitation 2,858,626.19 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Building engineering 171,810.34 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 98,487.17 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 174,866.13 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 183,409.81 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 367,409.08 Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 469,823.81 Peru COSAPI S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 33,897.92 Peru COSORCIO PLEYADES SAC - ALDEBARAN SAC Civil works rehabilitation 154,766.22 Peru COTECNA DEL PERU S.A. Technical inspection services 282,510.58 Peru DEL CONTRATISTAS S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 48,719.76 Peru DEL CONTRATISTAS S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 81,537.59 Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitation 34,790.65 Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitation 77,391.18 Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitation 102,933.73 Peru EMP COGAFE CONTRAT Y CONSULT ING. SAC Civil works rehabilitation 52,710.99 Peru G Y M S.A. Construction 278,463.13 Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 44,021.50 Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 53,698.06 Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 281,284.50 Peru GRUPO UNION Y SERVICIOS GENERALES SCRL. Civil works rehabilitation 499,382.27 Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 49,003.32 Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 70,480.09 Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 85,812.89 Peru HECTOR E.ORMEÑO C- MARÍA ELENA LEÓN DE G Construction 121,316.26 Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 137,176.90 Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 347,222.22 Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitation 371,889.68 Peru IMECON S.A. Construction 2,040,677.97 Peru INDUSTRIAS ARGUELLES Y SERV. GEN. EIRL Civil works rehabilitation 214,998.82 Peru INFRAESTRUCTURA Y PROYECTOS MINEROS SAC Construction 170,351.94 Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 81,482.62 Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 146,422.24 Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 288,905.98 Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 339,286.36 Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 461,545.71 Peru INGENIERIA Y SERVICIOS DIFFERENT S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitation 182,327.67 Peru INGENIEROS CIVILES & CONTRATISTAS GEN. Road construction work 625,643.52 Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 58,356.89 Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 68,487.29 Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 203,856.57 Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 254,756.07 Peru INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES PERU S.A. Quality Control 84,794.69 Peru JA&R INGENIERIA Y MINERIA S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitation 74,397.38 Peru JBR CONTRATISTAS S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitation 79,152.92 Peru JULIO CESAR RAMIREZ ZAMORA Y Civil works rehabilitation 244,767.51 Peru JULIO CESAR RAMIREZ ZAMORA Y Civil works rehabilitation 1,881,859.74 Peru KIRA INVESTMENTS S.A.C. Maintenance & Repair Services 34,784.74 Peru L Y T CONSTRUCTORA S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 114,721.83 Peru Libelula Communicacion Environmental Management 30,000.00 Peru MUN. DIST.TNTE.CESAR LOPEZ ROJAS Civil works rehabilitation 105,004.60 Peru MUN. DISTRITAL DE CHAVIN DE PARIARCA Civil works rehabilitation 32,560.88 Peru MUNICIP. DIST. SAN FRANCISCO DE CAYRAN Civil works rehabilitation 49,967.75 Peru MUNICIPALIAD PROVINCIAL DE HUANTA Civil works rehabilitation 112,294.14 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DE VILLA MARIA DEL TRIUNFO Civil works rehabilitation 283,538.92 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. DE APARICIO POMARES Civil works rehabilitation 83,043.54 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. NVO. CHIMBOTE Civil works rehabilitation 104,593.12 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. SAN LUIS DE SHUARO Civil works rehabilitation 77,202.77 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL ALTO SELVA ALEGR Civil works rehabilitation 108,168.10 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE ARAPA Civil works rehabilitation 84,203.77 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE ATUNCOLLA Civil works rehabilitation 73,501.60 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE BAÑOS Civil works rehabilitation 32,555.21 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE BAÑOS Civil works rehabilitation 62,769.66 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CARABAYLLO Civil works rehabilitation 39,954.04 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CARABAYLLO Civil works rehabilitation 135,233.96 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitation 59,118.06 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitation 131,831.88 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitation 216,026.01 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHANCAY Civil works rehabilitation 30,134.74 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHANCAY Civil works rehabilitation 290,173.18 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHINCHIHUASI Civil works rehabilitation 34,668.94 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHUCUITO Civil works rehabilitation 47,283.70 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHUCUITO Civil works rehabilitation 78,998.60 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE COMAS Civil works rehabilitation 106,078.35 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE COPORAQUE Civil works rehabilitation 51,238.91 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUALHUAS Civil works rehabilitation 32,313.45 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUALHUAS Civil works rehabilitation 80,195.16 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUAYLLAY Civil works rehabilitation 57,819.08 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE IMAZA Civil works rehabilitation 51,182.62 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE IMAZA Civil works rehabilitation 80,112.42 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LA ESPERANZA Civil works rehabilitation 243,857.62 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LA MERCED Civil works rehabilitation 108,363.62 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LAHUAYTAMBO Civil works rehabilitation 42,158.91 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LALAQUIZ Civil works rehabilitation 44,154.15 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LUCMA Civil works rehabilitation 61,232.42 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LUCMA Civil works rehabilitation 93,708.07 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MARAS Civil works rehabilitation 56,329.90 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MOLLEPATA Civil works rehabilitation 35,114.12 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MOLLEPATA Civil works rehabilitation 114,002.57 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PARAS Civil works rehabilitation 64,791.88 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PISACOMA Civil works rehabilitation 33,561.16 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PISACOMA Civil works rehabilitation 85,858.65 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitation 39,568.49 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitation 41,176.48 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitation 82,352.94 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE QUEROPALCA Civil works rehabilitation 90,695.08 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE QUINUA Civil works rehabilitation 84,125.85 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SALAS Civil works rehabilitation 40,231.08 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN JOSE Civil works rehabilitation 64,878.50 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN SALVADOR Civil works rehabilitation 34,693.11 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN SALVADOR Civil works rehabilitation 85,564.57 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTA ROSA Civil works rehabilitation 36,845.66 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTA ROSA Civil works rehabilitation 94,124.00 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTIAGO Civil works rehabilitation 162,681.50 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTIAGO Civil works rehabilitation 374,333.33 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SEPAHUA Civil works rehabilitation 99,085.24 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SHUNQUI Civil works rehabilitation 84,283.88 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SIBAYO Civil works rehabilitation 58,229.14 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SIBAYO Civil works rehabilitation 84,772.98 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SINGA Civil works rehabilitation 59,593.57 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE TAUCA Civil works rehabilitation 91,840.67 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE VILCANCHOS Civil works rehabilitation 50,033.89 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL JILILI Civil works rehabilitation 84,265.54 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL OCALLI Civil works rehabilitation 90,760.36 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL TUPAC AMARU Civil works rehabilitation 92,307.69 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CHURCAMPA Civil works rehabilitation 87,975.06 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE ANDAHUAYLAS Civil works rehabilitation 75,822.73 306 | ong>2009ong> ong>Annualong> ong>Statisticalong> ong>Reportong> on Procurement

Major Contracts for Services Placed by Agency During ong>2009ong> (Contracts of $30,000 or more) Agency Contract value Location of contractor Name of contractor Description of services USD UNOPS continued Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE ATALAYA Civil works rehabilitation 85,536.88 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CANGALLO Civil works rehabilitation 56,946.06 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CANGALLO Civil works rehabilitation 89,414.46 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CHEPEN Civil works rehabilitation 32,883.04 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CHEPEN Civil works rehabilitation 33,368.69 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE HUAMALIES Civil works rehabilitation 47,768.54 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE HUAMANGA Civil works rehabilitation 41,257.19 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE HUAMANGA Civil works rehabilitation 70,011.79 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE HUAMANGA Civil works rehabilitation 214,832.33 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE RIOJA Civil works rehabilitation 34,452.59 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE RIOJA Civil works rehabilitation 213,333.34 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE SAN MARTIN Civil works rehabilitation 60,167.93 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE SUCRE Civil works rehabilitation 84,291.09 Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE VILCASHUAMAN Civil works rehabilitation 84,588.31 Peru PROYECTOS DEL NORTE S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitation 723,154.06 Peru PROYECTOS Y CONSTRUCCIONES SALDAÑA S.R.L Civil works rehabilitation 108,953.31 Peru QUEBECOR WORLD PERU S.A. Intermodal transportation technology 500,625.00 Peru RMC CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 65,189.52 Peru RMC CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitation 645,339.63 Peru SAN GABRIEL INGENIERIA Y CONST. SAC Civil works rehabilitation 287,687.82 Peru SAN GABRIEL INGENIERIA Y CONST. SAC Civil works rehabilitation 692,190.76 Peru SANTOS ANGEL CASTILLO ESQUERRE Y Civil works rehabilitation 62,258.70 Peru SC ASOCIADOS Construction 32,673.21 Peru SC ASOCIADOS Construction 67,090.93 Peru SC ASOCIADOS Construction 98,345.25 Peru SC ASOCIADOS Construction 114,221.31 Peru SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORES ANDINOS S.A. Supervision of construction 139,395.06 Peru SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORES ANDINOS S.A. TECHNICAL STUDIES 56,478.41 Peru SERVICIOS DE CONSULTORES ANDINOS S.A. TECHNICAL STUDIES 59,233.45 Peru SEVILLA RODRIGUEZ S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitation 768,343.11 Peru TCHIM CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.R.L. Dam construction work 337,653.52 Peru TELEFONICA DEL PERU S.A.A. Communication satellites 338,617.93 Peru VICENTE CARMEN H. SANCHEZ LA TORRE Y Civil works rehabilitation 359,933.29 Peru VICENTE CARMEN H. SANCHEZ LA TORRE Y Civil works rehabilitation 750,000.00 Peru WORLD COLOR PERU S.A. Intermodal transportation technology 38,582.59 Peru WORLD COLOR PERU S.A. Intermodal transportation technology 500,625.00 Philippines Traders Hotel Manila Environmental Management 36,579.22 Portugal Edicoes ALMEDINA SA Translation 46,150.44 Portugal INTERVISA TRAVEL SOLUTIONS Travel 42,386.71 Rwanda MINICOM Individual Consulting Service 163,900.00 Rwanda Top tower hotel Training, other 45,051.76 Saint Kitts and Nevis Development Control and Planning Board Environmental Management 337,096.36 Saint Lucia Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fis Environmental Management 36,576.77 Saint Lucia Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fis Environmental Management 115,272.50 Senegal AK-PROJECT SARL Construction 30,433.42 Senegal AK-PROJECT SARL Printing; Publishing 37,421.25 Senegal Crédit Mutuel du SENEGAL Direction Régio Rural Development 209,973.85 Senegal Environnement et Developpement du Tiers- Environmental Management 37,132.00 Senegal Ibrahima GUEYE Office building rental 32,556.90 Senegal Lay Volonteers International Association Rural Development 67,104.06 Senegal Wetlands International Africa Programme Environmental Management 37,200.00 Senegal Wetlands International Africa Programme Environmental Management 73,000.00 Seychelles Seychelles Centre for Marine Research & Environmental Management 60,500.00 Sierra Leone National Iimplementation Unit, EIF SLE Conditions of employment 89,986.50 South Africa BIRDLIFE SOUTH AFRICA Environmental Management 40,000.00 South Africa BIRDLIFE SOUTH AFRICA Environmental Management 54,340.00 South Africa CSIR Conference organizing services 70,942.78 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 46,769.85 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 123,604.50 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 156,387.10 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 448,592.20 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 512,054.88 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 594,647.34 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 944,718.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 978,310.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 1,023,762.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 1,424,986.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 1,639,738.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 2,330,535.00 South Africa DENEL (PTY) LIMITED Mine Action 3,205,309.14 South Africa DENEL MECHEM Mine Action 978,310.00 South Africa Eco Africa Environmental Management 30,000.00 South Africa Eco Africa Environmental Management 190,000.00 South Africa Elmuatasim Ibrahim Ahmed Ali Leasing or Rental Services 63,888.00 South Africa Elmuatasim Ibrahim Ahmed Ali Leasing or Rental Services 63,888.00 South Africa Hewlett-Packard South Africa (Pty) Limit Leasing or Rental Services 40,900.00 South Africa Hewlett-Packard South Africa (Pty) Limit Leasing or Rental Services 50,000.00 South Africa Johann Reinder Erlers LUTJEHARMS Environmental Management 60,000.00 South Africa Media Institute of Southern Africa Travel 42,000.00 South Africa Pegasys Strategy and Development Environmental Management 201,883.00 South Africa Regional Centre for Eastern&South Africa Leasing or Rental Services 57,294.69 South Africa South African Environmental Observation Environmental Management 56,500.00 South Africa South African National Biodiversity Inst Trade Related Services; Other 70,384.32 South Africa Sure Go Travel Travel 30,158.49 Spain Asociacion Fondo Andaluz Technical Studies 703,862.66 Spain GHESA INGENIERIA Y TECNOLOGIA S.A. Installation of Equipment 188,643.05 Spain GHESA INGENIERIA Y TECNOLOGIA S.A. Installation of Equipment 333,497.50 Spain INYPSA INFORMES Y PROYECTOS, S.A. Construction 1,167,715.07 Spain World Tourism Organization/V C Trade Related Services; Other 64,212.00 Sri Lanka Abdur Rahuman Alim Pulaver Construction 41,709.39 Sri Lanka Access International Projects (Pvt) Ltd Construction 34,230.08 Sri Lanka Akkaraipattu -7 RDS Construction 46,579.65 Sri Lanka Autonomy Milk Farmer Society Construction 68,584.36 Sri Lanka Bedum Ela Govi Sanvidanaya Dambe Ela Construction 68,320.30 Sri Lanka D II Ekamuthu Farmer Organization Construction 79,211.07 Sri Lanka Digawewa Mahakandiya Rendering Free Construction 72,232.97 Sri Lanka Dirisarana Avamangalayadara Samithiya Construction 79,163.07 Sri Lanka Dutugamunu Farm Organization Construction 74,383.20 Sri Lanka Ediriweera Constructions Road construction work 57,380.61 Sri Lanka Ediriweera Constructions Road construction work 66,124.52 Sri Lanka EKSATH BEDUMELA FARMER ORGANIZATION Construction 78,401.54 Sri Lanka EKSATH SANASUMA WELFARE AND DEATH Construction 82,142.48 Sri Lanka Engineering & Laboratory Services (Pvt) Construction 71,628.73 Sri Lanka Engineering & Laboratory Services (Pvt) Construction 108,434.02 Sri Lanka Environment and Management Lanka (Pvt) Environmental Management 84,020.07 Sri Lanka Farzan Building Construction Road & Drainage construction work 108,394.42 Sri Lanka Farzan Building Construction Road & Drainage construction work 121,557.12 Sri Lanka Farzan Building Construction Road & Drainage construction work 137,808.02 Sri Lanka Grama Sanwardana Sanvidanaya Dabethalawa Construction 69,604.53 Sri Lanka Hadashakthi Wedihiti Samithiya, 2/112 A Construction 72,420.41 Sri Lanka HAG Construction (Pvt) Ltd Construction 207,257.83 Sri Lanka HAG Construction (Pvt) Ltd Construction 794,968.67 Sri Lanka Highland Crops Agriculture Organization Civil works rehabilitation 72,771.97 Sri Lanka Himidurawa Abayapura Deewara Samithiya Civil works rehabilitation 86,742.03 Sri Lanka Hindakalugama Seva Samithiya Civil works rehabilitation 87,782.15 Sri Lanka Hovael construction (Pvt) Ltd Rent 61,133.48 Sri Lanka Indo Fab Engineering Lanka ( Pvt ) Ltd Bridge construction work 87,637.50 Sri Lanka Indo Fab Engineering Lanka ( Pvt ) Ltd Bridge construction work 90,225.00 Sri Lanka Indo Fab Engineering Lanka ( Pvt ) Ltd Bridge construction work 241,594.70 Sri Lanka Indo Fab Engineering Lanka ( Pvt ) Ltd Bridge construction work 292,222.13 307 | ong>2009ong> ong>Annualong> ong>Statisticalong> ong>Reportong> on Procurement

Major C<strong>on</strong>tracts for Services Placed by Agency During <str<strong>on</strong>g>2009</str<strong>on</strong>g> (C<strong>on</strong>tracts of $30,000 or more)<br />

Agency<br />

C<strong>on</strong>tract value<br />

Locati<strong>on</strong> of c<strong>on</strong>tractor Name of c<strong>on</strong>tractor Descripti<strong>on</strong> of services USD<br />

UNOPS c<strong>on</strong>tinued<br />

Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 105,899.81<br />

Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 522,987.44<br />

Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 1,730,195.32<br />

Peru CORPORACION INTL DE LA CONSTRUCCION Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 2,858,626.19<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Building engineering 171,810.34<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 98,487.17<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 174,866.13<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 183,409.81<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 367,409.08<br />

Peru CORPORACION PLEYADES S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 469,823.81<br />

Peru COSAPI S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 33,897.92<br />

Peru COSORCIO PLEYADES SAC - ALDEBARAN SAC Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 154,766.22<br />

Peru COTECNA DEL PERU S.A. Technical inspecti<strong>on</strong> services 282,510.58<br />

Peru DEL CONTRATISTAS S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 48,719.76<br />

Peru DEL CONTRATISTAS S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 81,537.59<br />

Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 34,790.65<br />

Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 77,391.18<br />

Peru EDUARDO RAUL DEXTRE MORIMOTO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 102,933.73<br />

Peru EMP COGAFE CONTRAT Y CONSULT ING. SAC Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 52,710.99<br />

Peru G Y M S.A. C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> 278,463.13<br />

Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 44,021.50<br />

Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 53,698.06<br />

Peru GEGOLO CONTRATISTAS S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 281,284.50<br />

Peru GRUPO UNION Y SERVICIOS GENERALES SCRL. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 499,382.27<br />

Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 49,003.32<br />

Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 70,480.09<br />

Peru HARM S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 85,812.89<br />

Peru HECTOR E.ORMEÑO C- MARÍA ELENA LEÓN DE G C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> 121,316.26<br />

Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 137,176.90<br />

Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 347,222.22<br />

Peru IBECO CONTRATISTAS GENERALES S.A. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 371,889.68<br />

Peru IMECON S.A. C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> 2,040,677.97<br />

Peru INDUSTRIAS ARGUELLES Y SERV. GEN. EIRL Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 214,998.82<br />

Peru INFRAESTRUCTURA Y PROYECTOS MINEROS SAC C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> 170,351.94<br />

Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 81,482.62<br />

Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 146,422.24<br />

Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 288,905.98<br />

Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 339,286.36<br />

Peru INGECO S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 461,545.71<br />

Peru INGENIERIA Y SERVICIOS DIFFERENT S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 182,327.67<br />

Peru INGENIEROS CIVILES & CONTRATISTAS GEN. Road c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> work 625,643.52<br />

Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 58,356.89<br />

Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 68,487.29<br />

Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 203,856.57<br />

Peru INMOBILIARIA & CONSTRUCTORA ALBASA S.A.C Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 254,756.07<br />

Peru INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES PERU S.A. Quality C<strong>on</strong>trol 84,794.69<br />

Peru JA&R INGENIERIA Y MINERIA S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 74,397.38<br />

Peru JBR CONTRATISTAS S.R.L. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 79,152.92<br />

Peru JULIO CESAR RAMIREZ ZAMORA Y Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 244,767.51<br />

Peru JULIO CESAR RAMIREZ ZAMORA Y Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 1,881,859.74<br />

Peru KIRA INVESTMENTS S.A.C. Maintenance & Repair Services 34,784.74<br />

Peru L Y T CONSTRUCTORA S.A.C. Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 114,721.83<br />

Peru Libelula Communicaci<strong>on</strong> Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Management 30,000.00<br />

Peru MUN. DIST.TNTE.CESAR LOPEZ ROJAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 105,004.60<br />

Peru MUN. DISTRITAL DE CHAVIN DE PARIARCA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 32,560.88<br />

Peru MUNICIP. DIST. SAN FRANCISCO DE CAYRAN Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 49,967.75<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIAD PROVINCIAL DE HUANTA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 112,294.14<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DE VILLA MARIA DEL TRIUNFO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 283,538.92<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. DE APARICIO POMARES Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 83,043.54<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. NVO. CHIMBOTE Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 104,593.12<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DIST. SAN LUIS DE SHUARO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 77,202.77<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL ALTO SELVA ALEGR Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 108,168.10<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE ARAPA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 84,203.77<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE ATUNCOLLA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 73,501.60<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE BAÑOS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 32,555.21<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE BAÑOS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 62,769.66<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CARABAYLLO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 39,954.04<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CARABAYLLO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 135,233.96<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 59,118.06<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 131,831.88<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CASTILLA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 216,026.01<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHANCAY Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 30,134.74<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHANCAY Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 290,173.18<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHINCHIHUASI Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 34,668.94<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHUCUITO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 47,283.70<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE CHUCUITO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 78,998.60<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE COMAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 106,078.35<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE COPORAQUE Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 51,238.91<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUALHUAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 32,313.45<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUALHUAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 80,195.16<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE HUAYLLAY Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 57,819.08<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE IMAZA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 51,182.62<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE IMAZA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 80,112.42<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LA ESPERANZA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 243,857.62<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LA MERCED Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 108,363.62<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LAHUAYTAMBO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 42,158.91<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LALAQUIZ Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 44,154.15<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LUCMA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 61,232.42<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE LUCMA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 93,708.07<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MARAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 56,329.90<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MOLLEPATA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 35,114.12<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE MOLLEPATA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 114,002.57<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PARAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 64,791.88<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PISACOMA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 33,561.16<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PISACOMA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 85,858.65<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 39,568.49<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 41,176.48<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE PUEBLO NUEVO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 82,352.94<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE QUEROPALCA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 90,695.08<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE QUINUA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 84,125.85<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SALAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 40,231.08<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN JOSE Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 64,878.50<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN SALVADOR Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 34,693.11<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN SALVADOR Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 85,564.57<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTA ROSA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 36,845.66<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTA ROSA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 94,124.00<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTIAGO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 162,681.50<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SANTIAGO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 374,333.33<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SEPAHUA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 99,085.24<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SHUNQUI Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 84,283.88<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SIBAYO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 58,229.14<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SIBAYO Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 84,772.98<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SINGA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 59,593.57<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE TAUCA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 91,840.67<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE VILCANCHOS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 50,033.89<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL JILILI Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 84,265.54<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL OCALLI Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 90,760.36<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL TUPAC AMARU Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 92,307.69<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE CHURCAMPA Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 87,975.06<br />

Peru MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE ANDAHUAYLAS Civil works rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> 75,822.73<br />

306 | <str<strong>on</strong>g>2009</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Annual</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Statistical</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Report</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Procurement</strong>

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