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S E C . R E T<br />

Ref No SAIC/18,,<br />

z4 • . .<br />

• -CON-drhingj.military affairs he.: brought out four points:<br />

.'"..:77,7,;:e1"17,tGermani s.milst 1:reinain . On the defensive .in the WEST. (HITLER had<br />

,-„ • •<br />

• F r e at faith . in the IVestwall and the RHINE).<br />

14.) In the IiiST a powerful counter-:offensive would be prepared.<br />

•:t.he::!PC4P...Pr). • .<br />

t="li ILLbji he u—boAt tzi were': outstanding; they • .represented tv..revo.<br />

vt34)11itiântiti ;•the f.techniCal . tie ld DOENITZ was a phenomenally<br />

outstanding leader.•<br />

iv) The new hiESSERSCH .NITT fighter plane., 1)1E-262, was without-equal<br />

anywhere in the world. It could not be damaged in combat ,.-.'thje"-":".•-:'.<br />

4.4 ,trute 014.011j.ye, vloipsiy e, „.oplou.ryed; , as a result of accidents. in take7offacori-<br />

,,.0.44;;Pied.e. rare .i1.4iignifiCant ... Cana tion ei,,,!c if, a,• tr e -<br />

• men-dou s scale , and"the re .sults"i4Oilld . "saan be noticeable'!jiiit.fho'<br />

43.11 :ark„144Aol,.. rinTIAR th*e'h c tI, e mistakes of the • German kir::<br />

declaring that the greatest fault had been the choosing of the<br />

e*14.Ett iot/ tirdheintcdtg_st..7: • e :11 • . • .<br />

. 420ANIetattlb 'Ith "end 'Of this Eiddrerset; HITLEit . spoke of i-politi.cald ev-blats-..7 He<br />

,Enrglana.•-would: •thold :-out, the.. end ; : .she ...vaa fivnaymaIlied<br />

Halrig rotillit3-6ifiafaftiai.ciotacri not On the •other :hand,;•<br />

"•44 Wt 4.0.Vinn'any -•held . ! .firmduring• the :crisis .; a. day:-.Woulthle.bme. when<br />

, f)0.183 116 ,nferWoT1s r.ett01,.et8)Avouidl: arisw:between' Rusaie: and' the ,USr;<br />

-1,1,0113 dblḟalutilligvhisCispeech, 1.[ITLER; ,..thanked • the••assembled,,leadere,tfOr.c:thei:<br />

a,k . tirdbr.OpikiiaticifiTald 'Idyalty.•; . . ,and ;then' apoke. 'a •few words: den'eerningi his<br />

31.-.F1f * Ihlira&tfittontṪhi's ihePha.du nkiVer ... ‘done . bef•ore ,, .-so yit was: espec.ialflyr note--<br />

ilacnva-0 effect Ordiftliy1 .a.na) -hadtra.r. rdb pr UpOn e s sing .• his list enere •,:i ,He:tsaid! :that<br />

ar11$6.001:Fredeirs:r001...thre Great had .!returried:trom the mars , andi':broken,<br />

tate .14(Foin,t.e .: MCI,/ J4himself, felt the burdens of- •war e which :had...b.e.Conie:<br />

evident•Ftnifirnptoins: of. ill 'health ... , PreviOuslY owineite 4ea.•,worry<br />

e,f4taIhreatirdilfferedllfrenf a' trembling, leg :. • Now ;. .howevert,-,-.th-ei infirmity<br />

l'ocloo$5 vbiltd . inuliesiitle:ft) .cp.rnic• :. He 'hoped .not. move- to.:.hia,-head;,-...1 or a<br />

.aLw Orte)litikyealeaklizWouldLbe !..unplea-gantC: 'But even if: 'that,. Cc Ciarredl het?. :could<br />

Ittod eoftorp 6y .c tmyt:h ear ti ,wilLrrievbri qu'ake '; that-remains.- ide-,cold11.....;Q:lie<br />

41;qtrvasiVigifen 4tdo tlayrthat ;'•af ter z'.the :, attempt Of- 20: July : the ,ddatori. read/ his<br />

ann b el$ClitiOdistifnit: founcit :thatifit .thad: remained i at its customary-72 :lbeata.zi He<br />

. also mentirdned,Arbuble; with .vocal 'chords and admitted:Ahatalhe<br />

loChad,Itirridbrgond ,:an 'operation; cnot long bef ore.. • •-• . •<br />

r't1 '1H IA rdIo-ding);hdistEited uthatJ .h'e Would in the . future .be .-<strong>for</strong>ced to .7teike<br />

abide chansb4ineasure0',:i ;The:leaders .should not Misjudge- him' if.,..he:a<br />

esw sh0ld Jtakerlste14 . :ivhibhf.tdey“did 'not understand. .• • •,-•<br />

•-.4tv,,,r1::•.%. •<br />

When HITLER had spoke a . few 'Words' abbn't -loialti and<br />

rcAnirager cand)lreadinese ctoz!.foilaw; 'HITLER 'unto death. Be<strong>for</strong>e- lealiing,<br />

JetHIT.j..IERItc'exiViirsedictirieflyr f.ew• -people . Dr G'OEBBELS : , • Dr ;LEY, GAUs.<br />

HIRT4pranditHACKE.::, Then.hei • • said. he must leave', as others - were<br />

alVetair laWaiting thinaidnjanother<br />

A<br />

, ...".<br />

3i3 tle(6.1-11 • •<br />

2 1p tlfivi a:945 , SEVENTH ARhiY INTERROGATION :CENTE:R<br />

,, a frrf,:i doily f)..3.1Loo<br />

neff tri.t.Pw...c:e<br />

odl o'b.t.u8<br />

01-1 • :Id- PAUL. •KUBALA,<br />

lo y,t.t.tetrp •; me,j, ha.<br />

j bluow nr)t-iJ •• ; .• • ..• Conunanding.<br />

eaza ,t8:14<br />

1:1-tt,tasAbist .. 11)11:41i: . 1. J. • .<br />

SECRET<br />

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