Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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_. •••• . :. ... ;.! t. '7 L. r<br />

C.1\1TAP, f).. .:<br />

Ref Jo SAIC/19 : . ..<br />

24 )).'3 r . '45. : ,',<br />

. . .. . -. . . . ..<br />

•: , . J.-, .': A . . i'll',.'.'.';:::::!<br />

imp:,ored.tnem ta . .end . a hopeless fight. KESSEIRINGdectined tdj'adcept his<br />

appewl,and . . a . tew.days : later'sent /4-11Y.Assage .,orclering him to.keep/his.noie<br />

"-... •<br />

out of military affairs. .<br />

LICA rdsult Of talks with an AmeriCeh off4:046.FIceme to discuss surrender<br />

terms, HOFER ordered the removal of the numerous AA'guns surrounding<br />

INNE;BRUCK, and that all the'bridgee.in.INNSBRUCK . .. And vie be left. . intiiet? iu„...,.... t : . •;<br />

.. . . .<br />

•<br />


. ••• .P.:41'.,14.1.0 •.i•e7:-.!:‘,.-.<br />

1pcording to HOFER, HITLER was completely Imisin<strong>for</strong>medl,bn prosluotiAn'Agi.:<br />

uree ” HITLER received his miein<strong>for</strong>mation frorn 'oortain:HERP SAggRi'ant.07.1^!,<br />

ducti.ow:expert from Dr SPEER I s:office., .AlthOUgh2aIldfiglireswriereiplit4t; =a;<br />

ticaLly'bare-faced lies, HITLER.claimied.SAUER-s.Wbgf,his,beW6ourc.wf.0*,,,t<br />

<strong>for</strong>mation and trusted him completely.. HOVER:,cited:the.f011OwingkexaMplesi<br />

. . •<br />

HITLER was convinced that he received 2500'caremOnthl,y<br />

. , vx.<br />

factories, while actually Only 500 were pfodUced.04.0nOlof<br />

reports <strong>for</strong> a certain period ending ,1 Dec 44, he 6CateethaVaPail01*q'<br />

faó leory :in FOICCHI, Italy was producing,4,000,009/rpunds 041=00004ste1<br />

'ammunition. However, this factory had not been completed<br />

cf!Lte,' ancrdid not begin production unti1:20 .jeb45.; AnotherItinttenee.l<br />

cited by HOFER was a report issued by SAVER iI which proaiii-aa or81-mm<br />

- mortars in a factory in VIPITENO, Italy'weteclaimedltobe:48000)per•,Inonth.<br />

- Daring a conversation with HITLER, HOFER - Aas)told , that!this ilent:tprq!"r.<br />

-Idrced . at least 1000 mortars per month. The . truth, s.however l iwasIthSt the<br />

-f.aLctory . had just been completed, and production'had,not,starte&. -The ,<br />

.m,mthly . quota was set at 200 mortars.,<br />

. . .... ..., • , . • . . . . . ... ......<br />

. .<br />

5.: vci;HRWOLF : . .<br />

.:. 0',:-.:,f..1,1.:111..v,: -.J.<br />

. . . .. .! flOCi7Wi',<br />

• . • ' — .•• :- ' :tiia H<br />

'H( :I rL.Riclaims that he refused to'organize.a,VEKRWOrFin:his:1AistrAbut<br />

deep to his opposition that it,wasiorganized-throug/rOtherfchanhe<br />

ever in 'orderto s *keep "order" an&to .Nivoid'unnecessa*13rAUg410.1.[APIAX4<br />

only lead to dieaster*<strong>for</strong>•the'peOple" ,ha,appointed..a.baxttain5gPRIO:etpanx,...-<br />

ager of a factory in INNSBRUCK as liaison man between him and"the WEHRWOLF<br />

organization. Source claims he does not_kaOW: .tha...niFeT;ofAliSSaclattblif .<br />

that TOEPPER has all the needed infOrmition to . diaiiipt-thks 'organization.<br />

Heiclaithe t hOwever, thathe knows the No 2 man:(butmot!:tbp.name)1,40tOtters<br />

liS f.iervioes to assist the Allies inrounding Ap,theAgangClanAzlocatingrtheir<br />

storesofweapons„<br />

'' ".;.."71V =7,:t::7°<br />

6. ART TREASUPES .<br />

,%,.,00,..F1 ca t F.,!W.:'<br />

•.4.6:t !,.■:th:li (-,,,,b.i t i. ::: •<br />

•' ! .:, 0 r!?:<br />

. a) Czech or Hungarian State Property: Source claiMs ithaptheeekohdeete<br />

vere_stored in a railway..car.neat LANDECK„and:.weizes.iiplioaektointPY,41144,:.<br />

tilt-direction of Switzerland, .- - . ..:f', .,-„ 1.JI.J!i:Tjlr Al.: 4.4,-,-..<br />

., 0 Italian Gold Treasure: Cached in a bunker'in.iiie;,caitAVIESTEJPANLEN8-<br />

FETE, vie VIPITENO and BRESSANONE .; '' :. ' .-, —.4"/ -"4"11(1<br />

,. -: ". . ,:)....•:. v.i.,:z ,: ,i: - 0. 1 -I,)./..,..,:.;:,...:.!.•,:.<br />

- c) Property..of . Florentine At Galleriei::.Stdred-virithrthe!knoaedgelof:-.r!<br />

... tho Italian government'in . the ST LEONHARD'cotrthotese...11.0ourcefoli4moi,that<br />

'persons who may have more in<strong>for</strong>mation On the.oubjeckti..!are4t)RING4ERwho:<br />

can be reached through the LANDESMUSEUM,;INNSBRUCK;,andGRAZ(Count)HTRAPP<br />

INUSBRUCK.... . , . . -. -... :■.• :! .: .: i! U .... :I:: !: ".<br />

:<br />

S. E C R E:<br />

•<br />


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