Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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Ref No SAIC/21<br />

24 May 45<br />

S E • C R E<br />

ts\atika..ov,<br />

,t;eti<br />


first in BERLIN-KLEIN MACHOW, later . in BTADTYSTEINACHPThliringiki.:<br />

C 3 7<br />

TAI:A61/iJ4S<br />

29. In the last five years, has the RP operated ivith a profit or-lOss ' • o<br />

you-remember the approximate figures? \ i !,]=1:wm V1 tx,*tvld<br />

, •<br />

., The RP .operated at a profit. The gross .income was Apur,pthouSte,..nd -<br />

million marks. In 1944 this figure td"thise.§"„`Vioilthiciftneria. •<br />

6% of the gross income was given to the Ministry of t'iiiante, which ..1.4aS' in<br />

contol- of spending.- :..<br />

TV to.tahrtg<br />

.VIGr47i)D "<br />

30. lcplain . liaison and coordination yith .other IninistiAep i :Isitich %/laity<br />

and Transport, <strong>for</strong> communications with Ships .. ITIalitin peAfoigel oxfv1t . P<br />

approved personnel do the work? Who inbtalled: isiaantaineti and 'developed<br />

-;he equippent?<br />

• • , ,<br />

•j !co tml n YI • knlettal<br />

. .<br />

. . ' • • ,, ro v (Tax%) qa. .01. • ;<br />

..,,44i .son with other ministries wasAOne,bywriting aleme. AlivISTBEIALik.<br />

HORNOLD kept up coordination 'with thé 'Army. Part-of the.POstal<br />

network was taken over by the Army. Exchanges,Of.ltlidllfiWOU41115*OAtrun<br />

by Army personnel. Postal employees were used to'repair'cables.<br />

stalled and developed equipment.<br />

qfl:<br />

, nem:0.41.*m41 600Vvta<br />

' 31. Give,adetailed description of the pranches ,a4 sub-brAnChes<br />

Centrai- Office ,<br />

ZENTRALAMT)..--'<br />

_<br />

•<br />

Oiltqx#Ama-,#844:<br />

. ,<br />

irTelephOne,TranSmission Technique C4 614 vw-41<br />

trq ; .40titt.P.4<br />

-Telephone Exchange Construction, fDAmT,T. 11.4:ita3 idO*4<br />

mraWo 4Aa 4. wow<br />

-Operation ; of Long Distance Network,, icot,.4amo rkkx„nsw elm.:.4,c. -s'&14,Aril.<br />

Acoustics, Microphones, Telephones,-Calibratiorivfcgrferlmeiititg) aTiT •<br />

v) Telegraphy,, AC Telegraphy, MiiitiReX.54ei:gr723h37,"illogigeszaellii44<br />

T.A.TsTTEVIT,M . crSivi)<br />

Mechanized Operation (parcel tranepoil, 1p:1'04:patio po<br />

a3Ialtt.2,04a4i<br />

Furniture.Standardilation,<br />

_<br />

J2E:')8Y1D1.<br />

viii) Testing- of Materials. ' 17,no.ito.C7<br />

ix) Workshops..<br />

.:JL . , :to i:c1:J%$::Ufilvt4A XivIS'ne0<br />

K) Checking of costs of all DRP -InstallatiOns;:A7o T;;I::;.r;1.1.q aKOZg.<br />

32. v ;:r.Zraartm,WPAAT;8,<br />

Eiplain organization of RPF (Reich "nesearCh 'Instiz 'ute). rm.° was head<br />

of it? Where is .located? What • subjectSFYeracibeingtrebdutlY_Otair:sued?<br />

TD what organization was the research in<strong>for</strong>mation supplied and how was<br />

it 'gotten into practical use by'the Arriled''Forcea?r,v,1 c',;" t:' ,:111:$15he • ka .4":&<br />

:<br />

r.12vr<br />

rco.tzdtintstirmoci<br />

R7osident GERWICH of the RPF was in .charge..:: ibelieveclibtonbe tin<br />

AACH, i3aden. The <strong>for</strong>mer president was a Mr • GLADENBECK :who4Owithrither_ALL-<br />

GEMEINE ELEKTRIZITAETS GESELLSCHAFT.. The RPF was located..'lorr:aptAmecin<br />

STADT STEINACH, Thuringia. Subjects recently pursued were teleVisionrJand<br />

development of infra-red research. In peace time yearly publications were<br />

issued.' During the war the HEE:ESWAFFENAMT '(Army ProcureMentoOfficereceived<br />

the in<strong>for</strong>mation. • Source states that the Army madqooilittle,:cuse.Cof<br />

postal research results.<br />

; to;<br />

•<br />

33. Give evacuation addresses of all.services,- offieds'i archives, yetc•,not,..<br />

already supplied.<br />

Division I: MINISTERIALDIREKTOR HUEHN. Left BERLIN <strong>for</strong> Northern Germany<br />

SECRET<br />


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