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SE CRE<br />

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Rel. No SAIC/17<br />

24 May 45<br />

Gen GUDERIAN:<br />

60-70. throug*,MerehartIcar tfalliiiiee)1(Ealiteliitorriorit ) 159i<br />

A/T;•5% Arty;. 5% mineST.5%)iattre(NOW0iiriee; are<br />

only a Ire* r Ough apt, r 6 cri'..irra h e 8-<br />

ta nt .about , Atte Wet ing:t hirzeqii•et tir6iP)it040. ;Pf4V.7.) U LI •<br />

-Gen von GEYR: S ource could fl . b-t giite kny.t,iapi*tidciintifâ . • '1<br />

thinks air-tank Cooperktion the most deadly cilnhination.<br />

Air attacks . 4re .; V eiy ffedtivënd lib'StICAat by **;tank<br />

crews. ful ,v0,11.0".‘ itiA;.11$1 , fi<br />

. • ):, *Ps<br />

Gen DIETRICH: 30% raechanicalt.thiluresi .: 10% .'Idev4510V40 .0ankia 'anti<br />

TDs. Losses due to arty are negligible l MOsit feared<br />

by crews! Allied tanks and TDas 4:14 ,"441 elq +.04 • •<br />

•<br />

Gen HAUSSER t During long movements to, ;thezpne eS.,449,',5„094f,1..ii..?.0-30%. of ,<br />

all tanks en raiite fall out idiA ta.mechazlics.l".feilu'res.<br />

Considering the remainder, as ar,lqa.2.0.t.s.,thrOugh<br />

Mechanical failure's.;<br />

through A/T defense; and 15% e.re knOCkeil., on., arty.<br />

Tanks and TDs are feared most , by, Gerraapvtatterews:<br />

'...What 'developments have been Made ih the , , Infra-,Rat :of• .. :.sirmilar<br />

ray devices far night operations by ..tan1cs?. 141.here can .teChnibal data<br />

be , . found . on the subject? 'Who wei4e the',Mantifacturers?'What. "inen de-<br />

velaped this device?<br />

All sources agree that these cteVelbfmente.',./isiietrigi'-'yWikaid'Ue<br />

aarly experimental .stages. Gen DIETRICH knows.bout ien:264,0,ts :Carried<br />

Dut at the TRUPPENUBUNGSPLATZ (Training . A.46410 14:DtiR.B0.11M1.,Gen,,GIDERIAN<br />

hin.lcs , the .GAF was developing ;similar deviCesrAnd . SIWZbiall..,:eata.; with<br />

..„.„ 7 .P.Kots , (paeseriger cars) • ;,;;;; ;.. .:nvz • •<br />


. 1:Research Center of the Air Ministry) shonld know .detailS ..deh',POTRICTI<br />

, ifers.to_the.HEERESliAFFENAMT. (Army .:Weapone tTe.:001T BEULIgi$01Rhi4Place<br />

where details might be found; 'Gen von GEYR;'ia . ' ,Cif o'ili.013)5Iiii4Offtha4 the<br />

British': lead in the field. of Infrai-RaY research and,: specifically<br />

o ,<br />

•<br />

f ,Prof. • LINDELANN, of OXFORD; He 'does<br />

Cisr, mitn...Infra-Ray developments and also refer t'O'rstherd'AFctoirrVefirils.<br />

4 0a ed 110-1At* *4<br />

.What. ..46 : :you think of American' r ec oithai a ariti i iftedtirdliiPcg.:1**V.i<br />

• , i•d:voroin•<br />

Gen GUDERIAN thinks that American taatice at'e lent:1'411y . the ,eaMe<br />

those employed by German tinitS. Advanced (VORGESCHOBENE) , motorized<br />

ran with air support is very effective, he States' Gen von G'EYR thinks<br />

that . the • or,ganization of Amerioah ron units is ,eulierior: to .the .Geriman<br />

particularly in the number of VehiClee, where the piopoi.ttolilki$<br />

The most dangerous moment <strong>for</strong> . the-opponent is masa r6n after penetration,<br />

he points odt. Gen DLETRICH praises American air .r4 • ("excellent")<br />

but 'thinks buz rbund tactics lack ,4ggreissivenees. . Mbvements<br />

have to be 'executed • in' shorter. time, he thinksi Gen H.AOSSER particularly<br />

likes American cav groups; he thinks they are "Very effeCtive" . because<br />

they are used to close ,dangerous gaps in additiOn,:c? 4hdrrn missions.<br />

The German Army laCks a similar unit e he pOints otitl afid.. in units which<br />

ou ld per<strong>for</strong>m similarly to (Air cav groups, eguitiMeht is interior: •<br />

8, What do you think of American rdri equipment/ What '112`e its weaknesses?<br />

With the exdoptiOn of von GEYR, who claims no itlioWiedge of the subjeCti<br />

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